SIMW :: Volume #30 遮天

#1762: Ophthalmological induction

„! ~ ~ ~ “啊!~~~” Walks on the road of going home, in the mind heard a sad and shrill and panic-stricken squeal suddenly, let originally the ease and good Ye Xuan footsteps. 走在回家的路上,脑海中突然传来了一声凄厉、惊恐的尖叫声,让原本悠然而行的叶玄脚步顿了顿。 This sound Ye Xuan knitting the brows head, then the eyes shut slightly, the next quarter, opens again, gold/metal flashes to pass in the pupil together, then unapproachable Spiritual Sense such as the startled day tsunami toward wells up to go generally in all directions crazily, covered up the trim world instantaneously. “这个声音”叶玄皱了皱眉头,而后双眸微微一闭,下一刻,再睁开,一道金芒在瞳孔中一闪而逝,而后一股无可匹敌的神念如惊天的海啸一般朝着四面八方狂涌而去,瞬间遮掩了整片天地。 Read surely, after the entire world covered entirely his Spiritual Sense, the innumerable light shadow imitate from his flash through at present general, the world, each space of points, finds no place to hide in him every inchs at present. 一念千万里,当整个天地都布满了他的神念之后,无数的光影就仿似从他的眼前闪过一般,每一寸天地,每一点空间,在他眼前都无所遁形。 Then, in three breaths, a light shadow was caught instantaneously from myriad light shadow by him. 而后,在三息之间,一幕光影瞬间被他从万千光影中捕捉到。 A white BMW, the nose oven the trundle above an inclined steepness, during the fierce tumblings, can see a facial features pale young girl the thing in tight grabbing car(riage), helpless scream, while tight is shutting both eyes, is dizzy to the trundle of vehicle. 一辆白色的宝马汽车,正倒翻着滚动在一片倾斜的陡度之上,剧烈的翻滚之间,可以看到其中一个面容苍白的少女正紧紧的抓着车内的事物,一边无助的尖叫着,一边紧紧的闭着双眼,任由着车子的滚动而天旋地转。 ping! ~ ~ ~ 呯!~~~ Springs along with the white aerocyst, after being filled in the car(riage) the trim space, huge automobile body also numerous falling on the ground, make the huge sound. 伴随着白色的气囊弹出,挤满了车内整片空间之后,巨大的车身也重重的摔在地上,发出巨大的声响。 Pūchī! ~ ~ 噗嗤!~~ Smog raises, then in the faintly visible compartment transmits the spark of intermittent twinkle, the irritating the nose gasoline, as the stream of vehicles of nose oven, extended in the chassis. 一蓬烟雾升起,而后隐约可见车厢之内传来阵阵闪烁的火花,刺鼻的汽油随着倒翻的车流了出来,漫延进车体之中。 willow Jiayan only felt that whole person dizzy heavy, at present presents a double image, the entire photograph is having the terrifying nightmare, making her as if probably suffocate generally. 柳佳妍只感觉整个人晕晕沉沉的,眼前出现了道道重影,整个人像是在做着恐怖的噩梦,让她仿佛就要窒息了一般。 willow Jiayan tries to move own both hands, but actually feels a piercing severe pain, seemed like received the hit a moment ago, but bone fracture. 柳佳妍试着动一动自己的双手,可是却感受到一阵刺骨的剧痛,看起来像是刚才受到撞击而骨折了。 Some both legs actually feelings, are limited to the space, is unable the move slightest. 双腿倒是有感觉,可是受限于空间,根本无法动弹分毫。 In the car(riage) transmits irritating the nose petrol fume, she as if can see gasoline spread that is flowing out slowly in car(riage), then little is close to glitter the electric spark. 车内传来一阵刺鼻的汽油味,她似乎可以看到那正缓缓流出的汽油蔓延在车内,然后一点点的接近着闪烁着的电火花。 She is very clear, when the electric spark and gasoline meet, if also no one saves himself, that should be the falling life time. 她很明白,当电火花与汽油相遇的时候,如果还没有人来救自己的话,那应该就是自己陨命的时候了。 „, Am I dying?!” In willow Jiayan heart frightened, rapid breath, looks like one to be held the fish of coming ashore. “难道,我就要死了?!”