SN :: Volume #5

#476: Rescues 3

„The mirage of dying?” Adolf smiles bitterly. My Destiny Sacred Item ability expiration?” “死之幻景?”阿道夫苦笑起来。“我的天命圣器能力失效了么?” In his heart knows, this time, feared was really deceived by great sage. 他心中知道,这一次,怕是真的被大贤者骗了。 The Destiny Sacred Item expiration of his within the body, likely is the ghost who the opposite party pounds. 他体内的天命圣器失效,很可能就是对方捣的鬼。 Died well not to need to be always worried that this was worried about that.” He such tranquil sitting on stair. Is looking at the sky deep blue cloud layer. “死了也好也不用老是担心这担心那。”他就这么平静的坐在台阶上。望着天空蔚蓝的云层。 Looks quickly! What that is!!?” Suddenly Xie Qiaoyue calls out in alarm one. Is pointing at the distant place sky. “快看!那是什么!!?”忽然谢桥月惊呼一声。指着远处天空。 Other five people look in the direction that she refers. 其余五人朝着她指的方向望去。 Distant then sees thick dark clouds, is moving slowly toward their here. 远远的便看到一片浓密的黑云,正缓缓朝他们这里移动过来。 That is not the dark cloud, is the insect!!” And that female who wears the pajamas calls out in alarm suddenly. “不那不是乌云,是虫!!”其中那名穿睡衣的女子忽然惊叫起来。 Adolf carefully looks , that dark clouds at all are not the cloud, but is the countless crowded black insect. 阿道夫仔细看去,果然,那片黑云根本不是什么云,而是无以计数的密集黑虫。 Because the quantity are too much, gathered to turn into cloud same the disaster. 它们因为数量过多,汇聚起来就变成了云一样的天灾。 Adolf looks that the distant place by the place that the dark clouds cover, there all, including the scenery, were being swallowed the tear and bite by the innumerable insects rapidly. 阿道夫看着远处被黑云笼罩的地方,那里的一切,包括景物,都在被无数虫子迅速吞噬撕咬。 Together with entire dies the mirage same place, is vanishing rapidly. 连同整个死之幻景一起,都在迅速消失。 „Is this our final homes to return to?” Some people are crying in a low voice. “这就是我们最后的归宿么?”有人在低声哭起来。 Six people arrived at one unknowingly, stands in a mirage of corner/horn distance dark clouds farthest death, looks at that dark clouds to approach unceasingly. In the heart raises gradually a desperate meaning. 六人不知不觉的走到了一起,站在距离黑云最远的死之幻景一角,望着那片黑云不断逼近。心中都渐渐升起一丝绝望之意。 That dark clouds gradually gradually change into a giant face in the sky. 渐渐的那片黑云逐渐在天空中化为一张巨大的人脸。 Before that face impressively, they have seen Faroudo is exactly the same. 那张脸赫然和之前他们见过的法鲁多一模一样。 He gnawed all that can contact unceasingly, gradually approached six people. 他不断啃噬着所能接触到的一切,逐渐逼近六人。 Then we looked like the soul have not even resulted in remain that old man to say with a sigh. “这下我们看来是连灵魂也没得剩了”那老者叹息道。 Others are silent. 其他人都是沉默。 Adolf tranquil looks at the dark clouds to approach, he can feel that is Faroudo Will obviously, he is swallowing their soul the final strength, serves as other uses. 阿道夫平静的望着黑云逼近,他能够感觉到那是法鲁多意志显化,他在吞噬他们灵魂的最后力量,用作其他用途。 Teacher was sorry, I disappointed your trust “老师抱歉,我辜负你的信任了” He actually knows, knows Lin Sheng has been waiting for him to go back. 他其实知道的,知道林盛一直在等他回去。 Saint Seal can temple to know his safety. 身上的圣印能够让圣殿的人知道他的安危。 But he really betrays, actually everyone in temple is very clear. Has not thought that he reached this position finally. 而他是不是真的背叛,其实圣殿的大家都很清楚。只是没想到他最后还是走到了这个境地。 Adolf thinks are more. 不知不觉间,阿道夫想到了很多很多。 The consciousness, he as if saw King of Night, saw Cardula, saw fatty, saw the parents 意识恍惚中,他仿佛看到了夜之王,看到了卡都拉,看到了胖子,看到了爸妈 Until finally, him as if saw Teacher Lin hold in a piece of white light. 直到最后,他似乎看到了一片白光中的老师林盛。 That is he sees that moment of teacher at first. 那是他最初看到老师的那一刻。 