SOM :: Volume #16 Fate/Grand Order (5)

#2593: 『Saver』

Zheng————!” 铮————!” In the temple, an incomparably dazzling brilliance sparkled under that several thousand zhang (3.33 m) high huge barrier suddenly, illuminated the entire world. 神殿里,一阵无比刺眼的光辉就陡然在那数千丈高的巨大屏障之下闪耀了起来,照亮了整个天地。 Since magnificent and sacred Spiritual Energy from there ascension, making float Goëtia above vault of heaven concentrate the eye. 辉煌又神圣的灵气从那里升腾而起,令得悬浮于天穹之上的盖提亚都凝起了眼睛。 What power is that?” “那是什么力量?” Goëtia can feel power that made the palpitation, is actually not able accurate cognitive its scale and concept, makes his incomparable surprised. 盖提亚能够感受到一股令自己心悸的力量,却无法准确的认知它的规模和概念,令得他无比的惊讶。 What makes his surprised is, with brilliance rise, that withstands the huge barrier of own attack to flash with hardship suddenly, annihilated to be the same all the flash of attack unexpectedly probably, eliminated directly. 更让他惊讶的是,随着光辉的盛起,那苦苦承受着自己的攻击的巨大屏障陡然一闪,竟是将所有来袭的闪光都像是湮灭掉了一样,直接消除。 Mash Kyrielight unexpectedly also such power?” 玛修·基列莱特居然还有这样的力量吗?” Goëtia has to be startled. 盖提亚不得不吃惊起来。 But at this time, the brilliance and huge barrier were actually vanished from sight gradually, making below scene expose in Goëtia at present. 而这时,光辉以及巨大的屏障却是渐渐的消失不见,令得下方的场景展露在了盖提亚的眼前。 Rozen stands in Mash's behind, a hand held down her back, instilling into Magic Power that resembles continuously. 罗真就还是站在玛修的身后,一只手按住了她的后背,源源不断似的灌输魔力 As for Mash, had changed the appearance completely. 至于玛修,已经完全大变了模样。 Sees only, Mash battle suit changed into the holy white unexpectedly, Cross Shield in hand also changed to the similar luster, became pure white. 只见,玛修一袭战斗服竟是化为了圣洁的白色,手中的十字盾亦是化作了同样的色泽,变得洁白不已。 Such Mash's body, sacred aura then gives to push vicious aura that Goëtia body sent out. 这样的玛修的身上,一股神圣的气息便将盖提亚身上散发出来的凶恶气息都给推了回来。 What?” “什么?” Goëtia saw the change that Mash body has, is moved. 盖提亚看出了玛修身上产生的变化,不禁为之动容。 Rozen Mash present Status/condition receive in the eyeground, the corners of the mouth has brought back completely. 罗真更是已经将玛修现在的状态完全收纳于眼底,嘴角勾起。 ...... ...... Class: Saver 职阶:Saver True Name: Mash Kyrielight 真名:玛修·基列莱特 Attribute: Lawful・Good 属性:秩序·善 ———— Ability Value ———— ————能力值———— Physical strength: A 筋力:A Endurance: EX 耐久:Ex Agility: A 敏捷:A Magic Power: EX 魔力:Ex lucky: A 幸运:A Noble Phantasm: 宝具: ———— Class Skill ———— ————职阶技能———— Magic Resistance: EX 对魔力:Ex Has the unshakeable protection to be determined, can make almost all Magecraft expire, even Magecraft of Age of Gods rank, so long as its determination still, then, only if Divine Spirit's Authority Level, will otherwise then expire entirely. 拥有不可动摇的守护决心,能使几乎所有的魔术都为之失效,即便是神代级别的魔术,只要其决心尚在,那么,除非是神灵的权能等级,否则便会通通失效。 Anti-Evil: A 对邪恶:A When takes wicked concept as the opponent, causes ability that ability parameter of opposite party drops. 以恶之概念为对手之际,使对方的能力参数下降的能力 The Level A situation, all ability parameter of opposite party will be reduced three Level, and unconditional causes the irreversible damage to the opposite party, is invalid to good existence. 等级A的场合,对方的所有能力参数将会被降低三个等级,并无条件的对对方造成不可逆的伤害,对善之存在则无效。 ———— Personal Skills ———— ————保有技能———— Approval of the Foreign: EX 域外认可之证:Ex Because arrives in the protection that beyond the world cognition category has , is called Protection Against Purging the proof of protection world. 因抵达世界认知范畴之外才持有的守护,同时也是被称为“对肃清防御”的守护世界的证明。 Unconditional weakens receives physical attack and among the concept that attack and dimension the attack and other injury of attack-type, making that oneself are harmed reduce over 99, the faith of if protecting does not vacillate, the weakened scope even can achieve unlimitedly is close to 100 degrees, when for protecting others, may withstand or teleportation the injury to own body, regarding mental interference is 100 shields, even can cause Original Sin and desire that human degenerates can withstand, eventually achieves even the attack of judgment day rank to correspond, is the defense of Ultimate-Class without a doubt. 无条件的削弱受到的物理攻击概念攻击、次元间攻击等任何攻击类型的伤害,使自身受到的伤害减少99以上,若守护的信念不动摇,削弱的幅度甚至能够达到无限制的接近100的程度,用于守护他人时,可将伤害尽数承受或转移至自身的身上,对于精神干涉的话则是100屏蔽,甚至连能使人类堕落的原罪及欲望都能承受下来,最终达到连世界末日级别的攻击都能对应,乃是毋庸置疑最上级的防御。 Unperceived Desire:? 未能察觉之意:? The own dim sentiment without detected, is only person of existing power, even without the determination, has for its consciousness of devotion as before, when the object does not exist in the battlefield that oneself are, this/should Skill will not become effective, when the object exists in the battlefield that oneself are, this/should Skill will achieve the effect, after the object is under the fatal attack, disregards the time, space as well as all existing conditions, by burning exists for the price, its succeed will save, even if the object had died. 没有察觉的自身的朦胧感情,仅为一人存在的力量,即便没有自觉,依旧拥有着为其献身的意识,当对象不存在于自身所在的战场上时,该技能不会生效,当对象存在于自身所在的战场上时,该技能将发挥效果,在对象遭遇到致命攻击后,无视时间、空间以及所有现有的条件,以燃烧自身存在为代价,将其成功拯救,即便对象已死亡。 ...... ...... ———— 『Saver』. ————「Saver」 intent is ———— 『Savior』. 意为————「救世主」 This is Rozen never has even seen Class, brand-new Mystery Class. 这是一个连罗真都从未见过的职阶,全新又神秘职阶 But, Rozen can feel, this Class has how powerful, had this Class Mash also became has powerful how. 可是,罗真能够感觉到,这个职阶有多么的强大,拥有了这个职阶玛修又变得有多么的强大。 This point, two Skill that has from Mash can look. 这一点,从玛修拥有的两个技能中就能看得出来。 ———— 《Anti-Evil》. ————〈对邪恶〉 ———— 《Approval of the Foreign》. ————〈域外认可之证〉 These two Skill, simply strong to the extreme. 这两个技能,简直强到了极点。 Absorbed Foreign Magic Power Mash's Saint Graph to have the unprecedented transformation, not only transformed Class, had the enormous change including ability parameter and Skill. 吸收了域外魔力玛修的灵基就产生了前所未有的蜕变,不仅变换了职阶,连能力参数技能产生了极大的变化。 Even Mash can feel, at this moment, become strong. 玛修自己都能感觉到,此时此刻的自己,到底变得有多强。 At least, has brought the greatest pressure on him before Goëtia, now, Mash could not have felt the threat. 至少,之前一直给他带来莫大压力的盖提亚,现在,玛修已经感受不到威胁了。 Not only cannot feel the threat, Mash also feeling. 不仅感受不到威胁,玛修还有种感觉。 That is, oneself can give the elimination Goëtia. 那就是,自己可以把盖提亚给消灭。 Goëtia!” 盖提亚!” Mash then lifts the view, looked to Goëtia. 