SWR :: Volume #5

#496: Big of Qinggang, hidden dragons and crouching tigers

At the same time acts, naturally is not Drunkard one person. 同一时间出手的,自然并非酒鬼一人。 Marine Country west, Watch Dog after being under order, stands immediately. 海上国的西方,看门狗在得到了命令之后,也立刻站了起来。 He tall tall and strong, the body is binding the heavy/thick clothes, wears the hat, whole person tight binding of lives, does not divulge. 他身材高大魁梧,身上裹着厚重的衣服,戴着帽子,整个人紧紧的裹住,一点也不泄露。 Stood in the crowd, looked like a young giant. 站在了人群里,就像是一个小巨人。 However in this dark sea and under crazy crowd complementing, actually seems exceptionally tiny. 但是在这黑暗的大海与疯狂的人群映衬下,却还是显得异常渺小。 But is feeling periphery everywhere, and more and more powerful field, he actually laughs suddenly loudly. 可是感受着周围无处不在,并且越来越强大的场域,他却忽然放声大笑。 Then, he was fierce tore off the oneself hat, revealed bare, has sutures the trace head thickly, next moment, he tore the oneself clothes again directly, in the chest, has bloody large cave/hole, but can also see the heart of beat. 然后,他猛得扯掉了自己的帽子,露出了光秃秃的,有着粗大缝合痕迹的脑袋,再下一刻,他直接将自己的衣服扯开,胸膛之中,有着血淋淋的大洞,还能看到跳动的心脏。 Goes back to me!” “都给我回去!” He looked to opposite deck, welled up the crowd of coming crazily, drank sternly greatly. 他看向了对面甲板上,疯狂涌了过来的人群,厉声大喝。 During the sound in the tide tilts, unexpectedly hears clearly. 声音在潮水掀动之中,居然都听得清清楚楚。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” At the same time, his head by the place of suturing, was split suddenly, revealed mouths that are living two rows of dense teeth, in the mouth had a bright red tongue to extend in the midair, the head end of this tongue, unexpectedly was a shape of poisonous snake.. 同一时间,他的脑袋被缝合之处,忽然裂开,露出了一张生着两排森然牙齿的嘴巴,口中有一条鲜红色的舌头伸到了半空之中,这条舌头的首端,居然又是一条毒蛇的形状。。 Meanwhile, his heart is beating fiercely, unexpectedly also drilled from the body. 与此同时,他的心脏剧烈跳动着,居然也从身体里钻了出来。 Shot outside like a meatball, had some type of flesh organization to connect with the body. 像一颗肉球弹到了外面,与身体有某种血肉组织连接着。 The fascia of this heart performance, then high and low changed, opened, revealed an eye unexpectedly. 这颗心脏表现的筋膜,然后上下翻动,张了开来,竟然露出了一只眼睛。 In his back, then some innumerable earthworm same capillaries open, interwove in the air, probably a big net. 在他的后背,则是有无数蚯蚓一样的血丝张开,交织到了空中,像是一张大网。 The poisonous snake that in the head grows, makes noise, instantaneous was long to be dozens meters fully, just like the python, rushed to side these Marine Country men, tearing and biting on them to become chaotic mental strength, in the eye showed the exceptionally greedy expression. 头颅里生长出来的毒蛇,咝咝作响,瞬间长到了足有几十米长,犹如巨蟒,冲到了那些海上国的男人身边,撕咬着他们身上变得混乱的精神力量,眼中露出了异常贪婪的表情。 The earthworm shape blood threads of back place, then a standing net, covered probably to all directions, preventing them to jump down the sea. 后背处的蚯蚓状血丝,则像是一张网,笼罩向了四面八方,阻止他们跳下海。 Eye that in the heart lives, is actually opens cold, was covered by this vision, everyone heart next one startled, falls down. 心脏里生出来的眼睛,却是冷然张开,被这目光笼罩,所有人都心下一惊,瘫倒在地。 In this dark sea, Watch Dog becomes in the devil compared with any nightmare to be fearful instantaneously. 在这黑暗的海上,看门狗瞬间变得比任何噩梦里的魔鬼还要可怕。 ...... …… ...... …… That side Watch Dog will not have the issue, because of his oneself person, has three ability special characteristics.” 看门狗那边也不会有问题,因为他自己一个人,就具备三种能力特质。” Similarly at this time, Han Bing was also telling Lu Xin on the side of the Watch Dog situation. 同样也是在这时候,韩冰正将看门狗一边的情况告诉了陆辛 Lu Xin many are somewhat surprised: Three ability?” 陆辛多少有些惊讶:“三种能力?” If he did not remember incorrectly, ability holder ability special characteristics, extended three ability generally. 