SRW :: Volume #3

#265: Reinforcements

Chapter 265 reinforcements 第265章援兵 The pottery clay person who places the water formation sneers saying: 身处水阵的陶土人冷笑道: We most delay the time, your self-satisfied anything vigor, later, you, if were killed, only remains me of half spirit body, really became the final word.” “我们最多拖延时间,你得意个什么劲,待会儿,你若是被干掉了,只剩半个灵体的我,就真成煞笔了。” The flame pottery clay person is not convinced, shouts to shout: 火焰陶土人不服气,嚷嚷道: Why is I to be killed, is you must be careful obviously is right, I am stronger than you.” “凭什么是我被干掉,明明是你要小心才对,我比伱强。” At this time, the mountain ghost camp people, the respective attempt is breaking through, wants to rush from Yin-Yang law, temporarily no one attacks two clone, only makes the alert to them. 此时,山鬼阵营众人,正各自尝试突破,想从阴阳法阵中闯出去,暂时无人攻击两尊分身,只对他们做出戒备。 Buzz humming sound 0.3 meters high flatter one, with being covered with the fist of spur, non-stop thrashing the barrier, makes ripples light waves. 嗡嗡嗡.三米高的阿一,用长满骨刺的拳头,不停捶打屏障,打出一圈圈涟漪般的光波。 The world is openly and unwontedly white, and the others, by own way is attacking the barrier. 天下皆白、百无禁忌等人,都在以自身的方式攻击屏障。 They without exception, were defeated. 他们无一例外,都失败了。 The conceited palm holds water deity seal, holds up high, the release the mighty waves turbulent river water, tries to extinguish the fire formation. 唯我独尊掌心托着水神印,高高举起,释放出波涛汹涌的河水,试图熄灭火阵。 „.” “嗤嗤.” The thorough steam ascension, the fire formation extinguishes instantaneously. 绵密的蒸汽升腾,火阵瞬间熄灭。 The icy cold river water is washing out each teammate who places the fire formation, brings the cool feeling for them, smooths burningly painful. 冰凉的河水冲刷着每一位身处火阵的队友,为他们带来凉意,抚平灼痛。 Loses the flame in addition to hold, the flame pottery clay popularity breath plummets immediately. 失去火焰的加持,火焰陶土人气息顿时骤降。 The water clone actually to laugh saying: 水分身却大笑道: Comes well!” “来得好!” Lifts the foot to tread, the water and fire transposes, the water formation received the river water that has inundated the people knee, obtained truly, substantive water. 抬脚一踏,水火易位,水阵接收了漫过众人膝盖的河水,获得了真正的,实质性的水。 The in the air Yin-Yang law robe continues to emit the scalding hot flame, once again lights the fire formation. 空中的阴阳法袍继续喷吐出灼热的火焰,又一次点燃火阵。 The flame pottery clay person relaxes, Jie Jie said with a smile strangely: 火焰陶土人松了口气,桀桀怪笑道: Useless, in ten minutes, no one can go out.” “没用的,十分钟内,没有人能出去。” Ten minutes. The no restriction of any kind complexion changes, after ten minutes, the team that three defend the foreword camp has arrived in the summit inevitably. 十分钟.百无禁忌脸色微变,十分钟后,三支守序阵营的队伍必然已经抵达山顶。 The enemies of 22 famous mountains ghost camps, the attempt is fruitless, confirmed oneself are unable to break through cage, complexion incomparably ugly/difficult to look at acceptance reality. 二十二名山鬼阵营的敌人,尝试无果,确认自己无法突破“牢笼”,脸色无比难看的接受现实。 Damn, damn!” “该死,该死!” A hot master roared angrily: He how so many items, he how will have so many annoying items!” 一名火师愤怒咆哮:“他怎么会有这么多的道具,他怎么会有这么多烦人的道具!” The Yin-Yang law robe is the best quality goods in unusual quality, the Mother Earth boots are the item of saint quality. 阴阳法袍是超凡品质中的极品,后土靴更是圣者品质的道具。 Although they are unable to threaten this crowd of evil occupations truly, but makes trouble, the protracted time, has more than enough to spare. 尽管它们无法真正威胁到这群邪恶职业,但制造麻烦,拖延时间,绰绰有余。 But regarding the evil occupation, is the time that they strive. 而对于邪恶职业来说,他们争取的就是时间。 