SWR :: Volume #8

#766: Abyss lowest level

The mother words made Lu Xin close the mouth, oneself field of vision adjusted the clearest degree. 妈妈的话让陆辛闭紧了嘴巴,也将自己的“视野”调到了最清晰的程度。 He also wants to know what mother wants to make oneself see clearly is anything...... 他也想知道妈妈想让自己看清楚的是什么…… Hissing......” “嘶嘶……” The spade J playing cards in hand, as they are close more and more, has slightly looked like one beast to struggle. 手里的黑桃J扑克牌,随着他们越来越接近,已经像一只小兽般挣扎了起来。 Usually does not dare to revolt against Lu Xin it, as if frightened to the extreme, puts together completely the strength to struggle, the sharp edge almost must slice off the finger of Lu Xin, quite makes oneself withdraw, but, Lu Xin pressed firmly between the fingers it stubbornly, it controls the oneself destiny. 平时根本不敢反抗陆辛的它,似乎恐惧到了极点,拼尽力量挣扎着,锋利的边缘几乎要削掉陆辛的手指,好让自己脱身,只是,陆辛死死的捏住了它,不由它掌握自己的命运。 At the same time, the sand rustle the silkworm bites the sound to be lingering on faintly, that exquisite sound sneaked in the mind of person, maddening. 同一时间,沙沙沙的蚕噬声音不绝于耳,那细腻的声音钻进了人的脑海,让人发狂。 The tip of the nose, as if smelled a fresh smell of blood, uncomfortable. 就连鼻端,都似乎嗅到了一种新鲜的血腥味,让人难受至极。 Lu Xin looked to mother, the heart was contracting fiercely. 陆辛看向了妈妈,心脏都在剧烈收缩。 Her injury is intensifying fast. 她的伤势在飞快加剧。 Her clothes, are been blood-stained . Moreover the little dizzy dyed, probably split open the big safflower. 她的衣服,已经被鲜血染红,而且一点点的晕染了开来,像是绽开了大朵的红花。 Moreover this safflower is blooming is getting more and more bright, frightening. 而且这种红花正在绽放的越来越鲜艳,让人心惊胆颤。 Moreover, Lu Xin can the clear feeling, mother undertake this injury for oneself.. 而且,陆辛可以清晰的感觉到,妈妈是在替自己承担着这种伤害。。 Like initially her first time body that stood before oneself, helping oneself keep off the bullet of multibarreled wheelgun to be the same. 就像当初她第一次站在了自己的身前,帮自己挡下了多管转轮枪的子弹一样。 Even if at this time, she saw the look that Lu Xin worries about, still shakes the head slightly, serious referred to downward. 即使在这时,她看到了陆辛担忧的眼神,也只是微微摇头,神情严肃的向下指了过去。 Lu Xin bites the jaw, does not make the mood that oneself expresses extremely intense, is fierce to turn the head to look. 陆辛咬住牙关,不让自己表现的情绪太过激烈,猛得转头看去。 Then, the expression of his whole person, suddenly delay. 然后,他整个人的表情,忽然呆滞。 ...... …… ...... …… This passes shortly, Lu Xin felt, oneself should see the Abyss lowest level. 这一眼看过去,陆辛感觉,自己应该已经看到了深渊的最底层。 Before with him and mother sank in Abyss, he has looked, in Abyss different sceneries. 之前随着他与妈妈深渊之中下沉,他已看过了一片一片,深渊里不同的景色。 However only then, he still felt that understanding of oneself Abyss is quite superficial. 但是直到此时,他仍然感觉自己深渊的了解极为肤浅。 Now, oneself not true whereabouts to the Abyss lowest level. 如今,自己也并未真正下落到深渊的最底层。 His mental strength field of vision, reluctantly, having made him see the lowest level scenery...... 只是,他的精神力量化出来的“视野”,却已经勉强可以,让他看到最底层的景色…… ...... Or is a person! ……或者说,是人! Huge incomparable, has endless ugly, person. 庞大无比,又拥有着无尽丑陋的,人。 Lu Xin is very reluctant that type of thing described that because of that type of thing, the giant body absolutely does not have the shape of person, can only see the giant tentacle and distortion abstract body, probably piles of rotten meat, overspread under Abyss. 陆辛是很勉强的把那种东西形容为人的,因为那种东西,巨大的身体已经完全没有了人的形状,只能看到巨大的触手与扭曲抽象的身体,像是一堆堆腐烂的肉,铺满在了深渊下方。 Or is not resembles, but really rotten. 或者说,不是“像”,而是真的腐烂。 