SDG :: Volume #21

#2079: Chapter 2079? Before uploading large-scale memory duplicate «Lotus lamp» «Lotus lamp, Biography»

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Mikazuki Yozora: Two rookies, joined welcome.” 三日月夜空:“又有两名新人,加入了欢迎欢迎.” Sailor Moon: Welcome!” 水手月亮:“欢迎!” Liu Peiqiang: „ This two name ....... 刘培强:“这两个名字....... Why I feel very familiar-sounding 为什么我觉得十分的耳熟” Liu Peiqiang is lost in thought. 刘培强陷入了沉思. Facing Wall Lou Ji: Agalloch eaglewood rescues the female story not to listen...... hiss!” 面壁人罗辑:“沉香救母的故事没有听过吗不过......嘶!” Lou Ji suddenly feels scalp tingles. 罗辑突然感到头皮发麻. He responded, complexion strange sized up two to add the rookie . 他反应过来,面色诡异的打量着两位加进来的新人,. Facing Wall Lou Ji: in addition pair of enemy/villain was also like the ocean of the law with beforehand Bai Suzhen.” 面壁人罗辑:“又加进来了一对敌人就和之前的白素贞和法海一样.” Ocean of the law: „......” 法海:“......” Ocean of the law: „ I now already with Donor white vanishing past animosity. 法海:“我现在已经与白施主冰释前嫌. Do not talk nonsense! ” 你们别瞎说!” Tony Is Not the Richest: This actually...... did not say 托尼不是首富:“这个其实......不好说吧” Tony Stark after the short ponder, spoke in guild. 托尼斯塔克在短暂的思考之后,在公会里面发言了. Tony Is Not the Richest: „ Draws a simplest analogy, if defers to the myth...... Li Jing and Ao Bing, must be the life and death foe. 托尼不是首富:“打个最简单的比方,如果是按照神话的话......李靖敖丙,也应当是生死仇敌. After all Nezha killed Ao Bing in the orthodox myth, took away his muscle. ” 毕竟哪吒在正统神话之中是杀死了敖丙,抽掉了他的筋.” Tony Is Not the Richest: But that is the orthodox myth...... obviously, Li Jing and Ao Bing situation not Taichi type...... in other words, here two perhaps in the myth are enemy/villain, but adds truly possibly is parallel world perhaps is the relational very close maternal uncle nephew.” 托尼不是首富:“但那是正统神话......显然,李靖敖丙的情况不太一样......换句话说,这边的两位或许在神话之中是敌人,但是真正加进来的可能是平行世界的说不定是关系非常亲密的舅侄.” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Truth that a little Mr. Stark...... said.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“斯塔克先生......说的有点道理啊.” Erlang Shen Yang Jian: „......” 二郎神杨戬:“......” Erlang Shen Yang Jian: Who you are 二郎神杨戬:“你们是何人” Yang Jian look dignified to pinnacle, before his volume , the third eye moves suddenly, has gorgeous radiance to flow. 杨戬的神色凝重到了极致,他额前第三只眼睛豁然动开,其中有着绚丽的光华在流淌. He is taking a fast look around all around void, has not actually discovered the slight issue. 他扫视着四周的虚空,却没有发现丝毫的问题. When he closes the eye again, still saw guild chatroom interface that in the mind appeared, the innermost feelings for it one tightly. 当他再度闭上眼睛,仍然看到了脑海之中浮现的公会聊天室界面,内心为之一紧. Is...... the jade emperor detected that to do not begin to me.” “难道是......玉帝察觉到了不对要对我动手了.” Yang Jian in same place paces back and forth, later shakes the head, „...... I did not kill Heavenly Court initially, cuts nine days...... the jade emperor not to show this method truly. 杨戬在原地来回踱步,随后又摇了摇头,“不......当初我杀上天庭,斩掉九日......玉帝也未曾真正展现出这种手段. Therefore , was above powerful existence outside jade emperor 所以说,是超乎了玉帝之外的强大存在” Yang Jian remembered own master jade cauldron real person, remembered own master ancestor Yuanshi Tianzun. 杨戬想起了自己的师傅玉鼎真人,又想起了自己的师祖原始天尊. The look becomes: Even more serious. 神色变得:越发的严肃. If is really these ......... the sage, the trouble was really big .” “如果真的是那些.........圣人的话,麻烦就真的大了..” Long sighs, Yang Jian closes the eye , to continue to speak in guild. 