As the person who accompanyingXu Chengpasses through the rookiesstage, Akimiya Tsukifully realized that thismanis venomoustoJapan.
作为陪伴许诚走过菜鸟阶段的人,秋宫月深知这个男人对日本充满恶意。Usuallybyhim, inthisimportantreuniontime, hasn't been forgetting the shamedayfinallyunexpectedly?
平时也就由着他,结果在这个重要的重逢时刻,竟然还不忘辱日?Akimiya Tsukisaidill-humoredly: „Second the country that has the atomic bombisJapan, hastwo, were youcomfortable?”秋宫月没好气道:“第二个拥有原子弹的国家是日本,拥有两颗,你舒服了吗?”Xu Chenglaughs: „Replyis correct, Iwas comfortable.”许诚哈哈一笑:“回答正确,我舒服了。”Two peoplecrashtoward the ground, heputs out a handto hold in the armsAkimiya Tsukiin turn, the both feetputs forthAstral Qispraying, flies the sky.
两人往地面坠落,他反过来伸手搂住秋宫月,双脚使出罡气喷射,重新飞上天空。On the Akimiya Tsukifacereveals the surprisedcolor: „Did youbreak throughtoFifth LayerBreathing Technique?”秋宫月脸上露出惊讶之色:“你突破到第五层呼吸法了?”
The Fifth LayerBreathing Techniquemost remarkablecharacteristicsareAstral Qiare released externally, this pointAkimiya Tsukimosthad the experience.第五层呼吸法最显着的特征就是罡气外放,这一点秋宫月最有体会了。Shewas happyforXu Cheng, butalsosomewhatloses, originallycultivatesinOsakaindustriously, but alsothinks that cancatch up withXu Chengslightly, finallyonce againcast off.
她心里替许诚高兴,但也有些失落,本来在大坂辛勤修炼,还以为能够稍稍赶上许诚,结果又一次被甩开。„Right, isFifth Layer.”
“没错,就是第五层。”Xu Chenglooksto the face of Akimiya Tsuki: „Do youwantto study? Icanteachyou.”许诚看向秋宫月的脸:“你想学吗?我可以教你啊。”Akimiya Tsukidoes not know that rememberswhatpicture, a cheeksslightlyheat, puts out a handto pinchon the waist of Xu Cheng.秋宫月不知道想起什么画面,脸颊微微一热,伸手在许诚的腰上一掐。„This, youdid not have a properappearance.”
“这都什么时候了,你还没个正经模样。”„Hey, Imayanythingnot say that is you are crooked, is wearing the person of yelloweyeglasses, looks atanythingis the yellow.”
“喂,我可什么都没说啊,是你自己想歪的,戴着着黄色眼镜的人,看什么都是黄色。”Two peopleare quarrelling, threelightprojectedfrom the hightower, direct impactXu ChengandAkimiya Tsuki.
两人正在拌嘴,三道光从高塔顶部射出,直冲许诚和秋宫月而来。Akimiya Tsukilookssurprisedly: „Is enemytriplets?”秋宫月面露惊讶:“敌人是三胞胎?”„It is not, is the samepersonbecomes.”
The eyepupil of Xu Chengturns into the redin an instant, puts forthClear Sighted Magic Eyeagain, observesthreeGlorious Lightappearances.许诚的眼眸刹那间变成红色,再次使出洞察魔眼,观察三个耀光的模样。„Had been killedbymea moment ago, does not know why resurrected.”
“刚才有一个已经被我杀了,不知为何又复活了。”Xu Cheng is very definitethatto strikefinallyGlorious Lightwill kill, but the opposite partylived.许诚很确定自己最后那一击将其中一个耀光打死,但对方又活过来了。„Givesme.”
“一个交给我。”Akimiya Tsukipulls out the katana: „Throwsme.”秋宫月掏出武士刀:“把我丢过去。”Xu Chengdoes not wantto damage the Akimiya Tsukiconfidence, both handsholdsherwaist, lifts up highherwhole person, makes an effortto throw.许诚不想打击到秋宫月的信心,双手抓住她的腰,将她整个人高举起来,用力投掷出去。
The speed that Akimiya Tsukifliesis as good as a shell, in an instantcharges intoGlorious Light, brandishes a bladecuts, strongbladelightlike a crescent moon.秋宫月飞出去的速度不亚于一颗炮弹,刹那间就冲向其中一个耀光,挥刀一斩,勐烈的刀光就像一轮弯月。light orbscondensesat the same time the shieldand a swordin the Glorious Lighthand, liftsshieldonegrade.光粒在耀光手中凝聚出一面盾牌和一把剑,举盾一档。
The bladelightcutson the shield, has an ear-spittingloud sound.
