SWR :: Volume #8

#771: Prisoner of the Night authority

Is father also ultimate? 父亲也是终极? Lu Xin is thinking deeply about this issue. 陆辛思索着这个问题。 From the issue, this seems like a very astonishing fact. 从问题本身来说,这似乎是一个非常惊人的事实。 But in the sentiment, he actually also does not have the big mood to fluctuate, probably had long known the issue of answer. 但在感情上,他其实又没有多大的情绪起伏,好像是一个早就知道了答案的问题。 After all, the father strength, has been very fearful...... 毕竟,父亲的力量,一直都很可怕…… ...... …… ...... …… How can help father recapture his revering name?” “怎样才能帮父亲夺回他的尊名?” When Doctor An defeated probably the cockerel equally in the mother self-satisfied smile left the Lu Xin room, Lu Xin busily turns the head to look to mother, asked this important question. In innermost feelings, truly to this issue feeling very curious. 安博士像是斗败了的公鸡一样在妈妈得意的笑容里离开了陆辛的房间之后,陆辛才忙转头看向了妈妈,问出了这个重要的问题。内心里,也确实对这个问题感觉非常的好奇。 Found his mind/energetic palace, recaptured his revering name.” “找到了他的精神宫殿,也就夺回了他的尊名。” mother is happy, explained with a smile: Ultimate strength, will not vanish, will only be carved up, or was diluted.” 妈妈心情舒畅,笑着解释:“终极的力量,是不会消失的,只会被人瓜分,或是被稀释。” You can understand that is a king in state.” “你可以理解为一个国度的国王。” King not somebody's name, but sat on that seat person the synonym.” “国王并不是某个人的名字,只是坐在了那个位子上的人的代称。” Even if this person died, others will still become the king.. Even if this state decides no longer to be equipped with the king, the power of this king remains, but took away by the different the person of quantity or name. Now his condition, is similarly.” “即使这个人死了,其他人也会成为国王。。即使这个国度决定不再设有国王,这个国王的权力仍然存在,只是被不同数量或是名称的人拿去了而已。如今他的状态,便是与此类似。” His authority was eliminated, has not died like the king, actually lost the authority, turned into present this stealthy mean-spirited appearance......” “他的权柄被剥夺了,如同国王未死,却丢了权柄,变成了如今这副鬼鬼祟祟的小气模样……” „......” “……” Snort......” “哼……” Outside the tent, father hear of mother said, somewhat is obviously disgruntled, cold snort/hum. 帐篷外面,父亲妈妈这么说,明显有些不悦,冷哼了一声。 However at once he thinks of now also not with the rack time, was busy at hehe smiling several that asked for seems. 不过旋即他就想到现在还不是拿架子的时候,又忙讨好似的“嘿嘿”笑了几声。 Naturally, you can also understand his condition from the Sword Bearer fate.” “当然,你也可以从执剑者的下场来理解他的状态。” mother does not pay attention to the sound that outside the tent passes on, said to Lu Xin with a smile: Died like the consciousness of Sword Bearer, but his mind/energetic palace remained. Outside that is the consciousness is barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, but his palace had actually been won.” 妈妈不理会帐篷外面传进来的动静,笑着向陆辛道:“如同执剑者的意识死去,但他的精神宫殿却留了下来。外面那个,则是意识在苟延残喘,但他的宫殿却已经被人夺走。” Therefore, only then helped him recover the palace, he can be true Prisoner of the Night.” “所以,只有帮助他找回了宫殿,他才会是真正的夜之囚徒。” However to that time......” “而到了那时候……” Her voice stops slightly, then on the face showed the somewhat gloomy expression: Anybody, who regardless of they are......” 她的话音微微停顿,然后脸上露出了有些阴森的表情:“任何人,不论他们是谁……” Will tremble because of him......” “都会因为他而战栗……” „......” “……” The eye of Lu Xin stares slightly in a big way, feeling this time mother, probably, special resembles villain...... 