SDG :: Volume #21

#2082: Chapter 2082? Ye Hei: How to feel that I was taunted bewilderedly?

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Agalloch eaglewood: „!!!!” 沉香:“!!!!” Agalloch eaglewood: How this is the truth not possible...... to have this matter 沉香:“这就是真相不可能......怎么会发生这种事情” The agalloch eaglewood complexion was pallid, looks at memory duplicate, he felt that the three views of own whole person cracked. 沉香脸色煞白,看完了记忆副本,他感觉自己整个人的三观都崩裂了. He has hated incomparable Yang Jian, how possibly continuously in: Not to be secretly unreasonable to his good this. 他一直痛恨无比的杨戬,怎么可能一直在:暗地里对他好这不合理啊. In fact...... the agalloch eaglewood looked at memory duplicate, after clearing off logic, has accepted this matter...... he is not just willing to believe. 实际上......沉香看完了记忆副本,理清了其中的逻辑之后,已经接受了这件事情......只不过他不愿意相信罢了. Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: „......” 道家真人张三丰:“......” Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: „ Calm, I can understand your feeling. 道家之人张三丰:“冷静一点,我能够明白你的感受. However, Guild Leader has not deceived your reason! ” 但是,会长并没有欺骗你的理由!” The Zhang Sanfeng facial expression is somewhat complex, but consoles in guild. 张三丰神情有些复杂,但还是在公会里面进行劝慰. Kasumi Utako: Right, the words that Guild Leader thinks why can easily destroy your world...... also need to deceive you 霞诗子:“对的,会长想的话都能够把你的世界给轻易摧毁......干啥还需要骗你” Let the World Suffer Pain: „......” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“......” Dropping day 957 堕天“九五七” Causes 12 wing Kuroneko: „......” 使十二翼黑猫氏:“......” Kirishima Touka: Kasumi Utako-san...... you comfort the reason of person, is very unusual.” 雾岛董香:“霞诗子小姐......你安慰人的理由,很奇特啊.” The Kirishima Touka look is subtle, in a trough stuck at her throat, making her not know how to spit is good. 雾岛董香神色微妙,一口槽卡在她的喉咙之中,让她不知道怎么吐才好. Agalloch eaglewood: „......” 沉香:“......” Agalloch eaglewood after short silence, speech. 沉香在短暂的沉默之后,发言了. Agalloch eaglewood: „ Erlang Shen exterminates. 沉香:“二郎神戬. Told me, were all these real. ” 告诉我,这一切是不是真的.” Erlang Shen Yang Jian: „......” 二郎神杨戬:“......” Erlang Shen Yang Jian: At this moment I was also open about the facts you, all really......, but I have prepared worst.” 二郎神杨戬:“事到如今我也不瞒你了,一切都是真的......而我早就已经做好了最坏的准备.” Erlang Shen Yang Jian: If I die, then the next judicial deity is... you.” 二郎神杨戬:“如果我死,那么下一位司法天神就是...你.” Yang Jian long sighing, on the face appears to regret. 杨戬长长的叹了一口气,脸上浮现出遗憾. Erlang Shen Yang Jian: „ Exposed too early...... present you, in addition insufficient... mature. 二郎神杨戬:“揭露的太早了......现在的你尚且不够...成熟. Does not have the qualifications to withstand my judicature deity the heavy burden. ” 没有资格承受我司法天神的重担.” Agalloch eaglewood: „...... I go calmly well calm.” 沉香:“......我去好好冷静冷静.” Agalloch eaglewood after silent for a long time, chose escape. 沉香在沉默了许久之后,选择了逃避. Accelerator: This may really be......” 一方通行:“这可真是......” The Accelerator corners of the mouth brought back wiped to sneer. 一方通行嘴角勾起了一抹冷笑. Let the World Suffer Pain: Has saying that the agalloch eaglewood and his uncle compare, missed many progressions.” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“不得不说,沉香和他舅舅比起来,差了好多个级数.” Nagato shakes the head, judged critical. 漩涡长门摇了摇头,中肯的做出了评价. Let the World Suffer Pain: „ No matter .... 让世界感受痛苦吧:“不管.... Is the charisma or is the boldness. ” 是人格魅力或者是魄力.” : Everyone has the young time before...... lotus lamp passes on, the Yang Jian mother has an accident, he actually also and agalloch eaglewood could not miss many.” :“谁都有年轻的时候......