SG :: Volume #1

#1: Mysterious world

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Library municipal. 市图书馆。 The historical region that no one visits for a long time, is covering a thick dust, young people are seeking for anything in. 那许久没有人踏足的历史区域,盖着一层厚厚的灰尘,一个年轻人正在里面寻找着什么。 „...... Had not had......” “没有……还没有……” The young people muttered, was somewhat disappointed. 年轻人喃喃自语,有些失望。 Shaking the head. 摇摇头。 He closes the book. 他将书合上。 shuā! 刷! A stabbing pain. 一阵刺痛。 In his hand was delimited the long bloodstain. 他手上被划出长长的血痕。 Is this......” “又是这样……” A young people forced smile, he is careful enough, has not thought that unexpectedly will get a cut by the page. However his not unexpected, said accurately, he was used. 年轻人一声苦笑,他已经够小心了,没想到居然会被书页弄伤。不过他并不意外,更准确的说,他都习惯了。 He called Chen Feng, this year 22 Years Old, starting from that day of birth, bad luck is following him. 他叫陈锋,今年二十二岁,从出生的那一天开始,霉运就伴随着他。 Just a year of time drank the milk almost to choke, three -year-old mother passed away, five -year-old father passed away, the welfare home that ten -year-old he was at went out of business, afterward was delivered to other welfare homes, till he was grown, the welfare home that he is at altogether had 13 to go out of business for various reasons. 刚周岁时候喝奶就差点呛死,三岁母亲去世,五岁父亲去世,十岁他所在的福利院就倒闭了,后来被送到其他福利院,到他成年为止,他所在的福利院共有十三家因为各种各样的原因倒闭。 In addition, he goes out each time has an accident inevitably. 除此之外,他每次出门必然出事。 According to his incomplete statistics, until now, he was blackmailed 85 times by the old woman, has the traffic accident 36 times, was patronized 76 times by the thief, the falling down canal ten times, was pursued by the dog is nipping 15 times, can stumble along lives now, is in itself the miracle. 根据他的不完全统计,迄今为止,他被老太太讹诈八十五次,出车祸三十六次,被小偷光顾七十六次,掉下水道十次,被狗追着咬十五次,能磕磕绊绊的活到现在,本身已经是奇迹了。 Relatively speaking, today's matter at all is not anything. 相比而言,今天的事情根本不算什么。 He today here goal, to seek for in legend Luck divine tool. 他今天来这里的目的,也是为了寻找传说中的‘幸运神器’。 He does not believe this, the matter that but experiences from infancy to maturity makes him have to believe, in this world, has luck type of thing to exist, but he follows the life is bad luck! Therefore, from sensible, he glances through all myth biographies, the thing that seeking can transport! 他不相信这个,可是从小到大经历的事情让他不得不相信,这世界上,是有运气这种东西存在的,而他伴随一生的就是霉运!所以,从懂事起,他就翻阅所有神话传记,寻找能够转运的东西! Luck Reversal Bead, Jade Carp and Four-Leaf Clover...... 转运珠玉鲤鱼四叶草…… All he has attempted on behalf of the Luck thing, is completely invalid! 所有代表幸运的东西他都尝试过,全部无效! His bad luck, never has changed. 他的霉运,从未变过。 In the material that until some day, he left behind from the father saw that some writing recorded Stone of Destiny, in the legend, has it to change own destiny. 直到某天,他从父亲生前留下的资料中看到一些文字记载命运之石,传说中,拥有它将会改变自己的命运。 His father is an archaeologist, tested for a lifetime not to test what valuable thing, instead tested oneself. About the Stone of Destiny material, has not stayed behind too. These years, he went to various strange places, but so-called Stone of Destiny, has actually never seen. 他父亲是一名考古学家,考了一辈子的古没考出什么有价值的东西,反而把自己考进去了。关于命运之石的资料,也没留下太多。这些年,他去过各种奇怪的地方,可所谓的命运之石,却从未见过。 Does that thing, really exist? 那东西,真的存在吗? He suspected very much. 他很怀疑。 He requests is not really high, only imagines an average person such to live, only this nothing more. 他要求真的不高,只想像个普通人那样生活,仅此而已 However...... 