SN :: Volume #4

#304: Duty 3

Everyone is gold-plated, in a team, naturally were many many identities. 大家都是来镀金的,在一个队伍里,自然就多了不少认同感。 The duty danger has, but were too slightly more than other duties. 任务危险是有的,不过比其他任务小太多了。 Said, Destiny Rare Treasure of this Songlin Town, does not know that what's the matter, looked unexpectedly for a long time had not found.” Melissa said in a low voice. “说起来,这趟松林镇的天命秘宝,也不知道怎么回事,居然找了这么久还没找到。”梅丽莎低声道。 I listened to my uncle saying that Destiny Rare Treasure of Songlin Town hid in a mouse within the body probably. “我听我叔叔说,松林镇的天命秘宝好像是藏在一只老鼠体内。 That mouse the variation, drills a hole now everywhere, does the teachers not to dare to use the big move, so as to avoid ruins the treasure. ” 那老鼠现在变异了,到处钻洞,搞得导师们也不敢用大招,免得毁掉宝贝。” No wonder drags such for a long time .... “难怪拖这么久....” Who said that is not. You think, including three Teacher Suppression Level, does not have the result now, this is near our school own domain. If changes other places, has attracted one group of people.” “谁说不是。你想想,连去了三个镇压级导师,现在还没结果,这还是在我们学校自己的地盘附近。要是换其他地方,早就引来一堆人了。” Listens to the squad member in car(riage) to chat, Lin Sheng is quiet, enhances some within the body Demonic Ability slightly. Is 700 degrees. 听着车里的小队成员闲聊,林盛沉静下来,稍微把体内邪能提高一些。达到七百程度。 According to the value divides. Over 200 below 2000 are Two Wings, therefore his present 700 are not conspicuous. The convenience begins. 按照数值划分。两百以上两千以下都是双翼,所以他现在的七百不算惹眼。只是方便动手一些。 The vehicle is quick, after a half hour, after pinery of cover. After showing pass, there is a military officer to lead the person to board the inspection. 车子很快,半个多小时后,经过一片茂密的松林。在出示通行证后,有军官带人上车检查。 Lin Sheng and the others show oneself student identity card, can pass normally. 林盛等人纷纷出示自己的学生证,才得以正常通过。 On the later road, can see to stop occasionally in the armored vehicle and personnel carrier of roadside. 之后的公路上,偶尔还能看到停在路边的装甲车和运兵车。 Occasionally also saw he has seen when Xiling, Demonic Ability amplification chariot that Redwing that has the white disc. 偶尔还看到他在席琳时见到过的,雷德翁的那种带有白色圆盘的邪能增幅战车。 Although is only the appearance is similar, but brought back Lin Sheng longing to Xiling as before. 虽然只是样子类似,但依旧勾起了林盛一丝对席琳的怀念。 After all there was also he lived more than ten years of places. 毕竟那里也是他生活了十多年的地方。 Melissa is not attractive, the appearance is also quite simple, is similar to the ordinary countryside girl appearance. 蜜莉莎不算漂亮,打扮也比较朴实,就和普通乡下女孩样子类似。 The temper is also quite naive along with the nature, no plans, chatted with Lin Sheng have not had scruples slightly, in some students and teachers to school, unrestrained/no trace of politeness appraised. 性子也比较天真随性,没什么心机,和林盛闲聊丝毫没有顾忌,对学校里有的学生和导师,都毫不客气的加以评价。 Lin Sheng in opposite party talkative chatting, sits on the vehicle hurries along slowly. 林盛就在对方一路健谈的闲聊里,坐在车上慢悠悠赶路。 Because must through the inspection are many, therefore until afternoon, the group arrived at the duty finally in Songlin Town. 因为一路要通过的检查较多,所以直到下午,一行人才终于到了任务所在松林镇。 So-called Songlin Town, but is population thousand common small towns, this nearby mine tunnel had/left Destiny Rare Treasure. It is estimated that no one has heard this place. 所谓松林镇,不过就是一人口不过千的寻常小镇,要不是这趟边上的矿洞出了天命秘宝。估计都没人听说过这地方。 Lin Sheng and the others arrived, is the small town defense institute. 林盛等人抵达的,是小镇防务所。 Also is the place of similar police station. Here original police officers are occupied by the person of star glow. Sees Lin Sheng and the others. Hastily connection distribution duty. 也就是类似警察局的地方。这里原本的警务人员早就被星芒的人占据。看到林盛等人来。连忙交接分派任务。 The content is not arduous. 内容并不繁重。 8 : 00 am to ten points, goes on patrol one time. 8 : 00 pm to ten points, goes on patrol one time. 早上 8 点到十点,巡逻一次。晚上 8 点到十点,巡逻一次。 The patrol route passed to Lin Sheng this team leader with the cell phone. 巡逻路线都用手机传给了林盛这个队长。 