SDG :: Volume #21

#2036: Su Xiaoxiao: Fights on you, enjoys happiness by me

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What?” white jade hall look drastic change, he with the Dongfang Bai test of strength, is incapable of avoiding to stop this at this moment to strike, was hit by the upfront. “什么?”白玉堂神色剧变,他此刻正在与东方白角力,无力躲避阻拦这一击,被正面击中。 With the resounding of bang, the white jade hall most side body blasts open loudly, changes into the blood fog. 伴随着轰的一声脆响,白玉堂大半边身躯轰然炸裂开来,化为血雾。 bastard thing.” white jade hall facial features are fierce, however his movement is methodical, with another hand, grasped in the Qiao Feng direction suddenly. 混账东西。”白玉堂面容狰狞,但是他的动作却有条不紊,用另外一只手,豁然向着乔峰的方向抓了过去。 In surface does not have to rob the Saint slightly natural, in fact is actually making the upholstery and preparation for own larceny opposite party ability?” A chilly sound comes in his body sequel suddenly. “表面上没有丝毫盗圣的潇洒,实际上却是在为自己偷窃对方能力做铺垫和准备吗?”一个清冽的声音突然在他身后传来。 What?” white jade hall body lives. His chest was passed through from the rear area. “什么?”白玉堂身体顿住。他的胸膛自后方被贯穿了。 The Chu Liuxiang physique is graceful, the facial features are gentle, in his hand has the terrifying inner strength to gather, condenses -and-a-half empty half solid swords, „the sword that Wangquan sword modeling molds...... is the flavor good?” 楚留香身姿优雅,面容平和,他手中有着恐怖的内力在汇聚,凝聚出了一把半虚半实的剑,“王权剑塑造术塑造出来的剑……味道还不错吧?” Your this fellow.” white jade hall grips the tight fist, the terrifying inner strength is lingering, but has not waited for him to counter-attack Chu Liuxiang. Above the vault of heaven the inexhaustible needle fell, follows to have the Dongfang Bai gentle sound that comes. “你这个家伙。”白玉堂攥紧拳头,恐怖内力在萦绕,但还没有等他反攻楚留香。天穹之上无穷尽的针落了下来,伴随而来的还有东方白平缓的声音。 Battles with me, but also has leisure core barrel other! Do you really want dead?” “与我交战,还有闲心管其他!你是真的想死吗?” white jade hall under these moves of chain blows, the body blasted open thoroughly, he sent out the low roar, the terrifying inner strength lingers, lets him forcefully in the distant reorganization body. 白玉堂在这几招连击之下,身躯彻底的炸裂了开来,他发出了低吼,恐怖内力萦绕,强行让他在远方重组身躯。 Three dozens is one, very proud?” white jade hall is unemotional, the words ridiculed, thanks to you one was Eastern | Dongfang High Priestess, one was the heroic spirit covers the world Master Qiao...... one is to also brag robber Saint Chu Liuxiang of peerless grace and talent. Only then this method?” “三打一,很自豪吗?”白玉堂面无表情,话语讥讽,“亏你们一个是东方教主,一个是豪气盖天下的乔帮主……还有一个是自诩风华绝代的盗圣楚留香。就只有这点手段了吗?” If facing destroying you in the world, but also spoke rivers and lakes morality and justice, that was to pouring in your hand/subordinate ghost was irresponsible.” “如果面对毁灭一个世界的你,还讲江湖道义,那才是对倒在你手下亡魂的不负责。” The Qiao Feng sound was low and deep, lifts the hand to fall the dragon 18 palms to rumble, this real dragon was similar to for one round big day to arrive, has the pinnacle destructive power. 乔峰声音低沉,抬手降龙十八掌轰了出去,这头真龙如同一轮大日降临,拥有着极致的破坏力。 damn.” white jade hall sees the words to be useless, the complexion is ugly, raised the inner strength reluctantly, was in charge. 妈的。”白玉堂见话语无用,脸色难看,勉强提起内力,一掌印出。 Su Han interested looks at this fight, his thought moves, all around has the shadow to reappear. 苏寒饶有兴趣的看着这一场战斗,他念头一动,四周有着黑影浮现。 These shadow Ninja are Su Han prepare the furniture. Su Han sluggish sitting on the chair, put out all kinds of good food from the guild warehouse, eats, while watches. 这些黑影忍者为苏寒准备好桌椅。苏寒懒散的坐在椅子上,从公会仓库之中拿出了各种各样的美食,一边吃,一边观看。 Su Han is looking into the distance at the same time, once for a while shoots a look at a guild chatroom, in the discovery is very at this moment lively. 