SRW :: Volume #3

#253 Part 2: Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning: The official traveler/ascetic, assembles to this

Saw with own eyes the vine that blots out the sky pulls out to oneself, a flatter decisive restraining elytrum, the kneecap cast rolls up, the cutin of his body surface develops crazily, packages all round, forms one group of hard bone balls. 眼见铺天盖地的藤蔓抽向自己,阿一果断的收敛鞘翅,抱膝蜷缩,他体表的角质疯狂滋长,团团包裹,形成一团坚硬的骨球。 „!!!” “啪!啪!啪!” The vine brushes crazily, making the hard cutin ball cover entirely the crack, seeps the dark green blood. 藤蔓疯狂抽打,让坚硬的角质球布满裂缝,沁出墨绿色的鲜血。 Cutin ball whip under. 角质球急坠而下。 Similarly but whip below also has Jiang Jingwei, in her hand is grasping a yellow jade pendant, this from the item of earth strange occupation, while forming defense barrier, increases the Jiang Jingwei weight, making her fall fast to the ground. 同样急坠而下的还有姜精卫,她手里握着一枚黄色玉佩,这件源自土怪职业的道具,在形成防御屏障的同时,增加姜精卫的重量,让她快速坠向地面。 Although the Jiang Jingwei brain is not intelligent, but the inherent fight talent, making her not need to ponder when can awareness naturally, choose what item. 姜精卫脑子虽然不聪明,但与生俱来的战斗天赋,让她不需要思考,就能自然而然的知道什么时候,选择什么道具。 Gap healing “缺口愈合了” Scouts the eyesight to be astonishing, reminded loudly. 一名斥候眼力惊人,高声提醒。 The gap that Jiang Jingwei exploded a moment ago, is healing rapidly. 姜精卫刚才炸出的缺口,正迅速愈合。 The tree king of saint boundary, naturally is skilled in the reply ability. 圣者境的树王,自然精通回复能力。 When considers, the look supple conceitedness, the palm picks up a side black imperial seal. 当是时,相貌阴柔的唯我独尊,掌心托起一方黑色印玺。 The imperial seal surface carving great waves, the material quality resembles jade non- jade, resembles stone Feishi. 印玺表面雕刻浪涛,材质似玉非玉,似石非石。 Bang!” “轰!” The diameter several-meter water column, spurts from the imperial seal in together thinly, soars to the heavens on. 一道直径达数米的水柱,自印玺中喷薄,冲天而上。 Conceited body translucent, as if fuses together with the water, taking advantage of soaring to the heavens the water column counter empties on, the vine that in the disregarding process pulls out, arrives in the gap that Jiang Jingwei explodes quickly. 唯我独尊的身躯半透明化,仿佛与水融为一体,借着冲天的水柱逆空而上,无视过程中抽来的藤蔓,很快抵达姜精卫炸出的缺口。 His recovers the essence, lifts the hand to summon the long blade that a blue color ice crystal concentrates, spuddings in the gap that contracts unceasingly ruthlessly. 他身体恢复实质,抬手召唤出一柄蓝色冰晶凝成的长刃,狠狠凿入正不断收缩的缺口。 „” Repeatedly, the glare ice covered the gap of head size, and spreads to the surroundings. “咔嚓”连声,冰壳覆盖了脑袋大小的缺口,并向周围蔓延。 The reply was effectively contained immediately. 回复顿时受到有效遏制。 Bang!” “砰!” The distant place transmits a vigorous powerful gunshot, reverberates sky over the forest. 远处传来一声浑厚有力的枪响,回荡在森林上空。 The congealment blasts open in the glare ice of tree trunk gap immediately, along with sawdust of sputtering. 凝结在树干缺口的冰壳立刻炸裂,伴随着溅射的木屑。 Bang bang bang “砰砰砰” The sound of gunfire resounds one after another, the fire that the bullet non-stop in the same position, each spear/gun makes the gap deepen a point, expands one inch. 枪声接二连三响起,子弹不停的射击在同一个位置,每一枪都让缺口加深一分,扩大一寸。 Hides in the secret shooter, not only the might horrifying weapon, may be called marksmanship extremely. 隐藏在幕后的射击者,不但有一件威力可怕的武器,还有堪称绝顶的枪法。 