Simultaneously also apportioned their a villa in alone three building, the inside more than ten bedrooms choose at will. 同时还分给了他们一栋独栋三层楼的别墅,里面十多个卧房随意挑选。 The person who the meals comes specially invited is responsible. Does laundry anything also some people process, the condition is good. 伙食专门有请来的人负责。洗衣服什么的也有人处理,条件不错。 This place other is not good, is cheap, if changes into the city .... To get so far as such three villas, that expense .... The member's strolling in the villa said after a sigh. “这地方别的不行,就是地便宜,要是换成市里....要想弄到这么一栋三层别墅,那花销....”一个队员在别墅里闲逛感叹道。 At least must want I one year of spending money!” Another person sighed. “起码得要我一年的零花钱!”另一人叹气道。 I am good, the luck good words, play several signs to gain. Several million.” “我还好,运气好的话,打几次牌就能赚到。几百万而已。” Your these local tyrants! This villa I must accumulate three years of spending money to afford at least! Installs to compel before our poor people, interesting?” “你们这些土豪!这种别墅我起码得攒三年零花钱才买得起!在我们这种穷人面前装逼,有意思?” „......” Lin Sheng is speechless. Listens to this group of people to speak. “......”林盛无语。听听这一群人说话。 Worthily is the special amenities squad, each is in the family/home has the ore. 不愧是特殊待遇小队,各个都是家里有矿。 He transferred in the villa, arranges the Melissa distribution room, oneself go out in the villa surrounding saunters. 他在别墅里转了一圈,安排蜜莉莎分派房间,自己则出门在别墅外围转悠。 This time primary opponent, is monster named wild game. 这次的主要对手,是一种名叫野食子的怪物。 This monster average person cannot see, having extraordinary can process. The strength is weak, if can see, is the ordinary adult male, takes the club to kill with ease. 这种怪物普通人看不见,只有超凡者能处理。其实力非常弱,如果能看见,就是普通的成年男子,拿着棍棒都能轻松打死。 This monster only trouble, is the quantity forms groups, generally they single timid spiritless, if the quantity were many, the courage was fat. 只是这种怪物唯一的麻烦,是数量成群结队,一般它们单个胆怯懦弱,但一旦数量多了,胆子就肥了。 This Songlin Town is so, wild game dares to enter the town to scurry about the attack person , because the quantity were many. 这松林镇就是如此,野食子敢进镇子乱窜袭击人,就是因为数量多了。 Around the villa is superficial pinery, the yellow pine needle pine cone everywhere is, probably spread a thick wool blanket. 别墅周围是一圈浅薄松林,黄色的松针松果遍地都是,像是铺了一层厚厚毛毯。 The black pine tree that this places are in sole possession , the tree trunk is covered with the tumor, the bark has the white spot jet black, often can see that the small ant and mixed insect climb up up and down. 一颗颗此地独有的黑松树,树干长满瘤子,树皮漆黑有白点,不时能看到小蚂蚁和杂虫上下攀爬。 In the forest makes noise with the wind, in the air is also filling the fragrance of rosin. 林中随风哗哗作响,空气里也弥漫着松香的香气。 Lin Sheng transferred. 林盛转了一遍。 The villa is located in center bunch of shallow pinery, the front surrounding has a road, goes nonstop to the town/subdues. The straight distance is about hundred meters. 别墅位于一簇浅松林正中,前面外围有一条公路,直通镇上。直线距离不过百米。 The rear area is continuous such as the big piece black pine forest of sea, looks into the distance indistinctly from afar, can see the log cabin of forest protection person in the forest partly visible. 后方是连绵如海的大片黑松森林,隐约远远眺望,可以看到有护林人的木屋在林中若隐若现。 Lin Sheng transferred for a long time, looked at the environment, that forest protection person hut toward black pine forest distant place walked simply. 林盛转得久了,看完周围环境,索性朝着黑松林远处的那个护林人小屋走去。 He planned that has a look in that hut whether has the person, could contact, understands this nearby situation terrain. 他打算看看那小屋里是否有人,或许能接触一下,了解这附近的情况地形。 Has not gone out far, he then sees in front of the forest protection person hut from afar, has two outsiders. 只是没走出多远,他便远远看到护林人小屋前面,有着两个外来人。 Distinguishes the outsider and native townspeople, simplest then looks at the appearance. 分辨外来人和本地人镇民,最简单的便是看打扮。 The outsiders dress up the attire more fashionable, can distinguish. 外来人打扮衣着时尚许多,一眼就能分辨出。 The two stand squat, seems inspecting any thing of ground. 那两人一站一蹲,似乎正在检查地面的什么东西。 The Lin Sheng itself/Ben thinks that is the external tourist, may walk near, faint trace Demonic Ability aura floats by far. 