SFC :: Volume #6

#34: Forest woman

wait a moment!” 等一等!” I have not injured it, I took powder of corner/horn.” “我并没有伤害它,我只是取了一点角的粉末。” Steven tries to convince the opposite party to call a halt, but angry Unicorn Goddess has not received the idea of hand at present from the start, Unicorn was hunted and killed the matter that is she most has hated, the quantity for several thousand years of her ethnic group have been reducing. This Goddess is worried this issue, but actually not any solution, because Unicorn in this world is not formidable, compared with Unicorn more terrifying existence. If no the asylum of elf and Druid, the Unicorn quantity perhaps already the sharp decline, they are the endangered species of this world. 史蒂芬试图说服对方停手,但是眼前愤怒的独角兽女神压根就没有收手的想法,独角兽被猎杀一直都是她最痛恨的事情,她族群的数量数千年来都在一直减少。这位女神非常苦恼这个问题,但是却并没有任何解决的办法,因为在这个世界里面独角兽并不算强大,还有很多比独角兽更加恐怖的存在。如果不是有精灵和德鲁伊的庇护,独角兽的数量恐怕早就已经锐减,它们已经是这个世界的濒危物种。 Anti- magic force field!” “反魔法力场!” Imprisons formation!” “禁锢法阵!” Has not gotten the winning side by an incarnation facing Unicorn Goddess Steven, although this Deity is only Weak Divine Power, but cannot support her main body to be very formidable. As forest lady's mount, the Unicorn Goddess main body is existence of far Ancient Dragon rank, she can be said as in Weak Divine Power most formidable. 以一个化身面对独角兽女神史蒂芬并没有占据上风,这位神灵虽然只是微弱神力,但架不住她的本体很强大。作为森林女士的坐骑,独角兽女神的本体是远古龙级别的存在,她可以说是微弱神力里面最强大的一个。 Stops! la Rui......” “停下!菈芮……” When the Unicorn Goddess violent storm attack soon will once again approach, temperate is actually full of the dignified sound to transmit, a shortly afterwards tall physique healthily appeared graceful very woman walked from the forest, she has the brown long hair and brown eye pupil, put on green brown leather armor, the perfect stature will expose without doubt, graceful graceful was passing a wild nature charm. 就当独角兽女神狂风暴雨般的攻击即将再度来临时,一个温和却又充满威严的声音传来,紧接着一位身材高大体态健美又显得十分优雅的女士从森林内走了出来,她有着褐色的长发和棕色的眼眸,穿着一件绿褐色的皮甲,将完美的身材展露无疑,雍容优雅中又透着一丝野性的魅力。 This lady's expression a little has doubts, the pupil light has locked existence of Steven stubbornly, said with a frown: Who are you? From where?” 这位女士的表情有点疑惑,眸光死死地锁定了史蒂芬的存在,皱眉道:“你是谁?来自哪里?” Why on you will have father's flavor?” “你身上为什么会有父亲的味道?” Unicorn Goddess- la Rui stopped the attack, she has turned the head doubtfully to see behind that woman, expression a little unwilling but actually very cleverly arrived at her. 独角兽女神-菈芮停下了攻击,她转过头疑惑地看着身后的那位女士,表情有点不甘心但却很乖巧地来到了她的身后。 In this world only has a person so to order her. 这个世界上只有一个人可以如此命令她。 That is forest Queen, now Nature Pantheon Chief God Meili is triumphant! 那就是森林女王,如今自然神系主神梅莉凯! This woman looks like quite genial, her doctrine is all intelligent life form all may with the nature harmonious coexistence, does not need to destroy mutually.’ Her church has always been making efforts to protect the nature to avoid the ignorant destruction, the present is the object who overwhelming majority Druid church works, she is also Goddess that Rangers serves, this woman has the Material Plane many Ranger followers. 这位女士看起来相当的和善,她的教义是‘所有智慧生物皆可与自然和谐共存,无须互相毁灭。’她的教会一直致力于保护大自然免遭到无知的破坏,如今是绝大部分德鲁伊教团所效力的对象,她也是游侠们侍奉的女神,这位女士拥有物质位面最多的游侠信徒。 