They did not fear that Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning and they breakneck, the real swords and spears dry/does words, 4 levels of saints they can slaughter, although Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning a moment ago showed the weak 4 levels of strengths. 他们不怕元始天尊和他们玩命,真刀真枪干的话,四级的圣者他们都能屠戮,元始天尊刚才虽然展现出弱四级的战力。 Was solved by the flatter first-grade people equally with ease, even has not used the item. 一样被阿一等人轻松解决,甚至没有动用道具。 But, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning this type of use item engaging in guerrilla warfare the tactic, making them very uncomfortable. 可是,元始天尊这种利用道具“打游击”的战术,让他们很难受。 He also has such a unexpectedly, fierce. Kou Beiyue secretly rejoices at heart, a superficial being burning with anger appearance, roared: 他居然还有这么一手,厉害啊.寇北月心里暗喜,表面一副怒火中烧的模样,咆哮一声: „! “狗贼! You do not do wildly, even if the father fought valiantly this, must cut your dog head.” “你休要猖狂,老子就算拼了这条命,也要砍你狗头。” This roar, attracts the people to look askance, everyone heart said, this child good breadth of spirit, to be obscure previously, has not noticed this youngster hero unexpectedly. 这一声吼,引来众人侧目,大伙心说,此子好气魄,先前默默无闻,竟没注意到这位少年英杰。 The young fatty( good ministers select Lord murder) high sound said: 小胖子(良臣择主而弑)高声道: My eldest child said right, killed Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, the strategy nature on the solution! Why everyone competes with the item, is my eldest child is intelligent.” “我老大说得对,杀了元始天尊,阵法自然就解了!大家何必与道具较劲,还是我老大聪明。” The Kou Beiyue complexion is suddenly stiff. 寇北月脸色陡然僵硬。 Immediately, the people close, in lording it over others, under flatter first-grade top powerhouse's leadership, launches the fierce disputes with two pottery clay people , several hot masters and Water Ghost, in Yin-Yang law like a fish in water, the strength that erupts is stronger than the evil occupation. 当即,众人一拥而上,在唯吾独尊、阿一等顶尖强者的带领下,与两具陶土人展开激烈交锋,其中,几名火师和水鬼,在阴阳法阵中如鱼得水,爆发出的战力比邪恶职业更强。 Only used for less than one minute, without putting in any sacrifice then crushed two pottery clay people. 仅用了一分钟不到,没付出任何牺牲便击碎了两具陶土人。 Crash-bang ~ pottery clay disruption scatters place, the water formation melts the silt, fire formation cracking to become Gansha. 哗啦啦~陶土碎裂散落一地,水阵的融成淤泥,火阵的裂成干沙。 The people of mountain ghost camp, on the face just exuded the happy expression, then sees in the raging flame, an appearance fuzzy flame person stood, forks the waist to say with a smile crazily: 山鬼阵营的众人,脸上刚泛起喜色,便见熊熊烈火中,一尊面目模糊的火焰人重新站了起来,叉腰狂笑道: Silly, the master came back.” “傻了吧,爷又回来了。” Moisture content physique condition aloof toward enemies snort/hum, without speech. 水分身姿态高冷的朝敌人们哼一声,没有说话。 flatter one rubbish, kicks the loose flame person, but another side world is all white, wears refers to the fist of tiger, the thump explodes the head that the water clone. 阿一没有丝毫废话,一脚踢散火焰人,而另一边的天下皆白,戴着指虎的拳头,捶爆了水分身的脑袋。 But the next quarter, two clone to restore again. 但下一刻,两具分身再次恢复。 Conceited sinking sound said: 唯我独尊沉声道: Did not need to waste the time, the physical attack clone uselessly to these two, poisonous also useless.” “不用白费功夫了,物理打击对这两具分身没用,毒也没用。” , He added: 顿了顿,他补充道: I can only suppress that water clone, but is unable to refine it, because their sources are outside that item.” “我只能压制那个水分身,但无法炼化它,因为它们的源头是外面那件道具。” Mentioned that item, in the conceited look flashes through the hope. 说起那件道具,唯我独尊眼神里闪过渴望。 