Chapter 821sees the fire god
第821章见火神Ms.JOJOhas not concealed, replied:
JOJO女士没有隐瞒,回答道:„Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningmustseek revengeto the south school, makingmebe responsible forcollecting the information of south schoolmember, the more better.”
The dogelderis not accidental/surprised, initially, when Primordial Beginningat the point of death, the hatredis dreadful, with CaiQinheprime culpritsperishes together, now the deadreturns, is impossibleto let offanothertwoprime culprits- south schoolanddarknightrose.
The dogelderasked: „Youhavewhatidea!”
狗长老问道:“那你有什么想法吗!”Ms.JOJOis crooked the head, said: „Means that Icanthink , is to make the bachelorintercept the telegram that the south schoolmembersexchange, letsscout the intelligence personnel of followingsouth school, gainstheirattachmentciphers.”
The dogeldersighed: „Senior, spyTornadoclouds that waslast centurymatter.”
狗长老叹息道:“前辈,谍战风云是上世纪的事了。”Ms.JOJOis righteous: „I said that thisis the means that Icanthink of!”
JOJO女士理直气壮:“我说了,这是我能想到的办法!”Helpless the dogeldersaid: The disaster that „moralvaluecausesjustended, youcanact according to the report of eachpublic securitybureau, whichlockingis the imaginarytechniquemasterdoes, according to the spotradiatesnearbyregionagain. Control localanimalandplant, allhuman within 24hours of monitorrange. Ok, Ihelpyoudo, youfollows the learn/study.”
狗长老无奈道:“道德值引发的灾难刚刚结束,你可以根据各个治安署的调查报告,锁定哪些是幻术师做的,再根据事发地点辐射附近区域。控制当地的动物和植物,二十四小时监听范围内的所有人类.算了,我帮你做吧,伱跟随学习。”Ms.JOJOhappy„meow”, saysat once:
JOJO女士愉快的“喵”一声,旋即道:„Thisis you are voluntary.”
The dogelderjust about tonods, suddenlythought ofanything, the dog facesinks: „Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningdelivershereyou, wantsto makemeworkwhite/in vain. Thisboy better and better plan.”
狗长老刚要点头,忽然想到了什么,狗脸一沉:“元始天尊把你送我这里,就是想让我白打工.呵,这小子越来越善谋了。”Is richwith a fightexperience, the transcriptionexperiencedcontrollevelwarfavorsto make the exchange, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningthisis the open intrigue, keepinghimfromrejecting.
用一只战斗经验丰富、副本经验丰富的主宰级战宠做交换,元始天尊这是阳谋,让他无法拒绝。gold mountain.
金山市。Kou Beiyueis driving a blacksedan, moves to„steamed bunlogistics”inflowing of earlypeakcompany.寇北月驾驶着一辆黑色轿车,在早高峰的川流中驶向“馒头物流”公司。Hispresentstatusis„steamed bunlogistics” the vice-presidentandmarketing departmentmanager in company, specificallyis responsible forexploration of market- contends for the domain.
他现在的身份是“馒头物流”公司的副总兼市场部经理,专门负责开拓市场-抢地盘。InFu Qingyangopens eyesundertoleration that closes one's eyes, the person the logistics company of bloodsteamed bungraduallygrows strong, in the shorttwomonths, become a gold mountainlogisticstyrant.
在傅青阳睁只眼闭只眼的纵容下,人血馒头的物流公司逐渐发展壮大,短短两个月里,成为金山市物流一霸。EastwhatShunFengjing, whatcylinderships, expresswantsto entergold mountain, mustby„steamed bunlogistics” the hand of company, the delivery man who lets the steamed bunlogisticsbe escorted togold mountaineveryone.
什么舜风晶东,什么圆筒运达,快递想进金山市,就必须经“馒头物流”公司的手,让馒头物流的快递员送往金山市的千家万户。But the logistics business of gold mountainurban district, was monopolizedby the steamed bunlogistics company.
而金山市市区的物流业务,更是被馒头物流公司垄断。In the plan of personbloodsteamed bun, threeyears of the business that seizes the gold mountainsurrounding city, fiveyears of financinggoes on the market, tenyearsconstruct the warehousein the whole country, making the steamed bunlogistics company the jumbo in expressindustry.
在人血馒头的规划中,三年占领金山市周边城市的业务,五年融资上市,十年在全国各地建仓库,让馒头物流公司成为快递行业里的巨无霸。Kou Beiyueabsent-mindeddriving, is thinking deeply aboutduty of small circleconfession- howcovertinquirywhereabout of south schoolimaginarytechnique!寇北月心不在焉的开着车,思索着小圆交代的任务-如何隐蔽的打探出南派幻术师的下落!
