SN :: Volume #5

#474: Rescues 1

The legend is born here. 传说在这里诞生。 The history annihilates here. 历史在这里湮灭。 Timeless revolving rotation of dark gray huge vortex in sky. 灰黑的巨大漩涡在天空中亘古不变的旋转转动。 In the land finds at everywhere the huge jet black distortion column of smoke, in the column of smoke often can see the surface to have painful face up and down. 大地上随处可见庞大漆黑的扭曲烟柱,烟柱中不时能够看到表面有痛苦的人脸浮浮沉沉 These are the innumerable souls that came from other world ingestions. 那些是从其他世界摄取而来的无数灵魂。 Some of them are human, some trouble-makers. 他们中有的是人类,有的是非人。 But no matter what race, after the death, once their souls arrived here, that was doomed not to be separated to become the destiny of food. 但不管什么种族,死亡后,他们的灵魂一旦来到了这里,那就注定脱离不了成为食粮的命运。 Giant black columns of smoke earth day after day, as if the great column of support world, the entire this world will change into the cavern. 一根根巨大的黑色烟柱连天接地,仿佛支撑天地的巨柱,将整个这片世界化为洞穴。 Hades, was called Dust World. 冥府,又被称之为尘埃世界 Has the huge world at the back of the world, for a long time, takes absorbing many souls exists as the nourishment. 是存在于世界背面的庞大世界,长久以来,以吸收诸多灵魂为养料而存在。 The soul of the world regarding here, the good soul wicked soul, is the nutritious own good tonic. 世界的灵魂对于这里而言,无论是善魂还是恶魂,都是滋补自身的上好补品。 Paint black smoke columns dense and numerous land that covers entirely is the black crack. 一根根漆黑烟柱密密麻麻遍布满是黑色裂缝的大地。 And in thickest column of smoke. 其中一根最为粗大的烟柱中。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! Giant pitch-black sharp claws, find out the column of smoke slowly. 一只巨大的乌黑利爪,缓缓探出烟柱。 The sharp claws have three sharp thick claw thorns , is the thick strong gray arm, the upper body, as well as a giant alligator head. 利爪有着三根尖锐粗大的爪刺,紧接着,便是粗大强壮的灰色手臂,上身,以及一颗巨大的鳄鱼头颅。 Walks from the column of smoke, is a several hundred-meter giant alligator person. 从烟柱中走出来的,是一头高达上百米的巨型鳄鱼人。 In its green eyeball is glittering the wild cruel light, indistinctly follows in the consciousness to transmit summoned slightly. 它绿色的眼珠里闪烁着狂暴残忍的光,遵循着意识里隐约传来的细微召唤上。 A its claw rips open front space, delimits a jet black crack, gradually walked. 它一爪撕开面前的空间,划出一条漆黑裂缝,缓步走了进去。 „Can Faroudo summon many main body quickly?? Laughable, I, Demon Blade Official Silvies, responded to your request.” A huge inexplicable language sound shakes in the surroundings spreads. 法鲁多这么快就要召唤更多本体了??可笑,我,魔刃官希尔维斯,回应你的请求。”一个庞大的莫名语言声音在周围震荡传开。 In it prepares to close the space crack. 就在它准备关闭空间裂缝时。 The pure white light beam drops from the clouds together baseless, accurate falling to this giant column of smoke side. Happen to situated in crack edge that it rips open. 一道洁白光柱凭空从天而降,准确的落到这根巨大烟柱身旁。正好处于它撕开的裂缝边缘。 Light beam compared with column of smoke, slender sharp, enters the land just like the white sharp barbed nail. 光柱比起烟柱而言,纤细锋利,宛如白色尖刺钉入大地。 Small size, but the strength fluctuates is not weak. 体积小了很多,但力量波动并不弱。 „Is here Hades?” When the Demon Blade Official Silvies surprise. A low and deep sound shakes from the light beam. “这里就是冥府么?”就在魔刃官希尔维斯诧异之时。一股低沉的声音从光柱中出震荡出来。 Hiss!!! 嘶!!! In an instant in the white light light beam just like the ink to drip into the clear water, spreads massive white light mark suddenly. 刹那间白光光柱中犹如墨汁滴入清水,瞬息间扩散出大量白色光纹。 In innumerable light marks, together the pure white knight of whole body heavy armor, static float in light beam, slowly vicissitude. 无数光纹中,一道浑身重铠的纯白骑士,静静悬浮在光柱内,缓缓浮沉。 Here is Great Divine Pillar, is the places of Hades many Divine Official deep sleep. Are you?” Demon Blade Official felt that pure white light a little sweeps away all flavors overbearingly, first asks. “这里是大神柱,乃是冥府诸多神官沉睡之地。