Chapter 655does not havethisperson
The bellsound the moment, Annehas not come outto open the door, Zhang Yuanqingthengoes out of the bedroom, opens the burglar-proof doorpersonally.
铃声响了片刻,安妮迟迟没有出来开门,张元清便走出卧室,亲自打开防盗门。Out of the dooris standing a 7 or 8-year-oldboy, the eyeis very big, the five sensesare delicate, is a quitecuteboy.
门外站着一个七八岁的男孩,眼睛很大,五官秀气,是个颇为可爱的男孩。Thisis the child of roommaster.
这是房东家的孩子。Hisright handcarries a gift box, the left handis holdingaluminum pot, in the jarwrites„Oolong tea”threecharacters.
他右手拎着一个食盒,左手抱着铝罐子,罐子上写着“铁观音”三个字。„Uncleis good!”Calling out of youngboypoliteness.
“叔叔好!”小男孩礼貌的叫道。„Is the Elder Brotheris not the uncle, said.”Zhang Yuanqinginvestigates the correct path.
“是哥哥不是叔叔,重新叫一遍。”张元清纠正道。„Elder Brotheris good!”Understanding what has to be done of youngboymakesZhang Yuanqingquiteappreciate, hesatisfiesnods, asks:
The youngboylooks down a gift box, crispsay/way: „Afternoon tea, mother makesmedeliver, tea leaves.”
小男孩低头看一眼食盒,脆生生道:“下午茶,妈妈让我送过来的,还有茶叶。”Zhang Yuanqinglets the opening, „comes.”张元清让开路,“进来吧。”
In hemakes the youngboyenter, received the gift boxto placeon the tea table, turns on the cover, in the double-deckedgift boxis puttingoneplate of cakes and pastries, oneplate of sauceredglutinous ricemeatballs.
他引着小男孩入内,接过食盒放在茶几上,打开盖子,双层食盒里放着一碟糕点,一碟酱红色的糯米丸子。„Sweet dumplings?”
“汤圆吗?”„It is not, is the sugardoes not fling.”
“不是,是糖不甩。”Whatthing doesn't the sugarflingis? Zhang Yuanqingdoes not flingto take out the cakes and pastriesandsugar, whileasked: „Youname.”
糖不甩是什么东西?张元清一边把糕点、糖不甩取出,一边问道:“你叫什么名字啊。”„Myname wasCaoChao, EnglishnamedRobin.” The youngboysaid.
? Zhang Yuanqinggawked, long timesuppressesa few words: „Goodname, un, whatIsaidisChinesename, who the nameistakes.”
“爸爸。”„Your fatherlikesreading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.”
“你爸是不是喜欢看三国演义啊。”„Howyouknow.”CaoChaoxiaofacecovers entirelysurprisedly.
“你怎么知道。”曹超小脸布满惊讶。Ialsoknow that the youfatherlikes certainlyCao Caovery much, whatwantinghimto appreciateisCao Cao'soutstanding ability and grand vision, was notxpZhang Yuanqingclampsone„sweet dumplings”to tastewith the chopsticks, onlythought that slidcrisplyfragrantsoftandsweet, butwas not greasy, the fragrance of sweetnessandglutinous rice of brown sugarreverberatedin the taste buds.
意外的好吃。Heturns on the aluminum potto smell, the teafragrancegreets the nostrils, the quality of Oolong teais good.
他又打开铝罐闻了闻,茶香味扑鼻,铁观音的品质还不错。Thisshouldbereturning a courtesy of landlordwife, after all the newtenantwas too happy, paida halfyear of house rent that moneygavedirectly, in additionthreemonths of deposit, entire50,000federalcoins.
这应该是房东太太的回礼,毕竟新房客给钱给的太痛快了,直接交了半年的房租,外加三个月的押金,整整五万的联邦币。At this time, Zhang Yuanqingsawnamed„CaoChao” the smallboyvisionfell the expensivebetween-meal snackinglassplate, swallowed a salivaquietly.
Between -meal snackisAnnebuysin the supermarket.
零食是安妮在超市里买的。„To eattakescasually.”Zhang Yuanqingsaid.
“想吃随便拿。”张元清说。„Motherdoes not leteat between -meal snack, will take a beating.”Shaking the head that CaoChaodrools with envy.
