SOM :: Volume #14 Unbreakable Machine-Doll (3)

#2146: 《Meibutsu Kanze Masamune》

Coughs...!” “咳...!” When own body by sharp Magic Sword cutting, the entire body had almost then been cut two halves, Hotaru cannot help but spouts the big mouth blood, fell on the ground, gives dyed red the ground. 当自己的身体被锋利的魔刀给斩过,进而整个身体都几乎被斩成两半时,火垂不由得喷出大口的鲜血,倒在了地面上,将地面都给染红 Her Magic Circuit is can operate the pressure power, if exerts even to display the excellent defense performance on physical body, may under Raishin that slash, unable to achieve including a resistance unexpectedly, was cut down directly at the scene. 她的魔术回路乃是可以操纵压力的力量,如果施加在肉体上的话甚至可以发挥出高超的防御性能,可在雷真那一斩之下,居然连一丝的抵抗都做不到,直接就被当场砍倒。 That is the mortal wound without a doubt. 那是毋庸置疑的致命伤。 Magnus then looks at this, the vision that is given the thorough attraction by the Raishin hand in Magic Sword. 马格纳斯便看着这一幕,目光被雷真手中那把魔刀给彻底吸引。 Looks at that sending out the astonishing magic essence blade, Magnus was putting out a name. 看着那把散发着惊人魔性的刀,马格纳斯吐出了一个称呼。 Kanze Masamune...” 观世正宗...” ———— 『Kanze Masamune』. ————「观世正宗」 That is state famous blade labor Masamune makes the famous blade end of Kamakura, is the representative of sword, is the official seal that the power awards. 那是相州名刀工正宗作于镰仓末期的名刀,乃是正剑的代表,更是权力授与的印信。 In the past, when a big star country grants the high-ranking court official manages, often gift famous blade as symbol, when therefore the given name gives the high-ranking court official Masamune Sword, often is the representative awards the highest honor of country king monarch sovereign. 在过去,大名将一国赐予重臣管理时,往往都会赠予名刀作为象征品,因此当大名给予重臣正宗刀时,往往是代表授与一国国主的无上光荣。 A Kanze Masamune precisely such famous blade, this is Toyotomi Family high-ranking court official Ishida Mitsunari all, afterward after pass/test original war, Ishida Mitsunari was seized by Tanaka Yoshimasa, faced with the destiny of death penalty, first returned this at the point of death Masamune Sword, except that proved oneself once received too the pavilion to make good use beside, one speechless protest that is also opposite party Kang, later this was offered in pass/test Yuanhe the blade after the war to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the full title of blade is ———— 《Meibutsu Kanze Masamune》. 观世正宗正是这样的一把名刀,本为丰臣家的重臣石田三成所有,后来在关之原大战后,石田三成田中吉政所捉,面临死刑的命运,临死前缴回了这把正宗刀,除了证明自己曾受太阁重用之外,也是对家康的一种无言的抗议,之后这把刀在关原合战后被敬献给德川家康,刀的全称为————《名物观世正宗》 This blade then had several hundred years, is by natural Magic Stone makes, containing magic essence, not only has the Magic Breaker effect, moreover almost does not have the thing unceasingly. 这把刀便存在了数百年的时间,乃是以天然的魔石制成,含有魔性,不但拥有破魔的效果,而且还几乎无物不断。 Once, this was used the blade on large-scale Magic Ceremony several times, in addition several hundred years of Magic Power accumulation, power very powerful. 曾经,这把刀被数次用在大型的魔术仪式上,加上数百年的魔力累积,力量非常的强大。 Now, this fell the famous blade in Raishin's hand unexpectedly. 如今,这把名刀竟是落在了雷真的手中。 I know, even if grasped 《Eye of the Mind》's power, grasped 《Scarlet Wing Formation》's power, that wants to overthrow you, still is very certainly difficult, because you have these power, even also six Automaton, many Magecraft coordination with each other, my Sword Technique practices even again high, could defeat you, absolutely does not have the means to massacre you.” “我知道,就算是掌握了《心眼》的力量,掌握了《红翼阵》的力量,那想打倒你,一定也很困难,因为你同样拥有着这些力量,甚至还有六具自动人偶,众多的魔术互相配合,我的剑术就算练得再高,或许可以打败你,却绝对没办法杀掉你。” Raishin holds up Masamune in hand, aimed at Magnus. 