SFC :: Volume #6

#27: The woman of cat

The woman of present cat is also a Legendary character. 眼前的这位猫之女士也是一位传奇人物。 She once was Mulhorandi Pantheon one, was protection Goddess of cat, had invaded this Crystal Sphere in Mythallar Era Mulhorandi Pantheon, that little while Elder God Era just the ending new god influence went on an expedition continuous, the woman of cat at that time arrived here. Afterward Mulhorandi Pantheon was almost annihilated in the belief of this piece of Crystal Sphere, the Deity incarnation also almost died cleanly, instead she actually here mixes like a fish in water, finally the incarnation for the cat and happy Goddess, core Divine Portfolio is the hedonism, the happiness of sense, the dance, large-scale fun festivity and cat. 她曾经是穆罕瑞德神系的一员,是猫的守护女神,在瑟银时代穆罕瑞德神系曾经入侵过这个晶壁系,那会儿古神时代刚刚落幕新神势力征战不休,猫之女士就是那时到达这里的。后来穆罕瑞德神系在这片晶壁系的信仰几乎全军覆没,神灵化身也差不多死得干干净净,反而她倒是在这里混得如鱼得水,最后化身为猫与欢愉女神,核心神职是享乐主义,感官的欢愉,舞蹈,大型欢乐庆典与猫。 It is said this Goddess has vagrant hobby, therefore likes roaming in Prime Material Plane. 据说这位女神有流浪癖,所以喜欢在主物质位面漫游。 What a pity afterward she then realized that degeneration of dark side is happy, therefore once received the control of dark night Goddess, was almost swallowed by her. Finally the woman of cat by Love and Beauty God saving, her turned into the Love and Beauty God firm ally from then on. This Deity does not care about own church, did not care regarding mortal's belief very much, is Weak Divine Power Deity, but luck continuously good, courting death had not died frequently, possibly the cat has nine lives. Then, another Deity also has the same hobby with her, likes roaming in Prime Material Plane, she is front had mentioned the River Styx guide, True Name does not know, but this Cat Girl gentleman also same likes roaming about everywhere. 可惜后来她转而体会黑暗面的堕落欢愉,并因此一度受到了黑夜女神的控制,差点都被她所吞噬了。最后猫之女士是被爱与美神给救了,从那以后她就变成了爱与美神的坚定盟友。这位神灵不怎么在乎自己的教会,对于凡人的信仰也不是很关心,一直都是微弱神力神灵,但是运气一直都不错,经常作死也没有死掉,可能猫真的有九条命吧。说起来,另外一位神灵也跟她有一样的爱好,非常喜欢在主物质位面漫游,她就是前面提到过的冥河引路人,真名是不知道的,但是这位猫女士也一样喜欢到处流浪。 Also does not know that what these two are relates? 也不知道这两位是什么关系? Outside temple. 神殿外。 Atmosphere gradual becomes must be anxious. 气氛逐渐的变得紧张起来。 The woman of cat displays very vigilantly to Steven, in the hand also presented one pair seemed the cat claw weapon, as if might launch the attack anytime. This Deity is not very formidable, but no matter what is also True God, the Weak Divine Power Deity incarnation cannot despise, at least currently Steven Simulacrum clone only has 60%-70% odds of success. 猫之女士对史蒂芬表现得很警惕,手中也出现了一对好似猫爪般的武器,似乎是随时都有可能发动攻击。这位神灵并不是很强大,但不管怎么说也是一位真神,微弱神力神灵化身也是不能轻视的,至少目前史蒂芬拟像术分身只有六七成的胜算。 Good.” “好吧。” Steven sees the woman of cat is eager to try at present, can't help sighing, the palm appears gradually seemed sand of -like time symbol, the expression becomes said gradually seriously: Cat and happy Goddess- summer Rui trace/strand!” 史蒂芬看着眼前跃跃欲试的猫之女士,不由叹了一口气,掌心逐渐浮现了一枚好似时光之沙般的徽记,表情逐渐变得严肃道:“猫与欢愉女神-夏芮丝!” I am Space-Time Hub Protector!” “我是时空枢纽守护者!” I formally inform you now, according to Space-Time Hub with Gods Covenant third that Pantheon of the Gods signs, Deity cannot enter Prime Material Plane these days.” “我现在正式通知你,根据时空枢纽万神殿签订的诸神盟约的第三条,神灵在这段时间是不能进入主物质位面的。” You have violated Gods Covenant.” “你已经违反了诸神盟约。” I have the authority to punish you, sends into exile and strikes including but not limited to , the imprisonment to kill!......” “我有权力对你进行惩戒,包括但不限于监禁、放逐、击杀!