苏寒一边眺望着远方,时不时瞥一眼公会聊天室,发现里面此刻十分热闹。 Sakuragi Hanamichi: 666 six.” 樱木花道:“六六六六。” Kirishima Touka: Actually I want to know that...... saw Guild Leader enjoys, fighting that several, at heart are what ideas.” 雾岛董香:“其实我蛮想知道……看到会长这么享受,正在战斗的那几位,心里是什么想法。” Kayaba Akihiko: Guild Leader: Fights you to go, enjoys happiness comes by me.” 茅场晶彦:“会长:打架你们去,享福由我来。” Hijikata Toushirou: Was too real.” 土方十四郎:“太真实了。” Railgun: I actually had nothing to say in reply .jpg 超电磁炮:“我竟然无言以对.jpg” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: This does not have the matter of means...... after all, Guild Leader participates in the fight now...... enemy/villain by insta-kill.” 成龙不想考古:“这也是没有办法的事情……毕竟,会长现在参与战斗……敌人就是被秒杀。” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: In the final analysis, this is also Guild Leader, for everyone considers.” 成龙不想考古:“归根结底,这也是会长为了大家着想。” Tony Is Not the Richest: You said very reasonable!” 托尼不是首富:“你说的很有道理!” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Guild Leader: You believe me, although I now an enjoying appearance! However I really for your own good.” 高坂京介:“会长:你信我,虽然我现在一副享受的样子!但是我真的是为你们好。” Sakata Gintoki: I letter/believed your evil, your bad old man bad .jpg of very 坂田银时:“我信了你的邪,你个糟老头子坏的很.jpg” Yukinoshita Yukino: „...... The Qiao Feng battle efficiency is very terrifying. I felt that his strength was not even inferior in Dongfang Bai.” 雪之下雪乃:“不过……乔峰的战斗力很恐怖。我感觉他的实力甚至不逊色于东方白了。” The Yukinoshita Yukino look is somewhat dignified. 雪之下雪乃神色有些凝重。 Gudako: After all before he obtained Darknorth Divine Merit...... to swallow all between world, for strengthening oneself...... this is myth cultivation art that deserves!” 咕哒子:“毕竟之前他获得了北冥天功……能够吞噬天地之间的一切,用于强化自身……这是当之无愧的神话功法!” Gudako is somewhat sigh with emotion. 咕哒子有些感慨。 Gudako: Why although I somewhat strange...... he can in such a short time cultivate/repair this situation this set of method, but cannot say that definitely is unable to understand.” 咕哒子:“虽然我有些奇怪……他为什么能在这么短时间内将这一套法门修到这种地步,但也不能说完全无法理解。” Qiao Feng: „......” 乔峰:“……” Qiao Feng: You forgot, does guild inside have the time training room?” 乔峰:“你们是不是忘记了,公会里面有个时间训练屋?” Qiao Feng is unemotional, made one round to fall the dragon 18 palms. 乔峰面无表情,又打出了一发降龙十八掌。 Do not say that he lies down can probably grow stronger. He also in the guild cultivation room, spent did not know many painstaking care, moreover used guild accumulated points to strengthen itself...... he accumulated points not to have now. 不要说的,他好像是躺着就能变强。他也在公会修炼屋里面,花费了不知道多少心血,而且还动用公会积分强化了自身……现在他已经一点积分都没有了。 Sirzechs: Fearful.” 萨泽克斯:“可怕。” Hatsune Miku: You guess right, in the guild everyone estimate has not used the time training room for a long time.” 初音未来:“你猜的没错,公会里面的大家估计已经有好久没有用时间训练屋了。” Old Man is the Marquis: My current this realm, exercised uselessly.” 老夫是侯爵:“我当前这种境界,锻炼了也没用。” Old Marquis shows neither approval nor disapproval, he said is completely the truth. 老侯爵不置可否,他说的全部都是实话。 Kotonoha Katsura: „......” 桂言叶:“……” Izumi Sagiri: shivering from the cold .jpg 和泉纱雾:“瑟瑟发抖.jpg” Edogawa Conan: Therefore the present situation understood...... the early time to try hard very much to conduct the training with the time training room. Basically turned into the powerhouse! Now they have not been able pure grown stronger by the exercise, therefore did not use.” 江户川柯南:“所以现在的情况很明了了……早期能够努力用时间训练屋进行训练的。基本上都变成了强者!现在他们已经无法单纯的靠锻炼变强了,所以不怎么用了。” Conan reorganized own small western-style clothes, look strange said under a few words. 柯南整理了一下自己的小西服,神色古怪的说出了下一段话。 