长长叹了一口气,杨戬闭上眼睛,继续在公会里面发言. Erlang Shen Yang Jian: „ If Yang Jian offended the sage, then must blame Yang Jian, Yang Jian is willing. 二郎神杨戬:“如若杨戬得罪了圣人,那么要怪罪杨戬,杨戬心甘情愿. However before...... blames, whether to make Yang Jian understand, actually oneself made the any mistake ” 但是......怪罪之前能否让杨戬明白,自己究竟做错了什么” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: „!!!!” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“!!!!” Alice: „......” 爱丽丝:“......” Eriri: „!! How bewildered must blame 英梨梨:“诶!!怎么莫名其妙的就要怪罪了” Eriri face dumbfounded, actually without responding is what situation. 英梨梨一脸懵逼,没反应过来究竟是什么情况. Tamaki Ako: „......” 玉置亚子:“......” Otori Gen: Must be joins guild, in the heart disturbed, then thought 凤源:“应当是加入公会,心中忐忑,然后多想了吧” Otori Gen thinking a moment later, frank speech. 凤源思索片刻之后,直率发言. Otori Gen: „When this is very normal matter... in guild many people just did not join guild, suspected oneself were given kidnapping by alien 凤源:“这是很正常的事...公会里面不也有很多人刚加入公会时,怀疑自己被外星人给绑架了吗” Moroboshi Dan: Was too real.” 诸星团:“太真实了.” Heavenly Blade: „......” 天刀:“......” Agalloch eaglewood: „......” 沉香:“......” Agalloch eaglewood: „ Erlang Shen exterminates. 沉香:“二郎神戬. Is you this however I falls to your hand in...... that you want me to live, want me dead speak frankly. 是你吗该然我落到你的手里......那么,你要我生,要我死就直说. Does not need to counterfeit here clearheadedly! ” 不需要在这里惺惺作假!” The agalloch eaglewood responded, gripped the tight fist, on the face full was resenting. 沉香反应过来,攥紧拳头,脸上满是愤恨. Agalloch eaglewood: You like this, will only make me disgusting now.” 沉香:“你现在这样子,只会让我恶心.” Erlang Shen Yang Jian: „...... You, why can also here 二郎神杨戬:“......你,为何也会在这里” The Yang Jian vision is suddenly dignified, he in same place paces back and forth, in heart anxious was heavier, damn...... , if I makes a mistake, why must also involve this agalloch eaglewood together not reasonably......” 杨戬的目光骤然凝重起来,他在原地来回踱步,心中的不安更重了,“该死......如果是我犯了错误,为何要把沉香也一同牵连进来这不合理......” No, or this situation was bad.” “不,或者说这情况再糟糕不过了.” Tony Is Not the Richest: Seeming like, these two are really enemy/villain 托尼不是首富:“看起来,这两位真的是敌人 A'Xing: At this time, should make Guild Leader enter the stage 阿星:“这种时候,就应该让会长出场了吧” A'Xing is stroking gently own chin, looking pensive. 阿星摩挲着自己的下巴,若有所思. Madoka Daigo: Su little.” 圆大古:“苏小.” Su Xiaoxiao: I have the guess probably, but before that......” 苏小小:“我心里大概已经有了猜测,不过在那之前......” Su XiaoxiaoErlang Shen exterminates. 苏小小“二郎神戬. Agalloch eaglewood. 沉香. Both of you first selfie, send a map to show me. ” 你们俩先自拍,发个图给我看看.” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Un!” 高坂京介:“嗯!” Dongfang Bai: „......” 东方白:“......” Sakata Gintoki: Always felt where subtlety has, but also cannot say.” 坂田银时:“总感觉有哪里微妙,但是又说不上来.” Yukinoshita Yukino: „ Very obvious...... Guild Leader ate Bai Suzhen also to have owing of ocean of the law previous time. 雪之下雪乃:“很明显......会长上一次吃了白素贞还有法海的亏. It is estimated that he also looked at many agalloch eaglewoods to rescue the female story to be lost in thought. 估计他也看了不少沉香救母的故事陷入沉思. Agalloch eaglewood: „...... The agalloch eaglewood, saves mother 沉香:“......沉香,救母” The agalloch eaglewood look changes, he realized suddenly before oneself, possibly guessed wrong. 