雷真举起手中的正宗,指向了马格纳斯 With the present, if you are determined to retreat, only needed to start Teleport then it will be alright, cannot block you to me who Magecraft knew nothing about, can only visit you to escape helplessly.” “就拿现在来说,如果你执意要撤退,只需要发动空间移动就行了,对魔术一窍不通的我根本拦不下你,只能眼睁睁的看着你逃跑。” This is Raishin is not willing to see absolutely. 这是雷真绝对不愿意看见的。 Therefore, to truly massacre you, I to work oneself to death to take the condition to the military, making them give me this blade.” “所以,为了确实的杀掉你,我以向军方卖命作为条件,让他们给我这把刀。” This is Raishin joins the reason of Imperial Japanese Army. 这就是雷真加入日本军的理由。 Naturally, this is not the only reason. 当然,这不是唯一的理由。 Raishin will join Japanese Military ; first, because as Master Unjaku is there person, he there practice, takes advantage of the resources of military to promote itself, to become stronger, he must be involved ; second, because Akabane Tenzen is the person of treason extermination of the clan, Japanese Military is his enemy without a doubt, the enemy of enemy is a friend, holds such truth, Raishin is choosing to join. 雷真会加入日本军方,一是因为身为师父云雀是那里的人,他在那里修行过,也利用过军方的资源来提升自己,为了变得更强,他必须加入其中,二是因为赤羽天全是叛国灭族之人,日本军方是其毋庸置疑的敌人,敌人的敌人就是朋友,秉着这样的道理,雷真才选择加入。 But one of resources after this is Raishin joins military, wants to obtain the blade. 而这把刀就是雷真加入军方以后想得到的资源之一。 Had this Magic Breaking Sword, no matter what Magecraft, I can cut off, like this I can massacre you.” “有了这把破魔之刀,不管是什么样的魔术,我都能够斩断,这样我才能杀掉你。” Raishin prepares this degree, will just now arrive at United Kingdom, arrives at Machinart City, looks for Magnus to revenge. 雷真就是准备到这种程度,方才会来到英国,来到机巧都市,找马格纳斯报仇。 These, Rozen completely when met with Raishin saw through. 这些,罗真就全部都在与雷真见面的时候看穿了。 Therefore, Rozen will give Raishin that high evaluation. 所以,罗真才会给予雷真那么高的评价 Also is because has this Magic Sword, Raishin can rely on a status of swordsman, has rushed to the hindrance of so many Magecraft trap and barrier all the way, finally arrives here. 也是因为有这把魔刀,雷真才能凭借一介剑士的身份,一路上闯过那么多的魔术陷阱和结界的阻碍,最终抵达这里。 You are think probably I ask you to revenge am a overestimating one's capabilities matter, thought that I am a joke?” “你大概是认为我来找你报仇是一件不自量力的事情,觉得我就是一个笑话吧?” Raishin squeezes out the sound in a low voice. 雷真低声挤出声音。 Doesn't matter, you can continue to regard the joke to regard me.” “没关系,你可以继续把我当成笑话来看待。” In order to massacres you, I have worked as very long joke.” “为了能够杀掉你,我已经当了很久的笑话了。” this time, I absolutely... absolutely...!” 这一次,我绝对...绝对...!” Raishin body Magic Power on thorough rampage, making back Scarlet Wing change to pure Magic Power, twines above Magic Sword. 雷真身上魔力就彻底暴走,让背后的红翼都化作纯粹的魔力,缠绕到手中的魔刀之上。 Changes to Psychic Power by way of 《Scarlet Wing Formation》 ten times of increase from now on Magic Power, formed attached compared with previously countless times 《Magic Blade》 in blade body, making blade sparkles brilliance. 经由《红翼阵》十倍增幅过后的魔力就化作念力,形成了远比先前更无数倍《魔韧》附加在刀身上,让刀身变得光辉闪闪。 murderous aura that at this moment, Raishin sends out on is violent just like the storm. 这一刻里,雷真散发出来的杀气就猛烈得宛如暴风。 Must kill you absolutely! Akabane Tenzen!” “绝对要杀了你!赤羽天全!” Roaring, Raishin was fleeing. 如此咆哮着,雷真窜了出去了。 The speed, unexpectedly was was just much faster. 其速度,竟是远比刚刚快得多。 Has ten times of Magic Power that 《Scarlet Wing Formation》 provided, Raishin's 《Body Hardening》 then compared with previously did not know many, makes scale that his Physical Ability climbed to human impossible arrives in all of a sudden. 有了《红翼阵》提供的十倍魔力,雷真的《刚体》便也比先前强了不知道多少,令得他的身体能力一下子攀升到人类不可能抵达的规模。 Facing such Raishin, the Magnus complexion incomparable dignity, does not dare to be negligent, completely earnest, ten Magic Power Line in hand extend, including to oneself all Automaton, including was hewn severely wounded Hotaru by a blade. 