SIMW :: Volume #30 遮天

#1766: Choice

The light pride of the morning fills the air in void, is twining the tree and mountain, making the trim wilderness as if leave wisp of fairyism. 薄薄的晨雾弥漫在虚空之中,缠绕着树与山,让整片旷野似乎多出了一缕仙气。 After the three people in rainbow light appear the figure, then had discovered not far away is sitting cross-legged Ye Xuan on great stage, three pairs of pupils looked mutually, then walked, respectful saluting said, sees the Saint to revere!” 虹光中的三人现出身形之后,便发现了不远处正盘坐于巨台上的叶玄,三双眸子相互望了一下,而后走了过去,恭敬的施礼道,“见过圣尊!” Ye Xuan opens slightly close double pupil, does not have the wave indifferently, the pupil imitates the universe starry sky deeply then, seemed to be that hangs the galaxy is pasting, light say/way, first wait a moment!” 叶玄睁开微闭的双眸,淡然无波,瞳孔就仿宇宙星空般深遂,似有一挂星河在其中流转着,淡淡的道,“先等一下吧!” Yes, the Saint reveres!” Opened the child tomb and Zhou resolute as well as the Li Xiaoman three people of once more bows bowing, then also all stood in the one side, sat cross-legged to sit, resembles to integrate in void, common naked eye not obvious. “是,圣尊!”张子陵、周毅以及李小曼三人再次躬了躬身,而后也全都站于一旁,盘膝而坐,似融入于虚空之中,寻常肉眼不可见。 What is different from Ye Xuan, they melt in void by no means truly, but changed the ray of outside by the magical powers, is no comparison between them with Ye Xuan true blending void. 只是,与叶玄不同的是,他们并非真正的融于虚空之中,而是以神通改变了外界的光线,与叶玄真正的交融于虚空不可同日而语。 After all cultivating of these people, although has to melt the dragon boundary fully, but compared with Ye Xuan, somewhat felt dwarfed. 毕竟这些人的修为虽然足有化龙境界,但与叶玄相比,还是有些小巫见大巫了。 Shot a look at three people of one, Ye Xuan has not paid attention to them, but continued to close both eyes, beyond patrolling day. 瞥了三人一眼,叶玄并没有多理会他们,而是继续闭上双眼,神游天外。 With the lapse of time, the void mist diverges gradually, the golden yellow sunlight shop sprinkled the trim earth, the vegetation under the sunlight the emerald green, entire world has filled the full of vitality scenery. 随着时间的推移,虚空中的薄雾渐渐散去,金黄色的阳光铺洒整片大地,草木在阳光之下更加的翠绿,整个天地都充满了生机勃勃之景。 Compares for several years ago when leaves that spiritual energy wilderness, these time comes back, Ye Xuan discovered that now in void of this Earth the spiritual energy has been full gradually. 相比起十几年前离开时那种灵气荒漠,这一次回来,叶玄发现现在这个地球的虚空中灵气已经渐渐的充盈了起来。 Did not have to become an immortal 90 Jiulongshan to derive the life essence of entire Earth, the spiritual energy of entire Earth started in recovery gradually, perhaps in several hundred years, Earth can also step onto to be similar to Beidou the road of cultivation. 没有了成仙地90九龙山汲取整个地球的生命精华,整个地球的灵气已经开始在渐渐的复苏,或许再过几百年,地球也能走上类似于北斗的修炼之路。 Naturally, regarding the development of Earth, Ye Xuan thought that the route of Beidou is very by no means good, the say/way of pure cultivation, although can make the cultivation be expert together, the average person but who regarding does not practice, does not have any profit. 当然,对于地球的发展,叶玄觉得北斗的路线并非很好,纯粹的修炼之道,虽然可以让修炼专精一道,但对于不修炼的普通人,却没有任何的益处。 Instead if can step onto the science and technology to add cultivation the path, is not only more convenient, but can also all the people profit, un, as if in this universe also has such one is to take such path, calls forever the star territory?! 反而若是能走上科技加修炼的道路,不仅更加方便,而且更能全民受益,嗯,似乎这个宇宙中也有这么一处是走上这样的道路的,是叫永恒星域?! In this star territory, as if takes the divine nature mineral to add on some divine nature materials to refine one type can promote to cultivate for the god fluid, is path that a science and technology and cultivation unify. 