SRW :: Volume #5

#422: Is the enemy is the friend?

The jet black lake bottom is dark, the person's shadow paddles the four limbs together, due to the promotion of water current, approaches just like the water-to-water missile. 漆黑湖底暗汹涌,一道人影划动四肢,在水流层层迭迭的推动下,宛如水下导弹般逼近。 The future wears the heavy/thick armor, wears the black iron mask, under cover of armor, is unable to distinguish the men and women from the physique. 来者身穿厚重铠甲,戴着黑铁面罩,在铠甲的掩盖下,无法从形体上分辨男女。 If Zhang Yuanqing patrols to compare with the speed boat, the speed of this iron armor, may be called the water-to-water missile, stirred undercurrent " bang " makes noise. 如果把张元清的游弋比作快艇,这具铁甲的速度,堪称水下导弹,搅的暗流「轰隆」作响。 Very quick, either is the god of plague, either has the controlling water item of saint quality...... 速度很快,要么是瘟神,要么拥有圣者品质的控水道具…… Zhang Yuanqing is maintaining the nightwalking, the brow tight wrinkle. 张元清保持着夜游,眉头紧皱。 " The arrival of this unexpected visitor, disrupted his plan completely. " 「这位不速之客的到来,完全打乱了他的计划。」 Should not come to me, before launching, I have observed the , had not followed closely, catches up, under the nightwalking condition, more impossible to be discovered, can see me under stealth condition, only if the control, but in Qin wind the school has not controlled, he to hundred beast island stone door? This not possible Zhang Yuanqing to whisper at heart. 应该不是冲我来的,下水前,我有观察过附近,没被人盯梢,一路赶来,夜游状态下,更不可能被发现,能看到隐身状态下的我,除非是主宰,但秦风学院里没有主宰,他是冲着百兽岛石门来的?这不可能张元清心里嘀咕。 The armor person arrives in hundred beast islands quickly, he and Zhang Yuanqing are the same, tows the half-turn around the this solitary one cliff roaming, stops before stone door. 铠甲人很快抵达百兽岛,他和张元清一样,绕着孤崖游曳半圈,停在石门前。 At this time, two people to roughly 20 meters, if in the daytime, turns head to look at each other in blank dismay. 此时,两人相距约莫二十米,如果是在白天,一扭头就能面面相觑。 But here is jet black under water, Zhang Yuanqing is the nightwalking condition, so long as his non- initiative attack, will then not be discovered. 但这里是漆黑的水底,张元清又是夜游状态,只要他不主动攻击,便不会被人发现。 The armor person is sizing up stone door, from time to time sends the thrust gate, from time to time touches the peripheral cliff wall to seek for the mechanism/organization, finally, he floats before stone door, is staring at the round hole between cracks in a door, as if understood anything. 铠甲人打量着石门,时而发力推门,时而触摸周边崖壁寻找机关,最后,他浮在石门前,盯着门缝间的圆孔,似乎明白了什么。 He was really comes to the hidden duty of Qin wind school! 他真是冲着秦风学院的隐藏任务来的! Looks on this Zhang Yuanqing to sink at heart, cannot bear start to ponder, must sneak attack the armor person, sees the stone door information where the truth about the matter pressed for an answer him to obtain. 旁观着这一幕的张元清心里一沉,忍不住开始思考,要不要偷袭铠甲人,一睹庐山真面目逼问他从哪里得到的石门情报。 This thought in just flashed through at heart, held down forcefully, because he sees in the lake water of distant place, one flock of physique lithe mermen speedily roaming to come. 这个念头在心里刚刚闪过,就被强行按住,因为他看到远处的湖水中,一群身姿轻盈的鲛人正疾速游来。 What is the head is a beautiful female merman, her five senses fine three-dimensional, by face/color price/value, surpasses any female who he saw. 为首的是一名绝美的女性鲛人,她五官精致立体,论颜值,超过了他所见的任何一位女性。 