Under the tree, the Maoshan masters take out a mourning staff that twines the white cloth strip, loses to the Yin corpse, manipulates him to rush to the tree king. 树底下,茅山术士取出一根缠绕白布条的哭丧棒,丢给阴尸,操纵着他奔向树王。 Sun Miaomiao small mouth, puts out resentfully spirit, they each other are intertwined, weaves an illusory length whip that resentful spirit comprised. 孙淼淼小嘴一张,吐出一道道怨灵,它们彼此交缠,编织成一条由怨灵组成的虚幻长鞭。 The mourning staff and hits the god whip, tacit brushing in tree trunk. 哭丧棒和打神鞭,默契的抽打在树干。 The vine that the top of the head makes threatening gestures, stiffens instantaneously, subsequently soft letting fall. 头顶张牙舞爪的藤蔓,瞬间僵住,继而软绵绵的垂落。 The tree Wangling soul is wounded, falls into the delay. 树王灵魂受创,陷入呆滞。 Seizes the opportunity, witchcraft master Men melts the gu in abundance, launches the elytrum and wing, leads hot masters and Bewitching Demon pull empty/sky, charges into 50 meters high place. 抓住机会,巫蛊师们纷纷化蛊,展开鞘翅、羽翼,带着一个个火师、蛊惑之妖拔空而起,冲向五十米高处。 Suddenly, the fireball, the hot lance and hot blade, blast out one after another, is billowing hot, the flame soars to the heavens. 一时间,火球、火矛、火刀,相继炸开,热浪滚滚,火光冲天。 But Bewitching Demon use armor piercing pointed weapons, make the bleeding effect, contains the reply of tree king. 而一位位蛊惑之妖利用破甲兵刃,制造出流血效果,遏制树王的回复。 The evil camp and defends the Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic of foreword camp, under rare fighting side-by-side, works as one, makes a ton injury. 邪恶阵营和守序阵营的灵境行者,罕见的并肩作战,齐心协力下,打出成吨伤害。 The gap of tree trunk 50 meters place, the sawdust flies horizontally, continually deepens, is sprawling, flows out the dark red liquid gradually, the textile fiber are also getting fewer and fewer, the delicate pink flesh presents. 树干五十米处的缺口,木屑横飞,不断加深,不断扩大,渐渐流出殷红的液体,纤维也越来越少,嫩红的血肉呈现。 Saw the tree heart! By a meat wall package, was not punctured broken!” “看到树心了!被一层肉壁包裹,刺不破!” Bewitching Demon falls rapidly, loudly exclaimed. 一名蛊惑之妖急速下坠,大吼道。 The next second, he pulled out by the vine breaks to pieces in the midair, and has more and more hot masters and witchcraft masters, patted covered with blood like mosquito. 下一秒,他就被藤蔓生生抽碎在半空,并有越来越多的火师、巫蛊师,像蚊子一样被拍的血肉模糊。 Sets up king Zhengtuo to hit the influence of god whip and mourning staff, felt the intense crisis, counter-attacked crazily. 树王挣脱打神鞭和哭丧棒的影响,感受到了强烈的危机,疯狂反扑。 Meanwhile, the surrounding trees highlight the face, is full of the hatred is staring at the people, the crowded vine and tree root, or the volume or circling, attack the people. 与此同时,周围的树木纷纷凸显出人脸,充满恨意的盯着众人,密集的藤蔓、树根,或卷或绕,攻击众人。 The powder cultivate/repair is incapable of coping with the tree king, the attack of entanglement of doing utmost from tree monster. 散修们无力对付树王,竭尽全力的纠缠来自树妖的袭击。 Delivers me to come up!” “送我上去!” Both hands hold the youth of straight blade to shout respectively lowly. 一名双手各持直刀的青年低喝道。 Nine leak the fish, gave you.” “九漏鱼,交给你了.” In the manages peeps dried fish double to hold toward ground, nine leak the soil of fish sole to stick out, holds up a day of great hand to emerge as the times require, holding him to clash high. 管中窥鲍双掌往地面一拉,九漏鱼脚底的泥土隆起,一只擎天巨手破土而出,托着他高高冲起。 The great hand just flushed more than ten meters, several vines interlock to whip, the palm that bang bang repeatedly, the stone concentrates is split up. 