他如果没记错,能力者一般都只有一种能力特质,延伸出了三种能力 Yes.” “是的。” Han Bing explained: Watch Dog actually it is a taboo experiment product, once was in a state of out-of-control, fainted to wait for death on wilderness, saw his strange body, everyone was afraid, but was actually rescued by City Defence Department Department Head Shen of process, and brought back to the Qinggang treatment, after that he filled feeling grateful to Department Head Shen, and continuously potency that side City Defence Department.” 韩冰解释道:“看门狗其实本身就是一个禁忌实验的产物,曾经一度陷入失控状态,昏倒在荒野上等死,看到了他怪异的身体,人人害怕,但是却被经过的城防部沈部长救了下来,并带回青港救治,从那之后,他就对沈部长充满了感恩,并且一直在城防部那边效力。” His oneself names to oneself is Watch Dog, then originates Cerberus in legend.” “他自己自己取名为看门狗,便是来源于传说中的地狱三头犬。” He has three ability special characteristics, then like having three heads.” “他有三种能力特质,便如同拥有三颗头颅。” „......” “……” Lu Xin cannot help but expressed admiration, Qinggang also was really hidden dragons and crouching tigers. 陆辛都不由得啧啧称奇,青港还真是藏龙卧虎啊。 ...... …… ...... …… At the same time, north Sorceress, when was under the order, then put down the flashlight in hand also to have the lipstick, took up one bottle of water conveniently, thump thump drank half bottle, cleared throat, then took up a blue white loudspeaker, started to shout abuse. 同一时间,北边的神婆,在得到了命令的时候,便放下了手里的手电还有口红,随手拿起一瓶水,咕咚咚喝了半瓶,清清喉咙,然后拿起一个蓝白色的扩音器,开始破口大骂。 One group of useless lovers, know daily indulges in flights of fancy......” “一群没有用的野男人,天天就知道胡思乱想……” Wife followed you to know others, the child managed others to ask the father you to be worried......” “老婆跟人家跑了你们知不知道,孩子管别人叫爹了你们担不担心……” Daily ponders over some not to have, was below that gadget rotten up you to know?” “天天琢磨些有的没的,下面那根玩意儿都烂光了你们知不知道?” „......” “……” Her sound through the increase of loudspeaker, seems exceptionally clear in the sea water of roaring. 她的声音通过扩音器的增幅,在咆哮的海水中显得异常清晰。 But some hidden in this scolding sound inside strength, with field of Doll construction, started rapid extending to Marine Country the time, then presented the intense effect. 而某种隐藏在了这种骂声里面的力量,随着娃娃构建的场域,开始迅速的延伸向了海上国的时候,则更是出现了强烈的效果。 Does not know that many face is demented, the Marine Country man who as if anything does not care about, on the face appeared shortly, expression that the pain intertwines. 不知多少一脸癫狂,仿佛什么也不在乎的海上国男人,脸上都出现了短暂的,痛苦而纠结的表情。 Scolded finally, some people of complexions changes, looks down. 骂到最后,更有人脸色大变,低头看了过去。 This......” “这个……” Han Bing speaking of Sorceress time, sound many somewhat is also embarrassed. 韩冰说到神婆的时候,声音多少也有些不好意思。 But is supporting, very specialized explanation: 但还是强撑着,很专业的解释道: Sorceress ability, affects others' subconscious, is actually very difficult to make causes the substantive damage, but influence actually specially big, if must describe, her ability, can let you, when innumerable has gone downstairs, suddenly starts to be worried that oneself had locked a door a moment ago......” 神婆能力,是影响别人的潜意识,其实很难造给人造成实质性的伤害,但影响力却特别的大,如果非要形容的话,她的能力,就是可以让你在无数次已经下了楼的时候,忽然开始担心自己刚才锁没锁门……” ...... …… ...... …… South, was a whole body mark filled the tattoo, even the entire neck covered the fatty, lived tall, a sturdiness, this was one typical is eating the person who baked snort/hum, nearby young lover will hurry to leave three tables of people. 南方,是一个浑身纹满了刺青,甚至连整个脖子都覆盖住了的胖子,生得五大三粗,一身粗壮,这是一个典型的在吃烧烤的人哼一声,旁边的小情侣就会赶紧离开三桌的人。 Is facing on Marine Country deck, the dense piece of crazy person flushed to oneself, his pupil is fierce contracts. 面对着海上国甲板上,黑压压一片疯狂的人向自己冲了过来,他的瞳孔猛得收缩。 Then he is silent, silent, suddenly starts to shiver. 然后他沉默着,沉默着,忽然开始颤抖。 