Chapter 661untitled
第661章无题【Exceedingly highfounder: Good!】
【通天教主:好的!】Zhang Yuanqingreplyinformation, withanticipation, after more than tenseconds, cell phone„ding”, circulation.张元清回复信息,怀着期待,十几秒后,手机“叮”一声,文件发送过来了。Hisimpatientpointdocument, whatfirstseesisoneinchaccording, femaleman-year on pictureapproximately40, simple and beautifulsimple and elegant, not charmingis not delicate, hassuccinctstrongmakings.
他迫不及待的点开文件,首先看见的是一寸照,照片上的女人年约四十,清丽素雅,不妩媚不柔弱,有着一股简洁强干的气质。However, sheis notChenShu.
The Zhang YuanqingfirstresponsewasRyo Asanofinds fault the person, ChenShu on materialwas not his mother, butwas a person of same surnameof the same name.张元清第一反应是浅野凉找错人了,资料上的陈淑不是他母亲,而是一个同名同姓的人罢了。„It is not right, the five sensesare different, but the makingslooked like, ChenShuis such smellyfart, thinks the capable woman and littleprincess, workvigorously and resolutely, domineeringoverbearing.”
应该是易容了。But does an average personhavenecessitychanged/easyappearance/allow? Even ifsheandSpirit Territorytraveler/ascetichave happening together, is still the borderline person.
但一个普通人有必要易容?就算她和灵境行者有交集,也不过是个边缘人物。Zhang Yuanqingcontinuesto lookdownward,immediatelywas clear.张元清继续往下看,顿时明白了。
The materialshowed,ChenShuis the professional manager of privatemass organizationproviding reliefsociety, onsteerage, is almost responsible forallproviding reliefsociety'sforeignpropagandasandbusinessoutwardly.
The daypunishesthinks that ChenShuputs the puppetinoutwardlyon, becausesheis not the Spirit Territorytraveler/ascetic, but the daypunisheshas not found out the followinginfluenceandpowerhouseat present.
The control that also the providing reliefsociety, this/shouldorganizationhas confirmedat presenthastwo, saint14, unusualcertain, light/onlyexposes the strengthundersunlight, is the Alevelinfluence.
The freefederation, is divided intofourkinds the civil society organization.
自由联邦这边,把民间组织划分为四类。, in descending order , are the ABCD , Dlevelisto have over twounusualinfluences, byReactionary gangis in the majority. The Clevelisto have the twosaintaboveinfluences, is in the majoritybysomeprofit situationgoodcompanies.
The Blevelhassixlevels of saints, the influences of many4and5levels of saints, seein the small-scalecapitalandfinancial groupmuch.
The Alevelisto have the influences of one or morecontrol.
A级是拥有一名或多名主宰的势力。Zhang Yuanqingrepeatedlyreads the material, in the brainreverberateson a thought: Is this my mother? Really is this my mother? Reallysame surnameof the same name.张元清一遍遍的看着资料,脑子里就一个念头回荡:这是我妈?这真是我妈?果然还是同名同姓的吧。My motheris impossible is so flamboyant!!
我的妈妈不可能那么牛逼!!In the restaurant, the sounds of peopleclamored, the stream of peoplelike the shuttle, the guestpassed in and out, Zhang Yuanqingsatin the corner, ignoranthalf of the day.
The difference that thisandhethinks, inhisconcept, mother bringsto be ableclone of resurrectingdevilfather, goes towaffie who the seas and oceansavoid the enemy.
这和他想的不一样,在他的概念里,母亲是带着能复活死鬼老爹的分身,远赴重洋躲避仇家的漂泊者。Is relying on the intelligence and ability and doing businessmind, as well asfrom the Spirit Territorytraveler/asceticgeneral knowledge of late husbandthereunderstanding, shein the atmospherequiteenlightenedfirstdistrict, succeedsto contact the Spirit Territorytraveler/asceticworld, the businessdoesalsocalculates.
凭借着聪明才智和经商头脑,以及从亡夫那里了解的灵境行者常识,她在风气较为开明的第一大区里,成功接触到灵境行者世界,生意做的还算可以。Essentiallyis an average person.
本质上还是个普通人而已。ButChenShu on material, whereis the borderline person, simplyis the great person in Spirit Territorytraveler/ascetic, in the banditnestbig.
但资料上的陈淑,哪里是边缘人物,简直是灵境行者里的大人物,土匪窝里的大当家。Is goodbecause ofZhang Yuanqingalsocalculates that will come across the matternot to fluster, firstsent the seniordriver who a friendencircledsaysagain, the quickreturning to normalmood, launched the association.