巨手刚冲起十几米,数条藤蔓交错着拍打下来,砰砰连声,土石凝成的手掌四分五裂。 Nine leak the fish to jump to leap, seemingly thrillingly actually clever leaps from the vine staggered slit, inevitable crash downward. 九漏鱼纵身一跃,看似惊险实则灵巧的从藤蔓交错的缝隙中跃出,不可避免的往下坠落。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” The water column shoots up to the sky, spurts exactly, in nine leak on the fish, withstood/top several meters him upward, and happen to avoids a vine that sweeps away to come. 水柱冲天而起,恰好喷在九漏鱼身上,又把他往上顶了几米,并正好避开横扫而来的一根藤蔓。 Meanwhile, the Jiang Jingwei stride rushes, the palm concentrates one group of flood white fireballs, such as throws the shot, withstand/top furiously. 与此同时,姜精卫大步奔出,掌心凝成一团泛白的火球,如投铅球般,奋力顶出。 Bang! 轰! The fireball in nine leak under the fish to blast out, wild to the air wave that being inconceivable, pushes to fly him instantaneously, but the disorderly air wave also made nine leak the fish to lose balanced, uncontrolled from the sky tumbled. 火球在九漏鱼下方炸开,狂暴到难以想象的气浪,瞬间把他推飞,但无序的气浪也让九漏鱼丧失了平衡,不受控制的在空中翻滚。 When considers, restores the wound flatter to flutter to come, just like a fighter aircraft, then nine leak the fish, leading him to raise straightly to/clashes, sends in the diameter one-meter gap. 当是时,修复伤口的阿一振翅而来,犹如一架战斗机,接着九漏鱼,带着他笔直扬冲,送入直径达一米的缺口。 ! 啪嗒! Nine leak the fish both feet steps the gap edge, after the back, face upwards Rugong, the double blade erupts the dazzling white light, by a posture of firewood, furiously two blade chisels to by the heart that the meat wall packages. 九漏鱼双脚踩住缺口边缘,脊背后仰如弓,双刀爆发出刺目的白光,以一种劈柴的姿势,奋力将两把刀凿向被肉壁包裹的心脏。 . The blood of large share large share spouts from the gap, nine leaks the fish to dye the blood-color. 噗.大股大股的鲜血从缺口中喷出,把九漏鱼染成血色。 The vine that everywhere brandishes stagnates immediately, is incapable of letting fall, that both inlays the indifferent eye on snake scale bark, closes slowly, hidden returns to the tree trunk. 漫天挥舞的藤蔓顿时一滞,接着无力垂落,那一双双嵌在蛇鳞树皮上的冷漠眼睛,缓缓闭上,隐回树干中。 All around tree monster, follows to lose the activeness, returns to original state the ordinary plant. 四周的树妖,也跟着失去活性,还原成普通的植物。 Close to the puddle, Zhang Yuanqing displays the nightwalking, hidden goes to the figure, leads the way quietly. 临近水潭,张元清施展夜游,隐去身形,悄然前行。 Quick, he saw the puddle, gathers round fruit trees that the puddle grows, the branch is hanging the heavy berry. 很快,他看到了水潭,还有围着水潭生长的一棵棵果树,枝头挂着沉甸甸的浆果。 But Zhang Yuanqing has not picked the berry immediately, is not because these climb up in the branch, or catches the mountain monkey that the louse, plays near the puddle mutually, but dreaded lies down in Tan side azure rock, monkey that whistling rests greatly. 张元清没有立刻采摘浆果,不是因为那些在枝头攀爬,或在水潭边互相抓虱子、嬉戏的山猴,而是忌惮躺在谭边青岩上,呼呼大睡的猴王。 The monkey height approximately three meters, the body surface covers the thick thorough white hair, the palm and finger are the black, the face is also the black. 猴王身长约三米,体表覆盖厚实绵密的白毛,掌心和手指是黑色的,脸庞也是黑色的。 A coat color bright and beautiful yellow wool monkey, lazy by the white hair monkey bosom, moves the tail once for a while, gentle cries out. 一只毛色亮丽的黄毛猴子,慵懒的靠在白毛猴王怀里,时不时甩动一下尾巴,轻柔的叫唤一声。 At this time, a build compared with the yellow wool monkey slightly big Duke monkey, close, entrained quietly the coat color bright and beautiful monkey, towed to several meters beyond. 