SGG :: Volume #11

#1081: Resists with the demon

Bloodline Life Divine Scripture and Profound Deciphering Scripture Strength interwines, the pressed trigged that strange Strength gradually, Han Sen wants to discharge outside the body that Strength thoroughly. 血脉命神经洞玄经力量交织在一起,渐渐地压制住了那一股奇异的力量,韩森想要把那一股力量彻底排出体外 Although fusion that body Strength will make more powerful, but Han Sen that Han Sen own Strength changes does not want such great strength, moreover does not like this type ** great strength that controls. 虽然融合那一体力量会让韩森自身的力量变的更强大,可是韩森并不想要那样的强大,而且也不喜欢这种**控的强大。 Must discharge outside the body that Strength shortly, but sits the light shadow above stone platform actually seems like opens eyes looked at Han Sen, in some being astonished slightly. 眼看着就要把那一股力量排出体外,可是坐于石台之上的光影却似乎是睁开眼睛看了韩森一眼,这一眼之中有些微微的讶异。 After this, Han Sen actually felt that in the mind seems the sound of thunder to get up, that originally seems the sound of demon language does not have, at this time is clear, like thunderclap blasts out in his mind. 这一眼之后,韩森却感觉脑海之中似有雷霆之音响起,那原本似有似无的魔语之声,此时清晰无比,如同霹雳似的在他脑海中炸开。 That bright divine light is turbulent such as in the influx his body of sea, shattered his Profound Deciphering Scripture and Bloodline Life Divine Scripture Aura instantaneously, as the Na Lei thunderclap demon language gallops in the Han Sen's body. 那煌煌神光更是汹涌如海的流入他的身体之内,瞬间冲垮了他自身的洞玄经血脉命神经气息,随着那雷霆般的魔语在韩森的身体之内奔腾。 Not only Han Sen's Qi Refining Technique and Aura, Han Sen's body Gene(s), was being as if changed by Strength of that terrifying. 不只是韩森的练气术气息,就连韩森的身体基因,似乎也正在被那恐怖的力量改变着。 hōng! 轰! The Han Sen's body fierce change, changed into the body of Golden Crow, simultaneously opened 9th Gene Shackle by Bloodline Life Divine Scripture, wants to run out of Ancient Demon Sanctuary, shuts off itself and relation of that terrifying Strength. 韩森的身体猛的变化,化为了金乌之身,同时以血脉命神经开启了九道基因锁,想要冲出古魔庇护所,切断自己与那恐怖力量的联系。 But Bloodline Life Divine Scripture adds on the body of Golden Crow suppressed, Han Sen unexpectedly is unable to move, that Strength like a mountain, like a sea, Han Sen this fierce and arrogant body of suppression Golden Crow definitely is unable to move, the both wings are unable to fan half. 可是血脉命神经加上金乌之身,韩森竟然还是被压制的无法动弹,那力量如山如海,把韩森凶横金乌之身镇压的完全无法动弹,双翅都无法扇动半下。 But that bright divine light still in non-stop floods into Han Sen's body this, integrates in his blood and marrow, wants to change into a body with his body, becomes a part of Han Sen Strength. 而那煌煌神光依然在不停地涌入韩森的身体这中,融入他的血液和骨髓之中,想要与他的身体化为一体,成为韩森力量的一部分。 Damn! / deserves death!” In the Han Sen heart angrily roars, he does not know that this fusion result is good is bad, obviously but this is not he expects. 该死!”韩森心中怒吼,他不知道这种融合的结果是好是坏,不过显然这不是他所期望的。 During the intention rotations, in the Han Sen body Aura like the Volcano eruption, black-haired changes into blazing white instantaneously, moreover crazy grow(ing), has hung the ground. 心念转动之间,韩森身体之内气息如同火山般爆发,一头黑发瞬间化为炽白,而且疯狂的生长,一直垂到地上。 both eyes eyes also changed into blazing white color, in the body of whole person spout magnificent blazing white Holy Light. 双眼瞳孔也化为了炽白之色,整个人的身体之内都喷涌出华丽的炽白圣光 blazing white Holy Light and bright divine light interwine, immediately divine light crushing in meridians, but unexpectedly immediately is also hard that bright divine light sweep-out outside the body. 炽白圣光与煌煌神光交织在一起,顿时把经脉之中的神光击碎,可是竟然一时间也难以把那煌煌神光驱出体外 Han Sen cannot help but startled, the body of his contented Super Emperor Spirit, opened 9th Gene Shackle after afterward, what Strength unexpectedly but also without meeting has been able not by his Strength restraint. 