SN :: Volume #4

#301: Shape 3

Lin Sheng some suddenly. Originally this is the Demonic Ability Users genuine energy is. 林盛有些恍然。原来这才是邪能者们真正的底气所在。 Comes out from the school mystical place, Lin Sheng returns to the dormitory, was still recalling these powerful weapons that at heart the teacher said. 从学校秘境出来,林盛回到宿舍,心里都还在回想导师所说的那些强大武器。 Floats the spatial battleship, the Demonic Ability cannon, active sniper's rifle, various types of chemical weapons, violently poisonous weapon wait wait/etc. etc.. 浮空战舰,邪能大炮,活性狙击枪,各种生化武器,剧毒武器等等等等。 Three big mystical places researched and developed massive big might weapons in view of Dust World. This is they can resist dead world essential one directly. 三大秘境针对尘埃世界研发了大量大威力武器。这才是他们能够正面抵抗亡者世界的关键之一。 Closes the dormitory door. 关上宿舍门。 Lin Sheng takes off the coat, puts down the thing. 林盛脱掉外套,将东西放下。 Voban Tiira for two Heart of The Dead that he buys, two junks that he himself chooses, were placed on the dormitory desktop by him, calmly sizes up. 乌曼迪拉给他买的两个亡者之心,还有他自己挑选的两件杂物,都被他放在宿舍桌面上,静静打量。 According to the teacher said. Heart of The Dead can guide the absorption with Demonic Ability directly, thus expands the body and spirit. This is the natural no side effect strengthening medicament.” “按照导师所言。亡者之心直接可以用邪能引导吸收,从而壮大自身体魄。这就是个天然的无副作用强化药剂。” Lin Sheng sits to the chair on, puts out a hand, gently according to Heart of The Dead. 林盛坐到椅子上,伸出手,轻轻按在一颗亡者之心上。 He was worrying that the body intensity is too weak, was almost exploded by the Saint Force brace. Happen to tries the effects of these two things. 他正愁身体强度太弱,差点被圣力撑爆。正好尝试一下这两个东西的效果。 Silent within, a green fine lace, appears from the heart surface, links the Lin Sheng palm contact the position. 无声无息间,一丝绿色细线,从心脏表面浮现而出,链接到林盛手掌接触的位置。 A cool exquisite gentle strength, flows out from the heart slowly, permeates the Lin Sheng palm. 一股清凉细腻的柔和力量,缓缓从心脏中流出,渗入林盛手掌心。 Comfortable ..... is not right! In this also has ..... the graciousness??” “舒服.....不对!这里面还有.....恩??” Lin Sheng, he as if feels suddenly, the heart deep place has an extremely huge, chaotic, crazy consciousness. 林盛忽然一顿,他似乎感觉到,心脏深处有着一股极其庞大,混乱,疯狂的意识。 This is .... Difficult to be inadequate is the soul of this heart master?” He thinks of this possibility suddenly. “这是....难不成是这颗心脏主人的灵魂?”他忽然想到这个可能。 In the real world, as if are extremely few some people able keen detection to the soul strength. 在现实世界里,似乎极少有人能敏锐的察觉到魂力。 Therefore the Myriad Grace Cult talent dares to emit the shadow soul flagrantly, and Soul Artifact casual swayed in the most conspicuous position. 所以万恩教的人才敢明目张胆的放出影魂,并且将魂器大大咧咧的摆在最显眼的位置。 But now, did he feel the residual soul in this heart unexpectedly? 而现在,他居然在这心脏里感觉到了残留的灵魂? He as if sees, the deep green heart deep place, one group paints the black smoke fog closely to shrink in the corner, in the smog often tumbles to reappear fierce sorrow faces. 恍惚间,他似乎看到,深绿色的心脏深处,一团漆黑烟雾正紧紧缩在角落里,烟雾中不时翻滚浮现一张张狰狞的悲苦人脸。 Seemed like notices his peeping. 似乎是注意到了他的窥视。 That group of smog lift the head same spot slowly, seems turning the head to look to Lin Sheng. 那团烟雾缓缓抬起头部一样的部位,仿佛在转头看向林盛 Suddenly a chill front surface well ups. 忽然间一股恶寒迎面涌上心头。 passes. 噗通。 Suddenly Lin Sheng heart. 猛然间林盛心脏一顿。 Bang!!! 轰!!! That group of smog one wells up crazily, sends out fiercely roars deafeningly. Drills into his within the body following the palm of Lin Sheng loudly. 那团烟雾一下狂涌而出,发出剧烈震耳欲聋咆哮。循着林盛的手掌轰然钻入他体内。 The messy and disorderly picture floods into his mind. 