SDG :: Volume #21

#2064: Chapter 2064? Shock palpitation of Mother Buddha

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Mother Buddha discovered suddenly, she cannot induce Bai Suzhen's aura. 观音大士猛然发现,自己感应不到白素贞身上的气息了. This is very inconceivable, even when she faces the Buddha, similarly can feel on the Buddha the immeasurably deep tone. 这很不可思议,就算是她面对佛祖之际,同样能够感受到佛祖身上深不可测的气韵. Naturally, Mother Buddha had realized that had anything...... to have the possibility very much, Bai Suzhen had been aloof this world truly, this world all Destiny Order, are unable to interfere with her future choice......, but the key was, how this made her believe even the Buddha, true unique, front person has not been only the hand such a pinches gently, made a snake monster achieve, this was in front of what method this person is existence after Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) will shape rolls.” 当然,观音大士已经意识到发生了什么......很有可能,白素贞已然真正超脱了这片天地,这片天地的一切命运秩序,都无法干涉到她未来的选择......但关键是,这让她怎么相信就算是佛祖,也未曾真正的超脱,面前这个人只是手轻轻这么一捏,就让一个蛇妖做到了,这是什么手段面前这人是天道意志化形后的存在吗“滚.” Zhang Sanfeng is brief and to the point . 张三丰言简意赅,. After the Mother Buddha complexion transforms several next, what words had not said that respectful to several people good a ritual, changes into a gorgeous Fokuang to vanish does not see. 观音大士面色变换数下之后,什么话都没有说,恭恭敬敬的对几人行了一礼,化为一道绚丽佛光消失不见. As the matter stands, did not have the issue.” “这样一来,就没有问题了.” On the Zhang Sanfeng face is hanging the temperate smile, he turns the head, is staring at Bai Suzhen, sincere say/way, „, if in the future, god Buddha of your world will also ask you to trouble...... you to inform in guild in my one.” 张三丰脸上挂着温和的笑容,他转过头来,凝视着白素贞,诚恳道,“若是未来,你们这个世界的神佛还找你麻烦......你就在公会里面告知于我一声.” When the time comes, I can come, helping you solve a series of problems.” “到时候,我会过来,帮你解决一系列的问题.” Medusa deep looked at Zhang Sanfeng one, what words had not said. 美杜莎深深的看了张三丰一眼,什么话都没有说. Before Zhang Sanfeng , the method of showing, was above his imagination. 张三丰之前展现出来的手段,也超乎了他的想象. You are “你们到底是” Bai Suzhen opened the opens the mouth, finally smiling bitterly, what words have not said. 白素贞张了张口,最后苦笑着,什么话都没有说出来. Although she has long known, guild inside person is very strong......, but she does not have an accurate impression. 她虽然早就知道,工会里面的人很强......但是她对此没有一个准确的印象. However a moment ago, she understood finally...... which angle, regardless of arranges from. 但是刚才,她终于明白了......无论从哪个角度上来排. Zhang Sanfeng is not the first-class expert in guild absolutely, but, such he can still achieve thing that this world various deity Buddha is unable to achieve, Mother Buddha of deterrent could not speak. 张三丰都绝对算不上公会之中的第一流高手,但是,这样子的他仍然能够做到这个世界诸天神佛无法做到的事,威慑的观音大士都说不出话. Not to mention...... Bai Suzhen transferred to the body of Su Han the vision, she discovered at this moment, this corners of the mouth hold smile Guild Leader, perfect is not human, compared in Mother Buddha who before sees, but must aloof unique...... have nearly regular Order charm. 更不用说......白素贞将目光移到了苏寒的身上,她此刻才发现,这个嘴角噙着笑容的公会会长,完美的不是人类,较之于之前见到的观音大士,还要更加的超然超脱......有一种近乎规则秩序般的魅力. Bai Suzhen is silent, even if front powerhouses like trees guild still took artificial long to revere...... front the person will have how is unable to imagine fearfully. 白素贞为之默然,纵然强者如林公会仍然以面前之人为长为尊......面前之人又会有多么的可怕无法想象. Su Han has not cared about Bai Suzhen to think anything, he hit a snap, void swung mighty waves. 苏寒没有顾及白素贞在想什么,他打了一个响指,虚空中荡起了道道波澜. Afterward, a senior monk who wears the cassock goes out from the mighty waves. 