这时,一只体型比黄毛猴子稍大的公猴,悄悄靠近,一把将毛色亮丽的猴子拽走,一路拖到几米外。 Then turns upwards the tail, lies on the coat color bright and beautiful female monkey, shrugs rapidly. 然后翘起尾巴,趴在毛色亮丽的母猴身上,急速耸动。 The female monkey starts not to want, after calling several, crawls in the place, digs the buttocks, yielded with a show of reluctance. 母猴开始是不愿意的,叫了几声后,就匍匐在地,撅起屁股,半推半就了。 The courage was too big, covertly woman who did the king? Monkey this does not awake. Zhang Yuanqing confidence fully several points. 胆子太大了吧,偷偷摸摸搞王的女人?猴王这都不醒.张元清信心足了几分。 However, the monkey of saint boundary, has to the fearful sense inevitably powerful, when picks secretly was discovered, he cannot run away. 但是,圣者境的猴王,必然拥有强大到可怕的感官,如果偷偷采摘时被发现,他根本跑不掉。 The nightwalking can cover the smell and sound, when the sound that cannot cover runs creates, for example the body touches the leaf and bush, making him sway. 夜游能掩盖气味和声音,但掩盖不住奔跑时造成的动静,比如身体触碰到树叶、灌木,使其摇晃。 In order to the insurance, must think that means direct monkey Zhang Yuanqing to move at heart, retreats silently. 保险起见,得想个办法引走猴王张元清心里一动,默默退走。 Waits to fall back on the aware security the distance, he relieves the nightwalking, puts out slightly teases the ratio. 等退到自觉安全的距离,他解除夜游,吐出小逗比。 Afghanistan , Pakistan!” “阿巴!” Slightly teases the ratio to lie on the ground, is tilting the head, looks to the master. 小逗比趴在地上,歪着头,看向主人。 The Zhang Yuanqing squatting lower part of the body, feels the lanugo sparse head, just several months of a baby to this birth entrusted with an important task: 张元清蹲下身,摸着胎毛稀疏的脑袋,对这个出生刚几个月的婴儿委以重任: You crawl that side, picks one bunch of fruits, picks to hurry to run, many runs far.” “你爬到那边,去摘一串果子,摘完赶紧跑,有多远跑多远。” Slightly teases compared with Abbas one, the flexible paddling four limbs, drill into the shrubbery. 小逗比“阿巴”一声,灵活的划动四肢,钻入灌木丛中。 Zhang Yuanqing displays the nightwalking again, touches to the puddle direction. 张元清则再次施展夜游,向水潭方向摸去。 He returns to the original place, silently waiting. 他回到原来的地方,默默等待。 Probably after a half minute, he sees the puddle opposite shrubbery, finds out a lanugo sparse head, then, the young baby of insufficient adult hand reach, along a fruit tree, fast upward crawling. 大概半分钟后,他看见水潭对面的灌木丛,探出一只胎毛稀疏的脑袋,接着,不足成年人手臂长的小婴儿,沿着一棵果树,快速向上爬行。 The Zhang Yuanqing vision shoots a look at once for a while to the monkey of sleeping soundly, reason that chooses slightly teases the ratio, rather than patrol, did not summon the ghost bride, because slightly teased the aura is weaker. 张元清目光时不时瞥向酣睡的猴王,之所以选择小逗比,而不是自己神游,不是召唤鬼新娘,正是因为小逗比气息弱。 Although the monkey is not the Nightwalking God occupation, but after all is a saint, the psychic force is powerful, after difficult insurance, both will not be induced by it. 虽然猴王不是夜游神职业,但毕竟是圣者,精神力强大,难保后两者不会被它感应到。 Very good, it had not discovered that slightly teases compared with seeing the monkey sleeps soundly as before, has not detected in the territory to come a small and weak spirit body, Zhang Yuanqing to relax. 很好,它没有发现小逗比见猴王依旧酣睡,没有察觉到领地里来了一个弱小的灵体,张元清松了口气。 Under his gaze, slightly teases compared with crawl the branch along the tree trunk, grasps one skewer of red berries, utilizes the spirit body strength, furiously a booklet. 在他的注视下,小逗比沿着树干爬到树枝,抱住一串红色浆果,运用灵体力量,奋力一折。 ! 