Lulugrows upin the orphanagesince childhood, inborn has specialduplicationability.
The teacher in orphanagediscovered after Lulu'sunusual, has not accusedher, insteadprotectsher, andurgedher unable before the bystanderto usethisspecialability.
The name of thisteacheris called the early ricefriendto be fragrant.
这个老师的名字叫做早稻友香。In the company ofearly ricefriendfragrant, Lulugrowsin the orphanagetoten years old smoothly, was adoptedby a couple.
After being adopted, toask forliking of thiscouple, Luluexposedoneselfabilityon own initiative, likewantingjust like the child who the parentsshow off.
被收养后,为了讨这对夫妇的喜欢,璐璐主动暴露了自己的能力,就像想要跟父母炫耀的孩子一样。Howeverthistime, tradesactuallynotlovelikeTeacher Tomoka, butbetrays.
但是这一次,换来的却不是像友香老师一样的疼爱,而是出卖。Thiscoupletreats as the monsterLulu, firstreportedto the government, thenLulucarried off, went through many places, finallyfellto the hand of Heavenly God Clan.
After leavingLife Tree, the firstmatter that Lulumostwantsto do, seeks forTeacher Tomoka, repaid the graciousness of herpastprotection.
离开生命树后,璐璐最想要做的第一件事,就是寻找友香老师,报答她当年的保护之恩。„Do not worry, Lulu.”
The Nagumo Narumicomfortsaid: „Teacher Tomokawill be certainly safe, so long aswego backto askElder SisterShiratsuki, sheshouldbe ableto helpuscheck the Teacher Tomokawhereabouts.”南云鸣海安慰道:“友香老师一定会平安的,我们只要回去拜托白月姐姐,她应该可以帮我们查到友香老师的下落。”„Hopeso.”
“希望如此吧。”Lulusomesaying of losing, shewas worried unable to findTeacher Tomokaincessantly, but also was worriedownpresentturns intothisappearance, Teacher Tomokacanbe afraid.
“不会哒!”Nagumo Narumi seems of one mindgeneral, takesfrom the book bagLulu, both handshighholding up: „Younoware so lovable, is likeSlime, Teacher Tomokawill certainly like.”南云鸣海仿佛心有灵犀一般,将璐璐从书包里取出来,双手高高的举起:“你现在这么可爱,就跟史莱姆一样,友香老师一定会喜欢的。”Lulujumps overon the head of Nagumo Narumi, grows a small hand, makes an effortto knocktowardherhead: „WhoseyousaidSlime!”
璐璐蹦到南云鸣海的脑袋上,长出一只小手,往她的脑袋用力一敲:“你说谁史莱姆呢!”MoreovershetoNagumo Narumiaestheticwoulds not venture to give positive comments onradically, thisisfelt the mourningcorpse and octopusstrangecool the fellow.
而且她对南云鸣海的审美根本就不敢恭维,这可是一个觉得丧尸和章鱼怪帅呆了的家伙。„One side seeks for the Teacher Tomokamatterfirstto put, is the journey of revenge.”
“寻找友香老师的事就先放到一边,接下来就是复仇之旅。”Nagumo Narumiraised the handrefers to the subway of distant place, shouted loudlyone: „Miraculous Justice Troupe!”南云鸣海抬手指向远处的地铁,高呼一声:“奇迹正义团,出发!”
The firstmatter that Lulumustdoseeks forTeacher Tomoka, the secondmatterwaslooks certainlybetrayed her to take revenge the couplein the past.
璐璐要做的第一件事是寻找友香老师,第二件事当然就是找当年出卖她的那对夫妇进行复仇。However the so-calledrevenge, mostisteachesone.
不过所谓的复仇,最多就是教训一顿罢了。Althoughalreadypassingmanyyears, butat that timeLulu was ten years old . Moreover the strongpsychic forceenabledherto recallanymemory of childhood, thereforestillrememberedthatclearlytocouple'sresidence.
After a halfhour, two peoplearrive at the destinationquickly, before an ordinaryduplex apartment .
半个小时后,两人很快就来到目的地,一栋普通的双层公寓前。Nagumo Narumiis very experienced, wantsto put on the mask and hattooneself, thencomes upaccording to the doorbell.南云鸣海很有经验,想给自己戴上口罩和帽子,然后才上去按门铃。
The dooropensquickly, keeps the Mediterraneanhairstylemiddle agemaleto appearbeforetwo people.
房门很快就打开,一个留着地中海发型的中年男性出现在两人面前。„, Lulu, yourfoster fatheris a bald person.”
“哇,璐璐,你的养父是一个秃子。”Nagumo Narumiinsaying that in the mindexclaims in surprise.南云鸣海在脑海中惊叹的说道。Lulu'svoicealsoresoundsinhermind: „Thisis notmyfoster father, isperson who Ido not know.”
