SH :: Volume #3

#249: Mount Myōboku

With Void Breaker that it displays, the might unexpectedly and with the fist strikes fully almost, even must, become including the range broader.” “用它施展出的空碎,威力竟然和用拳头的全力一击差不多,甚至还要更强一点,连范围也变得更广阔了。” Falls from the sky, Naito Yu looks at caved in a giant gulf earth, in the heart astonished in this new Kusanagi sword might at the same time, somewhat joyfully. 从天空落下来,羽夜看着塌陷了一个巨大深坑的大地,心中惊异于这把新的草薙剑威力的同时,也有些欣喜不已。 the next moment, the Naito Yu thought moves, the golden colored glaze hammer suddenly melts reduces, finally changed to a golden gauntlet|glove, the set on the fist of Naito Yu. 下一刻,羽夜意念一动,金色琉璃般的锤子蓦然融化缩小,最后化作了一只金色的拳套,套在了羽夜的拳头上。 Then Naito Yu vision earnest looks to, has stimulated to movement already formidable to pinnacle Chakra Enhanced Strength amplification, suddenly a fist rumbles. 而后羽夜目光认真的看向下方,催动了已经强大到极致的怪力增幅,蓦然一拳轰出。 Bang!!! 轰!!! This fist bombardment before already caved in the gulf, terrifying power of tremor attacks again, although before the attack range cannot compare a hammer, because just the attack range changes is small, therefore the might is instead bigger! 这一拳轰击在之前已经塌陷了的深坑之中,恐怖震荡之力再一次冲击而下,攻击范围虽然比不上之前的一锤,但是正因为攻击范围变小,所以威力反而更大! The endocrater center that under this fist, this originally caved, suddenly rumbled collapse deeper small hole, because even was too deep, touched the arrived underground water course, causing the current of water to well up crazily! 这一拳之下,将这个本就已经塌陷的巨坑的中央,蓦然又轰出了一个塌陷的更深的小坑,甚至由于太深了,触及到了地下水脉,导致水流狂涌而出! huā lā lā! 哗啦啦 Fluent unceasing surging, almost in the wink of an eye, before this piece , the place of mountain range jungle, changed to a vast lake! 水流不断的涌动,几乎瞬息之间,就将这片之前还是山脉丛林的地方,化作了一片浩大的湖泊! Because the forest and mountain range change to lake suddenly, even also caused a caravan to lose the direction here, after being very long , the discovery that shocked, does not know when the mountain range changed into the lake unexpectedly! 因为森林和山脉突然改为湖泊,甚至还导致一只商队在这里迷失了方向,很久之后才震撼的发现,不知何时山脉竟然化为了湖泊! ...... …… Has tested the new Kusanagi sword after own strength amplification, Naito Yu has not said anything to the giant lake that oneself made, instead shrugged, turned around to depart. 测试了新的草薙剑对自己的力量增幅之后,羽夜也没有对自己弄出来的巨大湖泊多说什么,反而是耸耸肩,就转身离去。 The new Kusanagi sword can transform the shape at will, does not pour into Chakra time, it will maintain a fist big spheroid volume, if will pour into Chakra, can make it increase. 新的草薙剑可以随意变换形态,不注入查克拉的时候,它就会保持一颗拳头大的球体体积,若是注入查克拉,就可以让它变大。 Becoming bigger, consumption Chakra are also more, wants to cause a Susanoo complete body such giant helmet and armor, it is estimated that needs to surpass the shade peak the Chakra quantity. 变得越大,消耗的查克拉也就越多,想要弄出一个须佐能乎完全体那样的巨大盔甲,估计需要超影巅峰的查克拉量才可以。 Although present Naito Yu because of nearly permanent Sage Mode, but caused Chakra to turn into Senjutsu Chakra, the nature and quantity has had the momentous change, but also can only say that crossed the shade threshold, has stepped into ultra Kage-level. 如今的羽夜虽然因为近乎永久性的仙人模式,而导致查克拉变成了仙术查克拉,质和量都产生了巨大变化,但也只能说是越过了影的门槛,踏入了超影级 To have the ultra shade peak, is such as First Hokage Senju Hashirama such Chakra quantity, at least wants practice to become Sage Body, and opens Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates) sixth gate to be really similar. 想要拥有超影巅峰,也就是如初代火影千手柱间那样的查克拉量,至少要修炼仙人之体,并且开启真八门遁甲第六门才差不多。 However this new Kusanagi sword, the formidable place can look at from here, it is almost equal to Mokuton (Wood Style) Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit). 