SGG :: Volume #11

#1084: Stings the dragon

Han Sen time will enter Super Emperor Spirit Mode one time every other, Spirit’s Strength strips within the body crystallization divine light by Emperor Ultra Grade. 韩森每隔一段时间就会进入超级帝灵状态一次,以超级灵的力量剥离自己体内的晶化神光 This process is very painful, with pulling out zhu digs up the bone not different, Han Sen also can only strip a small part each time, wants all crystal peelings, perhaps is annual time can complete. 这种过程是非常痛苦的,与抽筯扒骨无异,韩森每次也只能够剥离一小部分,想要把所有的晶体剥离,恐怕要数年时间才能够完成。 However this time Han Sen has not been idling, Rebel Knight hunted and killed many God Blood Creature flesh for him, enabling his God Gene(s) to continue to increase. 不过这段时间韩森也没有闲着,叛逆骑士为他猎杀了不少的神血生物血肉,让他的神基因可以继续增加。 Moreover Rebel Knight can also enter the black fog region to hunt and kill inside Xenocreature, making Han Sen hang in his chest front Ghost Qi on Ghost-Toothed Hunter emblem increases unceasingly. 而且叛逆骑士也可以进入黑雾区域猎杀里面的异生物,使得韩森挂在他胸前的鬼牙獠徽章上的鬼气不断增加。 Although oneself cannot fight, but the Han Sen's life still has is very substantial. 虽然自身不能战斗,但是韩森的生活依然过的很充实。 Most makes Han Sen feel difficult does not strip these crystallization divine light, but makes the person duty, he and Ji Yanran obviously already very diligently, but still did not have the little darling born, temporarily can only first raise Bao'er, regarding becomes parental beforehand preparing a lesson. 最让韩森感觉困难的不是剥离那些晶化神光,而是造人任务,他和纪嫣然明明已经非常非常努力,可是却依然一直都没有小宝宝出生,暂时只能先养着宝儿,当成是成为父母之前的预习。 time is very terrible thing, the Han Sen body is injured for a year later, scientist suddenly that named arranges in order announced that he found the refining Life Gene Quintessence method, and research results free announcement. 时间是非常可怕的东西,在韩森身体受伤一年后,一位名为弗列的科学家突然宣布他找到了炼化生命基因精华的方法,并且把研究成果无偿的公布了出来。 After various Great Household experiment, discovered that this method truly can absorb Life Gene Quintessence to obtain Super God Gene, human also formally entered Super God Gene era. 在各大家族试验之后,发现这个方法确实可以吸收生命基因精华获得超级神基因,人类也正式进入了超级神基因时代 Han Sen arrives does not have the accident/surprise, the Humankind's wisdom is infinite, the riddle of to unravel Life Gene Quintessence is also only the time issue, although imagined compared with him wanting quickly a point, but did not have the difference of too big. 韩森对此到没有意外,人类的智慧是无穷的,破解生命基因精华之谜也只是时间问题,虽然比他想象中的要快了一点,但也没有太大的出入。 The present human can through Genetic Fluid, inhale with Attribute same Life Gene Quintessence, although cannot absorb random Life Gene Quintessence like Han Sen, but is very big progress. 现在的人类可以通过一种基因液,吸入与自身属性相同的生命基因精华,虽然不能像韩森一样吸收任意一种生命基因精华,但是已经算是很大的进步。 Some first second Sanctuary people absorbed Life Gene Quintessence, third fourth kill(ed) Super God Creature(s) still the very difficult matter, did not have the related news temporarily. 第一第二庇护所都有人吸收了生命基因精华,第三第四斩杀超级神生物依然还是非常困难的事情,暂时还没有相关的消息。 Human can absorb Life Gene Quintessence is a good deed, otherwise human simply does not have the ability and Super God Creature(s) and existence of Emperor Spirit that level contends, never possibly genuine conquering Sanctuary. 人类能够吸收生命基因精华是一件好事,否则人类根本没有能力与超级神生物帝灵那个层次的存在抗衡,永远不可能真正的征服庇护所 The Han Sen present pursues is not only Super God Gene, that is most basic foundation nothing more, even if there is foundation, is still not necessarily able the genuine stepping onto peak. 