Chapter 2253finds the person
第2253章找人DingJiamintelephonesafter the colleaguerequested the consultmaterial, crosseswas less than fiveminutes, the opposite partyreturned the callto come, told her ChenNingtrulydaughter'sto name beChen Sisi, this year is four years old.
丁佳敏打电话给同事请求查阅资料后,过了不到五分钟,对方就回电话来了,告诉她陈柠确实有一个女儿叫陈思思,今年四岁。DingJiaminspiritinspires, shesaid that inherimpressionsawin the filehasto writethisname.
丁佳敏精神一振,她就说吧,她印象里是看到档案上有写这个名字的。ChenNingwas closed the drug addict in place to give up drug takingcouple days ago, DingJiaminhas seenherespecially, has made the exchangewithher.
陈柠就是前几天被关到戒毒所的瘾君子,丁佳敏特地去看望过她,和她做过交流。DingJiaminrushesto ask: „ChenNingnowinplace to give up drug taking, her daughter?”
The colleaguessaid that thisdoes not know, in the filewrites mother and daughterto live together.
After DingJiaminhangs up the telephone, morewants is not more right, immediatelycallsthatcolleague who couple days agohad/left the police, whereinquiredhisChenNingdaughterChen Sisi.
The opposite partyreceiveDingJiamincallto be very surprised, cannot find out the mindsheto askthisdoing.
对方接到丁佳敏的电话十分惊讶,更是摸不清头脑她问这个干嘛。HoweverhetoldDingJiamin, saying the little girlshouldcarries offbyher fatherorotherrelatives.
不过他还是告诉了丁佳敏,说小女孩应该是被她爸爸或者其他的亲戚带走了吧。„WhatmatterChen has Ningconfessedher daughter?”DingJiaminsinkingsoundasked.
“陈柠有交代过她女儿什么事吗?”丁佳敏沉声问道。„littleDing, what do you mean? Sent a punitive expedition?” The colleaguetone of telephonethatheadwas obviously disgruntled.
“小丁,你这是什么意思?兴师问罪来了?”电话那头的同事语气明显不悦了。DingJiaminsaid: „WuDuiyoumisunderstood, Iam notsend a punitive expedition, Icare aboutChenNingdaughtersafety, ifshe is ChenNingis bound by a common destiny, thatpresentChenNingjin the place to give up drug taking, whereChen Sisithischildcan? Rightcanbe the big deal.”
丁佳敏说:“吴队你误会了,我不是来兴师问罪的,我只是关心陈柠的女儿安全,如果她是和陈柠相依为命的话,那现在陈柠进了戒毒所,陈思思这孩子会在哪里?搞不好是会出大事的。”Telephonethatwas silent.
电话那头沉默了。DingJiamincontinues saying: „Wu has Dui, ChenNingconfessedher daughter'smatter? Nowperhapsalsowith enough time!”
After telephonethatsilentmoment, finallystartedtalking, was only the toneis somewhat terrified.
电话那头沉默片刻后,终于开口说话了,只是语气有些惶恐。„When shejustentered the place to give up drug taking, has raised her daughterpersonathome, hopes that wehave a look.”
“她刚进戒毒所时,有提过她女儿一个人在家,希望我们去看看。”InDingJiaminheartsinks, asks: „Have youlooked?”
丁佳敏心中一沉,问道:“那你们去看过了吗?”„Has looked! No one! It is not! Was the door lock, welookedtoward in the windowregistered permanent address, has not seensomepeopleathome! Chen Sisishouldbe taken awaybyherrelative.”
“看过啦!没人!不是!是门锁了,我们在窗户口往里看了,没看到有人在家!陈思思应该早就被她亲戚领走了。”DingJiaminsaid: „Idid not feel relieved,Imusthave a look, address that youtoldmyChenNingjia.”
The colleaguessaidin that sidefast an address, thenalsosaid: „littleDingyounowwhere? Waits forme, Ialsogo.”
同事在那边快速说了一个地址,然后又说道:“小丁你现在在哪里?等等我,我也去。”Hedid not feel relieved, thiswas telephonedto saybyDingJiaminat heartnervousmustdie.
他还是不放心,被丁佳敏这一通电话说的心里慌的要死。DingJiaminsaid: „Iathome, hurry toHuang Villagenow.”