Adolf. Did you give up?” 阿道夫。你放弃了么?” Heavy hoofbeat from resounds slowly behind. 一阵沉重的马蹄声缓缓从身后响起。 Adolf suddenly one startled, has turned head. 阿道夫猛然一惊,回过头。 In him behind, does not know when is reappearing slowly a gigantic pure white vortex. 在他身后,不知道什么时候正缓缓浮现出一个硕大的纯白漩涡。 In vortex, tall and strong big, rides is wearing armor the warhorse fiercely the pure white rewiring knight, the steps go out slowly. 漩涡中,一个魁梧高大,骑着狰狞披甲战马的纯白重装骑士,缓缓踏步走出。 The knights occupy a commanding position, a pair of pale golden dragon eye callous and tranquil gaze in helmet he. The side transmits others unable to bear send out shouted lowly. 骑士居高临下,头盔里的一双淡金色龙眼冷酷而平静的注视着他。身旁传来其余人忍不住发出的低呼。 Is only failure, defeated you thoroughly?” “只是区区一次失败,就将你彻底打垮了么?” The sound that under the knight armor spreads, making Adolf very familiar. 骑士铠甲下传出的声音,让阿道夫无比熟悉。 His whole body shivers fiercely, nose acid, the tears nasal mucus cannot bear complete gushing out altogether. 他猛地浑身颤抖起来,鼻子一酸,眼泪鼻涕忍不住一股脑的全部涌出。 Arrived here, the teacher hadn't given up me??! 就是到了这里,老师也没有放弃我么??! I have betrayed obviously passed, he cannot bear kneel down, has tears streaming down the face. “我明明已经背叛了”噗通一下,他忍不住跪倒在地,泪流满面。 Stands! What to cry to cry!?” Lin Sheng lowers roars. “站起来!哭什么哭!?”林盛低吼一声。 You are my disciple! Even death! I will also pull out the deathtrap you!!” The blood demon that he sits down also followed to spurt a loud nose. Sends out giant beast same depressed howling. “你是我的弟子!就算是死!我也会把你拉出死地!!”他坐下的血魔也跟着喷了个响鼻。发出巨兽一样的沉闷吼叫。 Stands! Follows behind me!” Lin Sheng shouted severely. Looks up to the Faroudo face dark clouds that gradually approaches, the look is ominously severe. “站起来!跟在我后面!”林盛厉喝道。抬头望向逐渐逼近的法鲁多面孔黑云,眼神凶厉起来。 Other five people responded at this time get back one's composure. 其余五人此时才反应回神。 From the beginning emits an vortex suddenly, then inside goes out of one to ride more than three meters high, like the heavy knight of horse same beast of prey, their heart is startled and fears. 一开始身后突然冒出一个漩涡,然后里面走出一个骑着三米多高,如同马一样猛兽的重骑士,他们心头又惊又惧。 Has not thought that person unexpectedly is the Adolf teacher. 只是没想到那人居然是阿道夫的老师。 My God Adolf what background, his teacher can pursue unexpectedly this place!!?” “我的天阿道夫什么来头,他老师居然连这地方都能追过来!!?” What top Demonic Ability Users is difficult to be inadequate is?” “难不成是什么顶级邪能者?” What Demonic Ability Users has to pursue comes to here?” “有什么邪能者能追到这里来?” Others dumbfounded looks that Lin Sheng and its sitting down blood demon slow leave gradually. 其余人目瞪口呆的看着林盛和其坐下血魔缓缓步出。 If changes into other places to be good, but here dies the mirage, is place that only then the soul can have. 要是换成其他地方还好,但这里可是死之幻景,是只有灵魂才能存在的地方。 Moreover since for a long time the most mystical world gap. 而且还是许久以来最为神秘的世界间隙。 Can put on this here, but also existence of bringing import and export vortex, the stupid person should also know opposite party is not simple. 能在这里穿成这样,还自带进出口漩涡的存在,再蠢的人也该知道对方的不简单。 Saw again a Adolf face weeps bitterly kneels down, in the mouth muttered is saying anything. 再看到阿道夫一脸痛哭的跪倒在地,口中喃喃着说着什么。 At this time the fool was still even clear. 这时候就算是傻子也清楚。 Holds the thigh time came!! 抱大腿的时候来了!! The pajamas female is first throws. Has not waited for her to approach, was driven back by the fierce soul strength of blood demon huge terrifying. 睡衣女子是第一个扑上去的。只是还没等她靠近,便被血魔庞大恐怖的狰狞魂力逼退开。 This made just others who prepared to approach halt immediately. 