SGG :: Volume #24

#2344: Emperor Glyph explodes the body

In promoting the Duke process, Ghost Bone Power had been consumed by refining completely, does not have including one drop remaining, this is also only promotes to Duke nothing more, the consumption of conceivable Genes Chronicle is terrifying. 在晋升公爵的过程中,鬼骨之力已经完全被炼化消耗,连一滴都没有剩下,这还只是晋升到公爵而已,可以想象基因物语的消耗有多么恐怖。 Crash of Emperor Glyph had not actually finished, still has Emperor Glyph to fall on Han Sen unceasingly , to continue to promote Genes Chronicle to revolve. 帝文的坠落却还没有结束,依然不断有帝文落在韩森身上,继续推动着基因物语运转。 Quick Genes Chronicle turns toward the shackles impact of 1st Gene Shackle to go, but why does not know, although Genes Chronicle Strength incomparably formidable, is actually hard to break 1st Gene Shackle throughout, making the Genes Chronicle Strength product stronger. 很快基因物语就向着第一道基因锁的桎梏冲击而去,可是不知道为什么,基因物语力量虽然强大无比,却始终难以打破第一道基因锁,使得基因物语力量越积越强。 Han Sen complexion some are not quite attractive, now his within the body situation is bad, under promotion of Emperor Glyph, Genes Chronicle Strength looks like the flood to be ordinary, but his body was actually being imprisoned by Gene Shackle, was similar to the river course to be stopped up, the flood cannot flow the product, bursting a dike was only sooner or later matter. 韩森脸色有些不太好看,现在他体内的情况非常糟糕,在帝文的推动之下,基因物语力量就像是洪水一般,可是他的身体却被基因锁禁锢着,就如同河道被堵住了,洪水流不出去越积越多,决堤只是迟早的事情。 The Han Sen's body is that dike, one, but bursts a dike means that the Han Sen's body is going to be ruined, how can let his happy getting up. 韩森的身体就是那一道堤坝,一但决堤就意味着韩森的身体将要被毁掉,如何能够让他开心的起来。 Was bad! Can't Gene Shackle only use Duke Genes to open?” Under the Genes Chronicle continuous bump, cannot break Gene Shackle, Han Sen thought of the reason finally. “糟糕了!基因锁不会只能使用公爵基因打开吧?”基因物语连续冲击之下,始终没有能够冲开基因锁,韩森终于想到了原因。 His body and Gene Great Universe creature is somewhat different, before opened 1st Gene Shackle by 100 Duke Genes, now such huge energy cannot flush Gene Shackle, perhaps the issue leaves on this. 他的身体与基因大宇宙生物有些不同,之前以一百点公爵基因开启了一道基因锁,现在这么庞大的能量都冲不开基因锁,恐怕问题就出在这上面。 Although cannot determine own guess, as Emperor Glyph Strength is getting stronger and stronger, even Alphasource Water Sovereign Body soon could not support. 虽然不能确定自己的猜测,可是随着帝文力量越来越强,连本源水皇体都快要支撑不住了。 The water same body is fluctuating intensely, seems by the agitation of some Strength disorder, formed the one by one tiny vortex. 水一样的身体激烈地波动着,好似被某种力量无规律的搅动,形成了一个个细小的漩涡。 This is the body of Alphasource Water Sovereign Body, the Fleshly Body restoration healing ability jumps the ranks fortunately strongly, changes into the body of general King, perhaps had been twisted by terrifying Strength broken. 还好这是本源水皇体的身体,肉体的恢复愈合能力越级强,换成一般的王者之体,恐怕早就已经被恐怖的力量绞碎了。 The casualness is Alphasource Water Sovereign Body, because also absorbed too many Emperor Glyph, exuded the golden yellow color all over the body, water molecules was inflating probably, making the water body rise in a big way several times, almost rose a big water ball that is exuding the golden light. 随便是本源水皇体,也因为吸收了太多的帝文,通体泛着金黄之色,水分子好像膨胀了似的,使水体涨大了好几倍,几乎涨成了一个泛着金光的大水球。 Emperor Glyph falls are more, that water ball on more big of rising, will seem like will also explode momentarily. 帝文落的越多,那水球也就涨的越大,看起来好像随时会爆开似的。 