“妈妈不让吃零食,会挨揍的。”曹超垂涎欲滴的摇头。„, Thatdo not eat.”Zhang Yuanqingis not the person of forcing someone to do something against his will.
“哦,那就别吃了。”张元清也不是强人所难的人。„Ido not fearpunching of mothervery much.” The youngboycomplies with the wish of heart, put out a handto graspbetween-meal snack.
“我也不是很怕妈妈的揍。”小男孩遵从心的意愿,伸手抓了一把零食。Hestandsnear the tea table, is supporting the abdomen, wholly absorbedopeningeats, Zhang Yuanqingseizes the chanceto inquire a landlordsituationto the kid.
The CaoChaofather'sname wasCaocelebrate, the ancestral homemaking soupprovince, in childhood the followingparentsimmigratedto the freefederation, opened the youngrestaurantjob. Twogenerations of persondozensyears of operations, havesixrestaurant chainsandtwosnack barsin the Chinatownnow, simultaneouslyhaseast the senior branches in sixsuites.
The landlordwife'sname wasYang Xiujuan, when shemarriedCaocelebrate, in the family/homeonly thentworestaurants, thatageChinatownpublic securitywas not quite good, frequentlybumped intoElder Brother who had the overlordmeal, the law enforcement officials of demanding bribes, problem-making of local ethnic Chinesefaction.
The complexchaoticsecurity situationmadeYang Xiujuanraise the extremelyhot temperedtemperament, not aggressivedaybasic.
复杂混乱的治安环境让杨秀娟养出了极度暴躁的脾气,不凶悍日子根本过不下去。„Each time the father and motherquarrelled, the fatherwill scold mother is the tigress, then mother will punchhim. The elder sisterwill sometimes also shout mother the tigress, mother punchesher. Only thenIwill never shout mother the tigress, becauseIfeared that takes a beating.”CaoChaofor between -meal snack, sells a none the family memberinformation.
“每次爸爸和妈妈吵架,爸爸都会骂妈妈是母老虎,然后妈妈就会揍他。姐姐有时候也会喊妈妈母老虎,妈妈就揍她。只有我从来不会喊妈妈母老虎,因为我怕挨揍。”曹超为了点零食,把家人信息卖个精光。„Butyousaidthreetigressesa moment ago.”Zhang Yuanqingpertinentpointing out.
The smallboycomplexionchanges, between -meal snack of mouthis not instantaneously fragrant.
小男孩脸色一变,嘴里的零食瞬间不香了。„Iwill not tellyourmother, saidyour older sisteragain.”Zhang Yuanqingsaid.
The youngboyfelt relievedimmediately, between -meal snack of mouthbecomesflavorful, hishamstersameis gnawing the nut that bound the chocolate, mentioned the elder sister who likesfighting.
小男孩顿时放心,嘴里的零食又变得有滋有味,他仓鼠一样啃着裹了巧克力的坚果,说起了爱打架的姐姐。InCaoChaoyan, the elder sisteris the out-and-outbigdemon, is subject to changing moods, snatcheshisbetween-meal snackandtoy, but alsolikespunchinghim, but the reasonisto look athimmerelyis not feeling well.
在曹超眼里,姐姐是不折不扣的大魔头,喜怒无常,抢他零食、玩具,还喜欢揍他,而原因仅仅是看他不爽。Hitting the younger brothermustas early as possible, your older sisterhave the consciousnessactually. Zhang Yuanqingunderstandsfinallythischildsmallagethenseeks livehoodto want the reason of bursting, mother of short temper, a lovehits the elder sister of person, as long asseeks livehoodto wantalmost, alreadychildhooddie young.
打弟要趁早,你姐倒是有觉悟.张元清总算明白这孩子小小年纪便求生欲爆棚的原因,有一个脾气暴躁的母亲,一个爱打人的姐姐,但凡求生欲差点,早就幼年夭折了。„Elder sisteralsomeets the magic, thereforeIdo not dareto revolt againsther.”CaoChaohad a lingering fearsaid.
“姐姐还会魔法,所以我也不敢反抗她。”曹超心有余悸的说。„Magic?”Zhang Yuanqingmovesat heart, saidintentionally: „Thatdeceives the child.”
“魔法?”张元清心里一动,故意说道:“那都是骗孩子的。”„It is not!” The questionedyoungboywrinkles the brow, saidloudly: „Shehas lookedtome, shecandischarge, is likePikachu.”
