SOM :: Volume #10 Sky Wizards Academy

#1413: Eisenach Style's Magic Dual Swords Technique

the little strangeness of Rozen's innermost feelings, three people on the scene are not naturally able to detect. 罗真内心的些许古怪,在场的三人自然无法察觉。 Three people of only immerse in the depression of training failure, even narcissistic Rico has been holding the arm, closes one's eyes, does not say a word, does not know that is thinking anything. 三人只是沉浸在训练失败的消沉中,连自恋的莉子都一直抱着手臂,闭着眼睛,一言不发,根本不知道在想什么。 That... that really sorry.” “那...那个,真是对不起。” after a while, Lecty lowers the head the apology toward Rozen's direction. 一会以后,蕾克蒂向着罗真的方向低头道歉。 why apology?” 干嘛道歉啊?” Asking of Rozen strange as. 罗真奇怪似的问了。 Because of..., because... that... we did disappoint you?” “因...因为...那个...我们让你失望了吧?” Lecty is quite speaking such words uncomfortably. 蕾克蒂就颇为难受的说着这样的话。 Not is only Lecty, even Misora abandon oneself to despair is having the sound. 不仅是蕾克蒂而已,即使是美空自暴自弃似的出着声。 In any case we are the smallest and weakest teams, no one wants, when our Instructor, even if were abandoned again one time, that is still very normal, I will not treat as a matter.” “反正我们就是最弱小队啦,没有人愿意当我们的教官,就算再被抛弃一次,那也很正常,我才不会当做一回事呢。” These words, Misora obviously says by the way of very much being contrary to convictions. 这番话,美空明显是以很违心的方式说出来的。 Squad E601 by evaluation is the smallest and weakest team, the reason is not they do not want to try hard. e601小队之所以会被评价为最弱小队,原因不是她们不想努力。 Regardless of Rico, Rozen can look, Misora and Lecty have heart that wants to try hard. 姑且不论莉子,罗真能够看得出来,美空蕾克蒂都有想努力的心。 Has two people also said? 两人也说过了吧? Misora's dream wants to become outstanding Magic Cannon Swordsman. 美空的梦想是想成为一名优秀的魔炮剑士 Lecty wants in dual swords with hand to protect and protect others. 蕾克蒂更是想用手中的双剑来保护、守护他人。 Therefore, these two people has the heart of effort getting stronger wants to go all out, only because of the respective reason, turned pitifully not studiously. 所以,这两人都有一颗想拼命的努力变强的心,只可惜因为各自的原因,均都变成了无用功。 However, Rozen wants to say... 但是,罗真还是想说... For the time being, regardless of whether or not I want to become your Instructor, said that Lecty just view, I must first tell you, you wrong must be very odd.” 姑且不论我愿不愿意当你们的教官,就说蕾克蒂刚刚的说法,我得先告诉你们,你们错得很离谱喔。” Rozen is opening the mouth to three people like. 罗真像这样子对着三人开口了。 Eh? 唉? Misora and Lecty are startled immediately, even Rico opened the eye. 美空蕾克蒂顿时均都一怔,连莉子都睁开了眼睛。 In such a case, Rozen casts the vision to three people of body. 在这样的情况下,罗真将目光投至三人的身上 „The problem that truly, your body has is very serious, imagines compared with me in the eyes, this is a fact.” Rozen leisurely said: But, at the same time, you also gave my many pleasant surprise, making me see your body exists compared with before me higher possibility that imagined, this was also a fact.” “确实,你们身上存在的问题很严重,比我想象中的眼中,这是一个事实。”罗真施施然的道:“可是,与此同时,你们也给了我不少的惊喜,让我看到了你们身上存在着远比我之前想象的更高的可能性,这也是一个事实喔。” hearing this, Misora, Lecty as well as Rico three people of look at each other in blank dismay. 闻言,美空、蕾克蒂以及莉子三人面面相觑着。 Possibility? 可能性? What meaning is that? 那是什么意思啊? To the things of three people of too doubts, Rozen has not given the answer directly. 没给三人太多疑惑的事情,罗真直接给出答案。 For example, Rico, you, although personality a little issue, but you mind can be higher than others, although you had in just training become swayed by personal feelings, may after suffering several attacks, you realize this point immediately, immediately you adjusted quickly, became calm, continued snipe, should this I not speak incorrectly?” “比如说,莉子,你虽然个性有点问题,但你无论是头脑还是才能都远比他人高,虽说你在刚刚的训练中有变得意气用事,可在遭受了几次攻击以后,你立刻就意识到了这一点,随即你很快就调整了过来,变得冷静,继续狙击,这我应该没说错吧?” Rozen is saying to Rico. 