好在张元清也算遇到事情不会慌,先发个朋友圈再说的老司机了,很快平复情绪,展开联想。„ChenShudefinitelyis an average person, thiswithout a doubt, ifsheis the Spirit Territorytraveler/ascetic, the palaceLordwill not hide the truth fromme, the daypunishesis not a fool, the daypunishes the qualitativematerial, the accuracyisveryhigh.”
“陈淑肯定是普通人,这点毋庸置疑的,她如果是灵境行者,宫主不会瞒我,天罚更不是傻子,天罚定性的资料,准确度还是很高的。”„A female servantaverage person, is impossibleto form a bigorganization, somebackdefinitelypeoplesupport, cansupport a Alevelorganization, is that the officialorevilcamp, whatpersonal connectionChenShuhasinevitablyexternally?”
“老妈子一个普通人,不可能组建起一个大组织,背后肯定有人扶持,能扶持起一个A级组织,那必然是官方或邪恶阵营,陈淑在国外有什么人脉?”„. Iknew, originallyisyou, association presidentmister.”
“.我知道了,原来是你,会长先生。”Thisis the conclusion that caninfereasily, association presidentmisteralmostmeetsallconditions, heisChenShubackpowerhouse, ChenShuis onlyhisspokesman.
这是很容易就能推导出的结论,会长先生几乎符合所有条件,他就是陈淑背后的强者,陈淑只是他的代言人。Moreover, Zhang Yuanqingalsoremembers a matter, FuXuehastimetellshim, the civil society organizationproviding reliefsociety of freefederationpreparesto subsidizehim, butby the Zhang Yuanqingdecisiverejection.
另外,张元清还想起一件事,傅雪有次告诉他,自由联邦的民间组织济世社准备资助他,但被张元清果断拒绝。Originallyis the female servantwantsto givehim the spending money?
原来是老妈子想给他零花钱?FuXue and female servantalsoknewunexpectedly, the worldis really small. Zhang Yuanqingwithdraws from the chatsoftware, thenselectsmonetary rewardhunterapp, posts a rewardin the listto seek for the dutyaboutproviding reliefsocietyinsilver and bronze.
傅雪和老妈子居然还认识,世界真小.张元清退出聊天软件,接着点开赏金猎人app,在白银和青铜悬赏榜单里寻找着关于济世社的任务。It is a pity that thisorganizationwas a little low-key, looksquite a whilehad not seen the relatedduty, actuallyunexpectedseeingandrelatedposting a reward:
遗憾的是,这个组织有点低调,找了半天没见到相关任务,倒是意外的看到与自己相关的悬赏:Investigationroosterbarhomicide casemurderer
调查雄鸡酒吧命案凶手Thisisday of duty that punishes the issue, is the lifeformgold metallurgymeeting? What a pity, the duty of silverlevel, Ihave not been ableto meet, otherwisecanplayonewavefrom the bladewolf. Zhang Yuanqingreceives the cell phone, sets outto move toward the register: „Pays.”
这是天罚发布的任务,还是生物炼金会?可惜,白银级的任务,我还无法接,不然可以玩一波自刀狼.张元清收起手机,起身走向收银台:“买单。”In the afternoon, hehadtwoassignments, duns, oneisto clean up the criminal syndicateinfluence of someKunsi Districtstreet.
下午,他接了两个任务,一个是讨债,一个是清理昆斯区某街道的黑帮势力。Zhang Yuanqingafterexecutinggang members, was deducted200moralvaluesbySpirit Territory.张元清在格杀了黑帮成员后,被灵境扣除两百点道德值。Taxi that 5 : 00 pm, hetakeson the path of getting off workpeakdifficult.
下午 5 点,他乘坐的出租车在下班高峰期的道路上寸步难行。Stopped up, muststop up, if we had knowndid not ride the taxi, fivekilometersopened for a halfhour, the urinary bladderquality of New Testamentcountyoffice worker was very high the Zhang Yuanqingheart saying that myurinary bladder was also fortunately good.
太堵了吧,比松海还要堵,早知道不坐出租车了,五公里开了半小时,新约郡上班族的膀胱质量很高啊张元清心说,还好我的膀胱也不错。6 : 00 pm, the taxifinallyarrives in the Chinatown, drives into the main road.
下午 6 点,出租车终于抵达唐人街,驶入主干道。On the way, Zhang Yuanqingsaw the roadsideto stopseveralpolice vehicles, an ambulance, and boundlessmanyChinesestoppedto surround, is mixing with the black and whitechocolate.