咔嚓! That skewer of berries left the branch, crashes, slightly teases compared with smoothly falls down from the branch, the head is going against the berry, paddles the four limbs, escaping fast. 那串浆果离开了树枝,直直坠落,小逗比顺利从树枝上掉下去,脑袋顶着浆果,划动四肢,逃的飞快。 squeak squeak ~ “吱吱~” Saw this, several mountain Hou on tree was shocked, points at berry that is stringing together itself to fly away, exuded the rapid sharp cry. 见到这一幕,树上的几只山猴惊呆了,指着那串自己飞走的浆果,发出急促尖锐的叫声。 Makes a sound to draw many mountain monkey attention, subsequently is more squeak squeak, awakened the monkey of sleeping soundly finally. 吱吱声引来更多的山猴注意,继而是越多的吱吱,最后惊醒了酣睡的猴王。 Beyond several meters, two monkeys of intense multiplication, are stiffening suddenly. 几米外,正激烈繁衍的两只猴子,陡然僵住。 Duke monkey dull looks to regain consciousness the monkey that flexure scratches the head 公猴呆呆的看着苏醒的猴王,挠了挠头 Roar ~ “吼~” The monkey roared angrily, bared the canine, bit also deeply inlays the Duke monkey neck in female monkey body, fatal swing. 猴王愤怒咆哮,龇起尖牙,一口咬住还深深嵌在母猴身体里的公猴脖子,致命摇摆。 But nearby mountain monkeys scurry about, are pointing at the distant place squeak squeak the scream. 而旁边的山猴们上蹿下跳,指着远处吱吱尖叫。 The monkey cocked the ears to listen for several seconds, in the jet black eye flashed through the anger, puts out died thoroughly Duke monkey, heavy roared lowly, the big serious body pranced, crossed more than ten meters wide puddle directly, in thump thump thump young thief who in dashing about wildly, the pursuit dared to steal the ethnic group grain ration. 猴王侧耳听了几秒,漆黑的眼睛里闪过怒火,吐出死透了的公猴,沉沉低吼一声,高大沉重的身躯腾跃而起,直接越过十几米宽的水潭,在“咚咚咚”的狂奔中,追击胆敢盗取族群口粮的小贼。 Sees the leader to send out, mountain Houmen then dares to pursue. 见首领出动,山猴们这才敢追上去。 The matter cannot be delayed Zhang Yuanqing rushes to the puddle fast, close to the recent fruit tree, soars to jump, folds the next -and-a-half meter branches, above is decorating four skewers of red berries. 事不宜迟张元清快速奔向水潭,临近最近一颗果树,腾空跃起,折下一条半米长的树枝,上面缀着四串红色浆果。 The branch just broke off, then under the influence of nightwalking, vanishes does not see. 树枝刚折断,便在夜游的影响下,消失不见。 Zhang Yuanqing does not stop, turns head to run, simultaneously to slightly teases the ratio to issue to discard the berry, instruction of fast escape. 张元清不做停留,扭头就跑,同时向小逗比下达丢弃浆果,速速逃命的指令。 The spirit servant does not have the entity, will not make any sound, the monkey gave up any idea of that locks slightly teases the ratio. 灵仆没有实体,不会制造任何动静,猴王休想锁定小逗比。 The one breath rushes to several hundred meters, he backs on a tree to stop, waits for slightly teases the ratio to be able with, while carefully examines the half branch in hand. 一口气奔出数百米,他背靠着一株乔木停下来,一边等待小逗比会和,一边审视手里的半截树枝。 Has the effect, ate one to know.” “有没有效果,吃一颗就知道了.” Zhang Yuanqing takes off a grain of dragon eye big large Chinese hawthorn, forces in the mouth, the berry is sour and sweet, entrance. 张元清摘下一粒龙眼大的红果,塞进嘴里,浆果酸酸甜甜,入口即化。 A warm current swamps into the stomach, at once to lead to all the limbs and bones, brings the lazy warm feeling, scatters exhaustedly. 一股暖流涌入胃部,旋即通向四肢百骸,带来慵懒的暖意,驱散疲惫。 „.” “嗤嗤.” On him braved intermittent illusory black smoke, within the body to have what contamination to be purified. 他身上冒起一阵阵虚幻的黑烟,体内有什么污秽被净化了。 