After making the telephone call, immediatelygoes out, directly soarsinHuang Village.
挂了电话后,立即出门,直奔黄家村里。Parks the car(riage)in the Little Red Horse Academyentrancetemporarily, oldLisees that comes outto requestto stop, actuallyseesisDingJiaminlookgets outin a hurry, is busy atasking: „What's wrong? Nervous.”
把车临时停放在了小红马学园门口,老李见状,出来要求停走,却见是丁佳敏神色匆匆地下了车,忙问:“怎么了?紧张兮兮的。”DingJiaminsaid: „MasterLi, Ifirststopherea while the car(riage), Igo to the villageto handle a matter, is very urgent.”
丁佳敏说:“李师傅,我把车先停这里一会儿,我去村里办个事,很紧急。”oldLiwaves: „Goesquickly.”
老李挥挥手:“快去吧。”At this time, before the iron gate in courtyard, Xiaobaishoutingsound: „Elder SisterXiaomin- Elder SisterXiaomin! Takesusto go tosai, islooks forChen Sisi? Takesoursai!”
这时候,院子里的铁门前,小白的喊声响了起来:“小敏姐姐-小敏姐姐!带上我们去噻,是不是去找陈思思?带上我们噻!”DingJiaminfixes the eyes onto look, isXiaobai and millet.
丁佳敏定睛看去,是小白和小米。„Yougo backquickly.”DingJiaminsaid.
“你们快回去。”丁佳敏说。Xiaobaistamps one's foothastilysaid: „Elder SisterXiaomin- takesus! Weknow that whichlaneChen Sisilives in! Youwere quite difficultto find!”小白连忙跳起脚来道:“小敏姐姐-带上我们!我们知道陈思思家住在哪个巷子里!你好难找到的!”ThissayingmakesinDeangoodkeenheartmove, hesitant, returned totakesXiaobai and millet.
这话让丁佳敏心中一动,犹豫了一下,返回把小白和小米带上了。Two peoplerunexcitedlybefore, before directly soaring, withthatalley entrance that Chen Sisimeets.
两人兴奋地一路跑在前,直奔之前和陈思思相遇的那个巷子口。DingJiaminlooks up the serial number of alley entrance, trulyisChenNingjiaaddress.
丁佳敏抬头一看巷子口的编号,确实是陈柠家的住址。„Ininside-”Xiaobaireferred totoward the lanedeep place, the groupwalktowardinquickly.
“在里头-”小白往巷子深处指了指,一行人快步往里走去。Whiletheylook forChen Sisi, DingJiaminthatcolleaguealsodroveto rush toHuang Village, similarlyfirstsuspended the car(riage)in the Little Red Horse Academyentrance, thenledanothercolleagueto hurry toChenNingjiahurriedly.
在她们去找陈思思的同时,丁佳敏的那位同事也开车赶到了黄家村,同样先把车暂停在了小红马学园门口,然后带着另外一个同事急匆匆地赶去陈柠家。Thelane that Chen Sisifamily/home is profound, althoughthere is a street light, but the street lightis luminous, can only illuminate the telephone polesurroundinglittle plot of land.
陈思思家所在的这条巷子幽深昏暗,虽然有路灯,但是路灯光亮不够,只能照亮电线杆周围的一亩三分地。Is goodis preparedbecause ofDingJiaminearly, herhandtakes the leadwith the flashlight, bringsXiaobai and milletwalkswhilesearches the houseserial number.
好在丁佳敏早有准备,她手拿手电筒走在前面,带着小白和小米一边走一边查找房屋编号。„Here-”milletpoints atpresentonefromconstructing housing saying that „hereis54 th.”
“在这里-”小米指着眼前的一栋自建房说道,“这里就是54号。”DingJiaminilluminated the photowith the flashlighttoward the building, thisisonethreehighfromconstructing housing, Chen Sisifamily/homeinthreebuildings.
丁佳敏用手电筒往楼上照了照,这是一栋三层高的自建房,陈思思家就在三楼。Howeverat this moment, entirelittlebuildingarepitch-darkonepiece, the windowshut tightly, sign that no onelives.
但是此刻,整栋小楼都是黑漆漆的一片,窗户紧闭,一副没有人住的迹象。„Youfollowinmebehind, do not run.”
