SOM :: Volume #14 Unbreakable Machine-Doll (3)

#2137: 《Golden Rose》

Gryphon Female Dormitory, third floor deep place. 狮鹫女子寮,三楼的深处。 Here, has two dormitory rooms made a connection with the big room that the later decoration becomes. 在这里,有着一个将两个宿舍房间进行了打通以后装潢而成的大房间。 What lives in this big room is in Walpurgis Royal Academy of Machinart position highest and power biggest student, the representative of student, the top female student ———— Olga. 住在这个大房间里的乃是华尔普吉斯皇家机巧学院中地位最高、权力最大的学生,学生的总代表,女学生中的顶端————奥尔嘉 at this moment, Olga treats in own room, side also accompanying of Dorothy as well as Zecalos brothers. 此时此刻里,奥尔嘉就待在自己的房间里,旁边还有桃乐西以及泽卡路士兄弟的随行。 Dorothy is actually not here strange, after all is the female student, and Dorothy is also one of the 《Rounds》, although is the last, similarly is outstanding student without a doubt, naturally has the qualifications to live in the school in best the female student dormitory, appear here place, is not worth strangely. 桃乐西在这里倒是不奇怪,毕竟是女生,且桃乐西也是《十三人》之一,虽然居于末席,同样是毋庸置疑的优秀学生,自然有资格居住在学院中最好的女生宿舍里,出现在这个地方,一点都不值得奇怪。 But, Zecalos brothers this pair of male student combines also appears unexpectedly here, that was a little thought-provoking. 可是,泽卡路士兄弟这对男生组合竟是也出现在这里,那就有点耐人寻味了。 Naturally, Olga is Student Representative, looks in her face, even the dormitory superintendent will still leave a loophole, allows the person who Olga invited to enter her room specially, but Olga invited the male student since own room, to not do what shameful matter absolutely. 当然,奥尔嘉学生总代表,看在她的面子上,就算是舍监也会网开一面,特别允许奥尔嘉邀请的人进入她的房间,但奥尔嘉邀请男生进入自己的房间,绝对不是为了做什么见不得人的事。 No, if shameful, in some sense, pouring also indeed is shameful. 不,如果说是见不得人的话,从某种意义上来说,倒也的确算是见不得人。 Because, then, Olga will greet Witch here. 因为,接下来,奥尔嘉将在这里迎接一名魔女 A Witch who will bring disaster to this school. 一名将给这座学院带来灾难的魔女 Hū! 呼! The window in room suddenly opened, making cold wind blow. 房间里的窗户就突然打开,让一阵冷风吹了进来。 only, in this cold wind, is mixing with others unobservable miasma. 只是,在这阵冷风中,夹杂着旁人难以察觉的瘴气 Feels that miasma, is headed by Olga, all average per person complexion slightly changed on the scene. 感受到那瘴气,以奥尔嘉为首,在场的所有人均都面色微微一变 shortly afterwards, red little dragon took the lead to fly. 紧接着,一只红色的小龙率先飞了进来。 Yo, are you okay, Ojou-sama.” “哟,你还好吧,大小姐。” Red little dragon then fell on Olga's shoulder, while sent out like laughing at the general sound, the person who did not know also thinks that it is provoking. 红色的小龙便一边落在了奥尔嘉的肩膀上,一边发出有如嗤笑一般的声音,不知道的人还以为它是在挑衅。 welcome back, Thor.” 欢迎回来,托尔。” Olga had actually become accustomed, has not looked to little dragon on shoulder, tranquil said a hello. 奥尔嘉却是已经习以为常了,没有看向肩膀上的小龙,平静的这么打了一声招呼。 Also needing smalltalk. 也没有必要客套。 How to say again, named Thor red little dragon was Olga's Automaton, only left Olga a while ago, was sent to welcome the guest to go by Olga. 再怎么说,名为托尔的红色小龙都是奥尔嘉的自动人偶,只是前阵子离开了奥尔嘉,被奥尔嘉派出去迎接客人去了而已。 I heard that you really in the time period that I leave, oneself ran up to Night Party's battlefield to go, really did not fear death, Ojou-sama.” “听说,你真的在我离开的这阵子里,自己跑到夜会的交战场去了,真是不怕死啊,大小姐。” Thor teased is speaking such words. 托尔调侃似的说着这样的话。 If by others is known Olga does not lower standards in the side in Automaton unexpectedly independently, mounted Night Party's battlefield single-handedly, is absolutely will surprised? 若是被别人知道奥尔嘉居然在自动人偶不在身边的时候自主降格,单枪匹马的登上了夜会的战场,一定会惊愕不已吧? Only has Olga, thinks otherwise completely. 只有奥尔嘉,完全不以为然。 