宝莲灯前传,杨戬的母亲出事,他其实也和沉香差不了多少.” Shinonono Tabane: „!!!!” 筱之之束:“!!!!” Shinonono Tabane: „...... The uncle of disparity obviously very big okay agalloch eaglewood is a good person, however the uncle of Erlang Shen, that jade emperor...... is... a pit.” 筱之之束:“哇......差距明明很大好不好沉香的舅舅是个好人,但是二郎神的舅舅,那位玉帝......就是...个坑啊.” Shinonono Tabane: Heavenly Emperor was too disappointing on the type...... I am knows finally Journey to the West that... is drilled Jade Emperor of table Goku (Sun Wukong) hit is anything 筱之之束:“天帝就样太让人失望了......我总算是知道西游记那个…被孙悟空打的直钻桌子的玉皇大帝是什么” Senile Old Man: „...... I just prepared to establish Heavenly Court.” 病老人:“......我刚准备成立天庭.” Senile Old Man felt oneself with no reason at all a spear/gun. 病老人感觉自己无缘无故中了一枪. Ye Hei: Thinks my another historical orbit, becomes Heavenly Emperor...... unable to speak immediately.” 叶黑:“想了想我另外一历史轨迹,也成为了天帝......顿时说不出话来.” Lin Jiu: My this has become Heavenly Emperor to say anything well steadily 林九:“我这个已经成了天帝好长该说些什么” Shinonono Tabane: „......” 筱之之束:“......” Thinks that in Shrouding the Heavens with One Hand aggressive peerless Ye Hei Ye Heavenly Emperor, Shinonono Tabane does not speak. 想了想一手遮天之中霸气绝伦的叶黑叶天帝,筱之之束不说话了. Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: „ Actually, true Jade Emperor is very powerful. 成龙不想考古:“其实吧,真正的玉皇大帝是十分强大的. The original works of Journey to the West...... Goku (Sun Wukong) has not hit on the Liennan fontanel. 西游记的原著......孙悟空就连南天门都没有打进去. Regarding letting Jade Emperor drilled table this is nonsensical talk. ” 至于说让玉皇大帝钻桌子这更是无稽之谈了.” Jackie Chan does not know whether to laugh or cry, he as the archaeologist, the nature has the great attainments in this aspect. 成龙哭笑不得,他身为考古学者,自然在这方面有着不浅的造诣. At this moment explained patiently. 此刻耐心进行解释. Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: „ Lots that but, reorganize later! Different...... in the final analysis, the situations in different world do not analogy together. 成龙不想考古:“不过,后期改编的很多东西!就不一样了......归根结底,不同世界的情况不要类比在一起. Some Heavenly Emperor strong going against heaven's will, dare to plan the sage, refuses to accept on resentment world all, rules the entire world...... also some Heavenly Emperor is... stupid incompetent, was overthrown the least bit is not a pity directly. ” 有的天帝强的逆天,敢于算计圣人,应怼天地一切不服,君临寰宇......还有的天帝就是...昏庸无能,直接被推翻了都半点不可惜.” Erlang Shen Yang Jian: everyone, how I think in the future from the place.” 二郎神杨戬:“诸位,我去想想未来如何自处.” Yang Jian is heavyhearted. 杨戬忧心忡忡. The future exposition, lets the change superstitious matter, always innumerable variables. 未来的暴露,让改变天条的事,平生无数变数. Naturally, Yang Jian has actually also completed the worst plan. 当然,杨戬其实也早就已经做好了最坏的打算. He starts to think after the disconsolateness strongly, how should make up for this plan. 他在惆怅之后开始竭力思索,该怎么弥补这个计划. Ainz Ooal Gown: Actually, I thought that you do not need such.” 安兹乌尔恭:“其实吧,我觉得你不需要这么慌.” The Momonga corners of the mouth twitched, later suggested. 飞鼠嘴角抽搐了一下,随后建议. Ainz Ooal Gown: You have not looked at the guild brief introduction 安兹乌尔恭:“你是不是还没有看过公会简要介绍” Erlang Shen Yang Jian: „...... That is anything 二郎神杨戬:“......那是什么” Tony Is Not the Richest: „!!!!” 托尼不是首富:“!!!!” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: „...... Has not really looked unexpectedly 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“......居然真的没看” Goko Ruri is dumbfounded . 五更琉璃目瞪口呆,. Sakata Gintoki: How I teach you to see!” 坂田银时:“我教你怎么看!” Under the introduction of Sakata Gintoki, Yang Jian in guild silent moment, later spoke suddenly. 坂田银时的介绍之下,杨戬公会里面沉默了片刻,随后骤然发言. Erlang Shen Yang Jian: „!!!!” 