“你们跟在我身后,不要跑。”DingJiaminsaidtoXiaobaiandXiaomi,thenpushes to the frontto go upstairs.
丁佳敏对小白和小米说完,便一马当先上了楼。Incorridorpitch-dark, stale taste, the top of the headhas the light bulb, butactuallycannot shine, shouldshatter.
A squeal of catcrack, has a scarethreepeoplesuddenly.
一声猫的尖叫声忽然炸响,把三人吓了一跳。DingJiaminflashlightcaught a black catto flash pastfrom the corridorfast.
丁佳敏的手电筒快速捕捉到了一只黑猫从楼道里一闪而过。Xiaobai and milletcloselyhand in hand, give the strengthmutually. Herepitch-dark, is a little scary, if not makethemwithcoming, theyare not willing, to clench teethalso to come.小白和小米紧紧地手牵手,相互给予力量。这里黑漆漆的,有点吓人,但是若不让她们跟来,她们又不肯,咬牙也要来。„Do not fear,is only a cat.”DingJiamincomfortedthemto say.
“不要怕,只是只猫而已。”丁佳敏安慰她们说。Two peopleheheembarrassedsmile, alleviate the tensefacial expression.
两人呵呵尬笑,缓解一下紧张的神情。DingJiaminwalksbefore, took the leadthreebuildings, aboutlooked, threebuildingaltogethertwosuites, shechose the left, the flashlightin the gatealong the previousphoto, illuminated the door plate, trulywasChenNingjiadwelling.
丁佳敏走在前,率先上了三楼,左右看了看,三楼一共有两套房,她选择了左边的,手电筒在门沿上一通照,照到了门牌号,确实就是陈柠家的住处。In the corridorpiledmanypaper boxeschild and emptybottle, Xiaobaidid not kick the cancarefully, immediatelycrash-bangmakes noise.
走廊里堆了许多纸箱子和空瓶子,小白不小心踢了易拉罐,顿时哗啦啦作响。DingJiaminknocks on a door, makes noiseto ask: „Does insidehave the person?”
丁佳敏敲了敲门,出声问道:“里面有人吗?”No onereplied.
没有人应答。Shecontinuesto knock on a door the inquiry, butinsidestillno onereplied.
她继续敲门询问,但是里面依然没有人应答。Xiaobai and milletcollected saying: „Chen Sisi- youininside? Youininsideyousqueak! WeareXiaobai and millet, weaskyouto play! Youininside?”小白和小米凑过去说:“陈思思-你在里面吗?你在里面你就吱一声!我们是小白和小米,我们来找你玩啦!你在里面吗?”DingJiaminstandsbefore the windowat this moment, illuminatestoward the room in the flashlight, inroom a pitch-darkpiece, then the dimray, candistinguish the clearinsidethingreluctantly.
丁佳敏此刻站在窗户前,用手电筒往屋里照,屋里黑漆漆的一片,接着朦胧的光线,勉强可以分辨清里面的物件。Inliving roomtrulyno one.
The question of XiaobaiandXiaomihas not responded.小白和小米的问话也始终没有回应。PerhapsDingJiaminjustwantsChen Sisito be really pickedby the relative, sherelaxes.
丁佳敏正想或许陈思思真的被亲戚接走了,她松了一口气。„Chen Sisilooks like is really not athome.”DingJiaminsaid.
“陈思思看来真的不在家。”丁佳敏说。Xiaobaisaid: „Doesn't have the keyto open the door? Wego to have a look atsai.”小白道:“没有钥匙打开房门吗?我们进去看看噻。”DingJiaminhesitates, shedoes not know that whoherelandlordis, moreoverentirebuildingnowno one, could not find the personto ask.
丁佳敏迟疑,她不知道这里的房东是谁,而且整栋楼现在都没人,也找不到人来问。Xiaobaitrampledtwofeettoward the doorbitterly, the whispersaid: „MylangfeelsChen Sisiininside.”小白恨恨地朝房门踹了两脚,嘀咕说:“我啷个觉得陈思思就在里头咧。”Xiaomiasked: „Howshedoes not return toourwords.”
