SIMW :: Volume #30 遮天

#1819: Proposed the transaction

Listens to clone there hear from a chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor Yuan god the cause and effect, in the Ye Xuan heart somewhat to sob, does not have to think System that oneself obtain actually also has such origin. 听着从混沌万古次元大帝元神分身那里听来的前因后果,叶玄心中不由有些唏嘘不已,没有想到自己得到的系统竟然还有着这样的来历。 Really, lunch that in the world has not eaten without paying. 果然,世界上是没有白吃的午餐的。 Earlier, System doing one's best has been assisting itself, originally is the Immortal River Galaxy person is accompanying to raise own cauldron furnace, only after waiting for the cauldron furnace to be mature, will harvest. 前期之时,系统一直在尽心尽力的辅佐自己,原来不过是仙河星系的人在陪养自己的鼎炉,只等鼎炉成熟之后,才会进行收割。 Originally, Ye Xuan also thinks oneself wrongly accused was good, has not thought that this matter comes as a surprise to own on the contrary, secret mastermind unexpectedly incessantly, but was two, besides Immortal River Galaxy, but also has by the chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor who the dimension principle of surviving recovered. 原先,叶玄还以为自己错怪了好了,没有想到这件事情反倒是出乎自己的意料,幕后黑手竟然不止一个,而是两个,除了仙河星系之外,还有着以残存的次元法则复苏的混沌万古次元大帝。 Only can say, however strong you are, outside the person has the person, one should always strive for better, the Immortal River Galaxy person consumes the System that so many energy made, perhaps became the bridal clothes that the chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor recovered. 只能说,强中自有强中手,人外有人,天外有天,仙河星系的人耗费了那么多精力制造出来的这个系统,说不定就成了混沌万古次元大帝复苏的嫁衣了。 Naturally, this is Ye Xuan is also willing to see, in his opinion, no matter Immortal River Galaxy person, the chaos eternal dimension big imperial capital is not the good stubble, the matter that without having the chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor recovers, he is perhaps led to erase to Immortal River Galaxy the state of mind by the Immortal River Galaxy person now, was occupied the body. 当然,这也是叶玄愿意看到的,在他看来,不管是仙河星系的人,还是混沌万古次元大帝都不是善茬,如果没有发生混沌万古次元大帝复苏的事情的话,说不定他现在已经被仙河星系的人带到仙河星系将神魂抹除,被占据身体了。 But now, has matter that the chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor recovered, although does not know that the Immortal River Galaxy manufacture 1000 System recovered many chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor Yuan gods clone, but this can definitely make this System the person of Immortal River Galaxy to make the trouble. 而现在,发生了混沌万古次元大帝复苏的事情,虽然不知道仙河星系制造的一千个系统到底复苏了多少道混沌万古次元大帝元神分身,但是这肯定会给制造出这个系统仙河星系之人造成麻烦的。 He does not believe, can make the System person by Immortal River Galaxy these, will not have the method to know System situation that these make, according to the chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor said after all, the science and technology of this Immortal River Galaxy civilization is at the peak in infinite universe, soldier who can make being on par other shore boundary. 他可不相信,以仙河星系这些可以制造出系统的人,会没有手段来知道这些自己所制造出来的系统情况,毕竟按混沌万古次元大帝所说,这仙河星系文明的科技可是处在大千世界的顶端,能够制造出比肩彼岸境界的战士。 Although did not understand that what boundary the other shore boundary in chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor mouth is, after all does not have the comparability, when can let the chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor said this saying the color of many not beforehand contempt, obviously definitely to big did not know many compared with his present cultivating. 虽然也不懂得混沌万古次元大帝口中的彼岸境界到底是什么样的境界,毕竟没有可比性,但是能够让混沌万古次元大帝说出这话时多少没有之前的轻视之色,可见肯定比他现在的修为强到大了不知道多少。 