Moreover she is not delicate, the bright-colored elegant face fills the wild nature and brave, like female soldier who has high morale forever. 而且她不柔弱,明艳的俏脸充满野性和勇敢,如同永远斗志昂扬的女战士。 Her figure graceful vigorous smooth curve contains the powerful strength. 她的身段曼妙矫健流畅的曲线蕴含着强大的力量。 Her build is bigger than the common merman, is equivalent to human one meter nine height. This is a female martial Shenban merman queen. 她的体型比一般的鲛人要大,相当于人类一米九的身高。这是一位女武神般的鲛人女王。 The mermen person fish tail, in the hand grasps the long spear/gun, the chest is entangling the stomacher of water plant knitting, the flexible powerful swinging fish, approaches toward hundred beast islands fast. 鲛人们人身鱼尾,手里握着长枪,胸口缠着水草编织的抹胸,灵活有力的摆动鱼身,朝着百兽岛快速逼近。 How to bring in the merman? Is sound that this armor person makes too loud? 怎么会引来鲛人?是这个铠甲人制造的动静太响了? Zhang Yuanqing knits the brows secretly, feels somewhat strangely. 张元清暗暗皱眉,觉得有些奇怪。 The merman lake is so big, but controls the words that the water sneaks, even the sound, should not bring in the shark crowd greatly, moreover looked the stance that this group of mermen threaten, must die the appearance that with the enemy fights. 鲛人湖这么大,只是控水潜行的话,即使动静大一点,也不该引来鲛人群,而且看这帮鲛人气势汹汹的架势,一副要和敌军死战的模样。 Zhang Yuanqing flashes through a thought at heart suddenly: Since the great tigers of hundred beast islands are the hundred flowers greatly will be long protect stone door old-fashioned, why that merman can't be? 张元清心里忽然闪过一个念头:既然百兽岛的巨虎是百花会大长老派来守护石门的,那鲛人为什么不能是? In the past Fu Qingyang participated to save the Ling Jun place also in hundred beast islands. 当年傅青阳参与拯救灵钧的地点也在百兽岛。 Day division! So is really skillful? 天司!真有这么巧? Can be, Ling Jun seeks after the beauty of merman queen, sneaks in the lake, was detected by the merman clan near hundred beast islands, the mermen were mistaken he stares at the evildoer in Shangshimen, therefore encircles kills.... 会不会是,灵钧贪图鲛人女王的美色,潜入湖中,在百兽岛附近被鲛人族察觉,鲛人们误以为他是盯上石门的贼子,故而围杀。… The situation that this and present encounters is completely consistent. 这和眼下遇到的情况完全一致。 At this time, the armor person also discovered in groups roaming to come merman clan, nothing hesitant, the both legs in a stone door tread, change to a water-to-water missile, bang goes. 此时,铠甲人也发现了成群结队游来的鲛人族,没有任何犹豫,双腿在石门一蹬,化作一颗水下导弹,轰隆而去。 Sees that the merman queen picks up the speed immediately, like the sprint, body meanders, the fierce raising body, throws ruthlessly the long spear/gun in hand. 见状,鲛人女王立刻加快速度,如同冲刺,身躯一个迤逦,猛的昂起身子,将手里的长枪狠狠投掷出去。 Under adding fuel to the flames of water current, the long spear/gun drives into the lightning, catches up with the armor person suddenly, stares in his waist. 在水流的推波助澜下,长枪驶入闪电,瞬息间追上铠甲人,盯在他腰部。 " Ding! " 「叮!」 The armor defensive power extraordinary astonishment, the long spear/gun rebounds, exudes a slightly depressed gold/metal iron collision sound under water. 铠甲防御力出奇的惊人,长枪反弹,在水底发出一声略显沉闷的金铁碰撞声。 The merman queen behind, dozens female merman meander the acceleration, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform raises the body, the movement is uniform, projects the long spear/gun toward the armor person. Suddenly, intense ding the sound is lingering on faintly, armor person's in fallen leaf like water, 鲛人女王身后,数十名女性鲛人一个迤逦加速,齐齐昂起身上,动作整齐划一,朝铠甲人投出长枪。