SDG :: Volume #21

#2072: Chapter 2072? Dugu Great God: I am willing to break open the counter Elite boundary limit, lets world everyone like the dragon!

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Dugu Great God: „ I am looking for the ghost king and Demon King in small six paths now, they are also the counter Elite Level expert...... I first help them restore the peak completely. 独孤大神:“我现在正在找小六道之中的鬼王与魔王,他们也全部都是逆天王级的高手......我先帮助他们恢复到巅峰. Then has a look at them to be able with the aid of my Small World also to break through...... ” 然后看看他们能不能够借助我的小世界也突破......” Dugu Great God: In the world my current this realm, this has to name this realm significance incessantly.” 独孤大神:“世界上不止一个我当前这种境界,这样才有命名这个境界的意义.” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „......” 高坂京介:“......” Kōsaka Kirino: If my world unmatched, I will be very happy.” 高坂桐乃:“如果我天下无敌,我会很开心.” Kōsaka Kirino: But after Dugu Great God world unmatched, unexpectedly also wants to train and powerhouse of same rank, moreover is also of enemy also friend.” 高坂桐乃:“但是独孤大神天下无敌之后,居然还想要培养出和自己同一级别的强者而且还是亦敌亦友的那种.” The Kōsaka Kirino look is strange. 高坂桐乃神色诡异. She does not know how should conduct to appraise, mood very complex. 她已经不知道该如何进行评价了,心情十分的复杂. Sakata Gintoki: „ This perhaps is... the true powerhouse. 坂田银时:“这或许就是...真正的强者吧. Gudako: „ Big shot, big shot. 咕哒子:“大佬,大佬. Dugu Great God: Not937 独孤大神:“没有“九三七” You said was so good, but, they are my ally. ” 你们说的那么好了,只是,他们都是我的战友.” The Dugu Great God vision is distant, his corners of the mouth brought back wiped the smile. 独孤大神目光悠远,他的嘴角勾起了一抹笑容. Dugu Great God: However we and Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) are the enemies, originally the goal is..., making the world all living things get rid of the herd of Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) to defend...... also to have, seeks higher realm.” 独孤大神:“而我们与天道为敌,本来目的就是...,让世界众生摆脱天道的牧守......还有,寻求到更高一层的境界.” Dugu Great God: Even solved Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) this... enemy/villain, I cannot betray and sentiments of their ally.” 独孤大神:“就算解决了天道这位…敌人,我也不能够背叛和他们的战友之情.” Kotori Minami: A little truth.” 南小鸟:“有点道理.” Kotori Minami: But this does not affect us to your admiration and that's the end.” 南小鸟:“但这丝毫不影响我们对你的钦佩就是了.” Su Xiaoxiao: Then participated in mission before, obtaining was good, that several of mission reward 苏小小:“那么之前参加了任务,获得了非常不错的,任务奖励的那几位呢” Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: „......” 道家真人张三丰:“......” A'Xing: How does not know now the Guild Leader's mentality......” 阿星:“不知道现在会长的心态如何......” Kurosaki Ichigo: Ghost knows,... trades to be me in any case, I affirm the mentality now very not steadily......” 黑崎一护:“鬼知道,反正...换作我,我现在肯定心态很不稳......” Kurosaki Ichigo: „ one after another pulled out completely, very fierce good thing . 黑崎一护:“一个个全部都抽到了,非常厉害的好东西,. Only then my, pulled out looked very fierce, but actually and had no rainbow nipple of use. 只有我一个,抽到了看起来很厉害,但是却并没有什么用处的彩虹奶嘴. This who can withstand. 这谁顶得住啊. Tushan Honghong: „Do you believe guild inside these people to pull out the thing , Guild Leader can the hand rub completely 涂山红红:“你信不信公会里面那些人抽到东西,,会长全部都能够手搓出来” Ao Bing: I thought that Guild Leader rubs the inheritance not to have the issue...... is also the godship inheritance of several high-level great antiquity world.” 敖丙:“我觉得会长手搓传承没有问题......也就是几个高等级洪荒世界的神格传承罢了.” Kurosaki Ichigo: „......” 黑崎一护:“......” Kurosaki Ichigo: „ I was wrong. 