SRW :: Volume #3

#262: Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning: Sorry, the thing fell here

Chapter 262 Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning: Sorry, the thing fell here 第262章元始天尊:抱歉,东西落这里了 Rewards the item? 奖励道具? Hears the question of Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, the travelers first stare, then, neat looks at the world to turn over to the fire. 听到元始天尊的问话,众行者先是一愣,然后,齐刷刷的把目光投向天下归火。 Goes out of the method of forest of movement, is he wants to come out. 走出移动之林的方法,是他想出来的。 Before twice entry mechanism, the item( consumables) will reward to the merit are biggest, person who or meets the special condition. 按照前两次的通关机制,道具(消耗品)会奖励给功劳最大,或符合特殊条件的人。 For example tries to find out the fog spider murder rule Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning ; For example the life aura is most exuberant, non- anemia Guan Ya. 比如摸索出雾蛛杀人规律的元始天尊;比如生命气息最旺盛,不贫血的关雅 Therefore, the world turns over to the fire to obtain the item reward, conforms to the logic. 因此,天下归火获得道具奖励,符合逻辑。 Facing the gaze that the teammates throw, the world turns over to the fire to knit the brows: 面对队友们投来的注视,天下归火皱眉道: I only obtain 10 overalls, has not been rewarded.” “我只获得十点积分,没有得到奖励。” Zhang Yuanqing looks at his one eyes, looks all around the people, again high sound said: 张元清看他一眼,环顾众人,再次高声道: I asked again one time, whose rewarded the item there.” “我再问一次,奖励道具在谁那里。” The official travelers look at each other in blank dismay, a silence. 官方行者们面面相觑,一阵沉默。 30 years old over, quite have light uncle makings rain female did not have melon to lift the hand, the expression said: 30岁出头,颇有“轻大叔”气质的“雨女无瓜”抬了抬手,措词道: I believe that no matter who obtained the reward, is belongs his, does not need to get to the bottom.” “我认为,不管谁得到了奖励,都是属于他的,没必要刨根问底。” The rain female does not have the melon to feel, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning this action, wants to gather the reward, by his centralized control. 雨女无瓜是觉得,元始天尊这番举动,是想集合奖励,由他统一使用。 Person but who obtains the item( the world turns over to fire), does not want to surrender something submissively depending on that the strength is rewarded oneself. 但得到道具的人(天下归火),不想把自己凭实力获得的奖励拱手让人。 This matter processing is not good, the team will make the greatly contradictory official traveler/ascetic on the scene to knit the brows secretly, they generally are the team leader level characters, mixes the unit, knows that the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning behavior, may open a power struggle, making the harmonious team fall into during the contradiction and conflict. 这件事处理不好,队伍会闹出大矛盾在场的官方行者暗暗皱眉,他们普遍都是队长级人物,混单位的,知道元始天尊的行为,可能会开启一场权力争斗,让原本和谐的队伍陷入矛盾和冲突之中。 Although slaughters in the transcription opening eve online conference, ten elders request everyone to be centered on Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, obeys his leadership , helping the cooperation mutually. 尽管杀戮副本开启前夜的线上会议中,十步长老要求大家以元始天尊为核心,听从他的领导,互帮互助。 But entered slaughtered the transcription, the opinion of organization, can only treat as the reference, no one real unconditional obedience. 但进了杀戮副本,组织的意见,只能当做参考,没有人会真正的无条件服从。 Zhang Yuanqing nods, looks at the teammates: 张元清点点头,看着队友们: I pledged to not request to deliver the item, everyone can testify. Then, can reply me now, anyone, obtained the item reward.” “我承诺,不会要求上交道具,所有人可以作证。那么,现在可以回答我了,谁,获得了道具奖励。” No one spoke. 还是没有人说话。 Zhang Yuanqing sinking sound said: 张元清沉声道: You looked, I have offered the commitment, but unmanned response.” “你们看,我已经给出承诺,但还是无人回应。” The peony fairy maiden, the rain female does not have melon and the others to knit the brows, they detected that is not right. 牡丹仙子,雨女无瓜等人纷纷皱眉,他们察觉到不对劲了。 Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, what do you want to say?” The peony fairy maiden asked. 元始天尊,你想说什么?”牡丹仙子问道。 Such it seems like, obtains to reward the person of item, was the traitor within. Zhang Yuanqing sinking sound said: 这么看来,获得奖励道具的人,就是内奸了.张元清沉声道: Immediately must arrive in the summit, something, I need with honest arrange/cloth public.” “马上就要抵达山顶,有些事,我需要与诸位坦诚布公。” Stops, he said every single word or phrase: 停顿一下,他一字一句道: In us a rebel. “我们中出了一个叛徒。 „, The rebel of dark night rose.” “一个,暗夜玫瑰的叛徒。” The people complexion changes. 众人脸色一变。 Zhang Yuanqing continues saying: 张元清继续道: Frankly, before entering slaughters the transcription, the dog elders of branch tell me a matter, three big evil organizations want to kill me and Fu Qingyang, the dark night rose also participated in this matter, the latter plans to use to place the spy in official. “实不相瞒,进杀戮副本前,松海分部的狗长老告诉我一件事,三大邪恶组织欲杀我与傅青阳,暗夜玫瑰也参与了这件事,后者打算动用安插在官方中的间谍。 Some time ago, I ambushed beyond the thick fog exit|to speak, tried to attack the person of evil camp, never expected that they know ahead of time my action, and set the trap of counter- ambush, if not I were powerful, has not come back.” “不久前,我埋伏在浓雾出口外,试图袭击邪恶阵营的人,没想到他们提前知道了我的行动,并设下了反埋伏的圈套,若非我实力强大,已经回不来了。” Hears here, the official travelers know bad risk, cannot bear look at each other in blank dismay. 听到这里,官方行者们才知道其中的凶险,忍不住面面相觑。 Originally Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning under such pressure, killed human nature wickedly this. 原来元始天尊是在这样的压力下,杀死了“人性本恶”。 Careful person should pay attention to the scoreboard, when three people who except that I kill, evil camp across fog spider domain, simply does not have the deceased person. Moreover, they have passed through the reproduction forest now, but no one died as before, this normal?” Zhang Yuanqing interrogated: “细心的人应该留意过积分榜,除了我杀的三个人,邪恶阵营穿过雾蛛地盘时,根本没有死人。另外,他们现在已经穿过繁殖森林,但依旧没有人死亡,这正常吗?”张元清质问道: If some traitors within did not disclose secret information, gave the evil camp our exploration achievement report, can they be so relaxed?” “如果不是有内奸通风报信,把我们的探索成果汇报给邪恶阵营,他们能如此轻松?” The official travelers, the complexion ugly/difficult to look at opening scoreboard and map, after examining one, discovered that truly such as Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning said that the evil camp went through customs once again lossless the reproduction forest. 官方行者们,脸色难看的打开积分榜、地图,查看一番后,发现确实如元始天尊所说,邪恶阵营又一次无损通关了繁殖森林。 No wonder the person of evil camp, must choose our routes, this is knows that Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning is good at capturing/raiding the transcription, wants to chase our achievements white/in vain.” “难怪邪恶阵营的人,要选择我们这条路线,这是知道元始天尊擅长攻略副本,想白嫖我们的成果。” Grass, who was the traitor within, the father must dig up his skin.” “艹,谁是内奸,老子要扒了他的皮。” Not only the hot master exploded with rage, heavy of other occupation also air/Qi. 不但火师气炸了,其他职业也气的不轻。 Zhang Yuanqing said: Who took the reward not to speak, who was a traitor within, at present the objects of two suspicions, one is sells the young boy of matches, one was ‚the world turns over to fire.” 张元清说道:“谁拿了奖励不吭声,谁就是内奸,目前有两个怀疑的对象,一个是‘卖火柴的小男孩’,一个是‘天下归火’。” He turned over to the fire the world previously that words, informed the people. 他把天下归火先前那番话,告知众人。 Instantaneously, everyone stands side Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, isolates two people. 瞬间,所有人都站到元始天尊身边,把两人孤立。 