SAHDA :: Volume #20

#1996: Looks for the cat to look for the dog and window-shopping

Ding Jiamin family/home is a two-bedroom one living-room, without guest room, therefore the little friends need to rest with Ding Jiamin. 丁佳敏的家是两室一厅的,没有客房,所以小伙伴们需要和丁佳敏一起睡。 The Chenshan inscription goes certainly oneself home. 陈山铭当然是回自己家啊。 „Are you hungry? Can eat a fruit?” “你们饿不饿?要不要吃点水果?” Arrived the family/home, Ding Jiamin inquired everyone. 到了家里,丁佳敏询问大家。 On the road, this group of children may be peaceful, few spoke, dull, was in a daze to be distracted. 在来的路上,这群小朋友可安静了,几乎没人说话,一个个呆呆的,发呆走神中。 Doesn't eat ~ “不吃不吃~” Everyone said with one voice, the pomegranate pomegranate was also hesitant, with saying did not eat. 大家异口同声道,就连榴榴也是犹豫了一下,跟着说不吃。 Now they only want to continue to sleep. 现在她们只想继续睡觉。 Boss stretch/open awakens them forcefully, has caused the public indignation, Xier is whispering to complain about the adoptive father. 张老板把她们强行叫醒,已经引起了公愤,就连喜儿都在嘀嘀咕咕埋怨干爹。 Let alone the pomegranate pomegranate, has infiltrated evil person Boss stretch/open. 更别说榴榴了,已经把张老板打入恶人行列。 Sleeping? Ok, but you play today for day, perspires, must therefore first take a bath, takes a bath sleeps again.” Ding Jiamin said. “睡觉是吗?可以,但是你们今天玩了一天,都出了汗,所以要先洗澡,洗完澡再睡觉。”丁佳敏说。 The pomegranate pomegranate said clear: Does not play, we have not played for day, we worked, did day of living.” 榴榴澄清道:“不是玩,我们没有玩一天,我们干活了,干了一天的活。” They are so laborious, cannot make the Sirs think that plays the tired duck, works to do obviously tired. 她们这么辛苦,可不能让大人们以为是玩累的鸭,明明是干活干累的。 Toot toot said low voice: Fat pomegranate pomegranate, we are the ducks that plays, has not worked. The mother said, cannot ask you to work, therefore I 1 : 00 live today have not done. I am unfair to my mother duck.” 嘟嘟小声说:“胖榴榴,我们是玩的鸭,没有干活。妈妈说,不能叫你们干活,所以我今天一点活没干。我对不起我妈妈鸭。” This also called not to work! Day duck, day duck-” “这还叫没干活!天鸭,天鸭-” The pomegranate pomegranate face upwards the deep sigh one breath, probably asks the God, is the chubby a robot. 榴榴仰天长叹一口气,好像问问老天爷,胖嘟嘟是不是机器人。 She is unbelievable, according to concept that the chubby works, that does for day to live the is big intensity, can want her life duck. 她难以相信,按照胖嘟嘟干活的概念,那干一天活得是多大的强度,会不会要了她的命鸭。 Toot toot saw the pomegranate pomegranate to have no way to exchange normally, then did not speak to her, but told Ding Jiamin: Elder Sister Xiaomin, I have taken a bath, you smell, my fragrant.” 嘟嘟见榴榴已经没法正常交流了,便不跟她说话了,而是告诉丁佳敏:“小敏姐姐,我已经洗完澡了,你闻闻,我身上香喷喷的。” Ding Jiamin smells with a smile, really fragrant. 丁佳敏笑着闻了闻,真的香喷喷的。 However others have not taken a bath, therefore was shouted to go to the bathroom by Ding Jiamin. 但是其他人没有洗澡,于是被丁佳敏一个个叫去浴室。 „Does anyone of you first come?” “你们谁先来?” Xier first goes, Xier goes ~ “喜儿先去,喜儿去~” Everyone recommends Xier first to go. 大家都推荐喜儿先去。 Xier went, passed the little while, wore the pajamas to come out, like one small lotus flower of bath, facial features like picture, lunar new year's painting baby. 