罗真对着莉子这么说着。 „Did you look?” “你看出来了吗?” Rico appears is somewhat astonished actually. 莉子倒是显得有些讶异。 This also proved Rozen just said real. 这也证明罗真刚刚说的都是真的。 You have also said that your theory result is A, does not compare with your actual combat result weakly, such being the case, that had fully explained that your mind is quite flexible, in addition snipe ability of your also every shot hits the target, therefore, in just training, you were in the squad three people slight defect smallest one.” “你自己也说过,你的理论成绩是A,和你的实战成绩相比一点也不弱,既然如此,那已经充分说明你的头脑相当灵活,再加上你还有百发百中的狙击能力,所以,在刚刚的训练中,你是小队三人里瑕疵最小的一个。” Rozen gives this evaluation. 罗真给出这番评价 Is... is this?” Rico appears the somewhat shy appearance immediately, but quick restored, said: Ma, I was very perfect, who lets me is Goddess?” “是...是这样吗?”莉子顿时显得有些害羞的样子,只不过很快又恢复了过来,道:“,我本来就很完美,谁让我是女神呢?” Rico is narcissism like that matter selective negligence of also slight defect even Rozen said that to pose as perfectly. 莉子还是那般的自恋,连罗真所说的还有一点瑕疵的事情都选择性的忽视,以完美自居。 Rozen then looked to Misora. 罗真这才看向了美空 Again come, Misora, you and Rico's situation are entirely opposite, without the ability, without the mind, relies on is completely relying on the innermost feelings to act recklessly, the usage of sword is rotten to the core, even bombs the technique is very bad, did not ponder in the process of fight completely, but also was not understood the clay figurine who completely provocation gives to lead by the nose, sees you sufficiently impulsive, if facing that enough calm opponent, you even if strength above the opposite party is possible to be defeated, therefore, in just training, you were in the squad three people slight defect biggest one.” “再来,美空,你和莉子的状况完全相反,既没有才能,更没有头脑,完全就是凭借着凭借着内心肆意行动,剑的用法糟糕透顶,连炮击术都很差,在战斗的过程中完全不思考,还被完全不懂得挑衅的泥偶给牵着鼻子走,足以见得你有多冲动,如果面对那种足够冷静的对手,你就算实力在对方之上都只有可能落败,因此,在刚刚的训练中,你是小队三人里瑕疵最大的一个。” The criticism that Rozen is relentless, making Misora lower the head, bit the lip. 罗真毫不留情的批评,让美空低下头,咬住了嘴唇。 Actually, these issues, Misora should be very clear? 其实,这些问题,美空自己应该很清楚吧? How to say again has experienced 134 defeats, if was unable to realize that own issue, that cannot say that is qualified Wizard. 再怎么说都经历过一百三十四败了,如果还不能意识到自己的问题,那根本就称不上是一个合格的魔导士 only... 只是... Your merit is very equally significant.” Rozen is gazing at Misora, reminded: Does not know that you do have the discovery, after the training ended, although you are in three people are most miserable, but you pass through that intense movement obviously, is actually also preserving suitable Stamina, even is Magic Power also full very much?” “你的优点同样很明显。”罗真注视着美空,提醒道:“不知道你有没有发现,在训练结束以后,你虽然是三人里面最惨的,可你明明经过那么激烈的运动,却既还保存着相当的体力,连魔力都还很充盈呢?” This...” Misora is startled immediately however. “这...”美空顿时怔然。 Lecty and Rico also detected at this time. 蕾克蒂和莉子这个时候也才察觉到。 Is..., the Misora-san that intense movement, after ending the training, obviously actually only gasps for breath, if changes into me, has fallen down from weariness.” “是...是啊,美空同学明明都那么激烈的运动了,结束训练以后却只是喘气而已,如果换成我的话,早就累倒了。” Uh huh, Misora indeed looks like the movement department, simply speaking is stamina idiot.” 唔嗯,美空的确像运动系,简单来说就是体力笨蛋。” nodded that Lecty and Rico has profound understanding. 