SRW :: Volume #6

#517: Paranoia

Chapter 517 paranoia 第517章偏执狂 Zhang Yuanqing just rides the wind to run out of the building, that sword light approaches intersection. 张元清刚乘着风冲出大厦,那道剑光就逼近十字路口。 He realized immediately the flight could not recover, immediately uses the star escaping technique, this caught up with the tail of sword light reluctantly. 他当即意识到飞行是补救不了的,立刻施展星遁术,这才勉强追上剑光的尾巴。 The next second, the sword light arrives in intersection. 下一秒,剑光抵达十字路口。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The air exudes the ripples fold, transmits a air wave vibration sound effect, like large size firecrackers in the underwater blasting. 空气泛起涟漪般的褶皱,传来一声气波震动声效,就像大号鞭炮在水底爆炸。 Visible, intersection tears together six meters opening void, in pitch-dark mustard seed Xumi shows the boundless gloom and makes the will of the people bottom send the cold fear. 肉眼可见的,十字路口的虚空撕裂出一道六米长的豁口,黑洞洞的芥子须弥中透出磅礴的阴气和让人心底发寒的恐惧。 Just liked opened the front door of hell. 犹如打开了地狱的大门。 The surrounding passer-by responded finally, before was because the speed was too fast, most people have not noticed the sword light the imminentness. 周围的路人终于反应过来,之前是由于速度太快,大部分人都没有注意到剑光的迫近。 The glare that but when sword light tearing mustard seed Xumi, erupts, as well as suddenly the chill in the air of temperature decrease, making these mortals detect that was not right. 但在剑光撕裂芥子须弥的时候,爆发出的强光,以及骤然降温的寒意,让这些凡人察觉到了不对劲。 They look to intersection. 他们纷纷望向十字路口。 The critical moment, displays Zhang Yuanqing of star escaping technique finally to arrive continuously, raises the hand, hit a sound to refer. 关键时刻,连续施展星遁术的张元清终于抵达,扬起手,啪的打了个响指。 Wipes the star light to confuse the strength of soul to proliferate, covers the surrounding area hundred meters instantaneously. 一抹星光混淆着灵魂之力扩散,瞬间覆盖方圆百米。 The driver in car(riage), the rider of storage battery car, as well as pedestrian on foot, the vision is slightly empty, subsequently restores, everyone no longer pays attention to intersection, selfish driving and walk. 车内的司机,电瓶车的骑手,以及徒步的行人,目光微微空洞,继而恢复,大家不再关注十字路口,自顾自的驾驶、行走。 Zhang Yuanqing relaxes, the heart said that controlled to stay in a brothel overnight the surface luckily, otherwise tomorrow the headline title of website news is: 张元清松了口气,心说幸好控制住局面了,不然明天网上新闻的头条标题就是: Shock! The mysterious two dimension white hair females are stave in the bustling streets 震惊!神秘二次元白毛女子在闹市破碎虚空 Then under the commentary is the dwelling male argued that which animation leading lady this white hair is. 然后底下评论是宅男们争论这个白毛是哪部动漫的女主角。 The pitch-dark opening draws in slowly, the white hair marshal treads gently, sifts the space crack. 黑洞洞的豁口缓慢收拢,白毛元帅轻轻一踏,飘入空间裂缝。 Red dance shoes „” with, the oath must get rid of Fu Qingyang. 红舞鞋“啪嗒啪嗒”的跟了进去,誓要干掉傅青阳 Marshal, waits for me.” “元帅,等等我.” Zhang Yuanqing dashes to the opening that gradually closes up, gripped. 张元清飞奔到逐渐合拢的豁口,一头扎了进去。 The picture changes suddenly, the sunny city street disappears, old city that what replaces it is a gloom covers. 画面陡然变化,阳光灿烂的城市街道不见了,取而代之的是一座阴气笼罩的古城。 