你是?”魔刃官感觉那种纯粹的白光有点霸道横扫一切的味道,先开口询问道。 I am the Holy Spirits king!” “我乃圣灵王!” The pure white knight body inflates suddenly increases, the head gives birth to two sharp spiral corners, a more terrifying Chaotic Soul Force strength inexhaustible combines Saint Light to spread toward all around. 纯白骑士身体骤然膨胀变大,头上生出两根尖锐螺旋犄角,一股更加恐怖的混乱魂力力量无穷无尽的混杂着圣光朝四周蔓延。 These Saint Light and Chaotic Soul Force, enter Hades, looks like the pack of wolves to crash in the sheepfold, everywhere one visit is kills and burns to plunder completely, does not have gathers the strength of resistance. 这些圣光混乱魂力,一进入冥府,就像是狼群冲进羊圈,所到之处完全就是烧杀抢掠,无一合抵抗之力。 Bang!! 轰!! Magnanimous Saint Force and Chaotic Soul Force form to exceed the ranker level the tyrannical strength, explodes instantaneously, radiates to the surrounding several hundred meters places. 海量的圣力混乱魂力形成超越列等使层次的强横力量,瞬间爆开,辐射到周围数百米处。 Changes into white to cover the surrounding area several hundred meters. 将方圆数百米化为一片白色笼罩。 This makes Demon Blade Official somewhat despise its build thoughts, immediately restrains. 这让魔刃官原本有些轻视其体型的心思,顿时收敛起来。 The intuition told him, the strength nature that opposite party as if restrained him. Really must hit, even he compared with opposite party strength, the final outcome possibly is not still optimistic. 直觉告诉他,对方的力量性质似乎非常克制他。真要打起来,就算他比对方实力强,最终结果也可能不大乐观。 Holy Spirits king? I am Hades vanguard Demon Blade Official Silvies!” In the space crack, the alligator person goes out arrives at the original position back and forth, occupies a commanding position to stare at Lin Sheng. 圣灵王?我是冥府先锋魔刃官希尔维斯!”空间裂缝中,鳄鱼人重新走出来回到原先位置,居高临下凝视林盛 Lin Sheng also looks up to this several hundred-meter huge monster. 林盛同样抬头看向这个高达数百米的庞然巨物。 Both build is disparate, but in the imposing manner actually shares half and half faintly. 两者体型悬殊,但气势上却隐隐平分秋色。 I have never heard the title of Holy Spirits king, once had the vicinity space to have one crowd of self-proclaimed Demonic Spirits ethnic group actually.” Silvies life span is glorious, the nature has had hearing to Demonic Spirits. “我从未听闻过圣灵王的称号,倒是曾经有个近处空间存在着一群自称邪灵的族群。”希尔维斯寿命悠久,自然对邪灵有过耳闻。 My strength has not started completely, but Demon Word Official Faroudo of your Hades, is unexpectedly unprepared while me, kills my disciple, captures his soul!” Lin Sheng said coldly. Without the direct reaction opposite party's speculation. “我的力量还未完全启动,而你们冥府的魔言官法鲁多,居然趁我不备,杀死我的弟子,夺取他的灵魂!”林盛冷言道。没有直接回答对方的猜测。 Demon Word Official Faroudo?” When Demon Blade Official Xierweisidun laughs. It seems like you also planned looks for that fellow troublesome. Demon Word Official Faroudo, the enemy in Hades may be many. What kind of? Wants us to get rid of him jointly?” 魔言官法鲁多?”魔刃官希尔维斯顿时大笑起来。“看来你也是打算去找那家伙的麻烦的。魔言官法鲁多,在冥府的对头可不少。怎么样?要不要我们联手干掉他?” Enemy?” Lin Sheng thinks that has a war, without thinking one hears this content information. “对头?”林盛原以为进来就有一场大战,没想到一来就听到这种内容情报。 What is good is they are controls the soul strength the top player, language directly with the soul strength exchange on the line, does not need to be worried about language barrier. 还好的是他们都是操控魂力的顶尖高手,语言方面直接用魂力交流就行,不用担心语言不通。 Otherwise perhaps he will really miss here important intelligence. 否则他或许真的会错过这里的重要情报。 Is this.” Demon Blade Official said with a smile, „, otherwise you thought so many Divine Official, why his can slip out quickly. In Great Divine Pillar, he had offended Divine Official may be not infrequent. “就是这样。”