陆辛的眼睛微微瞪大,感觉此时的妈妈,好像,特别的像反派…… Haha......” “哈哈……” Outside the tent, father could not control oneself to laugh suddenly, in the laughter full was excited and crazy. 帐篷外面,父亲忽然控制不住自己大笑了起来,笑声里满是兴奋与疯狂。 Even, but also has greedy and dissolute...... 甚至,还带点贪婪与放肆…… The Lu Xin look slightly somewhat was immediately strange, this couples seem like the villain...... 陆辛眼神顿时微微有些古怪了,这两口子都像是反派啊…… Is feeling, because father cannot control air that laughing wildly of oneself initiates to tremble layer upon layer, indistinctly as well as that type seizes every opportunity gloomy without fearing intent of reason, Lu Xin also cannot help but sighed slightly, waits for father really to bring back the authority...... 感受着因为父亲控制不住自己的狂笑而引发的一层层空气战栗,以及那种隐隐约约无孔不入的阴森与没来由的惧意,陆辛也不由得微微叹了口气,等父亲真的拿回了权柄…… Probably, perhaps, will be really fearful? 大概,或许,真的会非常可怕吧? After all, the oneself heart, has known, father, is in the family/home the most fearful that person...... 毕竟,自己的内心深处,一直都知道,父亲,才是家里最可怕的那个人…… He is also only the past of knowing oneself, but still had a long time, wants to flee even swallows the oneself person. 他也是唯一个知道自己的过去,但仍然有很长一段时间里,都想逃离甚至吞噬自己的人。 However, should help the thing that he brings back, is the recaption. 不过,该帮他取回的东西,还是取回的吧。 First, mother had said before, facing the chaotic future, she chooses to believe oneself. 首先,妈妈之前说过,面对混乱的未来,她选择相信自己 oneself should also certainly believe her, as well as family member. 自己当然也该相信她,以及家人。 Next, the father beforehand performance is not good, his thing, is his...... 其次,父亲以前的表现再不好,他的东西,也是他的啊…… ...... Can own thing, how place outside? ……自家的东西,怎么能放在外面? ...... …… ...... …… Good, we go together.” “好吧,我们一起去。” Hesitated slightly Lu Xin, raised the head to say with a smile: But, before set off, an important matter must be done.” 微微沉吟了一下的陆辛,抬头笑道:“不过,出发之前,还有件重要的事情要做。” Un?” “嗯?” mother somewhat is slightly curious. 妈妈微微有些好奇。 Outside tent, father also obviously somewhat anxious collected the head. 帐篷外面,父亲也明显有些紧张的把脑袋凑了过来。 Asks for leave......” “请假啊……” Lu Xin looks at they said: Currently we have the person of regular job, can not leave first to ask for leave?” 陆辛看着他们道:“现在我们都是有正式工作的人,要离开不得先请假?” „......” “……” mother was startled, could not bear pinch the bridge of the nose. 妈妈怔了一下,忍不住捏了捏鼻梁。 Asks for leave? Asks for leave from these mortals?” “请假?向那些凡人请假?” Outside the tent, father is somewhat is also annoyed immediately, cold -ly snorted and said: You......” 帐篷外,父亲也是顿时有些恼火,冷哼道:“你……” However the words have not said, Lu Xin has turned the head, looked at one to his direction. 不过话还没有说完,陆辛已经转头,向他这个方向看了一眼。 father choked immediately, then smiled the sound: Should, have the wages after all......” 父亲顿时噎了一下,然后笑声响了起来:“应该的,毕竟拿着工资呢……” On the Lu Xin face showed the gratified smile immediately. 陆辛脸上顿时露出了欣慰的笑容。 father finally became mature...... 父亲终于变得成熟了…… ...... …… ...... …… When Lu Xin went out of the tent, leads when toward the subordinate of oneself the Chen Jing temporary dormitory walks, sees the person in entire base, had run. Wear a look of panic-stricken looked to the surroundings, the dazzling searchlight kept glance back and forth in base. 陆辛走出了帐篷,向着自己的直属领导陈菁的临时宿舍走去时,就见到整个基地里的人,都已经跑了出来。面带惊恐的看向了周围,耀眼的探照灯不停的在基地里来回的扫视。 mental detection device of each position glittered the dazzling red light, put on armed soldier anxious running of exposure suit. 