The berry has the treatment injury, recovers the energy the effect, no wonder said that in body not at the right moment, picks the wild fruit use, this black smoke what's the matter, I was purified Zhang Yuanqing to move probably at heart, have guessed: 浆果有治疗伤势,恢复体力的功效,难怪说在身体不适时,采摘野果使用,这股黑烟是怎么回事,我好像被净化了张元清心里一动,有了猜测: Purifies the black smoke to represent his camp to be cleaned, or changed. 净化黑烟代表着他的阵营被清洗,或发生了转变。 Goes back to confirm, looks to enter in the forest.” “回去验证一下,看能不能进入森林中部。” Quick, Zhang Yuanqing and slightly teases the ratio to be able with, swallows the young spirit servant, returns with the seeing-eye dog and peony fairy maiden distinction place. 很快,张元清与小逗比会和,吞下小灵仆,返回与导盲犬、牡丹仙子分别的地方。 A scene piece in confusion, the trees fall, is water-worn, turning out of soil bulk, like experiencing a large-scale felling, left behind sores all over the eye. 场面一片狼藉,树木倾倒,沟壑纵横,泥土大块大块的翻出,就像经历了一场规模浩大的砍伐,留下满目疮痍。 Lying down that the Ryo Asano whole body is bathed in blood on the ground, the chest cavity fluctuates fiercely, her ice mortal form blade oblique cutting in the side, her left calf bend, the bone punctures the body, the blood flows place. 浅野凉浑身浴血的躺在地上,胸腔剧烈起伏,她的冰魄刀斜插在身边,她的左小腿弯折,骨头刺破皮肉,鲜血流淌一地。 Blood wild rose wooden standing in the one side, the whole body mud, the back T-shirt split, puts on also tore in inside nano tight-fitting combat clothes, revealed snow white jade bei, the back split open the flesh. 血蔷薇木然的站在一旁,浑身泥泞,背部T恤裂开,穿在内里的纳米紧身作战衣也撕裂了,露出雪白玉背,背部绽开血肉。 The peony fairy maiden squats side Ryo Asano, palm light according to calf wound, the gentle green light glitters in the palm. 牡丹仙子蹲在浅野凉身边,手掌轻按小腿伤口,柔和的绿光在掌心闪烁。 This replies the treatment skill of master. 这是回复术士的治疗技能。 But stops bleeding rapidly, patches the wound, but must continue the words of bone, appears beyond one's reach. 可迅速止血,修补伤口,但要接续断骨的话,就显得力有未逮。 It seems like avoids the second crisis.” Zhang Yuanqing walks up, carefully examines, the definite seeing-eye dog does not have the danger. “看来是躲过第二次危机了。”张元清走上前去,审视一番,确定导盲犬没有生命危险。 Hears the familiar sound, the peony fairy maiden at heart one happy, has turned head, stunned is staring at a section of branch in Zhang Yuanqing, said: 听见熟悉的声音,牡丹仙子心里一喜,扭过头来,愕然的盯着张元清手里的一截树枝,道: You, you went is so long, brought several bunches of large Chinese hawthorns?” “你,你去了那么久,就带回来几串红果?” Zhang Yuanqing throws down several grains of large Chinese hawthorns, said: Hey to her eats.” 张元清丢下几粒红果,道:“喂给她吃。” Then, moves toward the poster of distant place directly, stops in the sign, deeply inspires, forwards with stride. 说罢,径直走向远处的告示牌,在牌边停了停,深吸一口气,大步向前。 This time, he crosses the poster with ease, has not met with the hindrance of invisible barrier. 这一次,他轻松越过告示牌,没有遭遇无形屏障的阻碍。 Ding! You have entered in the forest. The branch duty one has been completed, reward point 20 points 【叮!您已进入森林中部。支线任务一已完成,奖励积分20点】 Ding! You are first passenger who achieves the condition, rewards 100 overalls.】 【叮!您是第一个达成条件的旅客,奖励100点积分。】 Ding! Your camp is- mountain spirit! Please remember own camp.】 【叮!您的阵营为-山神!请牢记自己的阵营。】 Ding! The branch duty two renovate. Please form a team.】 【叮!支线任务二刷新中.请组队.】 Ended the briefing sound. 任务提示音到此结束。 Needs to form a team to renovate the duty? Doesn't a person enter good? Zhang Yuanqing hesitates for several seconds, before returning the poster, looked at a poster, discovered that above presented a map. 