小米问:“那她怎么不回我们话。”Xiaobaisaid: „Fell asleep, orfaintedhungrily, haspossibilitysai.”小白说:“睡着了,或者饿晕了叭,都有可能噻。”DingJiaminhearsword, feltbeing groundless that Xiaobai said that sheobservestowardinthrough the windowagain, the eyealmostmustpasteon the glass.
丁佳敏闻言,觉得小白说的不无道理,她再一次通过窗户往里观察,眼睛几乎都要贴在玻璃上了。Ifcould not have seenanything, east shethenlooks for an apartmentbrings the key, opens the doorto have a look.
The thing in roomare manyanddisorderly, demonstrates here peopleconstantly.
屋里的物件多且凌乱,显示这里是有人常住的。DingJiaminvisionhas sweptin the living roomwith the light beam of flashlightcarefully, whilehas achieved nothing when again, suddenly, hervisionconcentrates, is sadimmediately.
丁佳敏的目光随着手电筒的光束在客厅里仔细扫过,正当再次一无所获时,忽然,她的目光一凝,心情顿时沉重起来。Becausesheseesin the living roomandanotherroomconnectionplace, pot coverfalls there.
因为她看到在客厅和另外一个房间连接的地方,有一个锅盖子掉在那里。Althoughwas blocked the larger partby the wall, butDingJiaminbykeenjudgment, saw clearlythatis an electric cooking pot.
虽然被墙壁挡住了一大半,但是丁佳敏凭借敏锐的判断力,还是看清了那是一个电饭煲。Butthatroomshouldbe a bedroom, rather than the kitchen, the kitcheninanother side, shesaw the door of kitchena moment ago.
这个发现让丁佳敏心中一紧。Sheleaves the window, letsXiaobai and milletgets out of the way, thentriesto hit the door.
她离开窗户,让小白和小米走开,然后试着撞开房门。Cannotwait foreastlooking for an apartmentwith the key, the timeis tight.
不能等找房东拿钥匙,时间紧。Shehittwo, the dooris hit, just about tocontinue, in the corridortransmitted the sound of footsteps and light.
只是她撞了两下,房门没有被撞开,刚要继续,楼道里传来了脚步声和灯光。Twoformsappearedintheirfield of vision.
两道身影出现在了她们的视野里。„littleDing! What kind of?”
“小丁!怎么样了?”Whatspeechisonea littleputs on weight the middle-aged man , before this is , withWuDui who DingJiamintelephones.
说话的是一个有点发福的中年男子,这便是之前和丁佳敏通电话的吴队。In additionyouth, is the colleague in institute.
另外还有一个青年,也是所里的同事。DingJiamintoldtwo people the discovery of oneself, two peoplewere the complexiondrastic changes.
Before thatyouthstride of lagging behindarrived at the gate, said: „Ihit the gate, youget out of the way.”
落在后面的那个青年大步走到了门前说:“我来撞门,你们走开一点。”Withbangone, the doorwas hitaccordingly, the youthstaggeredwas falling into the room, DingJiamindrewhastilyhim, WuDuitouched the switch of light bulb, in the roomshoneimmediately.
随着砰的一声,房门应声被撞开,青年踉跄着栽进了屋里,丁佳敏连忙把他拉起来,吴队则摸到了灯泡的开关,屋里顿时亮了起来。„Do not go.”
“你们不要去。”DingJiaminseesXiaobai and milletmustrunto go to the bedroomto examine, blockedtwo peoplehastily, makingthemstaytoheredo not run all over the place.
丁佳敏见小白和小米要跑去卧室里查看,连忙拦住了两人,让她们就到这里呆着不要乱跑。ThensheandWuDuiwangBedroomwalks, DingJiaminalsosaw clearlyfinallythatpot cover that fallson the groundis an electric cooking pot.
The gate of bedroomunlatched, WuDuishoves opengently, thenmakes the creakingsound.
卧室的门虚掩着,吴队轻轻推开,便发出嘎吱声响。DingJiaminacted in harmony, to touchelectric lampleaving blankfast, withdáone, the scene in bedroomoneheaved in sightcompletely.
丁佳敏配合默契,快速摸到了电灯开光,随着哒的一声,卧室里的情景一下全部映入眼帘。Sees only a little girlto roll upon the bed, is turning away fromthem, motionless.
只见一个小女孩蜷缩在床上,背对着她们,一动不动。WuDuisees that onlyfelt that in the heartstagnates, reallyreallyhas a little girlin!