各个位置的精神探测仪都闪烁起了刺眼的红光,穿着防护服的武装战士紧张的奔走。 How is this?” “咋了这是?” Lu Xin is first startled, at once understands, is a little afraid. 陆辛先是一怔,旋即才明白了过来,有点心虚。 father just loss of self-control, affected the entire base all of a sudden, making everyone feel fear for no reason. 父亲刚刚的失态,一下子影响到了整个基地,让所有人感受到了无端的恐惧。 Does not know that but also thinks that suddenly presented some fearful pollution. 不知道的,还以为忽然出现了某种可怕的污染。 Makes you come to make the security, to not let you disturbs......” “让你来是为了做保安的,不是为了让你过来捣乱的啊……” Could not bear a little turning the head of complaint look at a dim light of night deep place, immediately saw father a little afraid hiding after the searchlight. 忍不住有点埋怨的转头看了一眼夜色的深处,顿时看到了父亲有点心虚的躲在探照灯后。 This time he, cautious, was very clever. 这时的他,小心翼翼,特别乖巧。 Group Leader......” 组长……” Just close to the Chen Jing temporary dormitory vicinity, saw that she tense belt/bring person was catching up. 刚接近了陈菁的临时宿舍近处,就看到她正紧张的带人赶了出来。 Lu Xin to she greeted at the same time, she had also asked anxiously: Actually just to have what?” 陆辛向她打招呼的同时,她也已经紧张的问了出来:“刚刚究竟发生了什么?” This......” “这个……” Lu Xin is a little awkward, hurried say/way: Misunderstanding, the misunderstanding, does not use that intense......” 陆辛有点尴尬,急忙道:“误会,误会,不用那么紧张……” „......” “……” Chen Jing deeply looked at Lu Xin one, saw from his afraid face actually possibly just that sudden sense of alarm with crashed in the mysterious laughter in person of mind directly truly is a misunderstanding. After all Lu Xin this time expression, obviously was one courts disaster, but does not want to acknowledge, moreover in the look had one type to implore the leader in afraid that in this issue continued to ask. 陈菁深深看了陆辛一眼,倒是从他心虚的脸上看出了可能刚刚那种突如其来的恐慌感与直接冲进了人脑海里的神秘笑声确实是场误会。毕竟陆辛这时的表情,就明显是一副惹了祸但又不想承认,而且眼神里就带了一种祈求领导千万不要在这个问题上继续问下去的心虚。 All right, does not need to sound the warning, various departments return to the normal working condition.” “没事,不必发出警报,各部门回到正常工作状态。” Said toward intercom, she brought Lu Xin to return to her room, said: What matter?” 向着对讲机里说了一声,她才带着陆辛回到了她的房间,道:“什么事?” Asks for leave.” “请假。” Lu Xin has the favorable impression to Group Leader Chen this trust attitude extremely, quickly said the oneself goal. 陆辛陈组长这种信任态度极有好感,急忙说出了自己的目的。 Asks for leave?” “请假?” Chen Jing many are a little accidental, but also unexpected happening asked the sentence: Invited to whom?” 陈菁多少有点意外,还鬼使神差的问了句:“给谁请?” Three people.” “三个人。” Lu Xin said: One is the adviser in base, one is the translator of fundamental research section, one is the base security......” 陆辛道:“一位是基地的顾问,一位是理论研究部的翻译员,一位是基地保安……” Chen Jing responded, at heart slowly to number. 陈菁都反应了一下,才在心里慢慢的对上了号。 Then lowered the sound slightly, said: „Can I ask, you and......” 然后微微压低了声音,道:“我能不能问一下,你和……” „...... And do the adviser and security, what prepare to make?” “……和顾问与保安,准备去做什么?” „......” “……” Although Chen Jing inquired time obviously in probe attitude, gave Lu Xin to be able from the tone not the choice that used to reply. 虽然陈菁询问的时候明显是在试探态度,也从语气里就给了陆辛可以不用回答的选择。 But as a qualified subordinate, his slightly consideration, said with a smile: Actually is a little complex......” 