乱七八糟的画面涌入他脑海 He as if saw the powerful giant who Six Wings limit actually approaches continually cannot achieve, then by large number of crystal stone artillery together with the surroundings regiment same place, by rumbling broken to become dregs. 他仿佛看到六翼极限的强大巨人却连靠近都做不到,便被大量晶石炮连同周围军团一起,被轰碎成渣。 That depressing sorrow, angry, frightened, mixes in together, the risk of this group of souls far exceeded Lin Sheng to think. 那种压抑的悲哀,愤怒,恐惧,混合在一起,这团灵魂的危险性远远超出了林盛所想。 He moves aside without enough time, the speed that the opposite party soul drills into was too fast. 他来不及躲闪,对方灵魂钻入的速度太快了。 Almost flickers, that group of smog have then entered his mind. 几乎只是一瞬,那团烟雾便已经进入他脑海 In the dusky space, a huge incomparable grey Cyclops, the peak however stands, appears in front of Lin Sheng. 灰蒙蒙空间中,一头巨大无比的灰色独眼巨人,耸然站立,出现在林盛面前。 Roar!! 吼!! He lowers the head Furious Roar, the giant both hands dive grasps to Lin Sheng. 他低头怒吼着,巨大双手俯冲抓向林盛 A same time huge oppression strength catches Lin Sheng stubbornly, making its whole body paralysis, is unable to move. 同时间一股庞大压迫力死死卡住林盛,让其浑身麻痹,无法动弹。 Destruction! Death! Ashes!!” “毁灭!死亡!灰烬!!” The giants are roaring, as if must exhaust finally the complete strength. The big stingy vigorously promotes to the Lin Sheng head. 巨人咆哮着,仿佛要用尽最后全部力量。大手狠狠抓向林盛头部。 Buzz!!! 嗡!!! In intense fatal crisis. 强烈的致命危机中。 In an instant the Lin Sheng innermost soul blasts out one group of pure white lights. Ray dispersing, changes into the innumerable silk threads to prick void. As if with anything links. 刹那间林盛灵魂深处炸开一团纯粹白光。光芒散开,化为无数丝线刺入虚空。仿佛和什么东西连接在一起。 ......... ......... Before the scarlet red constructs . 赤红色建筑前。 King of Steel of blood armor puts down in the hand suddenly gently the child. Looks out to the Miga direction. 一身血铠的钢之王忽然轻轻放下手中小孩。遥望向米加方向。 The fierce black symbol appears in his face side together slowly, blooming white light. 一道狰狞的黑色徽记在他脸侧缓缓浮现而出,绽放白光。 ......... ......... A skyscraper peak. 一栋摩天大楼顶端。 The Cardula both legs build in the roof edge swing gently, whole person upper part face upwards lying down in the ground, in the hand takes a blue skin fat to read. 卡都拉双腿搭在楼顶边缘轻轻摆动,整个人上半身仰躺在地面,手里拿着一本蓝皮大部头翻看着。 Suddenly she one sets out, the face side appears together the fierce black symbol, the blooming white light. 忽然她一下直起身,脸侧浮现一道狰狞黑色徽记,绽放白光。 ........... ........... Xilun temple. 西轮・圣殿。 King of Night single-handed the head, is sitting on the seat. It seems like awakened by anything. 夜之王单手支着头,坐在座椅上。似乎是被什么东西惊醒。 He sits slowly straight, opens the eyes. 他缓缓坐直,睁开双眼。 In the amethyst eyes, the little pure white light glitters to beat slightly. 紫水晶般的双眼中,一点点纯净白光微微闪烁跳动。 Finally to this?” “终于到了这一步么?” Hiss. 嘶。 The jet black symbol appears in his face side, the symbol edge blooms the dazzling white light. 漆黑徽记在他脸侧浮现而出,徽记边缘绽放出刺目白光。 Takes away, my strength.” “拿去吧,我的力量。” ......... ......... ......... ......... In the Lin Sheng eye stares at the great hand that double voltage is coming. 林盛眼中凝视着那双压来的巨手。 The instinct, he opens mouth, silent roaring explodes dispersing from his mouth. 本能的,他张开嘴,无声的咆哮从他口中爆炸散开。 In an instant, the countless white silk thread shoots up to the sky from him behind. 刹那间,无以计数的白色丝线从他身后冲天而起。 !! 哧哧哧哧哧!! All silk threads surround, burns fiercely in the midair, in an instant its package one group of giant torches. 所有丝线环绕一圈,在半空中剧烈燃烧起来,转眼将其包裹成一团巨大火炬。 Ding! 叮! In a light sound. 一声轻响中。 In the torch is up black suddenly brightly. 火炬中骤然亮起一点黑色。 A jade perfect palm, puts on the black gently, penetrates the torch, hits the mark upward gently the great hand of Cyclops. 