……” Speaking of the Steven expression to be finally getting more and more serious, all around atmosphere seemed the solidification/coagulation makes people feel all of a sudden constrains heavily, light murderous aura was covering all around space. 说到最后史蒂芬的表情越来越严肃,四周的气氛一下子好似凝固般让人感觉沉重压抑,淡淡的杀气笼罩着四周的空间。 The woman of present cat listened to the Steven words, the expression to solidify/coagulate gradually, she thinks that she has run into the enemy of harboring evil intentions, but did not have to think oneself run into the lawman of masquerading unexpectedly, and also defended outside the love temple is squatting oneself. These days her vagrant hobby outbreak, is thinking the southern various countries possibly make war, but Alandell is a very tranquil place, therefore she suspicious incarnation arrives at Alandell, prepares to kill the bored time here. This matter she is hiding the truth from many people, even does not know on the Love and Beauty God- Shu mud, because also has her pretence in the territory of God's Kingdom Mingshui. 眼前的猫之女士听完史蒂芬的话,表情逐渐的凝固了,她以为自己是遇到了不怀好意的敌人,但是却没有想到自己居然是遇到了乔装打扮的执法者,并且还守在爱情神殿外面蹲着自己。这段时间她流浪癖发作,想着南方诸国可能开战,但是阿伦戴尔是一个很平静的地方,于是她就偷偷摸摸的化身降临到阿伦戴尔,准备在这边打发一下无聊的时光。这件事她瞒着许多人,甚至就连爱与美神-淑泥都不知道,因为在神国明水之域内还有她的一个幌子。 The cat and happy Goddess- summer Rui trace/strand expression the delay, the present aspect makes her feel that gradually very puzzled, as Deity she does not know how unexpectedly should process. 猫与欢愉女神-夏芮丝的表情逐渐呆滞,眼前的局面让她感到非常的困惑,作为一个神灵她居然不知道应该如何处理。 "However." “不过。” In the woman of cat was considering when are with the Space-Time Hub lawman fights one at present quietly mew mew sneaking off, Steven style suddenly changes, said with a laugh: My control area in The Abyss, but your God's Kingdom in the territory of Mingshui, at all not in my jurisdictional boundary.” 就在猫之女士考虑着自己是跟眼前时空枢纽的执法者打一架还是悄咪咪的溜走时,史蒂芬的画风突然一变,笑呵呵道:“我的管辖范围是在无底深渊,而你的神国是在明水之域,根本不在我的管辖区内。” So long as you do not interfere matter between Death Master and Lord of Radiance, I will not look for your trouble.” “只要你不干涉死亡主宰光辉之主之间的事情,我个人是不会找你的麻烦的。” Naturally.” “当然。” You, if the plan makes anything to be different.” “你要是打算做什么就不一样了。” According to Space-Time Hub with Pantheon of the Gods covenant, Steven is not the peculiar circumstance cannot enter Prime Material Plane, he belongs covertly to slide the traveling now, the matter noisy big was not good. 根据时空枢纽万神殿盟约,史蒂芬不是特殊情况也不能进入主物质位面的,他现在属于是偷偷摸摸溜进来旅游,事情闹大了也不好。 Cannot.” The woman of cat seems to the Death Master Sauron unusual fear, in Steven mentioned when her present Goddess unexpectedly involuntarily shivered for a moment, she hurries to shake the head saying: I am only play a while. The territory of Mingshui was really too bored. Shu mud( Love and Beauty God), Li( happy Goddess), dense Li thou( the god of music), they were hold the banquet day in day out are really too senseless.” “不会的。”猫之女士似乎是对死亡主宰-索伦异常的恐惧,在史蒂芬提到她时眼前的女神居然不由自主地颤抖了一下,她赶紧摇头道:“我只是下来玩一会儿。明水之域实在是太无聊了。淑泥(爱与美神)、黎尔拉(欢乐女神)、密黎尔(音乐之神),她们一天到晚就是开宴会实在是太无趣了。” It is said in these Deity's Kingdom is the continuous banquet banquet dance, the day crosses every day daily is the same with the holiday, many mortals incomparably yearned, but has not thought of this topethesia very senselessly. 