Sells the young boy of matches to look angrily at the world to turn over to the fire: 卖火柴的小男孩怒视天下归火: You special is a traitor within, unexpectedly slanders me, does the father have a grudge with you?” “你特么才是内奸吧,居然污蔑我,老子跟伱有仇吗?” Then, he looks to the companions, said loudly: 说完,他看向同伴们,大声道: „The reward of forest of movement definitely in the world turns over to the barrel, he did not take a moment ago, who was the traitor within is very clear.” “移动之林的奖励肯定在天下归火身上,他刚才死活不拿出来,谁是内奸很清楚了吧。” Guan Ya asked: 关雅问道: What do you touch the trees to make?” “你触碰树木做什么?” Sells the young boy of matches to knit the brows: 卖火柴的小男孩皱眉道: Naturally is the attempt communicates, although this walks, the plant in labyrinth does not seem able to communicate, but in the briefing does not have to mention the communication to be invalid explicitly . Moreover, the front tree is unable to communicate, does not represent plant all the way unable to communicate. “当然是尝试沟通,虽然这一路走来,迷宫里的植物似乎无法沟通,但任务提示里没有明确提及沟通无效,而且,前面的树无法沟通,不代表一路上的植物都无法沟通。 I thought that the necessary attempt insisted by rights ought, cannot give up.” “我觉得必要的尝试理当坚持,不能放弃。” This explained remarkable, the persuasive power was not strong, but could not pick up the problem. 这番解释可圈可点,说服力不强,但也挑不出毛病。 But compares the young boy, decodes the world of forest of movement to turn over to the fire by one's effort, is more dubious. 但相比起小男孩,以一己之力破解移动之林的天下归火,更值得怀疑。 Rewards the item big probability on him, but he refused to hand over the reward a moment ago. 奖励道具大概率在他身上,而他刚才拒绝交出奖励。 Facing teammates' question, the world turns over to the fire deeply to inspire, very good to restrain own mood, asked: 面对队友们的质疑,天下归火深吸一口气,很好的克制了自己的情绪,问道: If I am a traitor within, I handed over the item a moment ago, why to do this confessing without being pressed matter?” “如果我是内奸,我刚才就交出道具了,何必做这种不打自招的事?” No!” Guan Ya reveals him to say a word the loophole, said: “不!”关雅揭穿他言语中的漏洞,道: Dark night rose places the spies in five groups of pledge, can times avoid the big physical examination, the polygraph item and skill of unusual boundary, not possible to be effective to you. Therefore you know, even if you do not deliver the item, we do not have the substantive evidence to indicate and confirm you. “暗夜玫瑰安插在五行盟中的间谍,能一次次避开大体检,超凡境的测谎道具、技能,不可能对你有效。所以你知道,就算你不上交道具,我们也没有实质性的证据指认你。 However without the words of evidence, Primordial Beginning is impossible to kill you. Naturally, this point is also applicable to selling the young boy of matches.” “而没有证据的话,元始就不可能杀你。当然,这一点也适用于卖火柴的小男孩。” The world turns over to the fire to sneer saying: 天下归火冷笑道: Therefore, only if traitor within from exposing, otherwise you simply do not have the means to uncover him. You become this noisily, except for letting the team is dispirited, function?” “所以呢,除非内奸自曝,不然你们根本没办法揪出他。你们闹成这样,除了让队伍人心涣散,还有作用?” Zhang Yuanqing said with a smile: 张元清笑道: Has the function! So long as controls both of you, the issue was not solved.” “有作用!只要控制住你们俩,问题不就解决了吗。” Then, he takes out the oyster mask, said: 说罢,他取出沉默者口罩,道: I need to restrict your freedoms, and integrates the supervisor area you. Everyone works together, do not resist.” “我需要限制你们俩的自由,并把你们纳入监视范围。大家同事一场,不要抵抗。” At this time, who resisted, who was a traitor within. 这个时候,谁抵抗,谁就是内奸了。 White tiger long live says immediately: I have an imprisonment class item.” 白虎万岁立刻道:“我有一件禁锢类的道具。” I have.” The Niulanshan small female celestial echoes. “我也有。”牛栏山小仙女附和。 Two people items, respectively is a iron chains, together wooden cangue. 两人的道具,分别是一条铁质锁链,一块木枷。 The iron chain has the function of limit hands and feet and action, but the wooden cangue can only limit both hands, but can let the goal at the weak condition. 铁链有限制手脚、行动的功能,而木枷只能限制双手,但可以让目标处在虚弱状态。 Sells the young boy of matches deeply to inspire, whole face not indignation, but choice obedience: clear purified oneself!” 卖火柴的小男孩深吸一口气,满脸不忿,但选择服从:“清者自清!” The world turns over to the fire deeply to look at Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning: Military force control truly is the good means.” 