喜儿去了,过了会儿,穿着睡衣出来了,像一朵出浴的小莲花,眉眼如画,年画宝宝。 Hia ~ “hia~” Xier just smiled half, comes out to look, sees only on the sofa of living room, the little friends lean this way and that also rested. 喜儿刚笑了一半,出来一看,只见客厅的沙发上,小伙伴们东倒西歪,又睡过去了。 Xier hurries to run back the bathroom: „It is not good, is not good ~ Elder Sister Xiaomin, everyone fell asleep.” 喜儿赶紧跑回浴室:“不好啦,不好啦~小敏姐姐,大家又睡着了。” Ding Jiamin comes out to look, loves dearly funnily. 丁佳敏出来一看,好笑又心疼。 She awakened the millet, bringing the millet to go to taking a bath. 她把小米叫醒了,带小米去了洗澡。 Then, the little friends were called the bathroom, when the last pomegranate pomegranate takes a bath, is 10 : 30 pm. 就这样,小伙伴们一个一个被叫去了浴室,当最后一个榴榴洗完澡出来时,已经是晚上 10 点半了。 Ding Jiamin was somewhat tired. 丁佳敏有些累了。 In the evening, must divide the bed to rest. 晚上,要分床睡。 Who rests with me together?” Xiaomi asked. “谁跟我一起睡?”小米问。 Pomegranate pomegranate's first raising hand, the application and millet rest together, simultaneously raises hand also has Xier. 榴榴第一个举手,申请和小米一起睡,同时举手的还有喜儿。 Finally these two look at each other one, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform do not want with the opposite party together. 结果这两人对视一眼,齐齐不想和对方一起。 The pomegranate pomegranate shuts out Xier this morning to step on her awakes, Xier shut out the pomegranate pomegranate almost to collapse her last night several times. 榴榴嫌弃喜儿今早把她踩醒,喜儿嫌弃榴榴昨晚几次差点把她挤扁。 Finally yes, Xiaobai and Xier, toot toot the same place and millet rest, but the pomegranate pomegranate and journey journey follow Ding Jiamin. 最终是,小白和喜儿、嘟嘟一起和小米睡,而榴榴和程程跟着丁佳敏。 The pomegranate pomegranate was removed after the millet together, journey journey and Ding Jiamin rests on drawing, is mainly journey journey. 榴榴在被排除和小米一起后,就拉着程程和丁佳敏睡,主要是程程。 Good that the pomegranate pomegranate takes advantage, in the evening and journey journey sleeps, has greatly the story listens. 榴榴打的一手好算盘,晚上和程程睡觉,有大把的故事听。 This fellow will not suffer a loss. 这家伙可不会吃亏的。 A day of millet may toot toot be with ease more , the most obvious point is, can have a long lazy sleep. 小米的一天可比嘟嘟的轻松很多了,最明显的一点就是,可以睡懒觉。 Like toot toot, six o'clock was not shouted, said that anything did not let rest, added that does not get up early becomes lazy, changes lazy becomes fat. 不像嘟嘟,才六点钟就被喊了起来,说什么也不让睡了,还说不早起就会变懒,变懒就会变胖。 Said real exasperating. 说的真气人。 Mi can have a long lazy sleep well, that called one fragrantly. 小米家则可以好好睡个懒觉,那叫一个香喷喷啊。 However, toot toot was still six o'clock awakes on time. 不过,嘟嘟依然是六点钟准时醒了。 After she awoke, cleans the teeth to wash the face on oneself, then entered the kitchen, attempts to incite the breakfast. 她醒了之后,就自己去刷牙洗了脸,然后就进了厨房,尝试鼓捣早餐。 When Ding Jiamin comes, toot toot had found one box of egg, prepares to everyone evidently boils the egg. 当丁佳敏过来时,嘟嘟已经找到了一盒鸡蛋,看样子准备给大家煮鸡蛋呢。 Ding Jiamin received living that makes the breakfast, lets toot toot go to the living room to play, can watch the television, can look at the picture book story. 