SGCM :: Volume #2 米兰魔武学院

#627 Part 2: You have a look at this world.

Aunt stretch/open in next door food shop is selecting the cucumber...... 隔壁菜店的张大妈正在挑黄瓜…… Tony of opposite barber shop is selling the membership card...... 对面理发店的托尼正在推销会员卡…… The diagonally opposite hotel, from the northwest king master chef, the feasibility that tries the hot pot to clamp the steamed bread...... Li Dachu from Northeast, is trying the iron saucepan to cook the cookbook of durian...... 斜对面的饭店,来自西北的王大厨,正在尝试火锅夹馍的可行性……来自东北的李大厨,正在尝试铁锅炖榴莲的菜谱…… The end of this street, Energy Warrior is selling the gym membership...... 这条街的尽头,能量战士正在推销健身卡…… Sword Cultivator is selling own nail care meal...... 剑修正在推销自己的美甲套餐…… Probably, nothing unusual. 好像、没啥稀奇啊。 You have a look at this world, had nothing to say?” “你看看这世界,就没什么可说的?” Teaching Director is incapable of complaining. 教导主任无力吐槽。 This child...... 这孩子…… How to straighten out? 咋这么不开窍呢? „-” “呃-” Lu Ming hesitation moment, Hello World?” 陆鸣沉吟片刻,“helloworld?” „......” “……” Teaching Director does not know whether to laugh or cry. 教导主任哭笑不得。 What with anything! 什么跟什么嘛! You look from the unemployment problem......” “你从宏观角度看……” Teaching Director reminder. 教导主任提醒。 Macroscopic......” “宏观……” Lu Ming looks again. 陆鸣再次看去。 ...... 唔…… If from this angle, this world also really heavy traffic, flower-decked...... the place of seeing, years are static. 如果从这个角度来看的话,这世界还真是车水马龙,繁花似锦……入目之处,一片岁月静好。 You thought that this world why so gentle?” “你觉得这世界为何如此平和?” Teaching Director asked suddenly. 教导主任忽然问道。 „-” “呃-” Lu Ming this time thinks is very long, said cautiously, possible, because content contrary 404?” 陆鸣这次想了很久,才小心翼翼说道,“可能,因为内容违规都404了?” Teaching Director:??? 教导主任:??? ...... …… ps: Asked monthly ticket yīng yīng yīng. ps:求月票嘤嘤嘤
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