On the face had to plant the indescribable scared expression to crawl, fat trembling gently. 脸上有种无法形容的恐慌表情爬了上来,肥肉都在轻轻的颤。 „, So many people will not flush, is to jump into the sea?” “不会吧,这么多人都冲了过来,是要跳海吗?” How to have such fearful pollution, won't pollute to give me?” “怎么会有这么可怕的污染,不会污染给我吧?” I, if prevents them, they won't nip me?” “我如果阻止他们,他们不会咬我吧?” Hey, I only want to live well, why do I want to come across such dreadful matter?” “喂喂喂,我只想好好过日子啊,为什么我要遇到这么可怕的事情啊?” But I have no alternative but to come, will words these high-level people who do not come certainly process in secret me?” “但是我又不能不来,不来的话那些高层的人一定会把我暗中处理掉吧?” „......” “……” He more said more is afraid, the face becomes pale, as if the whole body fine hair exploded. 他越说越害怕,脸都变得苍白,似乎浑身汗毛都炸了起来。 Looks at his movement, almost must hold to squat directly on the ground. 看他的动作,几乎要直接抱着头蹲在地上了。 However that type scared with mood of fear, in keeping seethed from the bottom of the heart, what was more important, on him this type scared with fear, taking advantage of field of Doll construction, outward diffusion fast, is covering to the Marine Country person. 但是那种恐慌与害怕的情绪,还是在不停的从心底翻腾了起来,更重要的是,他身上这种恐慌与害怕,正在借着娃娃构建的场域,飞快的向外扩散,笼罩向了海上国的人。 On these crazy faces, suddenly were anxiously many many fears, one after another looked to the surroundings. 那些疯狂的人脸上,忽然多了许多的恐惧,一个个焦躁的看向了周围。 To crazy of surrounding person, the night of black japan, the cloudy sea, had one indescribable fear simultaneously. 对周围人的疯狂,还有黑漆的夜晚,阴沉沉的大海,同时产生了一种无法形容的恐惧。 This fear is so intense, even diluted other thoughts. 这种恐惧如此强烈,甚至冲淡了其他念头。 Feared that surrounding person , because feared that these people clash to injure oneself suddenly. 怕周围的人,是因为怕这些人忽然冲上来伤害自己 Feared that jet black night , because in the darkness will always multiply a strange thing. 怕漆黑的夜晚,是因为黑暗里总是会滋生出一种怪异的东西。 Some of their many people had even rushed to the deck edge, but forcefully the leg is soft, does not dare to jump down. 他们甚至有不少人已经冲到了甲板边缘,但是却硬生生腿软,不敢跳下来。 Because they do not know, in this pitch-dark sea, has what monster...... 因为他们也不知道,这黑漆漆的大海里,是不是有什么怪物…… ...... …… ...... …… Fourth assists ability holder named Arhat, before as has been coordinated our work in Special Clearing Department by the researcher.” “第四位辅助能力者名叫罗汉,之前一直在特清部作为被研究者配合我们的工作。” Han Bing also introduced that at this time the fatty of whole body tattoo, said: His given name called Luo Pang, because feared the ghost, therefore changed name to call Arhat, the intention to frighten the ghost, making the ghost not dare to look for oneself. The mark filled the tattoo from top to bottom , because on the street ruffian were too many, feared that some people can bully oneself. In addition, he has not dared to sit the elevator, fears the elevator to crash, does not dare to live in the high level, fears the earthquake......” 韩冰这时候也介绍到了浑身刺青的胖子,道:“他本名叫罗胖,因为怕鬼,所以改名叫罗汉,用意是为了吓唬鬼,让鬼不敢找自己。浑身上下纹满了刺青,是因为街上混混太多了,怕有人会来欺负自己。此外,他还不敢坐电梯,怕电梯坠落,不敢住高层,怕地震……” Lu Xin heard to be ignorant: „His......” 陆辛听得都懵了:“那他这……” Yes, he has seriously was persecuted the paranoea.” “是的,他有严重的被迫害妄想症。” Han Bing said: However his ability, can be afraid the persecuted thought oneself this type, transmits to others.” 韩冰道:“而他的能力,就是可以将自己这种害怕被人迫害的念头,传递给其他的人。” Lu Xin had a broadening the outlook feeling, suddenly thought of a point: 陆辛有了种大开眼界的感觉,忽然想到了一点: If he were persecuted the paranoea is so serious, what's the big deal dares to make you do the research on him?” “如果他被迫害妄想症这么严重,那又怎么敢让你们在他身上做研究?” „......” “……” Because he was persecuted the delusion seriously to the certain extent.” “因为他被迫害妄想严重到了一定程度。” Han Bing said: Therefore he believes that Qinggang will certainly operate with him, hides does not evade, therefore delivers simply on own initiative, hopes that the Qinggang researcher can look in face that in he coordinates, gets down the blade time puts lightly.” 