丁佳敏接过了做早餐的活,让嘟嘟去客厅玩,可以看电视,也可以去看绘本故事。 Toot toot confirmed over and over, really doesn't want her to help make the breakfast? Knew really after does not want, she then had/left the kitchen, but has not gone to watch the animated cartoon, but in balcony at home does the morning exercise, oneself is shouting the slogan. 嘟嘟再三确认,真的不要她帮忙做早餐吗?得知真的不要后,她便出了厨房,不过没去看动画片,而是在家里的阳台上做早操呢,自己喊着口号。 The millet is in the family/home third gets out of bed, joins quickly with her makes the ranks of morning exercise together. 小米是家里第三个起床的,很快加入与她一起做早操的行列。 Has had the breakfast, today's activity is follows Ding Jiamin to inspect, is a young police officer. 吃过了早餐,今天的活动是跟随丁佳敏巡视,当个小警官。 Aiya this makes everyone be interested very much, all indicated that must display well, strives to be a good police officer, strove to catch what unprincipled person evil person. 哎呀这个让大家很感兴趣,个个表示要好好表现,争取当一个好警官,争取抓了什么坏人恶人的。 Who knows a morning to help the person look for the kitty and son of a bitch in the community. 谁知一上午都是在小区里帮人找猫咪和狗子。 Is good matches because of the child and kitty son of a bitch certainly, finally after finding, making everyone has the sense of achievement very much. 好在小孩子和猫咪狗子是绝配,最终找到后,让大家很有成就感。 The lunch is eats at a restaurant, the Chenshan inscription takes the chief, said that must thank them to help find the kitty and son of a bitch, treats to reward with food and drink them. 午饭是下馆子的,陈山铭作为大队长,说要感谢她们帮忙找到了猫咪和狗子,请客犒劳她们。 At noon only rested for a half hour, started to work, but the children working zeal was very full. 中午只休息了半个小时,又开始工作了,不过小朋友们干劲很足。 In the afternoon, they follow Ding Jiamin to visit the inspection to the area of jurisdiction store, verifies the store basic information in detail, examines the store whether operates according to law, whether has sell forbidden object and other situations, simultaneously is positive to various store owners explains in detail security, against snatches, against deceives the skill, prompts various store industry main addition monitoring, actively completes various measures. 下午,她们跟随丁佳敏对辖区商铺进行走访检查,详细核实商铺基本信息,查看商铺是否依法经营、是否存在出售违禁物品等情况,同时积极向各商铺业主详细讲解防盗、防抢、防骗技巧,提示各商铺业主要加装监控,积极做好各项防范措施。 , Basically to getting off work time. 一圈走下来,基本到了下班时候了。 This is one day of non- typical millet, she will not be the weekend with will follow Ding Jiamin to have the police. 这是非典型的小米的一天,她并不是周末都跟会跟着丁佳敏出警的。 At dusk, the children returned to Little Red Horse Academy again. 傍晚时分,小朋友们再次回到了小红马学园 At this time, in Little Red Horse Academy also few children, they are earliest. 这个时候,小红马学园里还没有几个小朋友到,她们算是最早的。 old Li inquired curiously they do anything today, toot toot told him: Looks for the cat to look for the dog and window-shopping.” 老李好奇地询问她们今天干了些什么,嘟嘟告诉他:“找猫找狗和逛街。” Then she dances with joy, told to him in detail. 然后她手舞足蹈的,详细给他讲述。 Horizon incarnadine a piece, that is the sunset glow. 天边染红了一片,那是晚霞。 