After Lulucovers the body, Xu Chengfirstin the mindappears a thought: „Canhearmeto speak?”
被路路覆盖身体后,许诚第一时间就在脑海中浮现出一个念头:“能听到我说话吗?”„Ok, butyoudid not permitto sayagainIwasslime.”
The Lulusoundremembersin the Xu Chengmind, the voice of little girlfelt the seriousfeeling, thensaid: „Whatcombat planhas? Althoughsaid that LuluIwill certainly try hardto coordinateyour!”路路的声音在许诚脑海中想起,小女孩的嗓音充满了严肃感,然后才说道:“是不是有什么作战计划?尽管说吧,路路我一定会努力配合你的!”In the Xu Chengmindappears a picture: „Canseethispicture? The words that cansee, defer tothispictureto transformmyoutward appearance.”许诚脑海中浮现出一副画面:“能看到这副画面吗?能看到的话,就按照这副画面来改造我的外观。”Lulusaw, butwas also shocked: „Butthistoenhancingbattle efficiencyhelpful?”路路看见了,但也愣住了:“可是这对提高战斗力有帮助吗?”„Shouldhave.”
“应该有吧。”Xu Chengis not quite definite: „At leastcanraisemyconfidence.”许诚不太确定:“至少能够提高我的信心。”Lulu: „......”路路:“……”Shefelt that shemustsplit, atpresentthiscriticaldesperatecritical moment, unexpectedlyis not the combat plan that thispersonfirstthinks, buttobecomebyoneselfis more attractive.
她感觉自己要裂开了,在现在这种危急绝望的关键时刻,这个人第一时间想到的竟然不是作战计划,而是为了让自己变得更好看一些。Nagumo Narumithat is the accentChuuniappearance, youteaches people bad thingsher?南云鸣海那个不着调的中二模样,是你教坏她的吧?„Youdo not understand!”
“你不懂!”Canguess that the silence of Luluis thinkinganything, Xu Chengsaidseriously: „Is a matter of edition, butleadsismatterfor a lifetime.”
能够猜测到路路的沉默是在想什么,许诚严肃道:“强不强是一个版本的事,但帅不帅是一辈子的事。”Even if forcedto be fitwithslime, he must be the prettiestthatchild.
就算被迫跟史来姆合体,他也要做最靓的那个崽。„Itrulydo not understand, ifIunderstood, shouldbe likeyou, went see a doctor.”
“我确实不懂,我要是懂了,就该跟你们一样,得去看医生了。”Luluis complaining, has not actually rejected the request of Xu Cheng.路路吐槽着,却也没有拒绝许诚的要求。Becauseis the spiritualcommunication, two peopleexchanges are almost the flashoncompletes.
因为是精神沟通,两人的交流几乎是一瞬间就完成。In the personeyes, after Lulucovers the body of Xu Chengoutside, starts the rapid change.
在外人眼中,路路覆盖上许诚的身体后,就开始迅速变化。Has not turned into the image of slimethattype of plump, insteadstartsto make the waterdistinctbodyoutline, the smoothsurfaceevenemits the metal the gloss.
并没有变成史来姆号那种圆滚滚的形象,反而开始制造出菱角分明的身体轮廓,光滑的表面甚至放射出金属的光泽。In an instant, just like the machinery that walksfrom the science fictionmovieto fightarmor, appearsbeforeeveryonelike this.
转眼间,一台犹如从科幻电影中走出来的机械战甲,就这样出现在所有人面前。Feels the technicalfeeling the smoothline, the fierceandaggressiveoutward appearance, demonstrated that thisis a perfectwar machine.
„ very handsomeAh!
”Nagumo Narumitwoshine, cannot control itselfto exude the squeal, subconsciousmustpursue, was pulledunrestrained/no trace of politenessby the elder sister.南云鸣海两眼放光,控制不住自己发出尖叫声,下意识就要追上去,被姐姐毫不客气的拉扯回来。
The face of Xu Chenghas not revealedcomes out, butmakesto fight A head, the eyespotshinestwofatalred light, lockstwoGlorious Lightinstantaneously.许诚的脸没有露出来,而是做成战甲的头部,眼睛部位亮起两道致命的红光,瞬间锁定住两个耀光。
The under footspraysextremelystrongAstral Qi, advances the Xu Chengspeedto the breakthroughspeed of soundinstantaneously, arousesnaked eyeobviouswhitesonic boomto say.
