SOM :: Volume #10 Sky Wizards Academy

#1551: Turns into my pet you

Chī...! 嗤...! When sky-splitting sound resounds again, Kanata, Chloe, Yuri as well as Miena group of four had changed to flowing light entirely, grazes to all directions, goes toward the place that Rozen assigns. 破空声再次响起时,彼方蔻依优莉以及米娜一行四人已经通通都化作了一道道的流光,飞掠向四面八方,往罗真指定的地点而去。 Only is left over Rozen one person, stay in place, is gazing after departure of Chloe and the others as before, after a while, has just now turned around, looks to the front. 只剩下罗真一人,依旧留在原地,目送着蔻依等人的离去,一会以后,方才转过身,看向了前方。 Since came to come out, I'm in no mood to play hide-and-seek.” “既然来了就出来,我可没什么心情玩捉迷藏。” Rozen is then speaking such words suddenly. 罗真便突然说着这样的话。 Regarding Rozen's these words... 对于罗真的这番话... Why? Playing hide-and-seek isn't very fun?” “为什么?捉迷藏不是很好玩吗?” With such simple-hearted words, a white fairy-like petite young girl appeared. 伴随着这样天真无邪的话语,白色如妖精般的娇小少女出现了 Rozen's vision was almost attracted all of a sudden. 罗真的目光几乎是一下子被吸引过去。 For two reasons. 原因有两个。 In this slowly lifts off from the forest, arrives at own opposite young girl body, Rozen peeped at astonishing Magic Power and Magical Power also exists. 一个是在这名缓缓的从森林中升空,来到自己的对面的少女身上,罗真窥视到了惊人的魔力咒力的同时存在。 Obviously, the opposite party is the Houryoku holder, the assassin who Zeth Faction comes. 显然,对方是崩力持有者,杰斯派来的刺客。 there is still one is this young girl does not come alone. 还有一个则是这名少女并不是单独现身。 Should say first meeting? Big Brother?” “应该说初次见面吗?大哥哥?” white fairy-like young girl then open smiling. 白色妖精般的少女便开朗的笑着。 I am Leyseritt, Leyseritt Fairchild.” “我是莉洁莉特,莉洁莉特·芙拉尔柴尔德。” Named Leyseritt young girl is saying, while is swaying a pair of small foot. 名为莉洁莉特的少女便一边这么说着,一边摇晃着一对小脚丫。 Because, Leyseritt is not appears alone, but sits in huge Magical Armored Insect's body. 因为,莉洁莉特并不是单独出现,而是坐在一只庞大的魔甲虫的身上 In this huge Magical Armored Insect's side, also another two Magical Armored Insect. 在这只庞大的魔甲虫的身边,还有另外两只魔甲虫 In addition, large quantities of Asmodeus unexpectedly are also one after another plunders from the forest, arrived at Leyseritt's side, formed an astonishing regiment. 除此之外,大批大批的阿斯莫德竟是也相继的从森林中掠出,来到了莉洁莉特的身边,形成了一支惊人的军团。 Rozen's vision fell on that three Magical Armored Insect's body. 罗真的目光就落在了那三只魔甲虫的身上 That is Magical Armored Insect that three even Rozen have to look askance. 那是三只连罗真都不得不侧目的魔甲虫 What left is one has two pieces of wings, the build is approximate in the grandiose praying mantis, has the size almost to be equal to own body huge scythe, scythe such as the high-frequency vibration blade slight tremor, was also understanding at a glance that generally is serious ultimate weapon Magical Armored Insect. 左边的是一只拥有着两片翅膀,体型近似于壮硕的螳螂,拥有着尺寸几乎等同于自己的身躯的巨大镰刀,镰刀还如高频率震动刀一般细微的颤动着,一看就知道是不得了的大杀器魔甲虫 What right is one entire is about ten meters considerable, has the red metal carapace, conducts the back to attach the long gun tube, without a doubt is long-distance attack Magical Armored Insect. 右边的是一只全长足有十公尺左右,拥有着红色金属般的甲壳,背上附有长长的炮管,毋庸置疑是远距离攻击型的魔甲虫 As for Leyseritt sits is a body like the whale presents the long strip in conducting the back, presents the white all over the body, the build or imposing manner dominate in other two Magical Armored Insect Magical Armored Insect by far. 至于被莉洁莉特坐在背上的则是一只身躯如鲸鱼般呈现长条状,通体呈现白色,无论是体型还是气势均都远远凌驾于其余两只魔甲虫魔甲虫 These three Magical Armored Insect, Rozen had seen in the 《Mistgun》 information bank. 这三只魔甲虫,罗真曾经在《密斯特岗》的资料库里见到过。 《Spica》...” 