Chapter 810upgrade program
第810章升级计划„Whyis impossible? The spiritdevelopedalsosaid that washoldsto read.”Zhang Yuanqingfeelspuzzledaboutuncle'sresponse.
The uncledid not say a word, complexionYinclearuncertain.
舅舅一言不发,脸色阴晴不定。Separated for more than tenseconds, hesits down, somewhatstrongbranching offtopic:
„ Caneradicate the conspiracy of evilcampafter all is the good deed. Yuanzi, from the wind and thunderdoublegodincident, vanishes the disaster that to the moralvaluecauses, defends the forewordcampto dealeven morestrenuously.
“能破除邪恶阵营的阴谋总归是好事。元子,从风雷双神事件,到道德值消失引发的灾难,守序阵营应对起来越发吃力。„The previoustimewasfivehegemonsputs forthpresses the bottom the methodto process the wind and thunderdoublegod, thistimesimplywasaccidental/surprised, restorationmoralsvalue of bumping into. That thirdtime, the thirdalsowhethersmooth landing?”
“上次是五位盟主使出压箱底的手段才处理了风雷双神,这次干脆就是意外,误打误撞的恢复道德值。那第三次呢,第三次还能否平稳着陆?”Zhang Yuanqinghas not pestered the topicagain, the expressionis heavy:张元清没再纠缠刚才的话题,表情沉重:„ThereforeImustbecome the lord of Sunas soon as possible, but the transcription of controlstageis extremely long, normal, infiveyearsIcanbecome the peakcontrol, is very goodprogress, the uncle, what do youhaveto plan?”
The unclegraspsonebottle of iceColafromvoid, losesto the nephewarms, said:
舅舅又从虚空中抓出一瓶冰可乐,丢到外甥怀里,道:„The means of fastpromotionhave, FuQingxuanis the bestexample, beforeher, whomin the Spirit Territorytraveler/asceticnever hasto be ablein just one year , to promote halfgodfrom the control.”
“快速升级的办法是有的,傅青萱就是最好的榜样,在她之前,灵境行者中从来没有谁能在短短一年内,从主宰晋升半神。”Scoff! Zhang Yuanqingtwist-off closure: „Enters the factiontranscription?”
The unclenods: „Factiontranscriptiondoes not require the match time, so long asyoucanwithstand very difficulttranscription the intensity, you can also be promotedlikeFuQingxuanfast.”
舅舅点点头:“帮派副本不需要匹配时间,只要你能承受住高难度副本的强度,你也可以像傅青萱一样快速晋级。”Zhang Yuanqingmovesat heart: „Did demonMonarchalsouse the similarmethod?”张元清心里一动:“魔君是不是也用了同样的方法?”Otherwisehowin a short time, fromcontrolis promotedfastis the peakcontrol, obtainsto promoteSun the Lordqualifications.
不然何以在短时间内,从主宰初期快速晋级为巅峰主宰,获得晋升太阳之主的资格。Uncle„un”, sways the redwine glassgently, said:
„ The year before last, Iinvitedhimto come the freefederation, the goalwasto join the beautifulgodassociation, was promotedthrough the factiontranscription of beautifulGodAssociationfast, demonMonarchtrulywas the raretalent, heonlyusedsix months, promoted9levels of peaksfrom7levels of control.
„ Withhisaptitude, can definitely duplicate/restorescarveFuQingxuanroute, buthedoes not have the FuQingxuanthatgoodlife, after the formermarshalreturns toSpirit Territory, halfgodauthorityin the factiontranscription, through the trial, ascends a height to get a broad viewhalfgod who canallow nature to take its course.
“以他的资质,完全可以复刻傅青萱的路线,但他没有傅青萱那么好的命,前任元帅回归灵境后,半神权柄就在帮派副本里,通过试炼,就能顺其自然的登临半神。„However the Nightwalking Godoccupation, the moon and starshaveLord, at that time the moonhoming, the solartranscriptionhad not opened, hebycardinpeakcontrollevel.”