脚下喷射出极为勐烈的罡气,瞬间将许诚的速度推进到突破音速,激起一圈肉眼可见的白色音爆云。Xu Chenghas not thought that Lulu is so unexpectedly bigtoownstrengthening, at leastraisestwotimes the efficiency of Astral Qispraying.许诚没想到路路对自己的强化竟然这么大,将罡气喷射的效率至少提高两倍。
The ear of giantsonic boomsoundeveryone'sin the squareshakes the thunderingstabbing pain.
巨大的音爆声将广场上所有人的耳朵震得轰鸣刺痛。TwoGlorious Lightreveal the dignifiedcolorinstantaneously, the RM the protectingshield of both sidesoverlaykeeps offbefore the body.
A Xu Chengfist that the speed of soundfliesrumbles, isoneis as good as the detonation the loud sound, has strengthened the astral windspews out, the bangbroke to pieces the protectingshield of both sidesoverlay, curlsbackwardtwoGlorious Lightflies away.
The Xu Chengunder footspurts, acceleratesto catch upagainGlorious Light.许诚脚下一喷,再次加速追上其中一个耀光。
The opposite partyunderrolling up and pushing along of astral wind, inin the air not controlledrevolving, are wantingto restore the balancediligently, ran uponbyXu Chengaround the middle.
对方在罡风的卷动下,在空中不受控的旋转着,努力想要恢复平衡,被许诚拦腰撞上。Shefelt that oneselfwaistalmostmustbe hittwosections, was promotedto shootbackwardbyXu Cheng.
她感觉自己的腰部几乎要被撞成两截,被许诚推动着向后射去。Just like the sound that the fighter aircraftlow altitudepassed over gently and swiftly, Glorious LightbyXu Chengis promotedto bang into the hightower, dasheslayer upon layerwalls and innumerableobstaclesalong the way.
宛如战机低空掠过的声响,耀光被许诚推动着撞入了高塔内部,沿途撞破一层层墙壁和无数的障碍物。Glorious Lightis incapable ofcounter-attackingradically, evenwas soon killed.耀光根本无力反击,甚至都快要被撞死了。Butsheis not flustered, waits forXu Chengto kill itself, thenresurrects.
但她并不慌张,等着许诚干掉自己,然后重新复活。Howeverwhatmadehernot think, Xu Chenghas not killedGlorious Light, butcloselystretched out the hands and feetto hold in the armsher, as ifmustrubinownbody.
It is not similar, butreallyintegrated, Luluopened wide the body, admittedto wrapGlorious Light.
不是仿佛,而是真的融入进去了,路路敞开身躯,将耀光也接纳起来包裹住。Glorious Lightrealized that Xu Chengmustmakeanything, desperatestruggles, butherstrengthbasiccompared withstrengthenedXu Cheng, controlstoppingfootfirmly.耀光意识到许诚要做什么,拼命的挣扎起来,可她的力量根本比不过被强化的许诚,牢牢的控制住手脚。In a flash, Glorious Lightintegratedthismachineryto fightinarmorthoroughly, making the areabig.
转瞬间,耀光就彻底被融入到这具机械战甲内,使得面积都大了一圈。„Hurry up!”
“快点!”Luluurged: „I can only surroundher less than oneminute.”路路催促起来:“我只能困住她不到一分钟。”Glorious Light that surrounding that sheis doing utmostwas wrapped, obtained the Xu Chengstrengthto strengthenluckily, even ifotherwisechanged intoMitera Chizuruto come, could not surroundher.
她正在竭尽全力的困住被包裹进来的耀光,也幸好得到了许诚的力量强化,否则就算换成御寺千鹤来,也根本困不住她。„Oneminutewas enough!”
“一分钟足够了!”Xu Chengboth feetspraying, shootsagainoutward, the enormous power that the sonic boombringsalmostrips openblack tower.许诚双脚喷射,重新向外射出去,音爆带来的巨大威力几乎将黑塔内部都撕开。Outside the hightower, twoGlorious Lightdetectanything, the complexionimmediatelychanges, wantsto break in the hightowerto rescue.
轰!Xu Chengrecoilsat the speed of sound, bringing the giantsoundto shoot attwo people.许诚以音速反冲出来,带着巨大的动静射向两人。TwoGlorious Lightalsohold hands, each otherpalmshines the glare, forms a light ball, simultaneouslyadvances.
The light ballproceedsto spew out, formsthicklight beam, shootstoward the Xu Chengfront surface.