The middle-agedbaldmaleis staring atNagumo Narumi, saidkindly: „Does little miss, whomyoulook for?”
中年秃头男盯着南云鸣海,和蔼道:“小姑娘,你找谁?”„CarefulNarumi, thisfellowhas the evil intentiontoyou.”
“小心鸣海,这个家伙对你有恶意。”Lulucan the sensationto the mood of everyone, thisbaldkindappearance, butinLulu'ssensation, the evil intention in hisheartas ifsoonoverflowat present.
A Nagumo Narumicleverappearance: „Uncle, Imustlook forHeijingcouple, is heretheirfamilies/home?”南云鸣海一副乖巧的模样:“叔叔,我要找黑井夫妇,请问这里是他们的家吗?”„, Naturallyyes.”
“哦,当然是。”Baldshows the kindsmile: „Comes inquickly, theyjustat home.”
“那打扰了。”Nagumo Narumilike the ignorantyoung girl, steps into the apartmentdirectly.南云鸣海就像无知的少女一样,直接踏入公寓内。
After shecomes , the baldbackhandlocks the door, bringingNagumo Narumito go to the living room.
等她进来后,秃头反手就将房门锁上,带着南云鸣海来到客厅。Inliving roomnobody left, not only that the floorfurnitureis covering an obviousdust, obviouslydoes not have the personto livefor a long time.
客厅里空无一人,不仅如此,地板家具都覆盖着一层明显的灰尘,显然是许久都没有人居住过。Nagumo Narumistrangesay/way: „Uncle, Heijingcouple?”南云鸣海奇怪道:“叔叔,黑井夫妇呢?”Baldreferred totowardherbehind: „Doesn't standthere?”
秃头朝她身后指了指:“不就站在那里吗?”WhileNagumo Narumiturns around, baldfrom the bodypulls out a moistenedhandkerchief, walksto go forward to coverhermouth.
趁着南云鸣海转身的时候,秃头从身上掏出一张被打湿的手帕,走上前就要捂住她的嘴。Nagumo Narumilifts the footto kicksuddenlybackward, center the baldbelly, kickshequitetallfigure, hitsexudesbangoneon the wall, the ceilingexposes the innumerabledust.南云鸣海骤然抬脚向后一踢,正中秃头的肚子,将他颇为魁梧的身材踢飞出去,撞在墙上发出嘭的一声,天花板抖落无数尘埃。„Ahem, is not every baldis the powerhouses.”
“哼哼,不是每一个秃头都是强者。”Nagumo Narumicomplacentis manipulatingownsmallfoot: „Alsowantsto sneak attackthisregimental commander, goes backto exercise for 100years.”南云鸣海洋洋得意的摆弄着自己的小脚丫:“还想偷袭本团长,回去锻炼一百年吧。”Inliving roomall aroundcornerjumpsseveralbigformssimultaneously, holds a gunto aim atNagumo Narumi, touches off the trigger.
客厅四周角落里同时跳出来几个高大的身影,持枪对准南云鸣海,扣动扳机。Howeverwhattheyaimis the thigh and arm.
“璐璐!”BeforeNagumo Narumisends out the reminder, Luluhas jumpedfrom the book bag, is covering the body of Nagumo Narumi, forms a golden redarmor that instantaneouslyhas the science fictionoutward appearance, Marvellookedmustsend the lawyer's letterthat.
The sound of gunfireresounds, the bullethitson the armormakesdingdong the sound, splashes the spark.
枪声响起,子弹打在护甲上面发出叮叮当当的声响,溅起火花。Nagumo Narumisprintsforward, knocksto keep offinbang the soundinfrontfurniturewith ease, the unexpectedringerwill fight with the fiststo lie.南云鸣海向前冲刺,在轰隆声中轻松撞翻挡在面前的家具,将猝不及防的枪手一拳打趴。Afterwardsheturns aroundto sprint, plunges the secondringer.
随后她转身冲刺,扑向第二个枪手。In this periodfire that the ringerswent all out, but the Nagumo Narumispeedwas too fast, allbulletsallfailed.
期间枪手们拼命的射击,但南云鸣海的速度太快,所有子弹全都落空。In an instantseveralringerswere swept away, the lastringerpulls out the grenadefrom the bodyunexpectedly, losestoNagumo Narumi: „Dies!”
转眼间几个枪手就被横扫一空,最后一个枪手竟然从身上掏出手雷,向南云鸣海一丢:“去死吧!”Nagumo Narumiis difficult to predictProphetto lift the hand, holds the grenade that flies, Lulu'sbodyfastpackages the grenade.南云鸣海未卜先知般抬起手,抓住飞来的手雷,璐璐的身体快速将手雷包裹住。
A dull thumping sound, the hand of Nagumo Narumiloosens, the burned blackpalmcrash-bangdrops outonepile of steel ballbroken pieces.
