SRW :: Volume #5

#434 Part 2: Rumble

This fellow intelligence is not high, controls him, I solve.” Zhang Yuanqing is thrown into confusion takes off the Mother Earth boots, takes out the slippery shovel shoes. “这家伙智力不高,控制他,我来解决。”张元清手忙脚乱的脱掉后土靴,取出滑铲鞋。 Transferring muzzle that Xiahou Aotian is also thrown into confusion. 夏侯傲天也手忙脚乱的调转炮口。 Sun Miaomiao changes to the star light to appear in the lance soldier burial puppet behind, brandishes the illusory whip. 孙淼淼化作星光出现在长矛兵俑身后,抡起虚幻之鞭. She just made such movement, the soldier burial puppet turns round suddenly, in the hand a lance sharp back thrust, pierced Sun Miaomiao the chest. 她刚做出这样的动作,兵俑霍然回身,手里长矛一记犀利的回马枪,洞穿了孙淼淼的胸口。 On her defense item has almost not played the role, was destroyed directly. 她身上那件防御道具几乎没发挥作用,直接被摧毁。 The size of lance is exaggerating, it to provide three meters high giant soldier burial puppet casting, Sun Miao Miao who therefore, was pierced by the lance, enjoys does not pass the heart to be cool. 长矛的尺寸非常夸张,它是为了配备三米高巨型兵俑铸造的,因此,被长矛刺穿的孙淼淼,享受到的不是透心凉。 But is the spine, heart, lungs and stomach, was held entirely the emptiness in outside the body. 而是脊椎骨、心脏、肺部、胃部,统统被捅出体外的空荡荡。 Sun Miaomiao the pupil is instantaneously dim, such injury, the vitality powerful stars must die even without doubt. 孙淼淼瞳孔瞬间黯淡,这样的伤势,就算是生命力强大的星官也必死无疑了。 But in the next second, her pupil bursts out the bright ray, fiery. 但在下一秒,她的眸子迸发出明亮的光芒,炯炯有神。 Her both hands hold the lance stubbornly, high sound said: 她双手死死抓住长矛,高声道: Open fire! “开炮! „The Zhaocheng tutelary god of city, carries over the school to give the grandfather my spirit body, I must transfer the spirit servant.” “赵城隍,把我的灵体带出学院交给爷爷,我要转灵仆了。” Opportunity that she has not left to retrocede. 她已经没有抽身后退的机会。 Perhaps returns to consciousness just before dying, Sun Miaomiao strength wonderfully greatly incomparable, catches the lance stubbornly, the soldier burial puppet cannot pull out suddenly unexpectedly. 兴许是回光返照,孙淼淼的力量奇大无比,死死拽住长矛,兵俑一时间竟没能抽出来。 Great Sun Miaomiao, I will remember forever your.” Under Xiahou Aotian face solemn and stirring stepping on trigger. “好样的孙淼淼,我会永远记住你的。”夏侯傲天一脸悲壮的踩下扳机。 You special also really open fire!” Zhang Yuanqing responded promptly, trampled in the muzzle. “你特么还真开炮!”张元清及时反应过来,一脚踹在炮口。 The micro solar golden light shot at the vault of heaven, blasted out in the vault, the innumerable gems and pearls, rustle fell. 微缩太阳般的金光射向了天穹,在穹顶炸开,无数宝石、明珠,簌簌掉落。 Zhang Yuanqing changes to the star light at once, appears side Sun Miao Miao, he on the one hand grasps the lance, participates in the test of strength, lifts single-handedly. 张元清旋即化作星光,出现在孙淼淼身边,他一手抓住长矛,参与角力,一手抬起。 The distant place, half shield howls to fly, delivers to itself in the master hand. 远处,半面盾牌呼啸飞来,把自己送到主人手里。 The purple gold shield melts, models to form the heavy-caliber hand grenade, 30 centimeters barrel felt the deterrent feeling. 紫金盾融化,塑形成大口径手炮,三十厘米的枪管充满了威慑感。 Zhang Yuanqing deducts the trigger. 张元清扣下扳机。 The muzzle sends out to incite the sound, the purple electric arc jumps. 枪口发出滋滋声,紫色电弧跳跃。 One group of deep purple globe lightning ball lightnings surge, plunders to the soldier burial puppet, at the same time, Sun Miaomiao extracted hit the god whip. 一团深紫色的球状闪电激荡而出,掠向兵俑,与此同时,孙淼淼抽出了打神鞭。 ! 啪! Bang! 轰! The air wave of wreaking havoc blasts out, electric arcs assume the undulation twinkle, extends in the plane space. 肆虐的气浪炸开,一道道电弧呈波状闪烁,在平面空间中延伸。 Soldier burial puppet upper part scrap. 兵俑上半身炸碎。 On the destructive power, the globe lightning ball lightning is almost the ceiling of saint stage. 论破坏力,球状闪电差不多是圣者阶段的天花板。 Zhang Yuanqing launches the second third globe lightning ball lightning at once, is blown to pieces thoroughly the soldier burial puppet. 张元清旋即发射出第二枚第三枚球状闪电,将兵俑彻底炸成碎片。 He has not stopped receives the thunderstorm artillery, holds in the arms weak Sun Miao Miao single-handedly, in captures one handful of seeds that fishes out only remains from her, splashes. 他没有停顿的收起雷暴炮,一手搂住瘫软的孙淼淼,一手从她兜里摸出仅剩的一捧种子,泼洒出去。 The seed tumbles in the place, seeks for nourishment automatically, takes root on the black fragment, rapid growth. 种子滚落于地,自动寻找“养料”,在黑色碎块上扎根,迅速生长。 Another side silver Yao princess stimulate the scepter immediately the disassimilation function. 另一边的银瑶郡主立刻激发权杖的异化功能。 