不过这把新的草薙剑,强大之处从这里就可以看得出来,它几乎等于一个木遁血继限界 So long as the Chakra quantity is enough, can display the incomparably formidable attack with the aid of it, moreover it and Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit) are different, like transplanting the Hashirama cell will have the huge risk, it will be only the weapon that everyone can use. 只要查克拉量足够,就能借助它施展出无比强大的攻击,而且它和血继限界不同,不会像移植柱间细胞那样有巨大的风险,它只是一件谁都能用的武器。 What a pity this, forges its Kusanagi Clan ancestor, does not look at arrived again. 可惜这一幕,锻造它的草薙一族的先祖,是再也看不到了 Naito Yu are fully has not restored Kusanagi this surname the intention, after Naito Yu, Kusanagi Clan will thoroughly also vanish in the perpetual flow of history. 羽夜自己是完全没有恢复草薙这个姓氏的意图,在羽夜之后,草薙一族也将彻底消失在历史的长河之中。 This enlargement and transformation shape of new Kusanagi sword, needs to inject natural energy Chakra, may reduce does not have what consumption, therefore carries should not be too convenient, even does not need to use the means of beforehand that type of seal again. 这把新的草薙剑的放大和变换形态,需要注入自然能量查克拉,可缩小却没有什么消耗,所以携带起来不要太方便,甚至都不需要再用之前那种封印的办法。 A Naito Yu thought that this golden photosphere suddenly reduced, changed to a golden ring, wore on the finger of Naito Yu. 羽夜一个意念,这颗金色的光球就蓦然缩小,化作了一枚金色的戒指,戴在了羽夜的手指上。 It seems from the semblance, cannot see this like the colored glaze golden ring, is the magical instrument Kusanagi sword! 从外表看上去,根本看不出这个如琉璃般的金色戒指,就是神器草薙剑! So long as Naito Yu pours into Chakra once more, thought moves, this colored glaze golden ring, can transform instantaneously, transforms the shape along with the Naito Yu thought. 只要羽夜再次注入查克拉,意念一动,这枚琉璃金色的戒指,就能瞬间幻化,随着羽夜的念头而变换形态。 To this new Kusanagi sword, in the Naito Yu heart is extremely satisfied. 对这把新的草薙剑,羽夜心中还是极为满意的。 Left that piece to transform as the mountain range of lake, distinguished the Konoha direction, Naito Yu has turned toward the Konoha direction vanguard. 离开了那片转化为湖泊的山脉,辨别了一下木叶的方向,羽夜就向着木叶的方向前行。 This pursuit blood, Naito Yu does not know that pursued far, seems the position of Land of Fire border. 这一次追击血手,羽夜自己都不知道追了有多远,似乎已经是火之国边境的位置。 However is away from Naito Yu is not anything, Naito Yu full speed, hurrying along is very quick, moreover had nearly permanent Sage Mode, can in the migration derives the natural energy, Naito Yu even can not need to eat meal. 不过距离对羽夜而言不算什么,羽夜全速之下,赶路是非常快的,而且拥有了近乎永久性的仙人模式,可以在移动中汲取自然能量之后,羽夜甚至可以不用吃饭。 In original works, Naruto arrived Mount Myōboku, but also wants the pain in the ass eating insect, not to mention before him, does not have practice to succeed, even if his practice has succeeded, must eat the insect. 原著中,鸣人到了妙木山,还要蛋疼的吃虫子,且不说他之前没有修炼成功,就算他修炼成功了,也还是得吃虫子。 Because he does not have really Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates), is unable to rely on own ability, the natural energy and body fusion, can only the natural energy and Chakra union. 因为他没有真八门遁甲,无法凭借自己的能力,将自然能量和身体融合,只能将自然能量和查克拉结合。 Both look like similar, finally completely is different. 两者看起来相似,结果却完全不同。 Forever frames in Sage Mode of first stage, such as Jiraiya in original works, his Sage Mode was impossible to promote again. 一个永远定格在第一阶段的仙人模式,如原著中的自来也,他的仙人模式已经不可能再提升了。 But if not Naruto awakens Ashura's strength, obtains Sage of Six Paths the strength of Six Paths , is impossible to cross Sage Body, opens Six Paths mode directly, can only by the permanent card in the first stage. 鸣人若非觉醒阿修罗的力量,又得到六道仙人六道之力,也是不可能越过仙人之体,直接开启六道模式,只能被永久性卡在第一阶段。 But Naito Yu union Hachimon Tonkou (Eight Celestial Divination Gates), seismic wave induces the aloneness that oneself create to belong to his Sage Mode , can actually open the shackles, moves toward the second stage gradually Sage Body. 羽夜结合真八门遁甲,震波感应自己创造出来的独属于他的仙人模式,却可以打开枷锁,一步一步走向第二阶段的仙人之体 Leads the way, after opening Sage Mode, Naito Yu does not use Body Flicker Technique to shave, the speed under habit also has not the small promotion. 