需要组队才能刷新任务?一个人进入不行?张元清沉吟几秒,退回告示牌前,看了一眼告示牌,发现上面出现了一幅地图。 An extremely complex labyrinth chart. 一幅极其复杂的迷宫图。 At sixes and sevens of line drawing, ten brains cannot remember Zhang Yuanqing mutter one, takes back the vision, looks to the seeing-eye dog and peony fairy maiden. 线条画的乱七八糟,十个脑子也记不住啊张元清咕哝一句,收回目光,看向导盲犬和牡丹仙子。 The Ryo Asano pale cheek has transferred gradually ruddily, the calf of bend restores straightly, is leaning on the ice mortal form blade, lamely walks, said with joy: 浅野凉苍白的脸蛋已渐转红润,弯折的小腿恢复笔直,拄着冰魄刀,一瘸一拐的走来,喜滋滋道: My leg was good, Wang Tai, I will repay your, if can live is leaving slaughters the transcription. Un, you entered second to close a moment ago right, I saw you to go, how you achieved.” “我的腿好了,王泰,我会报答你的,如果能活着离开杀戮副本.嗯,你刚才进第二关了对吧,我看到你进去了,你是怎么做到的.” How to repay, words that the snow women repays a debt of gratitude, I can expect! 怎么报答,雪女式报恩的话,我可以期待一下! Ate the fruit to go in!” Zhang Yuanqing spoke thoughtlessly the explanation, looked to the plentiful young married woman: Peony, you ate.” “吃了果子就能进去!”张元清随口解释,望向丰腴少妇:“牡丹,你吃了吗。” The peony fairy maiden nods slightly, stares at him to look by an incomparably strange look. 牡丹仙子微微颔首,以一种无比古怪的眼神盯着他看。 She a moment ago, saw Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning to rush to the scoreboard first place a moment ago. 她刚才,刚才看到元始天尊冲到积分榜榜首了。 , Will be impossible, the Yin corpse is not right, the character is not right, but Wang Tai is good at capturing/raiding transcription peony fairy maiden heart pit-a-pat jumping, she does not know oneself are anticipating anything. 不会吧,不可能吧,阴尸不对啊,性格也不对,但王泰又这么擅长攻略副本牡丹仙子芳心“突突”的跳,她也不知道自己在期待什么。 She deeply inspires, will ask question at heart, actually discovery weather all of a sudden dark. 她深吸一口气,正要问出心里的问题,却发现天色一下子暗了下来。 Last wisp of afterglow, sank to the horizon. 最后一缕余晖,沉入了地平线。 The night falls. 夜幕降临。 The peony fairy maiden ear transmits the transcription prompt sound: 牡丹仙子耳边传来副本提示音: Ding! The mountain monkeys of life in forest, slaughtering of tourist, the monkey, was prepared to greet its anger angrily!】 【叮!生活在森林里的山猴们,惨遭外界游客的屠戮,猴王愤怒不已,准备迎接它的怒火吧!】 Ding! The night falls, hidden the mountain ghost in mountain will soon appear, please flee here as soon as possible, enters the forest middle region.】 【叮!夜幕降临,隐藏在山中的山鬼即将出现,请尽快逃离此处,进入森林中部区域。】 The monkey, mountain ghost, really with exactly the same that he speculates. The peony fairy maiden cannot bear looks again to Wang Tai, just wants to say anything, sinks at heart suddenly, urgently shouted: 猴王,山鬼,果然和他推测的一模一样.牡丹仙子忍不住再次看向王泰,刚想说什么,心里陡然一沉,急呼道: Five lines of pledges colleagues danger.” “五行盟的同事们危险了。” Success?” “成功了?” Looks that nine leak the fish to destroy to wrap that group of hearts in meat wall, looks that the surrounding sound vanishes, under Spirit Territory travelers are overjoyed. 看着九漏鱼摧毁包裹在肉壁中的那团心脏,看着周围的动静消失,底下的灵境行者们大喜过望。 Their Manager uses/gives, sacrificed more than ten Spirit Territory travelers, the paid price is serious. 他们各施所长,牺牲了十几位灵境行者,付出的代价可谓惨重。 But fortunately, turned down this boss finally, so many expert joint efforts, the saint still killed even to you looks. 但还好,总算推掉这个boss了,这么多高手合力,就算圣者也杀给你看。 