光球往前喷涌而出,形成一道粗大的光束,向着许诚迎面射来。Xu Chenghas not flinched, hitsdirectlytoward the light beam, both handsmakesAir Piercing StrikeandFire Fistsimultaneously.许诚没有退缩,径直向着光束撞上去,双手同时打出破空击和火拳。ByLuluhas strengthened both are interwined, as ifforms a revolvingfire dragon, sends out the roaringfilial pietysoundto strike the powder the light beam, looksastonishedGlorious Lightto be involved intwo.
被路路强化过的两者交织在一起,仿佛形成一条正在旋转的火龙,发出咆孝声将光束击散,把两个面露惊愕的耀光都卷入进去。Xu Chengcharges intoGlorious Light, stretches out the armshergrasps, makes an effortto crush into ownbody.许诚冲向其中一个耀光,张开双臂将她抱住,用力挤进自己的身体内。Glorious Lightgoes all outto struggle, butlikefalling into the person of mire, morestrugglesfallsquickly, in an instantvanishes, in the fiercemachineryfightsinarmor, seemed swallowedcompletely.耀光拼命挣扎,可就像陷入泥沼的人一样,越挣扎就陷得越快,转眼就消失在狰狞的机械战甲中,仿佛被吞噬殆尽。„Now can only controltheir20seconds.”
“现在只能控制她们二十秒钟啦。”Luluanxiousshouts,twoGlorious Lightrevolted in within the body.路路焦急的大喊起来,两个耀光在她体内造反了。Onlyis left overlastGlorious Light, the complexiondrastic change, without hesitationputs forthoverspeed, turns aroundruns.
只剩下最后一个耀光,脸色剧变,毫不犹豫的使出超速,掉头就跑。Xu Chengarmorlaunchescompletely, dozensgas escapessprayAstral Qifromvariousbodyplaces, is promotinghimto a round of intercontinental ballistic missile, shootstowardlastGlorious Lightat the terrifyingspeed.许诚身上的装甲全部展开,数十道喷气孔从身体各处喷射出罡气,推动着他向一发洲际导弹,以恐怖的速度朝最后一个耀光射去。Glorious Lightcannot hear the sound that transmitsbehind, becauseXu Chengspeedat this momenthas exceeded the speed of sound, caught up with the sound.耀光听不到身后传来的动静,因为许诚此刻的速度已经超过音速,追上了声音。Whendetects the danger, Glorious Lightboth handshad condensed the swordshieldwithout enough time, wants the defensive counter-attackdraggingtime.
等到察觉到危险时已经来不及了,耀光双手凝聚出剑盾,想要防守反击拖延时间。Shejustturned around, protectingshield on handon one of the bangbroken, includingholding the arm of shield.
她刚一转身,手上的护盾就轰的一下被噼碎,包括持盾的手臂。In the Glorious Lightastonishedlook, Xu Chenggraspsher.
在耀光惊愕的眼神中,许诚一把将她抱住。In the square, surplusGod Sweeperare leadingBlessed Warriors, but also is besiegingAkimiya Tsukiand the others.
广场上,剩余的神卷者率领着赐福战士们,还在围攻秋宫月等人。With the Resistance ArmycadreandProtectorate who membercometogether, the casualtycompletely, has only been left overstillto insista handful.
The buildinflatesmanyPeace Envoyto drop from the cloudssuddenly, shakes the floordisintegration, the windblown dustis billowing.
体型膨胀许多的和平使者号忽然从天而降,震得地板崩碎,尘烟滚滚。Xu Chengis separatedfromPeace Envoy, loudly shoutsurgently: „Begins!”许诚从和平使者号当中脱离出来,急迫大喝一声:“动手!”ThreeGlorious Lightwere fetteredinLuluwithin the body, lostin addition of Xu Chengstrengthto hold, cancontroltheirtimealreadyless thantwoseconds.
三个耀光被束缚在路路体内,又失去了许诚力量的加持,能够控制她们的时间已经不足两秒。But the peoplehave prepared.
但众人早已准备好。Clash/ToMitera Chizuru, graspseightlatemirrors, aimsPeace Envoy that graduallyinflates, puts forthdecides the bodytechnique!
“定!”Peace Envoyreflectson the azurebronze mirror, cannot moveall of a sudden, includingwas strandedininsidethreeGlorious Light, will imprisontheirtime, lengthensfromtwosecondstofiveseconds.和平使者号倒映在青铜镜上,一下子动弹不得,包括被困在里面的三个耀光,将禁锢她们的时间,从两秒延长到五秒。Sits cross-leggedto sitingroundSarina, the backpresents a hugeswordlacking in vital energyshadowinstantaneously, aimsbyPeace Envoy of anchorage, wieldscourageousbeginsAme no Murakumo no Tsurugi (Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven).
