In the briefoffice, Shiratsuki Rinsitsafter the desk, in the handtakesonepack of materials.
简约的办公室中,白月凛坐在办公桌后,手里拿着一叠资料。Thisis the Akimiya Tsukimaterial.
这是秋宫月的资料。originallyShiratsuki Rinwantsto bring in the Xu Chengfamily/hometo livewithhimtogether, butbyhimat the fund of buying homesisAkimiya Tsukidisburses moneyrejected.原本白月凛是想搬进许诚的家跟他一起住的,但是被他以购房的资金是秋宫月出钱为由拒绝了。ButShiratsuki Rinis preparedearly, the houseXu Chengnext doorbuying, made a connection with a doorwhen the time comessecretly, withliving togethernodifference.
After coming back, Shiratsuki Rinbeginsto startto investigate the Akimiya Tsukimaterialimmediately.
回来之后,白月凛马上着手开始调查秋宫月的资料。Beforeher the energyplacedonHeavenly God Clan, did not pay attentionregarding a chef.
以前她的精力都放在天神族上面,对于一个厨师并不怎么关注。Inshesaid when mustsendAkimiya Tsuki, the response of Xu Cheng is actually was worried that hersafety, thismadeShiratsuki Rinhave the enormous interest in Akimiya Tsuki.
在她说要打发秋宫月时,许诚的反应竟然是担心她的安危,这让白月凛对秋宫月产生了极大的兴趣。Does not checkdoes not know,investigatesCaidiscoveredthiswomanis not really simple.
不查不知道,一查才发现这个女人果然不简单。In the surfaceis a chef, butis actually doing the shamefuldealin private, possiblyis the killerorisAbility User.
表面上是一个厨师,但私下却在干一些见不得人的勾当,可能是杀手或者是能力者。BesidesAkimiya Tsuki, Shiratsuki Rin must investigate, actuallyXu Cheng several other womenarewhatstatus.
The gate of officewas openedsuddenly, Aragaki Ayasewalks: „Personwere in attendance.”
办公室的门忽然被打开,新垣绫濑走进来:“人都到齐了。”Shiratsuki Rinnods, sets outto walk out, puts out a gift boxfrom the deskwhile convenient, givesAragaki Ayase: „Happy birthday, thisis the gift that givesyouto prepare.”白月凛点点头,起身向外走,顺便从办公桌下拿出一个礼盒,递给新垣绫濑:“生日快乐,这是给你准备的礼物。”Aragaki Ayasehas not thought that Shiratsuki Rinis so busyactuallystillremembersownbirthday, on the facereveals the pleasant surpriseimmediately, throwsto hugher, opens mouthmustkiss.新垣绫濑没想到白月凛这么忙竟然还记得自己的生日,脸上顿时露出惊喜,扑过来拥抱她,张嘴就要亲。Shiratsuki Rinseizes the face of Aragaki Ayasewith the hand, grabsherhand, the shoulderhas fallen, throws downheron the ground.白月凛用手掐住新垣绫濑的脸,抓住她的手,一个过肩摔,就将她摔倒在地上。Then, shereorganizes the clothes, leaves the office.
然后,她整理一下衣服,离开办公室。Aragaki Ayaselies downon the groundsees stars, some little timerestores.新垣绫濑躺在地上眼冒金星,好一会才恢复过来。„Hittingscoldedis the love, Rin-chanthis was cherishingme.”
“打是亲骂是爱,凛酱这是在爱护我啊。”Sheis consoling oneself, thencrawlsfrom the ground, impatientdisassemblesShiratsuki Rinto giveowngift, actuallywantsto have a lookisanything.
她自我安慰着,然后从地上爬起来,迫不及待就拆开白月凛送给自己的礼物,想要看看究竟是什么。In the packing boxcalmlyis lying down a rod.
包装盒内静静躺着一根棒状物。Aragaki Ayase: „???”新垣绫濑:“???”Shetakes the thing, doubts of face.
她将东西拿起来,一脸的疑惑。Givesmeunexpectedly the electric shockstick, what is thisis suggesting?