“而夜游神职业,太阴和星辰都有主,当时太阴还未归位,太阳副本未曾开启,他被卡在了巅峰主宰层次。”OriginallydemonMonarchcrossed the seasto cross oceaninitially the freefederation, tobe promotedfast, Ialsothinkhim to rest the woman, is right, heis a fallen, is impossibleto join the officialorganization, cannot enter the factiontranscription of officialorganization, but the craftyeyejudgeis the control, the spiritcan the factiontranscription of Huidongdifferentiationmeeting, cannot provide fordemonMonarchto be promoted. Suchit seems like, the beautifulgodassociationinvitedmeto come the freefederation, is for the similargoal. Zhang Yuanqingas ifthought ofanything, said:
原来魔君当初漂洋过海来自由联邦,是为了快速晋级,我还以为他是为了睡女人,也对,他是堕落者,不可能加入官方组织,也就进不了官方组织的帮派副本,而诡眼判官是主宰,灵能会东区分会的帮派副本,供养不起魔君晋级。这么看来,美神协会邀请我来自由联邦,也是出于同样的目的.张元清似乎想到了什么,道:„Uncle, youalsodoes promotehalfgod?”
“舅舅,伱也是这么晋升半神的?”Familydegenerate more than 20years ago washalfgod, at that timehisalso over 30 years old, theoretically, only ifcame outfrom mother 's wombis the Spirit Territorytraveler/ascetic, otherwiseverydifficultin30years old of achievementhalfgod.
The uncleshrugs: „ Is, Iam youngtime, is the factionmember of beautifulgodassociation, trulypicked up the promotionspeedusing the factiontranscription, butdoes not haveFuQingxuan is so abnormal, Ifrom the controltohalfgod, used for fiveyears, sheused for a year.
舅舅耸耸肩:“算是吧,我年轻的时候,是美神协会的帮派成员,确实利用帮派副本加快了升级速度,但没傅青萱那么变态,我从主宰到半神,用了五年,她用了一年。„FuQingxuanaptitude, is even if outstandinginhalfgod, she placed halfgodfirst-order, was not the aptitudelimitedher, butwasfivelines of lawful rightsdoes not know the trace, for a century, the halfgodlawful rights of gold/metalwood waterfire clayfivebigoccupations, onlypresentedone.”
“傅青萱的资质,哪怕在半神中也是出类拔萃的,她之所以保持在半神一阶,不是资质限制了她,而是五行权柄不知所踪,一个世纪以来,金木水火土五大职业的半神权柄,只出现了一份。”Fiveunclesare equal to a cousin! Zhang Yuanqingknew in heart.
The familydegeneratesdrinkred wine, spoke with confidence:
„ Ihad made the clearplanforyou, the beautifulgodassociationestablishes a century, the low-gradetranscriptionhas developed, AlevelandSlevelhas not captured the transcription, with the efforts ofall previousmember, has remained not many.
„ The factiontranscription of beautifulgodassociation, is not enoughto supportyouto promote the peakcontrol, therefore, youneedto betwosurnamehouse slaves, firstreturns to homelandto join the white tigersoldiernumerous, enters very difficulttranscription of white tiger, lateris separated from the white tigersoldiernumerousto join the beautifulgodassociation, thisshouldenoughyoupromote the peakcontrol.
“美神协会的帮派副本,不足以支撑你晋升巅峰主宰,所以,你需要做两姓家奴,先回国加入白虎兵众,进白虎的高难度副本,随后再脱离白虎兵众加入美神协会,这样应该够你晋升巅峰主宰。„Marshalthat sideIhave come to an arrangement, sheis willingto investyou.”
The white tigersoldiernumerous are like the beautifulgodassociation, very difficulttranscription that has not capturedis few, independent, is not enoughto support the Zhang Yuanqingpromotionpeakcontrol.
白虎兵众和美神协会一样,未攻略的高难度副本已经很少,单独一个,都不足以支撑张元清晋升巅峰主宰。Buttranscription that thesehave captured, even the entry, the empirical value of harvestis still minimal, inuncleopinion, iswastes the energy and timepurely.
而那些已攻略的副本,即便通关,收获的经验值也微乎其微,在舅舅看来,纯粹是浪费精力和时间。So long ascanbe promoted the peakcontrol, let alonetwosurnamehouse slaves, twoare surnamed the slaveIto comply. Zhang Yuanqingturns upwardsone leg on the other, the tonsdrinkingCola, the toneis optional:
只要能晋级巅峰主宰,别说两姓家奴,两家姓奴我都答应.张元清翘起二郎腿,吨吨吨的喝可乐,语气随意:„Iknew, after returning to homeland, Ilook for the cousin, the uncle, whatthenalsohasto arrange?”
