STHS :: Volume #8

#745: The darkness arrives at ( xiv )

Hu... ............ 呼……………” When Rhodes goes out of Stronghold, is afternoon, the sunset glow had bright red luminous in the marginal zone of horizon. Takes a broad view to look to see many mercenary and soldier nervous taking turns, on the entire street is filling the tension-filled atmosphere. Because everyone is very clear, when Sun sets, is the fight once more starts. 罗德走出据点时,已经是下午时分,晚霞在地平线的边缘带起了鲜红色的光亮。放眼望去可以看见不少佣兵士兵正神情紧张的进行轮换,整个街道上弥漫着紧张的气氛。因为每个人都很清楚,当太阳落山的时候,就是战斗再次开始的时候。 However now, the Rhodes mood does not have, a burnt out feeling gushes out from deep in his heart, this looked around the moment, then sat on the central park stone chair. In liveliest the public places as Land of Redemption, always have many people past here, they gather rest here, chat, chat. However now, serious wartime atmosphere has covered entire Fortress, in the originally lively park at this moment actually appears exceptionally lonely, Rhodes like this sits on the chair, bored is looking at the sky on top of the head. His often adjusts present System Panel, then switches off. Then moves, then switches off. If possible, then this time Rhodes wants game in offline really from this, returns to that carefreely „the real world, looks the person to drink the cup liquor or at the fraternity sexually harasses own Junior Sister anything, does not need to be worried about the war there him, does not need to be worried about own life and death. May complain that a next present work is difficult to look, lining up must arrange to become dog, even if tests dozens credentials not to represent to look to be good to work, or envies there hear of others says such and such has a good father who the envy hates, after graduating, directly entered the company to make the management, this was assigns Ah... ............ 但是现在,罗德却一点儿心情都没有,一种倦怠感他的内心深处涌出,他就这样四下张望了片刻,然后一屁股坐在了中心公园旁边的石椅上。作为赎罪之地里最热闹的公共场所,在往日这里总是有很多人,他们聚集在这里休息,谈笑,聊天。但是现在,严肃的战时气氛已经笼罩了整个要塞,原本热闹的公园里此刻倒是显得异常冷清,罗德就这样坐在椅子上,无聊的望着头顶上的天空。他不时的把眼前的系统面板调出来,然后关掉。然后再调出来,然后再关掉。如果可以的话,这个时候的罗德真想从这个“游戏”之中下线,然后回到那个悠闲自在的“现实世界”里,去找人喝杯酒又或者去联谊会上调戏调戏自己的学妹什么的,在那里他不用担心战争,不用担心自己的生死存亡。或许会抱怨一下现在工作难找,排队都要排成狗,就算是考几十个资格证书也不代表能够找个好工作,又或者在那里听别人羡慕嫉妒恨的讲讲某某有个好爹,毕业之后就直接进了公司去做管理层,这都是命啊…………… Perhaps in that world, oneself for the house, the vehicle, the wages will rush about busily, but also to be how insufficient to fall to must be worried own poor life time. He lives in a peace. Peaceful, does not have the country of chaos caused by war, every day worried is the sesame seed big small matter, the graduation thesis, the work, the interview, is the love, bids good-bye, home loan. Marriage, divorce. This is Rhodes should the issue of concern, as for the continent future, own life and death matter, he has not considered. Even if is playing. That more also makes every effort to succeed for player, but, that after all is only a game. But the unreality, you could lead one group of people to hit to spread around the world not to have the rival, but these magnificent experiences and reputations are the least bit help do not have regarding your seeking employment table. Resembles Old Liu, during game he is awe-inspiring Grand Mage, however in real life. He is also an ordinary white-collar. Even if destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth in the game, were respected by ten thousand people, many player see his back to tremble merely, will not help him gain any advantage in the reality. In fact other Rhodes and people will often listen to Old Liu to complain own that arid tasteless work. Incompetent and vanity boss, likes flattering, but could not do the real situation colleague completely, vained, wife who always likes buying some village leather product sufficient name brands. Likes dyeing yellow one pinch of blue one pinch own hair, every day not on time going home by the daughter who oneself worry about. Everyone has own life. Rhodes also clear remembering, oneself first time lead Starlight Guild to participate in Dragon Soul Heart that” Game Company conducts now on invitation the world skills competition, even nearly cannot make the trip for various reasons. Different with these specialized work rooms because of them, in Starlight is only ordinary player, when this also caused must attend the competition to present big pile of troubles. For example Canary wanted on the supplementary class and writes the memoir, the Little Bubble Gum summer vacation work piles a big table, Old Liu must please the leave with pay not know that can approve, Hot Smoke even also planned that was on one's honeymoon while the golden week marriage ............... 或许在那个世界,自己会为了房子,车子,工资忙碌奔波,但是怎么着也不至于落到要担心自己小命的时候。他生活在一个和平。安宁,没有战乱的国家,每天苦恼的都是芝麻大点儿的小事儿,毕业论文,工作,面试,然后是恋爱,分手,房贷。结婚,离婚。这才是罗德应该关心的问题,至于大陆的未来,自己的生死存亡这种事情,他可从来没有考虑过。哪怕是在游戏之中。那更多的也是为了玩家自己争一口气,但是,那毕竟只是一个游戏。而非现实,你或许能够率领一群人在打遍天下无敌手,但是这些辉煌的经历和名声对于你的求职表是半点儿帮助都没有的。就好像老刘,在游戏之中他是威风八面的大法师,但是在现实生活中。他也不过是一个普通的白领罢了。哪怕在游戏里毁天灭地,被万人敬仰,以至于不少玩家仅仅只是看见他的背影瑟瑟发抖,也不会让他在现实之中获得任何好处。事实上罗德和其他人不时都会听老刘抱怨自己那枯燥乏味的工作。无能而又虚荣的上司,喜欢拍马屁但是完全干不了实事的同事,爱慕虚荣,总是喜欢买些山寨皮具充名牌的老婆。还有喜欢把自己头发染成黄一撮蓝一撮,每天都不按时回家让自己操心的女儿。每个人都有自己的生活。罗德现在还清楚的记得,自己第一次率领星光公会应邀参加游戏公司举办的“龙魂之心”世界竞技比赛,甚至因为各种原因差点儿没有能够成行。因为他们和那些专业的工作室不同,星光之中很多都只是普通玩家,这也导致要参加比赛时出现了一大堆的麻烦。比如金丝雀要上补习班和写研究报告,小小泡泡糖的暑假作业堆了一大桌,老刘要请带薪休假还不知道能不能够批下来,火辣香烟甚至还打算趁黄金周结婚度个蜜月…………… If not that side Game Company is responsible for inviting and helps them reimbursing airplane ticket food and lodging and other expenses, in addition the worldwide basis sports event sounds really very much to throw a bluff on, perhaps Rhodes can only alone go to rush to the individual competition champion, as for Starlight, did not have the means to mount the honor of top of world again. This also no wonder, regardless of being glorious, this after all is only the game. Perhaps looks like in Dragon Soul Continent player, can participate in such worldwide basis competition, then reaches to become the king of world is a very glorious matter. But how is the fact? Regarding Canary, she won the chief championship therefore not to add on a point in the college entrance examination to oneself, but regarding Little Bubble Gum, accepted to cheer also the non- delegates'conference to have troop fans before the person to rush to help itself do summer vacation the homework. That feared that is called the law god, how Old Liu must consider to explain to own wife in a terrible fix oneself this time come out to attend the competition, but does not look for any white-collar small honey to have an affair. When at presentation ceremony by wearing three-point bikini the game signboard girl the expression in Old Liu surface is almost cries unable to cry, if no hundreds of thousands Yuan bonus, perhaps he went home to face the threat of a jealous and domineering wife. 