SOM :: Volume #14 Unbreakable Machine-Doll (3)

#2133: Was a pleasant surprise

Bang!” “嘭!” When such resounding stifling sound sound, spread to the ear of everyone, fragment of one pile of armor exploded from Veyron's side, sprinkled in the place. 当这样响亮的闷击声响动了起来,传入每一个人的耳中时,一堆铠甲的碎片从维隆的身边爆开,洒落在地。 That is Sleipnir's body. 那是斯莱普尼尔的身体 When Veyron complexion crazily changes, does not know when appeared at its side Rozen then fist bang broke to pieces Sleipnir, making Sleipnir turn into one pile of fragments. 维隆面色狂变的时候,不知何时出现在其身旁罗真便一拳轰碎了斯莱普尼尔,让斯莱普尼尔变成一堆碎片。 „......!” “......!” The cold sweat that on Veyron forehead drips rises dramatically instantaneously. 维隆额头上淌出的冷汗瞬间暴增。 However, Veyron actually is also complexion one ruthless, suddenly turns around, to Rozen's direction, is wielding own fist. 但是,维隆却也是面色一狠,豁然转身,对着罗真的方向,挥出自己的拳头。 Pā! 啪! The clear sound is a palm of hand catches the sound that Veyron's fist aroused. 清脆的响声乃是一只手的手掌接住了维隆的拳头所激起的动静。 This fist, Veyron obviously used the 《Body Hardening》 skill, the might also calculated not bad. 这一拳,维隆明显使用了《刚体》的技巧,威力还算不错 only, Rozen actually Yaya's 《Kongouriki》 enforcement in own body, compared with the 《Body Hardening》 strengthened scope, is completely not a rank. 只是,罗真却是将夜夜的《金刚力》加持在了自己的身上,和《刚体》的强化幅度相比,完全不是一个等级 Unexpectedly does not spread out, but is the choice direct attack?” “居然不拉开距离,而是选择直接攻击啊?” Rozen caught Veyron's fist with the hand, looks to stand before oneself the man, narrowed the eye. 罗真用手接住了维隆的拳头,看着站在自己面前的这个男人,眯起了眼睛。 It seems like you indeed have very big opinion to me, does not know that the skill selected the lesson to me.” “看来你的确对我有着很大的意见,就是不知道有没有本事给我点教训了。” hearing this, Veyron sneered. 闻言,维隆冷笑了起来。 This pretentious speech way, when I want to take a look at you to maintain.” “这种装模作样的说话方式,我才想看看你到底能维持到什么时候。” Saying, Veyron is not drawing back unexpectedly, grasped the fist of another hand, while to shout. 说着,维隆居然一点都不退,一边握起了另外一只手的拳头,一边呐喊 Makes you have a look at me to hide to the present move! Sleipnir!” “就让你看看我隐藏到现在的招数吧!斯莱普尼尔!” Veyron's body, boundless Magic Power sent out. 维隆的身上,一股磅礴的魔力散发了出来。 Receives Veyron's Magic Power, was trembled to fist bang loose Sleipnir fragment one after another by Rozen, unexpectedly was float, gathered to Veyron's direction, even mounted directly in Veyron's body. 接收到维隆的魔力,那被罗真给一拳轰散的斯莱普尼尔的碎片纷纷一颤,竟是都悬浮了起来,汇聚向了维隆的方向,甚至直接镶嵌在了维隆的身上了。 Chest armor wraps up the chest. 胸甲包住胸部。 The toenail wraps up the thigh. 足甲包住腿部。 Wrist/Skill also by gauntlet and bracer wrapping. 手腕亦是被手甲及护腕给包裹了起来。 In addition gathers the helmet on head, in the short several seconds, the prestige by the whole body -type armor to thorough coverage, was changed to Knight prosperously. 再加上合在脑袋上的头盔,短短的几秒里,威隆就被全身式的铠甲给彻底的覆盖,化作一名骑士 Bang!” “轰!” The Magic Power from the armor equipped on Veyron's body suddenly rose, like roaring flame burnt slowly. 魔力就从装备上铠甲的维隆的身上暴起,像烈焰似的徐徐燃烧了起来。 Oh? 哦? Rozen's eyes flashes immediately slightly. 罗真的眼眸顿时微微一闪。 Equipped the Automaton on the body?” 把自动人偶装备到自己的身上了?” That Doll's interior is spatial?” “那具人偶的内部本来就是空的吗?” amazing!” 好厉害!” In the auditorium, saw that this audience also clamored. 观众席上,看到这一幕的观众们也都喧哗了起来。 At this moment, Veyron treats as the Magic Tool common clothing own Automaton to body. 