His paternal grandmother's slaughtering transcription, this outer layer, is more fearful than the S level transcription.” A hot master spat one. “他奶奶的杀戮副本,这才外层啊,比S级副本还要可怕。”一名火师啐了一口。 „, Doesn't wait/etc, why have the briefing? Without the bonus?” “等,等等,为什么没有任务提示?没有积分奖励?” Powder cultivates the doubts to say. 一位散修疑惑道。 The voice falls, the people see nine of high place to leak the fish suddenly, jumps to jump down, that stance in a panic, as if in avoidance what terrible thing. 话音落下,众人突然看见高处的九漏鱼,纵身一跃而下,那仓惶的姿态,仿佛在躲避什么可怕的东西。 The next quarter, on the scaled bark, one both does not have the indifferent eye of eyelash, opens again. 下一刻,鳞片状的树皮上,一双双没有睫毛的冷漠眼睛,再次睁开。 The vine that is incapable of dangling, restores the vigor suddenly, makes threatening gestures. 无力垂下的藤蔓,陡然间恢复活力,张牙舞爪。 Wood Demon called out: 一位木妖叫道: Is the recovery, it including recovers the skill metropolis/can!!” “是复苏,它连复苏技能都会!!” The recovery is the signboard of Wood Demon occupation is passive, like the Nightwalking God self-recovery ability. 复苏是木妖职业的招牌被动,就像夜游神的自愈能力。 When came to the verge of death, the recovery capability may make Wood Demon bring back to life, but the blood strip cut in half, the body entered the weak condition, no longer peak. 濒临死亡时,复苏能力可让木妖起死回生,但血条减半,身体进入虚弱状态,不复巅峰。 The Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic complexions of two big camps change. 两大阵营的灵境行者脸色微变。 Sets up the king compared with tenaciousness that they imagine, it seems like must dying many talents be able completely to solve it. 树王比他们想象的更顽强,看来还得死不少人才能彻底解决掉它。 But at this time, the last wisp of afterglow falls, matter of having one misfortune after another happened. 而此时,最后一缕余晖落下,雪上加霜的事情发生了。 Ding! The mountain monkeys of life in forest, slaughtering of tourist, the monkey, was prepared to greet its anger angrily!】 【叮!生活在森林里的山猴们,惨遭外界游客的屠戮,猴王愤怒不已,准备迎接它的怒火吧!】 Ding! The night falls, hidden the mountain ghost in mountain will soon appear, please flee here as soon as possible, enters the forest middle region.】 【叮!夜幕降临,隐藏在山中的山鬼即将出现,请尽快逃离此处,进入森林中部区域。】 In a twinkling, the Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic on the scene, the complexion is pallid, the eyeground emerges desperately. 霎时间,在场的灵境行者,脸色煞白,眼底涌现绝望。 Ended.” “完了.” Can hit three boss? A tree monster of saint boundary is so hard to deal with, three boss, do not make us roll to extinguish.” “要打三个boss?一个圣者境的树妖就如此难缠,三个boss,不是让我们团灭吗。” Cracking a joke, slaughtering the transcription should not be defends the foreword and free camp resists, how to turn into the transcription to kill by mistreatment us??” “开什么玩笑,杀戮副本不应该是守序和自由阵营对抗吗,怎么变成副本虐杀我们了??” The powder cultivated/repaired the mentality to collapse directly, the member of official and evil organization, can stand firm reluctantly, but somewhat was also helpless, the fighting spirit did not have. 散修心态直接崩了,官方和邪恶组织的成员,勉强能稳住,但也有些手足无措,斗志全无。 Arrogant such as Zhaocheng tutelary god of city, indifferent such as flatter one, at this time the expression somewhat is stiff. 高傲如赵城隍,冷漠如阿一,此时表情都有些僵硬。 This transcription is not right, how can be this difficulty. 这副本不对吧,怎么会是这种难度。 To make us roll radically to extinguish in the outer layer region. 根本就是要让我们团灭在外层区域。
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