在这个星域之中,似乎是以神性矿物加上一些神性物质一些炼出一种可以提升修为的神液,算是一条科技与修炼相结合的道路。 However, what what a pity is, takes his present cultivating as, even if will forever be the strongest evolution fluid of star territory, did not have what effect to him, let alone, he has complete not dead wonder drug now, god fruit that dozens not dead wonder drugs had, -and-a-half not dead wonder drugs, what evolution fluid but also there is able to compare favorably with these? 不过,可惜的是,以他现在的修为,哪怕是永恒星域的最强进化液,对他也没有什么效果了,更何况,他现在可是有着一株完整的不死神药,数十颗不死神药结出的神果,一株半不死神药,还有什么进化液能比得上这些呢? Also after approximately 2-3 hours, when Sun rises to the small midair, void delimits two rainbow light once more, then two forms appear in the wilderness. 又过了约两三个小时之后,当太阳升到小半空之时,虚空中再次划来两道虹光,而后又有两道身影出现在旷野之中。 These two forms, a figure is slim, straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, another tall many, the range estimate at least two meters come high, the appearance is rougher, the whole body muscle dragon is solid, imitates, if a stone carving is common. 这两道身影,一个身材修长,剑眉星目,另一个则身材高大许多,目测至少有两米来高,面貌粗犷一些,浑身肌肉虬实,仿若是一尊石雕一般。 These two, are Pang Bo. 这两人,正是叶凡和庞博。 Master( Saint reveres)!” After two people appear, saw Li Xiaoman three people of sitting cross-legged that comes first under giant stone, is startled first slightly, first with three people of slight bows, then respectful walks to salute to say toward Ye Xuan. “师傅(圣尊)!”两人出现之后,见到最先过来的盘坐于巨石之下的李小曼三人,先是微微一怔,先是与三人微微点了点头,而后恭敬的走过来朝着叶玄施礼道。 Un!” Ye Xuan opened the double pupil to look at two people one eyes, especially, discovered that then a half year did not see, he broke through unexpectedly, now has mounted a immortal platform day, became half step has been able greatly character. “嗯!”叶玄睁开双眸看了两人一眼,特别是叶凡,发现这才半年不见,他竟然又突破了,现在已经登上了仙台一层天,成了半步大能的人物。 Good!” Light nod, praised one, then also no longer paid attention to them, continued to sit in repose with eyes closed. “不错!”淡淡的点了点头,算是夸奖了一句,而后也不再理会他们,继续闭目养神。 Actually, Ye Xuan not only saw cultivating to break through a immortal platform day, but also has stepped up to above the immortal platform day third small stair directly, can be is well-prepared. 其实,叶玄不仅看出了叶凡的修为突破到了仙台一层天,而且还直接跨上了仙台一层天的第三个小台阶之上,可以算是厚积薄发了。 However, such cultivating is, Ye Xuan did not think that has anything to be good to be worth praising, after all not only by his bloodlines, but also he also led him to enter one to become an immortal in the first half of the year, he can obtain many advantage, the wonder drugs of these god of medicine ranks, then very do not drool including the Saint Mortal Level above powerhouse, but if he used, stepped up to several small stairs directly but is actually not the inconceivable matter. 但是,这样的修为,叶玄并不觉得有什么好值得夸奖的,毕竟不仅是以他的血脉,而且前半年他还带着他进了一趟成仙地,从中他可以得到了不少好处,那些药王级别的神药,便是连圣人级别以上的强者都十分垂涎,而他若是用上的话,直接跨上几个小台阶倒也不是什么不可思议之事。 However, Ye Xuan can feel his aura to be stable, as the matter stands, pours is not any misdemeanor, has not then said. 不过,叶玄可以感受到他身上的气息还算稳定,这样一来,倒也不算什么坏事,也便没有多说了。 Ye Xuan is not that stodgy bitter member, can effectively use resources cultivation, that can certainly use was best, cultivation to put it bluntly plunders, no matter the plundering world spiritual energy, is god material Spirit Treasure, all nothing more than such as is. 