Xiaobai and the others sat on the stair before courtyard, looks at the sunset glow, enthusiastically discussed that on the day of works as the mysterious experience of young police. 小白等人坐在院子前的台阶上,看着晚霞,热烈地讨论这一天当小警察的神奇经历。 The entrance, the small plum walked. 大门口,小李子走了进来。 The pomegranate pomegranate laughs saying: Hahahaha, who look was came duck- held her quickly! Hey, your young thief.” 榴榴大笑道:“哈哈哈哈,看看是谁来了鸭-快抓住她!嘿,你个小贼。” The small plum is unwilling to be without a fight, the counter-attack said: You, you, I may go to you-” 小李子不甘束手就擒,反击道:“你,你,我可去你叭-” She just now comes, met the fat pomegranate pomegranate saying that must arrest her, you said that was exasperating. 她才刚来,就遇到胖榴榴说要逮捕她,你说气人不气人。 She curses at people, she curses at people! The millet, you listen, she curses at people, we hold her quickly!” “她骂人,她骂人呢!小米,你听,她骂人,我们快抓住她!” Pomegranate pomegranate oneself does not go, instigates the millet. 榴榴自己不去,怂恿小米去。 The millet will not go, moreover she urged the pomegranate pomegranate do not go, do not bully the small plum. 小米才不会去呢,而且她叮嘱榴榴也不要去,不要欺负小李子。 You now are class leader assistant, you must protect the children.” “你现在是班长助理,你要保护小朋友们。” Pomegranate pomegranate one hear, this thinks, oneself is class leader assistant, immediately makes noise happily. 榴榴一听,这才想起来,自己是班长助理呢,顿时乐出声来。 Xiaobai patted her shoulder saying: Pomegranate pomegranate , helping me pour one cup of water to drink sai.” 小白拍了拍她的肩膀说:“榴榴,去帮我倒一杯水来喝噻。” Pomegranate pomegranate: „...... Your oneself goes to the duck!” 榴榴:“……你自己去鸭!” Her Yanyan, how she possibly gives Xiaobai this melon baby to pour water greatly, she cannot lose that person! 她一个大燕燕,她怎么可能给小白这种瓜娃子倒水,她丢不起那人! The Xiaobai dark stamp said with a smile: Hou humph humph ~ ~ I am a class leader, you are class leader assistant, is my assistant, you, go quickly.” 小白暗戳戳地笑道:“嚯嚯嚯~~我是班长,你是班长助理,也就是我的助理,你,快去。” Pomegranate pomegranate: You......” 榴榴:“你……” Xiaobai did not say patiently: Wife, gives the master to pour water to drink quickly! I buy the small card issuing for you today!” 小白不耐烦道:“娘子,快去给相公倒杯水来喝喝!我今天给你买了小发卡呢!” Today when inspects the store, everyone shopped while convenient, the pomegranate pomegranate is poorest, the penniless, settled on the blue small card issuing not to have money, therefore Xiaobai bought delivered to her. 今天巡视商铺时,大家顺带购物了,榴榴最穷,身无分文,看中了蓝色小发卡却没钱,于是小白买了送了给她。 The hand of causing difficulties for others is short, the pomegranate pomegranate does not straighten out the air/Qi is not strong, the complaint is full, goes to the classroom to give Xiaobai to pour water, just comes across the Zhang Tan process, therefore hit the tale without hesitation, complained Xiaobai to bully the good person. 拿人的手短,榴榴理不直气不壮,怨念满满,去教室里给小白倒水,刚好遇到张叹经过,于是不假思索地就打起了小报告,吐槽小白欺负好人。 She forgot, last night this time, she infiltrated evil person Boss stretch/open. 她忘了,昨晚的这个时候,她才把张老板打入了恶人的行列。 Counts on an evil person to her sound Zhang Zhengyi, this possibility?! 指望一个恶人给她声张正义,这可能吗?! () ()
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