“不是!”被质疑的小男孩皱起浅浅的眉头,大声说:“她给我看过的,她能放电,跟皮卡丘一样。”Saying, hisboth handsmake a fist, defecate the generalsuppressingvigor, exclaimed: „100,000volts!”
说着,他双手握拳,拉屎一般的憋劲,吼道:“十万伏特!”Zhang Yuanqingis inducingCaoChaomood, has not lied, saidis the truth.张元清感应着曹超的情绪,没有撒谎,说的都是真话。In other words, thatlittle missnamedCaoQianxiuisMasterthunder? No wonderhot tempered, andlikesfighting, Iremember the characteristics that Masterthunderarehot temperedandtesty, as well asfair, un, is relatively fair, thereforeMasterthunderpunishesin the dayis controlling the public prosecutorresponsibilityZhang Yuanqingthoughtrotation, asked:
也就是说,那个叫曹倩秀的小姑娘是个雷法师?呃,难怪暴躁且爱打架,我记得雷法师的特性就是暴躁、易怒,以及公正,嗯,相对公正,所以雷法师在天罚把控着检察官职责张元清念头转动,又问道:„Yourmotherandyour fatherfight, releases100,000volts?”
The youngboyshakes the head.
小男孩摇了摇头。Alsoyes, generally speaking, entire familyis the probability of Spirit Territorytraveler/asceticis minimum, is impossible is so skillful, is uncertain, ifthispersonis the Spirit Territorytraveler/ascetic, makingthisfamily property was very goodto understandZhang Yuanqingthinks, asked:
也是,一般来说,全家都是灵境行者的概率极小,不可能那么巧,也不一定,如果这家人都是灵境行者的话,挣下这份家业就很好理解了张元清想了想,又问道:„Is your fathermothereach monthwill haveseveraldays is not athome.”
“你爸妈是不是每个月都会有几天不在家啊。”„How do youknow?” The youngboyis surprised the different way.
“你怎么知道?”小男孩诧异道。ThisElder Brotheris really fierce, not onlyknows that the fatherlikesreading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but alsoknows that the parentscannot be athomefrequently.
这个哥哥真厉害,不但知道爸爸爱看三国演义,还知道爸妈经常会不在家。Heis somewhat afraid, suspected the matter that ownlast nightwet the bedalsoknewtoothers.
他有些害怕,怀疑自己昨晚尿床的事也给人家知道了。Zhang Yuanqinggrasped between -meal snackstoppersmallboypocket, „Iguess the words that carelessly, speakstodaydo not tellanybody, ifyouachieved, latercancomemy familyto eat between -meal snackcasually. Youfirstgo home, the box and small dishfinished eatingmeto deliver.”张元清抓了把零食塞小男孩口袋里,“我胡乱猜的,今天说的话不要告诉任何人,如果你做到了,以后可以来我家随便吃零食。你先回家吧,盒子和碟吃完我会送回来。”„Un!”CaoChaonodshappily, running outbedroomhurriedly.
“嗯!”曹超开心的点头,风风火火的冲出卧室。Gazes after the youngboyto leave, Zhang Yuanqingatetwosugarnot to fling, Annecame outfrom the bathroom, the bodybound the bath towel, the headis wrapping the kerchief, severalwisps of goldenbeautiful hairletting fall, are showing the matureandlazygraceful bearing.
The bath towelpackages the heavychest, the snowgreasygullyis being too deep to see the bottom, the bath towelskirt-widthto the thighposition, twobeautifullegsare longandstraight, clearsymmetrical, white seems congealing the milk.
浴巾包裹着沉甸甸的胸脯,雪腻沟壑深不见底,浴巾下摆到大腿位置,两条美腿又长又直,圆润匀称,白的仿佛凝着牛奶。„, The founder you eat anything, Annehas the share.” The blondebeautiful womancollectswith joy, was attractedby the good food, has no timeto replace the stance of clothing.
“啊,教主您吃什么呢,安妮有份吗。”金发美人喜滋滋的凑过来,一副被美食吸引,无暇更换着装的姿态。Zhang Yuanqingthenhands over the chopsticks.张元清便把筷子递过去。
The Anneslightlyclumsyusechopsticks, pickone„sweet dumplings”to force in the smallmouth, the taste of sweetsoftimmersemakeshereyeonebright:
安妮略显笨拙的使用筷子,夹起一枚“汤圆”塞进小嘴,清甜软濡的口感让她眼睛一亮:„What is this?”