盘腿坐在地上的纱理奈,背后瞬间出现一个巨大的剑气虚影,对准被定住的和平使者号,勐地挥动手中的天丛云剑。Thismove of swordlacking in vital energyshadowwill consume the Sarinacomplete strength, thereforeshehad not usedfromcommencing of action, untilat this moment.
这一招剑气虚影会消耗掉纱理奈的全部力量,所以她从战斗开始一直没有使用,直到此刻。The whole worldas ifbecomes a blankin the flash, the light waveflashes throughtogethersuddenly, cuts in halfPeace Envoy, the light wavemoves forward, has sweptseveralGod SweeperandmassiveBlessed Warriors, allcuts offthemaround the middle.
整个世界仿佛在一刹那变得一片空白,一道光波骤然闪过,将和平使者号切成两半,光波持续向前,扫过几个神卷者和大量的赐福战士,将他们全都拦腰斩断。Meanwhile, Akimiya Tsukirises with a spring, in an instantturns into the remnantshades of dozensmoldlakes, the innumerablebladecolor break-ups, have sliveredhundreds and thousands offragmentPeace Envoy.
The combat plan of Xu Cheng, has transmittedin the mind of everyone throughLulu, trainsseveralin the prediction of Prophet, errors in the correction procedure, can therefore socoordinateperfectly.许诚的作战计划,早就通过路路传递到每个人的脑海中,又在预言家的预言中演练几遍,修正过程中的错漏,所以才能够如此配合完美。
The white lightvanishes, severalcut in two at the waistGod Sweeperchange to the bombto explode, bang the sound seems the endforthisfight.
白光消失,几个被腰斩的神卷者化作炸弹爆开,轰隆的声响似乎在为这场战斗画上句号。Everyonestops the movementsubconsciously, wearsis cutbrokenPeace Envoy, inthreeGlorious Light.
所有人都下意识停下动作,着被斩碎的和平使者号,还有里面的三个耀光。originallynoisesquare, at this momentstrangewas also peaceful.原本喧嚣的广场,这一刻诡异的又安静了下来。
Everyone canexperience the longtime of every secondsspendingclearly, for several secondsas ifpassed through for severalhours.
每一个人能够清晰体验到每一秒度过的漫长时间,短短几秒中仿佛走过了几个小时。Bycutting to piecesPeace Envoy , a wisp of lightshot up to the skysuddenly, finallyturns intoGlorious Lightto hanginin the air.
被切碎的和平使者号中,一缕光骤然冲天而起,最后变成耀光悬在空中。At this moment, fromShiratsuki Rindownward, everyonefeels the intensedespair.
这一刻,从白月凛往下,所有人都感受到强烈的绝望。Theyhave performed the pinnacle, has achievedwell, finallyfailure.
她们都已经将力量发挥到极致,已经做到最好,结果还是失败了吗。OnlysomeXu Cheng of being sharp-eyeddiscovered, the Glorious Lightbodysomewhatshiversslightly, the aurais not extremely steady.
唯有眼尖的许诚发现,耀光的身躯微微有些颤抖,气息极度不稳。„Has toacknowledge,yourstrengthsgo far beyondmyexpectation.”
“不得不承认,你们的实力远远超过我的预料。”Glorious Lightoverlooks the enemy who belowthiscrowdwill force into the hopeless situation, in the heartappearssuddenly a thought that perhapsshows talent for the first timefromXu Cheng, shethis/shouldpersonallygoes toJapanhimto kill, rather thancontinuesto keepLife Treeto makeGod Sweeper, thusraises the tigerto create disaster, causestodaysuchaspect.耀光俯瞰下方这群将自己逼入绝境的敌人,心中忽然浮现出一个念头,也许从许诚崭露头角的时候,她就该亲自前往日本将他杀死,而不是继续留在生命树制造神卷者,从而养虎为患,导致今天这样的局面。But the regretdoes not have the significance, after allshecannotmake the timeflow backwardslikeXu Cheng.
但后悔已经没有意义,毕竟她也没有像许诚一样可以使时间倒流。„But, yourdefeatsI, did not representevenwin.”