The ringerwhole personwas silly, stands in same placemotionless, Nagumo Narumi that was walkedfights with the fiststo fall face down.
枪手整个人都傻了,站在原地一动不动,被走上来的南云鸣海一拳打趴下。Was kickedbaldoriginally that turnsto be foul-mouthedfrom the groundto crawl, seesthissecretly, twoonelay downclose.
被踢翻的秃头原本骂骂咧咧从地上爬起来,见到这一幕后,又两眼一闭躺下了。"Ah!"“啊!”However after being quickhesends out a pitiful yell, ‚soberly’comes, a palmbyNagumo Narumistepping onflatly.
不过很快他就发出一声惨叫后‘清醒’过来,一只手掌已经被南云鸣海给踩扁。„Isaidme saying that do not harmme!”
“我说我说,不要伤害我!”Nagumo Narumicurls the lip, baldanotherhandstepping onflatly.南云鸣海撇撇嘴,将秃头的另外一只手给踩扁。Luluis surprised the different way: „Hedo not confess?”
“是啊!”Nagumo Narumiverydiscontentedsay/way: „Butheconfessedsimply, makingmenot have the sense of achievementvery much, such simplerottengame, Iwas not interestedvery much.”南云鸣海很不满道:“可是他这么简单就坦白,让我很没有成就感,这么简单的烂游戏,我不是很感兴趣。”Lulu: „......”
璐璐:“……”Bald: „......”
秃头:“……”Originally are you leniency to those who confessfirmfoundationput on?
原来你这是坦白从宽牢底坐穿吗?Althoughis very suffering, butbaldconfessedhonestly,theycomeforLulu, orshouldsay that that adoptedforHeijingcouplein the pastlittle girl who has the special capability.
虽然很委屈,但秃头还是老老实实交代,他们是为了璐璐而来的,或者应该说,是为了黑井夫妇当年收养的那个拥有特殊能力的小女孩。In the pastalthough the early ricefriendfragranceindustriouslyprotectedLuluvery much, butsheafter allwas only an average person, in additionLuluyounginnocent, has used the abilitybefore the bystanderrepeatedly, therefore the orphanagehas hadsomelittle girl to duplicateby the rumor of personability.
当年早稻友香虽然很努力的保护璐璐,但她毕竟只是一个普通人,加上璐璐年幼不懂事,多次在外人面前使用过能力,所以孤儿院一直就有某个小女孩能够复制被人能力的传言。A few years ago, the baldbackorganizationthrough the rumor, found the orphanage, thendeterminedpersonadoptedLulu who had the special capability.
几年前,秃头背后的组织通过传言,找到了孤儿院,然后确定了拥有特殊能力的人就是被收养的璐璐。Through the orphanage, theyalsofoundHeijingcouple'swhereabout, discovered that originallyLuluhad been taken awayby the government, butHeijingcouplealsoLulucarried offseveraldaylater, happened accidentally/surprisinglybothdied.
The baldbackorganizationis unwillingto give up, thereforeplaced the informerin the orphanage, plansto wait for gains without pains, waits forsomeLuluonedaypossiblyto come back.
秃头背后的组织不甘就这么放弃,于是在孤儿院中安插了眼线,打算守株待兔,等待璐璐某一天可能回来。Withoutthinkingalsoreallygaveto wait, Nagumo Narumithatfemaleteacher who foundin the orphanage, was the informer who theyplaced.
没想到还真给等到了,南云鸣海在孤儿院找到的那个女老师,就是他们安插的眼线。Originallyaccording to the initialarrangement, thatfemaleteachershouldtake the friendfragranceas the bait, coursessomeplaceNagumo Narumi.
本来按照最初的布置,那个女老师应该以友香为诱饵,将南云鸣海引向某个地方的。Howeverseveralyearspass by, the femaleteacherhas forgottenthis, after Nagumo Narumileaves, thinks that thismatter, hasto telephoneto informto givebald.
但是好几年过去,女老师早已忘记这一茬,等南云鸣海离开后才想起来这件事,只好打电话通知给秃头。Baldguessed that Nagumo Narumicould not find the friendto be fragrant, may come toHeijingcouple'sresidenceto try one's luck, thereforecatches upto arrange the trapahead of time, successfullyintroducesinher the trap.
秃头猜测南云鸣海找不到友香,可能会来黑井夫妇的住所碰运气,于是提前赶来布置陷阱,成功将她引入陷阱中。Calculatesplace that onlyleaks, has not thoughtdirectsis not the smallwhite rabbit, butwill turn intosteelhero the female of destiny.