……Shiratsuki Ringoes to outsideliving room, Xu Chengand the othershave arrived in full, includingdid not like the socialRingoalsocoming.白月凛来到外面客厅中,许诚等人都已经到齐了,包括不喜欢社交的林檎也来了。Thislets the Shiratsuki Rinquitesurprise, becauseRingoisXu Chengshoutswith the Seikai Hikaristatus.
这让白月凛颇为诧异,因为林檎是许诚用星海光的身份喊来的。This makes one have tosuspect,Ringohas the specialfeelingtoSeikai Hikari, otherwiseshe is always keeps at a respectful distancetoothers, howto listen to the Seikai Hikariwords.
这让人不得不怀疑,林檎是不是对星海光有特殊的感觉,否则她对别人一向是敬而远之的,怎么会这么听星海光的话。Now under is in the glare of the public eye, Shiratsuki Rincannotaskheralone.
现在众目睽睽之下,白月凛也不能单独去问她。„Everyone, the glee feastdragstoday, because ofIbusyreason, hereeveryonetold that was sorry.”
“各位,庆功宴拖到今天,都是因为我过于忙碌的缘故,在这里跟大家说一声抱歉了。”Shiratsuki Rinbowstoward the peopleslightly, the mannerstanceis impeccable.白月凛向着众人微微鞠躬,举止姿态都无可挑剔。Xu Chengsitson the sofalooks ather, slightlysomewhatis at heart sigh with emotion.许诚坐在沙发上看着她,心里微微有些感慨。Shiratsuki Rinreallyturns into itself a veryfalseperson, before the peopleforeveris a self-confidentcalm, kindgracefulappearance.白月凛果然把自己变成一个很虚伪的人,在众人面前永远都是一副自信从容,亲切优雅的模样。No oneknows that herrealcharacteristwo-facedis willful, loves the woman who has a fit of temper, only will then displayin front ofXu ChengandRingo.
没有人知道她的真实性格是一个腹黑任性,爱发脾气的女人,也只有在许诚和林檎面前才会表现出来。Xu Chengnowis the Killer Cardappearance, looks that Shiratsuki Rinperformsbefore the people, has a subtlefunnyfeeling.许诚现在是杀手卡的模样,看着白月凛在众人面前表演,有种微妙的滑稽感。„AlthoughwewonGlorious Lightwith difficulty, butcannothave no more worrieson behalf of the future, a Heavenly God ClanincessantlyGlorious Lightperson, newHeavenly God Clanperhapsalready, incatching upto comeon the road in Japan, US troops in Japan, the Japanese government and plutocrat, all partieshates to the marrow of the bonesaboutus, so long asexposes weaknessesslightly, theywill certainly hit a person when he is down, the backpuncturesus.”
“虽然我们千辛万苦打赢了耀光,但不代表今后就能够高枕无忧了,天神族不止耀光一个人,新的天神族说不定已经在赶来日本的路上,驻日美军,日本政府和财阀,各方都对我们恨之入骨,只要稍微露出破绽,他们一定会落井下石,背刺我们。”Shiratsuki Rinlooks all around, has looked at each otherwith everyone, the lookis serious: „ThereforeIproposed,establishes a neworganization, uniteseveryone'sstrength, shows no external differences.”白月凛环顾一圈,与每个人都对视过,神色严肃:“所以我提议,成立一个新的组织,团结所有人的力量,一致对外。”„Good!”
“好!”Applause that Aragaki Ayasesupportsto resemble.新垣绫濑捧场似的鼓掌。Howevershediscoveredimmediately , are creating a disturbanceblindly, evenfacial skinverythickshe, stillawkwardstops, hidesHachijou Yoshimizubehind.
不过她马上就发现只有自己一个人在瞎起哄,就算脸皮很厚的她,也尴尬的停下来,躲到八司吉水的身后。However the proposition of Shiratsuki Rin, had not been rejected, insteadwasunanimously passes.
不过白月凛的提议,并没有被拒绝,反而是全票通过了。Before the glee feaststarts, her everyone has discussedin private, determined that everyoneagreedthismatter, will raisebefore the people.
早在庆功宴开始前,她就私下每个人都谈过了,确定所有人都同意这件事,才会在众人面前提出来。Withoutcommunicatesahead of time, raisesactuallyunableto passrashly, will seriously damageherprestige.