So powerful item, agreeing with professional attribute, is the Water Ghost and hot master long-awaited treasure. 如此强大的道具,又契合职业属性,是水鬼和火师梦寐以求的宝贝。 If can control it, the strength will promote a scale. 若能掌控它,战力将提升一个档次。 Can't kill? 杀不死? No restriction of any kind and the others knit the brows. 百无禁忌等人皱了皱眉。 Two strengths of clone, in ordinary unusual, is truly strong, but to the player on the scene, actually insufficiently looks. 两具分身的实力,于普通超凡而言,确实很强,但对在场的选手来说,却不够看。 But one's own side lacks the pointed method, the aspect was equal to being at a stalemate, was towed like this forcefully for ten minutes? 可己方缺乏针对性的手段,局面就等于僵持住了,就这样被硬生生拖十分钟? At this time, the black hair hung loose, intellectuality elegant I was assigned by me not by day, put out a hand to fish toward the flaming roaring flame, fishes a sending out scalding hot high temperature the long spear/gun, went to the flame clone. 这时,青丝披散,知性秀美的“我命由我不由天”,伸手往熊熊烈焰中一捞,捞起一枚散发灼热高温的长枪,投向火焰分身。 „Before Duke Guan gate, plays broadsword- Lu Ban makes the axe!” Flame pottery clay person Jie Jie smiles strangely, conveniently racket to flame spear/gun. “关公门前耍大刀-鲁班弄斧!”火焰陶土人桀桀怪笑,随手拍向火焰枪。 The flame has not exploded, but penetrated the body of flame person directly, another its stuffy snort/hum, constitutes the flame of body to vibrate fiercely, nearly extinguishes. 火焰没有爆炸,而是径直穿透了火焰人的身躯,另其闷哼一声,构成身体的火焰剧烈抖动,险些熄灭。 This is said Hong Wei I am assigned by me the spiritual attack that is not displayed by day, is not the genuine flame. 这是自称红薇的“我命由我不由天”施展的精神攻击,并非真正的火焰。 Idiot, shows off meager skills before an expert.” Stands the water in turbulent current clone to sneer saying: “蠢货,是班门弄斧。”站在激流中的水分身冷笑道: You think, should not be crude, I do not think, when final word.” “你多动动脑子,不要鲁莽,我可不想当煞笔。” Really the idea of Hong Wei has been so confirmed that high sound said: 果然如此红薇的想法得到验证,高声道: These two clone is Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, he divided into two spirit body, the physical method is invalid, but can extinguish directly kills his soul. “这两具分身都是元始天尊,他把灵体一分为二了,物理手段无效,但可以直接灭杀他的灵魂。 Un, that flame person brain is not quite probably good, just like the hot master, we first solves him probably.” “嗯,那个火焰人脑子好像不太好,大概和火师一样,我们先解决他。” Such remarks, people eyes one bright, only two hot masters fly into a rage: 此言一出,众人眼睛一亮,唯有两名火师勃然大怒: Cheap person, you a moment ago that words were what meaning!” “贱人,你刚才那话是什么意思!” Words that you want to court death, we did not mind that first butchered you.” “你想找死的话,我们不介意先宰了你。” In in the fire formation, two hot master energy are especially abundant. 身在火阵中,两名火师底气格外雄厚。 Hong Wei said with a smile: 红薇笑吟吟道: Is sorry, two big brothers appease anger!” “抱歉抱歉,两位大哥息怒!” She is disinclined to haggle over with the hot master. 她懒得和火师计较。 You can come struggle of the spirit with all professional experts, does not need only with the hot master vitality/angry. 你可以和所有职业的高手来一场意气之争,唯独没必要和火师生气。 After comforting the hot master, she turns on the goods column, takes out a jet black clear ocarina, six, the surface carves is pulling out to the trace. 安抚了火师后,她打开物品栏,从中取出一只漆黑圆润的埙,六孔,表面刻着抽向的纹路。 Covers the ear!” “捂住耳朵!” Hong Wei warned one, will be then clear such as the ocarina of goose egg, the gathering mouth, wū wū played. 红薇告诫一声,便将圆润如鹅蛋的埙,凑到嘴边,呜呜吹奏。 The desolate and gentle ocarina sound gets up, reverberates in the water and fire strategy. 苍凉而轻柔的埙声响起,在水火阵法中回荡。 