吴队见状,只感觉心中一滞,竟然真的有个小女孩在!Heis dull in-situ.
他呆愣在原地。ButDingJiamin the half stephad arrived atanother side of bed, squatsto examine the situation of little girl.
The little girlsclose one's eyes, DingJiaminshivers, searchedsearchingtohertip of the nose.
小女孩闭着眼睛,丁佳敏颤抖着手,到她鼻尖探了探。WuDuiinquiredintensely: „What kind of?”
吴队紧张地询问:“怎么样?”DingJiaminlooks upsaidtohim: „Fell asleep.”
The voicefalls, sheandWuDuideeplyrelaxes.
话音落下,她和吴队都深深地松了一口气。DingJiamintouched the headmelon seed of little girl, the little girlrotated a headfinally, used energyto open the eye, lookedtoDingJiamin before body, in the eyeerupts the brilliance, but also was gloomily rapid, andclosed the eye. Sheopened mouth to sayanything, but the soundwas hoarse, could not make the sound.
丁佳敏摸了摸小女孩的脑袋瓜子,小女孩终于转动了一下脑袋,费劲地睁开了眼睛,看向身前的丁佳敏,眼中爆发出光彩,但又迅速暗淡,并且重新闭上了眼睛。她张张嘴想要说什么,但是声音沙哑,发不出声音了。Herwhole personis seemingly worn out, had lost the ability to act, spokedoes not have the strength.
她整个人看起来有气无力,已经失去了行动能力,就连说话都没力气了。Ifcomesagainlateeven if an evening, the consequenceis dreadful.
要是再晚来哪怕一个晚上,后果不堪设想。DingJiaminsees this pitiful condition, the eye socketwas instantaneously red, the tearsfalluncontrolled.
丁佳敏见到她这副惨状,眼眶瞬间就红了,眼泪不受控制地落下来。At this time, outside the living roomheard the Xiaobaiinquirysound.
这时候,客厅外传来小白的询问声。„Chen Sisiin?”
“陈思思在吗?”DingJiaminnoticesthisnamedChen Sisilittle girl, althoughcloses one's eyes, but the mouthactuallywriggled, probablyis responding to the Xiaobaiwords, but the whole bodydid not have the strength, could not make the sound.
丁佳敏注意到这个叫陈思思的小女孩虽然闭着眼睛,但是嘴巴却蠕动了一下,像是在回应小白的话,只是全身没了力气,发不出声音了。DingJiaminsees that replacesher saying: „She.”
丁佳敏见状,代替她说道:“她在。”At oncefootsteps sound, wasXiaobai and milletruns.
旋即一阵脚步声响起,是小白和小米跑来了。Two peoplesaw that Chen Sisilieson the bed, the pleasant surprisemakes noise, collectsto look, sees a Chen Sisisuchpitiful condition, a heartwas difficultimmediately.
The milletinsilenthas shed tears.
小米已经在无声地掉眼泪了。ButXiaobaiiscries, the mouthalsoshouted: „Savesherquickly- savesherquickly- shemuststarve to death- shemuststarve to death-”
而小白更是嗷嗷大哭,嘴里同时大喊:“快救她-快救她-她要饿死啦-她要饿死了吖-”DingJiamincomfortsthemhastily, simultaneouslyremindedWuDuikuaito indicate120telephones.
丁佳敏连忙安慰她们,同时提醒吴队快点拨120电话。Before the ambulancecomes, shedoes not planto moveChen Sisi, was worried that cancausewhat not goodconsequence.
在救护车来之前,她不打算挪动陈思思,担心会导致什么不好的后果。WuDui in the leaderto the institutetelephonesto reportthismatter, heis sweating profusely, moststartsto speakspeaks incoherently, crossingto be some little time calm.
吴队在给所里领导打电话汇报这事,他满头大汗,最开始说话都是语无伦次,过了好一会儿才镇定下来。Anotheryouthworks togetheris the complexionis also pallid, is standingby the walldull, does not know that is thinkinganything.
另外一个青年同事也是脸色煞白,呆呆靠墙站着,不知道在想什么。DingJiaminheatedpothot water, after the towelmoistens, toChen Sisicleans the face and hands and feet.