Originally had not planned that now this time then makes war, even if there are you, I will not choose to begin, such being the case, might as well according to the original plan, goes on stage ahead of time.” “本来就没打算现在这个时候便开战,即便有你在,我也不会选择动手,既然如此,还不如按照本来的计划,提前上场。” Based on such consideration, Olga so bold action. 基于这样的考虑,奥尔嘉才这般大胆的行动。 Really is courageous, worthily is Puppeteer that I settle on.” Thor is smiling in a low voice, immediately so said unexpectedly: „Did you see my brother? Ojou-sama?” “真是有胆量,不愧是我看中的人偶使。”托尔低声笑着,随即竟是这般道:“那你见到我的兄弟了吧?大小姐?” Saw.” Olga nodded, said: Belew Family's Dragon of 《Gram》 really lives up to reputation, even Sonechka's Jörmungandr has not occupied advantage, its Puppeteer also obtains the inheritance of 《Spirit Magic》, learned 《Gram Vanir》.” “见到了。”奥尔嘉点了点头,道:“比劳家的《魔剑》之龙果然名不虚传,连索涅奇卡的耶梦加得都没有占到便宜,它的人偶使也得到《精灵术》的传承,习得《魔剑斗法》了。” Oh? Thor eye one bright, laughed loudly, said: Good, this is interesting, it seems like that this time unrest was worth waiting, Haha.” 哦?托尔眼睛一亮,放声大笑了起来,道:“好,这样才有趣,看来这次的骚乱值得期待了,哈哈。” hearing this, Olga smiled, then to ask one. 闻言,奥尔嘉轻轻一笑,然后问了一句。 Right, let the person who you greeted?” “对了,让你去迎接的人呢?” When these words spread from Olga's mouth, a devilish laughter resounded. 当这句话从奥尔嘉的口中传出时,一个魔性的笑声响起 Also thinks that you have forgotten my existence, my cute granddaughter.” “还以为你已经忘记我的存在了呢,我可爱的孙女啊。” The instance that so the words resound, fluttered coming in miasma just like turning into the storm from out of the window. 如此话语响起的瞬间,从窗外飘了进来的瘴气宛若变成了风暴。 ————!” ————!” Is headed by Olga, the people complexion play on the scene trembles entirely, fierce has transferred the line of sight, looked to the window direction. 奥尔嘉为首,在场众人通通都面色剧颤,猛的转过视线,看向了窗口的方向。 In there, when does not know, presented a young girl. 在那里,不知何时,出现了一个少女。 That is a golden-haired young girl. 那是一个金发的少女 The young girls sit like the child on the windowsill, on the face has the simple-hearted as smile, beautiful hair ties up in the left and right flutters with the wind, as if the mane of lion, the cheek looks very young, with the Olga appearance of a similar age, even young, but its pair of golden eyes actually sends out the intense brilliance, body clothes quite exposes, the thigh, chest and navel expose, body is sends out vicissitudes, ancient and profound magic essence, making people think that the innermost feelings shiver. 少女如同孩童般坐在窗沿上,脸上带着天真无邪似的笑容,一头秀发绑在左右两边随风飘荡,仿佛狮子的鬃毛,脸蛋看起来很年轻,与奥尔嘉年纪相仿的样子,甚至更加的年幼,可其一对金色的眼眸却散发出强烈的光辉,身上衣服相当暴露,大腿、胸口与肚脐都裸露出来,身上更是散发出一种沧桑、古老、深邃的魔性,让人觉得内心颤抖。 Before the body of this young girl, the front of window, also two are not knowing Automaton when comes. 在这个少女的身前,窗户的前方,还有着两具不知道什么时候进来的自动人偶 One is the build is huge is ordinary just like the brown bear, the whole body covers the lion of clothing deck everywhere. 一具是体型巨大得宛如棕熊一般,浑身到处都覆盖着装甲板的狮子。 Lies in conducting the back of lion, like has not waked, falls into the deep sleep eagle. 一具是趴在狮子的背上,如同还没醒过来一样,陷入沉睡中似的老鹰。 Overwhelming Magic Power and intense magic essence from these two Automaton's body vague fluctuations, told others, these two Automaton, all are not ordinary Automaton, Bandoll that but manufactures using the living specimen. 压倒性的魔力及强烈的魔性就从这两具自动人偶的身上隐晦的波动而出,告诉了别人,这两具自动人偶,全都不是普通的自动人偶,而是利用活体制作出来的禁忌人偶 Looks at these two Bandoll, Dorothy with Zecalos brothers felt unable to breathe same complexion turned white, looked that is filling fear to in the eyes of young girl. 