随后,一个身穿袈裟的老和尚从波澜之中走出. Amitabha .” “阿弥陀佛..” The ocean of the law read a syntax number, later looks at Su Han as well as Zhang Sanfeng, the look is inexplicable, his voice brings some bitterly and astringently, Guild Leader...... also has Zhang Sanfeng-san, method that you used before, is to make the ocean of the law broaden the outlook seriously.” 法海念了一句法号,随后看着苏寒以及张三丰,神色莫名,他声音带着些许苦涩,“会长......还有张三丰先生,你们之前施展的手段,当真是让法海大开眼界.” „...... You, saw “......你,看见了” Medusa gawked, without responding what's the matter. 美杜莎愣了一下,没反应过来怎么回事. „Before Guild Leader, opened the guild live broadcast,” 会长之前开了公会直播,” The ocean of the law look somewhat was still absent-minded, „, therefore I naturally saw, is actually what situation...... not to think, Mother Buddha......” 法海神色仍然有些恍惚,“所以我自然看到了,究竟是什么情况......没有想到,就连观音大士都......” The disparity was too big. 差距太大了. Even the true Buddha cannot so steamroll Mother Buddha easily from this conceivable, actually Zhang Sanfeng arrived at what kind of realm deeply to inspire, returned to normal forcefully by oneself, the law is rotating the buddha beads on hand, at the same time said in a soft voice, Guild Leader, everyone...... I lead you to go to That side Xu Xian now.” 就算是真正的佛祖也不能够如此轻易的碾压观音大士吧由此可以想象,张三丰究竟到达了怎样的境界深吸了一口气,强行让自己平复下来,法转动着手上的佛珠,一边轻声道,“会长,还有大家......我现在带你们去许仙那边吧.” No need.” “不必.” Su Han speechless smiles, his seeing color has found out by secret inquiry Xu Xian's numerous information. 苏寒哑然一笑,他的见色已经探知到了许仙的众多情报. His thought moves, the front collapses void suddenly, emerged out of thin air a channel comprised of the dense fog, Su Han took a step to enter. 他念头一动,面前虚空骤塌,凭空出现了一条由迷雾所组成的通道,苏寒迈步进入了其中. Several people look at each other in blank dismay, finally, also enters. 几人面面相觑,最后,也随之进入其中. ...... At the same time, a southern province center, a vast county city. ......与此同时,南方的一州中心,一座浩瀚郡城. Xu Xian who wears the yellow robe sits on the dragon chair, he is curling upwards one leg on the other, interested is staring at civil and military hundred officers under the body, big fellow...... the discussion, how breaks five, presently deadlock makes our true can rip open the blockade of royal government, later striving for hegemony world.” 身披黄袍的许仙坐在龙椅上,他翘着二郎腿,饶有兴趣的盯着自己身下的文武百官,“大家伙......商讨商讨,怎么打破五,当前的僵局让我们真正的能撕开朝廷的封锁,随后争霸天下.” Your majesty,” “陛下,” Lu Bu one step steps forward, the words are haughty, goes into action by me, leads the 10,000 soldiers and horses, with royal government to war.” 吕布一步跨出,话语狂傲,“由我出马,率领一万兵马,与朝廷对战.” What wants this time lead is I, then the 10,000 soldiers and horses, break the numerous of enemy 100,000 sufficiently.” “只要这一次带队的是我,那么一万兵马,就足以打破敌军十万之众.” General ,” “吕将军,” The Guan Yu sound is calm, you may , to be clear, this was not past these games! Although you brave crown world, but our previous bumping into many brave generals, the strength is extremely also powerful......, even if you, were surrounded by 3~5 35 brave generals, finally cannot flatter 关羽声音沉稳,“您可要想清楚了,这可不是以往的那些游戏!你虽然勇冠天下,但是我们上一次碰到的不少猛将,实力也极其强大......就算是您,被三五个35猛将围住,最后也讨不了好吧” You dare to question me “你敢质疑我” Lu Bu tiger opens. 吕布虎目睁大. „It is not questioned,” “并非质疑,” Stands opens the mouth in Military General ranks frontline Xiang Yu suddenly, he cast aside Lu Bu, sneers, you, although bravest of the brave......, but in this world, your load has not gotten unmatched absolutely.” 站在武将行列最前方的项羽突然开口,他撇了一眼吕布,冷笑起来,“你虽然勇冠三军......但在这片天下,您还万万担不得无敌.” Good that said.” “说的好.” Su Han has the applause, the sound resounds, simultaneously resounds, applause. 