天下归火深深看一眼元始天尊:“武力控制确实是不错的办法。” Under hint of Zhang Yuanqing, the people tie up the young boy with the iron chain, with the wooden cangue and mask, the seal the world turned over to the fire. 张元清的示意下,众人用铁链捆住小男孩,用木枷和口罩,封印了天下归火。 Makes the world turn over to the fire again at the back of the young boy, under everyone's surveillance, leads to lead the way. 再让天下归火背着小男孩,在大伙的监视下,带队前行。 The group go toward the summit line, this place is away from the summit temple, only then less than ten minutes of distance. 一行人朝着山顶行去,此地距离山顶神庙,只有不到十分钟的路程。 Close to the exit|to speak, the world turns over to the fire saying: 临近出口,天下归火说道: You open the map to look, represent the cursor of evil camp, has been going forward orderly, without the situation of appearing chaotic, backing up, what did this explain?” “你们打开地图看一看,代表邪恶阵营的光标,一直在有序前进,没有出现混乱、倒退的情况,这说明什么?” Peony fairy maiden and the others opened the map examination, really so, at heart in abundance one cold. 牡丹仙子等人打开地图查看,果然如此,心里纷纷一凛。 The world turns over to the fire sinking sound said: 天下归火沉声道: This explained that they have known captures the means of forest of movement, since we converge, everyone continuously same place, if I am a traitor within, I through what means transmission information?” “这说明他们已经知道攻略移动之林的办法,可是从我们汇合后,大家一直都在一起,如果我是内奸,我是通过什么办法传达信息的?” After the convergence, I and Guan Ya on have been observing their ears, truly no one wears Ermai, these days, no one whispered secretly, should not have transmission information opportunity Zhang Yuanqing to ponder, asked: 从汇合后,我和关雅就一直在观察他们的耳朵,确实没人戴耳麦,这段时间里,也没有人偷偷低语,应该不具备传递情报的机会张元清沉思着,问道: What do you want to say?” “你想说什么?” The world turns over to the fire to shake the head: I do not know, but instinct does not feel right. When I thought through told you again.” 天下归火摇头:“我不知道,但本能的觉得不对劲。等我想通了再告诉你。” Finally until leaving labyrinth forest, the world turns over to the fire not to think through. 结果直到离开迷宫森林,天下归火也没想通。 Ding! Congratulates you to pass through the labyrinth forest, rewards 30 overalls.】 【叮!恭喜你们穿越迷宫森林,奖励30点积分。】 From entering labyrinth forest, to leaving, the middle three checkpoints, altogether reward 60 overalls. 从进入迷宫森林,到离开,中间三个关卡,总共奖励60点积分。 This time scoreboard, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning as before is the first place, the point total is 398 overalls. 此时的积分榜,元始天尊依旧是榜首,总积分是398点积分。 The second flatter one is 190 overalls. 第二名的阿一是190点积分。 Others in list, increase 20 points, ranking basically has not changed. 榜单上的其他人,逐人增加20点,排名基本没变。 The overall growth in labyrinth is fixed, every time through a pass/test, increases ten overalls. 迷宫里的积分增长是固定的,每通过一关,增加十点积分。 Goes out of the labyrinth forest, under sprinkling that the bright moonlight blots out the sky, the front is a temple that is built by the giant stone becomes, the style is rough, has boundless atmosphere. 走出迷宫森林,皎洁的月光铺天盖地的洒下,前方是一座由巨石堆砌而成的神庙,风格粗犷简陋,却有着一股磅礴的大气。 Outside the temple is an open area, without the weed, without the trees, lies except for several smooth stones, is empty and clean. 神庙外是一块空地,没有杂草,没有树木,除了几块平坦的石头横陈,空荡而干净。 This open area should be the monkey group is used to pay respect to the mountain spirit. 这块空地应该是猴群用来参拜山神的。 Plain Mountain God Temple, calmly stands and waits for a long time in the summit, is bathing the moonlight, the background is the limpid nighttime sky and luxuriant level repeat crown. 古朴的山神庙,静静伫立在山巅,沐浴着月华,背景是清澈的夜空和繁茂层迭的树冠。 Zhang Yuanqing and the others sped up the footsteps, across the open area, along the coarse stair, enters Mountain God Temple. 张元清等人加快了脚步,穿过空地,沿着粗陋的台阶,进入山神庙 The temple is spacious and coarse, six sturdy stone columns haunch the vault, the vault is thin and big flagstone splicing, the stone column is also the stone mix mud builds. 