《角宿一》...” This is that praying mantis Magical Armored Insect. 这是那只螳螂般的魔甲虫 《Altair》...” 《河鼓二》...” This is that only long-distance bombing-type Magical Armored Insect. 这是那只远距离炮击型魔甲虫 《Rigel》...” 《参宿七》...” This is that white whale Magical Armored Insect. 这是那只白鲸般的魔甲虫 ———— 《Spica》. ————《角宿一》 Medium-type Fallen Species, by fearful close combat well-known Magical Armored Insect, not only extremely fierce, slash that scythe of both hands wields is sharp incomparable, even Mithril can cutting off easily, is called existence of Vanguard Killer. 中型变异种,以可怕的近身战而闻名的魔甲虫,不但极其凶悍,双手的镰刀挥出的斩击更是锋利无比,连魔装炼金都能轻易的斩断,乃是被称为前锋杀手的存在。 ———— 《Altair》. ————《河鼓二》 Medium-type Fallen Species, takes like high-speed bombing of electromaguetic rail gun as Magical Armored Insect of attack method slatingly, might of its bombing extremely fearful, in Sky Wizard by its bang, will be launched the response of Magic Barrier to make basically continually without enough time is then evaporated, even if will launch Magic Barrier to be passed through by an artillery, firepower, almost compared favorably with the 《Strike Blaster》 such Battle Skill degree, general human Sky Wizard cannoneer is unable to exceed it on direct confrontation absolutely. 中型变异种,以雷鸣般如同电磁轨道炮的高速炮击为攻击手段的魔甲虫,其炮击的威力极其的可怕,被其轰中的空士,基本都会连展开魔术障壁的反应都来不及做出便会被蒸发,即使展开了魔术障壁都会被一炮贯穿,火力之强,几乎是媲美《收束魔炮》这样的战技的程度,一般的人类空士炮击手绝对无法在正面交锋上胜过它。 ———— 《Rigel》. ————《参宿七》 This is also Fallen Species. 这也是一只变异种 Moreover, is large-scale parent body Fallen Species, in the middle of all Magical Armored Insect, and even in the middle of all Fallen Species, is the thorniness of second to none. 而且,还是大型母体型的变异种,在所有的魔甲虫当中,乃至所有的变异种当中,都是首屈一指的棘手。 It can discharge raising by way of mouth in within the body small-scale, Magic Resistance is not high, the incrustation is extremely thick, is almost impossible to pass through. 它能够经由口腔排出饲养在体内的小型种,抗魔力并不高,硬皮却极厚,几乎无法贯穿。 After the statistics, this Large-type Fallen Species had only appeared in around the world, and destroyed many Floating City, in the middle of confirmed Large-type Fallen Species is one of the most dangerous varieties in the nowadays. 经过统计,这只大型变异种世界各地都曾经出现过,并且破坏了不少的浮游都市,在现今已经被确认的大型变异种当中属于最危险的品种之一。 Leyseritt then brings such three Fallen Species, as well as numerous Asmodeus, arrival of simultaneously. 莉洁莉特便带着这样的三只变异种,以及众多的阿斯莫德,齐齐的降临。 Saw this, Rozen understands immediately. 看到这一幕,罗真立即懂了。 Last night attacked me and River person in Outer District Warehouse Street is you?” “昨晚在外缘区仓库街里袭击了我和里帕的人就是你吧?” Rozen turns toward Leyseritt to confirm like this. 罗真这样子向着莉洁莉特确认着。 Originally your understood?” Leyseritt is first startled, immediately very cute nod acknowledged, said: Zeth-sama orders me to wait there, so long as there are the person who wears the Sky Wizard uniform/subdue appears launches the attack, therefore I made my pets ask you to play.” “原来你知道了啊?”莉洁莉特先是一怔,随即非常可爱点头承认,道:“杰斯大人命令我在那里等着,只要有身穿空士制服的人出现就发动袭击,所以我让我的宠物们都去找你玩了。” Pet?” Rozen shot a look at Leyseritt Magical Armored Insect and Asmodeus, said with a smile: Your family's pet also rather too lack discipline.” “宠物?”罗真瞥了一眼莉洁莉特身边的魔甲虫阿斯莫德,笑道:“那你家的宠物也未免太欠管教了。” Rozen said such words unexpectedly. 罗真竟是说出了这样的话。 Leyseritt's complexion sank immediately. 莉洁莉特的脸色顿时沉了下来。 „...... These children, but Zeth-sama lends my.” Leyseritt said in a low voice: My pet had been given the destruction by you.” “......这些孩子可是杰斯大人借给我的。”