魔刃官笑道,“否则你以为这么多神官,为什么偏偏就他一个能这么快溜出去。大神柱内,他曾经得罪过的神官可不在少数。 However is the enemy are too here many, more came the language is not good to mix. If knows that he runs away secretly, these Divine Official will not easily let off him. ” 不过是在这里敌人太多,越来语不好混了而已。若是知道他偷偷跑出去,那些神官可不会轻易放过他。” Right?” Lin Sheng heart thought racing. Said, you should know where Demon Word Official Faroudo main body is at?” “是吗?”林盛心头念头急转。“这么说,你应该知道魔言官法鲁多本体在哪吧?” Does not know. If by other Divine Official is easily known own main body, the Faroudo not possible so many years also to live well.” Silvies sneers saying that looks at the aura fluctuation that you come, should come from the world of human beings? We must look for a passing road junction that again goes to the world of human beings .... “不知道。如果被其他神官轻易知道自己本体,法鲁多也不可能这么多年还活得好好的了。”希尔维斯冷笑道,“看你过来的气息波动,应该是不是从人界过来的吧?我们得再找一个前往人界的通道口....” I can open the channel to world of human beings.” Lin Sheng calmly said. But, since your I want to kill Faroudo. What then you do have to be good to plan?” “我可以打开通往人界的通道。”林盛平静道。“不过,既然你我都想杀死法鲁多。那么你有什么好计划?” Plan has. Faroudo are too many in the Hades enemy, therefore has to find the opportunity to flee from here by any means possible. “计划是有。法鲁多在冥府仇家太多,所以不得不千方百计找机会想要逃离这里。 This time was found the opportunity by him, we must strike to be killed violently, thorough obliterate his soul. Therefore the plan is impossible easily to tell you. ” Xierweisitan said. 这次被他找到机会,我们必须一击毙命,彻底抹杀他灵魂。所以计划不可能轻易就告诉你。”希尔维斯坦言道。 I understood.” Lin Sheng nods, „, but, if I help you open the world of human beings channel, should be able to show that I wasn't the Faroudo planted agent?” “我理解。”林盛点头,“不过,如果我帮助你打开人界通道,应该就能证明我不是法鲁多的内应了吧?” This.” Demon Blade Official refreshed say/way, „, so long as can open the world of human beings channel, locates to Faroudo main body. I had drawn Divine Official again, when the time comes begins together.” “这个可以。”魔刃官爽快道,“只要能打开人界通道,定位到法鲁多本体。我已经再拉了一个神官,到时候一起动手。” „After best is to make Faroudo arrive the main body summon thoroughly, begins again together. I want his soul to fall from the sky, does not keep sediment!” Lin Sheng ruthless sound said. “最好是让法鲁多彻底将本体召唤降临后,再一起动手。我要他魂魄陨灭,不留一点渣滓!”林盛狠声道。 Such words, you must first take into the world of human beings us. Otherwise when the time comes arrives temporarily, our strengths are not enough to kill Faroudo completely. “不过这样的话,你必须先将我们带进人界。否则到时候临时降临,我们的实力不足以完全杀死法鲁多 Even cannot be victorious, he as Demon Word Official, the skill of escape is extremely strong. Cannot have tiny bit lax. ” Silvies said in a low voice. 就算打不过,他身为魔言官,逃命的本事极强。不能有一丝一毫的松懈。”希尔维斯低声道。 Ok.” The Lin Sheng surface is angry, but in the heart does not have the fluctuation. “可以。”林盛表面愤怒,但心中却是毫无波动。 In this big fellow surface is thinks not only kills Faroudo, and can find an excuse enters the world of human beings to enjoy. 这个大块头表面上是想既杀死法鲁多,又能借故进入人界享受。 What he cannot think, present world of human beings, regarding the invasion of Hades actually not most essential. 只是他想不到的是,现在的人界,对于冥府的侵入其实并不是最关键。 Most dangerous is actually Black Tide. 最危险的其实是黑潮 Dust World Hades and threat of Black Tide complete two different rank. 尘埃世界冥府和黑潮完全两个不同等级的威胁。 But superficially, Dust World Nether Energy and dead air/Qi, are very similar to Black Tide black aura. 只不过表面上看,尘埃世界冥能和死气,和黑潮黑气很相似。 But in fact this is the different type two strengths. 但实际上这是不同种类的两种力量。
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