Main road that the flagstone lays down be continuous to dark lonesome and quiet old city deep place, before the body, is a big memorial arch, is hanging ghost town inscribed horizontal tablet. 石板铺设的主干道绵延向黑暗幽静的古城深处,身前是一座高大的牌坊,挂着“鬼城”的匾额。 By main road antique building, is hanging the signboard is more noticeable. 主干道两侧古香古色的楼房,挂着的招牌更引人注目。 Felt like arrived at the terrifying amusement city of strange subject. 感觉像是来到了灵异主题的恐怖游乐城。 Hiss, here gloom rich be frozen stiff to can Nightwalking God.” Zhang Yuanqing complies with the choice of heart, to selects the graceful cousin to close up high: Marshal, you must protect me.” “嘶,这里的阴气浓郁到能把夜游神冻僵啊.”张元清遵从心的选择,向高挑曼妙的表姐靠拢:“元帅,您要保护我。” Fu Qingxuan dignity and desolate un, complies to shelter her people like the empress. 傅青萱威严而冷淡的“嗯”一声,如同女皇答应庇护她的子民。 Her pupil blooming shining white light, the vision has swept the ghost town, draws the conclusion quickly, said lightly: 她瞳孔绽放灿灿白光,目光扫过鬼城,很快得出结论,淡淡道: Half god level item, by many strange strengths and item combinations, does not have spirit, the core is a rule class item actually and zoo of dog elder has the wonder of equally good results from different methods.” “半神级道具,由多种灵异力量、道具组合而成,没有器灵,核心是一件规则类道具倒是和狗长老的动物园有异曲同工之妙。” „.” “啪嗒啪嗒.” The red dance shoes discard two people, rushes toward the long street end directly. 红舞鞋舍弃两人,径直朝着长街尽头奔去。 Two people follow immediately, the female marshal calm calm vanguard, a Zhang Yuanqing face is vigilant, glances right and left, here each shop remains the fearful gloom. 两人当即跟上,女元帅从容镇定的前行,张元清则一脸警惕,左顾右盼,这里的每一间店铺都残留着可怕的阴气。 Each shop can kill him easily. 每一间店铺都能轻而易举的杀他。 But at this time, by the street is completely the disorderly shape. 但此时,街道两侧尽是杂乱之象。 Secret room escapes signboard slanting is hanging, strange cured the gate of shop to be pounded fully, the ghost bridal head of marriage ceremony for people already dead shop was cut, rolled with her red veil in the same place, pupil that a pair was full of the hate stubbornly is staring at the street in a business area. “密室逃生”的招牌斜斜的挂着,“诡异足疗”店的门被砸了,冥婚店的鬼新娘脑袋被斩下来,和她的红盖头滚在一起,一双充满怨恨的瞳孔死死的盯着街面。 Zombie appeared and disappeared shop also to be pounded, in the crooked door, burned black zombies lay, as if just received the baptism of supernatural power of day. “僵尸出没”店也被砸了,歪斜的店门内,一具具焦黑的僵尸横陈,似乎刚受过日之神力的洗礼。 Obviously, these shops are Fu Qingyang they pound. 很显然,这些店都是傅青阳他们砸的。 But jumps over toward the deep place walks, shop reserved is more complete, this change indicates that Fu Qingyang and the others did not have the ability to smash the shop to confiscate family's property, most left to draw back. 但越往深处走,店铺保留的越完整,这种变化预示着傅青阳等人也没能力砸店抄家了,最多抽身而退。 The front presents door half collapsing the shop, above is hanging startled sound scream inscribed horizontal tablet. 前方出现一间店门半坍塌的铺子,上面挂着“惊声尖叫”的匾额。 This shop seemed like pounded, but has not pounded thoroughly. 这间店似乎是被砸了,但没砸彻底。 Zhang Yuanqing by opening wide the gate looks, sees the door oral thermometer to have the face that a tension fold proliferates exactly, is flowing the eye socket of jet black bloody water, spooky is peeping two people. 