但作为一个合格的下属,他还是微一考虑,笑道:“其实有点复杂……” Simply speaking, you can understand are, was my family's real estate, was given to rob by others.” “简单来说,你可以理解为,有一栋本来属于我家的房产,被别人给抢走了。” Therefore, we must seize now......” “所以,我们现在要去夺回来……” „......” “……” „......” “……” Although looked from the look, Chen Jing was clearly confused. 虽然从眼神上看,陈菁分明更迷茫了。 However, she has not thought that even has not asked for instructions, authorizes this false immediately. 但是,她还是没有多想,甚至都没有请示,就立刻批准了这个假。 Moreover, but also strict according to rules and regulations flow, making Hide and Seek bring the going out permits of three temporary designs...... is also the leave slip, then looks at Lu Xin filled in the content above earnestly the appearance, Chen Jing felt that oneself many were a little confused: 不仅如此,还严格的按照规章流程,让迷藏拿来了三张临时设计的外出许可证……也就是请假条,然后看着陆辛在上面认真填内容的样子,陈菁感觉自己多少有点迷茫: What is my is making?” “我这是在做什么?” What thing am I giving to approve the false?” “我在给什么东西批假?” Why will he even give the misconception that I I can reject?” “为什么他甚至会给我一种我可以拒绝的错觉?” „......” “……” After the content filled, Lu Xin is then pressing the rules and regulations, let mother and father coming signature. 内容填完了之后,陆辛便按着规章制度,让妈妈父亲过来签字。 mother comes time, the performance of Chen Jing is good, but many seems somewhat cautious, calling mother is Lady Lu. 妈妈来的时候,陈菁的表现还好,只是多少显得有些拘谨,称呼妈妈为“陆女士”。 When ability of Lu Xin fantasy, tall father also opened the door layer on layer/heavily, walks with stride came, even if Chen Jing, startles the complexion big change suddenly, the body is fierce depends backward, almost turned together with the chair together. 只是,在陆辛幻想的能力下,身材高大的父亲也重重的推开了门,大步走了进来时,哪怕是陈菁,也忽然骇得脸色大变,身体猛得向后一靠,差点连同椅子一起翻了过去。 „” “唰唰唰” Her side, put on Hide and Seek of pink small suit also to be frightened revealed the shape, is holding one bunch of documents, trembled. 她的身边,穿着粉红色小西装的迷藏也被吓得显了形,抱着一堆文件,瑟瑟发抖。 But in their panic-stricken looks, that is tall, is throwing over a transparent raincoat, whole like one group of monster that black shadows that wriggle, actually walked silently, received pen that Lu Xin handed over, delimited to draw several in the leave slip. 但在她们惊恐的眼神里,那个身材高大,又披着一件透明雨衣,整体如同一团蠕动的黑色影子的怪物,却只是默默的走了进来,接过了陆辛递过来的笔,在请假条上划拉了几下。 Then, he put down the pen silently, suddenly looked up toward Chen Jing, cracked into a smile: 然后,他默默的放下了笔,忽然抬头向着陈菁看了过来,咧嘴一笑: You good......” “你好……” „......” “……” Chen Jing is welcoming that look, the heart numerous jumps, the chest fluctuates fiercely. 陈菁迎着那个眼神,心脏重重的一跳,胸膛剧烈起伏。 Has made the body of oneself almost shrink one group regarding the frightened instinct obviously, but the powerful will made her tighten the complexion, not rude, was only the nape of the neck somewhat stiff toward father nodded slowly, fluttered the opens the mouth: You...... hello/you good.” 明明对于恐惧的本能都已让自己的身体几乎缩成一团,但强大的意志还是让她绷紧了脸色,没有失态,只是脖颈有些僵硬的向着父亲慢慢的点了下头,颤声开口:“你……你好。” Uncle......” “叔叔……” „......” “……” The performance of father is good. 父亲的表现还是不错的。 Not is only pressing the rules and regulations of base, honest signature, but also knows that notified the oneself leader. 不仅按着基地的规章制度,老老实实的签名,还知道跟自己的领导打招呼。 Naturally, the leadership was a little actually intense...... 当然了,领导倒是有点过于紧张了…… Lu Xin is thinking at heart, father where is so fearful, this security work is also done good...... 