丁佳敏烧了一壶热水,用毛巾打湿后,给陈思思擦拭脸庞和手脚。Onhercheekdirty, the tearscongealedtwolines.
她的脸蛋上脏兮兮的,眼泪凝成了两行。On the small handsis dirtier, innailpitch-dark, does not know that graspedanything.
小手上更脏,指甲里黑漆漆的,不知道抓了什么。Xiaobai and milletsitinChen Sisi'ssidespeaktoher.小白和小米坐在陈思思的身边给她讲话。When the ambulancearrives, in the instituteseveralcolleaguesalsocaught up, took the leadby the managerpersonally.
After the managerarrives, firstiscared that inquiredChen Sisi'scondition, gazes afterherto be held the stretcherby the doctor, at once the visionlookstoWuDui, complexion gloomycansqueeze out the water.
所长到来后,先是关心地询问了陈思思的状况,目送她被医生抱上担架,旋即目光看向吴队,脸色阴沉的能拧出水来。Chen Sisiwas sent to the hospitalby the ambulance, Xiaobai, milletas well asDingJiaminfollows.
陈思思被救护车送去了医院,小白、小米以及丁佳敏一路跟随。On the roadXiaobairememberstooneself the old manreportsto prepare.
路上小白才想起给自家老汉报个备。Herold manhearsthismatter, inquirediswhichhospital, quickalsowith the past, sawthesetwochildrenin the corridor of first-aid room.
她老汉听说这事,打听了是哪家医院,很快也跟了过去,在急救室的走廊里看到了这两个小朋友。„Nowhow?”Zhang Tanasked.
“现在怎么样了?”张叹问。In the corridorbesidesXiaobai and millet, DingJiaminand the others, Zhang TansawDingJiaminfianceChenshaninscriptionalso.
走廊里除了小白和小米,还有丁佳敏等人,张叹看到了丁佳敏的未婚夫陈山铭也在。DingJiaminsaid: „Doctorsaid that does not have the danger, butisfeared that will bring the irretrievabledamageto the body, must look at the first aid the result.”
丁佳敏说:“医生说没有生命危险,但就是怕会对身体带来不可挽回的损伤,现在要看急救的结果。”Zhang Tannods, does not know that saidwhatgood.张叹点点头,不知道说什么好。Chen Sisi'smotherin the place to give up drug taking, has not known that the daughterwalkedbefore the Gate of Death.
陈思思的妈妈还在戒毒所里,根本不知道女儿在鬼门关前走了一回。Zhang Tanestimated that twopolicewantedmiserably, the punishmentmatterwas small, not being able to do well to sentence.张叹估计那两个民警要惨了,处分事小,搞不好要判刑。Thinks ofhere, Zhang Tanlow voicesaidtoDingJiamin: „Ininstitute, ifencounterswhatdifficulty, youtoldme.”
想到这里,张叹小声对丁佳敏说:“在所里要是遇到什么困难,你跟我说。”DingJiaminlifted the pupilto look, nods, inheartonewarm.
The gate of first-aid roomopened, put on the doctor of white coatto walk, whatbroughtwas the goodnews, the body of little girl, althoughdamagedseriously, but the recuperationcanrestorewell, will not affect the futuregrowth.
急救室的门开了,穿着白大褂的医生走了出来,带来的是好消息,小女孩的身体虽然损伤严重,但是好好调理是可以恢复的,不会影响今后的成长。Hearshere, the peopledeeplyrelax.
听到这里,众人深深地松了一口气。Pushed a cartto be pushed, Chen Sisilay downon the cartat this moment, the calmness and steadiness of resting, pink and shiny.
推车被推了出来,陈思思小朋友此刻躺在推车上,睡的安稳,脸色红润了许多。„Did wehave a look atChen Sisito be ablewith the past?”Xiaomiasked.
The doctoronlymadethemstandin the hospital wardentrancelooked, has not madethemgo, in order to avoiddisturbedChen Sisito sleep.
The peoplesee that divergesin abundance, only thenin the instituteleft behindpoliceto accompany a sick person to provide nursing care.
众人见状,纷纷散去,只有所里留下了一名民警陪护。Thisevening, manypeoplemust unable to sleep.
这一晚,许多人要睡不着觉。PS: Twochaptersunited, in the heavy cold, Irested.
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