The body of that thing, not the unimaginable hugeness, submerged the entire Abyss floor. 那东西的身体,无法想象的巨大,淹没了整个深渊的底层。 On rotten body, even can also see the one after another dim eye, with human organs that has not grown into. 腐烂的身体上,甚至还可以看到一只只黯淡的眼睛,和未长成的人体器官。 Distortion mental strength, blooms from each spot of its body, is affecting the air in Abyss, bit by bit extended, indistinct, probably formed the black fog common gas, spooky turbulent is floating, raids the volume in Abyss. 扭曲的精神力量,从它身体的每一个部位绽放,影响着深渊里的空气,一点一点的延伸了出来,隐隐约约,像是形成了黑雾一般的气体,幽幽荡荡的飘洒着,在深渊里袭卷。 It seems to have existed here, so has been rotten. 它似乎一直存在于这里,一直这么腐烂下去。 oneself is a rotten world, oneself is also the oneself corpse, as well as tombstone. 自己便是一个腐烂的世界,自己也是自己的尸体,以及墓碑。 Lu Xin was seeing its this moment, suddenly had the intense familiarity. 陆辛在看到了它的这一刻,忽然生出了强烈的熟悉感。 At the same time, had the intense sense of fear. 同一时间,又生出了强烈的恐惧感。 This is the true sense of fear, in all senses of fear compared with his life adds the and, is intense. 这是真正的恐惧感,比他人生之中遇到的所有恐惧感加起来之和,都要强烈。 “Ah……” “啊……” His subconscious movement, thrashes the head of oneself. 他下意识的动作,是捶打自己的脑袋。 Used strength such big, wishes one could to beat the oneself brain fluid. 用的力量如此之大,恨不能将自己的脑浆都要捶出来。 Because he had an misconception, the body of oneself is regaining consciousness in cuns (2.5 cm) probably, and with oneself for enemy. 因为他有了一种错觉,自己的身体好像正在一寸寸苏醒,并且与自己为敌。 ...... …… ...... …… ......” “呼……” At the same time, when Lu Xin saw below hugeness monster, that monster as if also saw him. 同一时间,陆辛看到了下方的巨大“怪物”时,那怪物似乎也看到了他。 This only monster should die. 这只怪物应该已经死去。 In Lu Xin saw it, its giant body, actually in cuns (2.5 cm), resurrected slowly...... 但是在陆辛看到了它时,它巨大的身体,却在一寸寸的,慢慢的复活了过来…… The body that Lu Xin feels an cuns (2.5 cm) regaining consciousness feeling is being the misconception, but it actually real. 陆辛感受到的身体正在一寸寸苏醒的感觉是错觉,但它却是真的。 In corrupted body, started to have granulation one after another to grow. 已经腐烂的身体里,开始有一根一根的肉芽生长了起来。 These granulation upwarping bodies diligently, looked to the Lu Xin direction. 这些肉芽努力的翘起身体,看向了陆辛的方向。 The flesh of creeping motion, change bit by bit, was growing the body of person unexpectedly slowly, the head of person, as well as facial features. 蠕动的血肉,居然正在一点一点的变化,慢慢长出了人的身子,人的脑袋,以及五官。 Their one after another, looks like the person more and more, the expression is getting more and more vivid. 它们一个个的,越来越像人,表情越来越生动。 Suddenly elongated the arm, effort is brandishing toward Lu Xin, on the face has the frantic expression. 忽然伸长了手臂,用力的向着陆辛挥舞着,脸上带着狂热的表情。 Lu Xin felt a summon. 陆辛感受到了一种召唤。 His heart fierce beat, the heart, as if gave birth to wish to clash suddenly, with feeling that they hugged. 他忽然心脏剧烈的跳动,内心深处,似乎生出了一种想要冲下去,与它们拥抱的感觉。 No, should integrate, integrates them thoroughly, becomes in them member...... 不,应该是融入,彻底融入它们,成为它们中的一员…… ...... …… ...... …… Good......” “好了……” mother continuously in looks at Lu Xin, even if her body has become the blood person. 妈妈一直在看着陆辛,哪怕她的身体已经成为了血人。 She is bearing the intense pain, maintains the reason, looks at Lu Xin, until this moment, she opens the mouth suddenly in a low voice. 她忍受着强烈的痛苦,保持理智,看着陆辛,直到这一刻,她才忽然低声开口。 At the same time, she also quickly grasped the body Lu Xin that shivers fiercely. 