SN :: Volume #5

#466: Final fragment 3

Lin Sheng calculated under to enter the Demonic Spirit World time. 林盛计算了下自己进入邪灵界的时间。 He this treated for a month in Demonic Spirit World, but converts, in Outerworld is also less than one week. 他这趟在邪灵界里足足待了一个多月,但换算出来,在外界也就是一个星期不到。 The time speed of flow makes his not adapt to date cognitive some. 时间流速让他对日期的认知有些不适应。 Walks in the Henrikara street. 走在恒瑞卡拉的街头。 In the city safe area, once left uncultivated the building that abandons, in abundance because of flooding into of massive stream of people, but glows the youth. 城区安全区内,一栋栋曾经荒废废弃的建筑物,纷纷因为大量人流的涌入,而焕发青春。 The petrol vehicle of street had been cleaned up, but changed into cleaner electrical energy car(riage). 街头的汽油车辆已经被清理了很多,而换成了更加清洁的电能车。 Most electrical energy car(riage)s after the transformation, changed into a more practical petite structure. 大部分电能车都经过改造,换成了更实用的娇小结构。 The area of safe area is limited, to hold more crowds, to improve a crowder transportation. 安全区的面积有限,为了容纳更多的人群,为了改善更拥堵的交通。 The Benne University workshops, transform nowadays new electrical energy car(riage). 贝恩大学的工坊们,改造出了现如今的这种新性电能车。 They compared with common vehicles small about half, moreover can the short low-altitude flying. Eased the traffic pressure of safe area greatly. 它们比一般车辆小了近半,而且还能短暂的低空飞行。大大缓解了安全区的交通压力。 Lin Sheng walks on the avenue, saw that car(riage)s roll by from the ground, shuttles back and forth from the midair between floors. 林盛走在大街上,看到一辆辆车从地上驶过,还有从楼层之间的半空中穿梭。 This should be the marvelous sight of future metropolis, at this time actually clear presents in him at present. 这幅本应属于未来都市的奇景,此时却清晰的呈现在他眼前。 Henrikara is very perfect , to promote of Dusk Temple, because before Hands of Nether World time forgot. Now can under processing.” 恒瑞卡拉已经很完善了,黄昏圣殿的提升,之前因为冥界之手的时候忘记了。现在都是可以去处理下。” Lin Sheng is walking easely, arrived at the temple branch from the research center quickly again. 林盛悠然行走着,很快从研究中心再度来到了圣殿分部。 Saint Force that Dusk Temple saves is very huge, big Saint Force Pond had the flood condition to be very long. Escape Saint Force even lets around temple in the air, scatters the white fluorescence indistinctly. 黄昏圣殿积攒的圣力已经很庞大了,大圣力池出现满溢状态很久了。逸散的圣力甚至让圣殿四周的空中,都隐约飘散出点点白色荧光。 That is the Saint crystal. 那是圣晶。 So long as needs to use Saint Force in the temple, they spontaneous transforms again, changes into pure Saint Force. 只要在圣殿需要使用圣力时,它们会自发的再度转化回去,化为纯粹的圣力 Lin Sheng leisurely strolls to enter the temple, has not alarmed anybody, arrives at prayer hall quietly. 林盛信步走进圣殿,没有惊动任何人,悄然来到祈祷厅 At this time in prayer hall the nobody left, the front door tightens. 此时祈祷厅里空无一人,大门紧锁。 Generally is not the pray time, here does not allow anybody to pass in and out at will. 一般不是祈祷时间,这里是不允许任何人随意进出的。 Before Lin Sheng arrives at prayer stage, closes eyes slowly. 林盛走到祈祷台前,缓缓闭目。 Hiss... 嘶... In the present darkness, published a gigantic Henrikara map instantaneously. 眼前的黑暗中,瞬间多出了一个硕大的恒瑞卡拉地图。 Map like sand table, by Lin Sheng thought gently turn clockwise. 地图如同沙盘,被林盛意念轻轻顺时针转动。 Ka... 咔... Immediately in the map transmits a slight sound, the sand table shape terrain sinks slowly, then separates from the middle. 顿时地图中传来一阵细微的响动,沙盘状的地形缓缓下沉,然后从中间分开。 