一时间,密集的叮叮声不绝于耳,铠甲人如同水中的落叶, Is fluttered by one that the penetrability of long spear/gun strikes. 被长枪的贯穿力击的一阵飘荡。 But stands firm the figure quickly, in the water the missile flees, leaves behind innumerable thorough fluctuating the air bubbles. 但很快就稳住身形,水中导弹般窜走,留下无数绵密起伏的气泡。 The merman queen leads the numerous mermen to pursue to go, leaves behind 67 merman roaming drag to go on patrol near hundred beast islands. 鲛人女王率领众鲛人追击而去,留下六七名鲛人游曳在百兽岛附近巡逻。 Hurries to leave, tonight is not suitable stone door! 赶紧离开,今晚不适合进石门! The Zhang Yuanqing control water current in nightwalking, circles to hundred beast islands another side, avoids the merman clan by far, controls the water current, swims away toward the shore fast. 夜游中的张元清驾驭水流,绕到百兽岛另一侧,远远避开鲛人族,驾驭水流,快速朝着岸边游去。 He can solve the merman that remains behind self-confidently, but feared that was stopped up the gate by the merman queen, moreover makes such big noise, if the school teachers come, even if he attains the treasure from stone door within, matter cannot conceal the truth. 他自信能解决留守的鲛人,但就怕被鲛人女王堵门,而且闹出这么大的动静,万一学院老师闻声而来,那他即便从石门里拿到宝贝,事情也瞒不住。 The consequence that cannot hide the truth from is the hundred flowers can inquire, official young fellow Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning delivers the treasure, received exchange for the meritorious service and wealth. 瞒不住的后果就是百花会过问,官方小将元始天尊上交宝物,换取功勋和财富。 This is not he wants. 这不是他想要的。 After a half hour, Zhang Yuanqing returns to the shore, first pokes head to size up all around, confirmed no one, this came ashore. 半小时后,张元清返回岸边,先探出头打量周遭,确认无人,这才上岸。 Room 404, the star light of dim dream raises together, concentrates the handsome tall and straight young people. 404房间,一道朦胧梦幻的星光升起,凝成俊朗挺拔的年轻人。 " Did you come back? " 「你回来了?」 Sits the silver Yao princess near table, transmits sound that Nightwalking God can hear. Side her, is the straight and vertical blood wild rose. 坐在桌边的银瑶郡主,传达出夜游神才能听见的声音。在她身边,是笔挺而立的血蔷薇。 " Un, the halfway had/left an accident/surprise " 「嗯,半途出了点意外」 Zhang Yuanqing said that while takes off the school uniform, puts on the Yin-Yang law robe, uses the hot master controls the hot ability, dries the school uniform rapidly, hangs to return to the closet, changes the pajamas that bestows again, drills into the bedding. 张元清一边说,一边脱掉校服,披上阴阳法袍,利用火师的控火能力,迅速烘干校服,挂回衣柜,再换上赠送的睡衣,钻入被窝。 " Probably is this. When Zhang Yuanqing lies down, matter has also said. " 「大概就是这样。张元清躺下时,事情也已经说完了。」 The silver Yao princess " un " , expressed had understood, no longer asked. 银瑶郡主「嗯」一下,表示已经了解,不再多问。 Has princess light bulb, even if I want to spark a conflict accidentally is still difficult with Teacher Song Man! 有郡主这个灯泡在,我就算想和宋蔓老师擦枪走火也难啊! Looks at a sitting posture straight silver Yao princess, Zhang Yuanqing mused at heart. He draws in these assorted thoughts, under water starts to ponder over the story. 看一眼坐姿笔挺的银瑶郡主,张元清心里暗想。他收拢这些杂七杂八的念头,开始琢磨水底的见闻。 Who is that person? 那人到底是谁? The big probability is a student , if the person of school teacher, does not need to wait till the present. 