途中,张元清看见路边停了几辆警车,一辆救护车,以及茫茫多的华裔驻足围观,其中夹杂着黑白巧克力。Infighting? Zhang Yuanqinglowers the glass, outwardlooks around.
发生斗殴了?张元清降下车窗,朝外张望。Because of the pathcrowdreason, the taximoving velocityis slow, heseestwopolice officersto carry the stretcherto come outfrom the buildingexactly, the stretcherby the whitebouquet, was being revealed a azureblackarm.
因为道路拥堵的缘故,出租车行驶速度缓慢,他恰好看见两名警员抬着担架从楼房里出来,担架被白布盖着,露出一条青黑色的手臂。Un? Thisis the indication of sudden rising. Zhang Yuanqingfrownsimmediately, asNightwalking God, the zombieandghostinhisdomain.
嗯?这是尸变的征兆.张元清立刻皱起眉头,身为夜游神,僵尸、冤魂在他的领域内。Thatcorpseresentment on stretcherwinds around, gloomdepressedinflesh, if not wipe out the resentment, extinguishes the gloom, threedaysturned into the Yincorpse.
担架上的那具尸体怨气缭绕,阴气郁结在血肉中,如果不拔除怨气,消弭阴气,不出三天就变成阴尸了。Some are Chinatownpeoplebuilding up the Yincorpse? The ambulance and police vehicleleave behindgradually, Zhang Yuanqingtakes back the vision, has not continuedto pay attention.
“滴滴~”Zhang Yuanqingenters the password, goes home, seeingAnneto wear the yogaclothing/taking, sitsperforms a characterhorseon the cushioning of living room, exercises the bodyflexibility.张元清键入密码,回到家中,看见安妮穿着瑜伽服,坐在客厅的软垫上表演一字马,锻炼身体柔韧性。Likeswanting the occupationalsoto needto fightaccidentally, makes the bodythroughoutmaintainthrough the exerciseactiveisverynecessary.
爱欲职业偶然也需要战斗,通过锻炼让身体始终保持活跃是很有必要的。„Has founder, youeaten meal?”Annethrows out the chestto raise the head, the stretchedphysiquedesirably, the whole facewrites: Visitsme, looks atmequickly.
“教主,你吃过饭没有?”安妮挺胸抬头,刻意的舒展身姿,满脸写着:看我,快看我。Annerecentlyindiligentlycreates the ambiguousatmosphere, quiteletsMr.Primordial Beginningandscratches the love the water splash, butpresentHeavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningtoday we are no longer as we have been, canoperate the moodat will, smoothing the desireis easy.
安妮最近在努力的营造暧昧气氛,好让元始先生和自己擦出爱的水花,但如今的元始天尊今非昔比,能随意操纵情绪,抚平欲念轻而易举。Attracts the abilityto be suppressed, sheis also at wit's end.
魅惑能力被压制,她也无计可施。Really, Zhang Yuanqingimmunityherseduction, a faceTyrantstancesaid:
果然,张元清免疫她的诱惑,一脸霸总的姿态说道:„Anne, youwill select a charitytomorrow, helpingmecontribute1 millionfederalcoins, todaybutcheredonegroup of gangsters, 200moralvaluessuddenly went away.”
“安妮,你明天挑个慈善机构,帮我把一百万联邦币捐了,今天宰了一群黑帮分子,两百道德值说没就没。”Then, enters the bedroom, locks the gate, pass/testHaochuang.
说完,进入卧室,锁好门,关好窗。Zhang Yuanqingsets upright the cell phonein the desk, pushed the chairto sit down, dialed the Guan Yavideo phone.张元清把手机竖在书桌,拉开椅子坐下,拨通了关雅的视频电话。
The videomade a sound for more than tenseconds, Guan Yaconnected the callsluggishly, shesoakedin the bathtub, revealed the milksilkslipperyfragrantshoulder, beautifulpupilstaringlens.
视频响了十几秒,关雅慢吞吞的接通了电话,她泡在浴缸里,露出牛奶般丝滑的香肩,美眸凝视镜头。„youthisfaceis unattractive, Imustlook atHeavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning.”Shefrownsto say.
“伱这张脸不好看,我要看元始天尊。”她蹙眉道。Zhang Yuanqingchangesownface, said with a smile: „Thoughtme?”张元清就变回自己的脸,笑道:“想我了?”Guan Yasaidwith a smile: „Cannotthinkyou, thinksyouallare the picture of mosaic!”关雅笑吟吟道:“不能想你,一想你全是马赛克的画面!”Shechanged a comfortableposture, liesin the bathtubedge, hmph hmph saying: „Brat, so manytalentshit the video, is the love of New Testamentcountywants the occupationto makeyouforget to return?”