神庙内部空旷且粗陋,六根粗壮的石柱撑起穹顶,穹顶是一块块薄而大的石板拼接而成,石柱也是石头混合泥浆堆砌。 Although rough crude, but this hills monkey, has truly controlled the simple architecture principle. 尽管粗糙简陋,但这群山猴,确实已经掌控了简单的建筑学原理。 The intelligence quotient is very high. 智商很高。 The main hall end, is a high spirit table, on the stage is standing and waiting for a long time a statue, indistinct is a female, the five senses blurs, even does not have the clothing, but the monkeys try hard through physiological characteristics, expressing this mountain spirit is a female. 大殿尽头,是一座高高的神台,台上伫立着一尊石像,隐约是位女性,五官模糊,甚至没有服饰,但猴子们努力的通过生理特征,表达出这位山神是一位女性。 Sticking out chest! 隆起的胸部! In sculpture grasps a law stick of rattan knitting, stick is inlaying a deep green gem. 雕塑手里握着一根藤条编织的法杖,杖头嵌着一颗碧绿宝石。 Zhang Yuanqing leads the people, the line before the sculpture, puts out a hand to attempt to touch the law stick. 张元清带着众人,行至雕塑前,伸手尝试触碰法杖。 Not a visible barrier, prevented his movement, in the meantime, the ear resounds the briefing sound: 一堵看不见的屏障,阻止了他的动作,同时,耳边响起任务提示音: Ding! This goods cannot touch!】 【叮!该物品不可触碰!】 Isn't the background -type item, able by the Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic use? But branch duty three mentioned, cultivated/repaired to send out the lackey to attempt evilly to rob the mountain spirit law stick, only then can the mountain ghost camp take away it? 背景式的道具,无法被灵境行者利用?但支线任务三里提及,邪修派出爪牙企图抢夺山神法杖只有山鬼阵营能拿走它? Zhang Yuanqing is pondering, suddenly hears Jiang Jingwei to shout: 张元清正思考着,忽然听见姜精卫喊道: Here has the picture!” “这里有画!” The people look following the sound, sees only Jiang Jingwei to hold flare, stands near the wall, points at the mural in stone wall to shout. 众人循声看去,只见姜精卫举着“火把”,站在墙边,指着石壁上的壁画嚷嚷。 These murals are broken and dim, many outline the simple line with the limestone, a few matched the color, the style is quite abstract. 那些壁画残破而黯淡,多数是用石灰石勾画出简单的线条,少数配了色彩,画风极为抽象。 One group of people identify carefully for a long time, partly look partly guess, understands the mural the content. 一群人仔细辨认许久,半看半猜,才弄懂壁画的内容。 What said was the mountain spirit and cultivates the fight that evilly, the powerful evil cultivated/repaired in the city wreaks havoc, he misled the living person in city, everyone gathered, then, the matches person on mural dropped down unceasingly, the whole body was the blood( blood by red berry dyeing). 讲的是山神和邪修的战斗,强大的邪修在城市里肆虐,他蛊惑了城市里的活人,把大家聚集在一起,然后,壁画上的火柴人不断倒下,浑身是血(血由红浆果染色)。 Everyone's blood gathered in a beach blood pond, in the blood pond opened a black eye. 大家的鲜血汇聚成一滩血池,血池里睁开了一双黑色的眼睛。 In everyone kept dying, grasped the mountain spirit of law stick to arrive, with cultivated/repaired to launch the fierce disputes evilly, and successfully killed cultivates evilly. 就在大家不停死去之际,手持法杖的山神降临,与邪修展开激烈交锋,并成功杀死邪修。 Again later, this mountain spirit builds tall wall around the city, cut off the city and relation. 再之后,这位山神于城市四周筑起“高墙”,断绝了城市与外界的联系。 Strange, the content on mural showed, cultivated/repaired evilly is killed by the mountain spirit, was the goal of her seal city what?” “奇怪,壁画上的内容显示,邪修已经被山神杀死了,那她封印这座城市的目的是什么?” What ceremony cultivates evilly is holding probably? The eye in blood pond. Can the goal of mountain spirit seal city, be prevents that eye to come out.” “邪修好像在举行什么仪式?血池里的眼睛.山神封印城市的目的,会不会是防止那个眼睛出来。” Should, therefore our Main Quest arrives in the city of losing.” “应该是吧,所以我们的主线任务是抵达遗失之城。” The people discussed in a soft voice. 众人轻声讨论起来。 At this time, Ryo Asano said loudly: 这时,浅野凉大声说: „The people of evil camp approached fast.” “邪恶阵营的人快来了。” The official travelers open the map examination, the fellows of evil camp, have passed through the forest of movement, was very near from the exit|to speak of labyrinth forest. 