刀光斩在盾牌上,发出一声震耳的巨响。Akimiya Tsukihas dodgedtoGlorious Lightbehind, brandishes a bladecutshorizontally.秋宫月已经闪到耀光身后,挥刀横斩。Glorious Lightdoes not return, the backhandstrikes, the lightsword and katanacollide, collapsefireworksradiantlight orbsandsparks/Mars.耀光头也不回,反手一击,光剑与武士刀碰撞,崩出烟花般璀璨的光粒与火星。Akimiya Tsukiwas shakenboth handsto tingle with numbness, the katanaalmostlets go, in the heartis startled.秋宫月被震得双手发麻,武士刀几乎脱手而出,心中一惊。Shenowis the Fourth LayerBreathing Techniquepeak, bystrengthunexpectedlyfarratio1/3Glorious Light.
她现在已经是第四层呼吸法的巅峰了,论力量竟然远比不过三分之一的耀光。Glorious Lighthas turned around, both sidesfightsuddenlydozensrounds, the sound that the swordcollidessuch as the hailfall to the ground, continuous.耀光已经转过身来,双方瞬息间交手数十回合,刀剑碰撞的声音如冰雹落地,连绵不绝。Akimiya Tsukimorehitsis more surprised, Glorious Lightnot onlystrengthcompared withher, but also the swordshieldskill is also the grandmasterrank, is stronger than herblade technique.秋宫月越打越吃惊,耀光不仅力量比她强,而且剑盾技巧也是宗师级别,比她的刀术还要强。
The strengthis inferior to the person, the skillis inferior to the person, how does thisalsohit?
力量不如人,技巧不如人,这还怎么打?Akimiya Tsukifallsin an instantleeward, Glorious Lightmakes an effortsuddenly, uses up the swordto striketo flyher, thenputs forthoverspeed, changes totogether the straightlight, pursuescourageoustowardher, wields a swordone.秋宫月转眼就落入下风,耀光骤然用力,用光剑将她击飞出去,然后使出超速,化作一道笔直的光,勐地朝她追击上去,挥剑一噼。
The Akimiya Tsukipupillightis imposing, is staring at the lightsword of falling, clenches teethto put forth the shadowsurprise attack, the whole personchanges todozensshadowsin an instant, surroundsGlorious Light, hundreds and thousands ofbladelightfromcutto falltowardherin all directions.秋宫月眸光凛然,紧盯着落下的光剑,咬牙使出暗影突袭,整个人刹那间化作数十道黑影,将耀光包围起来,成百上千的刀光从四面八方朝她斩落。
The Glorious Lightmanneris free, with the aid ofprotecting the shield and coordination of lightsword, the bladelight that will cutin all directionsallkeeps off.耀光神态自若,借助护盾和光剑的配合,将四面八方斩来的刀光全都挡下。Whentwo peoplefierce disputes, anothertwoGlorious LightstraightoverruntowardXu Cheng.
The Xu Chengunder footspoutsstrongAstral Qi, meets the approaching enemytowardtwoGlorious Lightat the extremelyquickspeed.许诚脚下喷出勐烈的罡气,以极快的速度朝两个耀光迎击上去。both sidesonlike the meteor that threerush tomutually, stronghitsin the same place, thenerupts the intenseair fight.
双方就像三颗相互奔赴的流星般,勐烈撞在一起,然后爆发出激烈的空战。Threehominizationsmake the shadow of moldlaketo pesterintogether, the naked eyedoes not see clearly the movement, only when canhear the fightsound that sends out.
三人化作模湖的影子纠缠在一起,肉眼根本看不清楚动作,只能听到战斗时发出的动静。One to onesaidfortunately,pair of twoXu Chengfallleeward, eachGlorious Lightfightskillis not worse than him, the strength and speedcancompare favorablywithhisFifth LayerBreathing Technique.
一对一还好说,一对二许诚就落入下风,每一个耀光的战斗技巧都不比他差,力量与速度更是能够与他的第五层呼吸法相媲美。„Youdid not say that youdon't excel at the close combat?”