面对这样的雷真,马格纳斯面色无比的凝重,再也不敢大意,完全认真了起来,手中的十根魔力线延伸而出,连向了自己所有的自动人偶,包括被一刀砍成重伤的火垂 At this time, Hotaru's injury has restored similarly under shining of dim brilliance. 这个时候,火垂的伤势已经在一阵朦胧的光辉的照耀下恢复得差不多了。 That is Mitsubachi's Magic Circuit, can provide life force to other Automaton, restores them completely. 那是蜜蜂的魔术回路,能够将生命力提供给其余的自动人偶,将她们修复完全。 Hotaru that the injury restores joins to own sisters, altogether six young girl one after another grasp the weapon, opened up the fierce offensive to Raishin. 伤势恢复的火垂就加入到自己的姐妹们当中,一共六名少女纷纷手持武器,对雷真展开了猛烈的攻势。 Then is one fierce combat that may be called the textbook rank. 接下来就是一场堪称教科书级别的激战了。 Magnus coordinates the 《Scarlet Wing Formation》 line to operate Squadron in the astonishing technique, launches lineups, coordinates Automaton one by one Magecraft again, unceasing attacking to Raishin. 马格纳斯以惊人的技艺配合《红翼阵》的线操纵着战队,展开一个又一个的阵型,再配合自动人偶一个个魔术,不断的攻向雷真 Regarding this, Raishin by the trends of 《Eye of the Mind》 seeing through all Doll young girls, figure grazes like the gust of wind back and forth, avoids the attack of young girls, while brandishes Magic Sword, cut and injured the Squadron young girl time and time again. 对此,雷真《心眼》勘破所有人偶少女的动向,身形如疾风般来回飞掠,一边避开少女们的攻击,一边挥舞魔刀,一次又一次的砍伤了战队的少女。 Under Kanze Masamune Magic Breaker's effect, Squadron Magecraft of young girls was decoded in the most direct way by Raishin repeatedly, a blade cuts off, causing the Squadron young girls to have several times of barely escaping. 观世正宗的破魔效果之下,战队的少女们的魔术就屡次被雷真以最直接的方式破解,一刀斩断,导致战队的少女们有数次险死还生。 But since, Magnus similarly has been Akabane Family all previous generations the most outstanding talent, since the Walpurgis Royal Academy of Machinart founding the most outstanding student, only by can the words be much higher compared with Raishin, even if Raishin shows the astonishing strength, he is relying on oneself technique/technology and experience as before, turning danger into safety time and time again. 可是,马格纳斯同样是赤羽家历代以来最杰出的天才,华尔普吉斯皇家机巧学院创校以来最出色的学生,仅论才能的话要比雷真高出很多,即使雷真展现出惊人的实力,他依旧凭借着自己的技术和经验,一次又一次的化险为夷。 Sees here, Raishin cannot bear somewhat anxiously, wants to advance the Magnus front directly, cuts to kill it, but there is Kamakiri's space shift , the Squadron young girls who regardless of many times, Raishin before touching Magnus came back by teleportation block. 看到这里,雷真也忍不住有些焦躁,想直接突进到马格纳斯的面前,将其斩杀,但有镰切的空间转移在,无论多少次,雷真都会在触及马格纳斯前被转移回来的战队的少女们拦下。 The Squadron young girls also paid many prices, time and time again becomes must be scarred, luckily Mitsubachi's Magecraft cured the injury, just now made them support. 战队的少女们也付出了不少代价,一次又一次的变得伤痕累累,幸亏蜜蜂的魔术治愈了伤势,方才让她们撑了下来。 The Akabane Family's two brothers use the skills, finally reached the impass unexpectedly. 赤羽家的兄弟二人就使出浑身解数,结果竟是陷入了僵局。 In such a case, two people complexion started becomes pale. 在这样的情况下,两人面色都开始变得苍白了起来。 That is 《Scarlet Wing Formation》's side effect, the combustion blood changes to Magic Power, once the excessive loss of blood, the fate only has one absolutely. 那是《红翼阵》的副作用,燃烧血液化作魔力,一旦失血过多,下场绝对只有一个。 But Raishin or is Magnus kills to get angry completely, unexpectedly disregards to own condition completely , to continue the combustion blood, overdraws life force, at risk of life fighting. 可无论是雷真或者是马格纳斯都完全杀红了眼,居然对自己的状况完全不管不顾,继续燃烧血液,透支生命力,拼死战斗着。 In both sides becomes incomparably weak, a voice finally resounded. 就在双方都变得无比虚弱时,一个声音总算响了起来 『Freeze』!” 「定」!” The fluctuation then suddenly reverberation of Magic Power, sneaked in Raishin and Magnus's ears. 魔力的波动便豁然回荡,钻进了雷真马格纳斯的耳中。
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