Zhang Yuanqing has not gone to look at this, cautious taking down Sun Miaomiao, said in a low voice: 张元清没去看这一幕,小心翼翼的放倒孙淼淼,低声道: Do not fear do not fear, I can save you “别怕别怕,我能救你” He takes out life source fluid from the goods column, Sun Miaomiao the difficult uphold hand, pushes in his arm, I, I had not feared, I.” 他从物品栏取出一管生命源液,孙淼淼艰难的抬起手,推在他手臂,“我,我没怕,我.” Feared that does not matter.” Zhang Yuanqing does not want to listen to her rubbish, opens her hand, pours into the neck vein life source fluid rapidly. “怕不怕都无所谓。”张元清不想听她废话,打开她的手,迅速将一管生命源液注入颈部静脉。 This life source fluid is a part of Xie reward. 这支生命源液是谢家报酬的一部分。 Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning this fellow, sometimes also very gentle...... Sun Miaomiao the pitch-black bright pupil, is staring at him silently. 元始天尊这家伙,有时候还挺温柔的……孙淼淼乌黑明亮的眸子,默默的凝视着他。 After several seconds, the pale cheek, restores the blood-color gradually, in the empty chest cavity, the cell splits fast, flesh growth. 几秒后,苍白的脸蛋,渐渐恢复血色,空荡荡的胸腔里,细胞快速分裂,血肉生长。 As Zhang Yuanqing draws out the lance, her internal organs by visible speed growth and restore. 随着张元清拔出长矛,她的脏器以肉眼可见的速度生长、修复。 Sun Miaomiao feels the vitality gradually to restore, as before lying down, is gazing at Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, said: 孙淼淼感受着生命力逐渐恢复,依旧躺着,注视着元始天尊,说: I want to say a moment ago, I have the life source fluid.” “我刚才是想说,我自己有生命源液。” „. Ok, your also my.” “.行吧,你还我一支。” Sun Miaomiao proud tender turning head, the corners of the mouth turn upwards slightly: Does not give.” 孙淼淼傲娇的扭过头,嘴角微微翘起:“不给。” Zhang Yuanqing is angry, will demand, lowers by the scenery attraction of eyeground suddenly, looked down for several seconds, whispered: 张元清大怒,正要索要,忽低被眼底的风光吸引,低头看了几秒,嘀咕道: Unbelievable......” “难以置信……” Sun Miaomiao stares, at once realizes anything, quickly covers the chest, is blushing to curse: Hoodlum!” 孙淼淼一愣,旋即意识到什么,急忙捂住胸口,红着脸大骂:“臭流氓!” Sun Miaomiao looks at a face young, has not thought that is the C level. Setting out that Zhang Yuanqing maintains composure, sweeps the region that two ugly face vines have covered. 孙淼淼看着一脸幼相,没想到是个c级.张元清不动声色的起身,扫过两处鬼脸藤覆盖的区域。 The remnant body fragment of soldier burial puppet had been suppressed completely. 兵俑的残躯碎片已经被完全压制。 Succeeded, oh, the extreme chance is waiting for this lead.” “成功了,啊哈哈哈,泼天的机缘在等着本主角。” The people make the recuperation slightly, when Sun Miaomiao the condition fully restores, careful, has excitedly, shoves open the palace gate of immortal palace. 众人稍作休整,等孙淼淼状态完全恢复,小心谨慎,又怀揣着激动,推开长生宫的殿门。 In the resting palace of beginning emperor, what treasure will have? 始皇帝的寝宫里,会有什么宝贝? ~ 吱呀~ The heavy palace gate opens wide slowly, the obsolete doorpost sends out the tooth acid the sound. 沉重的殿门缓缓敞开,老旧的门轴发出牙酸的响动。 Stale smell heads on. 一股陈腐的气味扑面而来。 After the palace gate, is a main shrine of nine bronze column support, the ground falls the ash, spacious desolate, the end is the high base, is suspending the throne and wide case. 殿门后,是一座九根青铜柱支撑的主殿,地面落灰,宽敞苍凉,尽头是高高的基座,摆着王座和宽案。 The road to throne, about is setting up nine bronze sculpture respectively, wears the wide robe big sleeve, assumes the bowing stance. 通往王座的路上,左右各立着九尊青铜雕塑,穿着宽袍大袖,呈躬身姿态。 By the main shrine respectively is the peaceful room, heated room, resting palace, teahouse and Huan Guanfang and others. 主殿两侧分别是静室、暖阁、寝宫、茶室、宦官房等。 Zhang Yuanqing and the others transferred in the antecourt, without the harvest, circling without hesitation goes to the rear palace. 张元清等人在前殿转了一圈,没有收获,毫不犹豫的绕去后殿。 The rear palace has two bronze doors. 后殿有两扇青铜门。 Zhang Yuanqing and world turn over to the fire one on the left and other on the right, the double palm resists the bronze gate, shoves open little. 张元清和天下归火一左一右,双掌抵住青铜门,一点点推开。 Click-clack.” “轧轧.” The heavy/thick bronze gate opens wide little, until opens completely. 厚重的青铜门一点点敞开,直至全部打开。 In the palace the candlelight is bright, dozens oil lamp quiet combustion, bring the orange halo, illuminates the thing in palace. 殿内烛光明亮,数十盏油灯静谧燃烧,带来橘色的光晕,照亮殿内的事物。 Rumble ~ “咕噜~” Rumble ~ “咕噜咕噜~” Swallows the saliva the sound to resound in the entrance unceasingly. 吞口水的声音在门口不断响起。 ...... …… Ps: After wrong character first changed, finished the fight, the number of words were many, therefore towed. Ps:错字先更后改,写完战斗,字数较多,所以拖更了。
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