“你不是说你不擅近战吗?”Xu Chengclenches teeth saying that the bodydid not knowbymanyfists.许诚咬牙说道,身上不知道挨了多少拳。Glorious Lightcold and placidsaid: „ThisisYagerhand and foot, an ability.”耀光冷澹道:“此乃雅各手足,一种能力罢了。”Yager, in the legendin the ferry spotandGodtrips and falls the person who andwins, hand and foot came from this, is a wrestletechnique.
The Yagerhand and foot in Glorious Lightmouthis an ability, regardless offacingwhatenemy, fightskillforevercompared withenemyeven better.耀光口中的雅各手足是一种能力,无论面对什么敌人,战斗技巧永远比敌人更胜一筹。Naturallythisabilityis not absolute, when facingAkimiya Tsukiis stronger than her, when facingXu Cheng, can only achieveimpartially.
当然这个能力并不绝对,面对秋宫月时就比她更强,面对许诚时,就只能做到持平了。Xu Chengrealized an ownpairtwodo not have the odds of successas before, clenches teethto switch overKiller Card, under the functions of dualBreathing Technique, although the skillhas not changed, but the strength and speedrise suddenly.许诚意识到自己一对二依旧没有胜算,咬牙切换杀手卡,在双重呼吸法的作用下,虽然技巧没变,但力量与速度暴涨。TwoGlorious Lightare unexpected, was broken through the defensejointlybyXu Cheng, hits a Glorious Lightabdomen, moreoverweakness that inhittingClear Sighted Magic Eyesaw through.
The Glorious Lightabdomenblasts outinstantaneously, the bodyalmostsucceeds in giving uptwosections.耀光的腹部瞬间炸开,身体几乎断成两截。AnotherGlorious Lightwas thrownby the back, locks in the hands and feet of Xu Chengby the posture of wrestling.
另一个耀光被背后扑上来,以摔跤的姿势锁住许诚的手脚。ButbyGlorious Light that hestrikes offaround the middle, the woundunexpectedlyby the visiblespeedrestoressuch asbeginning, towardhimdashes.
轰!Xu Chengenters the Fire Godcondition, turns into a sea of fireto wraptwo people.许诚进入火神状态,变成一片火海将两人包裹起来。TwoGlorious Lighthand in hand, hold up, innumerablelight orbsgatherintwo peoplepalms, forms a light ball, just likehigh noonsun, the dazzlingraydisappearsall aroundflame.
The sea of firedissipates, Xu Chengmain bodyforcedreveals,twoGlorious Lightsunclashhand in hand, aims athim, as soon asstrikes.
火海消散,许诚的本体被逼迫的显露出来,两个耀光携手太阳冲上来,对准他一击。One of sunbangblasts out, the jet blacknighttime skywas illuminatedinstantaneouslywell-illuminated.太阳轰的一下炸开,漆黑的夜空瞬间被照得通亮。
The Xu Chengmeteoritecrashestoward the groundlikely, pounds a big hole.许诚像陨石般朝地面坠落,砸出一个大坑。Whenhiswhole bodydistressedcrawlsfrom the big hole, a person's shadowsoars to the heavensto fall, bangfallssidehim.
当他满身狼狈从大坑中爬出来时,一个人影冲天而降,轰的一声落在他身边。Helowers the headlooked,saw the bigfontlies downinpitbottomAkimiya Tsuki, cannot bearsmiles: „The groundis cool, is quick.”
他低头一看,看到大字型躺在坑底的秋宫月,忍不住一笑:“地上凉,快起来。”Akimiya Tsukistaredhisoneeyesruthlessly, thenclenches teethto pull outfrom the groundoneself.秋宫月狠狠瞪了他一眼,然后咬牙把自己从地上拔出来。Two peoplestandshoulder to shoulder, raise one's headlooksupward.
两人并肩站在一起,仰头往上看。Threeraysdrop from the clouds, the raydiverges, threeperfectGlorious Lightappearbeforetwo people.
三道光芒从天而降,光芒散去,三个完好无损的耀光出现在两人面前。Looks atthisextremelyhard to deal withBOSS, Xu Cheng asks a soft voice: „What to docan't be victorious?”