然而…… Life? 生活? No, solely lived is being very difficult, went out each time definitely wants a hundred thousand minute/share of vigilance, was a little slightly lax, he might die on the halfway! 不,单单活着已经很困难了,每次出门必然要十万分警惕,稍微有一点松懈,他都有可能死在半路上! This world to him, everywhere is the battlefield. 这个世界对他而言,处处都是战场。 You where?” “你到底在哪里?” Chen Feng sighed, maintaining composure put out the alcohol from the book bag to the wound disinfection, bound the gauze in the hand. As person who is injured every day, his book bag is a small medicine kit. 陈锋叹口气,不动声色的从书包拿出酒精给伤口消毒,在手上裹好纱布。作为一个每天都受伤的人,他书包就是一个小药箱。 The weather is dim. 天色已经黯淡。 The library should also be closed, the Chen Feng preparation leaves, the under foot slides, staggers, hits on nearby bookshelf, one pile of books crash-bang pounded. 图书馆也该关闭了,陈锋准备离开,脚下一滑,一个踉跄,撞到旁边的书架上,一摞书哗啦啦的砸了下来。 Paralysis.” “麻痹的。” Chen Feng criticizes one. 陈锋暗骂一句。 Knows that so will not be smooth! 就知道不会这么顺利! He looks at the place that threw down, the ground appears some water stain, raised the head, originally here in disrepair after many years, roof unexpectedly in water leakage. 他看了看摔倒的地方,地面出现一些水渍,抬起头,原来这里年久失修,房顶居然在漏水。 Really is......” “真是……” Chen Feng helpless smiling. 陈锋无奈的笑笑。 bad luck played the role. 霉运又发挥作用了啊。 Aching all over crawls, he is about to leave, was actually shocked suddenly. In one pile of ancient books that pounds, there is such a book, captured his attention. 浑身酸痛的爬起来,他正准备离开,却忽然愣住了。那砸下来的一堆古书中,有那么一本书,吸引了他的目光。 Book title 《One's Fortune》. 书名《运势》 This thing......” “这东西……” Chen Feng is somewhat curious, unexpectedly really has the books about luck? 陈锋有些好奇,居然真有关于运气的书籍? His careful opening, the introduction of above big length various strange Lucky Circumstances, from universe astrology to the constellation, many Chen Feng had seen in other books, most contents are rambling on, this book is more like that type of 20 money pirating hodgepodge. 他小心的翻开,上面大篇幅的介绍了各种奇奇怪怪的运势,从宇宙星象到星座,不少陈锋都在其他书籍曾经见过,大部分内容都是在瞎扯,这本书更像是那种20块钱一本的盗版大杂烩。 Really wants.” “果然想多了。” Chen Feng self-ridicules smiles, suddenly look one stiff. 陈锋自嘲一笑,忽然神色一僵。 In new page that because he turns, presents name Stone of Destiny impressively! 因为他翻到的新的一页上,赫然出现一个名字命运之石 Is unimportant, because of here that introduction about Stone of Destiny which old books pirates from, unexpectedly unprecedented detailed. 无论是从哪些古籍上盗版过来的都不重要了,因为这里关于命运之石的介绍,居然前所未有的详细。 Stone of Destiny: Transportation divine tool in hearsay. 命运之石:传闻中的转运神器 In the hearsay, strength dominates above ordinary strength, it cannot see unable to feel, is actually affecting all, still no one knows that what kind of strength that is, only knows that it is perhaps related with the luck, but Stone of Destiny, has is controlling its strength! 在传闻中,有一种力量凌驾于普通力量之上,它看不见摸不着,却影响着一切,至今没人知道那到底是一种怎样的力量,只知道它或许和运气有关,而命运之石,拥有着控制它的力量 Really has!” “真的有!” Chen Feng excited having a parched mouth. 陈锋激动的口干舌燥。 Turns following the introduction to the next page, the eye actually opens suddenly! 顺着介绍翻到下一页,眼睛却猛然睁大! This page, what appeared the Stone of Destiny picture, is Chen Feng first time sees the Stone of Destiny appearance truly, he dumbfounded completely. 这一页,出现的是命运之石的图片,也是陈锋第一次真正看到命运之石的模样,他完全呆住了。 That is an object of coin size, the above somewhat strange design. 那是一个硬币大小的物体,上面有些奇怪的图案。 „Is this Stone of Destiny?” “这就是命运之石?” The Chen Feng sound somewhat shivers, not because of the appearance of this thing, because this thing...... some Chen Feng shake to open the collar, reveals thing that on the neck wears, Stone of Destiny that in this book said impressively! 陈锋声音有些颤抖,不是因为这东西的模样,而是因为这东西……陈锋有些手抖拉开衣领,露出自己脖子上佩戴的东西,赫然正是这书中所说的命运之石 How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” Chen Feng shock. 陈锋震惊。 Stone of Destiny, have oneself brought? 命运之石,自己一直带着? This father in the past archaeology time the thing obtained, oneself were born, the father gives oneself gift, is the father leaves own relic only, unexpectedly is Stone of Destiny? But if it is Stone of Destiny, oneself so will be hapless? 这个父亲当年考古的时候得到的东西,自己出生的时候,父亲送给自己的礼物,也是父亲唯一留给自己的遗物,居然是命运之石?可是如果它就是命运之石的话,自己怎么还会这么倒霉? False? 假的? Or is this replica that the father manufactures? 或者说,这是父亲制作的仿制品? Chen Feng bears suddenly this shocks to continue to look downward. 陈锋忍住这突如其来的震撼继续往下看去。 In the hearsay, Stone of Destiny has unusual strength, but, wants to use it is not easy. Stone of Destiny before activates officially, will absorb the surrounding luck unceasingly, after absorption enough luck can open. Therefore, without the sufficient ability activates it , has it, to you, possibly is a nightmare. 传闻中,命运之石拥有非同寻常的力量,但是,想要使用它却并不容易。命运之石在正式激活之前,会不断的吸收周围的运气,直到吸收足够的运气之后才能够开启。所以,如果没有足够的能力激活它,那么,拥有它,对你而言,可能是一场噩梦。 fuck! 靠! Chen Feng could not bear explode a swearing. 陈锋忍不住爆了一句粗口。 Absorbs the surrounding luck? 吸收周围的运气? His whole body ice-cold, he understands finally, own bad luck thus what to come! This father Stone of Destiny that digs from the ancient grave, claimed itself all! 他浑身冰冷,他终于明白,自己的霉运从而何来!这枚父亲从古墓中刨出来的命运之石,夺走了自己所有的一切! This thing......” “这东西……” Chen Feng subconscious wants to entrain, actually entrains radically motionless. 陈锋下意识的就想拽下来,却根本拽不动。 Can't take down with the conventional method?” “不能用常规手段取下吗?” Chen Feng calms down, to look again downward. 陈锋冷静下来,再次往下看去。 After Stone of Destiny puts on, is unable to take down, only then after the activation, can control its strength, if you obtain it accidentally, then, activates it. 命运之石戴上之后无法取下,只有激活之后,才能够控制它的力量,如果你无意中得到它,那么,激活它吧。 Behind provided the means of activation. 紧接着,后面提供了激活的办法。 Chen Feng looked, is not too difficult, so long as exhibits Formation Law by own blood, then put Stone of Destiny on the line. 陈锋看了看,并不算太难,只要以自己的血液摆出一个阵法,然后将命运之石放到中间就行了。 Is so simple?” “这么简单?” Chen Feng brow wrinkled. 陈锋眉头微皱 He felt not quite right, but got rid of this damn bad luck is too big to his seduction, he had a dream wants to discard these, excessively own life! 他感觉不太对,但是摆脱这该死的霉运对他的诱惑太大了,他做梦都想丢掉这些,过属于自己的生活! Tries.” “试试吧。” Chen Feng tears off the gauze. 陈锋扯下纱布。 The blood stays behind following the finger, draws next strange Formation Law in the wooden floor, Chen Feng's complexion unprecedented serious, lies on the ground, puts in which Stone of Destiny. 血液顺着手指留下,在木质的地板绘下一个奇异的阵法,陈锋的脸色前所未有的严肃,趴在地上,将命运之石放到其中。 wēng — 嗡— Wipes the strange brilliance to flash through. 一抹奇异的光辉闪过。 The Chen Feng mind shakes crazily. 陈锋心神狂震。 Became! 成了! Formation Law that the blood condenses changes to together the red light twinkle, Stone of Destiny blooms the amazing halo, Chen Feng excited time, seeing in that red light to appear one line of small characters: „When Stone of Destiny activation, will absorb the surrounding all luck, makes up revolution Stone of Destiny to need the energy.” 