“这是什么?”„Youconsider the sweet dumplings.”
“你就当是汤圆吧。”„What are sweet dumplings?”
“汤圆是什么?”„Did not needto manage, ate”Zhang Yuanqingto take upcakes and pastriesto eat, „Iinquireda moment ago, landlordonewas the Spirit Territorytraveler/ascetic, did yousayskillfullyunfortunately?”
“不用管了,吃吧”张元清拿起一块糕点吃起来,“我刚才打探到,房东一家都是灵境行者,你说巧不巧?”Chewspolished glutinous rice dumplingAnnewith astonishmentto stare the greatlybeautifulpupil, at oncesinks the face: „Theypossiblyare the officialpeople, orofficialinformer, may be the powdercultivate/repair the member of organization, can wechange the place?”
嚼着糯米团子的安妮惊愕的瞪大美眸,旋即沉下脸:“他们可能是官方的人,或官方的线人,也有可能是散修组织的成员,咱们要不要换地方?”Zhang Yuanqinghesitates, shakes the head saying: „Does not need, to treat asdoes not knowwell. Firstobserves, the attemptgains the favorable impression of landlordwhole family, perhapslaterwithobtainingthem.”张元清沉吟一下,摇头道:“不用,当做不知道就好。先观察一下,尝试获取房东一家人的好感,没准以后用得到他们呢。”Anne„”, picks a sugarto spawn, not carefulhas not clampedsteadily, the dumplingfell the chest frontgullydeep place.
安妮“哦”一声,又夹起一枚糖甩子,不小心没夹稳,啪嗒一声,团子掉进去了胸前的沟壑深处。AnnelookshastilytoZhang Yuanqing, the grievancesaid: „Fell, falls.”
安妮连忙看向张元清,委屈道:“掉,掉进去了.”Zhang Yuanqinglooks atbrown sugar of white of the eyegreasychestcontamination, saidill-humoredly: „Toldmedoes, do youalsowantto makemehelptake?”张元清看一眼白腻胸口沾染的红糖,没好气道:“跟我说干嘛,你还想让我帮忙拿出来?”„. Iwashimmediately.”Annesets outto move toward the bathroomhastily, when is turning away fromZhang Yuanqing, curls the lip.
“.我马上去洗洗。”安妮仓促起身走向浴室,背对着张元清时,撇了撇嘴。Snort, sheforgotprobablyIwas the imaginarytechniquemaster, threwin the chestto enticeme the dumplingintentionally, laughable, I was so goodto enticeZhang Yuanqingis looking at the buttocks of Anneplump, difficultmoving out of the wayvision.
哼,她好像忘记我是幻术师了,故意把团子丢胸里勾引我,可笑,我是那么好勾引的吗张元清望着安妮圆滚滚的臀,艰难的挪开目光。Likeswanting the occupation„perfectstature”and„attracting”has the fatalseductionto an adult male, like the mousesees the rice, the cigaretteto meet the matches.
爱欲职业的“完美身材”、“魅惑”对一个成年男性有致命的诱惑,就像老鼠看见大米,香烟遇到火柴。CaoChaoreturns tonext doorRoom 301impecuniously, discussedone: „Mother, Igoes to the room. The Elder Brother in next doorsaid that finished eatingto deliver the bowl.”
曹超两手空空的回到隔壁301室,嗷唠一声:“妈,我去房间啦。隔壁的哥哥说吃完了就把碗送回来。”Dashesto approachownroom.
The landlordwifepursuesvigorously, after , pulling taut the youngest sonleads: „Whatcaptures?”
房东太太健步追赶,一把扯住小儿子的后领:“兜里塞的什么?”„It‘s nothing!”CaoChaomangprotectswith the small hand.
“没什么!”曹超忙用小手护住。„Stopperrouses, when the old ladyis blind?” The landlordwifewithout delay, bends downto graspson'sankle area, stands upside downto carry, shakes.
The chocolate, toffee, candied and preserved fruitandtunepants pocketbiscuitcrash-bangfalling.
裤兜里的巧克力、牛奶糖、果脯、曲起饼干哗啦啦的掉落。„Elder Brotherhardstoppergivesme, Isaid that does not want.”CaoChaoseeks livehoodto wantverystrongflingingpot.