Forest woman?” “森林女士?” Steven bowed down slightly to greet, shortly afterwards also same doubtfully looked to her, the opposite party body had with his similar aura, very familiar a little strange strength. 史蒂芬微微俯身示意,紧接着也同样疑惑地望向了她,对方身上有跟他差不多的气息,很熟悉又有一点陌生的力量。 Right!......” “没错!……” This is father's aura!......” The forest Queen- Meili's triumphant expression appears very excited, she muttered gazes at Steven saying: Why on you will have father's strength? Where do you obtain?” “这是父亲的气息!……”森林女王-梅莉凯的表情显得非常的激动,她喃喃地注视着史蒂芬道:“你身上为什么会有父亲的力量?你在哪里获得的?” Father's aura? 父亲的气息? The father of oak tree? 橡树之父? Once Nature Pantheon Chief God? 曾经的自然神系主神 The Steven expression is a little astonished, but quick looking pensive, muttered: No wonder so!......” 史蒂芬的表情有点惊愕,但很快若有所思,喃喃道:“难怪如此!……” Forest woman- Meili is the father's of oak tree daughter, after the father of self-sacrifice oak tree has redeemed the nature, she has taken over control of the father of major part oak tree Divine Portfolio strength. Attempts the father of resurrecting oak tree in the gods at first, but does not know why failed completely, the father's of oak tree strength proliferated the entire nature, his existence as if turned into some unknowable Law, the most direct-viewing point manifested has Monk to obtain presenting of nature, named One With the World Special state. 森林女士-梅莉凯是橡树之父的女儿,在橡树之父自我牺牲救赎了大自然后,她接管了橡树之父绝大部分的神职力量。在最初众神试图复活橡树之父,但是不知道为什么全部都失败了,橡树之父的力量已经扩散到了整个自然界,祂的存在似乎变成了某种不可知的法则,最直观的一点体现就是有武僧获得了大自然的馈赠,一种名为【天人合一】的特殊状态。 Perhaps we can sit to discuss.” Steven said slowly. “也许我们可以坐下来谈一下。”史蒂芬缓缓道。 He thinks that have ravelled at the first origin of that golden seed, no wonder Tree of Life has that formidable strength, simultaneously does not care regarding Divinization, because it is the incarnation of nature. 他想自己已经弄明白了最初那颗金色种子的来历,难怪生命之树拥有那么强大的力量,同时对于封神一点都不在乎,因为它本身就是大自然的化身。 Forest lady's expression is very excited, she arrives at the stance that the Steven front has suspended listening attentively. 森林女士的表情很激动,她来到了史蒂芬的面前摆出来了一副倾听的姿态。 All must several years ago mentioned.” “一切要从几年前说起。” Steven thinks, will be exiled slowly, then has met the golden seed, then escapes from Space-Time Turbulent Flow, then resists Star of a Trillion Deaths in the Motyra world, and finally related the process of its elimination in the Half Moon world simply. Tree of Life has played the extremely important role, its strength is Steven defeats Star of a Trillion Deaths one essential. 史蒂芬想了想,缓缓地将自己遭到流放,然后遇到了金色种子,接着逃出时空乱流,然后在摩泰拉世界对抗死兆之星,并且最终在弦月世界将其消灭的过程简单诉说了一遍。生命之树在这其中扮演了极为重要的角色,它的力量是史蒂芬战胜死兆之星的关键之一。 Right!” “没错!” It definitely is the seed that the father keeps!......” Forest woman expression very joyful, stands saying: Thank you!” “它肯定是父亲留下来的种子!……”森林女士表情非常的欣喜,站起来道:“谢谢你!” You is a great person!” “你是一个伟大的人!” Helps that world flee the Elder Hatred evil clutches I from you to be able selflessly to look!...... You obtained the gratitude of palace of nature!......” “从你无私地帮助那个世界逃离上古憎恶的魔掌我就能够看出来!……你获得了自然之殿的感激!