SIMW :: Volume #30 遮天

#1825: Five years

Said the immortal gold/metal extremely, this was this world's most powerful god material, because it was bred by the main road principle, therefore might be called this world's topest god material. 极道仙金,这是这个世界最强大的神材,因为其是被大道法则所孕育,所以堪称这个世界最顶尖的神材了。 Since by the main road principle is bred, but top god material, then said extremely the quantity of immortal gold/metal is naturally limited, after the endless years, said extremely the immortal gold/metal has become scarce incomparable, non- said extremely the powerhouse is hard to seek, even some said extremely its life is unable to obtain this type finally to refine says the immortal gold/metal of emperor soldier extremely. 既然是由大道法则所孕育而出的顶尖神材,那么极道仙金的数量自然是有限的,经过无尽岁月,极道仙金早已变得稀少无比,非极道强者难以寻到,甚至有些极道终其一生都无法得到这种可以炼制极道帝兵的仙金。 This is not lies, for example most famous is the ruthless person Great Emperor, that then cuts oneself body, melts the lost embryo, at once without seeking to say extremely the immortal gold/metal can refine the emperor soldier, then directly own demon shell building up emperor soldier, famous swallows the day of demon pot. 这并非虚言,比如最出名的便是狠人大帝,那一世便自斩己身,化出神胎,一时之间没有寻到极道仙金能炼制自身帝兵,便直接将自己的魔壳给炼成了帝兵,也就是鼎鼎有名的吞天魔罐。 But now, in the Ye Xuan hand takes is one says the immortal gold/metal extremely- Phoenix blood pure gold, this type of immortal gold/metal scarlet such as phoenix blood, to Yang Zhichi, just arrived at the pinnacle, is the rare refinement says the immortal gold/metal of emperor soldier extremely. 而现在,叶玄手中拿着的便是一块极道仙金--凰血赤金,这种仙金赤红如凰血,至阳至炽,刚到极致,是难得的炼制极道帝兵的仙金。 Common if there is fingernail size to flow out, then makes the entire Beidou vibrate sufficiently, raises reign of terror, then sage even/including can the heart movement intend to rob. 寻常若是有指甲盖般大小流出,便足以让整个北斗震动,掀起一片腥风血雨,便是连圣人都会心动出手抢夺。 Because this says the immortal gold/metal extremely, even if only the fingernail size, in addition other low god materials, refined a might quite good being handed down for generations Saint soldier sufficiently. 因为这是极道仙金,哪怕只是指甲盖般大小,再加上另外一些低一些的神材,就足以炼制出一件威力颇为不俗的传世圣兵了。 The phoenix blood pure gold in Ye Xuan hand naturally possibly is not the fingernail size, but is fully the side about , before is him, to of immortal tombs seven big life-forbidden zones extort the immortal tomb to obtain supremely. 叶玄手中的这块凰血赤金自然不可能是指甲盖大小,而是足有一方左右,也是他之前到七大生命禁区之一的仙陵勒索仙陵至尊得到的。 This phoenix blood pure gold, if in other supreme hands, if adds on some auxiliary materials again, refined one to say the emperor soldier sufficiently extremely. 这一块凰血赤金,若是在其它至尊手中,若是再加上一些辅材,足以炼制出一件极道帝兵了。 However, Ye Xuan puts out this phoenix blood pure gold, had not planned that refines one to say the emperor soldier extremely, but is the plan refines several to ban depending on it. 不过,叶玄拿出这一块凰血赤金,并没有打算炼制一件极道帝兵,而是打算凭它炼制几件禁器。 Bans, this is one type different in a normal refinement law, ordinary normal refinement, after refining, then can use, only if shatter, otherwise has existed. 禁器,这是一种迥异于正常炼制道器之法,普通的正常炼制道器,炼制完之后便能一直使用,除非道器破碎,否则会一直存在。 However bans is actually different, bans use are not many, they were held certainly the big prestige energy by in addition, takes losing bans principle for the price, can erupt to exceed ordinary say/way several times even dozens times of prestige energies, it is for this reason that makes bans the service life greatly reduce, the fireworks that such as blooms is common, the eruption will then belong to from now on forever lonesome. 