黑崎一护:“我错了. Shakes. 抖抖抖. Bai Suzhen: I already success breakthrough......” 白素贞:“我已成功突破......” Bai Suzhen: I dark have a feeling, present I am away from my teacher, will be...... the strength on weak will not be many as for the legendary Tathagata Buddha.” 白素贞:“我冥冥中有一种感觉,现在的我距离我的老师,乃至于传说之中的如来佛祖......实力都不会弱上太多.” The Bai Suzhen facial expression is gentle. 白素贞神情平缓. The world in this moment is entirely different. 她此刻眼中的天地截然不同. This time Bai Suzhen, every action and every movement all can affect the main road mighty waves, this belongs to realm of big magical powers. 此时的白素贞,一举一动皆能够牵动大道波澜,这是属于大神通者的境界. The magical powers become, the world melts one. 神通自成,天地融一. Ocean of the law: I am away from Miss Bai Suzhen, in addition missed was very far.” 法海:“我距离白素贞小姐,尚且差了很远.” Ocean of the law very confident. 法海十分的坦然. Ocean of the law: „ What after all I obtain is the inheritance, but is not the strength bloodline...... I have resigned from the position of Jinshan Temple abbot now. 法海:“毕竟我获得的是传承,而并非是实力血统......现在我已辞去金山寺方丈的职位. I prepare to enter among Human World, walks the ascetic person to taste completely among Human World the good and bad in life, after bustling place, when state of mind complete...... when instant rehabilitation. ” 我准备进入人世间,走苦行僧尝尽人世间酸甜苦辣,历经红尘,等到心境圆满......当立地成佛.” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: „......” 成龙不想考古:“......” Chu Liuxiang: „......” 楚留香:“......” Dongfang Bai: That side buddhist monk, is... likes being fastidious about this anything ideal condition.” 东方白:“秃驴那边的,就是...喜欢讲究这什么意境.” Dongfang Bai shows neither approval nor disapproval. 东方白不置可否. Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: Actually Taoism also spoke this very much...... a dynasty comprehension, vertical became an immortal.” 道家真人张三丰:“其实道家也很讲这个......一朝领悟,立地成仙.” Zhang Sanfeng feeling. 张三丰十分的感慨. Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: To us, the state of mind be more important than the strength, after all has the strength purely, but is destructive power...... has the state of mind, even the strength was abandoned for various reasons, so long as the person is living, can cultivate/repair eventually again.” 道家真人张三丰:“对于我们来说,心境要比实力更加重要,毕竟单纯拥有实力,只不过是破坏力强罢了......而有心境,就算是实力因为种种原因被废去,只要人活着,终究还能够再修回来.” Sakata Gintoki: Terrifying in this way.” 坂田银时:“恐怖如斯.” Kōsaka Kyosuke: I, although cannot understand, but this does not hinder me to shout 666.” 高坂京介:“我虽然听不懂,但这并不妨碍我喊六六六.” Let the World Suffer Pain: Day show.” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“天秀.” Queen Medusa: „” 美杜莎女王:“” Queen Medusa: Mood arrived, where can break through to have this good deed naturally.” 美杜莎女王:“心境到了,自然而然就能突破哪有这种好事.” Queen Medusa regarding this unusual does not approve , the mood is somewhat agitated. 美杜莎女王对此非常的不赞同,心情有些烦躁. Queen Medusa: „ I have the big control saying that but I cultivated in the time training room this period of time with hardship...... also arrive fought the peak boundary. 美杜莎女王:“我拥有大主宰道,但我这段时间在时间训练屋中苦苦修炼......也才到了斗尊巅峰境. Has not trod including half Saint! ” 连半圣没有踏进去!” Nakiri Erina: „” 薙切绘里奈:“” Magical Girl Illya: „!!!!” 魔法少女伊莉雅:“!!!!” Sakata Gintoki: I special...... your acting cool was too much 坂田银时:“我特么......你这逼装的就有点过分了” The Sakata Gintoki corners of the mouth twitch crazily. 坂田银时嘴角疯狂抽搐. Kōsaka Kyosuke: How long for quite a while yes...... your mission completed then! Even enters to the guild training room in trains, your cultivation six months, after coming out, had spanned entire big realm 高坂京介:“是啊......