“哥哥硬塞给我的,我都说不要。”曹超求生欲很强的甩锅。„Veryrich.” The landlordwifetook a look atseveral, draws in between -meal snack, „confiscation.”
“挺有钱的嘛。”房东太太瞅了几眼,把零食收拢起来,“没收了。”CaoChaoforces oneself to look cheerful: „Good, eatsto mother.”
曹超强颜欢笑:“好的,都给妈妈吃。”Thenthrows a small and weakhelplessandpitifulexpressionto the father who the tableenjoys the afternoon tea.
然后给餐桌边享用下午茶的爸爸投去一个弱小无助又可怜的表情。Caocelebrateis the heightordinarymiddle-aged person, puts on weightslightly, has the smallstomachintestinal fat, having regular facial features, at first sightis very calmto have the dignityvery much, among the facial featuresrevealsoccasionallyastutelyslick.
曹庆是个身高普通的中年人,微微发福,有着小小的肚腩,五官端正,乍一看很沉稳很有威严,眉眼间偶尔流露出精明油滑。Sending the borderlineis not high, but the sendingquantityis somewhat sparse, is combing80-90agepopularheads of tender, putting on is also very ordinary, the greytrousersblackT-shirtmatches a two personcharacterto tow, cannot see is completely the owner in restaurant chain.
发际线不高,但发量有些稀疏,梳着80-90年代流行的油头,穿着也很普通,灰裤黑T恤搭配一双人字拖,完全看不出是连锁餐馆的老板。Caocelebratehas not paid attention toseeking help of son, is drinking tea, whilesaid:
曹庆没有理会儿子的求助,一边喝着茶,一边说道:„Unmarried girlsaid403newtenantsis a pair of lover, whatfemaleis a foreign girl? Howfeels, credible, paida halfyear of room chargeone time, gives back tothreemonths of deposit, in the worlddoes not have such stupidperson, byothersrepertoire, what to dodo not live inturnsin the first half of the yearsteals the family members.”
“闺女说403的新房客是一对情侣,女的还是洋妞?感觉怎么样,靠谱吗,一次性付了半年的房费,还给三个月押金,世上没这么蠢的人吧,可别被人家套路了,住上半年变成偷房族怎么办。”„Ilook at the personcompared withyour!” The landlordwifereturnschokesone, said: „Youngmale studentisUniversitygraduates, the foreign girlis the foreign languageteacher, Iread the school record, howmakingthemgive the unmarried girlto help with the homework? Hired the family education is too expensive/noble.”
“我看人比你准!”房东太太回呛一句,说:“小男生是松海大学毕业的,洋妞是外语老师,我看学历都很可以,让他俩给闺女辅导一下作业怎么样?请家教太贵了。”Caocelebrate, shakes the head saying: „Has a lookagain.”
曹庆呵一声,摇头道:“再看看吧。”Next morning.
次日清晨。Zhang Yuanqinggets out of bedwashing, sitsis having the affectionbreakfast of Annecarefulpreparationin the table, the toast, milk, fried egg, Bacon, sausage.张元清起床洗漱,坐在餐桌边吃着安妮精心准备的爱心早餐,吐司、牛奶、荷包蛋、培根、香肠。Is the calorie-richfood.
都是高热量食品。Zhang Yuanqingactuallywantsto eat the steamed dumpling, cruller and soybean milk, butreadinAnneearly morninggetting out of bedis busy at work, laborious, spent an energy, thendid not throwhercold water.张元清其实更想吃小笼包、油条和豆浆,但念在安妮大清早的起床忙活,辛辛苦苦,好歹费了一番精力,便不泼她凉水了。Has the breakfast, Zhang Yuanqinghas taken taxi the company that goes toChenShuto work.
吃过早餐,张元清打车前往陈淑工作的公司。ChenShuwent to workin the bigcompanylong ago, after accumulatingtoexperiences certainly, the resignationgoes abroad, looked forseveralpartners, did the foreign trade, oneselfwere the boss.
陈淑早年在大公司上班,积累到一定经验后,就辞职出国,找了几个合伙人,干起了外贸,自己当老板。Thatforeign trade companyin the New Testamentport, is very nearwith the Statue of Liberty.
The New Testamentportis the freefederalbiggestharbor, half a century ago, the volume of goods handledreached the hundred-million tons level, in recent years the transported goods volumebroke the recordcontinuously.