叶玄可不是那种迂腐的苦修士,能够有效的利用资源修行,那当然是能利用最好了,修行说白了就是掠夺,不管是掠夺天地灵气,还是神材灵宝,全都不外如是。 Saw that Ye Xuan closed the double pupil once again, and Pang Bo looked at one mutually, but later generations every lip spoke haltingly, as if somewhat started to speak but hesitated. 看到叶玄再度闭上双眸,叶凡与庞博相互望了一眼,而后叶凡嘴唇嚅动了一下,似乎有些欲言又止。 Afraid to say a word, has any matter, said directly!” Although closes one's eyes, but this could not see on behalf of Ye Xuan anything, just the opposite, takes his present cultivating as, replaces both eyes by Spiritual Sense, can see thing that more eyes cannot see. “吞吞吐吐的,有什么事,直接说吧!”虽然闭着眼睛,但是这并不代表叶玄就什么都看不到了,恰恰相反,以他现在的修为,以神念代替双眼,可以看到更多眼睛看不到的东西。 Flexure the back of the head, then said that master, that...... Before the disciple had seen reluctant to part with Wenchang, they said that wants to stay in the hometown.” 叶凡挠了挠后脑勺,而后道,“师傅,那个……之前弟子已经见过依依和文昌了,他们说想留在家乡。” The double pupil opened slightly, shot a look, then the light say/way, „, knew!” 双眸微微睁开,瞥了一眼叶凡,而后淡淡的道,“嗯,知道了!” After saying, Ye Xuan continues to close the double pupil, has not spoken again. 说完之后,叶玄继续闭上双眸,没有再说话。 Sees the Ye Xuan appearance, corners of the mouth have pulled pulling, does not know own master actually in thinking anything, has been looking at each other one with Pang Bo, helpless shrugging, then to opening the child tomb three people are same, sits cross-legged to sit under the giant stone, starts to wait. 见到叶玄的模样,叶凡嘴角扯了扯,也不知自己师傅到底在想着什么,与庞博对视了一眼,无奈的耸了耸肩,而后同张子陵三人一样,盘膝坐在巨石之下,开始等待起来。 Said reluctant to part with Wenchang, before , with willow tree that they come back together reluctant to part with Zhang Wenchang two people, although two people have stepped into the road of spiritual cultivation similarly, but compares, Pang Bo and other people, cultivated to obviously lower much. 叶凡所说的依依和文昌,正是之前与他们一起回来的柳依依与张文昌两个人,虽然两个人同样踏入了修道之路,但相比起叶凡、庞博等五人,明显修为低了不少。 Naturally, this is not their aptitude is not good, but is various chance out-of-phases of everyone, is similar is reluctant to part to the willow tree and Zhang Wenchang, the similar achievement in the original works cultivating of accurate emperor is. 当然,这并不是他们的资质不行,而是每个人的机缘各不同相,类似于柳依依与张文昌,在原著之中同样成就了准帝的修为。 Words that Ye Xuan after hearing spoke, should to leave, is actually before is longer, he induces to having two aura concealment in the distant place, is the willow tree is reluctant to part and Zhang Wenchang. 叶玄在听到叶凡所说的话之后,原本是应该是要离开的,可是其实在更久之前,他就感应到有两股气息隐匿在远处,正是柳依依与张文昌两人。 Very obviously, these two, although is thinking keeps Earth, how could but in the heart to be having to recall of Beidou? 很显然,这两人虽然想着留在地球,可是心中何曾没有着对北斗的留恋? Looks at their appearances, as if has not made the true decision. 只是,看他们的样子,似乎还未做出真正的决定。 But Ye Xuan, is waiting for them to decide finally. 叶玄,正是在等着他们最终的决定。 After all, two people can take the road of accurate emperor in the original works, if above Earth, is relying on the environment as well as the spiritual energy of present Earth, perhaps this chance will miss with them. 毕竟,两人在原著中可是能走上准帝之路,而若是在地球之上,凭借着现在地球的环境以及灵气,恐怕这份机缘就会将与他们无缘了。 Sometimes, a choice, is relating an entire life of person, this is Ye Xuan does not mind multi- on several hours of reason...... 有时候,一个选择,就关系着一个人的整个人生,这也是叶玄不介意多等上几个小时的原因……
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