苏寒带着赞许的,声音响起,同时响起的,还有鼓掌声. Above imperial court a silence. 朝堂之上一片寂静. Sits Xu Xian look on throne is suddenly stiff, because during he saw to be void to swing the one after another mighty waves suddenly, later five forms appeared baseless. 坐在王座上的许仙神色突然僵硬,因为他忽然看到面前虚空之中荡起了一道道波澜,随后五道身影凭空浮现. At this moment applauds, stands in the frontline, the young people of perfect not mortal. 此刻鼓掌的,正是站在最前方,完美的不似凡人的一个青年人. Other person of Xu Xian have not recognized......, but Bai Suzhen and ocean of the law, were actually recognized by his one eyes. 其他人许仙没有认出来......但是白素贞以及法海,却被他一眼认出. How the ocean of the law and Bai Suzhen in together after the association derivation at the scene of doubtful deity layout...... his complexion is transforming several next, lowly shouts, killed them.” 法海和白素贞怎么会在一起在联想起原著之中疑似神仙布局的场景......他面色变换数下之后,低喝道,“杀了他们.” Has rather killed, do not miss. 宁杀过,勿错过. After he becomes Emperor, the woman has not wanted many to have many, therefore Bai Suzhen, even if presented abnormal merely, can still be his raising murderous intention the reason. 等他成为皇帝之后,女人还不是要多少有多少所以白素贞就算仅仅只是出现了异常,也能作为他升起杀机的理由. Military General are very tacit, drew out itself on various type weapons. 武将们十分默契,唰的一声拔出了自己身上的各式兵器. The terrifying courage vigor erupts suddenly, killed toward several people. 恐怖的血气豁然爆发,向着几人杀了过去. Amitabha.” “阿弥陀佛.” The ocean of the law sighed spookily, looks the mercy, however body actually Fokuang big quake. 法海幽幽一叹,面露慈悲,然而身躯却佛光大震. In the Bai Suzhen pupil flashes through wipes the sigh, Transmigrator sees her first, made one kill...... really front person once not to rescue her... the young shepherd boy. 白素贞眸子之中闪过一抹叹息,穿越者看到她的第一眼,就让人来杀......果然面前的人不是曾经救她的那个…小牧童了. Murderer but who kills the young shepherd boy. 而是杀死小牧童的凶手. Thinks of here, Bai Suzhen's pupil took gradually wiped ice-cold withers. 想到这里,白素贞的眸子渐渐带上了一抹冰冷肃杀. Aura also even more sinks to harden the terrifying. 吗诺的气息也越发的沉凝和恐怖. Mr. stretch/open, begins by us for the time being, do not meddle.” “张先生,暂且由我们动手,您勿要插手.” The Medusa body soars, changed into one instantaneously color 12 swallows a day of python. 美杜莎身体腾空,瞬间化为了一只十二色的吞天蟒. The terrifying blazing azure flame burns on her, drives back the Military General army that these ......... encircle forcefully. 恐怖炽热的青色火焰在她身上燃烧,强行逼退那些.........围上来的武将军. Evildoer/Monstrous talent run amuck, to be how dissolute.” “妖孽横行,怎放肆.” Buddhist monk...... does not defend your temple well, catches up with on imperial court to act unruly “秃驴......不好好守你的寺庙,赶来朝堂上撒野” Was startled the Saint to harness, you were the unpardonably wicked crime. “惊了圣驾,尔等是十恶不赦之罪. Has not acknowledged guilt to suffer extreme penalty in a big hurry, the buddhist monk, you wants to make us conquer by killing the world temple 还不快快认罪伏诛,秃驴,你想让我们血洗天下寺庙吗” Bai Suzhen is distinct with the banners and drums that officers fight, but the ocean of the law above the dragon air pressure by imperial court was actually compelled. 白素贞与一众将士斗的旗鼓分明,但是法海却被朝堂之上的龙气压迫住了. Zhang Sanfeng sighed the one breath spookily lightly, later palm again gently, before like that pinched completely ocean of the law Order chains. 张三丰幽幽轻叹一口气,随后手掌再度轻轻一拉,如同之前那般,将法海身上的秩序锁链全部都捏断. The ocean of the law look moves, he discovered that oneself as if worked loose what common, an innermost feelings pure brightness . Moreover the dragon air/Qi on imperial court is unable the recompression to restrain him. 法海神色一动,他发现自己仿佛挣脱了什么一般,内心一片清明,而且朝堂上的龙气也无法再压制住他了. Recommendation 推荐
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