The Emperor Glyph quantity are not many, Han Sen clenches teeth to support, felt that the body is uncomfortable, was soon supported to explode, innumerable Emperor Glyph flow in his body within the body. 帝文的数量已经不多,韩森咬牙支撑着,感觉身体都非常难受,快要被撑爆了,无数的帝文在他的身体内流动。 Had not been supported to explode fortunately!” When last Emperor Glyph falls after the Han Sen body, Han Sen relaxes finally. “还好没被撑爆!”当最后一个帝文落在韩森身上之后,韩森终于松了一口气。 But the next second, Han Sen's complexion actually changes unusual ugly, the within the body complete Emperor Glyph unexpectedly rebellion, the terrifying Strength instantaneous brace exploded the Han Sen's body together, the opportunity of even revolting against does not have. 可是下一秒,韩森的脸色却变的异常难看,体内的全部帝文竟然一起暴动,恐怖的力量瞬间撑爆了韩森的身体,连反抗的机会都没有。 Bai Lingshuang and the others have mixed feelings look at Han Sen, actually suddenly saw that the Han Sen transformed into water ball bang blasts open, changed into the entire sky mist, but that had been exploded the molecules size mist, actually one by one like diamond twinkle golden ray. 白凌霜等人都是心情复杂的看着韩森,却突然看到韩森所化的水球嘭的一声炸裂开来,化为了漫天水雾,只是那已经被炸成分子大小的水雾,却一个个如同钻石般闪烁着金色的光芒。 It seems in the first drop of mist to have golden Emperor Glyph to be ordinary in the circulation, seemingly unusual bewitching / strange monster. 好似第一滴水雾之内都有金色的帝文在流转一般,看起来异常的妖异 Crossed some little time, Emperor Glyph brilliance is finally gloomy, these mist close up gradually, unified a water person, was the Han Sen's appearance. 过了好一会儿,帝文光华终于暗淡下去,那些水雾才渐渐合拢起来,重新凝聚成了一个水人,正是韩森的模样。 In the Han Sen heart rejoiced secretly, he what plunders fortunately is Alphasource Water Sovereign Body, but can also get together, other Sovereign Body are strong, perhaps was exploded this appearance dead thoroughly. 韩森心中暗自庆幸,还好他掠夺来的是本源水皇体,还能够重新聚合起来,其它皇体再强,被炸成这个样子恐怕早已经死透了。 The water body concentrates for the flesh gradually, Han Sen complexion is somewhat pale, although Alphasource Water Sovereign Body can condense the body, but still received very big attack, is injured heavily. 水体渐渐凝为血肉,韩森脸色有些苍白,本源水皇体虽然能够重新凝聚身体,可是依然受了很大的打击,受伤不轻。 17 younger brothers, it seems like I win.” Han Sen looked that said to other nearby Bai Qingxia. “十七弟,看来是我赢了。”韩森看向另外一旁的白青霞说道。 Bai Qingxia recovers at this time, said indifferently: Ten Sixth Brother to comprehend throughout the stone statue talent worthily, is really outstanding, this time was I loses.” 白青霞此时才回过神来,淡淡地说道:“十六哥不愧为参悟了始终石像的天才,果然不同凡响,这一次是我输了。” Han Sen walked two steps, was about first to leave here to say again, but under foot actually staggered nearly throws down, he felt that Strength was extremely weary, almost stood continually soon cannot halt. 韩森走了两步,准备先离开这里再说,可是脚下却一个踉跄险些摔倒,他感觉身上的力量极其委顿,几乎连站都快要站不住了。 Is beckoning to Blood Qilin, before Blood Qilin runs up to the Han Sen body immediately, Han Sen rides Blood Qilin, goes toward the exit|to speak of Emperor Garden. 对着血麒麟招了招手,血麒麟立刻跑到了韩森身前,韩森骑上血麒麟,向着帝园的出口而去。 Sixteenth Prince Bai Yi unexpectedly initiated Emperor Glyph such as Galaxy to fall in torrents, but below matter, spread over Imperator's Nation in extremely short time. 十六皇子白弈竟然引发了帝文星河倾泄而下的事情,在极短的时间内就传遍了帝皇之国 The originally wind comments very not good Bai Yi, stood in the keenest struggle all of a sudden. 原本风评非常不好的白弈,一下子站在了风口浪尖。 Although Han Sen taking advantage of withstanding the Emperor Glyph injured excuse hides in Water Territory Star, actually still many people visit him. 虽然韩森借着承受帝文受伤的借口躲在水域星不出,却依然有许多人来探望他。 