……” „Do I want to see the heir who father keeps can?” “我想见一见父亲留下来的子嗣可以吗?” Nearby Unicorn Goddess expression was also more moderate, she has pulled the forest lady's lower hem corner gently, said in a low voice: „Didn't our time duties convince Elf Pantheon to act to subside the war together? World that he said in another Crystal Sphere, we are very perhaps sad!......” 一旁的独角兽女神表情也缓和了许多,她轻轻扯了扯森林女士的衣角,小声道:“我们这次的任务不是说服精灵神系出面一起平息战争吗?他说的世界在另外一个晶壁系,我们恐怕很难过去!……” Steven was praised a little embarrassed by the present forest woman, started talking: Can yes.” 史蒂芬被眼前的森林女士夸得有点不好意思,开口道:“可以是可以。” You are very perhaps difficult to surmount the crystal wall barrier.” “不过你们恐怕很难跨越晶壁屏障。” Elf Pantheon?” 精灵神系?” „Do you prepare to convince Elf Pantheon to act to subside the war? Excuse me! My a little matter had not said.” “你们准备说服精灵神系出面平息战争吗?不好意思!我还有点事情没有说。” After eliminating Elder Hatred, I have joined Space-Time Hub, the present is one of the Space-Time Hub Protector, you have violated Pantheon of the Gods Gods Covenant probably, this time you cannot enter Prime Material Plane.” “在消灭了上古憎恶后,我加入了时空枢纽,如今是时空枢纽守护者之一,你们好像已经违反了万神殿诸神盟约,这个时期你们是不能进入主物质位面的。” The Steven words let the present two Goddess expressions one dull, but shortly afterwards he said: Naturally. The palace of nature not in my responsible range.” 史蒂芬的话让眼前的两位女神表情一呆,不过紧接着他就说道:“当然。自然之殿不在我负责的范围内。” I only am responsible for The Abyss this.” “我只负责无底深渊这一块。” Therefore you want to make anything to be able at will, when I did not exist am good.” “所以你们想要做什么可以随意,当我不存在就好了。” Forest woman- Meili triumphant hearing this relaxed, has felt grateful once again: Thank you. This time war has caused too many innocent casualties, we hope that both sides can sit the negotiations, all have to be able surely the means of harmonious coexistence.” 森林女士-梅莉凯闻言放松了许多,再度感激道:“谢谢你。这次的战争已经造成了太多无辜的伤亡,我们希望双方可以坐下来谈判,一切必定有能够和谐共处的办法。” The southern war affects very in a big way. 南方的战争波及很大。 Although Steven cannot enter in that range, but saw these days the innumerable refugees flee. 史蒂芬虽然不能进入那片范围内,但是这段时间已经看到了无数的难民逃离。 This has in situation of Space-Time Hub interference, if were not Space-Time Protectors blocks The Abyss and Hells of Baator, as well as fearful existences of other plane, perhaps now the Prime Material Plane casualties are more than ten million, once Demon Lord entered Material Plane is a fearful disaster, because they were one group of frantically destruction. 这还是有时空枢纽干涉的情况下,如果不是时空守护者们拦下来了无底深渊巴托地狱、以及其他位面的可怕存在,恐怕如今主物质位面的伤亡已经是上千万了,恶魔领主一旦进入物质位面就是一场可怕的灾难,因为他们都是一群狂热的毁灭者。 I have kept the war to end in this Crystal Sphere. You momentarily can come the The Abyss outer layer to look for me.” Steven thought for a bit, said: Hopes your trip of smooth.” “我会一直在这个晶壁系留到战争结束。你随时可以来无底深渊的外层找我。”史蒂芬想了想道:“希望你们此行顺利。” This war earlier ended.” “这场战争还是早点结束吧。” If both sides have refused to budge, Steven has also guarded in The Abyss, now Demon Lords mostly knows that the outer layer has fearful existence to defend, stays did not have what meaning there, is wasting own time completely. This time duty ended earlier, Steven can also go home earlier, he gave the vacation that oneself formulated just to rest half. 如果双方一直僵持的话,史蒂芬也得一直驻守在无底深渊,现在恶魔领主们大多知道外层有一个可怕的存在守着,呆在那里已经没有什么意思,完全是在浪费自己的时间。这次的任务早点结束,史蒂芬也可以早点回家,他给自己制定的假期才刚刚休息了一半呢。 .................. ………………
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