Even if has covered the ear ahead of time, the people still the illusion rebirth, the mood fluctuates with the ocarina sound at present, from time to time is sad, from time to time is painful, the passing memory streams. 即使已经提前捂住耳朵,众人眼前仍幻象重生,情绪随着埙声起伏,时而悲伤,时而痛苦,过往的记忆纷至沓来。 The dementia, the will perishes. 让人精神错乱,意志沉沦。 The water and fire clone to cover the head, the painful low roar, their will dissipates in the ocarina sound fast, when loses the consciousness thoroughly, the soul then died. 水火分身捂住脑袋,痛苦的低吼,它们意志在埙声中快速消逝,等到彻底失去意识,灵魂便死亡了。 Clone is the elementary state, covering the ear is also useless, received the influence of ocarina overall. 分身是元素状态,捂住耳朵也没用,全盘接收了埙的影响。 When Hong Wei does not use this item outside the temple, exactly is because everyone is the mortal body, the teammates can cover the ear, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, kills the enemy 1000 to damage 2000. 红薇在庙外时不用这件道具,恰是因为大家都是肉身,队友们能捂耳朵,元始天尊也可以,杀敌一千自损两千。 At this time, is unable to meddle nine in the spirit bodies fighting to leak the fish, the sinking sound said: 这时,无法插手灵体间战斗的九漏鱼,沉声道: You best solve Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning a bit faster, the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city they, already quickly to summit.” “你们最好快点解决元始天尊,赵城隍他们,已经快到山顶了。” The travelers of mountain ghost camp, the astonished discovery, Zhaocheng tutelary god of city team, is very near to the summit. 山鬼阵营的行者们,惊愕的发现,赵城隍这支队伍,离山顶已经很近了。 According to their experiences, from, although short, but the labyrinth path is tortuous, they must walk for several minutes. 根据他们的经验,距离虽短,但迷宫道路曲折,他们还得走几分钟。 Young fatty eyes emotion restraining, becomes indifferent empty, at once, the vision deep place surges to swallow the soul the vortex. 小胖子双眼情感收敛,变得冷漠空洞,旋即,目光深处激荡起吞噬灵魂的漩涡。 He indifferently looking clone to the fire, saw on it the grotesque and gaudy color, each color is representing a mood. 他“漠然”的望向火分身,看见了它身上光怪陆离的色彩,每一种色彩都代表着一种情绪。 And, symbolizes the frightened black almost not to have, to symbolize the angry red, then almost crushed other mood. 其中,象征恐惧的黑色几乎没有,象征愤怒的红色,则几乎压倒了其他所有情绪。 The young fatty lifts the hand, like pinching out anything, fierce making a fist, said in a soft voice: 小胖子抬起手,就像掐灭了什么东西似的,猛的握拳,轻声道: Extinguishes!” “灭!” Meanwhile, the remaining five imaginary technique masters, make the similar movement, whispered one after another: 于此同时,剩下五名幻术师,做出同样动作,陆续低语: Extinguishes!” “灭!” The imaginary technique master can enlarge some mood of goal, can pinch out the mood. 幻术师既能放大目标的某种情绪,也能掐灭情绪。 The mood, is energetic extending, is extending of will. 情绪,是精神的延伸,是意志的延伸。 Pinches out the mood, is causes heavy losses to the soul one method. 掐灭情绪,是重创灵魂的一种手段。 Once pinched out all mood, was equal to the death, lived also only to remain a good-for-nothing. 而一旦被掐灭所有情绪,就等同于死亡,活下来也只剩一具行尸走肉。 The flame clone to tremble, constitutes the flame of body to vibrate fiercely, in the remaining years of life just like the wind, will resemble will extinguish momentarily. 火焰分身一颤,构成身体的火焰剧烈抖动,宛如风中残烛,似是随时都会熄灭。 Sees that Kou Beiyue got hold of the dagger, maintaining composure by to several imaginary technique masters, by his strength, kills several mortal body emaciated imaginary technique masters not to have the issue. 见状,寇北月握紧了匕首,不动声色的靠向几名幻术师,以他的实力,袭杀几个肉身孱弱的幻术师还是没问题的。 Waited for the homicide the imaginary technique master, these people of mountain ghost camp, will not let off him absolutely. 