沉香神色微变,他突然意识到自己之前可能猜错了. Reason very simple, if this is really the deal that Yang Jian does, then begins to him directly and that's the end, what need accompanies him to act in a play here . Moreover, Yang Jian as if also merely is only this special guild one, rather than this special guild leader, or important member Erlang Shen Yang Jian: „......” 原因十分的简单,如果这真的是杨戬搞出的勾当,那么直接对他动手就是了,又何需要在这里陪他演戏而且,杨戬似乎也仅仅只是这个特殊公会的一员,而不是说这个特殊工会的主导者,或者说重要成员二郎神杨戬:“......” Erlang Shen Yang Jian: Is like this picture 二郎神杨戬:“是这样子吗图片” Yang Jian touched some little time, this fished out the photograph method. 杨戬摸了好一会儿,这才摸出了拍照手段. Issued own picture. 发出了自己的照片. Hatsune Miku in the future Hatsune: „!!!” 初音未来未来初音:“!!!” Doctor Romani: „ Ok...... silver-white mail-armor and helmet, makings bone-chilling cold. 罗曼医生:“可以啊......银白色的甲胄,气质凛冽. Very charming! ” 非常的帅气!” Gudako: ahhhh......, if the Heroic Spirit Yang Jian long this types of our world, I special cash explodes.” 咕哒子:“啊啊啊啊......如果我们这个世界的英灵杨戬长这个样,那我特么爆.” Kurosaki Ichigo: cash explodes +1.” 黑崎一护:“+1.” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: With all due respect, your cash does not come out okay 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“恕我直言,你们根本不出来好不好 Goko Ruri turned a supercilious look. 五更琉璃翻了一个白眼. 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: „ The simplest truth, all Heroic Spirit above Yan and Huang that lands were given the collection by First Emperor of Qin completely. 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“最简单的道理,炎黄那片土地之上的所有英灵全部都被秦始皇给收藏了. Where you to go to the Heroic Spirit summon to prepare with First Emperor of Qin to snatch the person 你们到哪儿去英灵召唤准备跟秦始皇抢人吗” Tony Is Not the Richest: Was too real.” 托尼不是首富:“太真实了.” Edogawa Conan: „......, That... all Heroic Spirit were not collected, is different heard content that takes 江户川柯南:“......不,那个…所有英灵被收藏,是异闻带上的内容吧” Conan covered own forehead, he does not know how oneself should complain. 柯南捂住了自己的额头,他不知道自己该怎么吐槽了. Edogawa Conan: How First Emperor of Qin in orthodox history possibly makes an exception naturally...... the battle efficiency of ceiling rank, should have.” 江户川柯南:“正统历史上的秦始皇怎么可能那么破格当然......天花板级别的战斗力,应该还是有的.” Nishimiya Shouko Zhao: „ Whole face is vacant. 西宫哨子赵:“满脸茫然. Su Xiaoxiao: „ Small eye, big doubts. 苏小小:“小小的眼睛,大大的疑惑. The Su Han corners of the mouth twitched, he saw the selfie photo that Erlang Shen sends, has known this pair, which world probably is. 苏寒嘴角抽搐了一下,他看到了二郎神发的自拍照,就已经知道了这一对,大概是哪个世界的了. „Before lotus lamp and lotus lamp, passes on.” “宝莲灯和宝莲灯前传啊.” Su Han sighed with emotion one in a low voice, they come, contrary to expectation, but is reasonable.” 苏寒低声的感慨了一句,“他们进来,意料之外,但是又在情理之中啊只.” Four Eyebrows Lu Xiaofeng: Guild Leader...... seemed like has known how things stand at heart 四条眉毛陆小凤:“会长......看起来心里已经有数了” Su Xiaoxiao: That is true.” 苏小小:“的确如此.” Hijikata Toushirou: „ Then Guild Leader, you have a look, this memory duplicate issue is manual. 土方十四郎:“那么会长,你看看,这个记忆副本的问题手动滑稽. Su Xiaoxiao: Okay good, I send now, do not urge.” 苏小小:“好好好,我现在就发,别催促.” Shaking the head of Su Han does not know whether to laugh or cry, his thought moves later. 苏寒哭笑不得的摇了摇头,随后他的念头一动. Ding! Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao uploaded large-scale memory duplicate «Lotus lamp».” “叮!公会会长苏小小上传了一个大型记忆副本《宝莲灯》.” Ding! Before Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao uploaded large-scale memory duplicate «Lotus lamp, Biography».” “叮!公会会长苏小小上传了一个大型记忆副本《宝莲灯前传》.” Small
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