韩冰道:“所以他坚信青港一定会拿他开刀,躲都躲不过,于是干脆主动送上门来,希望青港的研究员可以看在他这么配合的面子上,下刀的时候放轻一点。” Similarly also bases on this psychology, he usually in mission specially obedient, medicament experiment or second stage strengthened surgery, therefore......” “同样也是基于这种心理,他平时在任务中都特别的听话,无论是药剂实验还是第二阶段的强化手术,所以……” His strength is increased express, is very stable!” “他实力提升特别快,也特别稳定!” „......” “……” Lu Xin does not know how should say. 陆辛已经不知道该怎么说了。 Only can acknowledge, big of the world, every possible strange thing. 只能承认,世界之大,无奇不有。 ...... …… ...... …… As four auxiliary staff make a move, on Marine Country deck these wild men, were blocked from four aspects immediately, is unable to plunge into the sea, their fretful moods are getting stronger and stronger, look like the mouse in stove, in frantic yelling. 随着四位辅助人员出手,海上国甲板上那些狂暴的男人,顿时被从四个方面挡住,无法跳入海中,他们心里的焦躁情绪越来越严重,就像是火炉里的老鼠,在疯狂的大叫。 These Marine Country fortunately survived the man of getting down, at least also over 100,000 people. 这些海上国幸存了下来的男人,起码也有超过十万人。 100,000 people, are an exceptionally fearful number. 十万人,是一个异常可怕的数字。 However now, actually by Qinggang five ability holder, to thorough blockade on deck. 但是如今,却被青港的五个能力者,给彻底的封锁在了甲板上。 This is a picture that has the unusual field of vision impulse. 这本身就是一种具有异常视野冲击力的画面。 But entire Marine Country deck sky, Doll construction field, is getting more and more strict. 而整个海上国甲板的上空,娃娃构建的场域,也越来越严密。 She did not have extra worries, then only gathered the attention, is raising the mental radiation density in field. 她没有了后顾之忧,便只集中了注意力,提升着场域之内的精神辐射密度。 The mental strength density, starts to increase, forms not a visible strict shackles, invisible does not have the nature, is everywhere. 精神力量的密度,开始增加,形成一种看不见的严密牢笼,无形无质,又无处不在。 70...... 85...... 99...... 70……85……99…… ...... …… ...... …… field constructs completely, estimated that the mental radiation value has achieved......” 场域构建完整,预估精神辐射值已达到……” In the control center, there are staff to stare at the mental detector above number stubbornly, excited yelling. 指挥中心里,有工作人员死死盯着精神检测仪上面的数字,激动的大叫。 Very good.” “很好。” Sat in jar Professor Bai, suddenly made an effort to tear off the oneself helmet, deeply breathed two tones. 坐在了罐子里的白教授,忽然用力扯下了自己的头盔,深深喘了两口气。 Then he takes the intercom, announced loudly: Starts finally the curse cleaning up test!” 然后他拿着对讲机,大声宣布:“开始最终得诅咒清理测试!” „......” “啪啪啪……” In a flash, in all command posts, the staff ten fingers such as fly, go all out to rap the keyboard. 一瞬间,所有的指挥室里,工作人员十指如飞,拼命敲击着键盘。 The order passed on one after another: Various departments prepare, start the final curse cleaning up test......” 命令一个接一个的传了出去:“各部门准备,开始最终的诅咒清理测试……” ...... …… ...... …… Finally to this final step?” “终于到了这最后一步了?” Lu Xin hears the sound that in the mirror leg spread, deep exhaled, raised the head slowly, looks to in the air Doll. 陆辛听到了镜腿里传出的声音,也深深呼了口气,慢慢抬头,向空中的娃娃看去。 Thick mental strength twisted the air, making her appearance seem a little fuzzy. 浓密的精神力量扭曲了空气,使得她模样看起来有点模糊。 Infinite mental strength is just centered on her, covers the four directions. 无穷的精神力量正以她为中心,笼罩四方。 Looked had the mysterious and powerful Queen makings unexpectedly. 看起来竟有了点神秘而强大的女王气质。 Ruined a mysterious curse of state facing this sufficiently, Doll wants the upfront finally and it to? 面对这个足以毁掉一个国度的神秘诅咒,娃娃终于要正面和它对上了?
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