血液凝聚的阵法化作一道红光闪烁,命运之石绽放出令人惊异的光晕,陈锋正激动的时候,看见那红光中映现出一行小字:“命运之石激活之时,会吸收周围所有运气,补足运转命运之石所需能量。” It is not good! 不好! Chen Feng complexion big change. 陈锋脸色大变。 Absorbs all luck? In this damn pirating book simply has not written! Stone of Destiny absorbed for 20 years not to activate, what absorbs all luck to have instantaneously? 吸收所有运气?这该死的盗版书上根本没写啊!命运之石吸收了二十年都没激活,瞬间吸收完所有运气会发生什么? He does not know! 他根本不知道! Walk! 走! Chen Feng has nothing hesitant, turns around toward leaving runs. 陈锋没有任何犹豫,转身就往出跑。 However, in this instance, entire library everything may become vulnerable. 然而,就在这个瞬间,整个图书馆地动山摇。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Earthquake! 地震了! Chen Feng simply has not run away to be submerged by everywhere giant stone with enough time, at present a darkness, loses the consciousness, indistinct, he only remembers that Stone of Destiny on neck flashes through wipes the radiant golden light. 陈锋根本没来得及逃出去就被漫天的巨石淹没,眼前一片漆黑,失去了意识,隐约中,他只记得脖子上的命运之石闪过一抹璀璨的金光。 At night. 夜间。 Some news channel. 某新闻频道。 6 : 00 pm, this city presents the minor earthquake, the library municipal caved at the scene, causes one dead. According to the relevant departments investigates, possibly with jerry-built project related......” “今天下午六点,本市出现轻微地震,市图书馆当场塌陷,造成一人死亡。据有关部门调查,可能跟豆腐渣工程有关……” *** *** At present a darkness. 眼前一片黑暗。 Consciousness Chaos. 意识一阵混沌 For a long time. 许久。 The Chen Feng's consciousness returns, opens the eye slowly, the fuzzy world becomes clear, actually is still a darkness, the nearby is flooding strange fishy smell. 陈锋的意识回归,缓缓睁开眼睛,模糊的世界变得清晰,却依然是一片黑暗,附近充斥着一股奇怪的腥味。 Where is here?” “这里是哪里?” Some Chen Feng doubts looks. 陈锋有些疑惑的望去。 All around was covered dark, weak radiance that in the wrist/skill glitters can only make him see clearly, here is a cave, far place dark. 四周被黑暗笼罩,手腕上闪烁的微弱光华只能让他看清,这里是一个山洞,再远的地方就只有黑暗。 Strange, didn't I die?” “奇怪,我不是死了吗?” Chen Feng shock. 陈锋震惊。 Looks in the wrist/skill the wrist belt/bring of twinkle glimmer, is feeling completely not own memory again, suddenly clear comprehension. 看着手腕上闪烁微光的腕带,再感受着完全不属于自己的记忆,忽然明悟 His Transmigration! 穿越了! He works as the initial investigation various types of myth biographies, naturally also read many novels, before remembering that golden light, Chen Feng somewhat understood at the point of death, Stone of Destiny absorbed all luck to trigger the earthquake, Stone of Destiny that but the success activated let his a narrow escape Transmigration to here! 他当初查过各种神话传记,自然也看了不少小说,想起临死前的那道金光,陈锋有些明白了,命运之石吸收了所有运气引发地震,但是成功激活的命运之石让他九死一生穿越到了这里! I lived!” “我活下来了!” Chen Feng is excited. 陈锋激动。 He was certainly excited, because that damn bad luck vanished finally! What world is this? At this time, the Original Host memory emerged completely. 他当然激动了,因为那该死的霉运终于消失了!只是,这到底是什么世界?就在这个时候,原主人的记忆全部涌现。 Chen Feng glances through to remember, immediately praised to the heavens. 陈锋翻阅记忆,顿时叹为观止。 This world to Earth is somewhat similar, but is also entirely different, after the gene research obtains the major breakthrough, the whole world enters Genetic Era. Human Race can develop the potential not only, but can also conduct Gene Fusion with the gene mutate(d) lifeform, almost all people can have Gene Ability! 这个世界跟地球有些相似但是又大不相同,在基因研究获得重大突破之后,整个世界进入基因时代人类不光能开发自身潜力,还能跟基因变异生物进行基因融合,几乎所有人都可以拥有基因能力 Some people, work with these abilities, becomes the industry elite. But some people, Fusing Genes later has the strong battle efficiency, was called Genetic Warrior. 