如果不是游戏公司那边负责邀请和帮助他们报销机票吃住等费用,再加上世界性赛事听起来实在很唬人,说不定罗德只能够单身前往去闯闯个人赛的冠军,至于星光,也再也没有办法拥有登上世界之顶的荣光了。这也难怪,无论多么荣耀,这毕竟只是游戏。或许在龙魂大陆玩家看来,能够参与这样的世界性竞赛,然后登顶成为世界之王是件非常荣耀的事情。可是事实又是如何呢?对于金丝雀来说,她就算获得了总冠军也不会因此在高考里给自己加上一分,而对于小小泡泡糖而言,在人前接受完欢呼也不代表会有一大群粉丝抢着帮自己写暑假作业。那怕是被称为法神,老刘也必须焦头烂额的考虑怎么向自己老婆解释自己这次出来是参加比赛而不是找什么白领小蜜偷情的。以至于在颁奖典礼上挨着身穿三点式比基尼的游戏招牌女郎时老刘面上的表情几乎是哭都哭不出来,如果不是有十几万元的奖金的话,恐怕他回家就要面临河东狮吼的威胁了。 This is only a game, regardless of being glorious, it will not have any influence regarding the society and entire world. Their victories cannot the destiny of reformation of the world, their failure not make the world perish. Although along with changing with each new day of information society, network game athletics also gradually came into the view of public. However is still not able compares with Olympic Games or the World Cup large-scale sports event like this, in most person eyes, this is still only the dishonest ways. 这只是一个游戏,无论多么荣耀也罢,它对于社会和整个世界不会有任何影响。他们的胜利不会改变世界的命运,他们的失败也不会让世界灭亡。虽然伴随着信息社会的日新月异,网络游戏竞技也逐渐走进了公众的视线。但是依然无法和奥运会或者世界杯这样的大型赛事相比拟,在大多数人眼里,这依然只是歪门邪道。 Perhaps also because of this, they can enjoy the pleasure of game with ease. 或许也正因为如此,他们才能够轻松的享受游戏的乐趣。 However now ............... Oneself actually cannot enjoy this pleasure, can only go on living, even if he who Rhodes expects now does not care about the continent change, does not care about the life and death of other people, but this going on living the pressure of pressure still heavily in own heart, making him feel that is exhausted and tired. 但是现在……………自己却一点儿都享受不到这种乐趣,罗德现在所期望的只能够活下去,哪怕他不在乎大陆的变迁,不在乎其他人的生死存亡,但是这种活下去的压力却依然重重的压在自己的心头,让他感觉到疲惫而劳累。 This may really uninteresting Ah.........” “这可真是一点儿都不有趣啊………” Rhodes closes the panel once more, muttered. 罗德再次关上面板,喃喃自语的说道 After that Rhodes and Canary they discussed for a long time, only felt a future darkness. Although said that present Irene has not entered adulthood, after the strength should not have, is so fearful in the game, but she as the Jurisdiction of the Moon incarnation, attribute strength will not change. In having the situation of moon, wants to defeat, or defeats her is almost impossible. But if really by Irene destroyed three Saintess Statue, then Rhodes can affirm oneself must be finished thoroughly. Although said that perhaps moon camouflage is a great idea. But the issue is Little Bubble Gum or Canary, their jurisdiction rules have nothing to do with this, naturally cannot achieve this point. 在那之后,罗德金丝雀她们讨论了许久,只感觉前途一片黑暗。虽然说现在的伊琳还未进入成年期,实力应该不会有之后在游戏里那么可怕,但是她作为月之权限的化身,本身的属性力量是不会改变的。在有月亮的情况下,想要击败,或者战胜她几乎是不可能。但是如果真的被伊琳毁灭了三座圣少女像,那么罗德可以肯定自己这边就要彻底完蛋了。虽然说或许把月亮遮蔽是个好主意。但问题在于无论是小小泡泡糖还是金丝雀,她们的权限规则都与此无关,自然也做不到这一点。 But those who most make Rhodes not know whether to laugh or cry, in him from Leah there hear the view is. Reason that this Princess Your Highness will run up to the frontline, completely is because she heard beforehand Land of Redemption has repelled the Undead Legion hearsay. Although said the stalemate conditions of several other battlefront also some varying degrees, but only Rhodes this battlefront is actually complete repels Undead Legion, because so has aroused the Irene interest, what existence she wants to have a look to repel the Undead Legion outcome with own eyes neatly is. 