“我知道了,回国后我就去找表姐,舅舅,接下来还有什么安排?”Before must maintainmost basicrespectfulbeforeassociation presidentmister, after having a frank and sincere talk, hedoes not developsimply.
The unclelooked atoutside an eye piece the jet blackcurtain of night, the sinkingsound said:
„ Returning to homeland, announced that is separated fromfivelines of pledges, the conformitymechanism/organizationtechnology company, stopskills the palace, the providing reliefsociety and deadreturns, formsowninfluence. Moreover, youalsoquitehave the prestigein the firstdistrictnow, the folkinfluence of New Testamentcountycanwin over, makingthem the cooperationinfluence and peripheralinfluence.
“回国,宣布脱离五行盟,整合机关技术公司、止杀宫、济世社和亡者归来,组建自己的势力。另外,你如今在第一大区也颇有威望,新约郡的民间势力可以拉拢,让他们成为合作势力和外围势力。„Merchantassociationandbeautifulgodassociation, will supportyoujointly, as the matter stands, you first scrollmerchant and beautifulgod, the middlecontrolstopkill the palace and providing reliefsociety, the civil society organization of second line's12 th district, becomes the Spirit Territoryworldtruegreat person.”
“商人公会和美神协会,会联名支持你,这样一来,你将上联商人、美神,中间统御止杀宫、济世社,下联第一二大区的民间组织,成为灵境世界真正的大人物。”Zhang Yuanqing„hiss”:张元清“嘶”一声:„Canbe too noticeable.”
“会不会太惹人注目了。”Hekeeps firmly in mind that demonMonarchholdsto readhad confessed the words, do not make into the burntpointoneself.
The familydegeneratessaidlightly:
„ Youthought that youmaintains the low key, the spiritwill developwith the evilcampwill neglectyou, onceyouwill promote the peakcontrol, will haveto attackSun the Lordqualifications, youwill be low-key, the spiritwill develop, or the Taiyi Sectlord, will noticeyou. Otherwise, youare only the ordinarycontrol, is high-profile, halfgodwill not give special attention toyou.
“你觉得自己保持低调,灵拓和邪恶阵营就会忽视你吗,一旦你晋升巅峰主宰,拥有冲击太阳之主的资格,那你再低调,灵拓,亦或者太一门主,都会注意到你。反之,你只是普通主宰,再高调,半神也不会特别关注你。„Youhave controlled, have the qualifications of being majestically located a side, form the influencenot to have the issue, is notmakes into the burntpointoneself.”
“你已经是主宰,拥有雄踞一方的资格,组建势力没有问题,不算把自己打成焦点位。”Zhang Yuanqinghesitates, approveduncle'sview, hetrulyshouldformoneselfinfluence.张元清沉吟沉吟,认可了舅舅的说法,他确实该组建自己的势力了。In the past year, experienced the mattereach time, heroutinedependenceFu Qingyang, the resources, information, boostwait/etc, was the eldest childprovides.
过去的一年里,每次遇到事,他都习惯性的依赖傅青阳,资源、情报、助力等等,都是老大提供的。AlthoughFu Qingyangwill not dislike, lateralsoprovisionhelpas always, butZhang Yuanqingwill also fantasizeoccasionallyto becomeFu Qingyangsuchhas the power, has the big shot of endlessresources, in turnmakes the eldest childrely on.傅青阳虽然不会反感,以后也会一如既往的提供帮助,但张元清偶尔也会幻想成为傅青阳那样掌握权力,拥有无尽资源的大佬,反过来让老大依赖。Only thenbecomeswith the younghierarch who the eldest childis on par with, does right byhistrainingandhaving a high opinion.
只有成为与老大比肩的年轻掌权者,才对得起他的培养和倚重。Butwantsto the nihilitysectrevenge, todevelops the revengespirit, independent combatisincorrect, musthaveowninfluence.
The unclecontinues saying:
舅舅继续说道:„Youmajor inSun, was more powerful than the ordinarydayroaminggod, butentered the controlstageafter allinitially, the strengthwas insufficient, thereforethen, youmustbecome the doubleoccupationcontrol.”