看着这两具禁忌人偶,桃乐西泽卡路士兄弟均都感到无法呼吸一样的面色发白,看向少女的眼中充满着畏惧。 Olga in the eyes appears similarly look of fear, but it gazes at eagle Automaton in the eyes also to reveal a sadness, hates, a hate. 奥尔嘉眼中同样浮现出畏惧之色,但其注视着老鹰型的自动人偶眼中也流露出一丝悲伤,一丝憎恶,一丝怨恨。 But Olga hid these mood, took a deep breath, lowered the head towards the devilish young girl. 奥尔嘉将这些情绪藏了起来,深吸了一口气,向着魔性的少女低下头 Obaa-sama.” 祖母大人。” At present this looks compared with Olga also young Witch, actually, precisely Olga's genuine grandmother. 眼前这个看起来比奥尔嘉还年轻的魔女,其实,正是奥尔嘉货真价实的祖母 Even Dorothy and Zecalos brothers salute hastily. 桃乐西泽卡路士兄弟都连忙行礼。 《Golden Rose》-sama!” 《金蔷薇》大人!” Astrid-sama!” 阿斯特丽德大人!” both sides then respectively called Witch by the different names. 双方便分别以不同的称呼来称呼魔女 Because, Zecalos brothers is the Witch subordinate person, belongs to Olga, therefore politely calls the opposite party with the name. 因为,泽卡路士兄弟魔女麾下的人,直属于奥尔嘉,所以以名字来尊称对方。 As for Dorothy, strictly speaking is not Witch's subordinate, only because of the relations of Olga here. 至于桃乐西,严格来说并不是魔女的属下,只是因为奥尔嘉的关系才在这里。 Witch approached her on the gaze. 魔女就注视向了她。 „Are you... 《Black Rose》's granddaughter? Originally you also here?” Witch then lightly smiled, some ponderingly said: „Is could it be that replaces 《Black Rose》 to monitor my?” “你是...《黑蔷薇》的孙女吗?原来你也在这里啊?”魔女便吃吃的笑着,有些玩味似的道:“难道是代替《黑蔷薇》来监视我的?” Not... not!” Dorothy immediately timidly said: I... my only because of Olga-oneesama here! Obaa-sama has not planned to join your action!” “不...不是的!”桃乐西顿时胆怯般的道:“我...我只是因为奥尔嘉姐姐大人才在这里!祖母大人没有打算加入您的行动!” Right?” Witch narrowed the eye, probably wants to see through Dorothy to be the same, shortly afterwards looked like gave up generally, said: Since is this, you stay here, making me direct you well, annoying that 《Black Rose》 also isn't bad.” “是吗?”魔女眯起了眼睛,像是想看穿桃乐西一样,紧接着又像放弃了一般,道:“既然是这样,你就留在这里吧,让我好好指挥指挥你,气气那个《黑蔷薇》也不错。” Then, Witch gazed at the Dorothy vision to become the danger. 说完,魔女注视着桃乐西的目光又变得危险了起来。 But, if you bother, that do not blame me not to give the 《Black Rose》 face, knows?” “不过,如果你来搅局的话,那就别怪我不给《黑蔷薇》面子了,知道吗?” hearing the Witch's words, Dorothy's complexion turns white again, immediately hastily nod. 听到魔女的话,桃乐西的面色再次发白,当即连忙点头 Sees that Witch satisfied nodded, then looked to Olga. 见状,魔女才满意的点了点头,转而看向了奥尔嘉 not bad that it seems like you cross here, Olga.” Witch said as if cared about: What kind of? What difficulty encounters? If some people bully you to remember that told me Oh? I to help you vent anger!” “看来你在这里过的不错啊,奥尔嘉。”魔女看似关心般的道:“怎么样?有没有遇到什么困难啊?如果有人欺负你记得告诉我哦?我可以帮你出出气的!” „...... Not, and no one bullied me.” Olga silent for a while, immediately respectfully said: I am Seth Family's Witch, inherited Magus of ancient bloodlines, in this in school, but also no one can bully me.” “......不,并没有人欺负得了我。”奥尔嘉沉默了一会,随即毕恭毕敬般的道:“我是塞特家的魔女,继承了古老血脉的魔术师,在这所学院里,还没有人能够欺负得了我。” That but actually is also.” Witch nodded seldom, is actually changed the topic, said: I heard, this in school, besides Edward that little rascal, there is still one serious little fellow, don't tell me it's not?” “那倒也是。”魔女煞有其事的点了点头,却是语锋一转,道:“不过我听说,这所学院里,除了爱德华那个小鬼以外,还有一个不得了的小家伙在,难道不是吗?” Such remarks, the temperature in air became low. 此话一出,空气中的温度都变低了。 That, he where?” “那么,他在哪里呢?” Witch had a relish to smile. 魔女饶有兴致般的笑了起来。 That Akabane Family's little fellow.” “那个赤羽家的小家伙。” The person of referring, precisely Rozen. 其所指之人,正是罗真
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