The spiritcanHuidongdifferentiationmeeting, although the potentialfadesin recent years, onlyremains a gukingChengfacade, but the good and evilis of spiritsthreebigevilorganizationscanmeet the branch, oncehad/left the influences of more than halfgod, is controlling the information of manypeerinevitably.
The personbloodsteamed bundevelopsrecentlywell, attached great importance toby the gukingvery much , to promote for the seniordeacon, Kou Beiyuewantsto inquire the information of south schoolthroughhim.
人血馒头近来发展不错,很受蛊王重视,提拔为了高级执事,寇北月就想通过他来打探南派的情报。Does not suffer from an appropriateexcuse.
苦于没有一个合适的借口。To the logistics company, hehas not found out the idea, at this time, will drive intoKou Beiyue of company, discovered that „steamed bunlogistics”companyentrance, stoppedtwopolice vehicles.
一直到物流公司,他也没想出主意,这个时候,正要驶入公司的寇北月,才发现“馒头物流”公司门口,停了两辆警车。What's the matter? Kou Beiyuesinksat heart, stops the car(riage)hastilyin the roadside, fishes out the cell phoneto telephoneto the personbloodsteamed bun:
怎么回事?寇北月心里一沉,连忙把车停在路边,摸出手机给人血馒头打了电话:„Steamed bun, the companyhad an accident, Isee the police vehicle.”
The eviloccupationis very sensitiveto the police vehicle.
The personbloodsteamed bunangryreply of telephonethathead: „Financedonated moneyto runyesterday, but alsooutside the illicit intercourseverydrove the freight vehicleto steal awayin the warehouse the preciouscargo.”
电话那头的人血馒头愤怒的回答:“财务昨天捐款跑了,还私通外贼开货车偷走了仓库里贵重的货物。”Kou Beiyuefrownsimmediately: „Financeis notyourrelative'srelative.”寇北月顿时皱起眉头:“财务不是你亲戚的亲戚吗。”„Grass, thatdogcaughtmixed upbets the addiction, the fatherknows,heowedseveral millionusury, moneychasedid not come back, father'scompanyended, if we had known the moralvaluevanished, we should also fish a ticketruthlessly.” The personbloodsteamed bunscolded the clamorto say.
“艹,那个狗杂碎染上赌瘾了,老子才知道,他欠了几百万的高利贷,钱追不回来,老子的公司就完了,早知道道德值消失的时候,我们也应该狠狠捞一票。”人血馒头骂咧咧道。Although the personbloodsteamed bunis the witchcraftmaster, the incantationkills an average personto be easy, but the incantationkills the goalto be not meaningful, recovering the wealth and cargois the key.
虽然人血馒头是巫蛊师,咒杀一个普通人轻而易举,但咒杀目标没有任何意义,追回钱财和货物才是关键。But the witchcraftmasterhas not traced the ability.
但巫蛊师没有追踪能力。„Thatpresentwhat to do?”Kou Beiyuesaid.
“那现在怎么办?”寇北月说。„What to docan, thinking the meansto lend money the loss of customercompensating, othertries to find the solutionagain.” The personbloodsteamed bunscolded the clamor saying: „Thismatterdefinitelycannotlook for the association president, will otherwise be questionedmymanagementability, ifcannot borrowmoney, canconsiderto sell an unusualquality the item.”
“能怎么办,想办法借钱把客户的损失给赔了,其他的再想办法。”人血馒头骂咧咧道:“这种事肯定不能找会长,否则会被质疑我的办事能力,如果借不到钱,可以考虑卖一件超凡品质的道具。”Sells the item? Sendswhatinsanity! IcanborrowtoHeavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning. Kou Beiyuejustwants saying that the matter of moneyIsolve, suddenlyrealized that thisis an opportunity.
当即说道:„Renders back the moneywith the itemis the stupidestbehavior, weare the eviloccupations, had not heardis short of money to borrow.”
The personbloodsteamed bunsilentseveralseconds, seemed likechanged the position, saidin a low voice:
人血馒头沉默几秒,似乎是换了位置,低声道:„Youwantto do, the moralvaluehad restored, bestnot to act unreasonably.”
“你想干嘛,道德值已经恢复了,你最好别乱来。”Kou Beiyuemisleads saying: „Wecanlook forpeer‚borrowing’, after the moralvaluevanishes, thatgroup of fellowsmayamass moneya lot.”寇北月蛊惑道:“咱们可以找同行‘借’,道德值消失之后,那群家伙可没少敛财。”That side the telephonehas56seconds of silence , the person the bloodsteamed bunsaidin a low voice: „Iunderstoodyourmeaning, when the peace officerwalked, youcame tomyoffice, wediscussed.”