一只玉石般完美无瑕的手掌,轻轻穿出黑色,穿透火炬,往上轻轻点中独眼巨人的巨手。 All as if are flickering thoroughly static. 一切仿佛在一瞬彻底静止。 Perhaps one second, after perhaps one point . 或许一秒,或许一分后。 The giant unbending motionless body starts to be reduced to ashes slowly. It is not the black, but is the gray dust. 巨人僵直不动的身躯开始缓缓化为灰烬。不是黑色,而是灰色的灰尘。 In everywhere gray dust. 漫天的灰色尘埃中。 The jade palm also disintegration, the dissipation, changes into the innumerable white luminous spots similarly slowly. 玉石手掌也同样缓缓崩碎,消散,化为无数白色光点。 The white flame dissipates slowly. In reveals is standing Lin Sheng. 白色火焰慢慢消散。露出里面站立着的林盛 Hiss ..... 嘶..... Around him the gray space fluctuation twinkle, quickly then restores the original school dormitory rapidly. 他周围的灰色空间急速浮动闪烁,很快便恢复成原本的学校宿舍。 This ..... this is ....!!?” Lin Sheng puts out a hand, the whole body is weak, as if overdraws excessively same somewhat shivers. “这.....这是....!!?”林盛伸出手,浑身虚弱无比,仿佛透支过度一样有些颤抖。 That flash, he as if touched anything a moment ago. 刚才那一瞬间,他仿佛触摸到了什么。 When the fatal threat erupts suddenly, he is almost instinct rotation all the means of self-help. 在致命威胁突然爆发时,他几乎是本能的转动一切自救的办法。 But finally he begins using, borrows the strengths of all summon extremely in a short time. 而最终他启用的,还是极短时间内借用所有召唤物的力量。 Existence that otherworld summoned, the itself soul core actually summons master own soul. 异界召唤出来的存在,本身灵魂核心其实就是召唤师自身的灵魂。 When facing threat, temporarily takes back all Soul Force to protect oneself, this is the conditioned reflex of instinct. 面对威胁时,暂时收回所有灵魂力自保,这是本能的条件反射。 What Lin Sheng has not thought that that flash he takes back not only as if Soul Force. main body strength that three big Commander transmit on own initiative. 只是林盛没想到的是,那一瞬间他收回的似乎不只是灵魂力。还有三大统领主动传送过来的本体力量。 Three huge strengths, weakest Cardula also surpasses tyrannical existence of Five Wings. Unifies his main body. 三股庞大力量,最弱的卡都拉也是超过五翼的强横存在。结合他自身的本体 The terrifying that the flash erupts shakes, Lin Sheng have not clarified to have anything. 一瞬间爆发出的恐怖震荡,就连林盛自己也没弄清发生了什么。 That flash, he as if contacted an unprecedented altitude. Before him, radically not unimaginable boundary. 那一刹那,他仿佛接触到了一个前所未有的高度。一个他以前根本无法想象的境界。 Time, space, all static. Only can move only then oneself. 时间,空间,一切都静止了。唯一能够活动的就只有自己。 He stretches out the palm gently, upward 1 points. 他只是轻轻伸出手掌,往上一点。 The finger has not even contacted the Cyclops palm. 手指甚至都没有接触到独眼巨人掌心。 Victory and defeat then already result. 胜负便已经分晓了。 Hides in heart internal declining giant soul instantaneously collapse destroys. The entire gray space destroys thoroughly. 躲藏在心脏内部的衰亡巨人灵魂瞬间崩毁。整个灰色空间彻底毁灭。 .... ... shouts... 呼....呼...呼... Lin Sheng is gasping for breath in gulps. Determined rapidly King of Night three situation, they seemed to be weaker, had not appeared unusually other. 林盛大口大口喘着气。迅速确定了夜之王三者情况,他们似乎只是虚弱了些,并没有出现其他异常。 Rested, Lin Sheng look unconsciousness looks to the two hearts on table. Suddenly his eye pupil shrinks. In following heart palpitates, hurries to put out a hand according to second Heart of The Dead. 休息了下,林盛眼神无意识的看向桌上的两颗心脏。忽然他眼瞳一缩。循着心中的一丝悸动,赶紧伸手按在第二颗亡者之心上。 Really, the second Heart of The Dead internal emptiness, only then the purest soul strength follows the green line to swamp into his palm slowly. 果然,第二颗亡者之心内部一片空荡,只有最为纯粹的魂力缓缓循着绿线涌入他掌心。 Affects merely, did the soul in second heart also ruin?” “仅仅只是波及,就连第二个心脏里的灵魂也毁掉了么?” His some are unable to imagine suddenly, just that condition was what level. 他忽然有些无法想象,刚刚那种状态到底是什么层面了。
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