大概率是学员如果是学院老师的人,不必等到现在。 The status is a student, knows that Qin wind the school hid the transcription the secret, this person will not be many, first locked that several family background not simple members...... 身份是学员,又知道秦风学院隐藏副本的秘密,这种人不会太多,首先锁定那几个家庭背景不简单的成员…… Zhang Yuanqing realized, oneself must want to be clear about an issue: The armor person is the enemy is a friend. 张元清意识到,自己必须要想清楚一个问题:铠甲人是敌是友。 " Only if I can convince itself and he ( she ) share, otherwise certainly is an enemy, I must uncover the armor person. " 「除非我能说服自己与他(她)共享,不然就一定是敌人,我得揪出铠甲人。」 " He is impossible to have the key of Takamagahara, tonight sneaks in the lake the examination is several meanings, satisfies the elder there hear curiosity? " Zhang Yuanqing is puzzling.... 「他不可能拥有高天原的钥匙啊,今晚潜入湖中查看是几个意思,满足一下长辈那里听来的好奇心?」张元清百思不得其解。… " If the duty of merman clan is to protect stone door, the noise that then makes tonight, definitely is known by the teachers of school, whom they will definitely investigate rigorously to submerge the merman lake, perhaps, can obtain the clue from teacher there, the dormitory corridor has not monitored, I enter the nightwalking in the corridor, outside plant by dormitory " had not been seen " , the window curtains also drew, I will also calculate hiding...... " 「如果鲛人族的任务是守护石门,那么今晚闹出的动静,就一定会被学院的老师知道,他们肯定会严查谁潜入了鲛人湖,或许,能从老师那里得到线索,宿舍走廊没有监控,我是在走廊进入夜游的,没有被宿舍外的植物「看到」,窗帘也拉上了,我还会算隐蔽……」 Gem library, conference room. 琳琅图书馆,会议室。 The gray-haired chief, holds the insulated cup, silent listens to the merman lake managers to report: " Merman queen said, tonight some people submerged in the lake, paced back and forth before stone door of hundred beast islands for a long time. That person puts on the thick armor, the defensive power is astonishing, she leads the clansman to pursue, but has not caught up, making sneaking run away. Chief, this matter needs to be vigilant. " 头发花白的院长,捧着保温杯,沉默的听着鲛人湖管理员汇报:「鲛人女王说,今晚有人潜入了湖中,在百兽岛的石门前徘徊了许久。那人穿着厚厚的铠甲,防御力惊人,她带领族人追击,但没追上,让潜入者逃走了。院长,此事需要警惕。」 Li Yanqi face dim is unclear in the curling water vapor, he thinks deeply about the moment, looks to a table teacher, sighed: " I listened to the Song rambling talk, in this group of students, punctured many. The background uncommon school were also more than former years, merman lake matter, how you saw. " 李言蹊的脸在袅袅水汽中朦胧不清,他思索片刻,望向桌边的一众老师,叹道:「我听宋蔓说了,这批学员里,刺头很多。背景不凡的学院也比往届要多,鲛人湖这件事,你们怎么看。」 " Sinking definitely is that red chicken elder brother, this person of conduct is crude, disregards the custom, only then he will make such absurd matter. " 「潜入者肯定是那个红鸡哥,此人行事鲁莽狂妄,无视规矩,只有他会做出这么荒唐的事。」 Song Man had the opinion to the red chicken elder brother very much. 宋蔓对红鸡哥很有意见。 " If he, instead not own hiding is so solid, what a pity in the school has not monitored. " Nous simple and beautiful female teacher forest Su said. 「如果是他的话,反而不会把自己藏的这么严实,可惜学院里没有监控。」知性清丽的女老师林素说道。 " Knows the person who hidden duty are not many, should be that several family backgrounds is good, Chief, how this matter do you want to process? " The starry sky observer said. 「知道隐藏任务的人不多,应该是那几个家世不错的,院长,这件事你想怎么处理?」星空观测者说。 