张元清透过敞开的门看去,恰好看见店门口探出一张褶皱遍布的老脸,流淌着漆黑血水的眼眶,幽幽的偷看着两人。 That is an age very big old woman, looks deathly pale, in the pupil is flowing the jet black bloody water. 那是一个年纪很大的老妇,脸色惨白,瞳孔里流淌着漆黑的血水。 With the instance that the Zhang Yuanqing vision junction touches, her silent splitting mouth, the crack to the root of the ear place, the jet black viscous bloody water syrup flows. 在与张元清目光交触的瞬间,她无声的裂开嘴巴,裂到耳根处,漆黑粘稠的血水糖浆般流淌。 ~ “呜~” In the shop blows cold wind of to terrify person, puts on the old woman of Republic of China cotton garment, the wailing is plunging Zhang Yuanqing. 店内刮起一阵瘆人的阴风,穿着民国布衣的老妇人,尖啸着扑向张元清 This should be a resentful spirit of control level, but it as if just caused heavy losses to by the supernatural power of day, the aura slides, situated in saint and control. 这本该是一个主宰层次的怨灵,但它似乎刚被日之神力重创,气息下滑,介于圣者和主宰之间。 Weak seven levels! 弱七级! Fu Qingxuan pupil one slanting, with split vision light looked at the eye threatening resentful spirit, even has not stopped the footsteps, and refers to like the sword, will solve the moth that beats out a fire. 傅青萱眸子一斜,用余光轻飘飘的看了眼张牙舞爪的怨灵,甚至没有停下脚步,并指如剑,正要解决扑火的飞蛾。 Zhang Yuanqing moved suddenly, welcomed the weak seven levels of resentful spirits unexpectedly on own initiative. 张元清突然动了,竟主动迎上了弱七级的怨灵。 Sees that the marshal knits the brows. 见状,元帅皱了皱眉。 The Zhang Yuanqing left eye socket emerges the jet black rich energy, the right eye changes into the melt golden pupil, his left arm catches the jet black gloom, the right arm shines the pure overbearing golden light. 张元清左眼眶涌现漆黑浓郁的能量,右眼化为熔金色的瞳孔,他的左臂染上漆黑的阴气,右臂亮起纯正霸道的金光。 The moon and Sun strength are full the body simultaneously. 太阴和太阳之力同时充盈身体。 The Zhang Yuanqing left hand holds the nape of the neck of old woman, bites the spirit suppression, the right hand pats gently in its forehead. 张元清左手抓住老妇的脖颈,噬灵压制,右手轻轻拍在它额头。 Repeatedly, the old woman forehead leaps the intermittent black smoke, sends out sad and shrill scream that only then Nightwalking God can hear. 嗤嗤连声,老妇额头腾起阵阵黑烟,发出只有夜游神能听到的凄厉尖叫。 Its aura slides rapidly. 它的气息迅速下滑。 Zhang Yuanqing opens the mouth to attract, the old woman then changes to the black smoke to be swallowed into the abdomen by him. 张元清开口一吸,老妇便化作黑烟被他吞入腹中。 Less than three seconds, weak 7 levels resentful were subdued agilely. 三秒不到,一具弱七级怨灵便被收服了。 Fu Qingxuan received the sword to refer , the brow has stretched, she is sizing up Zhang Yuanqing interestingly, said: 傅青萱收了剑指,眉头早已舒展,她饶有兴趣的打量着张元清,道: „The supernatural power of day. You held unexpectedly the supernatural power of day by the body of saint, was really the talent, in the future time.” “日之神力.你竟然以圣者之躯容纳日之神力,果然是天才,未来可期。” If the official elders hear these words, certainly will take seriously Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning. 如果官方的长老们听到这句话,一定会更加重视元始天尊 30 years old are less than the reaching peak marshal, the talent strong rare, are demon Monarch also want to be weak her head. 