Is controlling mental association to the Immortal River Galaxy civilized science and technology again ability that restarts the infinite universe, therefore, Ye Xuan guessed, perhaps this so-called other shore boundary soldier has endured compared with the immortal emperor boundary of this world. 再联想到仙河星系文明科技可是掌控着重启大千世界的能力,所以,叶玄猜测,说不定这个所谓的彼岸境界战士已经堪比这个世界的仙帝境界了。 After all the person of Immortal River Galaxy civilization knew the topest science and technology, without the truth cannot train the infinite universe topest follower. 毕竟仙河星系文明的人可是掌握了最顶尖的科技,没有道理培养不出来大千世界最顶尖的修炼者。 This makes Ye Xuan somewhat envy actually, after all others are the laborious cultivation, step by step crawls, but they actually pile directly with the science and technology, so long as there is resources, can definitely the mass production endure compared with the infinite universe topest soldier. 这一点倒是让叶玄有些羡慕,毕竟别人都是辛辛苦苦的修炼,一步一步的爬上去,但是他们却直接用科技堆上去的,只要有资源,完全可以量产堪比大千世界最顶尖的战士。 However, such as the chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor said that because the Immortal River Galaxy person piles up by the strength of science and technology, their roads have also come to the end, the entire Immortal River Galaxy civilized race lost the further possibility, therefore they will make System with all mental efforts, wanted to find the strongest mortal body to multiply their races. 不过,如混沌万古次元大帝所说,仙河星系的人因为是以科技之力堆积上去的,他们的路也已经走到了尽头,整个仙河星系文明种族都失去了再进一步的可能,所以他们才会费尽心思的制造出系统,想要重新找到最强的肉身来繁衍他们的种族。 Such important plan, Ye Xuan believes that the person of entire Immortal River Galaxy will definitely pay attention, especially this is relating the life and death of their entire civilization, if by them were discovered which System has the problem, Ye Xuan believes the Immortal River Galaxy person definitely meets the thunder to attack, annihilates all seeds. 这样重要的计划,叶玄相信整个仙河星系之人肯定会十分关注的,特别是这可是关系着他们整个文明的生死存亡,若是被他们发现哪个系统出现问题,叶玄相信仙河星系的人肯定会雷霆出击,将一切萌芽都消灭掉。 However, now Ye Xuan has practiced this situation, moreover counterattacked System, but the Immortal River Galaxy person did not have the sound, seems like, should have anything to constrain them. 但是,现在叶玄都已经修炼到这个地步,而且还反制了系统,可仙河星系的人还没有动静,看起来,应该是有什么事情拖住了祂们。 Either before is , a chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor Yuan god did several things at the same time the said demon insect clan, either a chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor Yuan god who recovered from other System clone. 要么是之前混沌万古次元大帝元神分身所说的魔虫族,要么就是从其它系统中复苏的混沌万古次元大帝元神分身。 No matter which possibility, so far, to Ye Xuan is very advantageous, but or his present cultivating is, but also is really impossible to contend with the attack of Immortal River Galaxy civilization. 不管哪一个可能,目前为止,都对叶玄是十分有利的,要不然以他现在的修为,还真的不可能抗衡仙河星系文明的来袭。 This also left a significant hidden danger to him, no matter because the Immortal River Galaxy resistance demon insect clan, is the resistance chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor, this war will end eventually, no matter which side victory, does not have the advantage to him, especially the Immortal River Galaxy civilization and chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor, he first used System to be stiffened, then now imprisons the chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor, only then these two sides had a side to set aside the hand, his trouble may on be big. 只是,这也给他留下了一个重大的隐患,因为不管是仙河星系对抗魔虫族,还是对抗混沌万古次元大帝,这一场战争终究会落幕的,而不管哪一方胜利,都对他没有好处,特别是仙河星系文明和混沌万古次元大帝,他先利用了系统得到变强,然后现在又禁锢了混沌万古次元大帝,只有这两方有一方腾出手来,那他的麻烦可就大了。 Oh, was too weak!” Was feeling own strength, thinks of the Immortal River Galaxy civilization and strength of chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor again, in the Ye Xuan also heart secret sighing. “唉,还是太弱了!”