同一时间,她也急忙抱住了身体正在剧烈颤抖的陆辛 Lu Xin can from her body, smell the strong smell of blood and high-quality perfume flavor, simultaneously felt her hug, the chaotic head, in this moment, received the stimulation suddenly, sobered from that huge illusion. 陆辛可以从她的身上,嗅到浓烈的血腥味与高级香水的味道,同时感受到了她的拥抱,混乱不堪的脑袋,才在这一刻,冷不丁受到了刺激,从那巨大的幻象中清醒了过来。 Walks quickly......” “快走……” His subconscious shouting, heard shivering from the oneself sound. 他下意识的大喊,从自己的声音里听到了颤抖。 Do not fear, do not fear, without relations......” “别怕,别怕,没关系的……” The mother sound is also shivering similarly, that is anxious with the vibrato that the pain interweaves. 妈妈的声音同样也在颤抖,那是紧张与痛苦交织出来的颤音。 In she was saying when these words, Lu Xin heard scissors kacha the sound, the Abyss floor to the intense attraction that oneself brings, as if therefore reduced, then felt, mother is bringing the body of oneself, fast floated to the upper layer. 在她说着这些话时,陆辛听到了剪刀“喀嚓”的声音,深渊底层给自己带来的强烈吸引力,似乎因此减轻了一些,然后感受到,妈妈正带着自己的身体,飞快的向上层浮去。 Wū wū......” “呜呜呜……” Surpasses complex yelling that the writing described variously, suddenly resounds from under. 各种各样超出了文字形容的复杂叫喊,忽然从下方响起。 Lu Xin does not even dare to look down at this time, even if did not look, under he still strange awareness had anything. 陆辛此时甚至不敢低头去看,但是即使不看,他也奇异的知道下面发生了什么。 That is person who” grows from the following body, is bellowing angrily, on the face as if there is betrayal with the mood of envy, their one after another effort elongated the body of oneself, looking like the tentacle is the same, fast extended upwardly. 那是从下面的身体上生长出来的“人”,正在愤怒的大吼着,脸上似乎有着背叛与嫉妒的情绪,它们一个个的努力伸长了自己的身体,就像是触手一样,飞快的向上延伸了过来。 Entire Abyss is rocking. 整个深渊都在晃动。 Lu Xin can feel that the decayed and desperate aura oneself surrounding, the innumerable calling out sounds was spilling into the oneself mind. 陆辛能感觉到腐臭与绝望的气息正在将自己包围,无数的嘶喊声涌进了自己脑海。 He has shed bitter tears. 不知不觉间,他已经痛哭流涕。 His is the first time, felt that oneself anything could not do, felt own tiny. 他这还是第一次,感觉自己什么也做不了,感受到了自身的渺小。 But luckily, has mother closely is holding oneself, in endless confusion, fast flushes away toward the upper layer. 但幸亏,有妈妈紧紧的抱着自己,在无尽的混乱中,飞快的向着上层冲去。 Lu Xin this is also the first so real feeling mother. 陆辛这也是第一次如此真实的感觉到妈妈 Felt the temperature on her body transmitting, felt she is holding the determination of oneself. 感觉到她身体上传来的温度,感觉她抱着自己的决心。 Even, felt when she bears each pain the tremor of body. 甚至,感觉到她承受每一次痛苦时身体的颤动。 She from desperate Abyss, exhausted her life biggest strength, must the oneself belt/bring to the upper world...... 她在从一个绝望的深渊里,用尽了她此生最大的力气,一定要将自己带到上层世界…… Probably at tug-of-war. 像是在拔河。 But her opponent, is a desperate and powerful thing...... 而她的对手,是一种绝望而强大的东西…… ...... …… ...... …… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… In the ear of Lu Xin presented the sound that the skewers of landslide cracks in the earth and rolling mines wound through, was 1 million desperate souls the sound that wept and wailed desperately, he seemed like numb going through in the destroying world, the whole person lost. 陆辛的耳中出现了一串串山崩地裂与滚雷流过的声音,然后又是一百万只绝望的灵魂在绝望哭喊的声音,他像是在正在毁灭的世界里麻木的穿行,整个人都失去了自我。 He can only , whatever mother is dragging walk. 他只能任由妈妈拖着行走。 From time to time desperate fell into Abyss, from time to time seems like the deep sleep in the lukewarm water is equally calm and steady, almost forgot the time. 时而绝望的陷入了深渊,时而又像是在温水中沉睡一样安稳,几乎忘记了时间。 Therefore, how long he almost does not know in this condition, does not know that behind experienced anything. 