“但是,就算你们击败了我,也不代表就赢了。”Glorious Lightlifts up highownright hand, the eyepupilice-cold: „Icantake awayall of you, makingthisfightnot have the victor.”耀光高举起自己的右手,眼眸冰冷:“我可以将你们所有人都带走,让这场战斗没有胜利者。”Byher the condition of extremely feeble, usethismovewill causeowndeathnowforcefully.
以她现在极度虚弱的状态,强行使用这一招会导致自身的死亡。ButtoGlorious Light, the deathwas not fearful, nothing butreturns to the arms of ancestor, exterminatedto the Heavenly God Clanthreateningpersonthiscrowd, was the matter of primary importance.
Her familiarmovement, looks atXu Chengscalp tingles.
她这熟悉的动作,看得许诚头皮发麻。Should not the Ah!Xu Chengentire journeyopenClear Sighted Magic Eye, had not discovered that Glorious Lightusesthatmysteriousenergyagain.
It is not right!
不对!Xu Chenglookssubconsciouslytoperson, Clear Sighted Magic Eyeuses the X-ray Visionability.许诚下意识看向身边的人,洞察魔眼使用透视的能力。In his eyes, Akimiya Tsukiand the others the clothesvanishdo not see , to continue againthoroughly, intheirwithin the body, is really hiding the mysteriousenergy of twinkle star, forms a mysterioussymbol.
在他眼中,秋宫月等人身上的衣服都消失不见,再继续深入,在她们的体内,果然藏着星星点点的神秘能量,形成一个神秘的符号。Xu Chengunderstandsinstantaneouslyishow a matter, when threeGlorious Lightwhenwiththeirnearbodybattle, infiltratetheirwithin the body the mysteriousenergythrough the limbscontact.许诚瞬间明白过来是怎么一回事,三个耀光在与她们近身交战时,通过肢体接触将神秘能量打入她们的体内。Thisway, if notXu Chengresponds that nowuses the X-ray Visioninspection, did not discover.
这种方式神不知鬼不觉,如果不是许诚现在反应过来使用透视检查,根本就发现不了。Perhapsevenhis ownwithin the bodyalsohasmanymysteriousenergies.
甚至连他自己体内恐怕也存在着不少的神秘能量。Glorious Lighthad saiddo not excel at the close combat, whymustfightwitheveryonewiththisway, the primary purposeis to lay a mine.耀光说过自己不擅近战的,为什么偏偏还是要用这种方式跟所有人都交手,根本目的就是为了埋雷。„Everyonearrives atmyside.”
“所有人都到我身边来。”Xu Chengbellows, everyoneis perplexed, butstemming fromtrust, firstgathers the Xu Chengside.许诚大吼一声,所有人都不明所以,但出于信任,还是第一时间汇聚到许诚的身边。„It seems likeyouhad discovered.”
“看来你已经发现。”On the Glorious Lightfacereveals the brutaltaunt: „Butis too late, annihilates, Adjudication of Light.”耀光脸上露出无情的嘲讽:“但是已经太晚了,歼灭吧,裁决之光。”Herright handwieldstobelow, the whole personalsochanges toinnumerablelight orbs, withvanishingdoes not see.
The skywas illuminatedinstantaneously, severallight beamsare in one, form a giantpure whitecolored lightcolumn, was usedto eliminateXu ChengformerGlorious Lightto be huger, has been close tonearbyblacktalltower.
天空瞬间被照亮,数道光柱合为一体,形成一道巨大的纯白色光柱,远比之前耀光用来消灭许诚的还要巨大,已经接近旁边的黑色高塔。Xu Chengsideeveryoneraise one's headis looking atthisgiantlight beam, eyechild not controlledshrinkingbecomesonegroup, has the powerless feeling that unableis a worthy opponentfrom the heart.许诚身边所有人都仰头望着这一道巨大光柱,眼童不受控的缩成一团,从心中生出一股无法匹敌的无力感。Bang!
轰!Xu Chengunder footAstral Qispraying, all aloneshoots up to the sky, welcomestodropping from the cloudsAdjudication of Light.许诚脚下罡气喷射,孤身一人冲天而起,迎向从天而降的裁决之光。Although is also left over the opportunity of twicereopening, buthefully realized that at this momenthad arrived at the hopeless situation.
虽然还剩下两次重开的机会,但他深知此刻已经到了绝境。Whenre-entersto the dutystarts, wantingdefeatsGlorious Light to uniteeveryone'sstrength, buteveryoneactstogether, could not avoidgetting the Adjudication of Lightmarkon the basisbyher, thiswas an endless loop.