但是禁器却是不同,禁器的使用次数并不多,它们被加持了绝大的威能,以损耗禁器中的法则为代价,能爆发出超越普通道器数倍甚至于数十倍的威能,正是因为如此,才让禁器的使用寿命大大缩短,如绽放的烟花一般,爆发过后便归于永寂。 The ordinary Saint soldier bans, if erupts one time, the prestige can be equivalent to the fine Saint soldier full power eruption sufficiently one to two times of prestige energies. 普通的圣兵禁器,若是一次爆发出来,威能足以相当于传世圣兵全力爆发的一至两倍威能。 But this time, Ye Xuan must refine is not the Saint soldier bans, but the say/way bans extremely. 而这一次,叶玄所要炼制的可不是圣兵禁器,而是极道禁器。 The normal side said the emperor soldier, not only has the infinite invincible might, because contains the emperor soldier god, if recovered truly, can say that was equivalent to a being alive Great Emperor, struck then to cut to extinguish the stars in remote starry sky. 正常的极道帝兵,不仅拥有着无穷的神威,而且因为其中蕴含着帝兵神祗,所以若是真正复苏,可以说相当于一尊在世的大帝,一击便能斩灭下遥远星空中的星辰。 Naturally, this is also only an analogy, said extremely the emperor soldier is strong, if really to the previous Great Emperor, that also really insufficiently looks. 当然,这也只是一个比喻罢了,一件极道帝兵再强,若真的对上一尊大帝,那还真不够看。 The weapon is good, that must look at the ability of user. 兵器再好,那也要看使用者的能力。 Makes an analogy, for example has a pistol that installs the bullet was taken by a young child, making him cope with a fully-armed special troop, does not need to be able to guess correctly the result. 打个比喻,比如有一把装上子弹的手枪被一个几岁的小孩拿到手中,让他去对付一个全副武装的特种兵,不用想都能猜到结局。 But the emperor soldier and Great Emperor, are actually are equivalent to the pistol and special troop in analogy, as for that young child, is the supreme following follower. 而帝兵和大帝,其实就是相当于比喻中的手枪和特种兵,至于那几岁的小孩,便是至尊以下的修炼者。 Compares in Zhizun, even if a mahatma, three -year-old child in front of the supremeness was even inferior, but is the ants. 相比于至尊来说,哪怕是一个大圣,在至尊面前甚至连三岁小孩都不如,不过是蝼蚁罢了。 On such as present Ye Xuan, then has the would-be emperor to take ten emperor soldiers to encircle kills him, he also has confidence the destroying completely enemy easily. 就如现在的叶玄,便是有准帝拿着十把帝兵来围杀他,他也有把握轻易的灭掉敌人。 Because, supreme and supreme, has been at the different life levels, the disparity of this life level, absolutely is not supreme under conceivable. 因为,至尊以及至尊之下,已经处在不同的生命层次,这种生命层次的差距,绝对不是至尊之下可以想象的。 Because even if a true emperor soldier impossible wound to a supremeness, therefore Ye Xuan then plans to refine one this to say sufficiently extremely the scarlet blood phoenix gold/metal of emperor soldier refines the say/way to ban extremely. 正是因为哪怕是一把真正的帝兵也不可能伤到一尊至尊,所以叶玄这才打算将这足以炼制出一件极道帝兵的赤血凰金炼制成极道禁器。 If said extremely the emperor soldier is equivalent to a pistol, then the say/way bans is extremely equivalent to a hand grenade. 如果说一件极道帝兵就相当于一把手枪的话,那么极道禁器就相当于一个手榴弹。 Regarding pistol, pistol, so long as has the sufficient bullet, can utilize, but has the god side to say the emperor soldier, can say that is one pistol that has the unlimited bullet. 对于手枪来说,手枪只要有充足的子弹,就能够一直运用,而一件拥有着神祗的极道帝兵,可以说就是一把拥有无限子弹的手枪了。 Even if there is pistol of unlimited bullet, is still only a pistol, only if grasps , after has trained specially in person hand, otherwise is unable to pose the threat to a special troop as before. 但是就算有无限子弹的手枪,也只是一把手枪,除非掌握在经过特别训练过的人手中,否则依旧无法对一名特种兵产生威胁。 However, if the hand grenade was different, although the hand grenade can only use one time, but its might big, even special troop, if not careful , was still possibly killed directly. 但是,若是手榴弹却不同了,虽然手榴弹只能使用一次,可它的威力更加的大,就算是特种兵,若是不小心之下,也可能直接被炸死。 