柳佳妍心中惶然,急促的呼吸着,就像是一条被提溜上岸的鱼儿。 But such breath, inhaled more numerous clip gas, making her lung in fierce is uncomfortable, thought also gradually was not clear, even gradually is at present fuzzy 可是这样的呼吸,吸入了更加多的繁夹气体,令她的肺在剧烈的难受着,思维也渐渐的不清晰起来,甚至眼前渐渐模糊了 Who saves me with the last seeking livehood thought that willow Jia beautiful both eyes closing gradually “谁来救救我”带着最后一丝求生的念头,柳佳妍双眼渐渐的阖上 But when willow Jiayan will lose the consciousness, in void of outside spacious place, swings void ripples suddenly, then a form walked. 而就在柳佳妍将失去意识的时候,外面空旷之地的虚空之中,突然荡起一圈圈的虚空涟漪,而后一个身影从中走了出来。 Looks at present this reversing automobile, the flavor that in that air irritates the nose made him select the eyebrow, then the thought moved. 看着眼前这辆翻倒的汽车,那空气中刺鼻的味道令他不由挑了挑眉,而后意念一动。 ! ~ ~ ~ 咔嚓!~~~ At this moment, a loud sound resounds from the wilderness, sees only knocked down the automobile such as lost the gravity to fly the upper air suddenly, again after a turn over, safe steady falling to the ground. 就在这时,一声巨响从旷野中响起,只见原本翻倒在地的汽车突然如失去重力般的飞上了高空,再次一个翻转之后,安全平稳的落到了地上。 Then, in a fluctuation with air, various components that was also belching smoke is losing the temperature fast, spark also fast extinguishment of twinkle, what is more mysterious, that had wandered about destitute, but below gasoline, such as the time reversed to flow in the fuel tank generally. 而后,随着空气中的一阵波动,原本还冒着烟的各种零件在飞快失去温度,闪烁的火花也快速的熄灭,更神奇的是,那原本已经流落而下的汽油,如时间倒转一般全部重新流回了油箱之中。 Before long, outside the aerocyst when the entire car(riage) hits guard rail a hollow bulk and car(riage) implosion operates except for before, imitates, if were stopped here, rather than turns over. 不一会儿,整辆车除了之前撞到护栏之时凹陷的一大块以及车内爆开的气囊之外,仿若只是被人停在了这里,而非翻车下来。 After processing these miscellaneous matters, Ye Xuan looked at stupor willow Jiayan again, induces by the thought that can easily know that she receives a minor wound because of the hit now, actually has no big obstructing, only needed to rest for 1-2 days to restore. 处理了这些杂事之后,叶玄再次看了一眼似昏迷的柳佳妍,以意念感应,可以轻易的知道她现在只是因为刚才的撞击而受了一点轻伤而已,其实根本没有什么大碍,只需要休息1-2就能恢复了。 Sees here, in the Ye Xuan heart understands clearly, but looks at all around environment, discovered that this is open land under the piece of open country road, here besides car(riage) process, desolate and uninhabited, perhaps if to her here, is being some tomorrow's people will not then discover this car(riage). 见到这里,叶玄心中了然,只是看着四周的环境,发现这是一片野外公路下的荒地,这边除了车经过之外,渺无人烟,若是任由着她在这里,恐怕便是明天也不会有人发现这辆车。 Holds the life-saving to rescue, delivered Buddha to deliver to the western principle, Ye Xuan looked, then the thought moved, the entire car(riage) flew again steadily, then the landing to the open area of roadside in dropped a moment ago. 秉着救人救到底,送佛送到西的原则,叶玄看了一下,而后意念一动,整辆车再次平稳的飞了起来,而后降落到刚才落下的路边的一块空地上。 The Ye Xuan thought moves again, willow Jia fell the cell phone under car(riage) seat beautifully then flew in his hand, then 120 hit directly. 紧接着,叶玄意念再次一动,柳佳妍原本落在车座位底下的手机便飞到了他的手中,然后一个120直接打了过去。 Said after address, put the cell phone conveniently, at this time, as if saw willow Jiayan the eyelid winked lightly, the closed eyes opened a slit slightly. 