你任务完成了这才多长时间半天吧!就算是进入到公会训练屋中训练,你这面修炼半年时间,出来后已经跨越了一整个大境界了” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „The protagonist sterilization does not have your such cheat .... 高坂京介:“主角消炎都没有你这么开挂的....” Shinonono Tabane: cheat even if also...... you like Ye Hei, he lay down on the ground honestly ask to hang, everyone did not say anything......” 筱之之束:“开挂也就算了......你就像叶黑,他老老实实躺在地上求挂,大家也不说什么......” Shinonono Tabane: „ But your cheated, returns acting cool unexpectedly. 筱之之束:“但是你开挂了,居然还装逼. Moreover installs such superficial! A depth does not have. ” 而且还装的这么的肤浅!一点深度都没有.” Kirishima Touka: Terrifying in this way.” 雾岛董香:“恐怖如斯.” Queen Medusa: „......” 美杜莎女王:“......” Queen Medusa: „ Was sorry...... I neglected this point. 美杜莎女王:“抱歉了......我忽略了这一点. Mainly in training the room seclusion the too long time, causing my time impression confusedly...... to put behind regarding . Everyone merely is only the half-day time. ” 主要是在训练屋之中闭关了太长的时间,导致我时间观感错乱......忘却了对于..大家来说才仅仅只是半天的时间.” Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: „......” 魔法少女奈叶:“......” Monkey Raga: „...” 蒙奇拉格:“...” Busujima Saeko: „To complain, does not know that should say anything...... also can only say one finally, considers as finished.” 毒岛伢子:“想吐槽,又不知道该说些什么......最后也只能说一句,算了算了.” Korosensei: Too fearful...... present young people.” 杀老师:“太可怕了......现在的年轻人.” Su Xiaoxiao: Then on the other hand, brat now how 苏小小:“那么话说回来,熊孩子现在怎么样” Su Xiaoxiao: brat 苏小小:“熊孩子 No one responded to the brow of Su Han to wrinkle, this was not in 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Most Like Drink Beast Milk.” 没人回应苏寒的眉头皱了起来,这是不在堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“最爱喝兽奶.” Most Like Drink Beast Milk: „......” 最爱喝兽奶:“......” Most Like Drink Beast Milk: „!! brat is saying me 最爱喝兽奶:“诶!!熊孩子是在说我” Perfectly round that the Little Shi eye pupil stares , indicating oneself are shocked. 小石头眼眸瞪的滚圆,表示自己十分的震惊. Tushan Honghong: „” 涂山红红:“” Ainz Ooal Gown: „” 安兹乌尔恭:“” Lelouch: „ You have also looked at Perfect World 1. 鲁鲁修:“你也是看过完美天地一. 7 people, brat are not saying you, whom but can also say 七的人,熊孩子不是在说你,还能在说谁” Lelouch expressed oneself were speechless. 鲁鲁修表示自己无语了. Most Like Drink Beast Milk: Hehehe...... probably is also.” 最爱喝兽奶:“嘿嘿嘿......好像也是.” Little Shi thinks, on the face showed the embarrassed smile. 小石头想了想,脸上露出了不好意思的笑容. Most Like Drink Beast Milk: „ Right...... Guild Leader's issue. 最爱喝兽奶:“对了......会长的问题. Un, my recent words, are following the Willow Deity learn/study. 嗯,我最近的话,正在跟着柳仙学习. Willow Deity said that must lay the strongest foundation to me, then throws informed and experienced me...... ” 柳仙说要给我打下最强的根基,然后把我扔出去历练......” Most Like Drink Beast Milk: „ She said that only if I dies, will otherwise not help to me. 最爱喝兽奶:“她说,除非是我死,要不然都不会给我帮助. Un, she added, making me do not blame her to use the small method, lets my whole world all enemy. ” 嗯,她还说,让我不要怪她施展小手段,让我举世皆敌.” Most Like Drink Beast Milk: She actually does not know, after looking at Perfect World, I have been ready!” 最爱喝兽奶:“她却不知道,看了完美天地后,我就早就已经做好准备了!” The Little Shi eye pupil brilliant lives the splendor, although very young, but is very sensible. 小石头眼眸灼灼生辉,虽然十分的年幼,但是却很懂事. After all Little Shi awakened once seizing bone memory, was different from the past, becomes: Was mature. 毕竟小石头觉醒了曾经的夺骨记忆,和以往不一样,变得:成熟起来了. Recommendation 推荐
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