而最让罗德哭笑不得的是,在他从丽奥那里听来的说法是。这位公主殿下之所以会跑到前线来,完全是因为她听说了之前赎罪之地击退了不死军团的传闻。虽然说其他几条战线也有不同程度的胶着状况,但是只有罗德这一条战线却是完完全全将不死军团击退,也正是因为如此才引起了伊琳的兴趣,她想要亲眼看看能够干脆利落的击退不死军团的究竟是一个什么样的存在。 After knowing this truth Rhodes can only raise the head asks the heaven speechless, originally is too splendid is also the crime, early knows that he will annoy this thorny character, again hardships that oneself initially should hit a little good ............ However Rhodes is very clear, if does. Perhaps now Fortress early falls to the enemy. If early a little knows this Princess Your Highness purpose in coming, perhaps Rhodes can also display modest a little, low key a little, then makes the neither dead nor alive scene. Perhaps as the matter stands Your Highness Irene cannot see any interesting matter, simply goes home. Then is good to everybody. 在得知这个真相后罗德只能够抬起头来无语问苍天,原来太出色也是罪过,早知道他会把这位棘手的人物惹出来,自己当初就应该打的再艰难困苦一点儿就好…………不过罗德很清楚,如果自己要是真的那么做。恐怕现在要塞早沦陷了。要是早一点儿知道这位公主殿下的来意,说不定罗德还会表现的谦虚一点儿,低调一点儿,然后弄个不死不活的场面。这样一来说不定伊琳殿下看不到什么有趣的事情,干脆打道回府。那对大家都好。 What a pity this world has not regretted after the fact may sell. 可惜这个世界没有后悔药可卖。 Rhodes blinked, in his eyes, in sky slowly rotation huge gold thread formation so striking. 罗德眨了眨眼睛,在他的眼中,天空上缓缓转动的庞大金线法阵是如此的醒目。 Ratio more interesting thing? 还有比这个更有趣的东西吗? Haah ............... 哈啊……………” Thinks of here, Rhodes can't help sighing, he will not show this expression in the face of other people, as Leader, maintains the dignity and self-confident is frequently important. If makes your subordinate see you to look distressed. Then they also with being worried, really even if the matter imagines them is more awful, Rhodes must tell them this matter not to be awful, but the fact ——— was rotten to the core. 想到这里,罗德不由自主的叹了口气,他不会在其他人面前露出这种表情,作为一个领导者,时刻保持威严和自信才是重要的。如果让你的部下看见你愁眉苦脸。那么他们也会跟着担心起来,哪怕事情真的比他们想象的还要糟糕,罗德也要告诉他们这件事情一点儿都不糟糕,而事实已经———糟糕透顶。 Regarding Irene. The Rhodes assurance does not have. This Princess Your Highness sincerity is pampered, most time she treats in Moonlight Castle and Royal Library, or goes to the theater to appreciate the opera and symphony anything. But at that time Rhodes either leads other people to resist with Four Demon Generals on Continent of Light, either is attacks Parliament of Light. Since this Princess Your Highness do not walk, then Rhodes naturally does not have the means and she has exchanged. It is not able to understand the Irene disposition and idea. Only can regarding the exchange description of this Princess Your Highness during return to original state her some situations from the Kingdom of the Night that side forum. However even if so, Rhodes does not believe that Irene meets the good intention, because looked that they look on legion pleasing to the eyes by his destruction situation, that may not only be brain-dead and Holy Mother, betrayed country completely. 对于伊琳罗德一点儿把握都没有。这位公主殿下真心娇贵,大多数时间她都待在月光城堡皇家图书馆里,或者去剧院欣赏歌剧与交响乐什么的。而在那个时候罗德要么率领其他人在光之大陆上与四魔将对抗,要么就是对光之议会进行侵袭。既然这位公主殿下自己不找上门来,那么罗德自然也没有办法和她有所交流。也无法了解伊琳的性格和想法。只能够从夜之国那边论坛上对于这位公主殿下的交流描述之中还原她的部分情况。不过即便如此,罗德也不会相信伊琳会好心到因为看他们顺眼而坐视己方军团被他毁灭的地步,那可不仅仅是脑残圣母,完全就是卖国了。 