感觉着自己的实力,再想到仙河星系文明以及混沌万古次元大帝的实力,叶玄也不由心中暗暗的叹了口气。 Snort, do the ants, how this emperor and you make one to trade?” At this time, perhaps induced to the Ye Xuan psychology changes, the chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor in purple light group had the sound said suddenly. “哼,蝼蚁,本帝与你做一个交易如何?”这个时候,或许是感应到叶玄心理变化,紫色光团之内的混沌万古次元大帝突然出声道。 Heard this saying, Ye Xuan selected the eyebrow, never expected that the chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor meeting wants to make the transaction with him unexpectedly, always, this chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor will suspend keeps aloof, one who in his eyes was the ants, the spoken language is the tone that dragon Aotian was reincarnated, really made one not have the least bit favorable impression. 听到这话,叶玄不由挑了挑眉,没有想到混沌万古次元大帝竟然会想与他做交易,一直以来,这混沌万古次元大帝可是将自己摆得高高在上,一副谁在他眼中都是蝼蚁,言语更是一副龙傲天转世的口气,实在让人没有半点好感。 However, he hesitated, then said, what you do want to make to trade?” 不过,他只是沉吟了一下,而后道,“你想做什么交易?” „Do ants, want to come you also to know own situation now? Immortal River Galaxy civilization these ants do not look for you, but is possibly clone to constrain by this emperor other Yuan gods temporarily, when they set aside the hand, you were impossible to run away, took your cultivating as, no matter did several things at the same time to the other Yuan gods on this emperor, was to Immortal River Galaxy civilization these ants, did not have the least bit odds of success.”, A chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor Yuan god did several things at the same time to continue saying that this emperor has means that can make you promote your cultivating to be within the short time, but you must take an oath to the main road by your source, the rank cultivated to achieve the beginning of the universe Taichu boundary time, must seek the mortal body that can cultivation for this emperor.” “蝼蚁,想来你现在也知道自己的处境了吧?仙河星系文明那些蝼蚁之所以不来找你,不过是可能暂时被本帝其它元神分身拖住而已,等到祂们腾出手来,你根本不可能逃得了,以你的修为,不管是对上本帝的其它元神分身,还是对上仙河星系文明那些蝼蚁,都没有半点胜算。”顿了顿,混沌万古次元大帝元神分身继续道,“本帝有一个办法,可以让你在短时间之内提升你的修为,但是你必须以自己的本源向大道起誓,等级修为达到混元太初境的时候,必须为本帝寻到一具能够修炼的肉身。” Listened to the words of chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor, Ye Xuan to select the eyebrow, immediately responded, no wonder this chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor Yuan god did several things at the same time so to help itself illustrate a moment ago carefully System the relations of origin and Immortal River Galaxy civilization, originally his goal was here. 听完了混沌万古次元大帝的话,叶玄不由挑了挑眉,马上反应过来,难怪刚才这个混沌万古次元大帝元神分身会如此帮自己仔细解说着系统的来历与仙河星系文明的关系,原来他的目的是在这里。 First is told the Ye Xuan Immortal River Galaxy civilization powerful and makes an effort dangerously, making him dread, felt the danger, then said own transaction. 先是告诉叶玄仙河星系文明的强大以及险恶用力,让他忌惮,感觉到危险,然后才说出自己的交易。 Simplicity that words it seems like, this chaos eternal dimension Great Emperor not really such as imagines, but he displayed such before, has what goal? 看来的话,这混沌万古次元大帝并非真如自己想象的那么简单,但他之前表现出那样,难道有什么目的? Right, he added that before other System also possibly awakened did several things at the same time with his same Yuan god, was for this reason? 对了,他之前还说其它系统也可能觉醒了与祂相同的元神分身,那么是不是因为这个原因呢? At once, the Ye Xuan intention phonograph, in the heart analyzes the information that currently obtains fast, wants to manage a clear route to come out. 一时之间,叶玄心念电转,心中飞快的分析着目前得到的情报,想要从中理出一条清晰的路线出来。
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