The name of neworganizationis calledto strike the fallingdeity, looked that the nameknowsspecificallyaims atHeavenly God Clan, everyoneis a member.
新组织的名字叫做击坠天神,看名字就知道是专门针对天神族的,现场所有人都是成员。Xu Chengdeservesto be selected as the leader, evenShiratsuki Rincannothaveany comment.许诚当之无愧被选为领袖,就算是白月凛也不能有任何意见。
The construction and concrete plan that althoughorganizesdid not havecompletes, butdoes not hindereveryoneto investinto the glee feast , the amusementgets upwantonly.
虽然组织的架构和具体规划还没有完成,但是不妨碍所有人都投入到庆功宴中,大肆玩乐起来。Was been so longby the Heavenly God Clanoppression, finallyhasrelaxingtime, everyone puts aside the worryto enjoy.
The glee feastis the buffetpattern, a lot offineupscalefoodare piled up, the preciousgood winefoldsseveraltables, drinks to one's heart's content.
庆功宴是自助餐模式,大量精美高档食物堆积成山,名贵美酒叠成几桌,开怀畅饮。Shiratsuki Rincarriesoneglass of red winesto gathersideRingo, wantsto inquireherto the view of Seikai Hikari.白月凛端着一杯红酒凑到林檎身边,想要询问她对星海光的看法。Xu Chengwas towedto drinkbyMitera Chizuru, Hoshizaki YukinaandAragaki Ayaseinmutualplaying a finger guessing game that is not convinced.许诚被御寺千鹤拖去喝酒,星崎雪奈和新垣绫濑正在不服气的互相猜拳。Young bloodLulujumpsto the tableon, was being filled the red winebyNagumo Narumi, finallyopens mouth the blowouttogetherfountain, teaseseveryoneto laugh.
新成员路路跳到桌上,被南云鸣海灌着红酒,最后张嘴喷出一道喷泉,逗得大家哈哈大笑。Ryo Ueharasitsin the corner, looks at the cell phonesilently, in the heartsighs.上原良坐在角落里,默默看着手机,心中一叹。At presentthishappy, makingRyo Ueharafeel sad, joyfulisothers, butoneselfanythingdoes not have.
The bitter tasting wineenters the throatheartto ache.
苦酒入喉心作痛,顿顿顿。„Why does a persondrink the alcohol to drown one's sorrowshere?”
“干嘛一个人在这里喝闷酒?”Xu ChengsitssideRyo Uehara, gavehimto pouronecupconveniently.许诚一屁股坐在上原良身边,顺手给他倒了一杯。Ryo Ueharasilent a meeting, suddenlysaid: „Iwas lovelorn.”上原良沉默了一会,忽然道:“我失恋了。”Xu Chengis startled: „When have youhad the girlfriend?”许诚大吃一惊:“你什么时候有过女朋友?”Ryo Ueharadiscontentedsay/way: „Do Ihave the girlfriendto be very strange? A timeispreviousthatis savedKeikobyme.”上原良不满道:“我有女朋友很奇怪吗?就是上次那个被我救过一次的惠子。”Afterwardtwo peoplegang upin the same place, butyesterday, Keikoannounced the marriage, the bridegroom was actually notRyo Uehara.
事后两人还是勾搭在一起,但是就在昨天,惠子宣布结婚,新郎却不是上原良。But during the contact, Ryo Ueharasquandered the savingstoher, the presentispoor wretchone.
After Xu Chenghearcomplaint of Ryo Uehara, cannot bearask: „Yourhow longhasn't bumped the woman?”许诚听完上原良的诉苦后,忍不住问:“你到底多久没有碰过女人?”Ryo Ueharais surprised the different way: „Are youaskingmyage?”上原良诧异道:“你是在问我年龄吗?”Xu Cheng: „......”许诚:“……”No wonderlicksto the woman, originallyis a virgin.