“你主修太阳,远比普通日游神强大,但毕竟初入主宰阶段,实力还是不够,所以接下来,你要成为双职业主宰。”Heis pointing at the heart of Zhang Yuanqing, „Imustuntie some seals of imaginarygodheartforyouon own initiative, givesyoutenminutes of adjustmentcondition.”
他指着张元清的心脏,“我要替你主动解开幻神心脏的部分封印,给你十分钟调整状态。”Zhang Yuanqinglifts the handto cover the chest, wasat this time, hismoreunderstood that the tracelessGrandmaster must carry overimaginarydivine objectfromSpirit Territoryat risk of life the painstaking efforts.张元清抬手捂住胸口,越是这种时候,他就越理解无痕大师拼死也要从灵境里带出幻神物品的良苦用心。„Inthisdisaster, the casualty10356people, injured22578people; The Jiangnanprovincedied63701people, is injured119375”
“本次灾难中,松海死亡人数10356人,伤22578人;江南省死亡63701人,受伤119375”Capital City, in the conference room, ninealwayslisten to the casualtiesto countwithFu Qingyang, indooratmosphereis dignifiedandsilent.
京城,会议室里,九老和傅青阳听着伤亡统计,室内的气氛凝重而沉默。Aftereffort that under the governmentandfivelines of pledgehorse's hoovesnon-stop, the casualtiescountcompletefinally, but also is only the preliminary statistics, is not precise, butin front of the large-scaledisaster, the slightdeviation in datais immaterial.
The across the countrycasualtyreached as high as600,000, the place of morepoverty and backwardness, the digitwas more exaggerating, the officialtraveler/asceticquantity of developed areawere many, was high-quality, canminimize the loss, poverty and backwardnessarea, then can only look at the eviloccupationdisasterpeoplehelplessly, restoreduntil the moralvalue, diverged.
全国各地死亡人数高达六十万,越贫困落后的地方,数字越夸张,发达地区的官方行者数量多,素质高,能把损失降到最低,贫困落后的地区,则只能眼睁睁看着邪恶职业祸害民众,直到道德值恢复,自行散去。Thisdisastermakes the transportation and medical systemparalyzedirectly, mostpublic facilitiesare closed, the schoolsuspended classes, the companyis on leave, the entiresocietyfalls intohalfshutdowncondition.
The conferencesecretarylike without sentimentaldisseminating newsmachine, said:
会议秘书如同没有感情的播报机,道:„Existence of Spirit Territorytraveler/asceticis unable to concealagain, after governmentis worriedto announce, causes the social agitation, requestingusto give the disposal plan. The governmenthopes the plan of satisfying both sides.”
“灵境行者的存在无法再隐瞒,政府方面担心公布后,引发社会动荡,要求我们给出处理方案。政府希望有两全其美的方案。”„Plan of satisfying both sides? For example!” The Fu Qingyangsoundis indifferent.
The conferencesecretaryreplied: „For examplemakes the peopleacceptexistence of Spirit Territorytraveler/asceticrapidly, simultaneouslydoes not trigger the turbulence and public opinion. For examplemakeseveryoneforget the source of thisdisaster.”
The scarletfirehelps the bigeldersnort/humsay: „To put it bluntly, wantsto letourhypnosisentire world, repliesthem, inSpirit Territorydoes not havesuchthing, even so, is nothalfgodcanachieve.”
赤火帮大长老哼道:“说白了,就是想让我们催眠全世界呗,回复他们,灵境里没有这样的东西,即便有,也不是半神能做到的。”„Yes!” The conferencesecretarybows.
The bigelderemperorgreat wild goosehesitates, the soundis low and deepandtemperate: „What does brain trusthaveto suggest?”
会议秘书声线平静的回答:„The suggestion of brain trustisfrank and uprightannouncementthis matter, told the people, had the extraterrestrialscience and technologyto invadeEarth, thiswasone an event that was related to the entire human racelife or death, tied upinhuman and governmenttogether, plastered the victim the government.”
“智囊团的建议是光明正大的公布此事,告诉民众,有外星科技入侵地球,这是一场事关全人类存亡的事件,把人类和政府捆绑在一起,把政府粉饰成受害者。”Investigationcorrect path that Fu Qingyangcoldly: „Does not plaster, the governmentandhuman of the world, arevictims.”傅青阳冷冷的纠正道:“不是粉饰,全世界的政府、人类,本来就是受害者。”Helooks all aroundnearboardnineold, said:
„ With all due respect, thisplanuseis not big, insteadwill makein the societysomepersonnelstimulated, becomes the criminal, destroys the social stability. For examplewas adjusted the mechanism/organizationtechnology companyto be engaged in the officialmember of assemblyandproductionbyme, theyworkevery day for 12hours, the whole yearnotrests, cannotask for leave.