三十岁不到登顶巅峰的元帅,天赋之强举世罕见,便是魔君也要弱她一头。 This character inevitable feeling self-important, Fu Qingyang thought that entire day below talent is the trash, but she thought that the entire world half god is the trash. 这种人物不可避免的骄傲自大,傅青阳觉得全天下的天才都是垃圾,而她觉得全世界半神都是垃圾。 She did not say. 只是她不说。 In the modern youth, can obtain her to approve, does not have others except for demon Monarch again. 当代年轻人里,能得到她认可的,除了魔君再无他人。 Blood brother Fu Qingyang in her eyes, is only a making up for a lack of natural talent by hard work stupid bird. 亲弟弟傅青阳在她眼里,也只是一个勤能补拙的笨鸟而已。 Zhang Yuanqing returns the home position, said loudly: 张元清退回原位,大声道: „Because has the marshal, I dare to take risk, was the marshal gave me the courage.” “正因为有元帅在,我才敢冒险,是元帅给了我勇气。” Fu Qingxuan reveals the color of surprise, has not thought, official this new promote talent, so will speak the logical expression unexpectedly. 傅青萱露出诧异之色,不曾想到,官方这位新晋天才,竟这般会说人话。 „Do you lack the spirit servant?” “你缺灵仆?” Lacks extremely!” “极缺!” Fu Qingxuan slightly does to hesitate: 傅青萱略作沉吟: I lead you to sweep, this place high-quality spirit servant Yin corpse quantity are many, but I only plunder the saint stage for you, if wants spirits the Yin corpse and resentment of control level, needs yourself to try hard, this will not spoil things by excessive enthusiasm.” “我带你扫荡一番,此地优质的灵仆阴尸数量不少,但我只替伱搜刮圣者阶段的,若想得到主宰级的阴尸和怨灵,需要你自己努力,本座不会揠苗助长。” The Zhang Yuanqing heart bang bang jumps crazily, said scruple: „Can this, delay the life-saving? Fu Elder has not been out of the danger.” 张元清心脏砰砰狂跳,迟疑道:“这,会不会耽误救人?傅长老还没脱离危险。” Compares the high-quality spirit servant and Yin corpse, he is worried about the Fu Qingyang safety. 相比起优质的灵仆和阴尸,他更担心傅青阳的安危。 The Fu Qingxuan cold as ice and frost elegant face, reveals finally wipes the smile, at once restrains, looks to the distant place, said: 傅青萱冷若冰霜的俏脸,终于露出一抹微笑,旋即收敛,望向远处,道: They cannot die for a short time, the trash on this/should hides in the cotton-wadded quilt well.” “他们一时半会死不了,垃圾就该好好躲在棉被里。” Latter half a word words Zhang Yuanqing has not understood, but does not hinder him to bow the head in greeting: 后半句话张元清没听懂,但不妨碍他纳头便拜: Many thanks marshal!” “多谢元帅!” Northwest desert. 西北戈壁。 The Gobi Desert is one of the world's largest desolated areas, stretches unbroken in the northwest of mainland, spans the prairie and magnificence country northwest region. 戈壁沙漠是世界上最大的荒芜地区之一,绵亘在大陆的西北,跨越草原和华国西北地带。 Looking into the distance, in the rolling land is the bare rock, in the strong winds seems mixing with the gravel everywhere. 放眼望去,连绵起伏的大地上到处都是裸岩,狂风中仿佛都夹杂着砂砾。 The daytime is extremely hot, night cold, the earth cannot plow, the mountain cannot hunt, on wide and open land sparsely inhabited. 白昼酷热,夜里寒凉,土不能耕,山不能猎,广袤无垠的土地上人烟稀少。 The geographers believe, the formation of desert is because the topography raises, the sandstone, by the weathering and erosion, was turned into a lot of detrital material formation unceasingly. 地理学家们认为,戈壁的形成是因为地势拔高,砂岩、不断被风化剥蚀,变成大量碎屑物质形成。 