就算重回到任务开始时,想要击败耀光就必须团结所有人的力量,而所有人一起出手,就根本避免不了被她打上裁决之光的印记,这是一个死循环。Even ifXu Cheng is body-fusionwithLulu, after reopening, Glorious Lightstillhad the protection, not possibleliketo graspa moment agothreeGlorious Light.
就算许诚再与路路合体,重开后耀光也有了防备,不可能像刚才一样将三个耀光抓起来。Allroadshad died of suffocationthoroughly.
所有路都已经被彻底堵死了。In the final analysis, is the Glorious Lightstrengthis too strong, is stronger than Xu Cheng, went far beyond others.
归根究底,还是耀光的实力太强,比许诚更强,也远远超过了其余人。But, Xu Chenghas also been waiting forthistime.
但,许诚也一直在等待这个时刻。Inindividualattribute, Right Hand of Desperate Annihilation has relieved the seal, turns into the condition that canusefrom the grey.
个人属性中,破灭绝境的右手已经解除封印,从灰色变成了可以使用的状态。Hisraise one's headis looking at the giantlight beam of dropping from the clouds, puts forththisquietfor a long timeheroicright arm.
他仰头望着从天而降的巨大光柱,使出这沉寂许久的英雄右臂。Behindhisright shoulder, the spacetwistssuddenly, just like the stoneto fall into the lake, arousesripples, projects the glimmerfrom the middletobeing assigned away from the capital.
在他右肩背后,空间骤然扭曲,犹如石头落入湖中,激起一圈圈的涟漪,从中间向外放射出微光。Afterward, a lengthsurpassestenmetersgiantarm, extendsfromvoid.
The armnotexists, brings the moldlakeandillusoryfaintly, making one lookclearly, does not have the terrifyingdeterrent of shock and awewill of the people, the surroundingspaceas ifbecause ofnot being able to withstanditsstrengthtwists.
手臂并非真实存在,隐隐带着模湖与虚幻,让人看不真切,却有着震慑人心的恐怖威慑,周围的空间似乎都因承受不住它的力量而扭曲起来。Whenthisarmappears, itas ifbecomes the center of the world, captureseveryone'sattention.
当这条手臂出现时,它仿佛成为世界的中心,将所有人的目光都吸引过来。„Whatthing is that......?”
“那是……什么东西?”Undereveryonewas shocked, buttheycannot see the realappearance of arm, can only seethatfaintlyissimilararmappearance the thing of distortion.
下方所有人都愣住了,可她们看不见手臂的真实模样,只能隐隐看到那是类似手臂模样的扭曲之物。Althoughcannot see, unableunderstood that is anything, butdoes not hinderthemto feel the terrifyingpower and influence that thisthingheads on.
虽然看不见,也无法理解那是什么东西,但并不妨碍她们感受到这东西扑面而来的恐怖威势。Likesmall and weaklifeformfacinghunting in food chainpeak, the body and mindraisesintensetrembling.
就像弱小的生物在面对食物链顶端的猎食者一样,身心都升起一股强烈的战栗。Under the thoughtcontrol of Xu Cheng, Right Hand of Desperate Annihilation gets hold of the fist, shakes the fistto strikeupwardly, bangondropping from the cloudsAdjudication of Light.
在许诚的意念控制下,破灭绝境的右手握紧拳头,向上挥拳一击,轰在从天而降的裁决之光上面。Hits the rockjust like the water current, Adjudication of Lightis torninstantaneously, turns into the endlessglareshoots towardsfour directions, outshines the entirenighttime sky.
宛如水流撞上磐石,裁决之光瞬间被撕裂开,变成无尽的强光射向四方,照亮整个夜空。With an earth-shatteringloud sound, the heroicright armshoots up to the sky, Adjudication of Lightdispersing, revealsinsideGlorious Lightform.
伴随着一声天崩地裂般的巨响,英雄右臂冲天而起,将裁决之光噼散开,露出里面耀光的身影。„The One Who Slays God......”
The Glorious Lighteyesstareto the limitin a big way, on the faceappears for the first time stunnedcolor.耀光双眼瞪大到极限,脸上第一次浮现出错愕之色。Shewas hitby the fist of heroicright armdirectly, the tinybodychanges into the innumerablelight orbsfragmentsin an instant.
The strength of right handcontinuesto shoot up to the sky, untilpierces the cloud layer in sky, forms an obviouscavity.
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