Finally, he and Canary and the others discussed the a long time/half of the day result is, Canary and Little Bubble Gum do not hesitate at all costs to prevent Irene to start to Saintess Statue to Rhodes guarantee meeting, but Rhodes needs quickly these days as far as possible annihilates these Undead Legion, or routs them directly. Once discovered the rout that one's own side is inevitable, perhaps then this Princess Your Highness will turn around to leave. Naturally, Rhodes also knows, even if adds on them and de-archives later Vivian, can block the Irene time not to be long. But now, opposite party also 14 ten thousand Undead Army, this may absolutely not be a small digit. 最终,他和金丝雀等人讨论了半天的结果就是,金丝雀小小泡泡糖罗德保证会“不惜一切代价”阻止伊琳圣少女像下手,但是罗德必须要在这段时间里尽可能快的消灭掉那些不死军团,或者直接将他们击溃。一旦发现己方的溃败不可避免,那么说不定这位公主殿下就会转身离开。当然,罗德也知道,就算加上她们和解封之后的七恋,能够挡住伊琳的时间也不会太长。而现在,对方还有14万不死大军,这可绝对不是个小数字。 But at this time, a clearness, resounded just like the wind chime interesting to listen to and delicate sound. 而就在这个时候,一个清脆,宛如风铃般动听而柔弱的声音响起。 ............ Rhodes ..................?” “…………罗德………………?” With this chanting in a low voice, Rhodes felt that a somewhat icy cold small hand is touching own cheek gently, he lowered the head, quick saw one with long almost exactly the same, but actually wants the immature immature faces. 伴随着这声低吟,罗德感觉到一只有些冰凉的小手轻轻的触摸着自己的面颊,他低下头去,很快就看见了一张和自己长的几乎一模一样,但是却比自己要稚嫩幼小许多的面孔。 ............ You .........? Is uncomfortable ............?” “…………你怎么了………?不舒服吗…………?” No, Christie.” “没有,克里斯蒂。” Rhodes sat the straight body, in the surface appears in different the gentle happy expressions with normally, he put out a hand, gripped the Christie tender smooth small hand, is gazing at the present girl peacefully. 罗德坐直身体,面上浮现出了与平日里不同的温柔笑意,他伸出手去,握住克里斯蒂的柔嫩光滑的小手,安静的注视着眼前的女孩。 I thought that was a little tired, therefore rests here.” “我只是觉得有点儿累了,所以在这里休息一下。” Said here, Rhodes has stopped slightly, is sizing up present Christie carefully. Since these days he has been busy with dealing with Undead Legion, the too much time have not looked after Christie. However Christie does not have the least bit complaint, the maturity of her supernormal person makes the girl know when oneself should make anything. Rhodes side had understood from Labise there several Christie situations, looks like also good. Moreover according to the view of Labise, Christie has alchemy talent very much, there is magic strength of certain extent. Also believes including these Mage that Marlene brings, Christie can consider studies alchemy technique or magic, certainly will have an achievement. 说道这里,罗德微微停顿了下,仔细打量着眼前的克里斯蒂。这段时间以来他一直在忙于应付不死军团,没有太多的时间来照看克里斯蒂。但是克里斯蒂对此却没有半点儿怨言,她那超常人的成熟让女孩儿知道自己该在什么时候做些什么。罗德曾经侧面从拉碧丝那里了解过几次克里斯蒂的情况,看起来都还不错。而且根据拉碧丝的说法,克里斯蒂很有炼金天赋,也有一定程度的魔法力量。连玛琳带回来的那些法师也认为,克里斯蒂可以考虑去学习炼金术或者魔法,一定会有所成就的。 What kind of? Christie? These days is somewhat dangerous, you fortunately.” “怎么样?克里斯蒂?这段时间有些危险,你还好吧。” ............ Un ......... I very good ......... “…………………我很好………” Hears Rhodes' to inquire, in the Christie surface appeared the gentle happy expression, her gently nodded, replied with the unique that somewhat slow and steady tone. 听到罗德的询问,克里斯蒂的面上浮现出了温柔的笑意,她轻轻点了点头,用特有的那种有些缓慢而平稳的语气回答道。 „...... Labise... Elder Sister ......... Everybody ......... Very much takes care of me ......... I also in ............ Diligently ......... Helps everybody...... ......... For a long time cannot see Rhodes ......... Somewhat lonely ......... “……拉碧丝姐姐………大家………都很照顾我………我也在…………努力………帮助大家……只是………好久看不见罗德………有些寂寞………” This is good.” “这样就好。” Hears the Christie sound, Rhodes felt oneself exhausted seemed swept away, before these puzzled his issue look like as if are now unimportant. He smiles to put out a hand, has touched the hair of Christie gently, strokes facing Rhodes', girl's happy eyes narrowed, she pastes the cheek on the Rhodes' hand palm is rubbing gently, as if a kitten makes the person pity. 听到克里斯蒂的声音,罗德感觉自己刚才的疲惫仿佛被一扫而空,之前那些困扰他的问题现在看起来似乎也没有那么重要了。他微笑着伸出手去,轻轻抚摸了一下克里斯蒂的头发,面对罗德的抚摸,女孩高兴的眯起眼睛,她将面颊贴在罗德的手掌上轻轻的摩擦着,仿佛一只小猫般让人怜悯。 Saw present Christie, the Rhodes innermost feelings to produce several points of guilty. Although the girl crosses here very well, but Rhodes felt oneself have one type the appearance that she abandons, this resembles him to roam about in the street one, crosses the child who is going begging the life to draw from that darkness, then handed over to throw into the welfare home, looks that she played to create a disturbance with other children then satisfied nod, then turned around to leave, the deep concealed merit and name, the matter has flicked the sleeve to be the same. However, this is really she wants? 看见眼前的克里斯蒂,罗德内心产生了几分愧疚。虽然女孩在这里过得很好,但是罗德还是感觉自己有一种把她抛弃的样子,这就好像他把一个在街头流浪,过着乞讨生活的孩子从那黑暗中拉出来,然后转手扔进了福利院,看着她和其他孩子一起嬉戏打闹就满足的点点头,然后转身离开,深藏功与名,事了拂衣去一样。但是,这真是她想要的吗? Rhodes can feel clearly, Christie has a deep dependence to oneself, he is also same, regarding this and Younger Sister long exactly the same girl, Rhodes has not treated as the substitute person of once that person her, but also is always actually paying attention to her. He can deliver to a safer place Christie, helping her cross compared with the present good life, but Rhodes understands, Christie for this reason will not be happy. 罗德可以清楚的感觉到,克里斯蒂对自己有一种深深的依恋,他也一样,对于这个和自己妹妹长的一模一样的女孩,罗德并没有将她当做曾经的那个人的替身,但是却也总是关注着她。他可以把克里斯蒂送到更加安全的地方去,让她过着比现在更好的生活,不过罗德明白,克里斯蒂不会为此高兴的。 ............ Are you all right really......? Rhodes .........?” “…………你真的没事吗……?罗德………?” All right, Christie, I am very good.” “没事,克里斯蒂,我很好。” Hears the Christie restless inquiry, Rhodes shook the head, but the girl actually slightly frowned, somewhat restless is looking at Rhodes. 听到克里斯蒂不安的询问,罗德摇了摇头,但是女孩却微微皱起眉头,有些不安的望着罗德 But ............ I think Rhodes ......... Worries very much ............... “但是…………我觉得罗德………很烦恼……………” ............... “……………” Heard the speech of Christie, Rhodes fell into silent, in the originally quiet park, even more was at this moment tranquil. He lowered the head, is gazing at the foot ground, because of this, Rhodes has not noted, flashes past, the purple flame that from the Christie eye drags. 听到克里斯蒂的说话,罗德陷入了沉默,原本就沉寂的公园之中,此刻越发宁静。他低下头去,注视着脚边的地面,也正因为如此,罗德并没有注意到,从克里斯蒂眼中一闪而过,摇曳的紫色火光。 Clang ......... Clang ............... “铛………铛……………” But in a moment later, rapid bell sound had broken tranquilly, Rhodes looked up toward the sky, this moment Sun submerged under the horizon thoroughly, the darkness is reappearing gradually, covers this world. 而在过了片刻之后,急促的钟声打破了平静,罗德抬起头来向着天空望去,此刻太阳已经彻底没入了地平线之下,黑暗正在渐渐浮现,笼罩这片世界。 Undead Legion came. ( to be continued ) 不死军团来了。(未完待续)
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