But compared with desert true life-forbidden zone, the desert topography fluctuates, Yanfeng stands upright, in vision colorful. 但比起沙漠这种真正的生命禁区,戈壁地势起伏,岩峰兀立,视觉上丰富多彩。 At the foot of the hill that was called Tengri, the one-story house that clay stones laid on top of one another was situated, had stood and waited for a long time ten years in the sunlight insolation. 一座叫“腾格里”的山脚下,一座座黄泥石块垒砌的平房坐落,已经在阳光暴晒中伫立了十年之久。 Tengri in Mongolian is god meaning, Bewitching Demon of soldier bishop do in Rome as Rome does, does not have the mountain of name to name Tengri to this Yamomato. 腾格里在蒙语中是“神”的意思,兵主教的蛊惑之妖们入乡随俗,给这座山本来没有名字的大山取名腾格里。 Because in mid-hill in deep sleep Bewitching Demon spiritual leader- Asura. 因为山腹中沉睡中蛊惑之妖们的精神领袖-修罗。 Asura chooses this Yanshan deep sleep not too big art, does not want to sleep purely was disturbed, the unvisited northwest then became his choice. 修罗选择这座岩山沉睡并没有太大的讲究,纯粹是不希望睡觉的时候被打扰,人迹罕至的西北便成了他的选择。 Proceeds to push again for 20 years, Asura's the place of deep sleep is not Tengri Holy Mountain, but another nameless mountain peak. 再往前推二十年,修罗的沉睡之地不是“腾格里”圣山,而是另一座无名山峰。 At that time five lines of pledges newly established, the headquarters ten old just held the power, to all parties was demonstrating anxiously own authority and achievements, one discussed with above, the decision gave the nuclear to be even Asura. 当时五行盟刚成立,总部十老刚掌大权,急着向各方展示自己的权威和政绩,和上头一商量,就决定把修罗给核平了。 Tying fruit mountain was the nuclear, Asura by the nuclear, homeless Asura had therefore not been planned changed a lively place to sleep. He chose Capital City. 结果山是核了,修罗没被核,于是无家可归的修罗打算换个热闹的地方睡觉.他选择了京城。 At that time this matter made enormously, foreign Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic organized to pay close attention, finally was Taiyi Sect advocating peace Master Jiang fought one with Asura jointly. 当时此事闹得极大,境外的灵境行者组织都密切关注着,最后是太一门主和姜帮主联手与修罗打了一架。 Asura withdraws from the Capital City boundary, returns to the northwest desert, defends the foreword camp not to try the nuclear to put down Asura again. 修罗退出京城地界,重回西北戈壁,守序阵营再也没有试图核平修罗。 Close to the one-story house in mid-hill , the dark-red flesh material, such as the silt overspreads the entire room. 临近山腹的一间平房里,暗红色的血肉物质,如淤泥般铺满整个房间。 But in the room center, the flesh material is high, in three meters meat cabin semi-flush flesh material. 而在房间中央,血肉物质高高堆积成山,一颗三米长的肉舱半嵌入血肉物质中。 Between the meat cabins and flesh materials, are connecting azure purple blood vessels. 肉舱和血肉物质间,连接着一根根青紫色的血管。 The entire meat mountain fluctuates slowly, just like heart of putsation. 整座肉山缓慢起伏,宛如搏动的心脏。 This is the rule class item of Chu- female god womb! 这就是楚家的规则类道具-母神子宫! Although there is „a god this character, but it unholy brilliance, on the contrary, has frightened of one share to subdue|grams Department. 虽然有“神”这个字,但它并不圣洁光辉,相反,有着一股子克系的惊悚。 Suddenly, the flesh membrane of meat cabin surface was haunched, highlights a palm outline, the next second, that palm broke open the flesh membrane, inside man like tearing the baby of afterbirth, rolls from the meat cabin. 