这一刻里,维隆就将自己的自动人偶当做魔具一般的穿戴到身上 This is the Sleipnir true existence significance, its interior is the complete hollow, the goal is to let performer and Automaton can connect together always, then, so long as Puppeteer emits Magic Power, the armor can immediately the motion synchronous action, Magic Power by the contact some flows in Automaton directly, conductivity as well as transfer efficiency very high, enhances the limit Automaton's performance. 这是斯莱普尼尔真正的存在意义,其内部乃是完完全全的中空,目的就是让施术者自动人偶能够无时无刻的连接在一起,如此一来,只要人偶使放出魔力,铠甲立刻就能同步动作,魔力透过接触的部分直接流入自动人偶中,传导性以及转换效率将会非常的高,将自动人偶的性能提高到极限。 Makes you experience my Certain Kill Technique!” “就让你见识一下我的必杀技吧!” Veyron grips tightly, by armor covering the fist shrinks the rearward. 维隆紧握而起,已经被铠甲给覆盖的拳头缩向后方。 This split second, Veyron's form became blurred suddenly, making one not see clearly. 一瞬间,维隆的身影忽然变得模糊了起来,让人看不清楚了。 Veyron one step has not moved obviously, actually one type was far away from several kilometers instantaneously, may hit the general feeling anytime, making one unable to catch the distance. 明明维隆一步都没有动,却给人一种瞬间远离了数公里,随时都有可能撞过来一般的感觉,让人抓不到距离。 《Vanishing Point》!” 《霸者的一点》!” Is shouting loudly Veyron wielded own fist suddenly. 如此高喊着的维隆骤然挥出了自己的拳头。 Bang!” “轰!” The plasma flash then appeared on Night Party's battlefield together. 一道电浆般的闪光便在夜会的交战场上出现了。 That is shakes the fist produced shock wave. 那是挥拳所产生的冲击波 The might incomparable fist strike as if bang dispersed the atmosphere, dug the land, started the impact, opening the storm was ordinary, blew the dust that flew upwards, while embezzled Rozen, making entire Night Party's battlefield tremble. 威力无匹的拳击仿佛轰散了大气,刨起了大地,掀起了冲击,揭开了风暴一般,一边刮起飞扬的尘土,一边吞没了罗真,让整个夜会的交战场都震颤了起来。 „„ „ „ „ Aaaaaaaaaah...!” ” ” ” ” “““““啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊...!””””” On arena, countless person's scream resound through to open simultaneously. 竞技场上,无数人的尖叫同时响彻而开。 That is not only Char, Frey wait/etc. still blowing to fly aroused calling out in grief by the sudden storm in the young girls of battle, is the storm that audience on the auditorium encounter comes sweeps across the sent out cry. 那既是夏露芙蕾等还在交战的少女们被突如其来的暴风给吹飞所激起的悲鸣,亦是观众席上的观众们遭到迎面而来的风浪席卷所发出的叫声。 Entire arena becomes one group of chaotic all of a sudden, the person who no matter the fighting person is observing, as if received typhoon attack, was blown unstaily, scattered about, poured place. 整个竞技场一下子变得一团乱,不管是正在战斗的人还是正在观战的人,都仿佛受到了台风的侵袭似的,被吹得东倒西歪,七零八落,倒了一地。 „Is this August Veyron's Certain Kill Technique?” “这就是奥加斯特·维隆的必杀技吗?” Olga was also blown retreat by the hurricane again and again, launches the 《Magic Defense》 shield resistance storm in own front, while stubbornly is staring in the field. 奥尔嘉同样被飓风吹得连连后退,一边在自己的面前展开《魔防》盾牌抵御风浪,一边死死的盯着场内。 Loki, Asura and various Zecalos brothers and the others also show/unfolds magical powers, complexion changing suddenly, while resists shock wave in the respective method. 洛基阿修罗泽卡路士兄弟等人也都各展神通,一边面色陡变,一边以各自的手段抵御冲击波 Looks this might astonishing strikes, many people were shocked, understood. 看着这威力惊人的一击,很多人就都震惊了,更理解了。 Why the school thinks that Veyron can be a worthy opponent Magnus? 为什么学院会认为维隆能够匹敌马格纳斯呢? The reason, lies in this power. 原因,就在于这个力量 Veyron has is called the Certain Kill Technique style sufficiently, can light/only depend strikes, scatters Magnus's Squadron. 