Edogawa Conan: However early does not like cultivating, the strength weak that group of people...... the present are naturally impossible suddenly to change oneself life idea, then depends upon the exercise strengthen......, they are still at the salt fish condition.” 江户川柯南:“而早期不喜欢修炼的,实力较弱的那一批人……现在自然不可能突然改变自己的人生理念,然后依靠锻炼变强……是的,他们依旧处于咸鱼状态。” Madoka Daigo: „!!” 圆大古:“!!” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Good that you said is reasonable, I actually had nothing to say in reply .jpg 高坂京介:“你说的好有道理,我竟然无言以对.jpg” Kōsaka Kirino: I felt that you are suggesting me!” 高坂桐乃:“我感觉你在暗示我!” The Kōsaka Kirino look is subtle. 高坂桐乃神色微妙。 Su Xiaoxiao: In guild, isn't also many rookies in the period of revolution training room?” 苏小小:“公会里面,不是还有很多新人在使用时间训练屋吗?” Su Han selected the brow. 苏寒挑了挑眉头。 Su Xiaoxiao: For example present Qiao Feng.” 苏小小:“比如说现在的乔峰。” Kotonoha Katsura: Indeed.” 桂言叶:“的确。” Gudako: Actually this...... discussed does not have the significance.” 咕哒子:“其实这个……讨论了也没有意义。” Sirzechs: Yes, has the life style of person personally. We only need to manage and that's the end......” 萨泽克斯:“是啊,个人有个人的生活方式。我们只需要管理好自己就是了……” Sirzechs: „To grow stronger, cultivation, wants diligently safely excessively daily, is lying down also does not have any major problem. Had an accident in any case, guild will also send people to rescue! Then obtains accumulated points.” 萨泽克斯:“想要变强,就努力修行,想要安心过日常,那么躺着也没有什么大问题。反正出事了,公会也会派人救援!然后获得积分。” Kotonoha Katsura: A little brutal......, but this indeed said is the truth.” 桂言叶:“有点残酷……但这的确说的是实话。” Su Xiaoxiao: „It seems like, this fight soon ended.” 苏小小:“看起来,这场战斗快要结束了。” Su Han narrows the eye, is looking into the distance. 苏寒眯起眼睛,眺望着远方。 The Qiao Feng battle efficiency is not inferior in Dongfang Bai. But Dongfang Bai in the opening can the steady suppression white jade hall, Chu Liuxiang that sneak attacks again in addition once for a while...... 乔峰的战斗力不逊色于东方白。而东方白在开局就能够稳稳的压制住白玉堂,再加上一个时不时偷袭的楚留香…… white jade hall can support now, the reason only then one, that was he once swallowed all internal strength of the world, caused own background abundantly to the average man not unimaginable situation. Even if received a fatal wound, can still rely on the inner strength cure to continue the life forcefully. 白玉堂之所以能够撑到现在,原因只有一个,那就是他曾经吞噬了一个世界的所有内力,导致自身的底蕴雄厚到了常人无法想象的地步。即便遭受致命伤,也能强行凭借内力治愈续命。 But this eventually is not undying, he came to the end of life. 但这终究不是不死,他走到了生命的尽头。 You...... these fellows.” white jade hall complexion is somewhat fierce, „, since you compelled this situation me, then died together.” “你们……这些家伙。”白玉堂面色有些狰狞,“既然你们把我逼到了这种地步,那么就一起死吧。” The body of white jade hall is inflating, he must detonate all internal strength in within the body. 白玉堂的身躯在膨胀,他要引爆自己体内的所有内力。 Actually, the most internal strength of his within the body are at the quiet condition, is unable to use, because these internal strength exceeded his control area. 其实,他体内的大部分内力都处于沉寂状态,无法动用,因为这些内力超过了他的控制范围。 If he detonates these completely, the lethality that erupts in a flash, dominates in Dongfang Bai and Qiao Feng by far can withstand. 而如果他将这些全部都引爆的话,一瞬间爆发出来的杀伤力,远远凌驾于东方白乔峰所能承受的。 Oh no.” The Dongfang Bai look changes, when she pondered that must from Su Han seeks help, Qiao Feng faced the sky and released a long cry, before instantaneously kills white jade hall body both hands, held his arm, from exposing?” “糟糕。”东方白神色微变,就在她思考要不要向苏寒求助的时候,乔峰仰天长吟,瞬间杀到了白玉堂身前双手,抓住了他的手臂,“自曝吗?” Qiao Feng smiled straightforwardly, revolves Darknorth Divine Merit. 乔峰豪爽一笑,运转起了北冥天功
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