突然,肉舱表面的肉膜被撑起,凸显出一只手掌轮廓,下一秒,那只手掌撑破了肉膜,里面的男人如同撕裂胎衣的婴儿,从肉舱里滚出来。 This is height one meter nine robust man, bald shiny, the five senses are rough, the earlobe, wing of the nose and lip remain the hole, but does not have the silver link. 这是一个身高一米九的壮汉,光头铮亮,五官粗犷刚毅,耳垂、鼻翼、嘴唇残留着孔洞,但没有银环。 He resurrected! 他复活了! The ear nail and silver link are not in the resurrecting category of female god womb, the clothes naturally are not. 耳钉和银环不在母神子宫的复活范畴里,衣服当然也不是。 The silver moon Son of Heaven crawls tremblingly, backs on the meat cabin to sit, holds up the head, looks at the ceiling of one-story house to fall into the long silence. 银月天王颤巍巍的爬起来,背靠着肉舱而坐,昂起头,望着平房的天花板陷入漫长的沉默。 I think that the demon eye can be in the first aunt god womb resurrects, has not thought that is you. Just promoted the Son of Heaven, has to use this item to resurrect, it seems like you attacked very in a big way.” “我原以为魔眼会是第一个从母神子宫里复活的,没想到是你。刚晋升天王,就不得不利用这件道具复活,看来你打击很大。” The graceful and sloppy laughter transmits from the side. 优雅而散漫的笑声从身边传来。 The silver moon Son of Heaven leans to look, what speech wears the youth of straight suit, the free and easy short hair, wears the silver ear nail, is fine graceful seems the aristocrat family's steward. 银月天王侧头看去,说话的是身穿笔挺西装的青年,洒脱的短发,戴着银色耳钉,精致优雅得仿佛是贵族家里的管家。 The silver moon Son of Heaven takes back the vision, holds up the head, is in a daze as before. 银月天王收回目光,昂起头,依旧发呆。 The frightened Son of Heaven comforts to say diligently: 恐惧天王孜孜不倦的安慰道: Knows you have the frustration very much, the saint stage time, you and he differ not in a big way, after promotion control, ancient times the strength of war-god should far strong in Yanshi. “知道你很有挫败感,圣者阶段的时候,你和他相差不大,晋升主宰后,远古战神的战力本该远强于偃师。 But he hits you to hit the kindergarten like the sixth grade.” “但他打你就像六年级打幼稚园。” The silver moon Son of Heaven coldly said: Said that rolled out, I am static.” 银月天王冷冷道:“说完了就滚出去,我想静静。” Sorry, I revise to express, perhaps changes into the first grade the kindergarten, you will feel better.” The fear said. “抱歉,我修改一下措辞,也许把幼稚园换成一年级,你心里会好过很多。”恐惧说。 The silver moon Son of Heaven corners of the mouth twitch. 银月天王嘴角抽搐一下。 The frightened Son of Heaven does not have to realize own present has asks for the person to dislike, sits down in the meat cabin, the smile said: 恐惧天王丝毫没意识到自己现在有多讨人嫌,在肉舱坐下,微笑道: Why to compare with the evildoer/monstrous talent, takes a broad view at the world, except for Fu Qingyang, several can in the saint stage comprehension rule. My many years ago knew with him, matter that also has heard him. This person is a prisoner.” “何必跟妖孽比呢,放眼全球,除了傅青阳,有几个能在圣者阶段领悟规则的。我很多年前就和他认识了,也听说过他的事。这人是一个囚犯。” Talked about Fu Qingyang this powerful enemy, the silver moon Son of Heaven responded to him finally, prisoner?” 谈及傅青阳这位劲敌,银月天王终于回应了他,“囚犯?” Right, prisoner! He was drawing a circle at heart, imprisons oneself in inside, more than 20 years have not trod this circle. My many years ago knew Fu Qingyang, I always abhorred this abandonment free person.” The frightened Son of Heaven said: “没错,囚犯!