二郎神杨戬:“!!!!” Erlang Shen Yang Jian: You...... are stem from existences of different world unexpectedly 二郎神杨戬:“你们......居然是源于不同世界的存在” The Yang Jian whole face stunned ......... in the brain produced simultaneously clearly became aware, the beforehand many doubts thought through in this moment completely. 杨戬满脸错愕.........同时大脑之中产生了明悟,之前的很多疑惑在这一刻全部都想通了. Edogawa Conan: „!!!!” 江户川柯南:“!!!!” Yukinoshita Yukino: „......, You did not think with all due respect before we are existences of different world 雪之下雪乃:“......恕我直言,你之前不觉得我们是不同世界的存在” The Yukinoshita Yukino brow wrinkled, before that Yang Jian, how to regard their Erlang Shen Yang Jian: „ Very sorry, before I also think that you are true big magical powers between this world. 雪之下雪乃眉头皱了起来,那杨戬之前怎么看待她们的二郎神杨戬:“十分抱歉,之前我还以为你们是这片天地之间的真正大神通者. Having is peeping at the technique of past and present......, although is not quite clear, why I and my nephew will enter to chat of such big magical powers in suddenly. ” 拥有着窥视古今之术......虽然不太清楚,为什么我和我的侄子会突然进入到这么一个大神通者的聊天室内.” Yang Jian does not know whether to laugh or cry. 杨戬哭笑不得. Ainz Ooal Gown: „ After you looked,...... understands how oneself then should make the frantic suggestion. 安兹乌尔恭:“你看完了之后......就明白自己接下来该怎么做了吧疯狂暗示. Erlang Shen Yang Jian: „...... Sorry ., I have not understood.” 二郎神杨戬:“......对不起..,我没听懂.” Thor Odinson: „ Your this cannot understand, owing I also thinks that you are a resourceful general. 托尔奥丁森:“你这都听不懂,亏我还以为你是个智将. Now seems like, you radically are mental handicap. ” 现在看起来,你根本就是个智障吗.” Thor (Tohru) curls the lip, on the face quite somewhat disdains. 托尔撇了撇嘴,脸上颇有些不屑. Kōsaka Kyosuke: Will appraise others mental handicap is mental handicap.” 高坂京介:“只有智障才会评价别人是智障.” Thor Odinson: „” 托尔奥丁森:“” Thor Odinson: Kōsaka Kyosuke, you are want to take a beating 托尔奥丁森:“高坂京介,你是想要挨揍吗” Su Xiaoxiao: „To hit, goes to the guild battlefield to hit, the slapping in the face artillery in guild does daily 苏小小:“想打,去公会战场打去,在公会里天天打嘴炮干什么” Su Han eye rolled , to continue to speak later. 苏寒翻了个白眼,随后继续发言. Su Xiaoxiao: „ Second son Yang Jian. 苏小小:“二郎杨戬. The guild member can help each other! Suggested that you look for in several guild 0. 公会成员是可以互相帮助!建议你找几个公会里面0. The players of 4 big shot ranks...... locate to relate with them. 四大佬级别的选手......跟他们处好关系. Obtains accumulated points again, then you can put down all issues of your world by them. ” 再获得点积分,然后你就可以靠他们扫平你世界的一切问题了.” Erlang Shen Yang Jian: „!!!! So that's how it is.” 二郎神杨戬:“!!!!原来如此.” Yang Jian eventually not really silly, after puncturing this window paper, his eye flash shone. 杨戬终究不是真的傻,戳破了这一层窗户纸之后,他眼睛一瞬间就亮了起来. Ocean of the law: Amitabha...... , if not because my cultivation base, in addition is not proficient, really wants to help Donor Yang very much one or two......, ....... 法海:“阿弥陀佛......如果不是因为我修为尚且还不到家,真的很想要去帮助杨施主一二......,.......” Bai Suzhen: I thought that...... good, I thought that I cannot help now.” 白素贞:“我觉得......好吧,我觉得我现在也帮不上忙.” Bai Suzhen long sighs. 白素贞长长叹了一口气. She now also reluctant was big magical powers, but also merely so...... the big magical powers number of lotus lamp world support political reform was not one or two. 她现在也勉勉强强算是一个大神通者了,但也仅仅只是如此......宝莲灯世界支持变法的大神通者数目不是一个两个. However finally was still such. 但是结果仍然是那样. Wish lets have the change superstitiously...... this is not an easy matter. 想要让天条发生变更......这不是一件容易的事情. The direct point said, must use the overwhelming strength, suppresses to refuse to accept. 或者直接点说,必须要用压倒性的力量,镇压一切不服. Recommendation 推荐
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