新约港是自由联邦最大的港口,半个世纪前,吞吐量就达到亿吨级,近年来货运量更是连续破纪录。Financial street in New TestamentportandIsle of Man, achievementNew Testamentcountyworld-classmetropolis.
正是新约港和曼岛的金融街,成就了新约郡这座世界级的大都市。Two peopletake the ferryboatto stretch across the sea area, steppedsea godchurchheadquarters- New Testamentport.
两人乘坐渡轮横跨海域,踏上了海神教会总部-新约港。ChenShucompanycalled„the Lianhuatrade”, Zhang YuanqingandAnneare pressing the guidance, foundthiscompanyin an obsoleteoffice.
The onstageis a makeupaccommodatesfine, butappearanceat mostdelicateChinese.
前台是一位妆容精致,但容貌顶多清秀的华裔。Zhang Yuanqinggoes forwarddirectly, saidinChinese: „Hello, Ilook forChenShu, isyourheregeneral managers.”张元清径直上前,用中文说道:“你好,我找陈淑,是你们这里的总经理。”On the onstagemissface the smilejustexuded, hearsword, staresfiercely: „Embarrassedmister, ourgeneral managersdid not callChenShu 。”
前台姑娘脸上笑容刚泛起,闻言,猛地一愣:“不好意思先生,我们的总经理不叫陈淑。”Did not callChenShu ?Zhang Yuanqingknitting the browshead: „Thatpossiblywas the positionchanged, Ilooked forChenShu, was one of you companyshareholders, youcanhelpmy.”
The onstagemissshakes the head: „Verysorry, ifyouknew that the shareholder in ourcompany, cantelephoneto informher.”
前台姑娘摇头:“很抱歉,如果您认识我们公司的股东,可以打电话通知她.”Finishes barely the words, Zhang Yuanqingimpatientsaying: „Checkstome!”
话音未落,张元清不耐烦的说道:“给我查!”Hisdark brownpupilbecomestransparent, the languageas ifcontainedlet the charm that the personobeyed.
The onstagemissexudesterrified and mood of obedience, the stuttersaid: „You, youwait a bit”
前台姑娘泛起惶恐和服从的情绪,结结巴巴道:“您,您稍等”Shebends downto rap the keyboard, in a moment, raising the head, the expressionwill dreadis also helpless:
她俯身敲击键盘,俄顷,抬起头来,表情畏惧又无奈:„Sorry, ourcompanydoes not havethisperson.”
“抱歉,我们公司没有这个人。”Withoutthisperson, the fatherfisthardZhang Yuanqingclenched teeth, the heartsaid that I was really the lardhoodwink the heart, unexpectedlybelievedChenShu, a thatoldwomanmouthnottruth.
没有这个人,老子拳头硬了张元清咬了咬牙,心说我真是猪油蒙了心,居然相信陈淑,那老女人嘴里没一句真话。Two peoplehave the old routeto return, on the ferryboat, Zhang Yuanqingsaidin a low voice:
两人只好原路返回,渡轮上,张元清低声道:„Anne, you give Mr.Billis the assistant the time, has seenmy mother?”
“安妮,你给比尔先生做助理的时候,有没有见过我妈?”Mr.BillandAnneareknow that hisreal name, knows that ChenShuis his mother.
比尔先生和安妮是知道他真名的,更知道陈淑是他妈。Anneshakes the head: „Iwasthe end of last yearserveMr.Bill, hewas a goodboss, not goodfemale sexual attractiveness, I, so long ascompleted the labor of dutyon the line.”
安妮摇摇头:“我是去年年末服务比尔先生的,他是个不错的老板,不好女色,我只要做好本职工作就行。”Zhang Yuanqingdeeplyinspires, „youcallto askMr.Bill. Ok, do not ask that Billandmy motherare the partners, he.”张元清深吸一口气,“你打电话问一下比尔先生.算了,别问了,比尔和我妈是合作伙伴,他俩一伙的。”HemustobserveChenShuin secret.
他更要暗中观察陈淑了。Thistimecomes to the New Testamentcounty, certainlymakesthatriddlemothertake off the camouflage, reveals one's true colors.
这次来新约郡,一定让那个谜语妈脱掉伪装,原形毕露。Takes the ferryboatto return to the Isle of Man, the Zhang Yuanqingfront„colored flagbank”, saved500,000federalcoinstoward the bankcard that in the hunterassociationprovides.