官方行者们打开地图查看,邪恶阵营的家伙们,已经穿过移动之林,距离迷宫森林的出口很近了。 Zhang Yuanqing said immediately: 张元清当即道: Goes out, prepares to meet the enemy. Another two teams have not arrived, but is not far from the summit.” “出去吧,准备应敌.另外两支队伍还未抵达,但距离山顶也不远了。” The advancement speeds of other two teams are slightly slow, after all in their team does not have Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning. 其他两支队伍的推进速度略慢,毕竟他们队伍里没有元始天尊 Hopes that they can arrive in peony fairy maiden to sigh earlier. “希望他们能早点抵达”牡丹仙子叹了口气。 Otherwise their teams, will lose seriously. 不然他们这支队伍,将损失惨重。 At this moment, had the person: 就在这时,有人呵了一声: Relax, you do not need to meet the enemy. This pass/test, the mountain ghost camp won.” “放心,你们不需要迎敌。这一关,山鬼阵营赢定了。” People hears word, turns head to look. 众人闻言,扭头看去。 The person of speech is the sound is crazy, he is standing far away from the stone column of crowd near, a face sneers takes out a side palm of the hand to be big, micro forest sand table. 说话的人是音痴,他站着远离人群的石柱边,一脸冷笑的取出一方巴掌大的,微缩的森林沙盘。 Rolls the forest of movement!” “滚回移动之林吧!” The voice falls, the forest sand table changes to the light scraps/condescend to be defeated and dispersed, packages the people on the scene. 话音落下,森林沙盘化作光屑溃散,包裹在场众人。 The next second, they disappear do not see. 下一秒,他们消失不见。 He is a traitor within, is the person of dark night rose. 他才是内奸,是暗夜玫瑰的人。 After informing the ambush plan of evil camp Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, the sound considered crazily, if ambushes the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning failure, then existence of traitor within exposes inevitably. 在告知邪恶阵营元始天尊的埋伏计划后,音痴就考虑到如果伏击元始天尊失败,那么内奸的存在必然暴露。 He needs to make to deal. 他需要做出应对。 Therefore using the hypnosis ability of musician, affected no protection sells the young boy of matches in secret, lets him desirably in the world turns over to front of the fire, makes a series of strange actions. 于是暗中利用乐师的催眠能力,影响了毫无防备的“卖火柴的小男孩”,让他刻意在天下归火面前,做出一系列怪异的举动。 By the hypnosis person will not be thought has any issue, will unable to realize oneself already by hypnosis. 被催眠的人不会觉得有任何问题,不会意识不到自己已经被催眠。 But turns over to the fire by the world the wisdom, certainly will notice the unusuality of young boy, if Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning is really living, the world will turn over to the fire certainly to tell Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning this matter. 而以天下归火的智慧,一定会注意到小男孩的异常,如果元始天尊真的活着回来,天下归火一定会把这件事告诉元始天尊 In the polygraph item invalid situation, the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning big probability will make the measure that the limit suspicious person acts and so on. 在测谎道具无效的情况下,元始天尊大概率会做出限制可疑人物行动之类的措施。 Sure enough, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning truly did that. 果不其然,元始天尊确实这么做了。 However the development of situation, a little comes as a surprise sound crazy, he is only pure thinking source of trouble lead to the east. 不过事态的发展,有点出乎音痴预料,他本来只是单纯的想祸水东引。 But the following world turns over to the fire outstanding operation, is he has not thought that but happen , the suspect were many, he is instead more unique outside, was not suspected. 但后续天下归火过于优秀的操作,是他没有想到的,不过正好,嫌疑人多了一位,他反而更加超脱在外,不受怀疑。 Moves the reward of forest, is not as he expected. 移动森林的奖励,也出乎他的预料。 After the people disperse, the sound crazily thinks method of use frame of reference localization, this falls into the method that labyrinth often uses, this has not thought uses this move to leave the forest of movement. 在与众人走散后,音痴就想到了利用参照物定位的方法,这是陷入“迷宫”时常用的方法,本没想过利用这招离开移动之林。 