韩森不由得大吃一惊,他自得超级帝灵之体,后来又开启了九道基因锁之后,还没有遇到过什么样的力量竟然能够不被他的力量克制。 This Strength unexpectedly can contend with the body of his Super Emperor Spirit, honestly terrifying unimaginable. 这种力量竟然能够和他的超级帝灵之体抗衡,实在恐怖的难以想象 Han Sen thinks it over, only then a possibility, creature in that light shadow, likely is terrifying existence that opened 10th Gene Shackle, only has so possibly suppresses him to open 9th Gene Shackle the body of Super Emperor Spirit. 韩森想来想去只有一种可能,那光影之中的生物,很可能是一个开启了十道基因锁恐怖存在,唯有如此才可能压制他开启九道基因锁超级帝灵之体。 Han Sen wants to turn around to run away immediately, but the look of that light shadow actually as if stared at him, the sound of demon language surrounded in his mind like the sound of All Heavens big demon, his all around bright divine light was strong to the extreme, almost condensed the liquid to be ordinary probably, if really sea water wrapped to be one of them him. 韩森想要立刻转身逃走,可是那光影的眼神却似乎盯上了他,魔语之音如同诸天大魔之音在他脑海之中环绕,他四周煌煌神光更是浓烈到了极点,几乎像是凝聚成了液体一般,真如海水似的把他包裹在其中。 Although said that the distance light shadow is nearer, bright divine light is more intense, above the square is the most intense place, coming out that but can actually obviously look, around that six Super God Creature(s) bright divine light, are well below Han Sen density, or is simply does not have the means comparison, differing honestly were too many. 虽然说距离光影越近,煌煌神光就越强烈,广场之上是最为强烈之处,可是却可以明显看的出来,那六只超级神生物周围的煌煌神光,远远不及韩森身边的浓度,或者说是根本没有办法比较,相差实在太多了。 blazing white Holy Light and mutual destroying of bright divine light non-stop, the obvious Han Sen blazing white Holy Light quality, becomes the fragment that bright divine light majority steamroll. 炽白圣光与煌煌神光不停的相互摧毁,明显韩森炽白圣光的质量更强一些,把那煌煌神光大部分都碾压成碎片。 But destroys part, has many bright divine light to flood into, Han Sen has run about to deal with, is unable to rout to discharge outside the body these divine light completely. 可是摧毁一部分,就有更多的煌煌神光涌入其中,韩森已经疲于应付,无法将那些神光完全击溃排出体外 Han Sen has a feeling, if he turns around to run now, certainly will draw on that light shadow terrifyingly strikes. 韩森有一种感觉,如果他现在转身就跑,一定会招来那光影最恐怖的一击。 Similar to runs into the greedy person, if you and it confront, the greedy person has not dared to throw immediately, if you turn around to run away, that is equal to the greedy person the opportunity, making it send out attacks most fatally most with raw hate. 就如同遇到饿狼,如果你与它对峙,饿狼还不敢立刻就扑上来,如果你转身逃走,那就等于是给饿狼机会,让它发出最致命最凶狠地攻击。 Han Sen has not grasped withstands the light shadow most terrifying attack, but continues to resist, Han Sen felt oneself are also on the side of death road. 韩森没有把握承受光影最恐怖的攻击,可是继续对抗下去,韩森感觉自己也是死路一边。 Strength of light shadow is vast, as without exhausting, but his Super Emperor Spirit Mode actually can only continue for one hour, after one hour, he crashes immediately, has no possibility again. 光影的力量浩瀚无边,仿佛没有穷尽似的,可是他的超级帝灵状态却只能持续一个小时,一个小时之后,他就会立刻崩盘,再也没有任何可能性。 Han Sen whole body had been soaked by the cold sweat, he is staring at the light shadow stubbornly, is actually can only resist reluctantly, charges into the light shadow to retreat, now has been hard to achieve. 韩森全身上下已经被冷汗湿透,他死死地盯着光影,却是只能勉强对抗,无论是冲向光影还是退走,现在都已经难以做到。 time one minute one second of past, divine light in Han Sen's within the body non-stop was crushed, divine light that these are defeated and dispersed has almost soon given the jamming the meridians of his body within the body. 