有些人,用这些能力去工作,成为业界精英。而有些人,融合基因之后拥有超强战斗力,被人称之为基因战士 World, therefore however change. 世界,因此而改变。 The appearance of Gene Ability, making the whole world enter the rapid growth condition. 基因能力的出现,让整个世界进入高速发展状态。 And. 而且。 Is close to dry up to unlike the resources of Earth seek for outside the star. 跟地球的资源接近枯竭不得不寻找外星球不同。 This mainland, this star, is the Human Race maximum wealth! This world has own moon and Sun, this is one with the Earth similarity extremely high place, except for volume! The volume of this star, is innumerable times of Earth! The mainland area is great, is over ten thousand times of Earth! 这片大陆,这颗星球,才是人类最大的财富!这个世界有着属于自己的月亮、太阳,这是一个跟地球相似度极高的地方,除了体积!这个星球的体积,是地球的无数倍!大陆面积广阔无垠,是地球的万倍以上! This world not deficient resources! 这个世界不缺乏资源! Because of so far, the development progress of mainland, only has 18%! 因为到目前为止,大陆的开发进度,只有18%! Even if the Human Race scientific and technological standard has been able outside going easily the star to travel, on this star many places, still made Human Race not dare to step in! 哪怕人类的科技水准已经能轻易的去外星球旅行,这颗星球上很多地方,仍然让人类不敢涉足! For example Icefields in the North Pole! 比如极北之地的冰原 Hearsay there comes under some special capability influence, the time nearly static, the person of stepping into, the eternal life is unable to go out! Genetic Union Zeng-school squad Genetic Warrior in the past, did not have their news forever. 传闻那里受到某种特殊能力影响,时间近乎静止,踏入之人,永生无法走出!基因工会曾派了一个小分队基因战士过去,永远没有了他们的消息。 For example Volcano on the top Burning Sky! 比如焚天之巅的火山 Hearsay there deep sleep ancient times Mutated Beast, was once drinking up rivers, after this, there became the Human Race restricted area. 传闻那里沉睡着一头的远古变异兽,曾一口喝干一条河流,从此之后,那里就成了人类的禁地。 Similar place is everywhere. 类似的地方比比皆是。 This is a dangerous world, is a mysterious world! 这是一个危险的世界,也是一个神奇的世界! In the Chen Feng eye flashes through shining. 陈锋眼中闪过流光溢彩。 This world imagines him is more splendid than! 这个世界比他想象中的还要精彩! And...... 而且…… This merely is only part. 这仅仅只是一部分。 According to the Original Host memory, Genetic Era derives astonishing tech equipment mysteriously. 根据原主人的记忆,基因时代的神奇衍生出许多惊人的科技设备。 Some person Fusing Genes, have the ultra-high battle efficiency unceasingly , some people, through Fusing Genes, transformed mysterious Gene Ability unceasingly! 有些人不断融合基因,拥有超高战斗力,也有一些人,通过不断融合基因,蜕变出了神奇的基因能力 For example the world's largest science company, Storm Technology founder, Luo Yuan. 比如全球最大的科技公司,风暴科技的创始人,罗源 His ability is the digitization, the holder can release some mysterious abilities to examine own gene condition and spirit condition, even according to the muscle memory degree to judge move that you grasp. Because of non-combatant Type gene, he was once despised by countless people. 他的能力是数据化,持有者可以释放一些神秘的能力检测自己的基因状态、精神状态、甚至根据肌肉记忆程度可以判断你掌握的招数。因为非战斗类型基因,他曾被无数人鄙视。 However, Luo Yuan after many years of experiment, extracts these mysterious and mysterious energies, manufactures wrist belt/bring that everyone can wear, created one generation of legends! 然而,罗源经过多年实验,将那些玄奥而神秘的能量提取出来,制作成了一种人人可以佩戴的腕带,创造了一代传奇! So long as activates the wrist belt/bring, you can examine the condition. 只要激活腕带,你就可以检测自身状态。 Therefore. 所以。 Until now, this world is not only Genetic Era, is the data age! 时至今日,这个世界不仅仅是基因时代,还是数据时代!
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