蕾克蒂和莉子深有体会的点了点头 Who is stamina idiot!?” “谁是体力笨蛋啊!?” Misora vigorous opposition. 美空强烈反对。 Just, impolite words with reasonable arguments, this is Misora's merit. 只不过,话粗理不粗,这就是美空的优点 Your endurance is extremely high, the endurance is very even rare in all Sky Wizard, especially your Magic Quantity, I discovered, you have A-Rank above Magic Quantity unexpectedly, in this 《Mistgun》, can dominate above you Magic Power the person, including me, it is estimated that not over three.” “你的耐力极高,持久力即使是在所有的空士中都很罕见,特别是你的魔力量,我发现,你居然有A级以上的魔力量,在这个《密斯特岗》里的话,能够拥有凌驾于你之上的魔力的人,包括我在内,估计都不超过三个。” Rozen is saying. 罗真这么说着。 If you transfer Magic Cannoneer of Zhongwei from Magic Cannon Swordsman of vanguard, it is estimated that can make the biggest use your Magic Power, your bombing might very may becomes after 《Nirvana》 strongest, this is your possibility.” “如果你从前锋的魔炮剑士转为中卫的魔炮士的话,估计能够将你的魔力做最大的利用,你的炮击威力很有可能成为继《寂灭姬》以后最强的一个,这就是你的可能性。” This but actually indeed is the accidental/surprised pleasant surprise. 这倒的确是个意外的惊喜。 Rozen is interested in Squad E601, the reason lies in this squad has two people to bring to his attention. 要知道,罗真之所以对e601小队感兴趣,原因在于这小队里有两个人引起他的注意。 In other words , a also person, time from the beginning, Rozen simply has not noticed her. 换言之,还有一人,一开始的时候,罗真根本没有注意到她。 But this person, is Misora. 而这个人,就是美空 Taking this into consideration, Misora has such quality, poured indeed stemmed from Rozen's expectations. 有鉴于此,美空拥有这样的素质,倒的确出乎了罗真的预料 However... 然而... Magic Cannoneer...” 魔炮士...” Misora does not have, because Rozen's evaluation is happy, instead gloomy got down the face. 美空却是一点都没有因为罗真的评价感到高兴,反而阴沉下了脸。 Misora-san?” 美空同学?” Misora?” 美空?” Sees that Lecty and Rico feels the somewhat uncertain appearance. 见状,蕾克蒂和莉子都感到有些疑惑的样子。 Rozen also deep looked at Misora, shortly afterwards like no longer paid attention general, shifted to Lecty. 罗真亦深深的看了一眼美空,紧接着如同不再理会一般,转向蕾克蒂 Finally is you, Lecty.” “最后是你,蕾克蒂。” Rozen looked to Lecty, eyes slightly flicker, smiled suddenly. 罗真看向了蕾克蒂,眼眸微微一闪,骤然一笑。 If I have not guessed that wrong, you should be Eisenach Style's Magic Dual Swordsman?” “如果我没有猜错的话,你应该是艾森纳赫流的魔双剑士吧?” Such remarks... 此话一出... „Do you... you know me?” “您...您知道我吗?” Lecty was startled. 蕾克蒂吃惊了起来了。 Eisenach Style?” 艾森纳赫流?” Misora and Rico are crooked the head, perplexed. 美空莉子则是歪起脑袋,不明所以。 Rozen explained immediately. 罗真顿时解释起来。 „A so-called Eisenach Style refers to Magic Dual Swords Technique school, is established by Sword God Albert Eisenach, is honored as in the world strongest Magic Dual Swords Technique, and becomes famous by sword speed cleverly, is known to everybody the school that in the industry is known to everybody, the foothold in Floating City 《Oakis》, the objective is to break through the human body limit, incomparably advocates individual power, believing in expert is to revere, therefore only then after quite the practice later expert can in the report the name of Eisenach, otherwise, even if main family's children, once does not have the corresponding strength, that will still be expelled the family, very severity.” “所谓的艾森纳赫流指的是一个魔双剑术的流派,由剑神亚伯特·艾森纳赫所创立,被誉为世上最强的魔双剑术,以剑速和灵巧出名,在业界里可是无人不知无人不晓的流派,据点则是在浮游都市《奥艾奇斯》里,宗旨是突破人体极限,无比崇尚个人力量,信奉强者为尊,因而只有经过相当修行以后的高手才能报上艾森纳赫之名,反之,即使是本家的子女,一旦不具备相应的实力,那也会被逐出家系,非常的严苛。” Rozen's words, in the ear of clear introduction people. 罗真的话语,清晰的传入众人的耳中。 Let the people, one after another surprised. 让众人,相继的惊讶了起来。
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