SOM :: Volume #10 Sky Wizards Academy

#1415: The worry of young girls

Squad Building, bathhouse. 小队大楼,淋浴室。 Comes out after the training ground, Misora, Lecty as well as Rico group of three then nonstop catches up toward here, gives to change Protector, has the passers-by are laughing at secretly the sound, the whole body mud crashed in the shower room. 从训练场里出来以后,美空、蕾克蒂以及莉子一行三人便马不停蹄的往这边赶来,将一身防护服给换下,带着路人们窃笑般的声音,满身泥泞的冲进了淋浴间。 Really is, that fellow, the girl made unexpectedly the whole body is dirty, what to do if this did spoil the skin should?” “真是的,那个家伙,居然把女孩子弄得全身脏兮兮的,这要是弄坏了皮肤的话该怎么办啊?” Misora complained, while kept mud washing off. 美空就一边抱怨,一边不停的将一身的泥泞给洗掉。 Really sorry, only then I alone...” “真是对不起,只有我一个人...” Was only smeared the Lecty very relaxed letting flesh of shoulder to restore to fair Status/condition actually, only as if about, only then such condition feels is guilty same, from just started then to apologize. 只被弄脏了肩膀的蕾克蒂倒是很轻松的让肌肤重新恢复到白皙的状态,只是似乎对只有自己这样的状况感到愧疚一样,从刚刚开始便一直在道歉。 Including was Goddess my men got down such cruel methods, should find an opportunity to him a lesson?” “连身为女神的我那个男人都下了这样的狠手,应该找个机会给他一点教训吗?” Even clean of Rico very uncomfortable as dirty body, even without Misora is so serious, her body has many dirts as before. 莉子都很不爽似的清洗着脏兮兮的身体,即使没有美空那么严重,她的身上依旧有着不少的污渍。 The Squad E601 three young girls are using like this abreast in row in three shower rooms, each other stands under spraying seed case of lotus flower of water splash, own body clean clean at the same time, makes big white flesh expose in the dim steam. E601小队的三个少女就这样利用着并排在一块的三个淋浴间,彼此站在喷洒着水花的莲蓬头下,将自己的身体清洗干净的同时,亦让一大片白色的肌肤暴露在朦胧的热气中。 This is very rare one. 这可是很少见的一幕。 Although puts in order today very miserably by that fellow, but thinks carefully, if not today's matter, we also rarely do treat like taking a bath together?” “虽然今天被那个家伙整得很惨,但仔细想想,如果不是今天的事情的话,我们也很少像这样待在一块洗澡吧?” Misora seemingly noticed this point, saying. 美空貌似注意到了这一点,如此说着。 Because Squad E601 ordinary training or Ranking Battle very not smooth relations, therefore, takes a bath like three people together, really very rare. 因为E601小队平常无论是训练还是排名战都很不顺利的关系,所以,像这样三人一起洗澡,真的非常的罕见。 In the past was Rico is speaking some foolish talk, probably does not want to perspire the training and so on, we almost like today, had not made that whole body dirty showered.” “以往都是莉子在说一些蠢话,像是不想流汗训练之类的,我们几乎都没有像今天这样,弄得浑身脏兮兮的一块淋浴呢。” Misora is so sigh with emotion. 美空就这么感慨着。 Is....” Lecty repeatedly nod, said immediately: Words that such a thinks, is a little slightly happy.” “是...是啊。”蕾克蒂立即连连点头,道:“这么一想的话,稍微有点开心呢。” Lecty felt some satisfactions for this condition probably. 蕾克蒂好像为这个状况感到了些许的惬意。 Only Rico, such thinks otherwise. 唯独莉子,还是那样不以为然。 could it be that you also like being made dirty by the man? Really made the hobby that one is unable to understand, my only normal Goddess, do not jumble together with you me.” 难道你们还喜欢被男人弄得脏兮兮的吗?真是令人无法理解的嗜好,我只是个正常的女神,千万别把我跟你们混为一谈。” Rico then as before self-designated extraordinary. 莉子便依旧自命不凡 If trades to do usually, Misora at this time certainly already angry, and prepared and Rico loudly quarrels. 