“恕我直言,这个方案用处不大,反而会让社会上部分人员亢奋,成为犯罪分子,破坏社会安定。比如被我调到机关技术公司从事组装、生产的官方成员,他们每天工作12小时,全年无休,不可以请假。„After some time, theirstate of mindbecomesvery not normal, extremedepressing, longs for that the worlddestroys. Suchcommunity, the entirehuman societyhas more.”
The conferencesecretarysaidimmediately:
会议秘书当即道:„Brain trustalsohas the secondplan, wecanclaim,thisis the biochemicalattack that the terrorist organizationlaunches, afterinvestigatingsometerrorist organizationin the secretresearchbiochemistryvirus, is obtained the superpowerby the person who the virusinfected, thiscausedthisdisaster.”
The Jiangeeldersneers saying: „Whatterrorist organizationhasthisscientific and technological standard?”
剑阁长老冷笑道:“什么恐怖组织有这种科技水平?”„Canclaimbehind the terrorist organizationto have the power of the big statesto support, but also is under investigation...... firstto shift the contradictionin any case, comforts the peoplemood.” The conferencesecretarylooksto make upsaid.
“可以声称恐怖组织背后有大国势力撑腰,还在调查中……反正先转移矛盾,安抚民众情绪。”会议秘书找补道。In the conference room1timeno onespoke, no oneopposed.
会议室里一时间没人说话,也没人反对。„Shiftingcontradictorytrulyis a plan, butnot goings to the roots of the problem, canwork as the alternative planto retain.”Fu Qingyangsaid: „Also.”
The conferencesecretarynods:
„ A quitecredibleplan, compilesoneset of feasibleexcuse, thenlets the halfgod of musicianaristocratic family, accepts the television stationto interviewasexpert, toeveryonepopular science.
“还有一个比较靠谱的方案,编造一套可行的说辞,然后让乐师世家的半神,以专家的身份接受电视台采访,给大家科普。„Musiciancanthrough the sound transmissionstrength, althoughwill weakenthrough the way of television, andcannot achieve the hypnosisentire world, so long as the television stationbroadcastsrepeatedly, influence of influencing subtly, peoplemeetacceptance of instinct, at least the responsecannotbe so intense, makingthis/Beneventsoft landingnot have the issue.”
“乐师可以通过声音传播力量,虽然通过电视的方式会有所减弱,且做不到催眠全世界,但只要电视台反复播放,潜移默化的影响,人们会本能的接受,至少反应不会那么激烈,让本次事件软着陆没有问题。”Nineoldhesitate, thought that thisplanis credible.
九老们沉吟沉吟,觉得这个方案还算靠谱。„Moralvaluewhyrestorationfor no reason?”Fu Qingyangmentioned the secondsubject of conference, lookedto the wonderfulelder of hundred flowersmeeting: „Fivehegemonswere not in Spirit Territoryat that time, the Taiyi SectLordthat sidehasanythingto reply.”
The wonderfulelderexpressionimmediatelybecomesstrange, under the gaze of people, saying that the tonequiteclenches jaws:
妙长老表情顿时变得古怪,在众人的注视下,语气颇为咬牙切齿的说道:„WasdemonMonarchsummoned the strength of Sun, restored the moralvalue.”
“是魔君召唤了太阳之力,恢复了道德值。”„DemonMonarch?!”In the conference roomresounds the astonishedsound, eightpeakcontrollook at each other in blank dismay, is difficultto coversurprisedly, Fu Qingyangwas also shocked.
The bigelderemperorgreat wild gooseknits the brows: „DemonMonarchdid not return toSpirit Territory.”
The wonderfuleldershakes the head: „The Taiyi Sectlordhad not explained.”
The people the doubtsare puzzled, when is with astonishment vacant, the conferencesecretarylooks at a computer, said:
众人正疑惑不解,惊愕茫然之际,会议秘书看一眼电脑,道:„Yellowprimal chaosapplicationconnects!”
“黄太极申请连线!”PS: After wrong characterfirst, changes.
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