怪不得对女人这么舔,原来是个处男。Ryo Ueharasighs woefully, suddenlyaskedtoXu Cheng: „Ihave lost the interestin the lovethoroughly, you said that ifIpreservemysperm, thendenaturates the woman, was pregnantbyoneselfwith the spermagain, canobtain an ownchild?”上原良哀叹一声,忽然向许诚问道:“我已经对爱情彻底失去兴趣了,你说,如果我保存一份自己的精子,然后变性成女人,再用精子让自己怀孕,是不是就可以得到一个自己的孩子?”Xu Chengamazedsay/way: „Japanese?”许诚惊诧道:“日本人?”
The Ryo Ueharadoubtsvisithim: „Iam a Japanese, has the issue?”上原良疑惑看着他:“我就是日本人啊,有问题吗?”Xu Cheng: „......”许诚:“……”
The glee feastcontinuedto endto the midnight, byHoshizaki Yukinasent offbecause ofRyo Uehara that being lovelornto get drunk, does not know where losttocatches a chill.
The remainingpeoplealsodrinkunstaily, includingunderageNagumo Sisters, was filledmanyred wines.
剩下的人也都喝得东倒西歪,包括未成年的南云姐妹,也被灌了不少红酒。UsuallyShiratsuki Rin of extremelyfewdrinking, drink a pointtonight, returned toroomto rest.
就连平时极少喝酒的白月凛,今晚也喝多了一点,回房休息去了。OnlysomeXu Cheng can also keepsober, hepulls outhimselffromonepile of white delicate armspowderlegs, thenleaves the living roomto enterin the bathroom, aims at the toiletto startto turn on the water.
唯有许诚还能保持清醒,他从一堆玉臂粉腿中把自己抽出来,然后离开客厅走进浴室内,对准马桶开始放水。Justputhalf, twohandsextendedsuddenlyfrombehind, a handcoveredhiseyes, anotherhandseized the little friend.
刚刚放到一半,两只手忽然从后面伸出来,一只手捂住他的双眼,另一只手掐住小伙伴。Simultaneously the backonesinks, a grinningsoundresounds: „Guesses that whoIam?”
同时背后一沉,一个笑嘻嘻的声音响起:“猜猜我是谁?”Xu Chengintentionallyspeaking incorrectlyname: „New Moon?”许诚故意说错名字:“新月?”
The wordsjustsaid, the shoulderwas nipped.
话刚说完,肩膀就被咬了一下。„YourNew Moonhas not cometonight.”
“你的新月今晚可没来。”Hoshizaki Yukinagrabs the little friend, startsto writein the toiletwith the water current, playsdelighted.星崎雪奈抓着小伙伴,开始用水流在马桶上写字,玩得不亦乐乎。
After Xu Chengturned on the water, Hoshizaki Yukinaputs the chinon the shoulder of Xu Cheng, aspiratestowardhisear , a handis strokingonhisabdominal musclesgently.
等许诚放完水后,星崎雪奈将下巴搁在许诚的肩膀上,往他耳朵中吐气,一只手在他的腹肌上轻轻抚摸着。„Hey, do youwantto celebratewithmealone?”
“喂,你想不想跟我单独庆祝一下啊?”Listens the voice that Hoshizaki Yukinais charmingto wind aroundin the ear, the alcohol that Xu Chengdranka moment ago, was litinstantaneously, changes to the whole body the fire of desire.
听着星崎雪奈媚惑的嗓音在耳边缭绕,许诚刚才喝下的酒精,瞬间被点燃,化作满身的欲火。Was provokedthatfor a long time, Xu Chengin the heartpledgedinnumerablemustfind the opportunityto leadherto go to the supermarket.
被撩拨那么久,许诚无数次在心底发誓一定要找机会带她去超市。Now, ratiothisbetteropportunity?
现在,还有比这更好的机会吗?Xu Chengturns around, pressesHoshizaki Yukinacourageouson the wall of bathroom, makes an effortto bitehermouth, stops upherscreams.许诚转过身来,勐地将星崎雪奈压在浴室的墙上,用力咬住她的嘴,把她的惊呼声堵回去。Hoshizaki Yukinasways from side to sidelike a viperous beauty, does not struggle, butteases.星崎雪奈就像一条美女蛇一样扭动起来,不是挣扎,而是挑逗。
The temperature in bathroomis rising, is flooding the respitesound of men and women.