她换了个舒服的姿势,趴在浴缸边缘,哼哼道:“臭小子,这么多天才打视频,是不是新约郡的爱欲职业让你流连忘返?”Zhang Yuanqingwas sayingwithherthese daysexperience, mentioned the duty of monetary rewardhunter, mentionedlandlordwifeone, chatted for a halfhour, Guan Yapreparedto showerhung up.张元清就和她说着这几天的经历,说起赏金猎人的任务,说起房东太太一家,聊了半小时,关雅准备淋浴了才挂断。Takes a bathwhile the name brandgirlfriend, Zhang Yuanqingdialed the magicaunt'svideo phone.
趁着正牌女友去洗澡,张元清又拨通了魔法阿姨的视频电话。Invideo, cheekpure white, the five sensesbright-coloredsmall circle of appearsin the Zhang Yuanqingline of sight.
视频里,脸蛋素白,五官明艳的小圆出现在张元清视线里。Sheis mature, is still-elegant, butin the foreheadswere manywiped the lightsorrowfulness, clove after likerain.
The destruction of hotelteam, like hard the wound of togetherhealing, keptherheart. At this time, weshouldthank the time, becauseitcansmoothallgrief.
宾馆团队的覆灭,如同一道难以愈合的创伤,留在了她的心底。这个时候,我们应该感谢时间,因为它能抚平一切伤痛。„Ithoughtyou, butcannotthinkyou.” The Zhang Yuanqingtone and lookmay be calledgentle.
The small circlesoundis lightandpale, „why?”
小圆声音轻而淡,“为什么?”„Becausethinksyou, is the picture of mosaic.”Zhang Yuanqingsaid.
“因为一想你,就全是马赛克的画面。”张元清说。Thatelegantly beautifulpure whiteface, such as the spring snow of ablation, were manyimmediatelywiped the tender feelings.
那张冷艳素白的脸庞,顿时如消融的春雪,多了一抹柔情。„Treats as a strangerin the countryhow?” The small circleis notGuan Ya, without the meansandhecar race.
“在国外待的怎么样?”小圆到底不是关雅,没办法和他飙车。Zhang Yuanqingdaily family activity, equallysamerepeated.张元清就把刚才的家常,一样一样的重复了一遍。
The small circleis listeningpatiently, whenhe said that alsotold the boyfriendownrecent situation, sheandKou Beiyuesettles down innow, becomes the Fu Qingyanginformer.
小圆耐心听着,等他说完,也把自己的近况告诉了情郎,她和寇北月现在定居松海,成为了傅青阳的线人。Theynoware the avengers in shadow, is tracking down the trail of south schoolanddarknightrose.
他们如今是阴影中的复仇者,追寻着南派和暗夜玫瑰的踪迹。„Northernmoon/monthbecamecalm, was more silent, Isawhimto growvery muchhappily, althoughwasin this manner.” The small circlesighedin a low voice.
“北月变得沉稳了很多,也沉默了很多,我很高兴看到他成长,虽然是以这种方式。”小圆低声叹息。Chatted for dozen minutes, the video callendedinvindicating of Zhang Yuanqingmeaningfulaffection.
聊了十几分钟,视频通话在张元清隽永深情的表白中结束。Finally, hedialedto stopkills the palaceLordvideo phone.
最后,他拨打了止杀宫主的视频电话。UnlikeGuan Ya and small circle, that sideis the secondmeets, Zhang Yuanqingsees a red skirtto appearin the screen, the palacelordrests one's chin in one's hands, focusesto stare at the lenscurved.
与关雅和小圆不同,那边是秒接的,张元清看见一袭红裙出现在屏幕里,宫主托着腮,弯着眼凝视镜头。„, Ijustwantto callyou, are weare of one mind?”
“呀,我刚想打电话给你呢,咱们算不算心有灵犀?”Zhang Yuanqingis casting a sidelong glanceslantinglyunder the maskcrescent moon, snort/humsaid:张元清斜睨着面具底下的月牙儿,哼道:„Palacelord, oursighted peopledid not speakcode words”
“宫主,咱们明人不说暗话”„Iknow that youwantto restme.”
“我知道你想睡我。”„?”Zhang Yuanqingdeeplyinspires, gets angry: „Is shortwithmeinserts funny dialog, Ihave the proper business.”