Water-Category Godly Transformation Expert that and also Sovereign Bai sends perhaps, for the Han Sen Healing injury, in fact is Sovereign Bai begins to have suspicions to Han Sen in name, making her get the Han Sen's physical exam. 其中还有一位白皇派来的水系神化强者,名义上是为韩森治疗伤势,实际上恐怕就是白皇韩森起疑,让她来检查韩森的身体。 After all before Bai Yi innate skill honestly was not much, now suddenly comprehended First Ancestor stone statue, initiated the emperor tree so marvelous sight, even Sovereign Bai still has had the suspicion, will therefore make that Water-Category Godly Transformation Expert taking advantage of the Healing injury machine machine, got the Han Sen's physical exam, determined that he is Sixteenth Prince Bai Yi. 毕竟以前白弈天赋实在不怎么样,现在突然间参悟了始祖石像,又引发了帝树如此奇景,就算是白皇也已经产生了怀疑,所以才会令那水系神化强者借着治疗伤势的机机,检查了韩森的身体,确定他是不是十六皇子白弈 Headmaster Shui Yue, Yi'er situation how?” Sovereign Bai asked lightly. 水月院长,弈儿的情况如何?”白皇淡淡地问道。 Headmaster Shui Yue replied: „The Sixteenth Prince situation is not quite good, his body within the body is flooding Emperor Glyph Strength, almost nowhere not in, causing his Alphasource Water Sovereign Body not to have means normal operation, itself Strength is also hard to use, the feudal official cannot find the law of solution.” 水月院长答道:“十六皇子的情况不太好,他的身体内充斥着帝文力量,几乎无处不在,导致他的本源水皇体没有办法正常运转,本身力量也难以使用,臣未能找到解决之法。” His can't Alphasource Water Sovereign Body separate Emperor Glyph Strength?” Sovereign Bai knits the brows to ask. “他的本源水皇体不能把帝文力量分离出来吗?”白皇皱眉问道。 Headmaster Shui Yue said in a soft voice: If the general physique, Sixteenth Prince should when exploding the body had died, because there is existence of Alphasource Water Sovereign Body, preserved his life. However also because of this, made Emperor Glyph Strength invade in his Alphasource Water molecules, wanted to separate simply is not impossible. External Power separates forcefully is not feasible, wants to eliminate Emperor Glyph in water molecules, wants Damage to fall water molecules, then with killing Sixteenth Prince not different.” 水月院长轻声道:“若是一般的体质,十六皇子应该在爆体之时就已经死了,因为有本源水皇体的存在,才保住了他的一条命。不过也正因为如此,才使得帝文力量侵入了他的本源水分子之内,想要分离出来根本不可能。外力强行分离也不可行,想要清除水分子内的帝文,就要破坏掉水分子,那与杀死十六皇子无异。” Didn't have other means?” Sovereign Bai looks at Headmaster Shui Yue to ask. “难道就没有别的办法了吗?”白皇看着水月院长问道。 Feudal official is incompetent.” Headmaster Shui Yue shakes the head slightly. “臣无能。”水月院长微微摇头。 After Headmaster Shui Yue leaves shortly, Madam Jing arrived in the Sovereign Bai's study room. 水月院长离开之后没多久,镜夫人来到了白皇的书房内。 Little Sister, investigates thoroughly 16 situations, gives me as soon as possible an answer.” Sovereign Bai looks at Madam Jing to say. 小妹,把十六的情况查清楚,尽快给我一个答案。”白皇看着镜夫人说道。 Madam Jing looks at Sovereign Bai to ask: Your Majesty suspected Bai Yi does have the issue?” 镜夫人看着白皇问道:“陛下是怀疑白弈有问题?” As a father, I hopes that he is Heaven Warping Aptitude, but......” Sovereign Bai has not said that but waves: You go, gives me as soon as possible an answer, during this period refuses Bai Yi to leave Imperator's Nation.” “作为一个父亲,我又何尝不希望他是天纵之姿,只不过……”白皇没有说完,只是挥了挥手:“你去吧,尽快给我一个答案,在这期间严禁白弈离开帝皇之国。” Yes.” Madam Jing good a ritual, lowered the head withdrew from the study room slowly. “是。”镜夫人行了一礼,低头缓缓退出了书房。 Han Sen.” After withdrawing from the study room, the Madam Jing corners of the mouth actually reveal wipe the strange smiling face. 韩森。”退出书房之后,镜夫人嘴角却露出一抹奇异的笑容。
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