乘坐渡轮返回曼岛,张元清前方“彩旗银行”,往猎人公会发放的银行卡里存了五十万联邦币。Thenheopensmonetary rewardhunterapp, enters the backstage, the choiceposts a reward the duty:
然后他打开赏金猎人app,进入后台,选择悬赏任务:DemonMonarchcompilesin the sweetheart of freefederation
魔君在自由联邦的情人汇总Dutydetails: The buyerswantto provide the basic data of demonMonarchsweetheart, including, butdoes not limit the family background, position, organization, rankandpicture, as well aswith the detaileddeeds that demonMonarchassociates.
The monetary rewardhunterhas the assignmentto needto inspect, overall and rank, butposts a reward the dutyto have no limit, nowadays, the customer of giving moneyforeveris a father, whowill erect the thresholdto the father.
赏金猎人接任务需要考核、积分和等级,但悬赏任务没有任何限制,这年头,送钱的客户永远是爸爸,谁会给爸爸设门槛呢。Zhang Yuanqingcomes the freefederalanothergoal: Looks for the demonMr.'sbelovedsweetheart, collects the mapfragment.张元清来自由联邦的另一个目的:寻找魔君心爱的情人,收集地图碎片。Hopesin the sweetheart who demonMonarchdoes not havethatdayto punish the chief executive officer, otherwiseI can only give upcollecting the fragment, andkneels downtodemonMonarch, shoutedonewholeheartedly: 666.
希望魔君的情人里没有那位天罚首席执行官,不然我只能放弃收集碎片,并给魔君跪下,真心实意喊一声:666。Zhang Yuanqingwas prayingat heart.张元清在心里祈祷。Two peopletake taxito return to the Chinatown, the snack of Annegreedyroadside, drewZhang Yuanqingto buy a cageto fill the minced meat and gravy-filled steamed dumplings.
两人打车返回唐人街,安妮嘴馋路边的小吃,拉着张元清去买了一笼灌汤包。Going hometime, exactlyyoungest sonCaoChao who sees the roommaster, holds a basketballto playin the roadside.
回家的时候,恰好看见房东家的小儿子曹超,抱着一只篮球在路边玩耍。At this moment, the motorsound of thunderingtransmits, fourmotorcyclesspeed alongin the bustling and crowdedstreet, a motorcyclehassense of purposeclose toCaoChao, the deceleration, the rider on vehiclelifts the footto kicksuddenly, kicksto turn the youngboyin the place.
就在这时,轰鸣的马达声传来,四辆摩托车在人流拥挤的街道飞驰,其中一辆摩托车有目的性的靠近曹超,忽然减速,车上的骑手抬脚一踢,把小男孩踢翻在地。Severalriderlaugh, goes far awayrapidly.
The basketballrollsrolls, rollsto the roadcenter.
篮球滚啊滚,滚到路中心。CaoChaodais anxious, is busy atsetting outto pick.
The Zhang Yuanqingbrowwrinkle of roadside, heinducesthatriderisintentionally, in the moodis mixing with the retaliationandpleased, nakedevil intention.
路边的张元清眉头一皱,他感应出那名骑手是故意的,情绪里夹杂着报复、快意,还有赤裸裸恶意。„Toot toot~” a blacksedandrivesfast, the child who suddenlybravesmakes the driverunexpected, crazilyaccording toloudspeaker.
“嘟嘟~”一辆黑色的轿车快速驶来,突然冒出来的小孩让司机猝不及防,疯狂按喇叭。CaoChaowhole bodyshakes, being scaredon the spot.
The distant place, before buying the snack the stall, long hairyoung girlsquawkcalled out: „CaoChao, comes back”
远处,买小吃的摊位前,一个长发少女尖声叫道:“曹超,回来”Shediscardseating in hand, insanegeneralto/clashes, but the distanceis too far, saves othersradicallywithout enough time.
她丢掉手里的吃食,疯一般的冲上来,但距离太远,根本来不及救人。Inshein despair, suddenlysaw a person's shadowto leap up, snatchedunexpectedlybefore the blacksedan, fishedCaoChao, andrapidretreat.
The vehicle of speeding alongscrapes pastwithhim.
飞驰的车子与他擦身而过。PS: After wrong characterfirst, changes.
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