他在心里画了一个圈,把自己囚禁在里面,二十多年不曾踏出这个圈。我很多年前就认识傅青阳了,我对这种抛弃自由的人向来深恶痛绝。”恐惧天王说: He was at that time unusual, the strength is average, the talent is ordinary, you know that the same rank same skill, is some people some people are weak. “当时他还是超凡,战力平平,天赋一般,你知道的,同等级同技能,就是有些人强有些人弱。 This depends on the comprehension of professional conjunction nature and skill, these talent Fu Qingyang do not occupy, captures transcription, although is pretty good, may compare to the true talent to miss were too many. “这取决于职业的契合性和技能的领悟力,这些天赋傅青阳一个都不占,攻略副本方面,虽然不赖,可比起真正的天才差了太多。 But he has stood in that circle, every day brandishing a sword in all weather, gave up the entertainment, gave up the love, gave up all, in his world only then sword and power, because this two kinds thing, can make him forget once to feel inferior with timid.” “可他一直站在那个圈里,每日风雨无阻的挥刀,放弃了娱乐,放弃了恋爱,放弃了一切,他的世界里只有剑和权力,因为这两样东西,能让他忘记曾经自卑和怯弱的自己。” Timid? Feels inferior?” The silver moon Son of Heaven only finds it hard to believe. “怯弱?自卑?”银月天王只觉得不可思议。 This saying puts anyone not to believe that solemn Young Master money, is a technique character extremely, unexpectedly nearly timid and feels inferior? 这话搁谁都不信,堂堂钱公子,技近乎道的绝顶人物,居然怯弱和自卑? Therefore must kill Fu Qingyang to be very simple, is challenging him with the boundary, he will not flinch.” The frightened Son of Heaven brings back the corners of the mouth: Dies will not draw back.” “所以要杀傅青阳很简单,在同境界挑战他,他不会退缩的。”恐惧天王勾起嘴角:“死都不会退。” The silver moon Son of Heaven moves: In your checkerboards, Fu Qingyang has was his burying bone place?” 银月天王心里一动:“在你们的棋盘里,傅青阳已经有了属于他的埋骨地?” The frightened Son of Heaven has not continued this topic, said with a smile: 恐惧天王没有继续这个话题,笑道: Therefore, why you can win him, why can win a self- captivity twenty years of paranoia.” “所以,你凭什么能赢他呢,凭什么能赢一个自我囚禁二十几年的偏执狂呢。” The silver moon Son of Heaven had nothing to say in reply, coldly said: Go away, do not obstruct my eye here.” 银月天王无言以对,冷冷道:“滚吧,别在这里碍我的眼。” „, I am very curious, you in front of Asura, but can also such wild impolite.” The frightened Son of Heaven is curling upwards the leg, sign that has not left slightly. “啧啧,我很好奇,你在修罗面前,还能不能这么猖狂无礼。”恐惧天王翘着腿,丝毫没有离开的迹象。 Silver moon Son of Heaven not hesitant, I respect him, fears he, but I can still like this.” 银月天王没有犹豫,“我尊敬他,恐惧他,但我依然会这样。” Said these words time, in the silver moon Son of Heaven mind the past events flash past. 说这句话的时候,银月天王脑海里往事一闪而过。 He was born in the free federation of other side of the ocean, the parents is a slave in federal middle area farm, that was known as that human in history is most civilized the most powerful state from the founding of the nation, the slave and population trade are following its history. 他出生在大洋彼岸的自由联邦,父母是联邦中部地区一个农场里的奴隶,那个号称人类有史以来最文明最强盛的国度从建国之初,奴隶和人口贩卖就伴随着它的历史。 The consummate social welfare and high manpower cost, making that powerful country lack the cheap labor throughout, until now, they were still doing the manual labor of traffic in people, but compares the barbarism and domineering of ancestry, this group of fellows learned package oneself greedy and ugliness with the civilized and free coat, the shameful deal also transfers the gloomy sewer from the sunlight. 