说完了地址之后,随手将手机放了进去,这个时候,似乎看到了柳佳妍的眼皮轻眨了一下,紧闭的双眸微微的睁开了一丝缝隙。 Sees here, Ye Xuan selected the eyebrow, but had not said that but looks after lightly willow Jia was beautiful, then turns around, dissipates in the night wind. 看到这里,叶玄挑了挑眉,但却没有多说,只是淡淡的看了一眼柳佳妍之后,便一转身,消逝在夜风之中。 Within a half hour, the ambulance that is glittering the red light comes fast, in discovering stopped in the roadside, the somewhat after hitting broken BMW, the doctor who several wear the white coat walked hastily, will open the vehicle door still willow Jiayan in stupor to bring in the ambulance, then speeding along fast will go. 半个小时之后,一辆闪烁着红光的救护车飞快而来,在发现了停在路边,撞得有些残破的宝马车之后,几个身穿白大褂的医师连忙走了下来,打开车门将还在昏迷中的柳佳妍抬进了救护车中,而后飞快的飞驰而去。 Entire process, entire tribe , was in the Ye Xuan eye in upper air, waits to see that after willow Jiayan the ambulance rescues, then a figure revolution, the form disappears in void. 整个过程,全部落在了身在高空中的叶玄眼中,等见到柳佳妍被救护车救走之后,便身形一转,身影消失在虚空之中。 Regarding this rescuing, Ye Xuan does not care time actually, to him, this is also the slight effort, after all is knows, cannot know perfectly well that she has the danger, but does the real cold blood wait? 对于这一次的施救,叶玄倒是不放在心上,对于他来说,这也不过是举手之劳而已,毕竟怎么也算是认识一场,总不能明知她有危险而真的冷血以待吧? As for that squeal that before heard, shortly after this also thanks to him just with willow Jiayan contacted, but also remains her aura, this has induced in the darkness. 至于之前听到的那一声尖叫声,这也是多亏了他刚刚与柳佳妍接触不久,还残留着她身上的气息,这才在冥冥之中有所感应。 This sounds like very profound imaginary, however during the life, actually also has many instances, for example the son has an accident beside ten thousand miles, mother sudden palpitation in family/home bursts into tears, for example twin brothers or sisters, if the person has an accident, may have a person to induce. 这个听起来似乎很玄幻,但是在生活之中,其实也有许多的事例,比如儿子在万里之外出事,家中的母亲突然心悸而流泪,比如孪生兄弟或姐妹,如果有一个人出事,可能也会有一个人感应到。 From the scientific angle of this world, this is the ophthalmological induction between family member bloodlines. 以这个世界的科学角度来讲,这就是亲人血脉间的心电感应。 But cultivated to Ye Xuan this is, during is dark the upper body sky overhead, agrees with the Heavenly Dao, regarding having about oneself matter, even if will be beside ten thousand miles will give birth naturally induces, if even can reach the Great Emperor boundary, so long as some people are discussing themselves, even if will be outside the starry sky, he can induce obtains. 而到了叶玄这个修为,冥冥之中上体天心,与天道契合,对于有关于自己之事哪怕是万里之外都会生出自然感应,甚至若是能达到大帝般的境界,只要有人在谈论自己,哪怕是在外星空,他都能感应得到。 It is for this reason that when shortly after with willow Jiayan contacts, willow Jiayan the body also remains his aura, in addition willow Jiayan had an accident afterward in the heart thought of him, this makes him be have the induction. 正是因为如此,在与柳佳妍接触之后不久,柳佳妍的身上还残留着他的一丝气息,再加上后来柳佳妍出事之时心中想到了他,这才让他能够心生感应。 After if in one hour, when willow Jia beautiful his residual aura dissipation, when the time comes do not say the traffic accident, was she died, he will not have any induction. 而若是再过一个小时之后,等柳佳妍身上他残留的气息消散的话,到时候不要说出车祸,便是她死去,他也不会有任何感应。
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