时间一分一秒的过去,神光韩森的体内不停的被击碎,那些溃散的神光几乎已经快要把他身体内的经脉都给堵塞了。 But Han Sen does not have the means that can only clench teeth to continue to support. 可是韩森却没有办法,只能咬着牙继续支撑下去。 All around Xenocreature as if immerses in the demon sound of talking, can see them, because absorbed bright divine light, during received the reason of transformation, body Strength was stiffening. 四周的异生物似乎都沉醉于魔语声中,可以看到它们因为吸收了煌煌神光,受到了改造的原因,身体力量正在变强之中。 Often has Xenocreature to break through Gene Shackle, in declining Sanctuary often flashes before brilliance that soars to the heavens. 不时有异生物冲破基因锁,破落的庇护所之内不时闪现冲天的光华 Bao'er also rests on the body of white sheep, Little Red Bird is hugged by her in the bosom. 宝儿还睡在白羊的身上,小红鸟被她抱在怀里。 Dragon Emperor at this time and these Xenocreature general, are absorbing bright divine light greedily, his Blood Dragon true body seemingly restored, was not uncertain like the former like that twinkle, the body of scarlet stabilized gradually. 龙帝此时和那些异生物一般,贪婪的吸收着煌煌神光,他的血龙真身看起来恢复了一些,不像之前那般闪烁不定,血色的身体渐渐稳定了下来。 Han Sen discovered that now no one can help him, even if summoned still uselessly Rebel Knight, Strength of light shadow was so terrifying, even Rebel Knight was still hard nearly his body. 韩森发现现在没有人能够帮助他,就算把叛逆骑士召唤出来也没用,光影的力量如此恐怖,就算是叛逆骑士也难以近他之身。 Clenches teeth to continue to insist, but Han Sen actually knows that own time were getting fewer and fewer, one hour of time was too short, now had passed most probably, he must make the resolution sooner, otherwise can only die here. 咬牙继续坚持着,可是韩森却知道自己的时间越来越少了,一个小时的时间太短了,现在已经过去了大半,他必须早些做出决断,否则就只能死在这里。 While the Han Sen preparation must summon Rebel Knight goes all out, actually suddenly only felt that a terrifying pressure flashes past from the black fog, seems like Peerless God Armament Baleful Qi, but Han Sen has not actually seen any brilliance, moreover that Baleful Qi flashes to pass, making Han Sen feel that seems only an misconception. 正当韩森准备要召唤出叛逆骑士拼命的时候,却突然只感觉一股恐怖的威压自黑雾之中一闪而过,似乎是一柄绝世神兵煞气,可是韩森却没有看到任何光华,而且那煞气只是一闪而逝,让韩森感觉那似乎只是一个错觉。 But after that said Baleful Qi flashed through, sits in stone platform light shadow actually suddenly flashes to pass, the demon language immediately dissipation did not have the trace, brilliance on stone also restrains. 可是在那道煞气闪过之后,坐在石台上的光影却突然间一闪而逝,魔语顿时消散无踪,石头上的光华也收敛起来。 Han Sen only felt that pressure completely goes, cannot receive own strength suddenly, a staggering difference falls falls on the ground. 韩森只感觉身上的压力尽去,猛然间收不住自己的力气,一个踉跄差掉摔在地上。 We walked, the fellow who waited for these terrors quickly come to trouble soberly.” Dragon Emperor called out to Han Sen. “我们快走,等那些恐怖的家伙清醒过来就麻烦了。”龙帝韩森叫道。 Han Sen has to clench teeth to hold Bao'er to run outward, runs while crushes with blazing white Holy Light also keeps within the body bright divine light, was his within the body siltation divine light honestly were too many, has almost congealed the crystal, Han Sen destroyed, but also without coming and discharged within the body, the Super Emperor Spirit transfiguration time limit arrives. 韩森只好咬牙抱起宝儿就往外跑,一边跑一边用炽白圣光击碎还留在体内的煌煌神光,可是他体内淤积的神光实在太多了,几乎已经凝成晶体,韩森打碎了许多,还没有来的及排出体内,超级帝灵变身的时限就到了。 Is separated from Super Emperor Spirit Mode, pallidness that Han Sen's complexion immediately changes, not only his is weak, massive divine light of within the body siltation almost crystallize completely, making his physical condition change very is bad. 超级帝灵状态脱离出来,韩森的脸色顿时变的煞白,他的身体不只是虚弱,体内淤积的大量神光几乎全部晶化,令他的身体状况变的非常糟糕。
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