SOM :: Volume #14 Unbreakable Machine-Doll (3)

#2135: absolute evil of this world

Tonight's Night Party, is doomed becomes recently , the students will hang hot topic orally. 今晚的夜会,注定会成为最近一段时间里,学生们挂在口头上的热门话题。 Besides all 《Rounds》 outside Magnus as well as Hinowa had entered the stage entirely, sole this point has enough topical. 除了马格纳斯以及日轮以外的所有《十三人》通通都已经出场了,单单这一点就有着足够的话题性。 Let alone, Olga's declaration that important, directly changed the future Night Party form, making many Gauntlet Bearer have to go into action. 更别说,奥尔嘉的宣言是那么的重要,直接改变了今后的夜会的形式,让很多手套持有者都不得不行动起来。 Therefore, the students who all witnessed the tonight's fight is discussing in one after another passing on the news entirely. 因此,所有目睹了今晚的战斗的学生们就通通都在议论纷纷中将消息给传了出去。 Believes, early tomorrow morning gets up, entire school absolutely will becomes quite lively. 相信,明天一早起来,整个学院一定会变得相当热闹。 However, regarding Olga and the others, tonight the condition, and being insufficient makes them feel relieved. 不过,对于奥尔嘉等人而言,今晚发生的状况,并不足以让他们感到安心。 might as well say, the experience to the tip of the iceberg of Rozen strength, the heart of entire group instead feels the incomparable heaviness. 倒不如说,见识到罗真实力的冰山一角,一行人的心反而感到无比的沉重。 Turned away from the Night Party noise sound, Olga entire group was then leaving arena, walked on the road of school, while looked at each other mutually. 背对着夜会的喧嚣声,奥尔嘉一行人便离开了竞技场,一边走在学院的路上,一边互相对视。 What you had to say?” “你们有什么想说的吗?” Olga then seems like wants to open the topic to be the same, takes the lead to open the mouth. 奥尔嘉便像是想打开话题一样,率先开口。 In such a case, people one after another hesitated. 在这样的情况下,众人纷纷都沉吟了下来。 shortly afterwards, Asura first responds 紧接着,阿修罗第一个做出回应 Loreley Agnesen is really a serious powerful enemy.” 罗雷莱·阿涅真果然是一个不得了的强敌。” Asura only then such idea. 阿修罗就只有这样的想法了。 This is also in the other people heart the biggest idea. 这也是其余人心中最大的想法。 Sees power that Rozen shows, people on the scene is very sad. 看到罗真展现出来的力量,在场众人的心情就真的很沉重。 Does not have the use to be used to defeat Headmaster that traditional Magecraft, has not summoned Magic Creature in rumor, only with three Automaton, had the strength of that degree unexpectedly?” “没有使用用来打败学院长的那种传统魔术,更没有召唤传闻中的魔法生物,仅用身边的三具自动人偶而已,居然都有那种程度的实力了吗?” Sonechka to think aloud the tone, is speaking such words. 索涅奇卡以自言自语般的语气,说着这样的话。 This has not known that is his Automaton's full power.” “这还不知道是不是他的自动人偶的全力。” Olga also added on such a for the time being. 奥尔嘉姑且还加上了这么一句。 hearing this, the mood of people all of a sudden became heavier. 闻言,众人的心情一下子变得更加沉重了。 How such monster must overthrow!” Dorothy has a fit of temper shouted: „Is the fellow really same age with us? So to be how strong? Should not actually he with Obaa-sama same...” “那样的怪物到底要怎么打倒啦!”桃乐西发脾气似的嚷嚷道:“那家伙真的跟我们同龄吗?怎么会那么强啊?该不会其实他是和祖母大人一样的...” A few words, have not said with enough time, Olga immediately complexion changes. 一句话,还没有来得及说完,奥尔嘉立即面色一变。 Dorothy!” 桃乐西!” Olga's voice then becomes quite severe. 奥尔嘉的声音便变得相当严厉。 Hey!” “喂!” Hey hey!” 喂喂!” Even Zecalos brothers complexion big change, no matter ice-cold Elder Brother were temperate Little Brother cannot bear raise the sound. 泽卡路士兄弟面色大变,不管是冰冷的哥哥还是温和的弟弟都忍不住提高了声音。 “Ah!” “啊!” Dorothy then realized oneself said anything, complexion becomes pallid. 桃乐西这才意识到自己说了什么,面色变得煞白。 This makes Asura and Sonechka frown. 这让阿修罗和索涅奇卡都皱起了眉头。 What are you saying?” “你们在说什么?” Asura cast the inquisition vision. 阿修罗投来了探究般的目光。 What happened to the grandmother of 《Nosferatu》 there?” 那边的《死者之王》的祖母怎么了吗?” Sonechka also aggressive asking makes noise. 索涅奇卡也咄咄逼人般的问出了声。 Olga shot a brief look at Dorothy who had a pale complexion, sighing of silently in heart, immediately looks to two people. 奥尔嘉瞥了面色煞白的桃乐西一眼,在心中默默的叹了一口气,随即看向两人 This is the Dorothy family's private affair, two do not need to ask much.” “这是桃乐西家里的私事,两位就不需要多问了。” Olga attitude somewhat strong expression. 奥尔嘉态度有些强硬的表示。 " it?" “......是吗?” Asura nodded, no longer asked. 阿修罗点了点头,不再多问。 Since is family's private affair, we naturally cannot inquire.” “既然是家里的私事,我们自然不会过问。” Sonechka actually to this covering up behavior quite discontented appearance, but is natural has uncovered, letting the person can see its character the frankness. 索涅奇卡倒是对这种遮遮掩掩的行为颇为不满的样子,可还是大大方方的揭过了,让人能够看得出其性格的光明磊落。 Olga then seizes the chance changed the topic. 奥尔嘉便趁机转移了话题 No matter what, matter basically had the foregone conclusion, since we had entered the stage, that is beyond control we to regret, no matter 《Fimbulvetr》 strong, we can only continue to fight, this is our only choices.” “不管怎么样,事情已经基本算是有了定局,我们既然已经出场了,那就由不得我们后悔,不管《芬布尔之冬》有多强,我们都只能继续战斗下去,这是我们唯一的选择。” hearing Olga's words, Asura and Sonechka nodded. 听到奥尔嘉的话,阿修罗和索涅奇卡均都点下了头 Then... 然后... For the time being regardless of 《Fimbulvetr》's existence, if 《Sword Emperor》, I want to decide a victory and defeat with him.” “姑且不论《芬布尔之冬》的存在,如果是《剑帝》的话,我还是想跟他分出个胜负的。” Asura recalled that a just war, looks at Indra, expressed. 阿修罗回想起刚刚的一战,看着身边的因陀罗,这么表示。 Carefully looked, Indra's body presented very obvious burn trace. 仔细一看,因陀罗的身上出现了很明显的烧焦般的痕迹。 That is with the period that Loki fights scar that leaves behind. 那是在与洛基交手的期间留下的伤痕。 He became compares before, should achieve with my same boundary, if did not suffer a loss on Automaton's performance, just perhaps I did not have is so easy to constrain him.” “他变得比以前强多了,应该已经达到与我同等的境界,如果不是在自动人偶的性能上吃亏,刚刚或许我没那么容易拖住他。” Asura then opens the mouth like this. 阿修罗便这样子开口。 What trades is Sonechka's assentation. 换来的是索涅奇卡的附和 Not is only 《Sword Emperor》, even 《T-Rex》 after learning 《Gram Vanir》 getting stronger.” “不仅是《剑帝》而已,连《暴龙》都在习得《魔剑斗法》以后变强了许多。” At this point, Sonechka's tone took scalding hot fighting intent. 说到这里,索涅奇卡的语气才带上了一丝灼热的战意 This 《Empress》 has then aimed at the most outstanding woman and most powerful woman, wants to become in the school not just in name, but also in reality female Emperor. 这位《女帝》便一直以最优秀的女人及最强大的女人为目标,想成为学院中名副其实的女帝王 Therefore, she will regard as the strongest opponent Olga, next is Hinowa. 因此,她才会将奥尔嘉视为自己最强的对手,其次则是日轮 but if it's Char, ranking, although is higher than Hinowa, may look like in Sonechka, she even also and not on Hinowa. 而夏露的话,排名虽比日轮高,可在索涅奇卡看来,她甚至还及不上日轮 Hinowa placed 8th place, that is because she does not have the competitive psychology, has not put out the full power, reviews Char, not only has not learned the 《Spirit Magic》 mystery, using 《Gram Vanir》's power, will not use the 《Gram》 way before is extremely rough, making a Sonechka interest unable to raise. 