电话那边有个五六秒的沉默,人血馒头低声道:“我懂你的意思了,等治安员走了,你来我办公室,我们商量一下。”Hangs up the telephone, the Kou Beiyuejoyfuldialingsmall circletelephone, reports the dutyprogresstoher, simultaneouslyproposed the doubts:
挂断电话,寇北月欣喜的拨通小圆电话,向她汇报任务进度,同时提出疑惑:„Small circle, I felt too skillful, someare not right.”
“小圆,我感觉太巧了,有些不对劲。”Hejustneeded a reason, oneselfdelivered.
The small circlesaidlightly: „Did youforget the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningoccupation?”
小圆淡淡道:“你忘记元始天尊的职业了?”Nightwalking God, how. Kou Beiyuemumbled, thensuddenlywas shocked, heunderstood the small circle the meaning.夜游神啊,怎么了.寇北月嘟哝一声,接着突然愣住,他明白小圆的意思了。Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningthisboy, after finallybecomes the curtain, chess player who begins!元始天尊这小子,终于成为帷幕后落子的棋手了!
The small circlehangs up the telephone, holds the chestsingle-handedly, lookssingle-handedlytobehindman, frowns saying: „Youdo not needto helphim, northernmoon/monthwas not the beforehandchild, hewas capable ofsufficientcompleting the taskindependently.”
小圆挂断电话,一手抱胸,一手看向身后的男人,蹙眉道:“你不用这么帮他,北月不是以前的孩子了,他有足够的能力独立完成任务。”Hercoatandunpadded garmentscatterin the place, the upper bodyput on a blackbra, the shoulder strapfallfrom the perfectly roundfairshoulder, must therefore protect the chestwith a hand.
她的外套、单衣散落在地,上身就穿着一件黑色文胸,肩带从浑圆白皙的肩膀滑落,所以要用一只手护住胸口。Zhang Yuanqinglives inherslender waistfrom the linkbehind, kisseshernape of the neckcarefully, is licking the earlobe, saidin a low voice:张元清从身后环住她的纤腰,细细的亲吻她的脖颈,舔着耳垂,低声道:„To the stars, is a board game piece, Ibeginon own initiative, walks to makepeoplecompared withboard game piecerelieved, a more essentialstep, morecannotmake the board game piecehaveownidea, the northernmoon/monthworksItrulynot to feel relieved.”
“对星官来说,都是棋子而已,我主动落子,比棋子自己走要更让人放心,越关键的步骤,越不能让棋子有自己的想法,北月做事我确实不放心。”In his mind, Kou Beiyuethatrelies on mother and elder sister, the youngboy of wanting to save face at all costs, except forhostile aggressive, ishostile aggressive.
在他印象里,寇北月还是那个依赖母亲和姐姐,死要面子的小男孩,除了好勇斗狠,就是好勇斗狠。„You, un, yourselfhave the idea, online”
The small circlemumbled the moment, suddenlythought that ownpronunciation and conditionright, do not shove openhimangrily, „saidmattertimedo not raise a rumpus.”
小圆哼哼唧唧了片刻,忽然觉得自己的发音和状态不对,恼怒的推开他,“说事的时候别动手动脚。”Zhang Yuanqingentangled: „Separates for twomonths, doesn't the small circleauntthinkme?”张元清又缠了上来:“分离两个月,小圆阿姨不想我吗?”„Does not think.” A small circlefaceelegantly beautifullikefrost.
“不想。”小圆一脸的冷艳如霜。Zhang Yuanqing that yoursoftbodydid not saysaid with a smile: „Small circleaunt, after thisactionended, Iwill applyto the marshal, invitingyouto join the white tigersoldiernumerous, weenter the factiontranscriptiontogether.”
你软绵绵的身体可不是这么说的张元清笑道:“小圆阿姨,这次行动结束后,我会向元帅申请,邀请你加入白虎兵众,咱们一起进帮派副本。”Small circle„un”, althoughpromotioncontrol, but the current political situationis volatile, makingheralwayshave the sense of urgency, isto take revengeto the south schoolagain, 7levels of controlalsodifferenceis very far.
A Zhang Yuanqingthread of conversationrevolution: „Small circleaunt, joined the white tigersoldiernumerous, onedayiswhite tiger, the lifeiswhite tiger!”张元清话锋一转:“小圆阿姨,加入了白虎兵众,一日是白虎,一生是白虎!”
The small circlewas startledbeing startled, has not understood, at onceseesZhang Yuanqingto turn on the goodscolumn, took out a short sword.
“啪!”Zhang Yuanqinggot out of bedby a Palestinianslap, heflies into a rage: „Yourthiswoman , the old treepackinglined the street to welcome the springto reporta moment ago, nowadayseatswipesdry/doesonly, the fanIget out of bed, beastact.”张元清被一巴掌扇下床,他勃然大怒:“你这女人,刚才还老树盘根夹道欢迎涌泉相报,现如今吃干抹净,扇我下床,岂不是禽兽行径。”Then, holds the bladeto go to bed, launches the war.