The entire Henrikara topographic diagram was divided into two, from separated opening, raises together the gray-black stone column. 整个恒瑞卡拉地形图被一分为二,从分开的裂口里,又升起一块灰黑色石柱。 On the black stone column has clear being in charge. 黑色石柱上有着一个清晰的掌印。 Please confirm the lines on the hand. The opening next stepping step, needs the temple binding person lines on the hand.’ ‘请验证掌纹。开启下一步进阶,需要圣殿绑定人掌纹。’ That gentle female voice resounds again. 那个柔和的女声再度响起。 Lin Sheng walks up. 林盛走上前去。 Puts out a hand, presses the right hand gently in the stone column lines on the hand. 伸出手,将右手轻轻按在石柱掌纹上。 Lines on the hand determines. Welcome you to open the choice contact surface.’ ‘掌纹确定完毕。欢迎您开启选择界面。’ Shortly, Lin Sheng presents the recent tree derivation at present suddenly. 顷刻间,林盛眼前骤然出现新的树形图。 From the Dusk Temple inscription, extends the line upwardly, formed six different branches. 黄昏圣殿字样开始,向上延伸线条,多形成了六个不同分支。 May increase divine spell: ‘可添加神术: 1 Hope Force temple.( May absorb the strength of life desire, making fabricated lamp spirits.) 愿力神殿。(可吸收生灵愿望之力,制造虚妄灯灵。) ( The fabricated lamp spirits: Eight levels of energy lifeform, excel at the long-distance range technique law control attack.) (虚妄灯灵:八级能量生物,擅长远距离术法控制攻击。) Needs Saint Force: 50,000. Most may promote 3rd Level. 需要圣力:五万。最多可提升三级 2 evening red pond( absorbs the strength of Dusk, special Saint Force Pond that the invasion transforms. The pool of water can transform the special Saint Light lifeform ordinary lifeform certain probability.) 夕红之池(吸取黄昏之力,侵染改造的特殊圣力池。池水可以将普通生物一定几率改造成特殊圣光生物。) ( Saint Light lifeform: Compatible Saint Force, has the special lifeform of powerful physique and resiliency.) (圣光生物:亲和圣力,拥有强大体质和恢复力的特殊生物。) Needs Saint Force: 10,000. Most may promote 3rd Level. 需要圣力:一万。最多可提升三级 The 3 links of aids( take a lot of Saint crystals to condense for the entity, forms in the protection temple range the special fields of force of all lives. The force field can aid the followers to reduce a spiritual soul kind of attack.) 护佑之环(以大量圣晶凝聚为实体,形成守护圣殿范围内所有生灵的特殊力场。力场可以护佑信徒们减免精神灵魂类攻击。) Needs Saint Force: 100,000. Most may promote 3rd Level. 需要圣力:十万。最多可提升三级 4 condense Saint River( after huge Saint Force liquefies to invade the land, caused the life of this place birth, in the physique inborn more compatible Saint Force. Practicing the Saint Force aptitude is better.) 凝聚圣河(以庞大圣力液化后侵染土地,使此地出生的生灵,体质上天生更亲和圣力。修行圣力资质更好。) Needs Saint Force: 1 million. Cannot promote. 需要圣力:一百万。不可提升。 The light of 5 trials( the strength of Dusk unifies the Saint Force Pond huge accumulation, takes the sound of Saint chanting as to start the key, may try in the attack temple range to exist instantaneously willfully. 审判之光(黄昏之力结合圣力池庞大积累,以圣咏之音为启动钥匙,可瞬间审判攻击圣殿范围内任意存在。 The light of might trial, how much takes Saint Force that in Saint Force Pond accumulates for the corresponding standard. Saint Force are more, the might is stronger.) 审判之光威力,以圣力池中积累的圣力多寡为对应标准。圣力越多,威力越强。) ( Please note, the authorization of light of trial can only have three people. After the light of release trial, will consume all accumulation Saint Force Pond Saint Force. Please use discretely.) (请注意,审判之光的授权只能有三人。释放一次审判之光后,将消耗掉所有积存的圣力池圣力。请谨慎使用。) Needs Saint Force: 1 million. Cannot promote. 需要圣力:一百万。不可提升。 6 Saint crystal ponds.