After listeningtold, Nagumo Narumicuriouslysaid: „Whatorganization are you?”
听完讲述后,南云鸣海好奇道:“你们是什么组织啊?”Baldrepliedhonestly: „Ourorganizationis calledChongsecret the meeting.”
秃头老实回答:“我们的组织叫做崇秘会。”„Worship God Secret Meeting? Has not heard.”
“崇神秘会?没听说过。”Nagumo Narumiis quite disappointed: „Are youtooweak, how a roll-callsounddoes not have.”南云鸣海颇为失望:“你们是不是太弱啦,怎么一点名声都没有。”Sheis very disappointed, enemy who bumps intowith great difficulty, soundsactuallydraws the hip.
“额……”Baldhad nothing to say in reply, wherehadto shut out the enemy is too small and weak, the braincircuit of thissmall girlhad the issue.
秃头无言以对,哪有嫌弃敌人太弱小的,这个小丫头的脑回路是不是有问题。MoreoverhealsoWorship God Secret Meetingexpandedrecentlytimejoins, becauserenders meritorious servicecherished, after hearing the information of informer, catches uphasty, ‚forgot that’informed the boss.
而且他也是最近崇神秘会扩张的时候才加入的,因为立功心切,听到眼线的情报后就急冲冲赶来,‘忘记’通知上司了。Luluasksimpatiently: „Where is Teacher Tomokaat?”
璐璐迫不及待的开口询问:“友香老师在哪?”Baldshakes the head: „Thatwomancarried offprobably, whichmemakes concreteindoes not know...... Ah!!”
The pitiful yellsound that hesends out the pain, the solewas also stepped onflatly.
他发出痛苦的惨叫声,脚掌也被踩扁了。Luluis angry: „Carried offbywhom, where?”
璐璐愤怒道:“被谁带走了,到底在什么地方?”Baldpitiful yellwhilereplied: „Ido not know that youaskedmyboss, IjoinWorship God Secret Meetingtwomonths, whatmisdemeanorhas not doneAh!”
秃头一边惨叫一边回答:“我不知道啊,你们去问我的上司吧,我加入崇神秘会才两个月,什么坏事都没干啊!”Nagumo Narumiaskedfrom the baldmouthafter the information of hisboss, inthisgroup of people the apartmentsolves.南云鸣海从秃头的口中问出关于他上司的情报后,就把公寓内这群人都解决掉。Althoughis underage, but after having experiencedso manythings, tokilling peoplethismatter, Nagumo Narumidoes not have the psychological burden.
虽然还未成年,但经历过这么多事情后,对杀人这种事,南云鸣海早就没有心理负担。Shedaresto drive the main battle tankto rumblewith the army of governmentmutually, the lawto herhas beena mere scrap of paper.
她都敢开着主战坦克跟政府的军队互轰了,法律对她来说早就是一纸空文。„Do not be worried, Lulu, wecan certainlyrescueTeacher Tomoka.”
“不要担心,璐璐,我们一定能够救出友香老师的。”Nagumo Narumiis comfortingLulu.南云鸣海安慰着璐璐。Lulusquatsin the Nagumo Narumitop of the head, puts out a handto clutchherear: „Youcomfortmytime, candisplay a sympathy, should not be so excited? Even ifinstallswell.”
“哈哈哈!”Nagumo Narumidoes not installsimply, laughs: „Sorry, Iknow that should notsmile, butIcannot bear.”南云鸣海干脆不装了,哈哈大笑起来:“抱歉,我知道不该笑的,可是我忍不住哈哈。”To her, rescuesTeacher Tomoka, resistancemysteriousorganization, simply is adventureexactly the same in dream, naturallywill feel that excitedandexciting.
对她来说,去救援友香老师,对抗神秘组织,简直就是和梦想中的冒险一模一样,当然会感到兴奋和刺激了。„Miraculous Justice Troupe, again!”
“奇迹正义团,再次出发!”Nagumo Narumiexudes the vitalityfullcry, thenruns out of the apartment.南云鸣海发出元气十足的叫声,然后冲出公寓。
When arrives atoutside, atmospheresomeare not suddenly right.
来到外面时,气氛忽然有些不对。On the streeteveryone, is a dumbfoundedappearance, raise one's headis looking at the sky.
街上所有人,都是一副瞠目结舌的模样,仰头望着天空。Nagumo Narumialsoraised the headto look aroundsubconsciously, twoeyesstareenormously, on the faceshows the extremelyshockingexpression, evenmouthstretch/opento becomeO.南云鸣海也下意识抬头张望,两只眼睛瞪得极大,脸上露出极为震惊的表情,连嘴巴都张成一个O型。„Narumi......”
The sound of Luludelayresounds: „What is that?!”
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