The double bedvibratesfiercely, transmits the pingpongloud sound, in a moment, the sounddisappearingbladewill fall, bedjogging, fullroomspring scenery.
After sexual intercourse, Zhang Yuanqingwell satisfiedis hugging the membersmall circleaunt of newpromotewhite tigersoldiernumerous, after enjoyingis joyfulaftertaste.
一番云雨后,张元清心满意足的搂着新晋白虎兵众的成员小圆阿姨,享受着愉悦后的余韵。Intwoday that Guan Yais not, helived in the home of small circle, every daydid not observe the stars, drew the small circleto make the fitness exercise, occasionallyentered the control of supernatural power of factiontranscriptionpracticeday.关雅不在的两天里,他住到了小圆的家,每天不是观星,就是拉着小圆做健身运动,偶尔进入帮派副本练习日之神力的掌控。Theniswaits for the Sandouyamaempressanduncle'snews.
The formercollects the day of materialtreasureinSpirit Territory, providessilverYaoto promotecontrols the Yincorpse the resources, the correspondingmaterialis very difficultto seek, becausesilverYao and ordinaryYincorpseare different.
前者在灵境中收集天材地宝,提供银瑶晋升主宰阴尸的资源,相应的材料很难寻找,因为银瑶和普通阴尸不同。Heretained the skill of starsandmoon, andnot onlyhassixlevels of mortal bodiesYincorpses, thereforeneeds the special material.
The latteris seeking for the god of thundercoverallpartforhim, the currentgod of thundercoverallcould not have kept up withhisstrength and rank, but the controlpromotiondifficulty, supplementing the coverallis the bestway of fastpromotionstrength.
后者则在替他寻找雷神套装部件,目前的雷神套装已经跟不上他的战力和等级,而主宰升级困难,补充套装是快速提升战力的最好方式。Fromsevendaystimealsofivedays that hearranges, infivedays of time, Zhang Yuanqingwas pondering over can also do other, right, inquired the information of being in the same boatmeeting.
距离他安排的七日之期还有五天,五天时间里,张元清思忖着自己还能做些别的,对了,打探一下同舟会的情报。Thinks ofhere, hetakes up the cell phonefrom the nightstand, toJiangJufainformation:
想到这里,他从床头柜拿起手机,给姜居发了信息:„Iwantto seeMasterJiang.”
The gingeroccupies the covered passageway: „Badold manhasanythingto be goodto see, Iaskforyou.”
After severalminutes, the gingeroccupies the covered passageway:
几分钟后,姜居回复道:„Old mancomplied, on8 : 00 pm. I make one go to the airportto wait, forgot that youalsopromotedcontrolled, oneselfcame.”
“老头子答应了,就今晚八点吧。我让人去机场等着,哦,忘记你也晋升主宰了,自己过来吧。”At oncesendsoneto locate.
旋即发了一个定位过来。Grass, the actionefficiency of hotmasterishigh! Zhang Yuanqingenters the informationreply: „Does not have the issue, gave regardstoJingweiforme.”
艹,火师的行动效率就是高!张元清键入信息回复:“没问题,替我向精卫问好。”8 : 00 pm, outsideCapital City, southern suburbsravinemanor.
晚上 8 点,京城之外,南郊的山间庄园。Zhang Yuanqingrides the Five Claws Golden Dragon, inphysique that in the lazydragondoes sway, arrivesin the garden in manor.张元清骑乘五爪金龙,在懒龙摇摇晃晃的身姿中,降临在庄园的庭院里。FromtoCapital City, more than 1200kilometers, the Five Claws Golden Dragonrestsenoughsixtimes, thiswasZhang Yuanqingexemptedusing the skilled workerringtwicesleepy, andreduced the result of price.
The Five Claws Golden Dragonjustfell to the ground, then the reductionbuild, entangles the right arm of Zhang Yuanqing, startswhistlingto restgreatly, snoring soundlikethunder.
五爪金龙刚一落地,便缩小体型,缠上张元清的右臂,开始呼呼大睡,鼾声如雷。„, Thisiswhatitem, the goodpower and prestige, to showme.” The litheformdashestogether, the fiery-redhairflutters.
“哇,这是什么道具,好威风,给我看看。”一道轻盈的身影飞奔过来,火红色的头发飘荡。Sitswaits for a long timeJiang Jingweiby the fountain, the eyefulshines, enthusiasticto/clashes.
坐在喷泉旁等候许久的姜精卫,满眼放光,兴匆匆的冲来。PS: After wrong characterfirst, changes.
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