Li Yanqi hesitates, " the duty of Qin wind school has started, Main Quest 李言蹊沉吟一下,「秦风学院的任务已经开始,主线任务 Before has not completed, no one can leave here, no one can come. " 没有完成前,谁也离不开这里,谁也进不来。」 " Since some people know the hidden duty, and displays certain coveting, that must think the means to look him, cannot the ignores. Later I will call the students. " 「既然有人知道隐藏任务,并表现出一定的觊觎,那就得想办法把他找出来,不能放任。稍后我会把学生们召集起来。」 " Song Man, you asks that the plant and animal outside dormitory, whom looked at to go out. " 「宋蔓,你问问宿舍外的植物和动物,看谁出去了。」 Xiahou Aotian sits near the table, is staring at the present bill, always the arrogant face, revealing wipes heavily. 夏侯傲天坐在桌边,盯着眼前的账单,向来高傲的脸庞,也不由的露出一抹沉重。 The most expensive fruit juice person, altogether spends 50 cups, the average per person 2.2 cups, the spending is 50,000 Yuan. 最昂贵的果汁人,共消费50杯,人均2.2杯,消费金额是五万元。 These money naturally are not anything, but Xiahou Aotian also carries 80 million debts at present, the repayments, the admittance institute's first day, was just spending 50,000 by stages. Following? 这些钱当然不算什么,但夏侯傲天目前还背着八千万的债务,正分期还款,刚入学院第一天,就消费了五万。后续呢? Originally not wealthy wallet, having one misfortune after another even more. 本就不富裕的钱包,愈发的雪上加霜。 " Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning this son of a bitch, I looks is very clear, he drank four cups, enough 4000 Yuan. Must look for the opportunity pit to come back, or makes a sum of money from his there. " Xiahou Aotian pledged secretly. 元始天尊这狗东西,我可是看的很清楚,他喝了四杯,足足四千元。一定要找机会坑回来,或者从他那里赚一笔钱。」夏侯傲天暗暗发誓。 At this time, he heard the rapid ting, almost misled him into thinking that returned to the middle school time. 这时,他听见了急促的铃声,差点让他误以为回到了中学时代。 At once, chief Li word steps on the modest gentle shouts, reverberated in Qin wind the school: " All students, immediately to gem academy set. " 旋即,院长李言蹊温和慈祥的呼唤声,回荡在秦风学院内:「所有学员,立刻到琳琅书院集合。」 The sound as if contains some charm, lets hear the person unconscious obedience of summon, setting out of instinct leaves the room. 声音仿佛蕴含某种魔力,让听到呼唤的人不自觉的服从,本能的起身离开房间。 Xiahou Aotian wears the slipper, rushes to the room in a hurry. 夏侯傲天穿着拖鞋,匆匆奔出房间。 Zhang Yuanqing just went to sleep is then awakened by the summon that chief Li word steps on. 张元清刚入睡便被院长李言蹊的呼唤惊醒。 Can check quickly? The school teachers to hundred beast islands, compared with I imagine must take seriously Zhang Yuanqing to lift the quilt, changes the school uniform, goes out of the room directly.... 啧,这么快就要查了?学院老师们对百兽岛,比我想象中的要重视张元清掀开被子,换上校服,径直走出房间。… At this moment is 9 : 00 pm, the students have not gone to sleep, after hearing the trumpet, immediately rushes to the room, rushes to the gem library. 此刻是晚上 9 点,学员们尚未入睡,听到喇叭声后,立刻奔出房间,赶往琳琅图书馆。 Soon, the students catch up one after another, is during the daytime that " church " . 不多时,学员们陆续赶来,还是白天那个「教堂」。 " What happened? " 「发生什么事了?」 " Attacks the training. " 「突击训练吗。」 " In the evening is happen to bored, hehe, had the pleasure. " 「正好晚上无聊,嘿嘿,有乐子了。」 " Yes, this broken place does not have the cell phone not to have the computer, without the pleasure was too again senseless. " The students whisper. 「是啊,这破地方没手机没电脑,再没点乐子就太无趣了。」学员们交头接耳。 