日轮之所以排在第8名,那是因为她没有争强好胜的心理,并没有拿出过全力,反观夏露,既没有习得《精灵术》的奥妙,又不会运用《魔剑斗法》的力量,之前使用《魔剑》的方式可谓是极其粗糙,让索涅奇卡一点兴致都提不起来。 If only by 《Gram》's power, that at all is not Sonechka's opponent. 如果仅是靠《魔剑》的力量,那根本不是索涅奇卡的对手 Because, Sonechka's Automaton does not fear 《Gram》's power, if Char only relies on 《Gram》, in the Sonechka front, will reduce to without strength to hit back. 因为,索涅奇卡的自动人偶丝毫不惧《魔剑》的力量,若是夏露仅凭借《魔剑》的话,在索涅奇卡的面前,将沦落到毫无还手之力。 But is now different. 但现在不同了。 Present 《T-Rex》 did is not just like you, Olga.” “现在的《暴龙》搞不好比你还强了,奥尔嘉。” Sonechka provocatively is saying to Olga. 索涅奇卡挑衅般的对着奥尔嘉这么说着。 If that was true, I can expect actually well.” “如果真是这样的话,那我倒是可以好好期待一下。” Olga had not been provoked, return to gracefully smiles. 奥尔嘉没有受到挑衅,回以优雅的一笑。 Sonechka has a joke backfire, immediately has turned around. 索涅奇卡自讨没趣,当即转过身。 Although 《Fimbulvetr》 is very indeed strong, but do not forget, we are not companions, since has gone on stage, then before the decisive battle arrival, hopes that you expand yourselves well, do not disappoint me when the time comes.” “虽然《芬布尔之冬》的确很强,但你们别忘了,我们并不是同伴,既然已经上场,那在决战到来之前,希望你们好好壮大自己,别到时候让我失望。” Leaves such words, Sonechka brings three mechanical giants to leave together. 留下这样的话,索涅奇卡带着三个机械巨人一起离开。 Puts best into it.” “都好自为之吧。” Asura thought that said is uselessly same, similarly drops out the words, turns the head to walk. 阿修罗似觉得多说无益一样,同样抛下话语,转头就走。 Meanwhile, has remained silent Hazel also to turn around, departure directly. 与此同时,一直保持沉默的黑兹尔亦转过身,径直的离开。 On the spot, is only left over Olga, Dorothy as well as Zecalos brothers entire group immediately. 现场,顿时只剩下奥尔嘉桃乐西以及泽卡路士兄弟一行人 Dorothy...” 桃乐西...” Just you almost made the huge mistake.” “刚刚你可是差点犯了大错了。” At this time, Zecalos brothers stared to Dorothy. 这时,泽卡路士兄弟才瞪向了桃乐西 I... I am not intentional...” “我...我也不是故意的啊...” Dorothy can only shrink the neck, recognized this mistake. 桃乐西只能缩起脖子,认下了这个错。 Olga sends out Magic Power, investigated around one, after confirming does not have walls have ears, just now made noise. 奥尔嘉散发魔力,探查了一下周围,确认没有隔墙有耳以后,方才出声。 Later pay specific attention, do not say inadvertently in this place.” “以后注意点,千万别在这种地方说漏嘴。” Olga exhorted one. 奥尔嘉嘱咐了一句。 understood.” Dorothy said with puffed cheeks: Several days later, Olga-oneesama family's that will also come to the school in any case, when the time comes the school has not known can survive.” 知道了啦。”桃乐西鼓起腮帮子的道:“反正再过几天,奥尔嘉姐姐大人家里的那位也会到学院里来了,到时候学院还不知道能不能存活下来呢。” these words, making Olga's charming face sink slightly downward, does not say a word. 这番话语,让奥尔嘉的俏脸微微往下一沉,一言不发了。 Thinks that later development, Olga somewhat is also agitated. 想到之后的发展,奥尔嘉也有些烦躁。 But Olga does not have the escape route. 奥尔嘉同样没有退路。 Because... 因为... I also am just a pawn in the hands of the old ladies.” 我也只是老太婆们手中的棋子啊。” Olga then self-ridiculed. 奥尔嘉便自嘲了起来。 No one knows this dialogue. 没有人知道这番对话。 However, darkness indeed close to this school. 不过,黑暗的确在接近这所学院。 Rozen does not know similarly, absolute evil of this world will soon float the go on stage surface, and will touch here. 罗真同样不知道,此世的绝对之恶即将浮上台面,并且将会触及这里。 In the worst way. 以最糟糕的方式。
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