一路前行,在开启了仙人模式之后,羽夜不使用瞬身术剃,常态下的速度也有不小的提升。 In the heart appears a thought. 心中不禁浮现出一个念头。 Now my speed, uses in the situation that Body Flicker Technique shaves, in the short distance does not know whether and Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) compares favorably.” “现在我的速度,使用瞬身术剃的情况下,在短距离内不知道能否和飞雷神相媲美。” In the Naito Yu heart muttered, thought arrived Namikaze Minato , does not know that present Namikaze Minato , whether has learned Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu). 羽夜心中喃喃自语,不禁想到了波风水门,不知道现在的波风水门,是否已经学会飞雷神了。 Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) is space Ninjutsu , only needs to take does not have painstakingly or is the Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) mark for the Coordinate, disregards the distance, does not need hand seal, a thought can start Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu). 飞雷神是空间忍术,只需要以苦无或者是飞雷神印记为坐标,无视距离,不需要结印,一个念头就可以发动飞雷神 However, an emergence of thought also requires the time. 但是,一个念头的出现也是需要时间的。 In short distance, if after a Namikaze Minato thought produces, flickers to move to some arrived position, but Naito Yu is a thought appears similarly, even can before the Namikaze Minato next thought appears rushes to side him. 在短距离内,若是波风水门一个念头产生之后,瞬移到了某个位置,而羽夜同样是一个念头出现,甚至能在波风水门下一个念头出现之前冲到他身边的话。 That almost can say that Naito Yu in the short distance, the speed compares favorably even over flickers to move! 那几乎就可以说,羽夜在短距离内,速度媲美甚至超过瞬移! Naturally, after all Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu), so long as has Coordinate to disregard the distance, once the distance lengthens, even if the body speed is the speed of light not to be impossible to overtake the space Ninjutsu speed. 当然,毕竟飞雷神只要有坐标就能无视距离,而一旦距离变长,哪怕身体速度达到光速也不可能追上空间忍术的速度。 Naito Yu does not have to pursue space and time Ninjutsu this thought in the long distance forcefully, he only needs to be able under the short distance the fearless space Ninjutsu speed, was OK. 羽夜也没有强行在长距离下去追时空忍术这种念头,他只需要在短距离之下能无惧空间忍术的速度,就可以了。 Is going forward incessantly, Naito Yu with total concentration is maintaining the seismic wave induction. 不断的前进着,羽夜聚精会神的保持着震波感应。 The seismic wave induction is the foundation of absorption natural energy, UU reads 震波感应是吸收自然能量的基础,UU看书 Naito Yu in walking has not stopped the absorption natural energy. 羽夜在行走中也没有停止过吸收自然能量。 But after Naito Yu walked one, the distant place presented a piece of extremely strange mountain range. 而就在羽夜走了一段之后,远处出现了一片极为奇异的山脉。 This piece of mountain range peak on top of peak, imitates, if the labyrinth is ordinary, moreover is quite vast, even the seismic wave induction of Naito Yu, can only spy on its corner/horn. 这片山脉层峦叠嶂,仿若迷宫一般,而且极为浩大,甚至羽夜的震波感应,都只能窥探其一角。 Moreover what strange is, Naito Yu sensation arrived this mountain range the density of natural energy has the obvious promotion! 而且奇异的是,羽夜感知到了这片山脉内的自然能量的密度有明显的提升! exceed to the mountain range deep place, the natural energy are more. 越向山脉深处去,自然能量就越多。 Now Naito Yu needs is the natural energy, after discovering this piece of strange mountain range, immediately attracted the Naito Yu attention, making Naito Yu change the direction of advance slightly, went toward this piece of mountain range. 羽夜如今需要的就是自然能量,在发现了这片奇异山脉之后,立即就吸引了羽夜的注意力,让羽夜稍微改变了前进方向,向着这片山脉而去。 Along with Naito Yu gradual nearness, the mysterious veil of this piece of mountain range also gradually opened, Naito Yu also finally understood where this piece of mountain range is. 随着羽夜逐渐的靠近,这片山脉的神秘面纱也渐渐揭开,羽夜也终于明白了这片山脉是什么地方。 Mount Myōboku! 妙木山 In this, is in the original works Jiraiya and Naruto practice Senjutsu place, is the Toad Clan habitat. 这里面,正是原著中自来也鸣人修炼仙术的地方,也是蛤蟆一族的栖息地。
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