“?”张元清深吸一口气,怒道:“少跟我插科打诨,我有正事。”Then, does not give the palacelord the opportunity that continuesto sexually harass, heasked:
说完,不给宫主继续调戏的机会,他问道:„Is yourtransmissionscroll, the halfgodpresidents of merchantassociationgives?”
“你那件传送卷轴,是不是商人公会的半神会长给的?”„It is not, yourmothergives.”PalaceLordnaturalacknowledgment.
“不是,你妈给的。”宫主大大方方的承认。Dog deng that my mothergives, whoisshelives. Zhang Yuanqingsinkingsound said:
我妈给的狗屎,到底谁才是她生的.张元清沉声道:„Iwas investigatingChenShurecently, somefeatures, Iaskedyou, initiallymyillness/quickmanifested suddenly, ChenShuledmeto go to the overseasto see a doctor, sought helpfrom the merchantassociation?”
The palacelordsaid with a smile: „Yourselfhave the answer.”
宫主笑道:“你自己已经有答案了。”Zhang Yuanqingthinks,said: „Providing reliefsociety that thereforeChenShumanages, the secretmasteris the president of merchantassociation.”张元清想了想,道:“所以陈淑管理的济世社,幕后的东家是商人公会的会长。”
The palaceprincipal pointnods.
宫主点点头。Zhang Yuanqingsighed: „Iunderstood.”张元清叹了口气:“我明白了。”Therefore mother will knowMr.Bill of merchantassociation, thereforeMr.Billhas had the good intentionsabouthim, the perfectpersonskinalsosold tohim.
所以母亲会认识商人公会的比尔先生,所以比尔先生对他一直心怀善意,完美人皮也卖给了他。Nowthinks,is truly unreasonable, at that timehehad shown talent for the first timealthough, butafter all is only the unusualboundary, even the merchantassociationwantsto investhim, a not possibledirect investmentcauses and effectsclassitem.
The association presidentnot onlyandZhang Zizhenis the oldacquaintance, evenChenShuboss.
The origin of merchantassociationandhisfamily/home, imagination is deeper.
商人公会和他家的渊源,比想象中的更深。In a flashin three days.
一晃过了三天。Others'morningwas awakened by noiseby the alarm clock, the quarrellingsound that Zhang Yuanqingmorningbylandlordwifeawakens.
别人的早晨是被闹钟吵醒的,张元清的早晨是被房东太太的吵架声惊醒的。Lifts the quilt, barefootsto arrive at the balcony, discovered that last nightforgotpass/testwindow.
掀开被子,赤着脚走到阳台,才发现昨晚忘了关窗。Zhang Yuanqingfinds out the head, sees the landlordwifejust and bossandproprietress in downstairsbreakfast shopquarrels, by an enemytwo, accomplishes a task with ease, sheputs onto rest the skirt, is forking the waist, the graceful bearing that the salivaflieshorizontally, is a Chinatownprettyscenery.张元清探出脑袋,看见房东太太正和楼下早餐店的老板、老板娘吵架,以一敌二,游刃有余,她穿着睡裙,叉着腰,唾沫横飞的风姿,是唐人街一道靓丽的风景。
This is the fourth time that Zhang Yuanqingsaw that the landlordwife and neighborneighborquarrelled, at firsthewill also pay attention to the quarrellingreason, afterwarddiscovered the landlordwifequarrelleddoes not need the reason.
心情不好了就开干。CaoChaoandCao who Qianxiuwear the school uniform, standsin the one sideeats the melon, looks at the motherto be earthshaking.
穿着校服的曹超和曹倩秀,站在一旁吃瓜,看老妈叱咤风云。OccasionallyhadElder Brotherto pass by, the staymoment, comingseveralrapto add to the fun.
偶尔有尼哥路过,逗留片刻,来几句rap助兴。At this time, downstairsCaoQianxiuraised the head, looked atZhang Yuanqing.
这时,楼下的曹倩秀抬起头,看了一眼张元清。Shelowers the head, fishes out the cell phone, the edit file.
After severalseconds, the Zhang Yuanqingcell phonedingone, hereturns to the bedheadto taketo look.
几秒后,张元清的手机叮一声,他回到床头拿起来一看。【CaoQianxiu: 8 : 00 pm, Ileadyouto make the trialduty, through the inspection, you are the member of counter-black and whitealliance. Remembers that pushedallmatters, inspects the contentIto be on vacation from schoolto tellyouagain.】
【曹倩秀:今晚八点,我带你去做试炼任务,通过考核,你就是反黑白联盟的成员。记得把所有事都推了,考核内容等我放学回来再告诉你。】PS: After wrong characterfirst, changes.
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