等他杀了幻术师,山鬼阵营的这些人,绝对不会放过他。 Considered to repay a debt of gratitude he to whisper. 就当是报恩了他心里嘀咕。 At this time, the water clone ahead of time one step, hit a sound to refer. 这个时候,水分身提前一步,打了个响指。 ! 啪! Refers to along with this sound, primal chaos fish of revolving, then revolves slowly in reverse, recycles the flame and illusory water, when the strength of regression method robe water and fire, it falls gently slowly. 伴随着这声响指,缓缓旋转的太极鱼一顿,然后逆向旋转,回收火焰和虚幻之水,待水火之力回归法袍,它徐徐飘落。 The Zhang Yuanqing mortal body appears under, wears this law robe on the body. 张元清的肉身出现在下方,将这件法袍穿在身上。 He could not shoulder, received law on own initiative. 他扛不住了,主动收起法阵。 Hiss, the head seemed like torn was the same, can only use the consumables of speechless village. The Zhang Yuanqing single-handed holding down forehead, the temples pit-a-pat the pain, another hand takes out a glittering and translucent carving jade carving villain. 嘶,脑袋像是被撕裂了一样,只能使用失语村的消耗品了.张元清单手按住眉心,太阳穴突突的痛,另一只手取出一尊晶莹剔透的玉雕小人。 Being ready in full battle array is staring in the temple, the enemy outside temple. 严阵以待的盯着庙内,庙外的敌人。 His behind, holds Guan Ya of rifle. 他的身后,是托着步枪的关雅 The palm strokes gently the icy cold jade carving villain, Zhang Yuanqing is flashing through doubts at heart suddenly: 掌心摩挲着冰凉的玉雕小人,张元清心里忽然闪过一个疑惑: Why can I receive the Yin-Yang law robe? I why not when the strategy launches uses it? 我为什么要收起阴阳法袍?我为什么不在阵法展开时使用它? This doubts just appeared, he found the answer. 这个疑惑刚浮现,他就找到了答案。 Honest and good-natured people! 老实人! Said that use Yin-Yang law, only uses Yin-Yang law, does not use other items. 说使用阴阳法阵,就只使用阴阳法阵,不动用其他道具。 The price of Mother Earth boots! 后土靴的代价! Another side, sees with own eyes Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning to receive the item, the travelers of mountain ghost camp is overjoyed. 另一边,眼见元始天尊收起道具,山鬼阵营的行者们大喜过望。 Although the regret has not killed the flame clone, causes heavy losses to his soul, but the goal has been achieved, when they took the law stick, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning same must die. 虽然遗憾没有杀死火焰分身,重创他的灵魂,但目的已经达到,等他们取了法杖,元始天尊一样要死。 But at this time, three team that defends the foreword camp, although has nearly left, but supports obviously without enough time. 而此时,三支守序阵营的队伍,虽已离得很近,可显然来不及支援。 The young fatty and Hong Wei are somewhat strange, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning that spirit servant? 只有小胖子和红薇有些奇怪,元始天尊的那个灵仆呢? From beginning to end has not appeared. 从头到尾都没出现。 Without the method, then looked how you stop us.” “没手段了吧,这下看你怎么阻拦我们。” Witchcraft master Ning said with a smile. 一位巫蛊师狞笑道。 On the mouth is saying, the action has not stopped, flatter one, no restriction of any kind, the world is white, young fatty, Hong Wei and the others, or crashes in the temple, either charges into the mountain spirit sculpture, attempts to compete for the law stick. 嘴上说着,行动没停,阿一、百无禁忌、天下皆白、小胖子、红薇等人,或冲进庙内,或冲向山神雕塑,企图争夺法杖。 Zhang Yuanqing is unhurried, instead feels relieved, says with a smile: 张元清丝毫不慌,反而如释重负,笑道: My helper has come!” “我的帮手已经来了!” The voice falls, the gloom of blotting out the sky wells up from the temple outside. 话音落下,铺天盖地的阴气自庙外涌来。 Puts on the quiet shadow of bright red bridal clothes to float together speedily, her top head the red veil, the bosom is hugging a clear cute baby, but in her behind, with one group of reinforcements. 一道穿着艳红嫁衣的幽影疾速飘来,她头上盖着红盖头,怀里抱着一个圆润可爱的婴儿,而在她身后,跟着一群援兵。 