陆辛心里想着,父亲哪有那么可怕呢,这份保安工作也做的挺好的…… The leave application had finished, to this/should set off time. 假条已经写完,到了该出发的时候了。 Lu Xin thought suddenly: Where younger sister to?” 陆辛才忽然想了起来:“妹妹到哪里去了?” ...... …… ...... …… Small Gecko, should not be afraid, we play together......” “小壁虎,别害怕,我们一起去玩吧……” I am a guest of the person you to prepare food, we cross each family together......” “我做客人你做菜,咱俩一起过家家……” „......” “……” At the same time, younger sister that the whole family who had been busy with the work neglects, happy random walk in Qinggang City, she at the back of a small gray backpack, climbs on the wall, but Gecko that that partly visible singing sound had been suffered soon goes crazy in her side, with by, his bosom also holds a sniper's rifle that most is excelling , the body added many wounds. 同一时间,已经被忙于工作的一家人忽视的妹妹,正开心的游走在青港城里,她背着一个小小的灰色背包,在墙壁上爬上爬下,而在她的身边,则跟着已经被那若隐若现的歌声折磨的快要发疯的壁虎,他的怀里还抱着最擅长的一杆狙击枪,身上添了不少的伤口。 younger sister......” 妹妹……” No, elder sister......” “不,姐……” Seventeen elder sister......” 十七姐……” „......” “……” The clear to see also has the invisible strength to pull oneself, must go to another direction, Gecko direct despaired, bringing the weeping voice to shout to the side air: Has Doll, these mental monster do not dare to come, we do not need to look daily.” 眼见得又有无形的力量扯着自己,要向另外一个方向去,壁虎直接绝望了,带着哭腔向身边的空气喊道:“有娃娃在呢,这些精神怪物根本不敢进来啊,咱们也不用天天去找。” You too had not possibly understood, we give the Qinggang cleaning up pollution, needs to collect fees......” “你可能还不太了解,我们给青港清理污染,是需要收费的……” „......” “……” In nearby air no one replied, but on the cement wall, actually resounds the sound that the nail blew slowly. 旁边的空气里没有人回答,但水泥墙壁上,却慢慢响起了指甲刮动的声音。 Several illegible handwriting appear: „Do you want to become the toy?” 几个潦草的字迹出现:“那你是想成为玩具咯?” Gecko despaired: So to be how pitiful? 壁虎绝望了:怎么这么悲惨? Obviously oneself with high-walled city external research team small boast a oneself this Vice-Captain importance, moreover not too lets slip to express that payout of oneself carefully in this mission forces 55 to open with Captain, finally that night, this young devil looked, then oneself then in this partly visible singing sound, fought valiantly several days of mental monster. 明明自己只是在跟高墙城外来的研究团队小小的吹嘘了一下自己这个副队长的重要性,而且不太小心说溜了嘴表示在这次任务自己的付出勉强与队长五五开而已,结果当天晚上,这个小魔鬼就找来了,然后自己便在这个若隐若现的歌声里,与精神怪物拼了好几天的命。 This then must report that the Captain vertical younger sister commits murder...... 这回头得举报队长纵妹行凶啊…… Moreover, but must report Doll. 另外,还得举报娃娃 She Mental Lord as Qinggang, has definitely had long known that now this young devil is compelling oneself running back and forth daily, even one time, she came before oneself and this young devil, but facing praying for rescue of oneself, she unexpectedly is only...... 她身为青港精神领主,肯定早就知道现在这个小魔鬼正在天天逼着自己来回的跑,甚至有一次,她都在自己和这个小魔鬼面前现身了,但是面对自己的求救,她居然只是…… ...... Induced slightly, then smiled to the direction of that young devil, then vanished silently. ……只是微微感应了一下,便向那小魔鬼的方向微笑了一下,然后默默的消失了。 ...... Vanished!!!! ……消失了!!!! This working attitude, did not report that can be good? 这种工作态度,不举报能行? God, is my Gecko destiny so why pitiful?? 天啊,为什么我壁虎的命运如此悲惨??
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