浴室里的温度正在升高,充斥着男女的喘息声。Outsideresounds the sound of footstepssuddenly, then the bathroomgatewas shoved open.
外面忽然响起脚步声,然后浴室门被推开。DrunkenNagumo Asukapushes the doorto enter, did not look that in the bathroomhasothers, startsto take off the clothes.
“快走啊!”Xu ChengsilentsaidtoHoshizaki Yukina,makingheruseteleportto lead itselfto leave.许诚无声的向星崎雪奈说道,让她用瞬移带自己离开。Hoshizaki Yukinaactuallylaughs, gathers the Xu Chengear: „Don't youfeelveryexciting?”星崎雪奈却嘻嘻一笑,凑到许诚耳边:“你不觉得很刺激吗?”Said, whileboth handsis dishonest.
一边说,一边双手也不老实。Nagumo Asukahas stripped off the clothes, was trying to find outopensshowers, startsto take a bath.南云飞鸟已经脱光了衣服,摸索着打开淋浴,开始洗澡。SomeHoshizaki Yukinaexclamationlooks ather, smallagealsonotgrown, the growth was so magnificent, grew upalso?星崎雪奈有些惊叹的看着她,小小年纪还没成年,发育就这么壮观了,长大还了得?
After Nagumo Asukatakes a bath, is slightly more soberfrom the drunkencondition, dries the body to leave, suddenly the under footslid, face upwardsto fall a tumble.南云飞鸟洗完澡后,稍稍从醉醺醺的状态清醒一些,擦干身体想要离开,忽然脚下一滑,仰天摔了一跤。„Oh!”
“哎哟!”Nagumo Asukais wrinkling the smallface, puts out a handto touchtoward the foot, wantsto know that is anything is thrown downbyoneself, suddenlytouchestosliding the slipperything, lowered the headlooks, is shocked.南云飞鸟皱着小脸,伸手往脚底下一摸,想知道是什么东西让自己摔倒,忽然摸到滑滑的东西,低头一看,愣住了。„Milk?”
“牛奶?”Sheplaces the noseto smell the finger, casting off that thenshuts out.
她将手指放在鼻子边闻一闻,然后嫌弃的甩开了。Another side, Xu ChengandHoshizaki Yukinateleportto the small nest that two peoplemeetfrequently, quickhas rolledonegroup, the clothesloseeverywhere.
另一边,许诚和星崎雪奈已经瞬移到两人经常相会的小窝,很快就滚成一团,衣服丢满地。Thistime, Hoshizaki Yukinahas not rejectedfinallyagain, butwas psychologically prepared.
In Xu Chengexcitedwishpushes directly into, Hoshizaki Yukinaactuallypreventedhim, saidshyly: „Iam the firsttime.”
就在许诚激动的想要长驱直入时,星崎雪奈却阻止了他,羞涩道:“我是第一次。”Xu Chengalsosaidshyly: „Iam also same.”许诚也羞涩道:“俺也一样。”Hoshizaki Yukinais startledslightly, is joyfulagain and againkissestohim.星崎雪奈微微一怔,然后欣喜得对他连连亲吻。Shealsothinks that Xu Chenghas been the seniordriver, originallyis the newdriver who camouflagesDriverto become.
她还以为许诚早就是老司机呢,原来是伪装成老司机的新手司机。„Thinksyourtrue colorstome.”
After the kiss, Hoshizaki Yukinaboth handsholds the face of Xu Cheng: „Ido not hope that the ownfirsttime, gives the man who a longwhatappearancedoes not know.”
亲吻之后,星崎雪奈双手捧着许诚的脸:“我不希望把自己的第一次,交给一个长什么模样都不知道的男人。”Xu Chengnothesitant, rips the false face on face, reveals the originalappearance.许诚没有犹豫,把脸上的假面撕下来,露出本来的面目。
The Hoshizaki Yukinaaffectionis looking at the face of Xu Cheng, as ifwantsdeeplyto carvein the mind, thencloselygraspshim.星崎雪奈深情望着许诚的脸,似乎想要深深刻在脑海中,然后紧紧的抱住他。
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