Naturally, above is only an analogy, wants to ban by one kills a Great Emperor, that is impossible, but if in touching against, kills to one supremely, if even that has been seriously injured supremely, perhaps also really can make one fall from the sky supremely. 当然,上面只是一个比喻,想靠一件禁器杀死一尊大帝,那是不可能的,但若是在触不及防之下,杀到一尊至尊还是可以的,甚至若是那至尊已经受了重伤,说不定还真的能让一个至尊陨落。 Built up the Taichu life stone to be ordinary with the former sacrifice, Ye Xuan first is offers a sacrifice to the flame of say/way to put in order phoenix hemoglobin finance extremely. 同之前祭炼太初命石一般,叶玄先是祭出极道之焰将整块凰血赤金融化。 Compared two Taichu life stone, as said extremely the phoenix blood pure gold of immortal gold/metal was more heat-resisting, was harder, used the time of near more than half a year, Ye Xuan then to put in order phoenix hemoglobin finance. 相比起两块太初命石,做为极道仙金的凰血赤金更加耐热,也更加坚硬,足足用了近大半年的时间,叶玄这才将整块凰血赤金融化。 The phoenix blood pure gold after melting such as one group of scarlet magma are common, including one wipes like the phoenix empty shadow in the phoenix hemoglobin golden liquid back and forth is roaming through, is sending out the billowing immortal light, astonishing. 融化后的凰血赤金如一团赤红的岩浆一般,其中有一抹如凤凰般的虚影在凰血赤金液中来回的遨游着,散发着潋滟仙光,惊人之极。 After melting the phoenix blood pure gold, Ye Xuan has not immediately started to refine, the thought moves, puts out an incomplete shield from own treasure house. 融化了凰血赤金之后,叶玄并没有马上开始炼制,意念一动,又从自己的宝库中拿出一块残缺的盾牌。 This shield sends out all over the body is imitating, if the stars blue light, brightly like the dream, is only a appearance, then makes void vibrate. 这块盾牌通体散发着仿若星辰般的蓝光,灿烂如梦,只是一出现,便让虚空都震动起来。 Before this is, Ye Xuan melts that in the immortal pond obtains from Qinling Mountains by the emperor soldier who the eternal blue glod forges, that he controls immortal battle armor to enter the immortal pond, besides finding this incomplete emperor soldier, but also found one possible accumulated to raise the immortal soul the raising immortal jade, but also for this reason almost with hiding nine Qilin in immortal pond does one. 这正是之前叶玄从秦岭化仙池中得到的那以永恒蓝金锻造出来的帝兵,那一趟他驾驭着不朽战甲入化仙池,除了找到这块残缺帝兵之外,还找到了一块可蕴养仙人魂魄的养仙玉,不过也为此差点跟躲在化仙池中的九头麟干上一架。 This time, the refinement bans, Ye Xuan is the plan refines to injure few supremely bans, with the phoenix blood pure gold naturally is only insufficient, in addition this after emperor soldier fragment of eternal blue glod forging, Luo Yinjing wait/etc. many god material 11 sacrifices refining up with the birth boundary stone and purple gold god irons, the profound fathers-in-law and sons-in-law and nine days of scarlet jade kings greatly, this starts to refine to ban. 这一次,炼制禁器,叶玄是打算炼制出最少都能伤至尊的禁器,只凭着凰血赤金自然是不够的,再加上这块以永恒蓝金锻造的帝兵碎片之后,又拿出世界石、紫金神铁、玄冰玉、九天赤玉王、大罗银精等等诸多神材一一祭炼,这才开始炼制禁器。 The time passes, time flies! 时间流逝,岁月如梭! A year, two years...... 一年,两年…… The Ye Xuan form has sat well on not the dead mountain has not appeared, makes in who and the others in the grasping principles ancient tea tree cultivation somewhat distressed. 叶玄的身影一直都端坐在不死山上不曾出现,让原本在悟道古茶树之中修炼的叶凡等人不由有些心焦。 Wanted to call thinks Ye Xuan, but before Ye Xuan, then the arrange/cloth had gotten down emperor level law, at all is not they can be close, can only wait for outside anxiously. 叶凡等人想要去唤想叶玄,可是叶玄之前便已经布下了帝级法阵,根本不是他们能够接近的,只能在外面焦急的等待着。 Five years later...... 一直到五年之后…… Rumble!!! ~ ~ ~ ~ 轰隆隆!!!~~~~
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