Li word stepping on vision has swept the people, sees the current period student to arrive in full, immediately holds up the loudspeaker, the sinking sound said: " As the chief, I am very disappointed about you. " 李言蹊目光扫过众人,见本期学员到齐,当即举起喇叭,沉声道:「身为院长,我对你们很失望。」 hears word, the students of discussing spiritedly are peaceful, casts the vacant vision toward the tribune. 闻言,议论纷纷的学员们安静下来,朝演讲台投去茫然的目光。 " Having anything is quite disappointed, our class does not have on. " The red chicken elder brother shouted loudly. 「有啥好失望的,我们连课都没上。」红鸡哥高声嚷了一句。 But the chief pays no attention to him , to continue saying: " In a moment ago, you, some people submerged the merman lake, triggered the anger of merman, for somebody cleans up for you , the school teachers paid the huge price. " 但院长不理他,继续说道:「就在刚才,你们中,有人潜入了鲛人湖,引起了鲛人的愤怒,为了替你们中的某人擦屁股,学院老师付出了巨大的代价。」 " Now, asking that student to stand, accepts the punishment. " 「现在,请那位学员自己站出来,接受处罚。」 This is the plan on the grounds of violating school regulation, discovers sneaking? Zhang Yuanqing turned head, swept an behind student. 这是打算以违背校规为由,找出潜入者?张元清扭头,扫了一眼身后的学员。 They similarly in surprised glancing right and left. 他们同样在惊讶的左顾右盼。 Waited for the moment, sees no one to acknowledge on own initiative, Li Yanqi said: " I said again, asking oneself to stand, earlier handled this matter, earlier went back to rest. " Still no one stands on own initiative the acknowledgment. 等了片刻,见没有人主动承认,李言蹊道:「我再说一遍,请自己站出来,早点处理掉这件事,早点回去休息。」依然没有人主动站出来承认。 The chief complexion sinks, said: " Since this, that can only take the precautionary measure. Now, the male student stands in the left, the female student stands in the right, everyone can not wear the item, asking the determination to take down. " Then, he looks to the forest element and starry sky observer. 院长脸色微沉,道:「既然这样,那就只能采取强制措施。现在,男学员站在左边,女学员站在右边,所有人不得佩戴道具,请自觉取下来。」说完,他看向林素和星空观测者。 Two teachers understand, former trend right, latter trend left. 两位老师心领神会,前者走向右边,后者走向左边。 After one searches, the jewelry of female student was all taken down, on the male student no longer has anything outside clothes. Li Yanqi receives the loudspeaker, goes down the tribune, stops in the left's first row of position. 一番搜身之后,女生的首饰全被取了下来,男生身上则不再有衣服之外的任何东西。李言蹊收起喇叭,走下演讲台,停在左边第一排位置。 His vision profound sharp staring Zhaocheng tutelary god of city, sinking sound said: " Was tonight you submerged the merman lake? " 他目光深邃锐利的凝视着赵城隍,沉声道:「今晚是你潜入了鲛人湖?」 The Zhaocheng tutelary god of city shakes the head: " It is not I. " 赵城隍摇头:「不是我。」 Li Yanqi stared at him to look for several seconds, slight nod. 李言蹊盯着他看了几秒,微微点头。 Is the chief a swordsman? Does not allow to wear the words of item, the seeing clearly technique of swordsman is to truly distinguish the sharp weapon of lie, what they must look is the armor person, but I have also submerged the merman 院长是剑客?不允许佩戴道具的话,剑客的洞察术确实是辨别谎言的利器,他们要找的是铠甲人,但我也潜入过鲛人 Lake Zhang Yuanqing grins secretly. 张元清暗暗龇牙。 At this time, Li Yanqi looked, asked: " Is the merman lake that you sneak? " 这时,李言蹊看了过来,问道:「是你潜入的鲛人湖?」 Recommendation metropolis big god old uses/gives new book: 推荐都市大神老施新书:
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