What coincidence is, his moved position, is not exactly far from the exit|to speak, therefore he becomes first person who by luck is separated from the forest of movement. 巧合的是,他被移动的位置,恰好距离出口不远,所以他侥幸成为第一个脱离移动之林的人。 Luck thing, did not speak the logic, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning could not guess correctly again intelligently. 运气这东西,不讲逻辑,元始天尊再聪明也猜不到。 He cannot certainly hand over rewards the item, after item of forest of reward movement, the sound knows crazily won, he first shared oneself experience to the mountain ghost camp, then received the item to return to the forest of movement, converged with the official traveler/ascetic. 他当然不能交出奖励道具,得到移动之林奖励的道具后,音痴就知道赢定了,他先把自己的经验分享给山鬼阵营,然后收起道具重新返回移动之林,与官方行者汇合。 Although became last, but in had not been suspected well. 虽然成了最后一名,但好在没被怀疑。 Later development as he expected, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, although has not uncovered the method of traitor within, but used the most simple and crude, most effective way pneumatic control! 之后的发展如他所料,元始天尊虽然没有揪出内奸的方法,但采用了最简单粗暴,也最有效的方式-控制! However, the two are the pretences. 然而,那两人不过是幌子罢了。 The sound looked at a mountain spirit law stick crazily, the mountain spirit camp is unable to touch this item, he does not yearn for turns around to go out of Mountain God Temple, stands before the temple gate, silently waiting. 音痴看了一眼山神法杖,山神阵营无法触及这件道具,他毫不留恋的转身走出山神庙,站在庙门前,默默等待。 After 20 minutes, headed by flatter one, no restriction of any kind evil camps, across the labyrinth forest, presents the open area outside Mountain God Temple. 二十分钟后,以阿一、百无禁忌为首的邪恶阵营们,穿过迷宫森林,出现在山神庙外的空地。 No restriction of any kind saw the sound of Mountain God Temple mouth is crazy, the corners of the mouth select: 百无禁忌一眼就看到了山神庙口的音痴,嘴角一挑: Does well!” “做得不错!” The sound nods crazily slightly, law stick in inside, goes to take.” 音痴微微颔首,“法杖就在里面,进去拿吧。” The travelers of evil camp, hear two people dialogues, not slightly accidental/surprised, they have attended the summit meeting. 邪恶阵营的行者们,听到两人的对话,没有丝毫意外,他们是参加过峰会的。 Knows in the official team to have their people. 知道官方队伍里有他们的人。 Does not know that is. 只是不知道是谁。 Originally is your fellow.” “原来是你这家伙。” Dark night rose was too sinister, the arena eight players can stir up rebellion before the game.” “暗夜玫瑰太阴险了吧,擂台赛前八的选手都能策反。” Ha, this time slaughtered the transcription, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning dies.” “哈哈哈,这次杀戮副本,元始天尊死定了。” During the speeches, the people across the open area, rush toward Mountain God Temple fast. 说话间,众人快速穿过空地,朝着山神庙奔去。 Suddenly, a flatter amber brown pupil, catches near the front blue stone, is setting up pair of excellent workmanship restoring the old boots, by the bright yellow silk knitting, is embroidering the fine cloud pattern. 突然,阿一琥珀色的瞳孔,捕捉到前方一块青石边,立着一双做工精美的复古长靴,由明黄色的丝绸编织而成,绣着精致云纹。 How will here have the boots?” “这里怎么会有靴子?” He stops the footsteps, the sinking sound opens the mouth. 他停下脚步,沉声开口。 The sound of temple entrance gawked crazily. 庙门口的音痴愣了一下。 When he does not remember, this place has such boots. 他不记得来时,此地有一双这样的靴子。 Is having doubts, the person's shadow highlights together in the blue stone, is Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning. 正疑惑间,一道人影在青石边凸显出来,正是元始天尊 He emerges out of thin air, face mischievous looking to people: 他就这么凭空出现,一脸促狭的望向众人: „, This is my thing! Sorry, forgot here, I came back to take.” “哦,这是我的东西!抱歉,忘在这里了,我回来取一下。” Finishes speaking , the person's shadow transmission returns together, puts on vine armor, arm guard and shinguard, selects the bright-colored hybrid beautiful woman high. 话音刚落,又一道人影传送返回,穿着藤甲、护臂和护腿,高挑明艳的混血美女。 PS: After wrong character first, changes. PS:错字先更后改。
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