玛修便抬起眼帘,看向了盖提亚 „......!” “......!” Goëtia was almost the choice of conditioned reflex launched the attack, both hands high holding up, making an eye only release the flash again, changed to the meteor rain, rumbled. 盖提亚几乎是条件反射的选择了发动攻击,双手高高的举起,让一只只的眼睛再次释放出闪光,化作流星雨,轰了下来。 But, this time, Mash lifted shield directly, knocking of heavily in on the ground. 可是,这一次,玛修直接将盾牌举了起来,重重的敲在了地面上 Buzz!” “嗡!” With one buzz cry, beforehand brilliance also again from the Mash's body sparkle. 随着一声嗡鸣,之前的光辉也再一次的从玛修的身上闪耀而起。 This brilliance the flash of attack will give to swallow, its annihilation, has not let off any again. 这光辉就将来袭的闪光都给吞噬,再将其湮灭,没有放过任何的一道。 Hmph! 哼! Goëtia coldly snorted, no longer release flash, the hand that but will raise closes up, gathers huge Magic Power, to Mash's direction, is rumbling directly Magic Power light wave. 盖提亚冷哼了一声,不再释放闪光,而是将举起的手合拢,汇聚庞大的魔力,对着玛修的方向,直接轰出了一道魔力的光波。 The light wave cuts space, the carried heat even makes its place visited make the "chī chī" sound, sends out the burnt smell. 光波划破空间,携带的热量甚至让其所过之处都发出“嗤嗤”的声响,散发出焦味。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Regarding this, Mash only knocks shield as before, shakes brilliance, the Magic Power fluctuation that will attack gives to swallow, then its annihilated easily. 对此,玛修依旧仅是敲下盾牌,震荡起光辉,将来袭的魔力波动给吞噬,然后就将其轻而易举的湮灭了。 How possibly!?” “怎么可能!?” Goëtia cannot believe. 盖提亚不敢相信。 Just that struck, he has also put forth the full power, let alone is only Servant, even if Grand, facing that struck, obtained to go all-out to keep off, so to be how easy is eliminated? 刚刚那一击,他也是已经使出了全力,别说是区区一介从者,哪怕是冠位,面对那一击,都得出尽全力才有可能挡下来,怎么会如此轻而易举就被消灭呢? What power is that?” “那到底是什么力量?” Goëtia knows, the issue left absolutely was just flooding into Mash within the body that power body. 盖提亚知道,问题绝对出在刚刚涌入玛修体内的那股力量身上 What a pity, no one will give him to explain. 可惜,没有人会给他解答。 Goëtia, you kept on proclaiming claimed that human did not know the life the true precious place, but your actions actually the trampling life in maximum degree, trampled the civilization of this planet!” 盖提亚,你口口声声声称人类不知道生命的真正珍贵之处,可你自己的所作所为却是在最大程度上的践踏生命,践踏这颗行星的文明!” Mash is the same like the true Savior, declared. 玛修如同真正的救世主一样,如此宣称。 You did not understand that the life the radiance, does not understand human existence concept, but stands in the angle of god evaluation all things, this truth, we will not approve!” “你根本不理解生命的璀璨,更不理解人类的存在概念,只不过是站在神的角度上评价万物而已,这种道理,我们绝不会认同!” Since does not approve, that must revolt. 既然不认同,那就要反抗。 Therefore... 因此... We will overthrow you, Beast I.” “我们会打倒你,BeastI。” Mash is resolute. 玛修语气坚定。 Then... 然后... Was such matter.” “就是这么回事了。” When such sound when Goëtia behind resounds, Goëtia is out of control the pupil to shrink, fierce turning around, looked behind. 当这样的声音自盖提亚身后响起时,盖提亚禁不住瞳孔一缩,猛的转过身,看向背后 In there, the youngster foot treads void, is looking into him, the right hand is sparkling unexpectedly dazzling light. 在那里,少年脚踏虚空,眺望着他,右手竟是闪耀着荧光 In dazzling light, can see vaguely, there is extremely mysterious Crest in glittering. 荧光中,依稀可以看到,有一个极为玄奥的刻印闪烁 Makes to settle.” “来做个了结吧。” Rozen then also made declaration. 罗真便也做出了宣言
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