韩森自己现在所追求的已经不仅仅是超级神基因,那只是最基本的基础而已,就算拥有基础,也未必能够真正的走上巅峰。 This time is injured regarding Han Sen also has the advantage, although he has not accepted ancient demonic light Strength, but he actually personally experienced this Strength that opened 10th Gene Shackle, and resisted of several years with it, regarding this has insights, has been somewhat moved. 这次受伤对于韩森也不是没有好处,他虽然没有接受古魔光力量,但是他却是亲身体验了这种开启了十道基因锁力量,并且与之对抗了数年之久,对此身有感悟,已经有所触动。 So long as physical fitness and time are enough, general Emperor Spirit can open 9th Gene Shackle, but in Emperor Spirit and Super God Creature(s), can open 10th Gene Shackle is also only extremely rare, although is only a difference, has the difference of Heaven and Earth. 只要身体素质时间足够,一般的帝灵都能够开启九道基因锁,但是就连帝灵超级神生物之中,能够开启十道基因锁的也只是凤毛麟角,虽然只是一层之差,却有着天地之别。 Does not know that many Emperor Spirit and Super God Creature(s), using many ten thousand years of time unable to open 10th Gene Shackle, as a human, can open the 10th Gene Shackle probability is the low pity, after all human not that long life span. 不知道多少帝灵超级神生物,用了多少万年的时间都没有能够开启第十道基因锁,作为一个人类,能够开启第十道基因锁的机率更是低的可怜,毕竟人类没有那么长的寿命。 Demigod in human currently also has many, but said that the sentence is not of pleasant to hear, luck nothing more that overwhelming majority Demigod depend on. 人类中的半神现在也有不少,可是说句不好听的,绝大部分半神都只是靠的运气而已 Human can through Evolution Pool direct Evolution be Demigod, then transmits enters fourth God's Sanctuary, but does not need breaking open space to enter fourth God's Sanctuary, compared with Super God Creature(s) and Xenospirit, human almost and cheat has no difference. 人类可以通过进化池直接进化半神,然后传送进入第四神之庇护所,而不需要破开空间进入第四神之庇护所,与超级神生物异灵相比,人类几乎和开挂没什么区别。 But human promotes Demigod to be easy, can live in fourth God's Sanctuary actually absolutely is not the easy matter, so far, human does not have many to be able in Demigod that fourth God's Sanctuary lives. 只不过人类晋升半神容易,能够在第四神之庇护所活下来却绝对不是容易的事情,到目前为止,人类也没有多少能在第四神之庇护所活下来的半神 time passes day-by-day, can remember the Han Sen's person changes was short, occasionally some people think Han Sen, the impression was also only once the The Alliance's strongest talent, but actually already fallen that. 时间一天天过去,能够记得韩森的人变的少了起来,偶尔有人想起来韩森,印象也只是曾经联盟的最强天才,不过却是已经陨落的那种。 Luo Family had given up Han Sen, no longer counted on that he can cultivation «Heaven Reproaching Scripture» returns to Luo Family, others naturally will not pay attention to Han Sen. 就连罗家都已经放弃了韩森,不再指望他能够修炼《非天经》回归罗家,其他人自然就更加的不会关注韩森了。 Several years of time in the past, Han Sen and Ji Yanran to is very comfortable, usually is all right goes to travel, window-shop and tastes the good food frequently, to has not concentrated on time above the work. 几年时间过去,韩森纪嫣然过的到是很自在,平时没事经常出去旅游、逛街、品尝美食,到是没有把时间都专注于工作上面。 Han Yan also arrived entered the Sanctuary age, good human in first Sanctuary already was in the overlord position randomly, after Han Yan to Sanctuary, by Han Sen and Ji Yanran's relations, to is to make her quickly in first Sanctuary base, and rapid development. 韩妍也到了进入庇护所年纪,还好人类在第一庇护所已经是占据了霸主位置,韩妍儿随机到庇护所内之后,以韩森纪嫣然的关系,到是让她很快就在第一庇护所内立足,并且迅速的发展起来。 The Han Yan's performance actually and Han Sen is equally outstanding, does not know that is Inheritance Genes is powerful, is good of Luo Lan education, Han Yan simply is the Han Sen's reprint. 只是韩妍的表现却和韩森一样优秀,不知道是遗传基因强大,还是罗岚教育的好,韩妍简直就是韩森的翻版。 