莉洁莉特低声道:“我自己的宠物早就被你给破坏了。” Right?” Rozen indifferently said: How do you want?” “是吗?”罗真无动于衷的道:“那你想怎么样?” What kind of?” Leyseritt said somewhat resentfully: Naturally was asks you to revenge, Big Brother.” “怎么样?”莉洁莉特有些怨恨似的道:“当然是找你报仇了,大哥哥。” Asks me to revenge?” Rozen laughed in spite of trying not to immediately, said: Why can I be revenged by you?” “找我报仇?”罗真顿时失笑了,道:“为什么我得被你报仇?” This issue, making Leyseritt be startled. 这个问题,让莉洁莉特一怔。 Because of..., because you destroyed my pet...” “因...因为你破坏了我的宠物...” Leyseritt so advocated. 莉洁莉特如此主张。 But, this reason cannot stand firmly. 可是,这个理由根本站不住脚。 These so-called pets in your mouth, because was sent to cope with me by you, will therefore be destroyed.” Rozen said with a faint smile: They first want to destroy me, or is you wants to destroy me, such being the case, I destroy you in turn, could it be that it's wrong?” “你口中的那些所谓的宠物,可是因为被你派来对付我,所以才会被破坏的。”罗真似笑非笑的道:“它们先想要破坏我,亦或者说是你想破坏我,既然如此,我反过来破坏掉你们,难道有错吗?” Has the mistake? 有错吗? Naturally no. 当然没有。 At least, Leyseritt felt, if is bullied by others, that absolutely will bullied in turn. 至少,莉洁莉特是觉得,如果是自己被别人欺负了的话,那一定会反过来欺负回去。 Such a saying, oneself is unjust to this Big Brother? 这么一说,自己是冤枉这个大哥哥了? Actually is he a good person? 其实他是好人? Thinking, Leyseritt is shaking the head suddenly. 这么想着,莉洁莉特突然又是摇了摇头。 „It is not right.” Leyseritt advocates to say immediately: Even we want to destroy you, you cannot destroy us.” “不对。”莉洁莉特顿时主张道:“就算我们想破坏你,你也不能破坏我们。” Oh? Rozen raised the brow, asked: Why?” 哦?罗真眉头一挑,问道:“为什么?” This issue, Leyseritt replied very much simply. 这个问题,莉洁莉特很干脆的回答了。 Because Zeth-sama has said that we are special, we are the powerful power owners, such being the case, to the weak one demonstrated that our power are the natural things, the weak one wants to revolt against expert, that should not.” “因为杰斯大人说过了,我们是特殊的,我们是强大力量的拥有者,既然如此,向弱者展示我们的力量就是理所当然的事情,弱者想反抗强者,那就是不应该。” This is the idea that Leyseritt grasps. 这就是莉洁莉特秉持的想法。 However, such idea, making Rozen understand all of a sudden. 然而,这样的想法,让罗真一下子明白。 so that's how it is, Zeth teaches you...” 原来如此,杰斯教你的啊...” This young girl, basic is ignorant of affair on only one, simple-hearted small girl. 这个少女,根本就只是一个不谙世事,天真无邪的小丫头而已。 in other words, she was given the use by Zeth. 也就是说,她被杰斯给利用了。 Even, now is also regarded the abandoned child, is used to cope with itself. 甚至,现在还被当成弃子,用来对付自己。 Understood this point, Rozen looked that also started to take one to the Leyseritt look looking pensive. 明白了这一点,罗真看向莉洁莉特的眼神也开始带上了一丝若有所思。 At once... 旋即... According to you said, I compared with you, you should obey me is right?” “按照你这么说,我比你强,那你应该服从我才对吧?” Rozen smiles. 罗真这么笑了笑。 But Leyseritt actually shook the head. 莉洁莉特却是摇头了。 „It is not right, we are expert, your human is small and weak, this is everyone the matter that said.” “不对,我们才是强者,你们人类是弱小的,这是大家都在说的事情。” Leyseritt advocates. 莉洁莉特就是这么主张的。 Even if Rozen had shown powerful power, Leyseritt as before to this believing in firmly. 即使罗真曾经展现过强大的力量,莉洁莉特依旧对这点深信不疑。 Today, has Trinity Fallen Species, also so many Asmodeus, Big Brother definitely is not my opponent.” “今天,有三位一体的变异种,还有这么多的阿斯莫德,大哥哥肯定不是我的对手。” Leyseritt happy smiling. 莉洁莉特开心的笑着。 Therefore, I must turn into my pet Big Brother, comes to love you again well.” “所以,我要把大哥哥变成我的宠物,再来好好的疼爱你。” Saying, Leyseritt raised a hand. 说着,莉洁莉特举起了一只手。 In that hand, Magic Power and Magical Power ascended simultaneously. 那只手上,魔力咒力同时升腾了起来。
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