( May promote the capacity to ten million. In certain cycle, the Saint crystal will choose the soul enough pure powerful individual spontaneously, consuming the Saint crystal its transformation is Holy Spirits.) 圣晶池。(可提升容量到一千万。一定周期内,圣晶将自发选择灵魂足够纯净强大的个体,消耗圣晶将其转化为圣灵。) ( Holy Spirits: With powerful soul life that Saint Force fuses together, has before death all memory and personalities, with resurrecting not different.) (圣灵:与圣力融为一体的强大灵魂生命,拥有生前一切记忆和人格,与复活无异。) Needs Saint Force: 1 million. Cannot promote. ’ 需要圣力:一百万。不可提升。’ Sees finally, Lin Sheng notices, the terminal of this light screen also has the tiny language indication. 看到最后,林盛注意到,这个光幕的末端还有着细小的文字标示。 This six divine spell are may promote the edition finally. After divine spell promotes, the Dusk Temple complete body construction ended. This vectoring procedure will carry out the self-destruction.’ ‘此六种神术为最终可提升版本。神术提升完毕后,黄昏圣殿完全体建造结束。此引导程序将执行自毁。’ „Were these final shape?” Lin Sheng somewhat is faintly disappointed. “这些就是最后的形态了么?”林盛隐隐有些失望。 However changes mind thinks, the ceremony strategy of this temple construction, actually is in itself only the product that Black Feather City these Grandmasters make. 不过转念一想,这个圣殿建造的仪式阵法,其实本身只是黑羽城的那些大师们制造出来的产物。 In fact the rank is not very high. 实际上等级并不是很高。 Can go to this situation, it is estimated that is the limit that they can contact. 能够达到这个地步,估计已经是他们所能接触的极限了。 He looked at the eye most under big Saint Force Pond capacity. 他看了眼最下方的大圣力池容量。 Inside is just 1 million Saint Force total. 里面刚好就是一百万的圣力总数。 Therefore his without slightest hesitation selected the option of Saint crystal pond. 于是他毫不犹豫的点了圣晶池的选项。 Buzz. 嗡。 In the darkness as if had anything to vibrate, then finished quickly. 黑暗中仿佛有什么东西震动了下,然后很快结束。 The Saint Force total quantity drops instantaneously is zero. The rapid snapping back, restored about 200,000. 圣力总量瞬间跌落为零。紧接着又迅速回弹,恢复到了二十万左右。 „The quantity of being did before condense the Saint crystal that transforms?” Lin Sheng had guessed. “是之前凝聚的圣晶转化回来的数量?”林盛有所猜测。 200,000 Saint Force, said that were many says little much. He lost simply completely on the link of aid. Promoted 2nd Level it. 二十万的圣力,说多不多说少不少。他索性全部丢在了护佑之环上。将其提升到了二级 Chooses, all the step will be completed in the later several days. 选择完毕,所有进阶都将在之后的数日里完成。 Lin Sheng withdraws from the operating space. 林盛退出操作空间。 Determined after Henrikara and Xilun that side temple headquarters have no issue, he then however returns the research center leisurely, confessed under that little girl peach something needing attention in noodle restaurant, then return to the Demonic Spirits palace through the Demonic Spirits gate again. 确定了恒瑞卡拉西轮那边的圣殿总部都没有什么问题后,他便施施然重新回到研究中心,交代了下面馆里的那个小女孩桃子一些注意事项,便再度通过邪灵门回到邪灵宫。 Critical moment that now the last fragment soon found, he must the attention, want first to go frequently when necessary. 如今正是最后一块碎片快要找到的紧要关头,他必须时刻关注,必要时要第一时间亲身前往。 Just stepped into the Demonic Spirits palace. 刚一踏入邪灵宫。 Immediately then has the Demonic Spirits guard to deliver the military situation. 马上便有邪灵卫兵送上军情。 Degar Demon Hand presents the military situation urgent report rapidly. 德嘉尔魔手迅速呈上军情急报。 Lin Sheng stands in front of Demonic Spirits, received the urgent report to take a fast look around in a hurry. 林盛站在邪灵门前,接过急报匆匆扫视。 