No, should say is dazzling, short two years of time, Han Yan has become the first God's Sanctuary female God Grade character, and entered first ten in God Child Battle, was known very well by human. 不,应该说更加耀眼,短短两年的时间,韩妍就已经成为了第一神之庇护所的女神级人物,并且在神子之战中杀入了前十之列,被人类所熟知。 Before mentioned the Han Sen's time, will say that was the son-in-law of Prime Minister or is the talent in human, now raises Han Sen, then more people will say that was Han Yan's Elder Brother. 以前提到韩森的时候,都会说是元首家的女婿或者是人类中的天才,现在提起韩森,则更多的人会说是韩妍的哥哥 Han Sen is only the feeling was very happy, Han Yan can have the present achievement, when his Elder Brother naturally feels for her happy. 韩森对此只是感觉十分高兴,韩妍能有现在的成就,他这个当哥哥的自然是为她感到高兴。 Quick, even Han Yan Elder Brother this name also few people can think, Han Sen had faded out the The Alliance mainstream line of sight completely, then like meteor of flashing past, although had had the short magnificence, now has actually belonged to the dust. 很快,连韩妍哥哥这个称呼也很少有人能够想起来了,韩森已经完全淡出了联盟主流的视线,便如同一闪而过的流星,虽然曾经有过短暂的辉煌,如今却已经归于尘埃。 Stings dragon in earth, only treats the startling thunderclap. 蜇龙于土,只待惊雷。 On this day, in Han Sen and ordinary day general, in own backyard, sits with Ji Yanran on the swing seat abreast in row my my is chatty, often looks at a Han Yan practice Ultra-Nuclear Gene Technique. 这一日,韩森与平日里一般,在自家的后院,和纪嫣然并排坐在吊椅上亲亲我我的腻歪,不时看一眼韩妍练习的超核基因术 Han Yan practices Ultra-Nuclear Gene Technique, will be being been directing by Han Sen, but Han Sen looks today, complexion actually somewhat changed, cannot help but stood. 韩妍练习超核基因术,都会由韩森在指点,可是今天韩森看着看着,脸色却有些变了,不由自主的站了起来。 Since his body has problems, Aura is hard to revolve, Profound Deciphering Auric Field does not have the means to use, cannot see clearly the Han Yan Aura situation. 自他的身体出了问题之后,气息难以运转,洞玄气场也没有办法使用,看不清韩妍气息情况。 Crystal divine light that as he strips are getting more and more, has recovered gradually, today looks at Han Yan again, actually felt that her Aura some are not right. 可是随着他剥离掉的晶体神光越来越多,身体已经渐渐恢复,今天再看韩妍,却感觉她的气息有些不对了。 How Heaven Reproaching Scripture...... Little Yan...... will you cultivation Heaven Reproaching Scripture?” The Han Sen brow almost wrinkled the Sichuan character, he knows «after Asura Scripture» and «Heaven Reproaching Scripture» had/left a source, has understood that this inside water honestly was too deep, the mother did not make him practice Heaven Reproaching Scripture absolutely is the good intention. 非天经……小妍……你怎么会修炼非天经?”韩森眉头几乎皱成了川字,他知道《阿修罗经》和《非天经》是同出一源之后,就已经明白这里面的水实在太深了,老妈不让他练非天经绝对是好意。 But who knows that Han Yan unexpectedly practiced «Heaven Reproaching Scripture», seemed like Luo Family to be defeated on Han Sen, unexpectedly projected 可是谁知道韩妍竟然练了《非天经》,看起来罗家韩森身上失败了,竟然又把主意打到了韩妍身上,看起来他们已经成功了。 „It is not right the elder brother, my is «Romania Divine Art» that buys from Holy Hall, is not what «Heaven Reproaching Scripture» that you said that the elder brother you have misreading time, is really rare.” Han Yan said with a smile. “不对啊哥,我这是从圣堂买的《大罗神功》,不是你说的什么《非天经》,哥你也有看错的时候,真是难得啊。”韩妍笑着说道。 Han Sen is startled slightly, then understood what's the matter, in heart secretly coldly snorted: Luo Family also really takes great pains, unexpectedly has been in the situation of so resorting to all means.” 韩森微微一怔,然后就明白了是怎么回事,心中暗自冷哼:“罗家还真是煞费苦心,竟然已经到了如此不择手段的地步。”
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