高度完善的社会福利和高昂的人力成本,让那个强大的国家始终缺乏廉价劳动力,时至今日,他们仍在干着贩卖人口的活计,只不过相比起祖辈的野蛮和强势,这群家伙学会了用文明和自由的外衣包裹自己的贪婪、丑陋,见不得人的勾当也从阳光下转为阴暗的下水道。 The parents of silver moon Son of Heaven have to yearning of free federation, sneaks across in sacred place to mind with one group of fellow villagers, however greets their is not the civilization and freedom, is not the liberal wages and happy life. 银月天王的父母怀揣着对自由联邦的向往,跟着一群老乡偷渡到心目中的圣地,然而迎接他们的不是文明和自由,更不是优渥的工资和美好的生活。 Greets their is enslaves and beats, they were taken away far away from the farm of city, put on the handcuff with the foot chain, becomes the domestic animal same labor force. 迎接他们的是奴役和殴打,他们被带去了远离城市的农场,戴上了手铐和脚链,成为了牲畜一样的劳动力。 The farm operators do not need to pay the wages, but can also heartily the expense they, with his public preservation corps together. 农场主不用支付工资,还可以尽情的消费他们,和他的保安队们一起。 The silver moon Son of Heaven is the slave fresh child, from a birth, he in the shadow of order. 银月天王是奴隶生的孩子,从一出生,他就在秩序的阴影里。 His childhood and youngster are finding it unbearable to recall past events, blocks in the memory deep place, occasionally will take the recollection, tastes a collection many years of good wine like the drunkard. 他的童年和少年是一段不堪回首的往事,封锁在记忆深处,偶尔才会拿出来回忆,就像酒鬼品尝珍藏多年的美酒。 Told him from the little parents, if not know that who was own master, you think, who was you cannot scold. 从小父母就告诉他,如果不知道谁是自己的主人,那你就想,谁是你不能骂的。 Cannot scold, is a master! 不能骂的,就是主人! The silver moon Son of Heaven hated own birth, hated that painful years, after fleeing from the farm became the Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic, he in pledged to himself at heart, in this world no one cannot scold. 银月天王憎恶自己的出生,憎恶那段痛苦的岁月,所以在逃离农场成为灵境行者后,他在心里对自己发誓,这世上没有谁是不能骂的。 Including Asura. 包括修罗。 The members of soldier bishop think that the silver Queen of night general's talent should be the violent anger, because he always spits fragrantly in the mouth, actually, he does not want to work as the slave again. 兵主教的成员们都认为银月神将才应该是暴怒,因为他总是在口吐芬芳,其实,他只是不想再当奴隶。 The past events think that here can finish, cannot drink boldly like the good wine, needs to appraise slowly. 往事想到这里就可以结束了,就像美酒不能豪饮,需要慢慢品鉴。 The silver moon Son of Heaven takes back the train of thought that knits the brows: 银月天王收回思绪,皱了皱眉: „Did you resurrect in and the others?” “你在等人复活?” The frightened Son of Heaven patted the meat cabin under body, is smiling the nod. 恐惧天王拍了拍身下的肉舱,笑着点头。 The silver moon Son of Heaven had not asked again, after silent several seconds, suddenly said: 银月天王没再多问,沉默几秒后,突然说道: Fu Qingyang, really biased to facing directly danger, dies does not draw back?” 傅青阳,真的偏执到直面危险,死都不退?” Dies cannot go out!” “死都不能出去!” In gloomy corner, Fu Qingyang complexion solemn saying. 阴暗的角落里,傅青阳脸色冷峻的说道。 PS: After wrong character first, changes. PS:错字先更后改。
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