维隆拥有足以被称为是必杀技的招式,能够光靠一击,打散马格纳斯的战队 Believes, such strikes hitting, even if Magnus's Squadron may drop down entirely, for a short time, basic standing up body, even directly was destroyed? 相信,被这样的一击给击中,就算是马格纳斯的战队都有可能通通倒下,一时半会之间,根本站不起身,甚至直接被破坏吧? But at this moment, Rozen was hit to direct by this move, was pressed by the fist of named 《Vanishing Point》 embezzles at the scene. 此时此刻里,罗真就被这一招给正面击中,被名为《霸者的一点》的拳压给当场吞没。 If... 如果... If can decide the victory and defeat to be good.” “如果能够就这么分出胜负就好了。” Olga is muttering. 奥尔嘉喃喃自语着。 Let alone is Olga, is Asura and other 《Rounds》 is holding such idea. 别说是奥尔嘉,就是阿修罗等数名《十三人》都抱着这样的想法。 „Won't the fellow lose?” “那家伙不会就这么输了吧?” But Char and Loki and the others stands firm figure, while cannot bear complexion fluctuate. 夏露洛基等人则一边稳住身形,一边忍不住面色变幻。 The storm that in such a case, in the field wreaks havoc starts to subside finally. 就在这样的情况下,场内肆虐的风暴总算开始平息。 In a while, becomes a stretch of location in confusion to appear in everyone's front. 没过多久,变得一片狼藉的场地就出现在所有人的面前。 Specifically speaking, was the location encounters the expansion of radioactive shock wave to open probably is the same, ground cracking of entire battlefield, the crack is spreading to open toward all around, the sand dust and crushed stone were swept completely, turn into spacious one piece. 具体来说,就是场地像是遭到了放射性的冲击波的扩展而开一样,整个战场的地面都龟裂着,裂缝向着四周蔓延而开,沙尘及碎石则全部都被吹走,变成空旷的一片。 Fully-armed Veyron stands in the center of this stretch of spacious location, is maintaining the posture of shaking the fist. 全副武装的维隆就站在这一片空旷的场地的中央,维持着挥拳的姿势。 Maintained such posture, Veyron is smiling. 维持着这样的姿势,维隆笑了。 Smiles the incomparable incapability and paleness. 笑得无比的无力及苍白。 damn monster...” 可恶的怪物...” Veyron reveals such words. 维隆吐露出这样的话语。 In his front, youngster as before steady standing that magnificent jet black Haori flutters up and down there, the whole body returns safe and sound, like before, used the palm to hold the first brandished by Veyron. 在他的面前,一袭华丽漆黑的羽织上下飘荡的少年依旧稳稳的站在那里,浑身毫发无伤,像之前那样,用手掌接着维隆挥出的拳头 Pouring was also a pleasant surprise.” “倒也算是一个惊喜了。” Rozen then calmly spoke. 罗真便平静的出声 Pitifully, this cannot break 《Kongouriki》's defense.” “可惜,这是破不开《金刚力》的防御的。” Saying, Rozen's body, Magic Power releases slightly. 如此说着,罗真的身上,魔力微微释放而出。 Zheng!” “铮!” In behind Rozen, the Irori silent appearance, the whole body is shaking the ice-cold cold air, comes toward Veyron's direction extend the hand. 罗真的身后,伊吕里无声无息的出现,浑身震荡着冰冷的寒气,向着维隆的方向伸出手来。 pā jī pā jī pā jī...!” 啪叽啪叽啪叽...!” Veyron's body, the cold ice starts to congeal immediately. 维隆的身上,寒冰顿时开始凝结。 After several seconds, Veyron was frozen an ice sculpture directly. 数秒钟以后,维隆直接被冻成了一座冰雕。 Yaya and Komurasaki then follow to appear in Rozen's side, like the mirage, the form drags. 夜夜小紫这才跟着出现在罗真的身边,像海市蜃楼一样,身影摇曳。 Rozen!” 罗真!” Komurasaki on vivacious arrived in front of Rozen, in the hand does not know when takes a glove. 小紫就蹦蹦跳跳的来到罗真的面前,手中不知何时拿着一个手套。 precisely the glove that the Night Party's participants have. 正是夜会的参加者们所拥有的手套 Veyron glove by Komurasaki taking down. 维隆的手套就被小紫给取下了。 Under the condition of including oneself everyone not having discovered. 在包括本人在内的所有人都没有发现的状况下。 Famous 《First From the Bottom》 then suffers defeat in that night. 大名鼎鼎的《倒数第一》便在这一夜里败北。 In the without doubt way. 毫无悬念的方式。
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