Is the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city and Sun of Miaomiao head and the others. 为首的正是赵城隍、孙淼淼等人。 They arrived. 他们抵达了。 Is quicker than the estimate. 比预想中更快。 Although oneself card in a hand is numerous, particularly has Yin-Yang law robe compulsory captivity item, but Zhang Yuanqing must consider as before, what to do if can't support? 虽然自己底牌众多,尤其是拥有阴阳法袍这种强制性“囚禁”的道具,但张元清依旧要考虑,如果撑不住怎么办? After all Yin-Yang law has the weakness, the spirit body divides into two is the biggest weakness, but in the enemy camp has to excel at the imaginary technique master of the mental manipulation and attack. 毕竟阴阳法阵是有弱点的,灵体一分为二就是最大的弱点,而敌人阵营里有擅长精神控制、打击的幻术师。 Therefore, Zhang Yuanqing made both kinds of preparation. 因此,张元清做了两手准备。 Battle opening before temple, after the ghost bride's imaginary technique successfully deceives enemy the forest of movement rewards, he makes the ghost bride bring slightly to tease the ratio, enters the labyrinth forest to seek for the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city. 在庙外战斗开启前,在鬼新娘的幻术成功骗出敌人的移动之林奖励后,他就让鬼新娘带着小逗比,进入迷宫森林寻找赵城隍。 Slightly teases compared with the treasure hunt skill, can lead her to find Zhaocheng tutelary god of city and the others in the labyrinth. 小逗比的寻宝技能,能带她在迷宫里找到赵城隍等人。 After all, no matter Yin corpse or item, even is transcription boss, in some sense, valuable thing. 毕竟,不管是阴尸还是道具,甚至是副本boss,某种意义上来说,都是有价值的东西。 The walking labyrinth routinely, the route winding ups and downs, require a lot of time, because does not defer to the correct route to walk, likely loses in the labyrinth. 按部就班的走迷宫,路线蜿蜒曲折,需要不少时间,因为不按照正确的路线走,很可能迷失在迷宫中。 Therefore the Zhang Yuanqing card bug, he used the relation of spirit servant and master, gave Zhaocheng tutelary god of city and the others a coordinates, they only need the following ghost bride, can take the shortest route, at the maximum speed arrives in the summit. 于是张元清卡了个bug,他利用灵仆和主人的联系,给了赵城隍等人一个坐标,他们只需要跟着鬼新娘,就能走最短的路线,以最快的速度抵达山顶。 „Have they arrived? Is impossible, obviously a distance.” “他们已经到了?不可能,明明还有一段距离.” Is looking Zhaocheng tutelary god of city and the others who arrive in the summit, the people complexion big change of mountain ghost camp. 望着抵达山顶的赵城隍等人,山鬼阵营的众人脸色大变。 Except for not having sentimental flatter one, is conceited, nine to leak fish these best experts, at this time has exhausted, has the pessimistic sentiment. 除了没有感情的阿一,就连唯我独尊、九漏鱼这些拔尖的高手,此时都不由的心生疲惫,产生消极情绪。 Fades in one vigorous effort again, three use up. 一鼓作气再而衰,三而竭。 Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning.” 元始天尊.” Clenches teeth no restriction of any kind, takes the bull by the horns: Retreats!” 百无禁忌咬了咬牙,当机立断:“撤退!” He knows, the mentality of teammates had problems, although they have not been injured, without the consumption in physical strength, but the morale did not have. 他知道,队友们的心态出问题了,尽管他们没有受伤,没有体力方面的消耗,但士气没了。 Did not have by damn the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning grinding. 被狗日的元始天尊生生磨没了。 Felt no restriction of any kind, now retreats is the correct choice, the reward that at the worst Mountain God Temple this closes does not want. 百无禁忌觉得,现在撤退才是正确选择,大不了山神庙这一关的奖励不要了。 This transcription is not the virgin forest, Main Quest two: Found the city of losing. 这个副本不是只有原始森林,主线任务二:找到遗失之城。 Their opportunities in the city of losing. 他们的机会在遗失之城。
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