据说这几位神灵的国度内每天都是接连不断的宴会酒席歌舞,日子天天都过得跟节日一样,很多凡人都是无比向往,但是没想到这位觉得十分无趣。 „Can I walk?” The woman of cat sizes up present Steven to ask cautiously. “那我可以走了吗?”猫之女士打量着眼前的史蒂芬小心翼翼问道。 Ok.” Steven nodded, said: Remember. Do not disturb.” “可以。”史蒂芬点头道:“记住。千万不要捣乱。” After being under the permission of Steven, woman of immediately cat is the transmission leaves, seems is a little also afraid to him. However although the words said that Steven before the woman of cat leaves, has displayed the Trickery Domain strength, kept Arcane mark on her quietly. 在得到了史蒂芬的许可后,猫之女士立刻便是传送离开,似乎是对他也有一点害怕。不过话虽这么说,史蒂芬在猫之女士离开前,还是施展了诡术领域的力量,悄悄地在她身上留下来了一个秘法印记 This mark can trace her Coordinate. 这个印记可以追踪她的坐标。 What consequence puts a cat to exit to have wildly? 放一头猫出去野会有什么后果? Steven does not know, but in secret added an insurance, so as to avoid when the time comes is thrown into confusion. 史蒂芬不知道,但还是暗中加了一个保险,免得到时候自己手忙脚乱的。 The Abyss. 无底深渊 In Steven has bled off the cat and happy Goddess- summer Rui trace/strand, he kept the main body of The Abyss outer layer also to encounter a problem of headache. Because Deity dispatched the incarnation to leave The Abyss unexpectedly flagrantly, but the destination temporarily did not permit Prime Material Plane that entered according to Gods Covenant. 就在史蒂芬放走了猫与欢愉女神-夏芮丝时,他留在无底深渊外层的本体也遇到了一个头疼的麻烦。因为有一位神灵居然明目张胆地派遣化身离开了无底深渊,而目的地正是根据诸神盟约暂时不允许进入的主物质位面 This Deity seems not afraid Steven. 这位神灵似乎是一点都不害怕史蒂芬 She swaggering transmitted the void border, then in Coordinate to discovering present Steven was unhurried, seems simply is not sneaking across, looks straight ahead this major-domo expression was amused to say at present: I must enter Prime Material Plane to stroll, you planned really can stop me?” 她大摇大摆地传送到了虚空边境,然后在坐标不对发现眼前的史蒂芬时一点都不慌,仿佛是自己根本就不是在偷渡,直视着眼前这位监管者表情玩味道:“我要进入主物质位面逛逛,你真的打算要阻拦我吗?” This Goddess appearance is quite beautiful, but covers in light blood fog, she wears a black long skirt, the slender waist is the waistband of some special metal system, the upper part appears quite cool, puts on the cross mark shape the frail leather clothing, on the arm is wrapping the unusual arm guard, this Goddess expression teased is passing an evil intention, seemed does not care to anything. Her look disclosed faintly a wicked interest, how seems also very curious Steven to do similarly, stops her, the ignores she enters in Prime Material Plane. 这位女神容貌极为美艳,但是笼罩在淡淡的血雾之中,她穿着一袭黑色的长裙,纤细的腰间系着某种特殊金属制的腰带,上半身显得颇为清凉,穿着网纹状的单薄皮衣,手臂上套着奇特的护臂,这位女神的表情戏谑中透着一丝恶意,仿佛是对什么都蛮不在乎。她的神色隐隐透露出一丝恶趣味,似乎是同样也很好奇史蒂芬会怎么做,到底是阻拦她呢,还是放任她进入主物质位面内。 Misfortune Goddess- this banana plant!......” A Steven face a little wrinkled, has a headache is gazing at present Goddess. “厄运女神-本莎芭!……”史蒂芬一张脸都有点皱起来了,非常头疼地注视着眼前的这位女神 One of destiny twin! 命运双子之一! Is wielding Goddess of misfortune, petty specially vicious, is small-minded and has a grudge to report, hits Steven definitely to be victorious her incarnation, but he has a headache about the Law domain that this Goddess wields, because she can bring the misfortune to the person. 执掌着厄运的女神,心胸狭窄又特别恶毒,小肚鸡肠且有仇必报,打史蒂芬是肯定打得过她的化身,但是他非常头疼这位女神所执掌的法则领域,因为她是能够给人带来厄运的。 .................. ………………
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