所以,他几乎完全不知道在这种状态里多久,也不知道后面又经历了什么。 He can only feel that in desperate space, joyful, sad and angry, all sorts of mood substantive well up, submerges oneself. 他只能感觉到绝望的空间里,喜悦、悲伤、愤怒,种种情绪实质般来涌来,将自己淹没。 Murky, how long did not know. 昏昏沉沉,根本不知道过去了多久。 he is drowned the person like, fell into the absent-minded sleep. 他像个溺水一样的人,陷入了恍惚的睡眠。 The confusion that these have passed with shouting, still reverberated in his dreamland back and forth, probably forever entangled oneself. 那些已经过去的混乱与嘶吼,仍然在他的梦境里来回回荡,像是永远缠上了自己 Until some moment, the clear glimmer mapped the view. 直到某一刻,清晰的微光映入了眼帘。 He is fierce awakens, then discovered that oneself already under everywhere star light, the surroundings are the withered and yellow weeds. 他猛得惊醒,便发现自己已经在漫天星光之下,周围是枯黄的野草。 The distant place, the light of base such as the stars are radiant. 远处,基地的灯光如星辰璀璨。 Lu Xin felt that the security sense of real world, crossing was very long, finally turning around slowly, saw that mother is sitting in the oneself side, both hands was holding the knee, her body, full is the big piece blood, the fearsome wound is not willing to vanish...... 陆辛感觉到了现实世界的安全感,过了很久,才终于缓缓的转身,就看到妈妈正坐在了自己的身边,双手抱着膝盖,她的身上,满是大片的鲜血,可怖的伤口迟迟不肯消失…… Detected that Lu Xin woke up, she turns the head slowly, is pale, the eye socket blushes slightly. 察觉到了陆辛醒来,她慢慢转过头来,脸色苍白,眼眶微微发红。 Sorry......” “对不起……” She said in a soft voice: But I must make you see.” 她轻声道:“但我必须让你看到。” Lu Xin has the good long meeting, does not know that should say anything, or the logical thinking has not restored. 陆辛有好长一会,不知道该说些什么,或者说,逻辑思维还没有恢复。 Crossing was very long, he deeply inspires suddenly, said to mother: Actually just...... was that what thing?” 过了很久,他才忽然深深吸了口气,向妈妈道:“刚刚……那究竟是什么东西?” Is initial.” “是最初。” mother replied in a soft voice: Had died, thing that but will never possibly die truly.” 妈妈轻声回答:“已经死亡,但又永远不可能真正死去的东西。” It hid in Abyss most deep place, waited for is awakened by others.” “它躲在了深渊的最深处,等待着被别人唤醒。” You just felt, is its strength.” “你刚刚感受到的,就是它的力量。” Also is I wants to make you see, the essence of sixth stair.” “也是我想让你看到的,第六台阶的本质。” „......” “……” „The sixth stair......” “第六台阶……” Lu Xin even feels somewhat unbelievable: Then the terrifying thing, is only the sixth stair? 陆辛甚至感觉有些难以置信:那么恐怖的东西,只是第六台阶吗? mother saw the Lu Xin confusion, but has not actually tried to give him to explain carefully, but is earnest looks at he, said in a soft voice: 妈妈看出了陆辛的混乱,但却没有试图给他细细的解释,而是认真的看着他,轻声道: I must make you see this strength, to tell you, in this world, there is such a strength to exist.” “我一定要让你看到这种力量,就是为了告诉你,这个世界上,有这么一种力量存在。” Moreover, you later will run into many people.” “而且,你以后会遇到很多人。” They will have the innumerable plans, some are the resistances, some submit, some inherit, even cleaning up or research......” “他们会有无数个计划,有的是对抗,有的是屈服,有的是继承,甚至清理或研究……” But their goals, to inherit the strength of Abyss lowest level.” “但他们的目的,都是为了继承深渊最底层的力量。” Perhaps these plans, each type, will have their set off and truth, but I do not believe......” “这些计划,或许每一种,都会有他们自身的出发点与道理,但是我都不信……” „......” “……” That......” “那……” looks at mother earnest appearance, Lu Xin slightly surprise: What you believe is what?” 看着妈妈认真的模样,陆辛微微诧异:“你相信的是什么?” mother turned the head to look to him, said in a soft voice: I believe you.” 妈妈转头看向了他,轻声道:“我相信你。”
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