这让刚准备靠近的其余人顿时止步下来。 Xie Qiaoyue also planned to throw. 谢桥月原本也打算扑上去。 After hearing the Lin Sheng speech. She then felt that the sound is so how familiar-sounding. 只是在听到林盛说话后。她便感觉声音怎么那么耳熟。 Quick, makes her deeply hide in the voice of memory deep place, similarly braves from mind. 很快,一股让她深藏在记忆深处的声音,同样从脑海里冒出来。 She thought. 她想起来了。 This is not this is not that!!?” The Xie Qiaoyue complexion blanch, hurries to leave Lin Sheng to move quietly. “这不是这不是那个!!?”谢桥月面色发白,赶紧离林盛悄悄挪远一点。 If pure thinking Lin Sheng is a Savior, that was completely mistaken. 如果单纯的以为林盛是救世主,那就大错特错了。 She is clearly at present this status strength. 她可是最清楚眼前这位的身份实力。 Initially the Iron Fist Assembly big shot were horrendous, is completely not the attitude of correct path influence. 当初铁拳会的大佬们杀人如麻,完全就不是什么正道势力的作风。 This big shot, by too if nearly annoys the opposite party is not happy that fell that really to get what one deserves by one blade second. 这种大佬,靠得太近要是惹对方不高兴了,被一刀秒掉那就真是活该了。 Lin Sheng has not paid attention to Xie Qiaoyue at this time. 林盛此时没有理会谢桥月 But raised the head to gaze at the dark clouds that the distant place is approaching unceasingly. 而是抬头注视着远处不断逼近的黑云。 Only consciousness obviously.” “区区一点意识显化。” His right hand opens. Innumerable pure white Saint Force condense rapidly, changes into a three meters long giant Saint sword. 他右手张开。无数洁白圣力急速凝聚,化为一把三米多长的巨大圣剑。 Blood demon!” His drinks lowly. “血魔!”他一声低喝。 The place hemorrhaging demon shouts one immediately, the whole body sends out the thick blood red soul strength. 座下血魔顿时嘶吼一声,浑身散发出浓浓血红魂力。 This soul strength covers all around indistinct swaying some mirages of death in an instant. Let him consolidate. 这股魂力转眼笼罩住四周隐约有些摇晃的死之幻景。让其重新稳固起来。 „The divine protection of storm.” Lin Sheng lifts up high the great sword, on the sword blade lingers rapidly the big piece white silk thread air current. “风暴之加护。”林盛高举巨剑,剑身上急速萦绕起大片白色丝线般气流。 Huge such as sea tide Saint Force twines rapidly on the Saint sword. 庞大如海潮的圣力急速缠绕在圣剑上。 Cuts!!” “斩!!” In an instant in all person eyes shines a white line. 刹那间所有人眼中亮起一条白线。 Blazing the goal white light to divide into two front space in an instant. 炽目的白光转眼将面前的空间一分为二。 The Saint Force great sword scrap in Lin Sheng hand, changes into the innumerable granule luminous spots to spew out with a crash. 林盛手中的圣力巨剑砰然炸碎,化为无数粒子光点喷涌而出。 The strong winds writings, the air current revolves. Is pulling everyone hair and clothes. 狂风大作,气流旋转。拉扯着所有人头发和衣服。 The sword in Lin Sheng hand, changes into pure white storms in an instant, blows wild to the sky dark clouds. 林盛手中的剑,刹那间化为一片纯白暴风,狂暴吹向天空黑云。 The white wind and black cloud extrude the annihilation mutually. Forms massive tiny gray electric arcs. 白色的风和黑色的云相互挤压湮灭。形成大量细小的灰色电弧。 „Did strength grow stronger?” Lin Sheng cold snort/hum. Depresses killing intent in eye forcefully. “力量又变强了么?”林盛冷哼一声。强行压下眼中的杀意。 Walks.” “走。” He transfers the horse's head, enters behind the vortex directly. 他调转马头,直接走进身后漩涡。 Adolf wipes the tears nasal mucus that turns one's face, sets out with coming up quickly. 阿道夫一抹抹掉脸上的眼泪鼻涕,快步起身跟上去。 Xie Qiaoyue responded immediately, drew a pajamas female. 谢桥月立马反应过来,拉了一把身边的睡衣女子。 Runs!!” She loudly calls out, starts to reduce while the vortex when with others, crushes into the vortex altogether, vanishes does not see. “跑啊!!”她大叫一声,和其余人趁着漩涡开始缩小时,一股脑挤进漩涡,消失不见。
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