如果换做平时的话,美空这个时候一定已经生气,并准备和莉子大吵一架了。 But is very rare, today it was as if Misora was drained of all her anger, disregarded the Rico words automatically. 可很罕见的,美空今天仿佛把所有的火气都给宣泄完毕了一样,自动无视了莉子的话。 At this moment, in Misora's heart only has an idea. 此时此刻,美空的心中只有一个想法。 I have not been able to believe to the present, comes, when our Instructor people, unexpectedly can be in 《Mistgun》 greatest Hero.” “我到现在都还不敢相信,来当我们的教官的人,居然会是〈密斯特岗〉内最伟大的英雄。” Misora's words, making the sound of left and right reduce. 美空的话语,令得左右两边的动静都减少了。 Obviously, Lecty and Rico have deep feeling probably. 显然,蕾克蒂莉子好像也对此深有感触。 If that honored one were to become out Instructor, can we getting stronger, leave our dream about one?” 如果是那一位来当我们的教官的话,我们是不是就能变强,离自己的梦想更近一步了呢?” Lecty on not only the resembles feels the hope, and resembles felt anxious is saying. 蕾克蒂就既像感到希冀,又像感到不安般的这么说着。 However, Rico does not have this. 但是,莉子却没有这样。 Do not blame me not to remind you, the temporary words, he is also not our Instructor, we have not received his approval.” “别怪我没有提醒你们,暂时的话,他还不是我们的教官,我们还没有受到他的认可呢。” Rico like sprinkling cold water same saying such inopportune words. 莉子如同泼冷水一样的说出这么不合时宜的话。 May regarding Rico, this be the speech of very good. 可对于莉子而言,这已经算是很不错的发言了。 Really is rare.” Misora then strange was saying to Rico: Trades to do usually, you should pay lip service to say 『As Goddess, I do not need a vulgar mortal's teachings; moreover, I'm already perfect. Without any place that needs instruction, so no need to waste time』 such words, then has walked away?” “真是罕见啊。”美空便奇怪般的对着莉子道:“换做平时,你应该已经口口声声的说着「身为女神的我是不需要庸俗的凡人来教导的,而且我本来就很完美,没有任何需要被指导的地方,没必要浪费时间」这样的话,然后早就一走了之了吧?” That is true. 的确如此。 If usually, Rico absolutely will does that? 如果是平时,莉子一定会这么做的吧? This young girl is continuously like, will just now treat in the E-Rank squad. 这个少女就是一直像这样子,方才会待在E级小队中。 Said that... said that Rico-san today also very rare went the training ground with us together.” Lecty might as well like realizing anything, cautiously said: Trades to make usually, the Instructor order, Rico-san still meets to leave obviously even, will not follow to come together.” “说...说起来,莉子同学今天也很罕见的跟我们一起去训练场了呢。”蕾克蒂亦好像意识到什么一样,小心翼翼的道:“换做平时,明明就算教官命令,莉子同学也会自己走掉,不会跟着一起过来。” Is such matter. 就是这么回事。 Therefore, today the Rico following people will go to the training ground unexpectedly together, that is one is worth the surprised matter. 所以,今天莉子居然会跟着众人一起前往训练场,那本身就已经是一件值得惊讶的事情。 might as well say, considering Rico that incurable words and deeds, the today's Rico amenable degree simply is usually out of the ordinary, even still has Rozen in the relations of adding fuel to the flames, that was also quite unusual. 倒不如说,考虑到莉子平时那无可救药的言行,今天的莉子的顺从程度简直非比寻常,即使其中也有罗真在推波助澜的关系,那亦相当反常了。 could it be that... 难道... „Related to 『you just need to want to fight』 that fellow did say?” “跟那个家伙说的「你得真的想战斗」有关吗?” Misora asked this question. 美空问出了这个问题。 This instance, Misora and Lecty had not seen, Rico cleans the movement of body suddenly. 这一个瞬间,美空蕾克蒂都没有看到,莉子清洗身体的动作蓦然一顿。 shortly afterwards, Rico restored. 紧接着,莉子恢复了过来。 „To discuss this Goddess matter, to you were also too early saying that you think your issue well.” “想谈论本女神的事情,对于你们来说还言之过早了,你们还是好好想想自己的问题吧。” Rico sarcastically spoke. 莉子冷言冷语似的出声 Like you, Misora, that man has said that so long as you change to Magic Cannoneer, gives up your Magic Cannon Sword, you may become second 《Nirvana》 such Character, how you think?” “就像你,美空,那个男人可是已经说过了,只要你改为魔炮士,放弃你的魔炮剑,那你就有可能成为第二个〈寂灭姬〉那样的人物,你是怎么想的呢?” Such remarks, the Misora movement also looked like just Rico like that stagnates completely. 此话一出,美空的动作也像刚刚的莉子那般,完全滞住了。 Moreover, the time of stagnating is longer than Rico. 而且,滞住的时间远比莉子久。 Misora lowers the head, in the eyes emerges to struggle, complex and sad wait/etc. emotion. 美空就低着头,眼中涌现出挣扎、复杂和哀伤等等的情感。 Finally... 最后... I will not change to Magic Cannoneer.” “我是不会改为魔炮士的。” Misora makes declaration by the painful sound. 美空以沉痛般的声音做出宣言 I will only become Magic Cannon Swordsman, this whole life is.” “我只会成为魔炮剑士,这辈子都是。” Such declaration, since said to others, was also said to oneself. 这样的宣言,既是对他人所说,亦是对自己所说。 Misora is determined to discard a relaxed successful path, then thinks on the step road of the difficult thorn. 美空就决心舍弃一条轻松成功的道路,转而想步上一条艰难的荆棘之路。 Right?” “是吗?” Rico appears a little thinks otherwise, the mighty waves that only then in the eyes surges told others, her innermost feelings somewhat are also complex. 莉子还是显得有点不以为然,只有眼中涌动的波澜告诉了别人,她的内心同样有些复杂。 Lecty?” Misora then shifts to Lecty, said: What Eisenach Style swordsman isn't Lecty that? what are you going to do?” 蕾克蒂呢?”美空这才转向蕾克蒂,道:“蕾克蒂不是那个什么艾森纳赫流的剑士吗?你打算怎么办?” I... I do not know...” The Lecty sound cannot help but becomes low, made her mosquito sound opens the mouth, said: I... I only hope oneself can getting stronger, strong enough to protect anybody, in that case, I satisfied.” “我...我也不知道...”蕾克蒂的声音不由得变低,令得她蚊声开口,道:“我...我只希望自己能够变强,强到能够守护任何人,那样的话,我就满足了。” May defer to the view of that fellow, you were probably strong enough, the only character was too spiritless.” Misora not after saying of brain: In our three people, it is estimated that you are easiest getting stronger, strong then it will be alright that so long as changes.” “可按照那个家伙的说法,你好像本来就够强啊,只是性格太懦弱了。”美空没怎么经过大脑的说道:“在我们三个人里面,估计你是最容易变强的吧,只要变的坚强就行了。” Snort...” Rico snorts at contemptuously emanation such sound. “哼...”莉子嗤之以鼻般的发出这样的声音。 Became strong then it will be alright? 变得坚强就行了? That is most difficult? 那才是最难的吧? Finally... 结果... That fellow, how actually wants to let our Ma...” “那个家伙,到底想让我们怎么样...” The Misora whisper sound, happen said three people of innermost feelings on the scene. 美空的嘀咕声,正好道出了在场三人的内心。 Because three young girls own matter as well as appears in the present rare opportunity, but is worried. 三个少女就因为自己的事情以及出现在眼前的难得的机会而苦恼着。 But three people had not found, exactly the same that their present situations, leaves say before Rozen. 而三人都没有发现,她们的现状,和罗真离开前说的一模一样。 After today's training, in the Misora, Lecty as well as Rico three people of hearts has many ideas. 经过今天的训练,美空、蕾克蒂以及莉子三人的心中就有着很多的想法。 Three young girls have been then worried. 三个少女便一直苦恼着。 Tonight, is doomed sleepless. 今晚,注定无眠。
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