林盛本以为是外来游客,可走得近了些,一丝丝邪能气息远远飘来。 His complexion sinks. 他面色一沉。 Also without he spoke the inquiry, saw that the two looked at the eye toward him from afar, turns around to run. 还没等他发话询问,就看到那两人远远朝他望了眼,转身就跑。 Halts!” Lin Sheng proceeded to pursue several steps, the sound was very loud, but blustered. “站住!”林盛往前追了几步,声音很大,不过只是虚张声势而已。 Brushes a minute/share of duty in any case, does not need to use energy. 反正只是刷分任务,没必要这么费劲。 Walked near, he saw, two position, is lying down yellow wool like the monkey same monster. 走得近了,他才看到,那两人位置处,正躺着一头黄毛如同猴子一样的怪物。 This monster chest was broken open a large cave/hole, covered with blood, has died thoroughly. 这怪物胸口被破开一个大洞,血肉模糊,早就死透了。 Looks at the contour, is growing the rhinopithecus roxellanaes of four hands. 看外形,就是长着四只手的金丝猴。 Wild game? Here is the Benne University management region, unexpectedly external Demonic Ability Users. It seems like the Destiny Rare Treasure attraction is big.” “野食子?这里是贝恩大学管理区域,居然还有外来邪能者。看来天命秘宝的吸引力不小。” Lin Sheng inspected under this monster corpse slightly, is disinclined to pay attention. Injury that Demonic Ability Users of One Wing level creates. 林盛稍微检查了下这怪物尸体,便懒得理会。只是单翼层次的邪能者造成的伤势。 The One Wing Demonic Ability value in 20 to 200, the span is big. 单翼邪能数值在二十到两百之间,跨度较大。 His leading ten people, are completely One Wing Demonic Ability Users, although no actual combat capability, but Demonic Ability protects anything, can achieve the limit absolutely. 他这次带队的十人,全部都是单翼邪能者,虽然没什么实战能力,但邪能防护什么的,绝对能做到极限。 After all in each one families/home has the ore... 毕竟个个家里都有矿... Happen to I require the time to digest the Heart of The Dead different strength, evidently, so long as in two weeks, can absorb thoroughly. “正好我需要时间消化亡者之心异力,看样子,只要再过两个星期,就能彻底吸收完毕。 Soul strength that absorbs newly, must transform Rock Dragon Bloodline. Crystal Warrior also needs to refine the construction, cannot have an outer covering like the present spatially. ” 还有新吸收的魂力,也得转化成岩龙血脉水晶战士也需要细化构建,不能像现在这样空有个外壳。” The matter that Lin Sheng must do are many, is disinclined to pay attention to these small insects simply. 林盛要做的事很多,索性懒得理会这些小虫子。 So long as does not hinder him to brush the school grades, he turns a blind eye also indifferently. 只要不来妨碍他刷学分,他睁一只眼闭一只眼也无所谓。 ........... ........... ........... ........... Was the Benne University Demonic Ability student comes. third wave, it seems like that this hole bottom must wait for some time.” “是贝恩大学邪能学生来了。第三波了,看来这洞底还得等一段时间。” Outside the grove, the person's shadows of two wear camouflage clothing exchange low and deep. 林子外,两个穿着迷彩服的人影低沉交流。 Has patrol squad, we want to go in again casually, possibly was somewhat troublesome.” Helpless a person said. “有巡逻队在,我们再想随便进去,可能有些麻烦了。”一人无奈道。 Fears anything, one group of wool experience no pass students. Really wants the life and death to execute, my spear/gun. “怕什么,一群毛经验都没有的普通学生。真要生死格杀,我一枪一个。 Even if there is Demonic Ability, cannot use quality still such. When passed the time period to raise the bright pastor to arrive, snatching the treasure was easy. ” 就算有邪能,用不出来素质也就那样。等过阵子扬慧牧师到了,抢到宝贝轻而易举。” That side Benne University depends too nearly, we must act are quick, otherwise was slightly slower, may fall short.” 贝恩大学那边靠得太近,我们必须动作要快,否则稍稍慢了些,可能就会功亏一篑。” Looked when the pastor came. Hopes is quicker, these barbarians who otherwise the center of circle teaches also arrived troubled.” “就看牧师什么时候来了。希望快些,不然圆心教的那些蛮子也到了就麻烦了。” It doesn't matter, in the town/subdues has come many people in any case now, comes several religious sects not to relate again. Waits to raise the bright pastor one , the general situation decides, walks.” “无所谓,反正现在镇上已经来了不少人,再来几个教派也没关系。等扬慧牧师一至,大局立定,走吧。” Two people submerge the distant place grove quietly fast, vanishes does not see. 两人悄悄快速没入远处林子,消失不见。
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