看着这个极为难缠的BOSS,许诚轻声问道:“打不过怎么办?”Akimiya Tsukihas picked upinnearbykatana, the lookis firm and resolute: „Except forinsisting, what to dobut can also?”秋宫月已经重新捡起掉在一旁的武士刀,神色坚毅:“除了坚持,还能怎么办?”„Yourthisdid not knowflexible.”
“你这样就不知变通了。”Xu Chengcannot bearcriticizeher: „In the futurehas the societyto suffer a loss, the father I am worried aboutyouvery much.”许诚忍不住批评她:“将来出社会是会吃亏的,阿爸我很担心你啊。”Akimiya Tsukiliftsstarts, makes an effortto step ontowardhisfooton, thenruthlesslyis grinding: „What to do did yousay?”秋宫月抬起脚,往他脚上用力一踩,然后狠狠的碾着:“那你说怎么办?”Xu Chengis enduring suffering, raise one's headlooks atin the air of distant place: „Not can be victorious, thatswings certainly the person.”许诚忍着痛,仰头看着远处的空中:“打不过,那当然是摇人啦。”Perhapsreallycould not have been victoriousGlorious Lightbyhe himself, but the dutyactuallyalsosaidveryclearly, wantshimcompletesthisdutywith the help of partners.
This world'sstrongestability, foreverisjustganging up on.
这个世界上最强大的能力,永远都是正义的群殴。Injet blacknighttime sky, Ringohigh-speed flight.
漆黑的夜空中,林檎正在高速飞行着。Shecanfly , because forces intwoiron sheetsunder the footahead of time, depends onmoves the iron sheetto achieve the flighteffect.
她能够飞,是因为提前在脚底下塞进两块铁片,靠着移动铁片来达成飞行效果。Herboth handslifts up high, inherbehindin the air, twotransports the sixrounds of heavycards of cargoin the island, similarlyis followingherto fly.
她双手高举,在她身后的空中,两辆在岛内运输货物的六轮重卡,同样在跟随着她飞行着。When the target proximity, Ringoboth handswieldsforward, twoadd a abouthundredtonsheavytruckto acceleratesuddenly, bringing the howlingsoundfromin the airto fall, poundstothreeGlorious Light.
等到靠近目标,林檎双手向前一挥,两辆加起来近百吨重的重卡车骤然加速,带着呼啸声从空中落下,砸向三个耀光。ThreeGlorious Lightdetect the sound, simultaneouslyraised the head, the heavycardhas dropped from the cloudsto pound.
The surroundingseveral hundredmetersgroundstremblecourageous, twopushonegroup of heavycardsto have the explosioninstantaneously, turnsgiantfireball that soars.
周围数百米的地面勐地一颤,两辆挤成一团的重卡瞬间发生爆炸,变成腾空而起的巨大火球。Ringofromin the airfalls, fallstoXu ChengandAkimiya Tsukiside, as beforeis the appearance that has not awaked, the view of hanging downlike a pair of deadfisheye.林檎从空中落下,落到许诚和秋宫月身边,依旧是一副没睡醒的模样,低垂的眼帘就像一对死鱼眼。Sheuses the worn outvoice saying: „Has not disturbedyou.”
她用有气无力的嗓音说道:“没打扰到你们吧。”Xu Chenglaughs: „No, ratheryoucomejust right.”许诚哈哈一笑:“没有,倒不如说你来得正好。”Akimiya Tsukikeeps silentin the one side, shelistened toHoshizaki Yukina saying that at presentthisclearbeautiful woman who does not seemto awakeis the Resistance Armyleader, the Shiratsuki Ringood friend.秋宫月在一旁默不作声,她听星崎雪奈说过,眼前这个好像没睡醒的清纯美女是反抗军的首领,白月凛的好朋友。But, is Xu Chengsowhy goodtoherattitude?
可是,许诚对她的态度为什么这么好?Heshouldnofavorable impressionbe righttoResistance Army.
他对反抗军应该没什么好感才对。Thinks that somepossibility, Akimiya Tsukicomplexionslightlyoneblack, in the heartraisessuddenlysimply the impulsion that Xu Chengcastrates.
轰!In the heavycardwreckage of flamingcombustion, is bringing the roaring flameto flysuddenlytowardthreepeople.