Black desert presents the highest order powerhouse, the vanguard army is routed, Centaur King caused heavy losses.’ ‘黑色沙漠出现最高位强者,先锋大军被击溃,人马王被重创。’ Un? Just now goes in runs into the powerful enemy?” Lin Sheng is somewhat surprised. “恩?才刚进去就遇到强敌了?”林盛有些意外。 The Centaur King strength, under him is middle-grade. 人马王的实力,在他麾下算是中等的。 Compared with Degar Demon Hand, Faerie Queen, stronger. But here just sent out to cause heavy losses unexpectedly? 德嘉尔魔手,妖精王,都要强。但在这里居然刚一出动就被重创了? Now situation how? Relates that side Centaur King to me.” “现在情况如何?给我联系人马王那边。” His general reported conveniently loses to Degar Demon Hand. 他随手将军报丢给德嘉尔魔手 Brother Giants King and Sin Mother Dragon have gone to support. Should quick be able to retreat.” Degar Demon Hand returns said. 巨人王兄弟和罪龙母已经前去支援了。应该很快就能撤退回来。”德嘉尔魔手回道。 Knows the information of opponent?” Lin Sheng asked again. “知道对手的情报么?”林盛再问。 Understood.” Degar gives Lin Sheng the second information. “了解到了一些。”德嘉尔将第二份情报递给林盛 Lin Sheng receives to take a fast look around, immediately reveals the colors of some accidents/surprises. 林盛接过来扫视一遍,顿时露出有些意外之色。 Interesting. A little meaning!” His corners of the mouth check, cannot bear show an inexplicable happy expression. “有意思。有点意思!”他嘴角一勾,忍不住露出一丝莫名的笑意。 Degar said rapidly: „ What routs Centaur King is a chest embed has the big man of transparent circular gem. 德嘉尔迅速道:“击溃人马王的是一名胸膛镶嵌有透明圆形宝石的高大男子。 His self-proclaimed Hope Moonstone envoy, has been predicted comes to strangle to death the foreign territory to come the enemy. Determined after the inquiry Centaur King and status of Demonic Spirits army, he launches the attack immediately. ” 自称愿月石使者,得到预言前来绞杀外域来敌。在询问后确定了人马王邪灵军队的身份,他就马上展开攻击。” How does he defeat Centaur King?” Lin Sheng had guessed correctly the status of opposite party probably, lightly said. “他是怎么击败人马王的?”林盛已经大概猜到了对方的身份,淡淡道 That person of strength is extremely strong, the martial arts technique is also adept . Moreover the most important thing is, his resistance is much stronger, the soul attack, is other anything attribute technique law, is useless to him. “那人的力量极强,武道技艺也非常娴熟,而且最重要的是,他的抗性强得可怕,无论是灵魂攻击,还是其他什么属性术法,对他都没用。 Even if beheads it, digs the heart, has no way to kill him. In an instant he will recover immediately. 而且就算将其斩首,挖心,都没法杀死他。转眼他就会马上复原。 Centaur King does not observe for a while, by its sneak attack heavy losses. ” 人马王就是一时不察,被其偷袭重创。” Lin Sheng nods. 林盛点点头。 Makes Faerie Queen, Brother Giants King, Sin Mother Dragon take subordinate strength, goes in completely. I must capture alive that man.” “让妖精王,巨人王兄弟,罪龙母带上麾下力量,全部进去。我要活捉那男人。” If he has not guessed that wrong, finally that fragment, should have the self-awareness, therefore operated it to grant the powerhouse of strength, came to wait for gains without pains. 如果他没猜错的话,最后那块碎片,应该是有了自我意识,所以操纵它赐予了力量的强者,前来守株待兔。 Because Lin Sheng induces to his time, it also induced here reverse, at that time touched draws back. 因为林盛感应到他的时候,它也反向感应到了这边,当时就一触即退。 At that time Lin Sheng thinks that is the spontaneous energy response of last fragment. 那时候林盛以为,那是最后一块碎片的自发能量反应。 Has not actually thought that is the last fragment has the important manifestation of self-awareness. 却没想到那是最后一块碎片拥有自我意识的重要表现。
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