正在熊熊燃烧的重卡残骸,忽然带着烈焰朝三人飞过来。Appearance that althoughRingohas not awaked, but the reaction speed is extremely fast, lifts the handrapidly, making the heavycardwreckage that fliesstop, thenwent backbyherjet braking.林檎虽然一副没睡醒的模样,但反应速度却极快,迅速抬起手,让飞来的重卡残骸停下,然后被她反推回去。
The heavycardwas openedinstantaneously, threeGlorious Lightflushed.
重卡瞬间被噼开,三个耀光冲了出来。Xu Chenglifts the handtowardin the airto maketogether the roaring flame, fliesin the upper air, blasts outlike the smoke and fire.许诚抬手朝空中打出一道烈焰,飞到高空中,像烟火一样炸开。Thisis the signal of building up.
这是集结的信号。In the Akimiya Tsukieyebringscompetitivefirm and resolute, againtowardthatGlorious Light that grasps the swordshieldmeets the approaching enemy.秋宫月眼中带着不服输的坚毅,再次朝那个手持剑盾的耀光迎击上去。„Ringo , helping her.”
“林檎,去帮她。”Xu Chengimpoliteordering, Ringosurpriseshot a look athisoneeyes, buthas not rejected, controls itselfto fly, catches up withAkimiya Tsuki.许诚不客气的下令道,林檎诧异的瞥了他一眼,但也没拒绝,控制自己飞起来,追上秋宫月。RemainingtwoGlorious Lightaim at the Xu Chengdirect impact on come.
When Xu Chengdeeplyinspires, preparesto continuewiththeyencounter, a hugeshadowsuddenlydrops from the clouds, pressestwoGlorious Lightunder the buttocks.许诚深吸一口气,准备继续与她们交锋时,一道巨大的黑影忽然从天而降,将两个耀光压在屁股下。Bang!
轰!Xu Chengwaves the crushed stone that pats the front surfaceto fly, saw that sitsclose tofourmetershighbluegiantin a front.许诚挥手拍开迎面飞来的碎石,看到一个接近四米高的蓝色巨人坐在面前。The one wholetsXu Chengstare dumbfounded, on the giantis growingfourfamiliarfacesunexpectedly.
让许诚瞠目结舌的是,巨人身上竟然长着四张熟悉的脸。Nagumo Sisters, Mitera Chizuru, Prophet.南云姐妹,御寺千鹤,还有预言家。„Justslime, arrives!”
“正义史来姆号,登场!”Nagumo Narumiis controllingLulu, makesto demonstrate that the healthyhand signal of greatbiceps, thenlowers the headto look atXu Cheng of ground: „Mushroom, where is the enemyat?”南云鸣海控制着路路,做出展示弘二头肌的健美手势,然后低头望着地面的许诚:“蘑孤,敌人在哪呢?”Theysawin the Prophetabilitybuilding upsignal that Xu Chengsends out, thereforecatches upahead of time.
她们是在预言家的能力中看到了许诚发出的集结信号,所以提前赶过来。Xu Chenghas not managedher, lookstootherthreefaces, is surprised the different way: „Was your...... the usefusioncard?”许诚没理她,看向其余三张脸,诧异道:“你们这是……使用融合卡了?”
The enemymitosis, the teammateactuallydistortsbody-fusion, onenumerical advantagelevelling.
敌人有丝分裂,队友却合体变形,一下就把数量优势给抹平了。Threepeoplebecame flushed the face, the lookmoved aside, no onedaresto look at each otherwithhim, includingfacial skinthickestMitera Chizuru.
三人涨红了脸,眼神躲闪,没有一个人敢与他对视,包括脸皮最厚的御寺千鹤。However, the societydiesto turn over to the society dead, body-fusionreallyfragrant.
不过,社死归社死,合体是真的香。„Hey, Mushroom, mustwithustogether.”
“喂,蘑孤,要不要跟我们一起啊。”Nagumo Narumisends out the invitationtoXu Chengimpatiently: „Ifthere isyourjoining, certainlycanlet the justslimeevolution the completebody.”南云鸣海迫不及待向许诚发出邀请:“如果有你的加入,一定能够让正义史来姆号进化成完全体的。”„Reaches! Youlose heart.”
“达咩!你就死了这条心吧。”Xu Chengboth handsoverlapping, on the facewrote all over the rejection: „Killsmenot to playthiswithyou.”许诚双手交叉,脸上写满了拒绝:“打死我也不会跟你们玩这个的。”
The body-fusion that the societyexplodescandiscuss, the body-fusion that the societydiesis not absolutely good!
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